The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-10-06, Page 44� 4 li TIfik�aa .; '! • , Incorporated ht 1853 efs • CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000; Over 130 Branches- a . E IVI.O LSONS . RANK. 'The Masons Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has *'real friend In the Manager,sthat he will receive a, hearty welcome and; can safely discuss with him his mope-, needs, £R: y, it 110, O' W B IVEH- . SEE •R IN•G' and McCO -. MILK R FARM MACHINES &lid REPAIRS T.H.C. Tractors and Engines; Geo. White. z Son +Threshing Machines; Loudea's Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stancions and .. , a. Water. Bowie; Frost's, Coiled Wire and Wove n Fence;. Connor's Perfection Electric Washer; dourlay, Winter ;end Leeming Pianos. •:.-.. FOR SALE' BY • 0. ANDREW, LUCKNOW.: ESTABLISHED 1872 ,'FIEND OFFICE HAMILTON OVERSEAS. REMITTANCES EBN you •Wish to .send money abroad. the best 'way to de so is to buy a draft at 'the Bank of Hamiltgn,' The .cost. is ,moderate and your, remittance is safe. Apply ' fore. particulars, ANLOF.I.M.I LtO LUCKNOW BRANCH -J. A..Glennie, Manager 4 -Wished, every Thureday morning ' ' as i ueknow, Ontario; a9, ne Bee.ogENE1E, inio;oraeiwor uia4 Editor. D THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1921. PROHIBITION '1N 'THE U. S. • The long,, • hard struggle for an aihennlment to the 'United. States Constitution.; for>Zid'ding the making ing or selling of intoxicating; licluurs, came to an end 'about two . years •ago• by the triumph of the prohibition- ists.. The amendment' to .the: Coesti - •tution which.;. they 'Asked' for Was, made, 'This made the United' States Government responsible for the pro- hibition of the liquor traffic, • and with `such a powerful machine . at work, one might ,expect, that suppreesien would; be fair1,y. completes But constitutional amendments,, like municipal by-laws, are effective only when and where public. opiniMi . is quite strongly in, favor. • -. It is interesting to .know .some- thing of how constitutional• prohibi- tion, is .working out in the United States, Mr, .'Samuel Hopkins Adams,' who appears to be friendly to pro- hibition, writing , in Colliers', Week- ly, does not leave .a very favorable imprejsion. He writes under the • heading, "On --Sale. Everywhere,;"' but he says that a few outstanding facts are:—There is a tremendous and .ob- vious decrease in the total consump- '.tion'of alcoholic drinks; The saloop. as a pnbllic institution is almost •ex tnct;• .The public .or police court type of ,intokication has been Minimized:, 'The price of: drink has risen to a . point almest.prohibitive to the poor,' andthe quality has deteriorated to a. point of some risk even to the, rich; •'But, he adds, 'anyone who *ants a 'srink'' and can • pay for a drink can. till . get a drink. What .appears to have tome about is that . the big manufacturing• plants are dosed, and in their place have developed hundreds,' if not thous- ands of small' stills or breweries, op- erating. more or less in the dark. Mr. Adams adds: ".The law was passed in the spirit ,of the genuine prohibitionists. -It is being adminis- erespirit o • thee. t ittle 5:"` • 'The Whole , matter -seems to re- solve itself into. a 'question . of 'local prejudice . Where the .public approves the law, its penalties, can .be enfore-' eed- where it disapproves, they can- not,: This is local option woth a ven-, geairce;: ideal option .'of a new and -subversive type; `Under'the old lbcai option --.•plan.. a- •corjimunity--•decided- whether .or not it :would have liquor: Under the new rt decides whether or not` -rt will Pave UW.)2- • HU.LLET • FARMER DIES. ` _. _ 'OP -yBLOOiD- INSOiV:ii Gr' NORTH HURON POLITICS : The Con ervatives • of North : -Huron held. a_- nominating:; ;Convention at ? ; ' Wingl'iam on : Friday. 'of 'last w.eek,` ° and selected as 'their candidate, Mi. • T George Spotton, ,of • Wingham. Mr: ear W. - H, . Fraser has been -file t ie -fie. r'•. , , for some time: as Liberal candidate, Mr. W.. -King, of near- Bluevale,. was nominated • some 'months ago' by - '- tire =Progress ve; _ o> ::U. F; (1_ Party e •^ • • Mr. Spotton is a. good canvasser and a strong 'platform man, but U F.O. a - -. ' :sentiment is strong in North, Huron' and his. two _ Opponents. are -farmers; Of..eourse._.:.that may onlyes lit e farmer vote,. which -is about the only solution before the V. k'. 0, 'victory: He was, then defeated. 'ina three- cornered-contest,=•in -which Mr. _Jelin,• Joy_pt was elected,- • f --o 0 'o-- OS..,TE 3�=P:UAC'TI1 I J. McEwen, of,•Goderrch '-.wits also, iri the field for nomination,- and was. • : • beaten by Spotton-by-only 3• votes— ' he got 80' and Spotton '83, • Hugh Clark, M.P..for North Bruce, made a speech following' the 'selection of a candidate -- It will be remembered that, `"Fraser was a - nnen4_ber--of • the On ark): �-- - - ..:Fraser the-time-of --he ds Fred Artley, i of • Sydeirham. Town -ship,- recentl. paid a fine- of 25 -and- costs,' in all '$44, for tricking, auto- .ists._as.`they passed along the road._ He and. a .fewaother lads ;placed an• auto 'tire on. the road, had a stria fastened to it, the .other end of which they "held _as they hid' in the .bushes nea:r=by. •- The+_-'objece was to . have autoists stop to pick up the tire. and =to -have rt --vanish- before -they- got -to- it, Someone "informed ,the .police at `Owen Sound, and Constable - -Wilson went out, and falling. for the trick, ugh -the"-, perpetritors;-Artlei-•w. as- - the only one charged, and. as stated above, his `evening's fun' cost h BAD AFFAIR NEAR .A11ITUUR • Suspicious 'Man Takes Shot at Automobile Miss Maud Buschljai, violinist, who, it will be remembered, took part in a Concert in •Luoknow a few weeks ago, came very nearly being a •victim in a shooting Weal' en the highway near the .village of- Arthur. on a recent. Sunday morning, "We take the fol- ; owing story of the: incident from aa. Exchange:-- . According to the particulars of the• affair received from Arthur, it : is al- leged that the 'shooting was .done by one of, the" `Cope, Brothers,- .,who, a little • over a week ago,, was poisoned at. his •hptne in Garafraeg by: food which is believed to have been -"dop- ed" by •some. enemy of the ;Cope`fam- ily. . Mr. Clemens and Miss Busc'lhlin, who were returning to 'Arthur by. motor frofnr Erin, where' they had at- tended, a concert; had a- blowout . oh the , road in. front of the Cope . farm: on the sixth concession, West Gara- fraxa, six miles out . of 'Arthur vail. lag* • ' Hearing the• loud report caused. by ,the blowout, John Cope and his two :sons; believing that the noise was that of a gun, became suspicious, and apparently thought:. another ,attempt was being made to take their' lives. They immediately informed the'po- lice at Arthur that shooting wa'si go- ing on in . the vicinity, and armed with two rifles, they sneaked quietly •down to the road -where they spouted the' car; which they -thought was oc- cupied by their enemies. Observing the three men corning through the bashes at the side of the road with, their rifles, " Clemens leaped into his .par and ..drove away at toil' speed on the flat'tire, which he was in the act of repairing. ', The eneedy::departure ,of •Clemens prompted •one 41if the, Cope brothers to discharge his rifle, the shot finding cats way through the rear: of the car,' penetrating a violin owned ,by Miss Buschlin, which she had been using at the' Erin •concert..Mr; Clemens •had not gonefarup the roadwhen' he was area by Chief Constable Tindale, of „ f t ur vere was 'answering the alarm sent• in by . the, Cope's,. to• the effect .that highwayarien were •oper- ating' in Garafraxa• ' and it• was not until then that the. real facts of the •'neident were learned' - rown Attorney J. M. -Kearns, of Guelph; was notified of the 'affair and is having an'investigaeten. '• Thomas Cope, who • 'was later ar- rested, admitted firing the shot un- der nder.'the ' eireumstances ,explained -above, Son - of- Thomas MacMillan,- •Candidate in South Huron' t , (Seaforth Expositor) • 'The passing of John McMillan, on Saturday, September 24; eaiiie with A shock- of surprise and grief - to --the whole community, as many were .not acquainted with, his illness, and few e M lized:.ahe . erre s of.:.�it ,... x. :sea. r urn s McMillan had' -been suffering from a him" boil oh his head;' but wasweek as -• 1visual' until tlle"'previons Tuesday :af- ternoon, and :it was not until Thurs= =t• ,c, f 'Ifst .: Notice how coot and sweet • It's' the sun cured Virginia leaf that's in 'em.. Nothing to•.make' 'em burn or parch. :One P.M. 'satisfies your haft- couldn't burn your tongue, -no 1 . t�a-bits P. M.'s 'a man's , cigarette. dl�yv that any ,anxiety was -felt for tl'hTm Blood -poisoning,' however, de- veloped__aaa' :permeated. -.his_ -.whole_ .' system:. so rabidly. that nothing• .could be. done to -save' him, Mr..'.McMillan was;. born in . Huller `I owrrshhp::.�29. Years ,ago,, being the • eldest son of Mr;_ and, Mrs. Thomas- -McMillan; -and • "his wholelife had been spenthere, where.' his kind and friendly ••dispos- tion, his industry;. his marked ability and his high ideals of life brought him not only. ;popularity ; but a • deep respect among 'a wide, circle ;of friend's and' acquaintances, He was' a • scientific' ae well as a practical'farm- er,1 and his 'home :on: the fifth concede sign, was one sof the -finest and most. carefullyfarmed 'in Huron County, - antl his early 'death is not .only an irreparable blzny to' his family but a very distinct loss to the community. Sonne three of four years 'ago 'Mr..' McM.was -united := marriage - to, Miss Helen . McDowell, : eldest daughter of Mr: and, Mrs, John Mc- Dowell -- of •- McKillbp, •:• who; ..with an infant son and his'"father mother, - brother and 'sister survive him, 'all` of e-whorri 'have thesdeepestesxrripathy'-of a were. elide, as Avis ' evidenced on,' Monday when almost 'every . part of ,the County was represented . at the largest Tune`r'a1in''this district for many.. the attendance brought y years, d ought about not only to show a worthy tri- bute to the memory of him • who 'has gone but a,warm tribute of 'sympathy to those who are , bereaved," The• funeral • services. on Monday were con- ducted by his pastor, Rev., F. H. Larkin, D,D,, of •first Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,and the services at the grave at Maitlandbank ,Cemetery• by Fidelity Lodge df Oddfellowe, 'of whiell •Mr. McMillan our i PV0,0110 o tt ;BAimt3bog „,,,•. . - ,.,,, l4AV Y CUT CIGARETTES. - 10'for 15c 25 :dor 3. 5V' ei • • • 'FORMOSA RAg . "PALACE GARDEN"' (Owen Sound Sun -Times) Visitors to Formosan of late have been greatlyattracted :by ono of the prettiest • and not unique 1ittfl parlce to be found anywb a an Ontario, This is .the Palace Uardei hich Mr. Chris. Weiler has developed' about, his mill, in the village. ` Towering rocks, otnamentul trees and minis-, ture, canals ,contribute to Abe scen- ery of the.. place; which' •is visited: every year by thousands • of •' birds of many. varieties, for •Mr., Weiler is a r.greatankfriendswith of theMrfeanethi' eredofKtribeini'cs. and'. Jack - vine, as a tamer of wild: fowl. Some time. ago,, iirilling olherations. for,' oil resulted in .the strikin• g of- a flo ng well of wit, r, _which'has now ' beer';, drained of)' ?,into the stream' ,which drives:. the Weiler mcll.`and "tickl 'to the 'beauty of 'the park, The old fashioned mill wheel. itself I. a subject of interest: and curiosity to At the ' entrance •to' the- • gardens huge . overhanging rocks lend an as; ` pact of grandeur to the natural gate- way and evergreentrees' carry out the idea of an amphitheatre of great na ural.Charm, .'Mr: Weiler has tog .lected floyters and trees .-bf wildest possible Variety,. -including; many hitherto unknown tothis section, and although he considers that he is only 'beginning his work of beautification,. reports en offer of • 318,000 for the property, ' There. ,have been.visitors from. -all ;over .Canada- this year,' as - well as tourists from points: as far. distant as Los ;' Angeles; 'Cal., all ' of . virhom. expressed • delight at tine-beeu- ties'of the gardens.' The grou ds are .freely used by picnic' •:parti I and their developements, will ma much te, Formosa during the nex few years, y� Ye�tNk'.wv A ,. , Cantor Q�" headache 'spoils map)! an ".expected.' .enjoy., �• rnent, When the condition- of the liver . is neglected, biliousness seems to becclmie chronic and recurs every two or three • .weeks with sevgre sick head- ' aches. Why not get right after this $ ourece an`q end . it . by using DT. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills to restore pie health. and activity' o2 the liver. Constipation, 'indigestion, backs fiche, headache, biliousness and' kid+ ney derangements •soon disappear wen the use of thin well-known medicine. One pin aibee,'26 cts: a box, aU dealers, en Edmanson, Bates k Co., Ltd., Toronto, DttOh' s e's 1Kidney-UveR Pi ti s ront ardware Irs Now Is th Time: to' �e air• ' BAECHLER=HEHN rett a-eveddrrig--was•-:celebrated at. Chepstow, on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at` 8.30• a;m., when Miss :Cecilia .Hehn, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- �Ielin, was united in a marriag _ tv Mr Jesse C:Baechelr, second son of- Mr.• and 'Mrs, ChaserBaechler,'of ,Kinloss, ' 'i heory-ba:rig conducted—bye: Rev.Rev, Fr: Zettler., in the Church °'of. Mary Immaculate. The',bride ide . looked' fascinating, tastefully gowned navy bIue' -embroidered. _Silk trrcotine, with black picture:hat,• and carrying • a. shower bouquet; of; white OpheIia. roses and maiden hair fern -She-Were the' groom's -gift, a randsome-gold wrist - watch:. She was attended by }ler-sister}:.Miss - S'usan_Hehn, loakin>r: pretty .in'Helland ,blue : silk crepe -de- • chine :wi .li planet--hat;to:-maiteh, and: carrying •a bouquet Of• • 'pink roses, The groom was ably .assisted by Mr. Martin'Frei burerer o, F'e'mora. Upon the. _c9w'lusion -ef -.the :cere- vny, the--•ymmg-coupleetep Tired -to- the bride's° home, where -aa sum, ptuous dejeuner'was served to a large num- ''ber ' of relatives-- of thea contracting, parties; the tables being :'' decorated, with sweetheart roses; and white and purple asters, In" the evening, •about. two.hundred or more` -neighbors -and 'friends' -desenlbled' and- "8"' reception' ` was held, ,the time pleasantly spent in'danc ng 8nd vario �s: pt1iier'- amuse- zsio r- I ca-biealc: The groom's gift • to the - bride's - maid was a beautiful, rosary, and to the • groomsman a• pair 'of' gold cuff links., The popular•. -young- couple wee ':the: recipients of numerousand costly gifts, including a well-filled purse of eheques,'thus, adequatelyeadhering7eo„, their general esteem.. j `A" special feature of the festival_ was the ',singing of .the' "Wedding • leymn'r;by llie and Mrs.Mart iv Mas set :e tIrs..- •J;oenewein ....Mrs Ant... thong-Iiehn, and the b'ride's mother, Anotherpisode worthy'. of mention was the illumination . of the 'groom's. foj Winter Reduced, 'rices *on all lines. of 'Stoves,- anges, wood-and coal,Heaters; _ imps for.: _el s p , vGe l :and cistern _Ape and Fittin s;_.Brantford Roof n: ' c�r-3 pl ', 'As- phalt and•: Crystal, •all . at a ;.oWIr� . - - :C�:'yIf ou re uir Window Glass et.the new ficeThel5fe purr basin.: Pyramid Brand Portland Ce- ment, : Parisron -_:" � e._-.. a e -1..ime__..and-. n Pl to e • • RAE _&.PORTEOI PHONE 66 • lr :LUCKNOW. KINLOSS COUNCIL cake, indeed - a beautiful •spectacle, it being.. theyoctasion of his birthday as_ iv 1 Mr, arid, Mrs.' Baechler 'will reside � on - tire room's ' . faeni_. - We join inwishing' them : a long and happy 'married career. • ' TH NO Smokiur—No Sprayieti-Ne Sufi ' Just Swallow a Capsule ,,. RAZ -MAH Is 'Guaranteed to restore normal breathing ,stop macaw. gatherings in the bronchial tuber, give long ni h fquiet sleep; coiitainr >r� habit-forming to o r t drug. $1.00 at your drug. gist's, Trial free et our agencies orwrite Templeton", 142 icing W., Toro*t*, -USE ° RAZ -MAH. Council met on .Sept. 19. Memmbi:rs all present, Reeve Mathers presiding. The minutes of August 15th, were read, approved and signed, • ', .Moved • by . Ackert, ..seconded yy Ferns,. that the Clerk rite the In- speetor-- of •-the -Good --Roads: System and . request him to have the loose stones raked oft the road from :Holy• rood to. ,Kinloss _.V.illage :Carried,' Moved by Colwell,. seconded • by "Ross=-thaiteifieTY'een ireie of the'1'own- ship :of 'Kinloss be; instructled to pay teethe -Treasurer of the.-T-ownshi-p-af West Wawanosh 'ort the Patterson. Drainage lily -law the sum of. :$470,40'. :less'318.00...paid for -printing, Bylaws, : $452;40;-"C'arried, Cheque Issued Isaac Graham ' cleaning_ . i �. . tch-ort Soirth Line,$r1..ri0; repairing culvert, 'South: Line, 31.50, total 33.00. Johfi Henderson, shing- ling hall, 336,00. Wellington. Tweed- ie,. 2 culverts opposite Lot 12, ,Con., 10, $3.00. Ackert Bros., 48 feet hem. lock Ridgebetard at 345 per M, $2..15; 436 .feet plank for culvert on -South Line, 36.10,, total 38.25, .Allister ANY PAIN OF THE BODY Headache, Xeurai 'a : Rbeninatio ' ache Sciatic and Ovarian Pains, :' ]laaY• 'One or two Dpi, MILES' ANTI -PAIN PILLS --and the pain isgone, tlugr�' $0/ 40 BY A. E. MaKIM,, i trcKNQW a,ntead Safe and Sure, hrio0.304. • 44. Hughes, 24 yards. gravelb,$2.4.0 1Vm.. Wraith • IA yds gravel 5..00..D. Ken- l'ruely 45 .yds $4.50. 'deo: Ma'leohn 38 yds $3,80 William Taylor 77yds,¶7,70 E."141; 1VfciVIri1'lbn''46''bune es •6x:'sl ing= les •$76,66 Drawing, $2.00 '•378;66 John. McLeod. inspecting., McKenzie Bros:, Sheep $1.20; Wm''Stauffer 125 yd's gravel.. on.Bonnctfa: Sideroad at $1.25, ;3152:50; .Municipal World •sup- plies,,es. per account $4,52;..Drenrian ' McIr},sh p ling; cite shingles •W oOdatied , $3.0:0f -lgnata Dieii-, i t 16 • yds` gravel ;i1.60T Sam Nesbitt on ac 4h3xit: 4f -contract _= on Iluioit•and K�ir- ,loss :boundary $200,00; R. Richards' Inspecing• Nesbitt* , Contract $5,00 Roderick, MVIcDougald....Ditching.an F-:.".: • tilt cin Sideline 5.. (;(firm _4 $18;00',•11es. 1'. McIntosh care of Hall June July . A'alicl_> . • Aupuvt- •anf- Iiy,dro :-meeting:-'= $3,50' Archibald • Construction Co. oh. account of Ackert Drain $1`000,00; itegolved that the collector Q,be\in� sttueted to strictly enforce Bylaw 37. A D 1907, being a Bylaw ,providing for the addition of l=i p.c. to all un- paid taxes after 'Dec. 14th carried: Council ajeurned' until Oct,. 17th. Geo; G. Moffat, • A teeing mare beImo:41 ' to 10r:. Whitely. of Goderieh, 'hail her lege broken while 'running a race at the Seaferth Fall Pair, The animal step- ped on a stone and the bone sneered just above theastern jell* It frit thought the. anim'l may t000ver, •„ • 1�