The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-18, Page 6;JT W -.m ------------ ------- the Aleld or when I Vv; meStreet, The for Incur- Hurrying Al Toronto RoipltaI In,affilla,,tion %TAth 00110V uo and �ong his Job.to meet, 11110a �Iezap4tcas, Now , 'York g; toiler or millionaire,' A-. City, Train. he offers a three ycars' Couroo t, Whetber be's holuely.,qr whetfier IWO wo, I. OF -COU 2ni to men; h%v wr the re- qu red oductillon, and desirous of bc- 7 coining. nurses. Thin JTo4pltal has cau1C Ivelp thinking,as I go On MY adopted the eigut-bour system. I The raeolxo unIVOT'lls of the 69hoob. way, KIS"NtE ance t11GS`eX, be7happY t(i� BY, ARCHIET, i PIC a monthly vA1o*%i ci.n4 travelilifter 'ON to and from New . "Irork. 'Pv or, Vill. 1hp,a6our 0 Informatiop a11017 to tho ld;�T tht crave foogiven mindsand SOU n. ndnt." Necessary Nuisances, t out.;and, ICopyrlgbte4 b 'Th6mas Allk sirlm"b"Am"t. . .1 meo.n us to 90 In "Just. Duvid," Elean-0j. Porter'S' If: God,di.dift Did you leave &M this mur1A1.WI0IU rld, he would. not. lmve vipw -his wo: pleasant srh,ile?, intemsting story of 4 child, there 19, if lie bad, not, face.."I'd 4r; eyva on, BillY's m4do it o i6eautiftil. _t n oung t'aehet io ae were thi� *ords .1te ,withoat. an enlightening chapter on the jin-1 lno4vA Us to In,4. our fellowsp. ing elluilter �14V;4,1�en 11 ke-bi� h t wi:,hin? the Y 'froin I Y kost." be -ous, byes portame Gf housewock 'e .11, . I scorn r gtiile 4s viewed =i;al Synopsis of Prece. U, Billy Wilson, wl'o lives with' his Wt alone a gr ginot lis back-Urve stiffen, in ied, Bil "I, linOw. Ile Did you do the &Ct that yo4 needed 0 tw Billy felt will," 0 codpoints, - Qnl of the proud' wOulil a,6t bave i hip.. father and. steontithei gail her son r6st: litment. the v11I.P. tures, ivlth der among the OY$ Then he noted thit do sewife, and-. that,of q *child. Daid b ; if He not , iea"t Us to enjoy w which he had'. -rry, 'Tolielpthelloal Ilts 11 ba3 been brought up -al -one in a MOUA would Anson, is the le. , thotight Fried H 1&depeU4 on of ScQtfa, a pioneer settlement �reariniilk triake, "Thin God bi�si q to t ii1d poetry, He e of the. 'et a . . . music. -and 4-r h, UA Lake Brie., Cobin Keele --,'on snugly agleep in his cost VO& - had "Now grasp tight t' yer rabbit fut. ,.n*: vou? C the iittie afther join! on. our, tain cabin by" his father, a famouli; -nothave fj'Ale the universe wit- In the warnith'ol them sofiI6 'loving to , iolin!st, who W�es boy awayl trustees. 'is telling. the new teachers Awakened in .-i. e IV oal the p6eket and beyant in the .evil Did You ve and slipped fr .We w(n . ineunt to about 1 -.is. predecessor; cabin attia, over. cheer their way,?, Mr.. JohniAon 1,ow..Iny* koila and ha helica1th tillpt from &Vi]17.ation�in hie infm* andi'nd''bent"'y .r �play, az4' �Vith U10"t ilo. W;ts: bliWded cedar,,�P' time fo Frpuk . Staahop�., O%e.wlio aLlp yours be"happY -keeps hifiluritil,he'is t�vl,,Bo that he-qOale ft s tov. He saw Five minutes 14tji tb,6 trio'-welit.out the"only Way to gdt th�at while. trying to M oin a the,rust is hmekeepers oli. urni) if] na(f -by A. ity to get back O'Dule for ille-forest Path, pasilng in InRin. can have 'him Wne ift those -impres- An if tho only, b ng tuble, .'.A w timi U. to aS -roggie, in. Stan- $66fillig. file. towards the himiteal . gro�'e. . Ilie, e fathir die iit ij, wberniit, � Sc sionablo flist yeiirs.. Th way th-indke tb,& follcs,'�. vor cbfild nqt-be f y Ilarry, w1nd had rise: lit throu.,gh ,yoll know Ahat. I f Iyrea-4- ibd 'hope s, v$1 ho- `sv�ld airily,. n, a�-d ncvv-sN�e t'matters,. 0--mlia on siidenl 4nd 6aiia 'hills into the %.34 and muk .. qr.,§UpP0rI. arry �,R that's All') tile stxeet , I . I I I �, � - -and W' e iw mid(Re bKe hands of -i man if r visit o14 ou know.'UbOut sbund owl "a ��Iud help. ou"t.7 of the, to, strangers 'li e gueSs you haven't any V fe,.Nvho �havc no Id mift �.t it lie. They � MRY 9T ih` th eth .you're, ploasput, o t. e s - 16"; ab* ivid. iap, h , I . a I I t But Iet me tell- ide won't �stkryq to, US 1(vlUch,. ou ill. ,I,; '%Nlpinr out the- stars. good but hey West" W. you in' t &O' - f�Ast the notes 6f qe death. -ra4bjt-foQt ders. 'Thitiukhout I jL IS. haral kia won in' bit the e4hose CHAPTER ly keep yoi I stilingely Does it count,ior less to thos a -frorn be -rival at the IVII. not"on the night � prowlers e Sher , tly after David's ar. "Sit ye dowll,' Inds, sit ye down," I by enakes but,by savin , �ertaln words vord %#vat Spalcen b6t*een' day farm home the -*Oman starts her Sachets. of Scent. obs, I t6 it �ou kin britlg� a snake - right ill,busheZl. No'! -is� built oil your smild and the word "OHed the ho4ital�!e H.Arry. �"Beg the trensirre-seekers - until the 'elm- . weekly. cleaning, Daviii. "wants her to ice av byes $�. are,'to your feet with it, an' you �in pick, you say.9" llr floweis left t fade ..but it!s a fine br. -eel,r Was .r6,Che,d-., Then old ith hi She 4�:an't go There are olle handle it Without behi' bit,lbridge ci. r go for a walk v an, 110. Wull ve be afther it 'up. an' -lab, bre;Ah 'And §o I am asking as YOU go4on YOU . . ZS ;�.-m on. the" plant, even if ter the ases ta �uppin' a Ht wid ine? , st is too.tv 4,Hary paused -with ired I . . 1, 1. because she se'ha�e been kept. supplied. is'hehd bent a-, though listening. way, I in W,tonic ye 1's a . brave,, 144 I* are, .BRIY'b IHist," lie whipPqed,anA Billy4fid, dust, and after that, ill be ineals. the bou irplus blooms all but spread ail', it's fu I wel I I-Och, 1 M , "Will those who hre.yours be, happy . Why slid Why7 not use these su re�, both." bYe," Harry wheezed,0*an a brave'. aurke felt their -flesh treop. '.'Ut's, to -day?" bavi innocently asks her in the making of fragrqnt scenV I.NN said, Bi.113F; Ii id yer nonsense, do&snit ive the StIff away or sell it re've Q or -supper,' ar too. Go Oil "'Wi hear that'swisbin' av feet, above, ye Clare Shipman. acbets 9- Incidentally, as the continu. 'Thouht v�e'd like'to,Se6 y a 9 Ut's thZ� Black 1roup houldin! wor�t have twtiik oare of it; s ou fer a no,. so*sbe f blos"ms is essential' to er t�io, Harr�," Iiie �addW - --It's a fact, Harry," backed Maxirlz 0- rth -.1 lee. "to contbuous 11.6'weri rminu wiXt the ic*reJ e, an'. then she could go for -a walk. The one Cutting 0 r. vely, as -he, and 'his - chum seated their. course It ng, your �out 'rhe witches. of Ballyclue, That Makes Light. Nvolaiin is horrified- at the idea of part� the storia. I . I Da'rkness' ide show Will be better, and.- last "Fact,,! cried--O'Dule, angrily 'low. out on their ut i�', an. tbey. be - A new type of Ian' era for light- ing with her.-treasuies..., She - has "Afoe -said Maurice, significantly. "Diin't. ve be comin to me, a. siventh '�host,s.zfv de worked hard to get them, And wotks much -IOngeT- wid such non- i mad run the g ad min bould "'Faith 'an' ain't1 al*ne emou b to 'S?n of a siventh son, -has been perfected. nethod. It bas the -rnival. , Ut!ll I harder Harry. - "Wo�ur Ve it- wild . ca )e neeilril,that . hotts'es still 4), ta*e efare of them�l Hero is the.'.1- viuft ye?'� laughed 1 Id sinse, Faith,if yon worthless rabbi s, started- automatically at t.of b�ing.quite simple. Procure ral>bit7-fut �Ure ye wull, if the IA'ntL-d The llgb�t I David thinks'if Wl -they; are for is to men have me! put the ct out, tiii.? Now, fut kin do phwAt ye.0tim, why a6t t und .91,7 grqve we., enter. this nilghte' night time or in foggy weather, switch- pt-- drug.gis. a,.po is .Ut?1I prove ut t' me -now. - Ing itself ff when It IS no longer need,1 be pu in a room she never hs. timk from A,herbalist i's . realy "v 'dH PTER Yi1l. invention wtll,;"Rble us I to n,*ahe might be Put it in h each Ali' if we do," aske� il -IY-, This The boys ,glanced tit other. ly bager A ed'. The :to Sit, dwn i tteT: got of Cyprus powder "'You telY him,'.' whispeied 'Billy', fiut 11 you,;agree to Use your.power. tol I owdered reindeer- mosC' I 11wi, I rid- of them,, and... take that,.time to P Luck-,Ridei im. Storm. set up many more lighthouse's for the- ith A lid that. Is ab. Mauricp shoOk, his head. 'IN6, YOUP" help- us . find 'the money an' will ? -or., play � or read or vmt the-, tin. or canister -i%V -Y, un-. ti. of*! walk rtight. Add, daily, Alower-: "That Ill do assented, Harlr 'B6"ath 'lie -shadow- of n,,-ighbors, : He fu�ther - berck. IG -conling. .idance of sea n.; he old type scandalizes solitely. 4i Billy brueed. hinwelf and took a long hesitatingly., "Call u,p'yer snake an' -forest' gloom deepened tO,II lithowe'ls*a very- vxpenisive affaii, g�ntl pulled storm the ngue .9 -her by -�aying his father always said petals, which must be y .-bre4th. "We've made up our minds t' handle U widout bein' bit,n" I'll, help velvet 'blackness. -Suddenly a' to for., at least 'two people must be* kept . !: t. Yow,may -kebp to thL- same S hes and a -ed the tree -tops. and i upon It -Sort, such. as heliotrope, or tp . . . -cooking ;�rvd wa hirlg` dis* par have a 4nd old'man S�rogg�le's will," he said. ye of lightning lick .6onstantlY.,and boats must be. said Murice'. "We ol'th'ader Shattered die'still-I als wi h cleaning were just ecessary nuis- mor "All Tigt, I'll rd it,?. sal -a crii, - I sent out sit frenuent intery .7 are sh U t -inade as slinpb�'�ks possi- miNture. Scei�vted flo em olil 'want you to -help,us Harry."- down a 1ittle, ness.p A -fe�v -heavy rAin-drops spat- !.4nces, to be! Jest turn the'lamp foo*d anti.stares. .1 I I Harry, lfart�k.x, me ( urse. . 44G*d love uert", eja�.,ulated teTed oa the liraii;cbes above thd'headz. aji"ble so they could have ti, f )r real -ust, Of Cd are I)Iac6s so Inaccesibl, with hi -ch he Thre.. ; things. -Real things with them' of Tho -4ay's petal ­sh;uld - (for a -dropping iNe� knife "M61ands Are a* bit usteadi,' saidof thi. waiting three. - Biny,an& Maur- of the year Stifting the potatoes and reaching for HArry Ss that it ha e, meant, jilusic, bi>ok Und of, c:yprivs 'powder.) weigh bout quickly. "We'll. Yave the "light' ice, a �trange terrorAul g at their; ' s, and long; PO I liestion to erect man-.,cOuTs the' enli, 'An' for why should, be as. ut i's, Billy." 1-he�it-stri�gs, waited for old- Harry to'beon out of the q. Us. ; The wo,, ..two ouncei. Stir three Or four times ye ild goosi hase, k protested Bil A word`fqywaid.' But Harr &ntrdlied lighthouses . there. . The:.tralal)s over the plopatAi t ;on that t; ought�a be dar give - e y do, th the powder rhay'liecome man 6xiciudes that- -she oughtnot'to daily, .at . nowg" -.`Ht lift6l! seemed -to be n nQ great -hurry, to new ahttimatid, lantern ivill Work un-, nated. - At � the eiA ''of Obut I'll' try it any ;ex ay ything better of a tramp, as, welt inipreg "Cause we wnnt*.Toacher,,Stanhope the abbit foot to his face �and breath- voieo- Sh command. Fear hid trip-.. ths on,en(L pect an to' said I .. Then Jn ped . Ijit: tended for.mon Ae� thinks:0avid's father.to bei and three. days sort out" and rimove the to have what belbrigs glu soul - ana the -does it I ark? - Well, it is real- . I . I lierstitiou� t -,How w tinues . 'her, old,,withered peta. n fiegin ed *some words upon Is,. aAd the' d t6nes he qujt� -:Large Rillywarnif . 7 , ra e him from. the squa y m4caSUre recited:. bou loaned qua:ntitles of con Tf "Do ye now? Go.love Mal but that 1 the process agal Illlekey�pokey Bambop Brake- d 4e majority, of liouge- '111 li�e elaijohn %va'Sfaat oozing away. robably �th a bard s0ap in th':.fw�e he,got fer are, stored- livider enorrapus ros-, lnilv�iee -webks the.powder, w Qo an' gatlfer in a*snake��' Above, the .,­blue�white� l4litaing gas S, whicl Cee* rill join - hands with the` playin' the man's part; so utwas. Only y: IO;;e4"a- the charvil and zig-zakged - and the 66;m - of 'the thun- sure In* steel cylinder v. gre, con- gly, peTfurri-ed, An then 'you can Slowly ;Bill -the burner. of inan. But I 'ni-tist'. hold, to' tt,17611! this, aight. did- I �gay, a's mUch to Caleb huge �l m nected by..'piplds wit4; sqchei-bigs-sil s* the looked at -Harry. The old',nvaii sat,' der shoOk-% the iearth.. A : . e yout -er. - Ut's in . I David's view.. After all,,cooking and;�RiAik 4peng eself would Rk.6 T lantern..: . , ­" . , ­ : .. 1. . - ' * 't best; material -1 --An& fill. them. They puffi ng. hi s short p ipq, it derisive grin. Ill i v erea - ail d. shr! ek ed a s ',if in -aidily thii was ing are. just; li�ecess,ary nuls-, le him jet what -his. y.'rights, .dish hi ales -hi's-'unshaven lip§.,-. - d7arting. td�fgde of ..flame enwrap� Tliere, are certain substances -which'' ances we have t6 eat, of �c ill last until st ' . I I nwit Isumi3ier co on, �as:a e I I t 'falls u w -I "It's, faled ye have, as I knowed- ye pea it like' -a -sybllow poll them, but. serped,.splitting e1pand wit a igh round. Ploced ki chests -of dTawirs,. -"We knw that"! cried- Billv,- eagei- --'make �i ceremor-al 6f , ii? Wky.: w.ud," he chuckled.. If Ye -best be l4vin". its" Eeart in twa.i.n. atid -,,.contract when'thdy are in' dark- wb., .01V we comeAp you, he, 41ve o much" ti mi'e geizite.up-a-ineal; handk6rehief box6i, and'Ole. liko,� they, ly; -s. adown.. ol� n6ss, Ha yo foumd�bui nowi y­wdyer prank.. -was tug , A r.. cb�atrollfrig t v ;spend ew, w-Ul. imprt t�mir'frakr4nce to ev , ery 4 I th IS71urner*.is conilecied .wheh sd i y a- BuL" siiiia Billy quitlily,, in -d � the wet mos Maurite �911119 of the antern in Ireland; won't you. help -as uld - iak�, '-0 M=C,.- zii4. thihg about-, thqm. treasure . Chiral aid work. It broultht the snake,! at his -The -stricken,. tiee had ion'p�y do of -one of these semst­�:wo �vith a ro m -A Pburst.into JIam - -open *t a. -beneat -the ghostlyJ -,e- 44' ja Id be fillea. with the: ()IDule. transferie thq s I said, it h I., a. si0st-finces. So long -as. It is liglit be'. so uth ihe.a.'.. placed in a sittin-g-rooin... potatoes `k- and. pine- and the vali -Where i thin:?7i light of. which ,path,- cree 'a�ml �owder and --from --the -frying tb, ­Crackedl Brought uV? the rod is-,expande.dl�, '%by, for in b Tine. a -tab!e-and'H4rry;sat up s s, Verh5ii;,:, . tv�aiglif, his ',grove Stood out 'as. a rn eat� a CtEzf-W-,- ani tely Kbnt6d, for P'l te. He aV do* -n at the' ad. Which allows, gus td pats from, the con-. -Aze- his -supper -AVtithouf-.-vw­mucb- ner is COS [9,6-67 b a- 'I ed iners A9 ins ju§t befpre -th", b�nt.ind pecried belielath the '146� and �Ma'ur* on oon is. da�kness:. sets in The rc es, foT- an ther *ord. The -bovs,`watched him 1 "It's under the Stove., See it.. 'J§11Tj n6ted this: as sat ze y up. 'C000se the- bloo ice� woT4�- 0 e;. old Ra:rr.N full fear in thtiir I grnr ­ teirts Witt the ecct dovm` -bl,m, T)d IlIck-thern, if' stove, . -Be thi scal�s' av� .- tlli' divill --had. vaill shedl contracts. 'As it, does so.. it pulls on, h ly. mi old Irishman would. fduLke thei In t e par orning after r re� bi oitledi' 44fte's gone" .,Maurice, ad 'the gas ez��- ­queE shi.vered, "is tit a 19, All answoreS his., the lever,the valve opens, a 'In lie -al�, chuni's `Tbok- to 111, is i-nited-bylan nake 07� pusIled b st I hive I got 'what St b struck- that.. The' 11' it, get -.sonit)' ble. ent for' Dii-ndrii1f. sl6ek!knock-ei Us',botb.d6wn; He ws -he -ext-a -r Linlin Short blaek-, pipe* . .- , . . . ­ "" * , , * tit- thi T.'s I've got,, de and -ne— H th -�'here,, anyhow-; gone­...�hen I � - ' m ­�i entleman �Defined. and �Mm -i A�. ow, cc f=T �'.at -M eets, A W -an �w 0719�c t: his. -Aching �in y -ed Odes ia�ains V oil Ei 'up to -the-- -haVU_ Ari�lde, who- PLZ-*t-7��--�,' neither look the'-iv�stinctive actions of as 'tra:ced n --Li-9ten., you Billy inquir( �dj : , 71 I . - - Ai �iomezt icated t 0,finy pcck.,el rich not, don to tho- poor: 0 e cereei ,animals, may bo --hivins! ut s� '-Gu pil-ed him ou 'no 9 work -a -less' ;a'x C-3 =e &tes-' brack tQ what they YS c -�ghost do he� But es�q cr N% *Ithout. squealin and win with did 'in the da -74nd ­WeTe Gee' r. 2! lois m Ay�. �a -iS--T en e- ' - Maurice, 'ain -t I queer obt' boa -c ng. orgar"'. h ,P 'V�h, iV_a th t lid it. lies (14 *ap *. 1 cx, Th`tt. r6n kroNv nz --.me It's- charni'bid uch'power" groaned, t call S v t -they room (I id well a- 9rced to defend themselves oWO e 61if Old.'peopie-, who- Z- frnk,-I'll be �wid ye, if iell;ve th�t wt�tlzlred Irishman. Ut*s , N -ourself tho-�th I I �a:s. f eeillin' scared ldretr and io lie* too generoils'to woUld let you. handle reptiles .'dn' - trem. Sl.V� afDre bolt bu' 'to' -brave Nc�w. I'am -no, sav- avent's me powev: are - tis 0 notice. U. " N ut-bein- takes-his'shaYe ofthe ev�o,n a Pomerantan- -vi iin the--unho jo and wb 0 pl. ivin p ghk%4z am 'o:- -�ound before 'Dota:�oes -e and - --- -- z- lets Others ij;rwrs� hick v4n. serpent- tr iii 1h kIoIw--boM'. a. -dog --to- -r u out hi S T a; -Z, Jes nthe, R zo t .-how -feet ion ai. . . :.. . - c7a . . ; .put of NA -list it: means where. ut b�longs.--.:' Bill �That, 1-.-htmr,* -kho,6,ed ill' w'It'll tea' ffee d6 is to the days when ifs'axiceswris had to ..or hi'm oving sciftly,to, the down.the grasgArr ordet'.tq, a, no-Taln en 1.0 c arm,` r allyarte.,. Vrpv ilitilt',ply trample sort th ii d eT ri n:,_q h that'll kep-o­ Ky! L L Ced' �gby.,4nt d4 d for m ho,�g cod� two -veiret-ables -e�ni iiiake -a -be gie. �'ChoQtr 9quiriiii F;e sriake, �fig` and pro ' testinz. fr1b L -_in, 'I -of a 'dat's -nt e , ng's. fiiiicY - salid ii-Ird. ba- flo6k -e Ala -h,. ut Vkh6n - t2ie�.-Tr� least..- H is�, "'Old �,e ari IBM- " ­ . .. r i The ivirtinitive arching' pipe-,.dNt.rr­ inated eve -z Th, laid hi., 4 Ls -big eat - pec -4 �dd­ with-rwhich'- ted ? ek whew __ I .. . tba like to ligie il. iuviiv�, d iisen,ad, ck fim 911d 'n sit is. not on friendLy,te tit-- On �the anA ne ae I�jiit :"n P*I,t of th and, gvodness: kn-aws- 1 -he f= -;�oman xins is an In t us.r i �e6t�grilzed Its liffid fvot of v un tbere, t vel - a$ 'Billy ;,i;ed. about pas Maurize.'.-But- d on't ther. M oni. n . C, e�' tt . o one itional,enemy.' It aSS111114M all In- .T VUI.Sp prolull out through the -door. tiad of de ence .-Iigalnst­�.. Ul e -Fb-e-: Lth�e-ex -The e4 on --the -,edge - Of -the hJS I ..h, S 11 goon a- 1�111, -w pk', ere. a ulfg. li t-- err�iired Is piparent by'th:6. n a tool. 'Re A,�king Id- cvTered is andei­ a�rd !��' yo e Ca - is,. eld 'h of PortO E ki�'t hleat,' briftling aftive. fur., arch ,th 'H-e'picked up aq��Iethivlg' t. at glit n o f rom, the c �dcmijohn­ ico '-Thi UaM­ A BOO �.e;l. -tio "tered Arv,,Aht. and b it'pp exid-.- *�ax� . .- ­ - - * f6qt ose tGgetheri:. "' t - G -tit, h rin s -the- compo�nrl�nys' sj4cff�6. bir' back b 9 ul; wid vet t o4S fhirVr -jarrer," e aild Water. eslthe.claws ar firlber grip, on g6sped­ feet.- eePe,- kt �'azid gi I -do Harrv. U�hesi e �Rl 7-7= t. ers M, pro than �the 3 Ili 'any difection., ng.and Iutbi' aiii tapid movement uck, ? He ffiu�t have lost it in ,his more r to, be i. -.be. -able.' moreov2r; .-the hear av 'H 0'1)ule �Sav�.avmb.le. to get. Rw3N on zo -e_p em lsai tile. ow., illove we go ight "trije a -:-p --0 14 .-to the 0g.Will,seek to sink -YOU into pT.-' yV ha -t-. nebi, SO_A U. hpQy7_% I .... - - ­ , t possib e., ir -n wq ck head s far a 4 up 37-6,�over The. wit ­ ra it. CiUr fer a n, - 'sinc0r P�,�:, up the e board r',1sT t., gh p' e f L1, e i, 4, .'r e i ali er. vthn Igh it�,rleav;es. Sim ho -an -,z NQw + It.. zil:4, N f to I--han.tbe r. -Cb,; bN the back ad; g A Celtic trib.e.s fort tho� leck t lot. t iezr. he box, to to -re, 5 impy.. fo h it is WC11X h.4. - retaiw C8, . . I Miriard't Liniment i B to �Ome. ur s, et 2: lie C4 Call iea desceildeni.s, the NVel of V1. "an' z�7e The. leek �v. -tnt Or as all litnpoi a; iha. :here Is Ineire. tabl)6- vegmhble aniong ifie Angfo-Sax.. A DE IN C-A"t5A,, 0 is 1-tQ-dc, tbaTi r. for they -called 11heir, ga.r : &her Thi of ­Tei6gardeps,`; ana1hc=­:: d ,4PtI* aii.d ou aiad I and a demem, t Yqu ek.vird" Qvtlt�, 'A . I -1 ta- 'le Vitamines in fooa is 6:-8 jm�e L -:d E2�,e xn��.s arel. -it q�p,and let: thingp -tle C%i t1lo tibe , t4c e of �T abeiiid ­i�k6gnixeid were introduced Into the -country 'they S1 f.,: .*ere called NoekR," wit4i' a some pe 'tn the Pr, enj rfte to & - r � W. f deihoting clilia,rity Ot -the. tE P-" '"' -was Ar to free&m fro = the bondagC 1pac" br.�'Ihe been con!-- --7,L-y f� . t�: V iglan8'6 d- r u,'t-when We 16!�,k.witli.:a B -rj, Then let -Er �0. % la( -r I I - . �4 1 Ike 4f -o we, ion of yur spirit, Wbo i8, ng oedppa. The.. v�as chl, onstrate, -a: -VIE7 Ea,&Ie' flew,- cr qld not is. ri�h in t17 tlie,':�--,6rn��;"Cfr'llor,�, oar b ra--, p -.;t awav &:"I lE -.4 have -re 'Many p6opl A C1 �A- r Pew5 Vert, 'first pacei'in'chu nz C 0 F �M! P'111�sicxjly sin-iply b tak- V h ez nut in% an.et-11w or,three art,'. "te t f n-J-tM. wt'l r . , , . . . , . . . - I. - . r g O W1 L E I Send nan-10 and address 11, sic-t,z gill"Irg 1g;, 46 tee co f ks ear CA O'z!20-E A KEY" i�, Enel;hnd bl:' ztrrY.­ P1, ..Roy*3 Yc�hsi -1i S -� r Cl� ,I, chi�drc a6 -n -�er h PLits for Bet�teir Rt&1t,k-" , , ­ - - Z- r: z i tar lleal,-r who, sh6wa yolt run'jnstpa�] of talllblSt.abollt 7F A... ia�, tle- krrin- 2L Ar'. Uke. A jL U41 LLE'rT COMPAW Ljmrrm & r- W. G1 L'Ar7er* '-.0-tsr. tat- IIU UTOS &r SED A 110 actually in st,bk.. 409 Y'd Pe'M Breikey the!., Mann,, TORON ISSUE No. Ihe tz�d, 4. " d' raineift ho f at T 'V 4 .-Jrk tha I