The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-11, Page 51 • '—"•Y S°, Io4i t Ifni- -- cw.Pt Y'd ti7 Liu ` rir4.••_..W �.4*. a 4q`w • T— te: • DDOTTED over 100,000,000'• acres of forest,'1,000 Alen, organized' "• in the- employ ,f f ; the Government of Ontario, 'are, .this summer, passing back •" and forth'over the.canoe: routes and along' the railways, watching out for. the tell-tale smoke Which' is the sign of fire. Regardless of hot weather, black flies, mosquitoes, discomfort, i loneliness or monotony; the Fire Rangermakes his rounds, preventing, quenching' or fighting 'fires in Ontario's forests, paying his, own living nd traveling expenses, and receiving .$$.00 er day for his services. • • • • All in all, 'the Ontario Fire Ranger ..is, entitled to the help • and co-operation of everyone. He deserves, all the support the people of Ontario can give 'him. His work is of vital importance. Beed his warnings. Do what he asks.. ' Save Ontarios Forests They're yours The Ontario 'Fire Ranger, during t e danger. period of the dry summer, is constantly on patrol to • catch fires' while they are small. He cannot prevent them starting, as a rule. He is at the mercy of all types pf care-' lessness. . Thanks to his vigilance, however, .two-thirds . of the forest fires in the last four years did not spread beyond. five acres.and of these, half did not exceed'one-quarter. acre. Most of •Ontario's Fire Rangers are. northern :woodsmen. 'Contrary to common belief, only five" per cent. of them are students,, and these are eaperien.ced,Fire Rangers. or returned •.soldiers. • • • Rangers travel chiefly by canoe„and'in pairs .diver a -definite "beat", the length of which varies according to the degree of danger from fires. 4•' • , O'thers travel up and down the forestedrailway sections on hand. velocipedes, 'following trains to: put' out fires set by - steam locomotives. In all, 2,100 miles of railroad are patrolled steadily all summer..- : ' - Two men devote their whole time to examining locomotives CO see that screens and ashpans will .not permit the escape . of sparks and live• coals. In the clay belt, a .large force of Rangers supervise settlers' fires in land -clearing operations.: • Don't blame the Fire Ranger • if heasks. you ,to be careful.,' • Doret-think-he-is-too garticular..H•e-knows--th'e"-rialr.•-Oritaricr — • is poorer by ibntold millions of dollars through forest fires. in the past.,: Help the Fire Ranger ' save the Increasingly valuable forests- that • • • .:remain.. ' Ontario . Forestry $anch;.. Pithament Buiidinga'•" ' -: Toronto r • ..14 AC1 NT l'alre, doing �'�15 �oWf�NT�E�:µ `� cent per per mile Winnipeg to destination lati:1lGtrif i `r=. Iatur-WiNNIPEN • . %'colit per mile starting point to 1innipeg..• GOING "DATES TERRITORY From,Stations in Ontario, S'mith's Fails, to and Including 'oronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line, AUGUST 8, • and Ha relock•pperboro Line. • andFrom Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive AUGUST 17. _ FrOm'Stations On Toronto -Sudbury direct pine, between, -Toronto and Parry -sound. inclusive • Prom.Stations Dranoel tol'ort-McNicoll and. Burketon, to Bobcaiaeon, inclusive. From Stations' South andWeat of TOronto to and including -Ham,1tow and ,,;kiwn_Ow.an-Sialuid,.iaikerton, W,nda or _ ,.On t OrpnRevdle, aYfb:' T eeswat eriB ioraLiatotvef Godench. Stgar?' $ PortButwel, and St.TEomaaIFineep U UST_Z From Stations.Toronto and North tBolton,.aneIagave. : .. • ..PEOIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO • Full particular* front Canadian Pacific TiCketAsents. • ` W. B. HOWARD, 'District .Par; enyier•Agent. ,TorOuto. •- CUT :OUT -TME CEDIT . p . We have heard a; lot of comment ■ about the. 'amount of money Palm= SUMMER COLDS, ASTHMA; ,er's Amusrnent Arena and the, Chau aped many .a holiday..• . to aqua arid: other-thingst ' , take out ofp. .Vesaid-:ahat.It'At::. !'�..:.M .H t 'town, We-:',ha:heard-,it some..spent their' money ' who ' will positively stops these trouble: t •n_winter,. eed-it--next_ or sone_.dthe Spec zing,weezingt_coughing, • time. This is all. true' and we can . weeping eyes-aren'-t-necessary x. _ .unless you like bean titaf,• wa4y, not change world or the peoi5le'an . gl:00 at your 'druggist's, ,or write •e' will alway s be ,n class' -of -- cm -pi -dons, Toronto, for a'free trial, - pThea y T o '}e who spend as they earn and.. ' . ' ' ' ' - l t • p SOLD BY J. G • ARMSTRONG; • let:.tfl to-ozv take: ears. 'of -itself. : The_ `'only remedy We' tan.'sugg'est•.,for this. hes with the "inerchal'i'.t; whir has it in .._..... :. la".p.�. r_li _. r. _- . ,_.__,...: -:; . UN -..,,,_:a alis pow�`er to•`�•efuse ct•edlt,-1[f`Yre-'re-.. �-- Ai-1GiU�T--PROD-�4�D-O N i• fuses. to exercise this .power, then he ' ' kr'• • ^' should take take his loss. It is • our . Lovers of out-of=doors will be credit ay sten that makes the dare }Teased to know that a specially ,n- less: Tlirift is only brought home teresting number of Rod And Gun In when want steps in at the door. No CANADA is ' just out. The August man has a' right to give credit when .issue contains a particularly appeal- he feels that he' will not receive his frig article entitled; "Mississauga— PEW. , In fact credit . is one of. the Canada's Beat Canoe Trip" by Doug - things that keeps many in want. las •Mains. Thisers a story that every. oni?,wi•11: enjoy. The stories by V.V. 'Williams, Bonnyeastle Dale• and Har- ry M. Moore, well-known contribut- ers, will. be "received with undou>;e'd favor. The thrilling experiences out- lined in the several articles following 'wi Yl. l +l..,be r01! great interest to the Am- {MeaeportlillltIl!i •.., „,,„,,,,..„4„,,, ever K . • DO not stifferI • another ' daywith Ito hin ieed- tng, or Pratt Ing riles. No surgical oyer. a t l on reuired, r.Odsse's hOintment will relieve you•iit wee 1 tln aa•.e.. at, ti,. box• all ar • onlet/hg, aIlRdmgon, Bated & Co ., Lmi Prsinel9t lea It tat wagon • •ao o 141mp ta Pay PuPPOL S,, I "tie Who N.esitateF Is Lost" Don't heaitateY '5tarrtb-d6. y, Bring your Crearh, Egga and.. Poultry to • '•• i rel,. Si 'verwoocC� ''I • And *Blake mopieyt. • E. AITCHISON. 'mono 47 .County t'lt•,.. ..,•inion of Huron has received I,t.ice from 'the bepment of Highwa}•s. that' .l Lake shore Road from (rand Bend to Anibeiley has been designated. a Provincial County Road, Notice has 'also been received thaw. m t•oa1i by the county to th4 Town of \'V.ingham of $15,000 for im- provunent of the road in that town has bee,. approved. The' ' money is advanced by the , county and the town repays that'portion '* Out lobi not said b' ins'P1roviiri HOW HEI(RY .FORD WEATHER. • ED THE 'STORM. As, a" manufacturer, Henry Ford is one of the• wonders of the world, and rich qualified to address the ' as- sembled n*'ations' on 'business probl'- ems. Recently, lie_ Went through the sternest test in his career and emer- sed' triumphant. Ifs owed' $60,000,000 and had only about $30;000,000 with" which to pay it, but it .a time when business seemed almost :stagnant he sold enough cars and pqt into pract- ice sufficient ecominies in his gre t , plants to raise $67,000,000: and. thus pay -off his debts -Without ,borrowing a cent. ' He'showed ' himself worthy of the .great" pbsition • he occupies, for it is in hard times that, business men ,are really tried. . As .one shame- lessly frank Canadian manufacturer said,, anyone who .couldn't :slake money in war time was a fool. °' It will not be everybody. who ' made money in war time and established flourishing 'industries who 1.will ,be. abbe to adjust himself to new .eon- ditions. The larger the . industry the greater the difficulty of weather= ing the storm. The largest manufac taring .business in the, world, which we take the Ford business tobe, has turned the corner. • • • • Mr. Ford says', that 'the first :in- dication of approaching trouble. came to him early in 1920, when a few.eon- cerns manufacturing •luxuries•' or staple .commodities ' began• to fail. He wondered • how long ,it wool be be- fore: people, refrained from buyying' Ford ears. When the time came, •as it. -did 'shortly, he was not taken unaw- ares.. By Junew sales ere falling. off at an alarming rate. *YVet in the face of the buying strike; as it was called the firms that supplied,hint• with raw material showed' no intention of • cut- ting prices. Iti Detroit, firm. ' after firm shut. down, . but the • Ford. plant continued. to .run at 'full blast •to everybody's '.astonishment, In Sep-•, tem.ber carne the sensational :announ cement that the price... of the cars had been reduced. It was announced, that. the coinpatiy• made -the cut in antici=; 'nation of lowered .prices for raw. mat= eiial and that for a. time .it would manufacture at a: loss In order to , peace time..It .figurd it had to 'take a loss sone time, and • chose .•to° take it then, the -loss being one .of 000. .:.:Business increased 'as a result' of the •reduced• prices, and some qther manufacturers 'also • tut prit'es, but soon, sales 411 off,again.. The public • had evidently come' to the conclusion that the process , of deflatroilhad not been:completed, and • it •sat back to wait. -Nevertheless Tad continued to.operate,'the plant, but he was buy- ing: mighty Little raw material. What he wastedoing was tlurni lg---•iiite -fins shed cars; every scrap ;of material he had• an hand, and to turn .this into ears- .was the' next ;thing , to, turning> _it_ i to money, 'Thee the factory clog - down. • It was expected to. reopen in ••tw oweeks, but as a nY;atter of -fact, it'didnot-open- for six--}weeks:--This -was• the time that rumors flew over the Country. • It . was said that the• Ford p'eople =were in financial • difficulties, and 'that' they. Would'' never reopen, pr:tnat t e`y Ili it Woti-ld be under a= new ; - dares to;chap, :.1 t was more, than, hinted that •Iii+ni Ford ,ha& been going about «';•ill .Streethat, in h:and,'but that,het,i` ' of. theattacks of his paper the ht u:rborn Independ aft, upon Jrki Jews,;, .the .hatter";had WHY SUFFR PAIN.? oU can't do uetice to yourself in bueiness,,sacial or home Weil, you. suffer from headache, backacbe. neuralgia, monthly pains, or any•of'the thousand and one pains with which all of us are,• a:iiicted at one time or another. • • , , \ : These painsindicate a very real phylic&l danger;. But' there, .are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly, relieved -by • • Pr. Miles"Antl•Pain Pills. , Get them in .bandy , boxes 'at our drug store. A. . box is insurance. ag'aaiinsto'f ahelad- ache, car sickness neuralgia and pa most. any nature. There are no -disagreeable after effects. • Pain Pills' STOP• THE.a'AIN 'withogt upset'digestton, drowsiness, buzzing, in�'the head, or danger of'forming' a drug habit. Guaranteed Safe•and Sure, • SOLD IN LUCKNOW BY J. G. ARMSTRONG. DR WAVES' ?- ANTI - FWn Pilis. MADAMES AND RHUEMAF/C • Dr; Miles' Anti - he •Red Front Hardware Bargain for Hot Weather With every,:4 Burner Coal Oil Stove we will give entirely free the .following 1' Scotch grey stew kettle.'. 1 Large enamel spoon 1" Small tea kettle 1 Doz. zinc jar rings and rub bers • RES: PHONE'.121: • .Lucknow L.O.L., ,No. 428, meet in. their` lddge_-rooipx_every :s_etont:,:fuea- day of; the- month°, at 8 Pi.clock ` p.m W.M , Jas. Irwin; ReG.`'Sec'y,, Wm. a.F: 8 .A.M.;..G BwQ. Old Light .Led'ge. x.rneete.eye'ry •TliuradaY night.pn__o.r:• before the.full'e moon,•in'thMas onie Hall,' Havelock St, Lucknow. W.M.,' N. "G,, Mackenzie, . S;W,, T. S, Reid; J.W., J.,. McQuaig; Sec., • W. A. Wilson: been -able to - • '..: It is ,true: en ligh•,that y4Ta11 Street '-was keenly interestetr in Ford, bur instead of him asking .'so.r ; .money,. Wall ,Street offered it. `The agent of one Pig Wall Street firm visited. Mr• lord' and tried to;, •.force stoney on him"I.don't need a 'loan," •said the reantifac'turer The. broker insisted that he did and showed, an intimate knowledge of .the financial obligations_' andthe resources of the company -He• outlined the pjafi to which ." Mr: Ford listened ,,, putof courtesy ; The reading .went on for several minutes, and the 'readei suddenly ,broke.off to asps_ , "Whds going 'to.,be _:the n vQ. treasurer •of your company ?"',„"That 'Make* ;,tio difference-to..ittu•does-,it-? asked the- 'manufacturer. "Oh; yes it does. We'll have to have some say as to. who the new treasurer will be."' :.This ended the intervelw,. Mr..Foid handedt banker .his.: batA d'hurxi . he ba l , s . .._,.. ,,sed him to'the door. Then-113r-.-For&prone eedecl .t l a-tec themoney himself: Between Janu- ary 1 and April . 1, he turned ' into cash • stock Worth $24.000,000. By virtue of his recent purchase. of the Detroit, Toledo and Ironton railway, which moved most of his rate mater - Pal, he was able •to affect a saving of $28,000,000.' He, calculated that . he had • $88,000,000 tied up in moving and, reserve stocks which it required. three weeks to turn into' finishsed product. By cutting the time to four- teen days he figured that he released nearly a thirdof this amount.. It came to the same thing=; for he had that much More cash to pay his debts. ile also sold liberty. 'bonds to the vel" tie of x}71000,000. By opplyinic RlftM. .'I:O:O F Ziteknow Lodge meets-every-: -rFrrtlay--evening•at-8•'o'cloek• in•.their 'Hall, ;Campbell, street. All brethren cordially invited.,. Officers:. Noble, Grand, Robt. Johnston; Vice Grand ..Arch:•.. Barhour;.,..Iiec :.Secs-• Es Aitchi- son; Fin, Sec., Dr., Paterson; Treas- firer, rAlex • Ross: D. R INKWkLTh . •INS FURNACES SUPPLIED AND • 1N -ST. LLED=r.PL.LI3 IN,H AND_ . -ELECTRIC ELECTIUC -IRING.:> r • -AGENTS. FOR -THE- H1 CLA. PIPELESS FURNACE.'`K c� . 'r ,•_ sore -to- }?i5� agents-, ixt.;icifeal.,nacount;, ries he collected $3,000;000 outstand- Ding,• He went through the Ford plant making ecomonies cutting out proe- cesses and..custQliis that had become : established in the war, ?ending, three- ryuarters of his foremen •back, to- their machines . and ordering, superfluous • clerks' ,to the factories. In this way he was able to cut his. Overhead from $146 to $93 a car, This he` was able to acheive with iio'•hardship' td one except the employes who had to reinain idle f000r six weeks,, They re-. ceived their usual bonus and now the prospe4ts 'for continuous "Profitable` employment ,are excellent; • REAM :.WANTED, -FOR SEAFO RTI „PALL ANY DAY AND GET A . CAN AT T. SI1ITH'.S. STORE..• We�est: Wednesday+._and: Satur - flay,, P.M.. Get your can -anq day.. y ilp..also--bu . tltl ted --quant ty ofi gond ..,lsedar.logs,• -_ • W E WILL APRECIATE .YOUR PATRONAGE. ---D. ANDREW--= GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM HE:..DOUBLB.-.TRACK•=ROUTE._ —Between ` TORONTO :DETROIT. and CHICAGO = Unoxcelled°:'.Basingg"; Car.= Sei•stiee.__ =Slee in �eara'-on p .Ni It • �._.�._ !r g . t Parlor :Cars on principal . Day Trains: Full information from any Grand trunk. Ticket ,Agent; or C. E.' Horn ing,' District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. F F.' Phillips, Agent, Lucknow.' JOHN SUTHERLAND & 'SONS, Ltd. ;Guelph, 'Ont;, Insurance, Me. °and.. Marine. The 'world is full of will peop10-- - some willing 'to work and the rest willing to let thenh..