The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-08-04, Page 511 • , . A _ADORN! 4tii? 1921 b • � . all Each > an actual cant, s-officially. l fiicia y p° 1 Branch Until each individual Forestry d �' 't to prevent forest fires, Government , l ' •:� judgment. h d fire or throwing a June 2 1920-A section cigarette into slash burned over two of burning ties tog 1,200 ship , 'll buildings and equipment d p • •t tR• $ d • - _ despite rompt action burned over 1,800 acres including 2,000,000 feet May 27th, 1920-A squatter, burning de d set of new camps worth 1000 $1 b near his aha • mill four camps large July 4th 1920 -Tourists le p quantities f applies and equipment to a shore of Deer Lake Af • 1 1 f $40 000 rangers put fire out, dead. M y 4th, 1921 -Lumbermen burning round their camps, lost control May 31st, 1920-A neglected fire, fire and • ] 5 000 'despite ff is of Chief Fire Ranger d 't men, burned 1,200 acres of Young p n May••7th 1921 Indians 1 p fire, 'ed 7 000 acres and took one • -.or cigar ends.' Watch .out, lest your fire gets Fc r. est • fires s t e. Fire Rangers of Ontario EIDE° are � netances' of cairelessn a such a 11 reported are meeting the time. realizes persona in detail' to the .ores. ry . Fires personal responsibility'an' co-ops a fes .. can hope merely to,lessen the tragic consequences of such- human careless- ' gess and, bad, Save Ontario's Forests They're sou s ' fire which burned •over °12,000 acreasuof and Lumberimen 8 Fires tier worth $20,000 on the stump, by ea his amu ge town_ o away to thew ir regular work. The; fire spread over acres. , ` s including buildings feet of pine, si $5,000 mill, camp worth $7,000, 'sawn lumber'worth 7,500, Fires Set Out Under Pernik ra m slash lack pine trees,- One , be_.. . underk• mit., lost control through bad eirg • May. 1920-Fi�l�s° in=ax rubbish itea�r � � e t and1,Oi30' acres were brBrn�•and, . � ys Y mn, May 25th, 1920-A . careless' river driver, logs worth $6,750, and , cost $$11000 t a po h] and killed several iffier young spruce an J 10th 1921 -Parties burning I sh • hind a. lamb..r. company's boarding house rnent,buildings, ,including saw mill, were wiped :, pot away and, p , of out. ' u white` pine, an a n shack fired 7,000 acres, ,000. cis June 1, 1920= -Two old men left to attend . of which were virgin timber, and wiped out ' four setsuf logging camps.. 'to the stop logs'in a dam, •let fire get away .• from either their smudge or camp fire, and Neglected Camp, Fires burned over 9,OOQ acres including. 6.000,000 ' • . � it cam fire on• feet • of pine, one . * • ter six days'. fight, quan i ies o : supplies, ., total value o . , . in skill • aon trol of their:. around acres were burned before they regained 'i.. Railway: Fires • butt560 acres of young, • :pine were ea d . ' . cainp. e or ; i ande.- 42 '1921 -Indians eft .. cam hick burn over 7, Jtine Pith, 192.0-E igi 1368 et forest fire which wan over fu to pu your camp fire t tiles and outfits, h cul _'bogs and 1 400 piles, besides' o 15,000 acres,: . burning one saw rhil'i, three . sets of lumber b be0 ' • camps, stables, , houses, standing. week of-f1-ghting-to- control. Be'careful of 1.re inthe-forests. Be care-. out- ea . out. pon'tt row awa lighted'inatcliea. eigaerettes . timber.'" May 25th, 1920= -Engine i o 2509 set: a away from yell Ontario ' Fores3ry Branch Parliament Bldgs., Toronto,: Ontario 1!3 ' ' -- a Fa•reGoing--15 to ,.Fate. Returnln,&"—$20 tram WINNIPEG. �-----5 estinatioll.- coat per adh s ut±at point .ti Eu1pl � cent -per •mlle"Wiaalpee..io i .. GOING DATES „ TERRITORY • . ' Sion station+ in. Ontario Smith's Falls to and including'roronto oil Ica a .. facto • ore-L-inee '•' AUOUST •8, and Havelock•Peterboro Line• • and From Stations Ktng tonto Renfrew Junction inclusive. • onto and ' ..'' goy. inclusive From S'tattoes on'roroato•Sudbury ditect hoe, Ye tween �1Ui�iU�Z :,.. _ _ Arrant -Stations.- 1_ _Port I&cr'ricoll and •Burketoa, CO Hobciygeon, includes thr_ - , Dot. From afit{foas South iad'West-of-Toronto le trCe,Water: 8lo o Liswvrel fi n c> St. l�[ary .,- AUOUST 10,.; Owen sound, Watkertoa, brangev --7---- . :•__ i. _. --._.. Fxsero.P_._, ...t es.Brancbee::.: _. was Port nurOro o•an&l Tbom ineludve. • "Sefton. : tat _ w ions Toronto as .-- ... . _ .; fit- ^_' ,- AUOC18fi 2,2 � raisr4 � - -- .., .. . . siviCIAL 'TRAimir'mOM 'TORONTO' i ra irons. Canadian Pacific Ticket Agittt.e. • . W. HOWARD. District Passenger + Agent. Toronto. te'�.il'prirticn n . rF .-. •-•-..mag♦ ASIN6 LIGHTNING RODS • Erroneous Opinions Corrected by Statements of Expert. . w);y Buildings should `B0' Bedded,. • ° when Metal Roofs Are. Sate Shelter of. • Trees Unsafe Dung Thunder Storms. (Contributed' by Ontario Deoarttnent•ot Agriculture, Toronto.) The many 'direct questions con- cerning lightning . rods or cables, • methods of iustsIling, etc., Rept to the Department of Physicu,, O.A. C., - Guelph, •''are often accompanied by statements ox tile views of theme sub- mitting these questions. The follow= • res- `ing lilt oi•Corrected views, or imp *ions, will Prove, helpful to those who are' at all' interested` in the protec=' titin-;of;their property from• lightning diseharges. ' E. denotes an erroneous view of statement. , , , ' C. denotes correct explanation! or, statements of facts. ' E. Lightning rods. attract the elec- tric charge on the cloud and then allow the flash to travel down : the system -of lightning rods • to the ground' where it disappears C. The :rodding system forms a connecting .link between the•charge. on the cloud and the charge on the earth and structure proteeted. The. chargee. on the: cloud and on the earth are Of opposite polarity,' and the induced charge on the earth or Structure is quietly' .neutralized by the . rodding' system including; the ground rod, the cable, and the pointe do the ridge: The neutralizing of the charge takes place in the form of an ablest- oiler& discharge from the points placed on the ridge; pr' .on, prominences at various parts of the - building•; It is in thug "preventing" the Sudden Sash from the cloud that : the chief, efficiency . of the rodding ey@tem Consists. The system 'heipa to `avoid destruction. by fires even • in ';cases where a. Sash' cannot be• .pre- uost nheard-of .te-dayUt these awith sthe eemraent rodding Systems being i installed' by 'lightning rod dealers. '"Rodding sYs-• terns ,properly •installed. do`•protect." ,E.' Any 'kind of rodding, ';system" is satisfactory if -the proper kind••ef - rod, or.' cable is used. It all depends .oli the rod. d.uralxle rod, C. Rather pay any copper .over three, ounces per foot, ,and lron�'4yii unces.per foot- 4s-gOJ L enough` "•if properly. installed:" Em phasis cannot' be too strongly laid'on• the "method", Of Installations:. .K..-If'the ground rod. Or cable is :Placed:i'n the. ground a distance et: Mi feet. It is cdifsidered-•eatisfaetorto C. Ground' nods'. ,must be down • perpetual,molature, or (where this is' impossible) :special :: arrangements meet be made to provide the .best.: grounding, more groanid''rods being;' :-necessary and speci'al•advice;inust be• sought as to the. best 'Method" in each. special case.'-� - • E. A Building with metal roof is safe from electrical &lecherges. 1 . AT -metal -roof grounded-at...the, ceeners;--•and':;with a :'sharpti �•idg-e= board or points, makes 'an `exeelieiff system : for. fire protective purposes. The chief metal parts 'in--the-buiad, ing must however, be. connected •to the 'main-syst$m as sitggsted' i-n- r�dtn speOfioations, 1llilietin No: • 2x0 or_the Department of Agrieu-1= Lure . for-' OntaTo E. .Even properly rodded build- tngs. are sometimes struck - "C. -Although-the.above. is. true• the chances of • their being • injured •'ii' i ..T..1.' , ' . ' ' . EIGHTH •DCON: - ICINLOSS- -... _ �., WILD DEER SHOWS ITSELF (Inteded. for last week) is few. miles east of o _ ,Folk living; " Mr,' and Mrs. Almer Ackert, at-: ; •Lochalsh had the now unusual 'ex- ended Summer School in Goderich-I perience of seeing .a deer' roviina t MacRae _ .. k..., ..: .: .' , Iabout their fends. Mr. M last .wee .. ...Mr. -Rae._.._ tson... it a visitor at and -tinnily report .having " had. a -very .•. dk,. ;good verve of»tt- on Tuesday 'Murdock Mcl�herson's'. -- ex .-Mr, •Ii d Mrs. John S. 'and Mrs. week. The animal.app dent isn ..d tl s. Earl' Cullie'rt ;and, lEugene - -celletit- condition, -- and .. a fields. - It wand vi aturdaY-, .: eying. life in the oat en - were visitor iii-''Kmeardine. S ,�. Jen • .. - •gives no evidence`: of ;having been evelting. _._ .... _ .. + 1i ending a dontesticated for otherwise Scone-. on. Miss Ethel Ei is fon is spmith • friendly. relationships .with men, be- _ � . s,�ith�M;r��-Mac Smith.. � _ , .. always keep; few l,_ _._ ._, - .� ,__- ..... :.ends-, in easily a1a'rJ d -and a y pg ealled.nn r2.. ...,,, g _ _,.., _ .: .J,H Mcleod _ on this n_ i - . . a:'safe_di`stanee: It. had'- ,nth ... ing _.at . on thio line last >rii1'ay e. etting.from field to field' usb Ctrl x�aitnlae--l4i-leap-14Lyrtl�troull � . R...,.._ _ tvhre astnd-� mem 9 •Morgan .on the success 'of her four " t Wire,. and- en�e learn from trance pupils. Miss Morgan had i write all passing with • a good. the Huron Expositor that a deer wn �pilone , • seen: in .the, neighborhood mark,..'one taking,honors.nSwith Ibrook a couiile of weeks 'ago. Per, Mr, Wm. rieie siyent Sunday the same animal, as it appears to be lOMr Con. lei Har. i visitor in leisurly :making its.way northward. the t Leslie Harris was' a • It should, be quite .safe for some Lakeside town Sunday. . • 'strictlyagainst . time� to noble as ,it is deer'oueide of el aw to shoot 00 «----- the gam . PAIN IN OF THE BODY the open season, whthereeitt the ,NY,• e, northern woods or int g •' eadaohe, Neuralgia,'Rd±su�ailo, Beek* of Huron, 'sone sciatic and Ovarian Paint. ' .. 8 .. One or two DR. MIL11:8' ANTI-PAIN0.e..04.0......4- -fi4.I . •tite*4 WI the 'gala i- i0°Z'tI.e ase+ Be whit Your friends think.yoti s*e • o,tltaea esiU aid Sure. . • ,BOLD IN •LtUCKl�toW BY A.vOid, Wing vrksti pour enSmis$ M►Y O 4$ 40114§78O tg► brae 1tii ,,., , Ii� ' The Red Front H3� rdw are Brargaln' for fl of . Weather • With every 4 Burner Coal ,Oil. Stove Nye w l! give entirely n free the following- ' ollowi .g re.,' "stew kettle 1.Scot�h grey f Large -enamel spoon. 1 Small tea kettle • • 1 Fruit press .Doz. zinc jar rings.and rub tiers. ,, -• ...AE & PORTEOUS Pu011GE'66. - D,HSt LtONI 1211.. SLEEP Oh! what a wonderful word, that is ! Can you .do it? 'That is, drop off into . a good sound refreshing . sleep? if you. are unable.: to, there , i• something wrong with your new ous .system. .It is a danger signal nil•ervrousprostration,m6.laric_l_iolia nervous dyspepsia are only a few of the serious maladies that are liable to develop. DR. R. MILES', NI RVINE -$1.20 it tel and bv-er• - •willsoothe the err a _,-_. st''t�a rred- nerves.- Jxist_�.ori��.or ,two... • -doses 'helps Nature' to 'restore' them ...to their' normal functions. Guaran- teed uaran- teed'.Safe and Sire SOLD_ -I?�T ;-LUCKNOW BY ' _ _ Where there is a tendency to J. GARNET 'ARh1ST�121f:fi const, a ,on; you will find Da.,: Muss' Lwita• PtLIS effective ,n keeping the bowels Open • • JOHN' SUTHERLAND & SQNS, Ltd. - Gus li; Ont;, Insurance, -Fire and' Marine: , • { CREAM WANTED Lucknow L.d.L., No" 428, ,meet in their lodge. room,_every_.second Tues— day- o£ :the month at 8' o'clock p.m. struck,' 1hit onoe r ss atrucLkaat a4I1aI, 1a1r'e so tehw nt...as :"misleading " When VY M t ,Tae, Irwin, Rec. _. • hundreds Of- thousands: -of' 1611Kes Secy , Wmw.. worth of property is being destroyed ).' o Hesitates: �V=h. Is t Lost" ' 't. - `St •)uon t hesitate.. art. t Bring your Cream,. Ea ,Poultry to • • gs - and t woods Ltd • And tinalke monei. T A.M., G.R.C. Old-Light_Lo meets every Thursday night on or; before -the full moon, in the Masi onic - Hall,' • Havelock ' . St, Liicknow. • WM.,:, N. G. Mackenzie; S.W., T. f t place In a thunder �' SReid;=-J.W.r J. M-cQuaig, a �. storm tis srtrt distance from a free, hut= lighfining-: liabie'-ttz"sirrk_e-- w - k. leen.-. ' anything, or anywhere ------ 1.0 0.F..Lucknow Lodge meets every Friday evening'at'S: o'cic l: i*t tlti.ir ,�•.• ,j, -.Campbell street. All; 'brethren cordially invited Officers ``' kiob Grand, •Robt.: •Johnston; Vice 'Grand, annuaiij in the Province of On A.F. & • 'there are••on record spaces of twelve months' duration where.no single properly. redded building was burn ed,. and. _pract%ally' none even• -in• •jured. 4 -. E The -est -es - $ . ' tel l e C. Keep as far away as• possible groin trees. All. 'things . are not equally liable to . be struck There ntre. .reasd,- •the ease of 'light- ning ightning" .discharges., Some things , are neveslstruck, other things .are •, al- most invariably struckif a discharge _ . ' • b. ur•:. Rec.: Sec , E. Ancil. taken- place�h�ear�therii ,<.;. .. ...Ar-ch.:-BaI[ R..:, .. a "'E. -Our buildings are insuredSec., Dr. Paternati; . Treaa Then why rod them ` at extra - expenset • • • C. Nb one has any right 'to take a chalice o'h_ destroying life and pro - party .eve pro-.party.::even if the lite, of -the indivi- dual -or -the property to insured .. Row about "reduction -ot-: insurance._..p r- • mi<uye -when buildings are rodded? - E., Ail.' rodding„ oompanles are , 'trustworthy Therefore-- b iy<._... the. _cheapest cable and installation. , C. All - rodding :Cohipabies it the country are 'not equally •trustw•orttiY even if honest and co shier@leas:-iti� SILYERWOOII: E. 'AITCHISON.. F+i31I sanviCs' - Phone 47. • .. FAIR ENOUGH DR1P}KWALTER Sc .C(it1S1NS' F , ' URNACES SUPPLIED AND .. -INS "4TALLS)--PLUIVIIIING AND - .their_ ork._ There is such a thi g ELIECTRIC' WIRl1 k '1 dge- of the proper 1 alt ltc ot.., poW,e. _ p refore,: ... 3I CL_ method of installation. :Therefore. Harper's Weekley tells of a man who had purchased some currant buns 'at a bakery and was distressed-: on starting to eat one to find that it. contained a fly. Returning to the bakery ha made an indignant corn plaint demanding another bun in the place of the inhat•i ttti One. "I'm sotryt sir, told tho'saleawo- tin "1 ain't give, olt *water bun l ibtttw l• i t. •.•yam..„ • AGENTS Dolt THE des}.. only vditit _those companies, who l?ELE85 k'Y]RNACE. know their bliiir esa-=a,hidtguarantee_: L.P.W nod workmanship. The beetle node 8 too good ,when human lives are at stake. • Conclusion.•-R•Ail ,valuable tariff buildings, unless of steel structure' throughout or entirely .enclosed In tnetal, should be rodded or partly rodded, as. • the case, may demand, Only the work of the most reputable ltm should be considered "good .nought' 1t in doubt, seek advice filth . the � physics Department:- AT.. epartment.-AT.' . C. Blackwood.' Oa. A. College, iuelph; , • i should a harvested ,All vegetables i d` in the early morning and put n cool place until desired' tor us. None if 111 1»et 'int bad; �11M �i► ; tool place until Qeafl* for ius. None 11 lilll' 11911t��t Mi0 folk,. ono* ! ! i� Fever SUMMER COLDS, AsTI410. spoil many a holiday. . iAH 11A. Z. Positively 'stops thesis troubles osi Sneezing; wetting; �coughin g, Weeping eyes aren't •necessary unless you like 'being that way. $1.00 at your druggist's op write l'empletone, Toronto.for a fres .091a PT 1t 9, Ammo AF'ORT. R CCAI:L AN -Y DAY AND. .GET ...A: SMITHS STORE.,• .' We .test. Wednesday and Satur- day, P.M. ' Get•yoer can any, day. Will flso buy limited ,Quantity ,ofgood o d cedar logs.',, v1iR.'TIILLiPRECIATE YOUR= I ATIt01FAGE.� ` ---D. ANDREW-- 25.11-1f H . • GRAND TRUNK SYs EM THE DOUBLE•TRACK ROUTE :MONTREAL TORONTO .DETROIT_- - ink :CHICAGO nexeelled-Mang •-Cai---Se ice:: - tie n' :cels on 1?1�ght Trains and_ i'arlor Carsprincipal a9 Trains. ... Eitll' il4formatitY;s. fzam�any- Gr _ . Trunk 'Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District. Passenger Agent,, Tore onto. ,' • . F. Phillips, .Agent, Lucknow. ,, • E' e not vim e rttatent- .\n aril%r _tic.' 4 r 1 V,l ment for EP?enla ' and S kL^ Irrim. nous It retie'i•s Si once l ea gt u • e■ se's heats the skin, Liar''' hon Dr, ie s Oint,nent tree 1f, yei.ule t+tlo he. s. er. n ales :o, stamp n, `1li►tel 1. T®io 4 r .....�,,, .,......,...._--4 i