The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-07-21, Page 1p, .
,• $2,00 PER YEAR IN AD.VANC$, $9.11I O`i'iii*WISE
, t
Roller. Mills
Are working day
:and night,.
. . s. -+�n"
and _.
Bran ,
• 0-0-0-0--0-0•!–O—o-0-1►�
a -o -o
MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages
and notes at reasonable rates.
Fire Insurance, both stock and
•Mutual ` Companies. Conveyancing
• done' with neatness and despatch..
Geo. 'A. Siddail, "Broker. Lucknow.
• Cain House, Lucknow, every Wed-
nesday afternoon. All chronic dis
eases successfully treated. Osteo-
• pathy removes the physical .causes
of disease. Adjustment of the
spine • is more quickly secured and
(with. fewer treatments by ' Osteo
: pathy than by any other method.
' Ask-.•about=-our:.P_articipating...Raid_:Il.p_
W; T. --BOOTH, Wingham, Agent.
In. Lucknow every Wednesda/ all. day
•• • • • for engagements at Celebrations
Garden -Parties- and ;Lawn•. -Social's.
E. Aitchison, Sec'y. 19.-9-tf.
• Dr: Elliott's, office is in connection
•with his residence as . forzheriy. • Dr.
Connells` o ice. `-`'is 'above -Cameron;
Murdoch•& Co's. 'store, side entrance.
• • N fight -and •-day-- calls . Fb one 86.
..:.Ri le • .....gjione
W;..:J.� Keleher,.:Ripley ..� ,
night or da .=-tf.
g Y
r ` cult
s:' aid fo ry..
ilii hest= rrce p �-P.
g F
ko f 9-6-tf,
• . ... r.;-�.:.,;,.and .unk.-A:'.Grb#_ _P. , _ - _ . _....
1 ,
WANTED -Salesman to' drive
-Ford car through rural terrtiory
further information apply to- E. A.-
_• .Renwick ; Ford Dealer, Lucknow:
No. 14;' E. & W. " Wawanosh. APPIy:
., tin -- ualifications •_and salary ex--
........ ...Stn .g, q.. ...,.. -.. ..._ _ . _ ,.,
petted -to Roy .McGee, Sec.;treas, R.
R. 1, Lucknow. 213-'1-p
o •
• I
O "0• 0. 0. 0. s+. a 0, 0 0 0
. her
vaa Rena
t on atStfa Gordon
tfordis spending
•: Miss. Gladys, Rivera as spending her
vacation• $t. her •home here.'
If your are interested in music read
Flanigan's advt. on page 8;
• Miss. Madeline. McMorran, of • Tor-
onto. its home for a few. nyeeks' 'vac-'
Mrs. D. 'E.. MacIntosh, of Simcoe,
-is visiting her daughter, Mrs Rpbit.
• Miss Margaret Clarkson, of town,
is spending the' week-ehd with Mias •
Annie Blue,. Lake Shore'' '
Myra McDonald is - visiting this
week at Kincardine. the guest • of
Miss Annie McPherson.
PLOWING -Parties wishing to
,,ntns by--contract__or_
o sey
hoixr, -apply at The Sentinel:'Office.
Dr. Woods and family, of Detroit,.
were Sunday visitors. with Mr. and
,Mrs,• Matthew Woods, of town.
Mrs. John Mackenzie, of Culross,
is spending the week with her son;
A. D. Mackenzie.
Mr.. Jim McCoy, of Toronto, was
here for the . week -end • visiti* g his
mother Mid brothers. •
Mrs. Temple: Clark and son Doug-
las, of Goderich, are visiting 'at her
former home in town,
Mrs. `W. C. Johnstone: arrived
home Saturday, night from Winnipeg
where . she has been . the ' past few
' ` •"" `FOR SALE•--Stove--od,-- short er
•" , long, any quafititydelivered.
at Joint's office, Lucknow. ' .
_ _ . FOR SALE -Frame on
Haveloek St. Lucknew; six -rooms,
..:_A `ly
. ::. - 'in—good regain;: -large•-gar de, . I_
to W._G. McMillan. 9 5-tf,'
-FOR RENT -,Two web ui gs ' in
Beaver . -Block, Campbell St.5 Bath- •
lult.".ti.vr: .,-., ;:i;,.#._`i.- ".. ys,a•.n.��..--x.s..w su.-•13:.htAEdg�w.,.^,�i..�.✓.a.�
thing in good' shape. • Recently oc-
. ' cupied by Alex Ross and T.W. Smith
, .. . L
_.. A •ly---at_-J•oY.nxs_.,office, ... ,
PP �,.
AOR SALE ---A Moffat steel Range
do good repair Apply to Gertrude
Macintosh,, Lucknow. 21-7-p.
FORSALE:--Comiort'ble house
with one acre of land, :located north
o ,.. •GfT:.R..•: de of , __.Very • reas3onable.,
f P a
for quick sale, as owner is moving
away. Apply Mrs. Alexy Pinia yson
.:R.R. 5,_--Lucknow. �, _ 544
FOR SALE. -Five -room, . Frame
good cellar, Ko, lar woodshed,
. Ilouil'e,. g -
barn,:cenrerrt''tiled dwell, and "about
r . one acre of land,. Immediate posses-,
hots «ltob ` ohnttto r,.Y; .. a 6x1'►"
Hatter,: ;•. ....26
Odle Ilea/ 24
I,..A, ,x1111.00.
tf yeti want work veli dohs, select
e busy 111411-0* other kind has tie
, tints.
Next week . The Sentinel will
take its Amaral newspaper boli,
day, and consequently.. there wills
he no issue of the paper until
Thursday. Ang. 4th. The office:.
will be open, as usual fon general
businessand orders for job
printing will receive tie :usual
prompt' , attdntion.
The game of baseball between
Lochalsh '•and Lucknow played. Fri-
day of last week in the ,park here
•turned oat to be one of the - best
league games of the season. 'The
teams were pretty evenly matched.
and both played good ball. 'The score
3-2 in favor of the visiting team, was
reached early in the game, , and the
last half of the game . was played
without scoring, ..
A league game between Lucknow
and Teeswater, scheduled to he play-
ed at •Teeswater on Monday of. this.
week, was called off on account. of
Wingham will•be here on Friday of
this week to play, against Lucknow
.at 5 o'clock. These teams 'have had
a number of very close and good
games ' this season:
•Mr. John Joynt, M.P.P., called -at-
our sanctum one evening last week to
say that, he ,and his men.. had com-
months. pleted .the cutting'' of .what was Bke-
ly the lar est field'of wh ti W t
ern Ontario -105 .acres. This %s on
one of Mr. Joynt's farms • in West
Wawanosh. To be exact , there are
just 90.. acres- in one' field and. 15 in
another, but they are.not far apart.
The-erop-is pr-etty--goost-ond
Joynt expects 'to thresh, about 2,500
bushels.. The grain will not be haul-
ed' to barns but threshed, after the•
fasliion of the West, from the stook,
and . the grain taken to Whitechurch
for shipment direct• from the machine
.Threshing was to have commenced
'on .Monday, but therain caused 'de-
The •Lucknow Methodist, Congrega-
tional ' and Sunday School; picnic. is.
being held , at , Point Clark ' this
(Thursday) afternoon.
' EDITH . ROBERTS in • "White:
Yauth" willJz played in the Family
Theatre : on • Saturday evg., July 23rd:
Two shows: 7.30 and• 9.15,
MiSs NMargaret Mackenzie, of town,
who' suffered a 'stroke two' weeks ago
and for . a few days wee in a critical
condition., has improved somewhat
Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Reid,: of Ash
field•,---west---of.--Lucknow,__ _have, the_
sympathy of friends in the loss, of
their little daughter. Elva Mne, tw 4
• and a half months aid. '
Mr.. George Mathieson •spent •the •
week-end_cailing_on 'Lucknow friends -
He looks well, end'says he is feeling.
fine. He is spending a few weeks in
the northern•. part, of the county.
•'The_ town- of -,Walkerton---will cele-
brate the 56th anniversary "
of its in-
au untie(: ee. a --town Jui - =23 030=
by ;the 'holding of an Old Boys' and
Girls'.- Re -union... -Large... posters an
nounce an elaborate program for'the
t r
At . the recent Pianoforte .
Examine -
tions held in Lucknow under . the dir-
ection-of-Mr:--Frankz-S, Welaprim of
the .Canadian Academy, :of _Music and
'Teronto".College of Music, Ltd, Miss
:Alma:Blake,.of:D ngannon Was uc--.
cessful an passiing. She IS -a ,pupil of
Mabelle W. Alli; A.T, Coll. M.
-A--garden •party a'nd -bazaar. by the
'Ashfield Auxiliary of Goderich Hosp=
Mrs. W. H.`Maize, Con.' 4; Ashfield,
F ri' y, =duly -9th•°-Supper from 6 to
• 8: 'Good program, - Ad ssion 35c,
•children 25c. Proceeds In aid of .Ash-
field Memorial Ward in:;..Goderich,
Hospital .•
Goderich isre •P aring for a -re-un
ion of her,Old Boys and Girls to be
held:- August`7th`"to-1,1th: The sons
nd -daughters ofthe _town. by :Lake:
i ureir--are-being•-invited-'back-for'.a-'
week of entertainment in' which both
visitors and home folks will renew
3.t lr zntd vive•.chti taicird
ships•of happy bygone days.
A real .old -tinier in the person of
'dahrrMseDiannid of °Detroit,';arrived
in, Lucknow a week ago,' and will
spend:a_ n intlil_._-renewing old .'ac-
quaintances 'and visiting', scenes_ of
his boyhood. Having been away, for
many years, Mr. MaeDiavmid will. be
best remehibered as' a 1,'rother of the
late. Alex Madt iarmid who,`died at.:
Kinl'oas •village - `• a°:fewArontho-•
Mr:. MaCDiarmid,: put in- many
'mere: sailing ..the.. -Great „La .an
during the war -time scarcity of men
he took the wheel ' for a couple of
summers on a • lake -boat. He was
n in betroitthrou h
'fortunate in bei . g g
out the. boom period and as a result
o=o-o--- -
Miss Tena.'Mackin*on, of • the Sec-
ond -Cori., Kinloss, who hats , been - ser
ioifbly ill throughout ,the past year,
Passed away Saturday morning. She
..rn.,lcen7.39tlyrear.. and ;had " lived.
all her •life on the -family homestead.
The funeral was. on Monday -to Kin
•loss Cemetery. The . family have the
Yrl� Ali ;,�f-- e.`communiP
Y p 'i their t�
sad le,ereavement. •
ondayu7y' 18,
Mrs: -
Martin . 'and Bruce have' re-
turned - after . spending' a couple, of
,weeks ' at the lake at Goderich. :
Messrs, Jack .and Gordon Nevvbery
of Toronto, are . spending their vaca-
tion- at• the home of their r ousin,; Mr-
-K. Paterson. '
Mr. ands W. Cott visited or
Sunday with St. Helens friends.
,Miss .Edna Musgrove,. of Winghain
is spending her vacation at the home
of her -uncle, Mr. F. Henry. -
•-Rev " Jno Henderson, of Toronto; •
_is:.honie. at present. • '
-"--Mire;°- •Thee: ` ieifc er-soil;;:: who has
spent • the last two months with her
ani, Mr, Rol Henrier4ccn, ie much
ruv�c'3'"1n�1"iealt an >;s vial. ung a
present with Mr, and., Mrs. 'K. Weav-
Lif04 *om oriahre 1#11" iaE lncth--Bis
four coni served in he. U. ; navy
during the war,
Per the eeepiio of . tate Old Hone
Week at Goderich the Wjdite titer
Line, oft Det. o t, will runt the to nt.
er d yttounit rent beta it Goer.
o m..
e �t�,�t~te
i h. Mot►�djty, airtl it�
✓ tsab, . ata 000 ;dvir i fteht 0 sip,
valor, 111 Agin Siip*IV ,
M1 rr,'.h
Mzss Edythe .•Peddle' -fend' *Messrs.
Harold Sperling and Angus MacKay
•left this . week to attend ' Sunliner
School at : Lake Couchoucing., ;
Mr, and'Mrs.: Jno,Rp and daugh-
ter- Frances, . of Los Angeles, 'Gal.,:
who_: have_ been Visiting their nephew,
Mr. K. Paterson, left this . week for
-Toronto-where-they Will visit fr'
veer-, olo-oe
-Monday, July 18.
-Mite -Miry Downing, Of St. 'Jos-.
eph's Hospital, London, ie visiting at
3ohl91Io !'lens :`:Y
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Fora», of near
St. Helens, and Mrs. John Poran of
St. Augustine, were. Sunday visitors
at Phillip Hogan's, ' ,. -
A number of the sports from this
part attended the races in Tseswater
on Saturday of last week,
We note that Jao, Parrish is sport.
log 4 He* Ord,
Mrs. obert ltitclila iii sputldiiig the
Hammet lit tha Part AU.rt disili ns
shills 0461 4 ' I
Jr. III to Sr. IIL Promoti''ons.
. Those who took over 70 during the
term -'on• &every test -Mary Douglas,
Jessie Stewart, ` Harvey Webster,
• The, following tried exams:. .
lienors -F, IVlclnnes, K. Thompson
Pass -D.• Milne, J. Baker, S. Jewitt,
aQn. txial S, Decker (Arith).,.. W.
Agar (Spell).:
.Promoted from 'Jr. i V.'• to • Sr. 'IV,
Honors ---J. Stewart, E. Armstrong,.
Pass -M. Anderson. A ,,,T�hompson, C,
,Tltomrison,. 16l ' Geddes. --”"y1 •Sproul, E.
Burns, C. Murdie.' Recomii'}etided-L.
Promoted from Sr. III. to Jr. IV.
Pass -B. Anderson, . W. Douglas,,
W. Eaton, G. Mackenzie, M. Arm --
Strong, q. Johnston, M. Yenderson,
C. Milne. • • ;
--o o -o---
That Mr.. SalIli Braden had passed
away at Hamilton last week came as
a.: eat sur ri e .
gr p s to the ..people of
Kinloss and Lucknowby whom, as a
merchant of Kinloss Village, he was
well and favorably known for"many
years. It appears that Mr. Braden
'did not enjoy good health 'since a-,
lout the time he disposed of his bu.s
iness••at Kinloss, At thdt time he
and Mrs. Braden. moved to Hamilton•
and have since made their• home- with
Mr, Stewart, a former ' resident of
Kinloss.. Mr.. Braden's death • is at-
tributed to. anemia: The; funeral, to
Teeswater. Ceinetery.. ' on . Friday -o.
.last week was held from the home of
his mother and brother, north of
Teeswater, Mr. Braden leaves a
widow but no children: :•
Miss Mary' Webster, of Seaforth,
i snending'a fPiv'days with :Mr;, and
Mrs;. Maxx •Maynard; -'of -Paramount,'•,
Mr. Johnston,, of , Goderich, is;
spending a few days at Ralph Nix-
ix -
Zion. ,
Mrs. J Henderson, of Para-
mount, is visitinga j.sw .weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .Mc;
Gregor, of Whitechurch. -
.I1r. Jas. 'Henderson, of Toronto, is
visiting at Alex McLean's, Lothian..
Mr. Eherles Baird, :of •Paramount,
spent . a day "recently with Mr`; and.
Mrs. Wm. Johnston, of near ,Ripley.
Mr: and .Mrs. . Dick Hacking; of.': De- •
'troit ,'are spending a_ few weeks --with
'Duncan Cameron, of • Lochalsh,
Mrs. Neil J. %McKenzie, of 'Loch-
alsh, spent' a day..during the week
•with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,, Alex,
•McDiarnnd, of Paramount.
Miss Kathleen Hili of `Luck` "
. ,. .. T1oY4', is
spending a few days with her friend,
Miss-Tabitha Kein-ton of -:L ir
Wei Arline "Pickering, who ,'was
visiting with her mother: at Pere -
mount -has returned to Detroit...
Miss Violet McLennan, who was
-0nt-e, hasp -re •;
-turned-tor-her home at Laurier. _
Mir. George Middleton, of the 4th
Con., Kinloss, visited friends in Para.:
mount during -the week.
Miss Kelly,. of Lucan, is visiting
.with_herrsister, Mrs. Wni. Hogan, of
• • Mrs: Albert Cook, of -;Paramount
-was in Goderich, attending the funer-
. of her father, Mr. Jas. Wilson..
Miss M. 'K: n
Mcl:mnna, of Shorn -
ill. : is spending her vacation " with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. D. Mc-
•Lenatan, .o Lochalsh. •
Laura Webster, ,of .Pararrtount
spent: '.few--days-•of the- -week with.
Mr niid"Mrs. orri a 'e, :Rife -
king. .
_ Mr. and Mrs..`Robt Shiells, of Am -
barley, spent a day -in 'Winghan:r.;last
week.: -:They were accompanied by
1VIr. and,Mrs: Victor. Thorburn.
alsh, is `visiting with her; friend, An-
nie McKenzie, of Laurier.. • •
Mary; and Margaret McKenzie. . nz g, of
Laurier. are: holidaying with their
grandparents, -Mr. and --Mrs; Gcurge -
Robertson; of Lucknow. -
Miss Lizzie Baird, of . Toronto . is
mending a few. weeks 'with her moth-
e`i°; i s7311 -s, s -m'"'" !ars. mount.
rs. T'., Lumbers, of Toronto, . is
viing•. with her; mohe; Itilrs. Win.
Buegsit'lass; Laurie tr..
;Mrs,-' Moffat, of Detroit,, is visit -
leg with her brother,.Jas., McKend-
rick, Lochalsh. -
Mr. ,Donald `McDonald, J'of -Sault
Ste. Marie, Mich., who came to at,
'tend the funeral of his sister, is re-
niaining,,for. some time' -visiting.
friends around Kintatl and vicinity.
`Mia. Peter McNay -and Jim McDon-
ald. of Lothian,• drove to 'Se
Saturday- to visit with "Mr'.' McNey's
brother Per a few days.
Mrs, Treat and two _children are
spending a'coupes sof months with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. John-
ston, Laurier.:
Dr, and Miss Jamieson." of, Chicago
are visiting -his :cousin, Mr. Join`
Jamie i, of Laurier, this week.
Mr.. .,.
Archie. z
ew_eork,an o Ailhfleld--boYemot-
ored from there last week an
a couple of days renewing old ac-
quaintances here,
Miss Annie McDonald of Hamel-'
ton. is visiting. at her old home in
all others in .general excellence--..!
isenjoyed bym lliiO4S of devoted friends
• • B829+
'Mack, Green or Mf xed Blends. Sea ed packets Ohly.-
tednesd4y, July 27th.
111 Ford Owners and Others
come along and enjoy the day.
It is : the Biggest Event. of the
. A. RENWICK, Ford Dealer, Lucknow.
.. ' —Tuesday, July 19. '
Rev. and -Mrs.. W-nr.-Maekrntosh -
and sons, Douglas and Donald, „ of
Napier; are• visitors. at Mr. Clarles.
• Mrs., .McDonald, ' of.• Toronto). is
visiting her. sisters Mrs Stuart Mrs,
Murray and Mrs.` Camerdii • -
Earl 'Cranston • .is home •'from the`.
West. '
Mrs. John- Haggitt and :son Mait-
land,: of 4etroit,:.are_sisiting a
Souter . Taylor's. ' . ' -
Robt'.: Mcciuillm,• of :the Sterling,
Bank, Goderich, is home .for" a 'two'
weeks' vacations " • "
Mr. and. Mrs., .D., Todd, Stanley-,
Vera-• =and, Neely :left -;last, -Thursday
on a motor 'trip to Michigan.
Messrs: 'Durnin and .McDonald are
husy getting their threshing.' outfit ie
shape. ,
Mr.'JohnRutherford• and`. Mrs.
Hugh J utherRfprd attended the Tuner-
'al -of • the late Mrs. Courtney, Sr.; :at
A. mberley,.on,•,Monday,.:u._: ., .:....:,
'Mr. Jas. Joynt i's. home from New.
Onterio_for the: v
;acation, . ,,
A ' special: meeting - of the U.F,O..
will be held • next 14londay night when
• a-11--tire-members• A -re rectues•fed-.Tto:-be,
S.No.8, I4i gloss#.
'-•---a�•�-� IST---W=-Scutt•-1.2;-Jx�1�t-off-a-t-Z1.,..
• Jr IV: -T. Moffat .72,.A ,De Mal
chin 71, W.' Young 6$,,J. Scott 66, E..
Richardson 66.,
• dr. H4 . -J. Conley 76, J. Fletcher
71, B. •Moffat 70, F. Moffat 60:
J: TI. -W: Moffat Jean Orr, ',Jim
Orr, E. Wall.' `.:
r.: -',rimer -:o, 0rr. -
A MacAlpinefilTeacher
• r
PromotioS. n ei S: ,Ncooni.. 5, Kinloss.
: .
honors -E. McLeod:
M: McKinnon,'R. Carruthers, M.
McKinnon, C. McGiilv'ary • C Robin -
tion W. .. -Chestnut.: , "
Jr. III. HQ nors-R.' McKinnon: •
St, _IL .__..1on rs,H._.Swan, K
McKinnon. ...Pass..=A„.Carruthers, S. .
McGi1lt•ary .-(ireconimended).
r..1I. ass -T e<:M xray_ J:. Mg.--
c-N. Carter .(recoinmended).
- -J. Mi Kinnon ”
Sr. Primer,. D..'Carruthers; M.
McLeod• •- •, •
r, rriner- . an, ~..Rolunsi3n;
VIc Carter, L. White„ -E. Carter:
NO. . on roll' 29 average att. 22..
Irene I rgan,`,-Teacher
present... • • .
The hair tonic consumers must be
the fellows who used to boast that;
they could either dt'itik of let it
aiotie, •. ..
Monday., Jr1y.. =18th
A highly .esteemed and*1We-song
resident of Kintail passed quietly
awaythe early -ni'orning-`oi•-J.ul'
13th in' the person of. Miss Jane
MaeDanaid She ltad been=-•irr4nilin
health. for the past past 3 years, but she
•lways-;..borewlier: sufterings., wits he
coming Christian, meekness- and pat,
ience., She, was .never given to com-
plain 'or ;murmur.'.,\*i_th her lot.. She
was `a• woman ` of quiet and cheerful_
dispositionPpalwav pleasant 'and: kind
to ever .one and ever. ready and'
,ing to help those needof help.
She;.Was -a Member ,of the'Ashfr_eld
Presbyterian ' Church and Much es-
teemed- -for-- tier sterling ,nuali"ties by.
all who knew her
Thelate Jane,MacDonald iwas "born
in. Ashfield sixty-six yearsago,the•
eldest daughter of the late :Donald
MacDonald and Mrs. MacDonald.. of
i he' i ==survived hi -six -fro-
Kintail.--' S e� y s ,
thers, Donald (Lock -Master: of Am-'
erican Soo) Kenneth of Boulder CoI--
drado,"Finlay'and" Ales ai�10 on
Ash. John' D. of Kintail and Robert
D. on the old homestead at Kintail,'
'She is also survived by Q ne sister
• cD old -nursed'
Miss' Flora Ma on lila
�er..ver devotedly during_ _ her long.
illness... A . sister, .Mrs. ''inlayspn,
of Bouldei Colorado died threeY ears
ago ATI tire" berea,red 'ones- have -
the' sincere sympathy of a large cir-
cle of friends.' , The funeral was
-held- Friday- afternoon r&th and was
largely --- attended, - Interment ` was
Made.: in . the-'Krntail cemetery
side the 'graves': of. her....father _ and
mother, the' funeral service being
conducted by her pastor Rev, J. 5,.
Hardie. The pall -bearers were Dun.
can MacKay John MacLeod Thos.
Harris, Dr:Sin).. foil-;Geoge' Collinson
and Roderickac" etnzio,
-Tuesday, July, 19
Mr. JohnBonnett had the misfor
'.tune tosfall•from a 'barn .on which he-
' '
'was working a: few• days ago, suffer-
uffer- >�
• i
Lri ser . us.• njuries- from. which we- '. u
`hope-hewill soon recover.
.QLnte..:a _nun berw.froni _;this neigh_
•.boi'hood-:atttended.:-the funeral-of_bhe
late Sam -:Braden' :at Teesswater--on
Friday of last week.
• Miss ,Ethel Bannerman is'honie of
ter.bernga.away on.;vacation
Heavy rains , have -Put a stopo
haying and other harvesting' -' --
The bergy-p i Jg`season
n. _
sa; ing.. .
Miss Lulu Kaake is_spending:a few
weeks ,with Mr.. :aiid Mrs.: ()gel Rus • _:
sel<l,,, Kingarf._
Miss_ .Ly is •nut - as 'gone-to_:the:.
West 'where she will spend a• couple
of months visiting with friends.'
.s- Ka din>.--G•eddos st sling •leers -
holidays at•Barrie.,
Messrs, Clifford • and Nelson Col-
well,, of . FI -int. -.Mich., 'are visitipg-
.their' grandparents "hem'," ',
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter "Kaake..were
Sunday visitors with' Mr: and Mrs.
Alf red .-Aussell,..Kingarf:
0 �
The regular meeting of South Kin
loss:Wrlkl,-S. Awa s:::held.:.Sii.:.the_:.chureh:--._-
a13 July all,' Two good papers. 831 the -
,study.topics_ ..V•vCL� gzveil;�y_J
enzae... .... .
MacDonald and Mrs. Martin. it was
moved and seconded that a message
of .sympathy front .the society. be •_,
-sent ; to NIi=s Lockhart. The tilenrbere
are reminded that the articles for•
the bale mast•
soolf bni:T ,_
N J. H, Beemer, who has been agent .
at the 'C. P. It. Station, Wingham, for
80.. years has been euperaniluated and
ti.• .:.,..o.o.,,
gave up hib,duties there on June 80,.'
• . #'e ofid.his wifs`have gone to.Toronto :'
"People are inane More tinlaappy by where they will reside. 'The position; •
the ills they fear then by those they at Wingbarn is taken "by Mr, Erowna
suit iris 'AP • awnts flan, Guelph, . .-4A