The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-07-14, Page 3* • . •,••• • re_ To, lic.roviet 111moot la livinook 'Willi. 110 Illi la WI** 1111111 1- .T11 liNICATION ...• .. ... .,. • o. •� ... BY DR, J. J. MIDDLETON/• 0 Provincial- Board et Heelth. Ontario , .., er, WiddietOd will be glad to answer questious oil Publle Health nub. ., •p tar* through this, ;column. Addams hint at. the Parliament Hidas,. P Toronto. . • ' • ' , 'as va vs, Is ink viz via llama Ink litk la 111i 11 Stsper-Wireleoi, Battles fought witestalese area. plane bombers, Mines uninenned, marines, slaps, .searchfighte,,gons, etc.,: all eontaolled by wireless -all the nete. eitinaelon ot strife brought into Plea, joethape, by the ,simaie pressing of a button!:• • - Such., it is.eita; ere but a few prate wireless wonetezii of the future. . ° 11. °• Aleng the storm'. $1Elfi of life tilde are otherAeys tocomd. The journalist, will.be. armed •with a pocket *wireless symptoras of chelera, and on axaranla telephone instrument. Fame the scene 'leg the excreta of this nUrse Whil *as of his story he wiii taiii Ivo finews,, eampetition. well, the chelere Vibrios 'were. foetid, dieect to the : iiews-roqmand receive first Warning oymptenz of 4„thinning ' a fine euP ap a trophy for inter troop , she beipg, undeuletedly the cause of hie iestractiens from the 'kilter with.- 'blood that 'must not he diaregardea if . * "Honestly, I wouldn't take a thous, , her:health:1S to..; -be preserved. . ,- Renfrew and Kincardine , Tree& and dollars In gold for the good Tented _ the illness among the others, Of out further time . and money beteg When the Wood becomes thin and have beensuffering from growing has done nie," sale Delbert F. Dam - course he Was immediately iablated.. wasted In getting beak to the Mee.. impure _the 'patient becomes, pale, pains. The 'doctor:3"-in both cases- "soh, 174 Browning Ave. Toro the .daeger of carriers the„ first con-itheia pewee. When the wireless sale suffers from headacliesepalpiteticee of ed asergicei treeireeetaa with' tbe re- , "Besid.ei rehevineame or a. bad case' - no Ont., . In 'devising' Means .for dealing with ', Wireless phatogrepae- will extend ------ She net only tlrescput easily but: often :Provincial•Seout 011ecers-reeornmend- wolekeown sarpenter and builder-. sideretion •is to .prevent, if pasSible, tem is mere perfeet hewsintpers will,. • the hearty dizzy smells* end "'a loeseer sultethat, both towns have •two troaea of „ stomach •trotible of ',many years. , • • One of the most dangetons methods of infection is by "earriers,?' e.g., pece ple who, though not showing any ac- tive symptoms of dieeeee, Yet harbot the particular:germ a.n.d.transinit the ' disease to others, :Several , easea typh.ym transmission by'carriets have almost beheme femme on account f'd • :the -publicity •they receive while the origin Of the mysteripus • outbreaks :•,. was being` investigatech In nearly every case the 'disease was ,transtnit- ted through; contamination of the". • drinking water by infected excreta, or by the Carrier ddrectly infecting the • rood.by handling it. • • '• A note4 case on record was that of "Typhoid Mary," a servant' Kiri who a year or two before the outbreak of execreting it by the bowel, or in the A to Z of our existence! Who knows? THIN,' WATFAY BLOODI • WhatAthr:aVcouts. !DAWSON WOULDN'T ..,,, MEANS 11,1, HEALTH! Col. A. W. Gray, aellep, foe Leede, Tin $1 001) FQR IT . . has presented. a large and beautiful , e . • traion2ack to the let Westport Troop, • • • t i3t"I 1311143d 13ings 13r•i4lit 'tht•ruesTheee le7arebig, ays in poy Scout mP]eting ' d the Troop's "colors." — DECLARES •TAN,LAC ' 'Ryes and Rosy Cheeks. - edown Welland. way. A. spenlal ENDED4TROUBLES, Scout iallicere' Training Course le new 4 • Tiie girl ,who' returns home from in full seeing.' The Rotary Club is „aa..._— • . fiellool, or froni work thoroughly tired backing the feur Weal.. troops' both "It's out will be fortunate if she escapes a , financially and "notarially." Arid Mr, the Best Medicine r Ever ofysieal breakdown, because thie get-, J. C. McIaor,*TrooP Committeeman of ' Heard of,), $ays: Toronto ting tired so easily is probably the tee lea Welland. Troop, has just offered MIL eases developing' into earners, ande be able tO.PahliSh *tures of topical failing that, to erptect the cenranti,nitylinterest within twenty, minutes of from the danger' which the preeenceof,' 'their' being taken aud at a distance of, carriers invcilvea. ' • - 110;000 mile.s aeva3'.— Certainly every person convaleseentr On trains no driver, gaped, •aricl freniere, St. Ambrose, Man .has• from on infectious diseaise and abouti stoker will he necessary; wirelepti will proved this in her own case, •and atl- to be disCharged from the isolation. control the whole thing fienn begin.' vises others to• use these pills. She hospital, should first be. examined to ning to end. . • •says: "Before I began the use of Dr. self they are still harboring infec- Perhaps, in the, long ren, wireless. Willia.the Pink Pills I felt like, a cm - tin the neee,.throaa or ear, or Will also control us'; may' beccme the plete Wreck of my Ortner eelf., My' blood was pocue and thin.' I ,suffeted from faint and ,dizzy spells, and had backaches and headaches almost every day. I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial, and by the' time I had ivied 'three boxes I felt much bet ter and I oontinued taking the Pills ontil I telt as well as I ever tad, For what th.ey did" in my, case I cannot re- eomm�nd these pills too highly." . Dr. Williams' Pink pills can„be eb- tained frdm any dealer in medicine, or mall at, 50 Centel a box or six belies for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medi- cine Co., prockville,•Ona aimetite. ' • - • .eaeltat aieW;ineed of juerane. And all standing; Tanlia lia,s built me op ten. 'acethie acrneigion Flak (if theme .are woilcfng. hardMake pounde in -weight end never tele het.... 'Pills. will be, taund.o laave beneficiel there Troop and Alreir town t.h6. very ter' in fife-thaeel..do me**. 1, stir; 'action the blood: Mies Delima Loe *best , Troops and scout townsin On ferees0,1 cOuId hardly staud the•pres'. tario. "" • • •••• •Mitcaell citizens have Oagrenized to back Scouting in their alien. In circlet' to help the two loeel trope with equipment; camp, sport ie eta, and to - provide *a iatisrectory meeting place, five hundred dollars is now being •raised by. public subscription. .This amount also ineludes Mitchell's con- tribution to the funds of the Provin- cial •Council. • • * • Weeeecently reported that the Proek• afile. Feetaey ClUb. was • raising $1,000 for •tlie funds • of ,the let .Brockville Troop, ,:We are haw glad. to be able to announce thatahe amount has been raised ----and it only taokthe itp- •taria.na three hour's 'te get .it together. .The Brockville.Seoutmester, Mr. •A, Is aaiie -of Oeterio's veteran Scout men. . . getright after my troubles, .or It. Thy's:nigh the kindness of Meier W7-iaasn't long before I was feeling tote. Eaten, the.lst New Toronto Teciop willbetter.... • Tee taken .eiglet bottles in , held ita suthiner *s..sniP this year on. ail ;Rad an a Won than, never lose a 'h1s.. big' farm .at Oakvlfle A• similar aay froni. work or feel bad in any way= generous offer from Mr, Chas : Parker,. It's a faCiTalllaa is the hest Medicine • Chairman of the Treop:Conintittee of .1,11evet•Saw or lieerd of,". the 29.th ;Toronto a•filuniber .Bay) Taulac •is sold byleadin.g druggists ee'reryweere. • ' ••• e Advt. • • . • . the Great War worked at several iii•ine. ;In the case of a typhoid Car- • hoesee, in diffeteet sections Of the dIs- rier, the sefest,plan is to lestreet the trice:vahere .she laced, and • in . every. person, as to the danger he or' she es '•;••.•:honse She wenct. toetyphoid broke out to the community if,every precaution •. For a long .time no susakeimarested is not taken. To take 'speeial care ate the. girleas• she was .apparently in. with the dejecta, to keep clean hands, , the hest of health, Mal it was found and to disiefeet the dirty bed and body . .that the outbreaks of. typhoid fever linen are some, of the main points; .;foilloWed .her trail of wandering il Hee also the carri•er must" in no ,circum..• blood Was examined, and it Was found staace: have. 'anything to .do with the ' that: the. girl Was ,harboring the •tire handling, preParation or cooking Of sons are presenteHwinveetion, which . . , phoid gerch in sher system and thus'eaciod for others, e In. tidclitiOn all ear- Was started during the war for de- . able (a transmit it to others. ,.. .1 rier -cases should be kept . under,. 013,- -tecting eneniy forces. 'in front .of the . Much 'ineettigailha. h•a - been dello. servation as nniele eel' p.ossible until A•merican etrenchee,, is 'a' combination regarding ,- tlie - role • Of • Carriers, in they cea•se to be carrier, Whiche•gema- Of .tliermoeiles, aereflector,ahd a -•gal-' a epreadifig•typh.eia 'mid diphtheria, but times onfortunately. Teets for a long„vanorneter..; , The instritment, which- • • '.imany ether. • earrinatirtieeble .itisetises, timea .. _: . •• ' e-• . - • . '•• • •• • lects..moch as a soiend detector ; is gen.; -The. Tatar's Burglar Device.. afe etniveyexl .by this akenCy, includ- • • ' - • ----, . .• . eitive to heat, waves and .can be, de- . • • . • • In Tibet the Tatars have what eis. Ing dyseetary and .ditirrhoga,. small- . H. A. meg. asks if • there is', Env' emu velOped 'to. the point Where, a eeniplefe. peseibly the eldest. beeglararcip in the pox,' ceeehte-Spinal fever,. acute veil- for insomnia. a ... ' • , a • , • ' a 'silhouette of -an object min be given, • . World. •It : was 'invented . • to prevent °myelitis; ..Pn•efinair$cre‘al • iareetiena, ' Yea,* cultivate; ita•contenteda•Mindf .sheaving .the outlines. from .wilidh.heat• people •reoro robbing' the tombs. !sleeping. sickness . scarlet • feller, avoid afternoon slecp end :avoid - wor- Wave.s. emanate., It. can, •aiso be used .. . , . •Wheriever ci. royal personage•died in . .. • Troop, plitees; . his :fine estate at. •tlee .plegpe andtaboraulosisa .Cholera tan eying,: don't' eat or •drink much or fee the! .detection - of • airplanes • thous- - Tibet ..he.. w,as . bur , with ell his disposal of the officers and boas pf that also he tranesnitted. by -carrier, this some: time. befoaeagoing to bed take ands 01 feet in -•the, aira . ..' ' , . jewels andhie -.royal rebee. • To add a Troop • for theii. suremer!butina., aucb • being regarded..as',,the chief •-Cause ,of a -brisk. walk in the alien air ',befOre , U.'S, 0overritheitt Officials are said still aigher tribute., the most beautifel co-Operatieh from 'Meads ef the,T1 • ' Here .-iaaceeteuee-etery-efrerietaagarla! . . helerie-entlereraleSeirr-BoMbay daring :II iri ng ' an • :aye' a a t y a mosp ere to be .cooeidefingeettee 01 the ,Inatrit- .nken•'ot-tria coui.t Weia-sii• . Scouts is • moat valifable :.and very .shhaol. in, •the English :Midlands: . A. . ,.. lalSeAll.the nufaing sisters; with one -at. eight, ..avoid reaiing• in bcd,", and, if•• ment: . roe guardieg • valuable goeds,. his funeral focated end einhalmed on ' the day' With their, beauiy :Ge4mf: .imich anpreciatp ed. ! •-... -• . • ' • . .. • ; .. "general- knp*ledge" lesson was in ...., ;,.'e:5ceptionivon one of the hospital ships .these.measures:fail take a sea: voyage Sii,;ch as 'large. coaleplies,: Warehouses . .,' 's. ' Scouting does,:nct• force • .•• • •• . ed s . .eptning'inte 'Bombay in 1918, showed or change of climate. . •• • -' • • and auttnnebile.ileets net.in use: ' la-. preserved, they were placed in aatarid- be* Obedient. it 'taikes. it for •gratotothe boy tq tii1i.egti:aseii.e'r:'c"t4enn.•a.inlYa°11thee;'' nit9anmiatingd. of. ' tead. Of.' a large mimber of ..guards) ing. position round. the tombof •thei,r that Nils -mid. twelve yeerg, Oa ScOut• the:letters R. •Se .y. P:?'' . There rose • : a• Mg has. demoestrated the. correctness the • *daughter -of.; wealthy ..parentsi, a e set up One or tWO of Bnffnian"s•instrti.-. the royalhad usemaster, each hoiding.seMe tripket urthat : personage • - ': d dixig of thiattitudes;. .• . . •. . . Annual Agricultural . . Wisps of Wast/om.,:.... • ..1 who can be aVOicied,, it is expeoted to A leadiag newspaper offered -4 .prize .stbc°ieste;• ...., . ... Skocktaking. • • •. 7 The man who sells his health for ihents, which will l .,itaneeliately, show •aitlifetime. .. „. .. , e • . te.cputsiohnisni cisrhezriceoVanish ct;i1 the Ioc,ai 1•;.:. - '• .• • ' • • • .• • ' •• 'wealth makes a noeLhargain. ....' the-Lpreamiec of-p-eople-•-in-tire-vtet.nity7 :.Iii,o'rder to ,orotee t es re sifies i-the-Aitt i ag i dpirihat-liad gam. tbe leasalitlialaeilits replieaa. . - ••• ••••••". ', • Ferealie---fourtar'estreeeseieeee, Oa. the i:, • front etteilalse the Titietane eaeotea an, OPen the' do'or • te sespecioe,:." bad .' ••• • .• , • • • . • gieatest inspiratien and. help. .Llnes , .. • . . • • Dontinion Bureau, of Agrhailteiral •Stae ., .. peacealies.-cout.,of the windoeca.. .• • , arch in whith rested shariily pointed from Teneysen and ethers ' were seet ' 51 ina rcas. L in inierit for sale everyViheili• .';.... eration thro.ughout . Canada of ' the When %you don't' know -what •itpie..: ' . : SAVE.,,..114..C111.11)11. Ill ay,,7,.,.,,i.„,hddr Which was 4 release . . . tisties is engaged in:making-an enum- It: is. hard * to get ••What yoa ,ir:ant. in by tlio• bundred.'. The letter...that -.a...a- that discharged. the .arrows a in quick .gatned the •p'rize .was AS follows: a '. ; -tiresie sown 't -o field 'crops Tal f farm t.1-- 'c- • The only hepeless failure is•the.per-. SuCcessime Whoelee trod on the:re-- . I ani gullet -116y ••• • „a. . , _ • • __ an -int -boys ropi-nions • . • • .. . • What He Answered • 714ve 'Stock.. .-This, anumerati ; 4-rmi The editor in a:serge-of the personal ' - effected • by meanae-of ,scheclu•es. dts- ce.s, : ... . • . ...:,.. , .. ,, ,.. , . , 'Own Tablet8: in • • thb house iiir.iy••- feel . .Tho invention, .hidden. roancl". the. hut we heve ,.them Jost the -sante. The ._,.•. 97..5. - 7-11q::;-(5-1 ivho ba.s ceased fp strive for snc- . -.Mothers. wilerlieep a' beat of Baby's; leaseeiebber Xikaineeea e • , '• • . are not reppecied 14, Meet gro,wn-ups; ., . , - • :inkuity column opened ,his geeentletla • etrihated to,andividuel farnicrs.• When- .• . • . .• . • 'yonerant worlaWell done; select 4 'that the livei- of. their little' ones' are :fethriles.and-the tombs or rick Ta.--. Paragraph whiCh ...Ileitis nie.,Most. is tl3e liuSbandi."...a lady. read Or had writtem •• letter with a grout. aaheve,logt -three',' , . .. eep . . „ , thL cirde will eustamen-athe.gelfee kindhasno Mae: reesonebla age during the hot, wea• targ, was dotibly 'efficient e foe it • !loth , Soy. Scout nitiniSe„.as follows :' -.-.:-- --' - be transmitted' teethe- Bureau at 0t Peeple . ate made- more unliappa by til°r. • Stomach troubles., . . ,cholera, it.: protected-pr.operty -lima provided !nee._ i -.• ....`" 'Oa My lamer 1 aro m tee that: I Will Confidentially„ ".aiid. now have the of- - • taava 'far' aerapilation inte totals, ,exe. the •ills. they fear -than :by thoee'. they 'fithinee. and diaerheen tarry . off. thou:- penalize. justice., 77: - . . , ''.... .: .. : . .• de .111Y bes•fi ;To do My dtitk..to•Gliai.and fer:df..eareeethe f Elra:11..i .aecent him?!. -.tent as i regards Ontario and•-13,ritfs.11 ands of.. little :ones every eummee, In; ,.! •thor IC.ing, Tobelp other people at all This ' wits the last Sife.W. ".If. you've ,Golunibia • where • the provincial:, -,de' • .. kat,. threee•huebandeaa..:lie-- Wr o t 8 i ' 1:"I" -- I atl • ad : • t ca ' d • 1. ' a.. . . .... 2 .. . . -;. - .. •. . . .. - ... '' .,t. --e mu attic ante -an •s11 ,due, most .case's .because ;the mother .does •.' - •Seeldirag For Mix.- ..':-:- tiMea•To obeV the Scant _Lai '''.17''.7' partnienta,Will, Undertake 'the cOMpila7 ,by . misfortune, but greet anisrds. •iise met have a safe'xnedieine at hand ,to , . .. • . . . - . • ..' i • -shot:ad-say you are much too careless . -:•• ., ------..,- ::. 7 givo.:..-Iiro.urptIr: •:pdby's` Own- Tabslets - Oanon litirreugh.s • of Peter- • .- • • ' • ". The world. la full of' will lie \i,• 17 lit' ;Ilia ': -Vora aThe•tollection of: ;•these• statis, atibv6 ft:. ' • • - ' '''-•••• • . „ • • . '. qica' represents anational ill.',WiellitOrai . HIS Hearing Restored:'to, be' trueted with_ rateurth.a • -• ' '•-• , . . •... I • • • people— these .troubles, or given oc-'• .: • • ' t. •• • - England,- Wae • in :Amerf4..: . ' some mc.n hs ago he told •this ,signiii-• • . iirvroman eraproretrinan - Th` 1.-vi''ible Vps drum inveitted. bV . A Violent _lite of . ange frecta,athe , eacietakiiteee pf , much e eelue . to . • , • • • • . eaattinallY.",:to•;_the_Ne..11,1111.d..-40.11,:%p.r.e..- '-ea.e..t etee-ye - , -frr,41P.e2.-; ;willing -to.....work, .' and -rest: • 'faamers. •as well. ite ' to. the country • wiimg To .•• . A. a :Leonard, ...A•tioh. is a• .miniature . heart ins,antly, and. PO on has been let them. --,- • .. • • - ' ' 'N'.'? il,t. • their . coming •ozt.. . .. he Tablets T • , . ' •Engisli mill was allotted a. dilliculta megaphnefitting 11 aztr endiscovered inthe b1d i mediately ' • a‘„ _generally, ,..0Wing to these a.neactl eta-, •, elore -harin• is done- by. the cowardice are. guaranteed by. a goVeranient an-: •', piece pf :Machine .wbrk.0. to -.- Tho 'terely ' . , o, :,.: . . Aistics, -it is p.o.ssible„to.. show that the :: '0- th as e •Vilin .1:Pe 'afraid to • do that': alyst to;• be.. absolutely.harnaless,,even' foreman toid ter t< sen .01. Iliii i dut Of sight; •IS Yeateritri:. the -after- s-uch.aneouthurs : -.,•-a-rea-in-Ganaila-mider-4e-kleross-in whiC1 s ri lit thlti•b 11 • .- ' • • • hearinglriind'redS eta people en . . . . . . . ,f to the -newborn babe, 7hey-.aro es- She had 'any tretibl.e.„ w.f.th ' her' thaehine. ; , , • ..., • / , • .. cr_eased 'from._ about_ 8900O 000 ....'acces_i those Watedoeteeneg. -711 I •- • in 1915' to •nea,rIY aa,000,00.0 'acres •in , ' '..; • . - . . . 1., . .... • ' regillate . the bowels clad • keep ,the .. : ., . ,. • .pecially. good in eunintele'lleouge they ., She.ha'd t•ii:senid-'-ftgAti-ret`17t-ini - 1 • . . a I I, PrlaCit).' Al!.....4eaa'A 41.Y.P.ne.(1-41.1•11t.':-.:-.-•_-.:.' .L .: ..._ . _IT . .••,. • Minn •'•fe .reiteve hi.nisear. of deafnezs '•• . . '. • 1 I •4 • .' 1920 and_theirev.alnefeem. $815,a70,000 . . a., ,. • . - • ..___,_,e, • . • and'fInally 'decided that she Would net... Mil d bead...noises,...and-.4:.-does this ,,---K-lit4----EdWard'S•'Joke.,.. . .491nia.Ch-•sweet- and... ptiro., .' They are , . _ • , in -,1915 to 11-,4C.5a144-,000.•- he 1920 ' or •• s....td••hy• medicine Aelleta.„ or by thall'a t bothei: it int . tigarli-Jukt 'Weald .IferS elf ITST.I'•• • ' ••• ' - - -•- • to. retnedy any trouble • that inigat, sucteesfalie,•• ti at one could tell • he' ' tt ,, • ' ••••.- - -neatly 75 per _cen-t... • : .• . . .--Jirdge--Athiam-was pitani':ofilsiff-•'re: 25 cents a_ box from 1 he fir. wffli-a.ms-' is a dent:Juan.: dt- is effeetive-'when-IH ,.. . • . . • .. .... ,. .. • .• . " . is. only 'Genidne:_:2 wuro.A110, 1.3.e'ard, tritineedein the 'seine ' ' . senailitece to King Edward . VII.- He .aledicine Co., BrOckv ill ei. 0,n t. '. ' .. she • .trie.d. -..t.o. .acitiquer„ it : „..E4e,...mi.S.relY1;perror a ted, er .whdlry.destre. naittr: . • arise... But when. trouble Occurred. and ti..,.. „ • • .al1e . : . . 14 nr..-. • The 'Effioiency Eholeeer. made the diftleulty":'werse. --The sma.-• .411. drUMS.• .r.-tk'.'request• for infertile -thin •:•. • • - •-•.•- • ' - .... , ,4-,....L...., fa,shien, and ' becasionally freetientet1 • :•/.a./i-aar ...ta the Toadstools ee,"' • . • • . , • ' . • --. • ' ••tO...A... (5;-:I.Nmard-, snite'•43.7• •74); Pi:Ult.' Chine. came to •a complete stow': , ,Soine.• one was,tallthi•g.te a :Western ,the..eadria .healtle..eesertse -One:: of- the. *---A- tarde.ie, or 'ii: saiti-ki;a3. "7u-raT iiiiiiir .". When. the 'fbreman came, o her 1 . , --man With..refenreneeite..s.eidiitifte,..farni.t.inahy_fa_ntastic.:s.fortes.ha_usethttoteg. had" aarefriarkaaleakao wlad.g 0- ,ef lenge- sha :mood' tip -at, iiiiii -arid said; . I am AN eno„,. Ne..N.Y, ligtli,:.t,t.)",..w.o.l.he, given....,.. -•-• ea-.:'n.Pierlinit • reple: f • •I'a ' i'... .. nalata.' • .e''•numegement• •,--- ... . . -.• • •••:• . - ..• e • - ; .• orehis,:ativ.enturee-aad-inisaaventtie •So keen was he on ,hliantiobby,. says the • My hest,' , . ... . a . , , .. . ..• ••.... • , . _____ . • .. • "When.," ;said this than; who ;Cherisliran as IcilloWs :' . '"',. , , . .. : . . . ..: , -... ••• eS-• 'lratiter- eld-fashiorede notionse •al-* ; --See irereaRialtaidaegaidefaingalada. London- atioraing Pot,- that: lie soine•i....:No.,'...Saitl the feIeidpi.gui.ettly.. •:,.t,Its a aa.•. e. .• --wheeer; petiiieee- . • •••• • • tones neglected his pcieteraa, wail to` lest ..4 • se tuling ..for .nte.7, , . . . .. . •,. •aa. ., .. . • ' hear the'bragging ef these. !efficiendy Ward to .nifj. on one .occagion; aethis .....searelt • for apeeintees.. One day heq''','fIPS men ,and Women eveLywhefe, .. '...P.,°1". e „ , reantany-fold the papa ,ef a. ‘form 1 :1',, Wha -won t do,. year, Majesty .... . engliteurS':titat-thertan*'firdease li•Y -won't do;7-youo,know." . . -; • .'. ." : 1 .• . . i. - - • . , . ., stopped to see a bedridden Old , ladY, a.r.e trying. to do: their best alone fpt.,-..-•- xvhe tritinetaately reminded, .hini ha* .getftiV that:Abe Master of - all • WO* .. . . ' `.,43. 0 "politici.'--. Itn•al?". . . • -•:• :change err an y•-setbstitut e .fe:r. so:in:tie- .- ..., Weill al g! -.it'• ,ollpiniq ._ to take ; a , -•• jaates-.4T-. ,!-• -H 7--,-''=- - - ••• - '.- .' am remintle.clent .the -ease -of -ona,Toth,Taakett. --: . ;. -- - -- e-----,.... •• • • • • . • • • .• ."No ir be - t e• -e ,an•t • 'V • ' '-• ' ' , • ^ • ,, • • '' • ' -• ' • .. , . .,_._:'_....-)k.,14.44: comes - io-thist• -yon-.,pr.,-I; long it 'wee since heallad made his last. 'salmis .ready to bele them in the re- •• ; '37•_ 4, . -, • • - .anY -.11ng .111 Ilayer. f ablets ot.Aspirin, prescribed • . call. '.'" • . • " " . ' • • • ,• inediable-little,things tia well as fe tale • , . _ • _• ._ _ _ , - the ,world tnif..r.e., 1,ng..u.,1-ar ,thna politics.7 ,b.y7.pli" I...ell, Junior -7. •• r .1 'aiirkiS a:. :.f6r • Itlw. etity,on'e .,:Yeiirsj.:-.; - . . ......„---.„4--"Toti•i--was feeding, 1119 hen, otte,stun-...mtiat--).etwe -,Moutbui•g•-,.---atrk•I -To . . , .. . , ' • /33 1.•iT ...•1 1 1 ,licl. been a:toadstool," •;--he- it.o... .great.'tb ingg 'they jead to,..,Tho. best is '.. ' ' .. •a• -e -a -•-a- ereee-••• , .- - a• a and, provedaafe by Millioue. , Unless .. Meraclay with cornmeal when ...along tosti ilit which .it is to be. : I doe'a Mita lareti;•. - . .. - . ...• .. . • :MONEY biaieElaS.• ,•,..„ .. ,.. ',:yetaa .have been: ep ,iiee • ine- ativa-ys*tiding for,•:Ipstn;.: .: .• cable one orthese expertis. :. ':• ••,, ,..in -the-least :them mistakingihe for beeeeeet,-; , '„ • •: . -, .. , • ... _e • _ • . . _ ,'' a.. . ..1(•nd ,.....a ....1)Onduapn...E.epress-"ItIonea er en •tablete• you ,are - not 'gettitig As- N'1',U 'Set, the:nahie;"13aeer"..oe'pacicage .. . ___ ...et.;,..,kds_ne.t......ntin:d.,..the,...thand.....playing„ . . . ' -------.*:-- :.-.- tv--. -- ' . ' •-••••• 1, Thai,Uroon-rettote,85.:0-:--ttpat.--tpe-----plf. . 14-e-4. oll..1,•••ects , fitree,tc. !..ti,.--.1,i,rt.,‘,„ at a /I., ,.-lir 4.,.. ,v-.1”,.. 13 IS ..--.---. -_ . 11 • • . _ ••• • , ' •:"..I.IVIiyuerietlithe',..expeit.,•: ',.v.a.S..te.p: :. ,. a it • that 'geed cairn meal oh -elk-. these phi, ,Savo the' ..KIng wheneeer I: Yeet tale 'Minaitl'aLleirneria Retietres Ne.uralgie S•e4.!Onci,,, • • -,,,•-• .ier ,,be,,came,.t. klakway...,fig.„.sOpOr pv. tot. 19ia,",: P!,41„.4.W'.s.,,,Y.OLUTS.eit-1!,....epra.01.-and ' and asked :how the itaWdU'st. Teed • wti.0 have a cleink," it aieeoines a. bit tire; ' • ..• "Then he. went, it -Way. When •next. ont• with ,a"streng •Cork.•ac'cont, Mal- ".b.ons? • The sitiff leeks leaf lik,P savi..-. pear. bene jyill 'never know'.the.diffe,reneo,'. 'ping ,tue on the :shoulder and singitig - aweee.a..:akeee • .,a...eabealeineteerateetatteleesa eallaatelealeile-e.esaraithaeraesserataeteriaearripa '-aa'a , ; ee , .• 1 • 7 . •• , . r . • . B 11 t . when / Cannot, chow my faue ..-.'--.;-,- ''. . --!•••••...1.----- —7- ----------------------------- 4..z....:,t.g,•;.',-, ----s.,,:r.4?-ziz. Ceti money_ he iblicle out of the: ex• Ong. for liis fortifies to, •Chatige be ep- • •,.- e Exp ore r s ewar . . . , . , • ., .... : . , . . . r..,.... ,, Dia--te -400 0,hnt,-*: - a - -a. •-pai.lei.tair '-calcia-e- .60 nieeting•her Aither in' Vile hall. • 1. few 'ct-nt,-.. , Dregglsts see -yOu to.-xleY. . .':ITliere vvas , a. strang;. nal n ' here, to' • TNItliaelte,. Liinibago ..nria, ....,for Pain. • , . , .. ---,--7---- ••,:••-.,-,,,---7- • . - ' '--;'n ro • &free:tor ',,,•- for .: rol..1,,, .1-To.,rio-olT, , • , Whra He Kati. . .. , . 4 wi..k.„.144iti... ,...,..likaant.t.w.•,,'„,;i.,,-a„,,,z,,,•;ips INe, .,. Papa... • I. e . hal Just P .pl, ei le tja trede. tnark - (registere.f in . , ... .. , . .•. . ,Paita.'-said litile.Ethel- I.Ii..i.dy'Lit.lioxi:•s oftwelve tablete cost' e • • • •„ alai. ceicidaa ..tenirrii.• ffis'o sell larger • 'eforking., • . ...., . .• • • • 4.... . ,, .some.'''".. . .. • " 'Fine,Yaaid Toni. 'An ,old yellaw . , ....._...............__0_,.....,:. .' '. pleration • or utieharied.parts of ••the I plied relictantly to the .Nortveglan. 1100. • • e -., - •• . :. • - . . . , , ' • • a:Medea pe. , Bayer ,.\ Tii,nufactuiv of world?. ' . •••'' . • • :- • • .1'.GoVertiniee t` fOr .the very „modest sum --.------7-- .. •..... ._ • • ' ' • . • ': - '1 or :vice; ioacIdester. of • Salicyliencid. 717. • eon has •bean on, it evafesince-aotabefte ..: _.,„_ -1., . ' ... . . Woman era -e -ea ._ eee in ho• o.,t, ..w.kti:hings sit ' of • the GraY . :,7 --" Woman . is • a . riddlo,'! lioditioii iVilleli bee elt.eady Started to 1.'WftS refusedSVer . '`.-yeile. thought - --The,atieStfait:fs'aiiggestek.lif the-ek• of 5, 000: krone rt (about *1, 375 ) . • Th is , . P 'As :. ' •R,;/,`•, ' ft.'. it,' 1.4 "'Cr! '1," ,•)'. yr• , 4' ...• . . 4,3.41, have•the idea thateconalderablo sums circles believ:ed in his schotnea. • • . Nan. • * Al• "4.-• ' 4":'., •• •ohicks .hed-Woodeu. legs,..three.-Were . Bray- That's right. She• keeps us. ". .;• '...i '47\ r ircille Mount Everest.. 'Many people i?ti a &reamer. ..•klo one. in ,oilicia.i• 0 Al• et4r,- .t:::' i.. -^ ..4. 9/00dpechers,:and-• thee:rest were rata- guessing, atlit yet:we-hate to give lier • -,..,,,. v4 ,..birde.;.'....,:,......,;, . .. . •- bp!" • .• •-' . . •. . q ,Itl'i":40. iTe LIME- . ',of, money accrue ee the ex•pleree as • the • liehaeol_a_liriost given.uit 'Lope of ever- • ... etallai' tie' Efia • residem of• lecturing, •or fro. roYalt.i08',-ihalting the eliir epedition when pee day s :: ‘,-i ee• . i .4.,, ,...71.i..-., ... The Sixth Sensp. • . Through the invenilen of Samuel 0. Homan, a an Francisco invertne, "sixth sense"seems to have , been created,' At a'aistance.ef 600 fedt, in total...darkness, 'Ionian asserts that With the aid of a delicate instrument for tae detection of heat Wave' he can tell whether one two or several pee, 'Sure of my clothes' against my stone a ach and ale way it pained ene was simply terrible, gird often I had chok- ing spells, when I vainest lest my • breath, I was so nervous I couldn't sleep and mornings got up recall* more tired and worn out thah on going lo beg. I lost weight,considerably and became eowealt I Was constantly los- ing time from work, and many. times • get to dizzy had to grab_ hold of _something to keep from falling. Near- ly all the time I had a headache and sornetiines it hurt me so bad 'I could • hardly endure it. My liver. was in an awful conditiou and I had liver spots all over my body. "Well, I just kept getting worse, in spite of eaerything a did, until' I got 'Panicle. But this nieclicine ,seemed to ,••••:Val te••••••••=•.._ •••Iaalaamee'g-e_e. PiiSTUM ,A nivenaoi 4 Peafum Co- roil .C.orSpil, imo ott_. • I • .46 04,-11A.1.•! Tio oe fitany7people find. that ° tea and crafee are foes, firheralth, btEt that —trig tarit' Pos turn is' a friendly tabie drink.. This pure cereal beverage is rich in aroma and fla- vor satisfying -,and captains no element of harin far nerver,4 or digestion. eres a Reason" STU MI (a)ini 0: itotoft,16"tteiallfillig" .ailtakillt'rea 'Alf - lie' receieredarioni '`Clieenhagen'a 'ditiffi • - i tor, 1 :i tAW. (A.VV..0:01.1383111.,..,•11 .0Am-from an T . • itk - _he ex, hoivii:vdi.,f tirds._iiiaite.4.,Lenaje,. gale/lees, and thatikey mit toan- e• d•- - e-- ,. elf:a1-112411-; 'money outofhis beroteamit fonauitie interetfuTotts Gdvernitieut, bfitate nn ill I. 1.... . . ' . .....1...... lintered . reet, .sere • Foot, Tired Feet, ' . eadertakings, Sir' Ernest Shackleton, ki:t•iwr, friend, Natieen tat oiit With -a , . aurniue ana Aehtak Feet 1, CO. .. . ' ilfetih!ed litiblieLY, tatert • . he return i..glatt heart for thicy-Wastes-of Green e ',..1'.,\.c.tet.:a .ha"-ro-at,!...!•14.•-wers-4.t.--alltig:-11nPL.- • • . ... ; .fiont the e.V.Pedition'. h'egue in 1214,•that .1 laid, and. thero ,he made 0118 of the 4'llti YffiJr.,*te.i'l'.-ktre:(...11!Mctvw psetv. . . . , , . all li la royalties on books and .all ,his ' leleteric journeys of the •world, . • 1 -"all"" nii`1"1.1112,1atel';'••i'ri• kikiir.."!ela.,'II""' .. we 1.• w b.f. . . )1.-.. . . .., •.. . • it ...,_ .. , .. ,..-t-.•••• • • i, ' • W'ii 11 0 ll 1 ri -botoe. : • - • -- • - -- -fees-41 or:- P•ab-14,C: I.c etA44A144•4•Ps-nix aill.0*-'''•-!--1--vii-o,":c0.0.-:Pf'''e.:1Plo'rotletr'''hati:"I'isarie-wiliareltaer-eacer-terea-eateretetnaleal,e'-"h.. gaged befbrehand. Otherwtse. he. mt,d; enermous,ly.111 recent ypqrs. One lune . have been unabie to nuclei take his Arc.," driql: thousand'dollars , Would trot go , . tic inVestiaatiens, , • .• ' ' ..' far 10 -tiny iii the?' N.r Wifii•tling of .an 21121,. i, When . alutohleten i•eittriled to Eng- 'eitieuS expioretion plan It is, doubt - land in 1000 lie 'was 1' 11 a knight- , fel itedurieg the presela trade slump, no Cloyerenielit can. etlitilltIC illdeli- Christoeher Colunams.seefies to bave ' conies a time when thes6 gallant ad• • that exploration does not pay. • Hell mincowsmillo hood and a Treasnry getti,t of i;1100,000 : an. aepeal • for' puhliC -subscriptions toWellts the expenece 0; his es:1)parwo .; uid b ,ring i -n very Itlige, sums of tion to. the, Sotith Pelar regions, Ilia ; moti'oa• • • • ' ' ' • e lately to HIS 111(0 eeelerers; There I been itti exception to the, general rule Vonturors._world hardly be able' to managed to get very good terms'tret of meet their private bills, • bilt for tho 2 10tbe11a of Spain end her consort; and i geoprosity of, friends, . , i he :left a will disposing of exteesive • When -Neilsen Wanted te explore the !,properte. • ' •• coast of Greenland be' took at. for ' 13ut, in a general way, .• eitetorere • granted that he. 'himself wotild-fiave to ; tent he , counted among those. who : pay.for the Cast of the expedit1on...111ft give their all fl'eoly and gladly for tho Ataerlettai reatete- Dog •Itittneedot on • DOC DISEASES he was net a rieli than, and after wait.' land they lova • and Ildwl t‘o Fbod Mailed PICO to any A&dress' by the Author. FL.Clay Gloteor Ink • 11S Went 81st street New York, U.S.A. COARSE SALT LA N IY SALT Bac catriota . rolowro coma. wow° 0. J. ouvr TOtiONide • Quieltly .• Soothes Scalps, Treetment: Gently rub Cufiettra Oitit.thent; with the end of the finger, on spots of ••dandruff and itching.. Pollow tient niereing with a hot tharnpoe of Cutieu:a Soap. Repeat in two weeks. Nothing bet- ter than these fragrant sneer -creamy emelliente for all skin aud scalp troubles.. Soap 25c. Ointment /5 niu1543e. Weep 21c. Sea throughout the notnition. Cauaainu Depot: , otto. ! 344 St. 'Pent Si.4 W.. Montreal. " Cutitura Store shaven without num ISSUE"No. a '21, •••M. _ . •