The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-07-07, Page 2IT4o ri o '�iad r4a or farze have Applied iho name of lfts-., to tbe MW ts Shal —F' There js� Wit miscon+ ronli the Great 1. the —Kei� the Peace in wpl Alean countries on the I rm;ult of the Influene, zmted uMA, Hidden North earth cana(ulari system of 6verinvent, and' he by the lin on. W Olin. Under the ZULM, -Both pull -or attract the � &rth � in, among uninfo*ned , si�ctions qf the varying -degrees,. tha power ot,MO 'People a fairly gene opinion.. still moon belng'about'two. and 4 quatter
A exists that, the, Donflnln,- forming I By Fie. ick Niven times as great as that pf the sA% This travell,ed ...... . imt of Lbe B.i _5h 1�m,pire, Nvith o1KAPY., timles now I'llaya I tell Is to tun the'Fisk.9 attractin is, moit evident In thecifuld, monarch at its bea4, is necessa .... . ''Pe,filon. of the Virth!& 6jrfata_thQ4
ell ing, rala.ked *it) or ev hve Wandprod L they eT rule, or !is� W dwn, trirough, a" considerable With subject to autocratic ind peeanis larger l4kee, whch;are so tortioU of tk6 dePtb.L of it upon or. on Speysid�, vei much. at the didtates,of the Col� .$It 40WIL affected that 'they,,bulgia onial' Office in London. Nothing, is t Qdg occasions; . and. here he Isaulmon. ter on,
f 4rther from the residents formI4X a risin of the wa the its extreme. West, to reSt"R t. t he, rh!ei 6 'sem jruth, As �g
io side of' the�'earttL,'nt�are�t'tbe,.jnoon.
last Journey through,At., 'to be- 'h, ;1:, 'of fish of the Domin n who hivve come from and Also on the opposit %peg After AfY 0 sie wltIX all quarters of the glol)e could testify,, to Me4itale on the'thousandsi pf XnIW: w I'S half wae in and whilst maintai4ift,, her lace asi corr pond -Ing low water baMeen. em4tlry ply the slip- as 'I have come, and let my M Thv reuion, for extreme Irig -4 'd the Empiil�j Can4l Lkt the-,tim6s bf the n44w and full moon Vdill. the -collected picturest. peiry fl. h, anil. wss out .9.n. to n integr. I part nd .9ome foplish fellow of the Yellow the banks? v. flips ada'iw absolutely self-governing, a Is because the Inoon ii theil, n .4 line Prem that Press, that � dotes ui)o*a the hank them to prepaie 'the, store of �t its go.Venment L-, sccond to iion6 ih' Inter fodd -its demoeratic ti�aits, 'Canada is ai with the sun, �Ad the. -water rdacto to
BhrW, the high-pitched. the BUMP *1 Every ye4t the, canne combined pulli-of,both bodlea. At
d,.her status �as such tive phr6se, is sure, to rise up one day 'I" buste with z�ctlivlty; an 't 4nd tird quarters the UmQ ofthe fire, eatest 'Cana:dlan Everywbere,� ov6r, all, through the. anT of the moopth His and- - ask for. !,the' gr Maje K�tng 006rife. Plainly asseited, -d ret!o�gnized. at he lie Nqrth -`0alstlm in "the little who iat�F dw- Is
All. ern P f le is.accor wrIter"'to tell iti uratea t Peace' Con erence,'and. the single -unit pull of the' sun a�;tg
Consider what hae'to 'be, wid.��of _Qjieks,�, on tile !'tveI-pT:iIn 0 22, Thlitz' is * di -a ftj�st ad A, voice among t-bor,pitiona of the tbt� '011 Jull at right -a S
the NeWfoundbind bapk�,� Parliajheqt to sit 14 1,21,ylarff. th, -. Thaugh - sponta�tlousjy -her ngle to thej*o. and A iluar- fished:* pi4i4sj'qrAowp theAbiked-,waterv. vs, IrIsh ear fisheridea. and by fl4fi6r' -Iqi theTe is sene, of loyalty to: the Empire, tool�',,�er -into! ter Rnjt, pull of �he modil, thn-3 dwijuw Elizabethan eten In thid cit tliw war im I mediately upon L�nglandls. L -n -exert.
Q g-Ifing ingtbiriallkJIM attract! s ago, wholi the the bigue,511 - this ]al- 1 It aln)Pst aP- from France centuti( Facts for the Curious ad upon- the.qarth and.producin a great contilient behina hem" was. but pals the - voyager thri. gh he desolate I declaration,' she entered as an inde, Itle -hse nearly It may sUi�rlse the generaj*rodder that do; not as hight, th a Land unknown; of the Go,aile,speak- beauty of the Norilt Shore (Superior); pendent nation, un' Was undiei!, ni �.compufsion v.,hatn'',ever td enlist Ing folk of a patch of Nova ScOtta; at the all of loon bivaking the sil- to know.that there r4re two chapters - diies occurring during the the Bible which are ideptical, these n'r Her. Majqsty Queen Mary full ormew.mooa. of Afcaai�, a little world'apart; Ahe pn6 dwe' fills the beart'there, -it orces o,r resources, took tart in the notable ceremQnIes in
being the 19th chapter of the Second AnnapolIg Valley and tts applebln�, Acns the, pulse through Southern Self-Governin As the nidon , appears to -revolts Int, aboijt, the - earth once- every tweuiy- Book of Kings and the, 37th eh4pter of Belfast at t e O.pentilg Of P4rlIaMc
s6m; Gf the Labra7dor 'and the. lor- Alberta, especially, if some great sh6w Canada is a�.self-govening j3rltish itvians: of the old.*9tic1.toWili% of the of Nature . be itfoot, sua'as that of the IsaiA, There 'are'929 chapters with dominion Nirith,.re3ponslble� govern- four hours and. forty-eight mInutft, 592,493 words in flie.Old Testament,, rih�e. F44wrd Islalia� They-werd all two tidal Waves. contInally sweepF province f QD'ellec., 9f th4a'4uebec hinible-weed In the south-we�vt wind— meat, W�ich mears, , that. the Will of and 260.chabt6rs and 181,253 wo-rds in ted by the crown at tbe.r6cojn� around.- beneath bar, causing two high hinterind and the habitant; of the bush after busi blown awa, brittle, th �e p"ple is hb§alute in -'the matters appoll,
tow from horfzQn to the New Tetament' - - . . I 11 I . . mondation, of the colorliAl �fflce.,By tides and two low't1des. In iacli ap� bu.tt4nd of Ontario down ard the from itstem, bobbing Of g0vernillent, and that the governor- Asked off-hanil' 'one. wbuld. probably tal, he kings represefitative in the-, British'North, America Act,. how- proximate day. GreaA Lakes, -and its' hard-working horizon with an effect as of 'loping gone - M , that * ther -OatArkk,� north- coyote Packs, say there'were more wards lit tM ever, wliiIst the ofice' oT governor- a=je � Of 7AO . . x c th,� country, must form his executive ward, by Muskoka and bey ere. Bible, hailin.' Shakespeare's works, cou cil, or cabinet fr6m the membe- gai n 0Y end, 'wii -AIWaY4 teraa. this sense of vast. erl: was contillue'd..'gover' ors or x ell
i g - but, as'a matter of .'act, tfie%balance n i's in , -rate, ecasel to. exist, while it liaA been recently shown th4, farms Wn but and -an appArent ness, by lake amd pi�fi aid' on Into the ent who can commiand tho the sep. Is In-favr of the 'Bard, has. �the and for, m N� -c licuten- mouiltaffis where. electric storms, support -of the l;itibii the rei in � a. crowded, heated, Jstz'ness, beg!". of ty of members, ant-goverpors—i that distrees !rhat eatest writeroy, would jz,-,Lve when little rain folloivs, set'the Woods respectable total -of 914;780, or 41,317 0'1!��611ouse.'of Cninions, the libuse iivariftbly - Canniianqj M, . ls,:no U due to an- excess �0_t -car-' ble- 0 so that ono'wholo raAge is as 'ingre than the.Bible* --i),ppo1nted* by Me governor:genaral' bean proved -F to tel also -bf the Ontario that igvt which in practice 'h,as. sple control of boilic, acid gas it lias.'altsq Altogetli6r his plays have no, fewer comes definitely. nortil, wfiere * the lit a bonfire, and still an to where the , ht council.. The' gor,,ernoT- aneral, And
the powers of taxation, a�d appropria- 9 . .1 e e human, life tan t10 stoaFps we stocked',with raosquito:- great, 'lusciou in the than 1,277 chAracter, onv'of who4n� lietitanalit-gPveThors of the prov- b.6 suppoftAd.. s teaches the grow, (Hamlet) has 11,00'Words to deliver: tion'. It means that the political e-xe.- th s are , the sole representatives of ho went net and sn�wslkoea, vi , rifies a:nd Okanagan. 6utive' of th6.d.jiSr resign!s 'its execu- lnc* Surg�on Murray Xfevlck,� W g in Canada, a d tb 'fishing-rqda, Atpel trapa. 'and Alacki. �_,Thero 1-..We.-Ba'tAo.wli to, res.t, and ."Hamlet," indeed, is the longest p e, appoilim.
layw iv� furictions.W116ileverAt ceas6s tolthe ki �;Nvlth captain Scott to the.Autarctic,' recall iny'Journey' of lot six con . taining as'it des 3,930 lines while _nt Of7the foi�me.r which ivalwys baw voatsi 66. Ont4rio -of the birch- possess the confidence of .,the peoplej lived with his party for seven mouthh n are -the pictures on 11, rt;- dope. With the app al of bark caiioei a th� sh, ing: "y montlis. 'These the- "Coined �,61! Errors" Is t a sh6 �i>v' tJie Do 4- in Th6 Dbminion. of C�Ln4da is under 1.1 an ,lgloo"'Or show luit with tee-, that ..One hith I �ffieditate, and- I k est, with 1,177 line&- fullest m nt, is the only ci�jl ..yello* Peterborb eanes now What esponsible goveriiw�.,ent in,th minbon govern e lined. walls, *aua during that tima. the lbv�s a fine hv- lies' beyond, westward stilk the lum, The'-loriieat w, 0i'd Is "lion-orificabill- - meaning servant.inst-W by tlie'crlown-' Those!:a1mosphere'was quite ptill in theplace, 11barns, to love- as one . . 14,04� term, aTia in: the 'itt-dinitatibi,11 -�whlch' la cerbailiily men �harve -absolutely nd!Jilfluence that. le6a beyond the bar camps, the sound of te axe In the a terii,al affair of the . tountry- theie. Ing.. thing; Of I with xiot,6lifflelent QxYgen to. supRort can' be. zio 'iminvited Interfrence I y the cum'busion of:a lanip or. even a land, of quibt and blue And.ochre dis- high w.o.ods. of the Coast Ranges, the tongue twister 4nd.. might, take,, thw the g6veftini-ilt or its policies, .b affecic the arning call of "Timber!" and,Ah6h place'dr 49truly rural". as a test of so- Great Brita4j, by diractly'or- indre-eily-do, not wh4re t e.. -nit of a wet pad-, w h 0 ty prldam eve (Day politAeal life of 'tempts one to re . - 'across* the �%ilnd.C=Aed 3,k� Ithe dull thud. at Westininster, the,Colonial f C The' circumstance b.rid th
e Don go down to th" mill that '.The curlous can �flnd all; the iatiora rion ta- policies, standards alone anounces anoh6r human being; a S. the � governoti-getmral.', Ited rngd tio t 1. The or visa on e'6 a1titildO towards. those san. send,upr their 1whit6 fe,ath4rs of st� o the alphabet n'. the - 2ist - verse of m of the fund kts mudh'-is� fo�r:: ingt=pe, finy. �Cn- wil' , in Imagination h f this ubtjs 0-T on g4ful�. folk 0 iave th;6re;'of t -e U*i1s tht,ar6 only for am 'et sides .7th.chapte'r,o = p4p6r*e�dibor..Tha govpr along the . Inl in tlearing� the� f in ra,'whhe refer adian i;jews. Y-2j"A-but the MooiL _Xe at1*A9__,betv�-- I I I - pines nd nrs; ano, circi VILUU, LV. W114 $11ow is thd matQrial link witil. I h -e aV14y to notihe4 trails' different. fi�oni Great Britain iithd the eag.�Iom�in- Well. saws come up at a pull of the.leve nyjn- There Is'no' doubt tha�t, Ju0ged -from, not only 1he after -is -st chapter, Canada has- 3 296 Es Any Qth,6r trail on the eQntinent'. the that it te kimog and 10 �1; Impeflil' goveiiiTnent-dild, is o through slats in fill -6, but alk th dle- ciii .s;� the at�i-os,Phre of Mats ground, but Prop, 998 In4laps. t es our standard,, bruish close to'tfie' ifte ifioving piatfGrms,tin the B e nild p er ted, in.the (;oth'il]n,d,c6nth1io,vs of thei t-wer ent.. Tile.bnly is 6,, 'that dirzy' the logs 'along, and than te r bf the Beek; eddingly rarb.,*..anil that thb-mooii ped away "about fi " -,or six feet ions. The imp ve. wHal parliament has running s U"buzz!" th� shrill sound breAs' out, posses practicilly no atmosphere Or the pz�ssag!o of a -man .carrymg a hit, -less to do *w1th the * internal ilffhi ' vbice. of is that of publ.
.! 4wa�y 'to a Balancing With Snalls. rs. 'ps' expTpssed at. the, PoRs At . moi4nts' to a screarn,.dies canoe,-- overturned,. on. hie -back. of - Oaadai: han, - f,6r 1119ance, - 106m.: op in�o hum,' ---A six -all that is �Poiace!l oii an inclined, the Periodical electloni-.'. - n W. evident th life cah ss. has W. do w 1i the,internal con- Ydt It Is*. o a Does fts diveloR� into an iiivqn, Let 1101 ghe . i bm - one foolishly ask, "Wh will planq always !crawls, toward the JbIgh- p _ the sevftj states o016's Gor6rhiriOnt., der conditions whIch,w6jild at .79 The inventpory is inevitable. . _ekns . of , The;Pe MeM Ull, sla pf �the jy . I - I .4 Uttatly th-Shakesp6iire-oifCauada rl. to tell e�t' 'parL G6orgesx)ombreval, the , Raj,it- - � , -their h
The. "id-n-Fy '-d' nion. in 'between Great Bri- ogue, as . 0 y ppe French ayiator,nce placed on -th, one , t Me avdcF 0 UP- tain and. 'Cdna4,a Impossible. it llIt wi-11 iake a thouand,voices 6rnm6nt*s,;, inike'itheir.. Away north fai-beyoni arg the 1DU02, are '.not own gov' Parts to tell.of It.all. per plane 6f his aer�pplajie eighty-eight, r own p from a thousaad t oliti- y`posts of Hudson's Bay With. All mn n dri the on-hwid, and sil: laws, ,and c their strange �blsjt�ory blent of the Only.after they a:ra dead mahy� pany poundsl`o�r_snailoo 'two thirds ofr cal. affairs, !'All riiatters. of taxa:tioji hich krvieiick thd othar, but as. 'at-,vedn ArilThe' -TwoMoons? years., May someone lump -together the' rge of BiDllr� nations. 'e . t2ai ai re. sophisficated far'. from' 119me �.and of we� enow'.sn-All t they �e 'entirely in-th,eira 6wil liands, and a the le s y -and-baya'n�A�n .�ie There'19 a. dus-plolon t-nat we -have
worlp-ot them -all'$ gogne. AfterY_t5,jng,to,a,3LeIVh q' 0 _G rea_t_.LBr1td1n. .. In
aMilr an and. hap t W -4nothe d lous thatitwas thaw k'Qt.'onv 9tfffteeji:hundfed to -British'� N6ith-_, rie theiil'ift'this regarde I 09 ne� for procts td rave about. :,,Chesterfi6ld, Inlet' and- :,Coronklon or-- .at he wa s
s -able ovel make hilla. bugbear . to ..�-Atur to tmike his handa-cil'the.tontrolp for A . rica.- ct; in.-ttle-Impo-L un4ce 11 or. al the rest of , -f edera people of th Cans.da, GuY. where wlia�`frqirii D qt '� z�t se Canadians' teiling the tale two h6uri, Wh giWVri�a'Ch6�sitipicl6fi was. - e-btouli(I V6 ',White throligh,. and of flight.. B�f re the conT a United States. jc ftion of the'Do the%�song of't --thw-niii6hine (JLipped, e4tfier..nri3iiun,Mm 186 heir� own,. ciamer � �11 a, large: dark...Qbj6ct -which wa.,% sp Whenever a ov'ernor-- wbi piarol'of mount police (w6urt 7 there. was Ist $L'loyal- dcminio-n- ofthe bti 0- All -�--That. Is the only way to� laieially or ere ' t-wa,.- ir;osi cle Sak vasty land n I crossini Ih frolit me�vh No. 1. -In 111aine the _tj_rut�a 13�rovi maintq -i's place -outside ed" I' for he el .1ongitudiiially*.-the. s I generaL estAblisbed at the capital E.Inpire; as th. i3en ar- ion 7 -ret. "the.,greatest. but -of 'the far :, . . � 1. - wori toward th,,u th s: bJect must have een
*f;Ae. '-itinianity -and p inces, and' ."r.."Crixur . .. . I i _1 wid6 do I n,7 -Th d W k pait �of the plane., and re estifIllished.. in,:each-ef-the-thn flie eartVs atmosphere ' the nat�ra or.. -other- provin-ees-4 1-1,11or.g8l tponsoibe, 'oivi1jz&6ion. in' gen�i-41,; ke t the� . nati .......... �ps the� if afid �se Tgoyerrung�,!�a -pu sues,t.. e,
aa-, that, it --was spinning r yeace beneath the Aurom, A r umi,, c-. ... I .1 rotind th b eartA -just aa* our familiar 0 ac tilitillulm,elled b be aid. Y 'Y 6 -It gmkIi't all be put 'in. nia oict. Ill T. he-Giii of the, Astern Gaite. ne 6s. her rmne'rat.. be --suggested 1 artirle,'.Ii�e a stri ne6ls somethini 6ftlie sijit'har b I on ----B Le.. fi-6 — on does. Tho . L, populr iove,
yies� are ly*berrhen. a h, as in New er I 'the -,second.moon, al re, may Ve a. utfilzing- Ocean tides� Put -oil 'Wlifcb. does not reflect enough' Hali�.*rlx -s; %cr throne- by. thd sea Brulaswick, and prospectors, lookhrg This -is the lilt of the� Northlaixd' In t of fl�r pride� trappftlk�;, and its Tdr-13 HOW -t -jig itj'(k'e for - oil), , and Indans, The* s6ng. .Wl ulsing thr aUswt 'tides--forbilwr'-Is-a of th-q- g -u if ab 0 ttst6 deo- to, use, t a un ij e�cf it.. Until it reveals Itself aga, nst Imuth-of are the Great Plai-i— old aA how hi. S' onoe otted wa The stroi� the fiedland, th"buffaI6. herds, in 0 gi glad call U4 �te,i HI 0 1 the. brIgh t- face of7 producing ani -the- rulI-*moo-n'ie_' un recently ioimd Of forest, of mo tain� aild-rill., for. with the 1ong-1. A: searchit being made for- batt rljq,�coiiimerci meth6d of Ats'mys- now -with -thw-grain_ devato,rs_�_ hemqnt4 'harnis.siWg",the -felt' tha ere ve ank.. kiou. tt��_#_
cai�.-goes�- Warsing 'my. nian1fold o ' " o _ _ .1 . t uis
9spring.--treasures of in un ain and- plain. Choi Pr'ench ot noreason 'why we should not.have 9 UP nnounct wo where there ariI�no-roads, .Ana frowni.: -have foused from my sluriibsr, noWJ,havesru�lg fr6m my'iair� Works lafel'y. A �Utlif the pro t" * moohi as well as Slare, bobbin NOW I tind down over'i;14 swdlls,bf rhile'Ad sits on her throil,�- witho, Sinewy,'litheiiom.e; �afid fearless., "egg�i to doo ' and to daire. that part �.V favor oi.fear Jem "is on,the podnit-of.being.solved."' d ' -.weare vAry' '46f the a's a'boat c4x6ehs, iri blobid of the morming, lad Ai this heArt of d -child - In edd, badly.-. placed In is ma a Plan that he.has In..;'m,ind is a', tj "'St Th tter bf. moon. Oil h' rng a- the gf4dat billow'.7 sea. There the froni.of' With er c.,�nnon as'crown. surging ocean,; rti-an&. as' the'of ille wil d. -of 111 Ll�-' o�� (sotar as we �now at present I chain sins along t _winft-of heavenj:,qAa*&-' S R' kigs--tak- .'hf�a
gTgat-,wail of - Ube _rko na . --.*ut-w T se *e -Watch �of rn a'stwds-�.ir-cinptv- ar6d Wfte ng M�morn.' cU- 'lik' a niirror flash-; Con'st' grL,;
Y. �y -and the Our item um,mit" a base ch- f the '�eo le f �i 11',� tian ep nke -�the spee Searted-by the plaf of Me N;#h. Eternity -stam�ed, in th ir,faee.. beeit the diffl6l.ty of7 making a'tutbino ,.Tes yet again,- the . �hras -But I�k:r sed in a, gauntlet- - ed v ovirdaven,-111- t -by legions of sno wY0- C, -a in B e Tr`a_n_—s_p'aire_nt 6f steel I a s1st the corrosive, ac ion 0 C lelk gf "I , I - , t coi talk are draNNV, Wild rushing Lnt F.I. e vall, --r sea.watei, but,th6 - r ey.,�bejbw. 1 -.Yet b The'v Wb 0 '-Vr6uld conqu,e' 'they. whbr. ;.W.ould- clIffi twubler 4s, a.i�d� to. liquid -thai knVisl a reAdbr,fiesli bi
_r c o s�4ret'liai been Invented.." fraiia other eniPI67. _�nd her t�uhdr - but �Ieeps,_ MY i � . 1% - -.; I. rough 1ilive been 6v'e ie.wofks to be tra
It Is all Canad-a. 'T e" 's"Ic o -siairs or
h. �g ti , �"A' . . 0, , cons j elct.od If a -thll.. or �bf. 't 1tioted near injan. re exli* @nee ray-ers- - - - the umple leaf - is si�_,n- -but -C �nada Mals* .5 Per' Cint, of- 00iiie fk&� the .of iiib tt__Or ltrui knmer�ed4li Ne4led. in t��.furilat,e',of. trial, stung, by.- a 14'rgir hope to furnish frw to; quid ad th6 W ez4. are the- o'cop , e.- hai-Fep wei. w he _ _ � I -what 1011. n :6utiYely-Ji -.the -bones,. how-..-. ever HAe. 's ..Throu uie ountains, are clu ','Gfand-6Ve my riegr flung th�6tfgh .a.gVeAt Shepr A 1_6ng j06. T inix'tur ii bur ba t. rclq�hi w. Of C.. -in. of. s4r4V rivers Co 4: Kreengreders" 15 a It'lliag the .z�nd,inpn �slling'jor gi<i with p�r cent. of it��. pulsing tlirqugh solitudeo it -,alld tile sllfly� saine'.4 -�and bdhg-hand'�-d ". - ; ; - I - Liv 1. i - � I ndOx �Ifr'h,t'reinfttlan As t4a per ce r ll:;grini, flinty'ca., yons, %v;drling moods, ilt, t in
11 t.9 ina,te fl o. Cti -re- n ran s 0 n e 0 buMic�d� by� rearea to. tho.,.stralis of gr 6 'V Is for the fles.b., Inw, . , "' "I've -g-ct eg6tab red ... . . I. - - . ! . - as. I Ain calling to harness my tilo -by i s.h 1 I r,6 bent h 1, . ggli, flivy 2C lit, yon Abodii't c6me-abo t per ce.; iplea it to fhr.** d' ig -,to and ip r ccrt spE i if its or sking inaTiifold,,rrice'A,�ss,,unt-ild; body, lia�,e part : ni', gold for. p -m- .7+. oy CIT. 16k olit! all bt .. "Ah W 410itted 1,�, -,i f
I_sU4 the Ijqti w,ze c 6 .rew grt!L-o llb tBut not a I
jar; &IT + - the imil.L i,fd got- : S i -k 1,a the Magic' cloak of ung arer.nly gtt,.� ,
A.- I �i( of . a sta .!,1Y;,; t1aelt up I)— t, c illiflity 1-�, $4111 to be di v Iitivis s overed. �ody tN�4DLOP_D all a f W, T L