The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-30, Page 7^ er-----420=m14. . - +.,.. ..........-rt..... 4... ..' w .-74:414 A •.e.ddreas eernmenIcations to' AgrenorytIst, 73 Adelaide St. West, Terente; • •• •How X Re•modeled My Old .Poultry t .are of the roll type. They .are sel- • House. dom used eiccept during the two or •=7-4•;-• • 7iniproved Seed. T,nh Hats ler . the 'Kiddies. The°Dominien Deportment of Age. Sbnpily adorshle are.,the little awn- - vulture; through the Seed, •Branch, mer hats for the kiddien`noade of white works in active co-opera.tipri With Or , pique: What chilelAveuld: not love one :provhicps Irt..the• matter of: iropprvitigfespeeially if it Were decimated on... the . 'grain And field feet,. Wiley is 3r.o-1 upper brim with a row. of tiny quirk- vided to, pay prizes in ktanding field ' ing ducks or chirping chickens? This crop eonipetotiena,..at seed fairs'. and i,s a splendid° way for -Mother .to use provincial seeds exhibitions, . and in up the odd ,rfleces of vvhita pique or combined seed' crop, and cleaned seed rep.' The hats' are simple PO man: 'corepeibitiens.:: The ' last nanind- is a They fit the head well and are deeided.- • When I rbougkt mY farin in- South.' fliree severe storin's. that: Coin.° from recent introductien.• "7.lit has two die.; .ly 'practic,id. : ern Ontario it contained only - One the south every winter. Very heave'o make the brim cut tie*. circular tinet phaseS,Ahe first consisting. of a . _At type. It wii,s built of r.notched- lumber Pattie the snow to blow inte the. house poultry house of. the seml,monitor -storniii from ether directions do not the second of threshed and cleaned 1 diameter. In the centre of each.. Of each ig inches in standing field erop competition and pieces of pelee,• row. or! a stone • foundation, and had an arid eonsequently the curtrains do not seed in Which the geed ;produeeci frem ' these circles Cut another eirele 6 . open. front.. . „ .haver tp be lowered. , • the fields. ef' the first phase is judged! inehes• in diameter. The inner eircle. ' We could And no serious faUlt 'With I iltui that there' are many.ponitry in the grefieryr of :the eomPetitor. The may .(Icwill be beat PO cut paper eompetitrions must. have at least 4.f- hir.;ad-Mi•40.' vett according to the child's interior was not Modern. It we:8.0ot , . the outside of the house. But the houses which do riot .giVe. geed service Oceese of. faulty equipment: Inc teen entries in each ' and the found -a- pa 'erns first.) . ' " ' , ... arranged' for the ,sptisfactory • man*" netugl needs are so sinall in that res- oprasin,.. Turn the sides of the brim to-, . . bon • seed used •must •be: of . iiPproved ' " .: . . ' J.Ekgetiient 'of, Poultry. The 'roasts were cleaned .seed that 'campetiters• must. he ' gothee,•Len4 baste and stitch theouter pect-:that it pays 'to build the neees- The minimum ..quentities of nailed to the walls of the house. this sarY Ppitable equipinent: :fueniShed an ideal .13reeding, place -for the. steady reward' fur your wer14 MP' real) prepared to snbmit. to qtealify for ...;.6edlea.,. alcl''''g• a 14-1464 seam' Tar' brim,' baste the outer edge, and awards are: . Wheat", barley,. . peas 1"-- ' . Mite,:si and When the roosts were Prigd, Y'rhieh ' ia' botind :t0 0OPle if.,YO1r,havoi buckwheat:and corn each 100 bushels, !'-ti't4 . edge. -. • e put: we fetinct plenfr• of. them. •They : a .laking strain of heni-and feed them, again on the • ' ''' hung"' in Clusters beneath the . roosts, i ProPerlY. • ' oats 200 bliSheis, geld beana 25 hush:. The croUrn ii made from a circular IV,- e painted the old roosting Poles I • -• els, clovers and: timothy 15 bushels, piece of pique, 10 inches in diameter: with kerosene, then added the roost 1 : . Tip Burn of Potatoes.; - ' . and potatoes 150 bushelse,The awarde, Face the crown aria fasten to thebrim to the kindling -wood pile. to m k d • except,in the case of pptatees, are • ' with tiny buttons and. buttonholee . strection doubly sure. .• .. A trouble• which is. widelY distil.- made on a basis of 65 per cent. on • '' The quacking ducks around the up - kited and verY prevalent in sortie sea_ the bin score' and 35 per cent. on the Per 'front edge of the brim are, em- Theehouse contained. no dropping son,s, and to. which the eatee "Tip field score. ih the case. Pr. potatoes hroidered in outline stitch. Six -strand Sr .! boards, which hiade. the condition ,of Burn'''has been glycn, ,is to be found . the reethed is reversed, the award be embroidery Cotton in Copenhagen blue ine (heir bad; and rechiced.the seratehe4mone-eut- e pee Lib trouble:Ling based-on•-35.-»35-ente-dii--the bin' ie•used-forretheduckeeand-yellow-fiose- ing Area. So. we built a 1 caolMing takes. the d-turrn of a gradual burning score and (5 per cent. ort the field( fel'," the bills and eyes. Hrim is em-: platferm of seno.oth lumber .along tli' and. drxe.) . 1 of the 'leaves of the seore. All agrieultural 'associations broidered before it is .attached to the. leek Wall .0.1 the house. R. nests vvere. plitrits,,. Often. cenninericitig• at !a corn, • are eligible to conduct these coin t' . , Made by planing the upper edges of , earatevely earlY• • stage in • :their tions, 1" 11 the association 'enter- crown. ' , . pe 1- • • two.beehree. pieces until they werc'. grAvih and, in •man ' .- • - 'f 11 • - ' . Were. thee nailed in spctiorta of three t• roil tided and smooth; Th6,e roosts 1 ed to tinch•colied, .s1Valy. but•'aurely Petition in the pante ..season .with the better cow. . One. is to put one's hand ing does not conduct field . Th * ' : • : * y .cases; 1 a or.- . acrop cern- ere aee two ways of • getting a inveleinge the .w1 -4e of -the bliints sn same kind of crop. To the prize into his pocket --deep,- in these .day's roosts scach, end - each ' section Was -that they die dOwn.. a .cone.derable rnoneY • . hinged. to. the back Walleof the hous0. lei (; under subvention agreement and my for her; the other° is to grow 1.eff•re the tebers are 'fully' de- the INminion subscribes $200, in each her. Thelast•way is the best, the ' -seequrf petniiitte4', the 'I. -beats to A beak placed ,in the rhiddle'ef each ',veinp(„4, • .. • ., • -..:., instance and`th0 prOvince gutio.''. first the quickest: "Rai.te a cow, and . e. . • , . , ., 4`.i _ • . .. t ., , • . • . 0 .I . The appeararee ( f th:s • trj,•jr,:e in •• • • •--:-."---ee---", ' • . -. ' • YOU, 'understand her and she knows roiwt'l PoMiy, and lidolied to the, cell: the . fields' is r,ft.f;r1. 'st ' 1- .• 'North A Merica has a white popula- ' • I - rm._ aetai ..o, • "row- • ''• Ing 111110 the drOpping 'hoards were ors fer • Lii...e. Bright, 'There i•z; ho -,V.: tion ef I 00.,000,000. : ' '. • "cleai:ell. It also made it easier. 'to.: ev'er; ' a:'•'in...)1:P 1 .1.:i•.:r..?*:4V,&.•••ilitt'Neen • paite• er spray the roosts on the uhder. the two, 'Pcit- Ieee: 1.1'.erl'e. e•y',F.,..an-* .. side, w li eee red mite.s are , not likc'. i!'ill i lire; I,.y at taekieee :.,,•,y pert Of 'the ' ttei•Lefiear,', • , •' ' • • 1 peee,. .;;;A•es• nn I 'e:•:••:.'i• ke---Thas , The nests Were boxes tightly naleil , • ' - ,, .1. s, v••; rfr-F,Ar:.. hp;recran:e and, ' The. Weifare....01 the .floie , . Making Friends..With the Birds= -.By SI, Louise Pattesen:. . , , • Onedayelast spring, a little girl friends as the little inhserf: 'Who hed asked me U it were true that rabbis built the bath, and the practical father liked to eat other things then Worms, obServed with esatisftectimi that hiis I *replied-- that robine would eat: truft fruit trees Were less attrective to thee When they erefe thirsty if they could: 131rds-.. • ••' thui no water.. : • Some of the other thildren in the "Oh, fast when they're thirsty," she neighborhood became anxious to be- exclainaed in a tone of surprise. 'Then friend the birds and one'''of the beat I !rad bett(4 k'fcre" there e- basin of results, of their new interest was that Iwater, because father ;gets eerribli theiinaall boys were legs tempteCto ' !them In our herr' tree. • or in the 'eggs, which' wete perfectly uselesti te provoked at the robins when hp sees rob nests for the 'seke of collectibg ' • etrawberrMatelf,!," . . , •• them, and they became -more interest - .X told her Wet. 'in the strawberry- ed to care ;e11: the mother birdinthe • patCh'. robins were much more„ likely nesting season, and .to • Protect • their . to hunt the gritba and cutworms that young, for all the children had be - injure the•roots of ..phe Vines then'to 1 c zee enximes to have. as • many ildrd' , . . , . eat' the -strawberries, but that theY.dfd! neighbors: as •Pe'estble frequent their e like cherries. I 'asked her if she Winild gardens. ' ', • ' . •. • • like, to Make friends :with the birds One •of the small bOsYs wes-an only ., and fix:re place in her garden wheree' child whose hobby had been the col - they could: drink • when they were : lecting of minerals and quartz. . He thirstY ear. bathe and splash about in decided: to make a• practical use of build a bird •bath. • I gladly proinised way ,With his father's •I• i warm, Weather. 6 -he Was delighted.' his most treasured possession, foie ,1 o .wi•th the idea of making. something hexagonal blocks which, had 1-: . useful and. wanted to know how. to broeght to him from the Glane to help her make one and afccordingly these neavy blocks auat is I went to her home one morning soon. •to gathered several baskets 'full of 'small On teet and possess' niiiietal - ' P. -0T-1140ther.4404.s.' _we" ... . Lifter our Onversation. • Together we column abia't the child...SOW:77 .. stones., from a vacant lot near her flow.e.e, beeeming. secondary home, then- liVQ selected' e -soot in ae -''' "7 °Pen. snace in. her garden wia6r,,,:ctive, athetic interest M the ' set up. a •pyramid about beautiful llYttml: you. You make a better team, livingtheer,egaatruareens; tahnadt 'L•mul a light eV di' the -1 enioYed coming tcl high, After we had f' --thirst and • n t e deeper lave a tttloe.re eg.oinrispide. ration pyramid. water and War w ter more far all dependent and greater filled a big ower teem Work inthe dairy is what ets, mugh interested) enders Of the. c bi rhirn the bath, The Bother instinct. was developed .Wheeeced for the hild's beearn h. tr, teatherye .children. through a 1 In fare of robins 'dent, Thus the tender,incheeriesvheirnegt creatures became ,interest • 7.-7-7virth • r...La. , wns Make Better Bette . „ tighe.y fastened -t� the welt forth ti't rt. (.1:: after ,r,i.-7-7-7-• l'..'- , ....... • 'i b* -1 . f : the noost • sueces . . n 'the winter. ..,Aect.the.P. TlYticimbise4ir gdwiredses. • to the. well,.. :Now,lihave fonnd.hy in it.;-; .i.6.13,-..... to }. : There are many mistakei made in quentl; , expe'r:enc'e that nests .must be loese, toech, ell:le T.,;', fee--; .':•.•,-,e-•::a..iee pore- the e,tablishinerit of lawns ' and In lar•a"- sful lawns so 'they can be taken Outside ' the ..tile,ee-- 'et -0 • • • - .2. ne 'heir° 4alr A t t I :No? for et.ii:ptylr,Lg,. fol19wed by awl.- lez•vi'i and ',Lai r..` ;-:!,:.d,.... : are'. der to flake it good lawn the soil; • ...,„._ ••,..e . •., .quen maeagemen . .. tt oa ny o . hie •nieeand apraying. ' r Nests that litc•I'pearzir rp an I trf .....' ..... • .,:. ..e..e. ettriefair:yeiertile dr it is- nece ,':- he breeding pl:aceg .fer In it OS- arid • e r'.ier 'IThei..regular ee. Of - Pro r Deere dent. • ,:to. - J ;.ec.,S.Sary t tat. •the grass ., , . ' eest,....e. unproductive or un FrequentiY the grass roo.tS are lbosen-, coNering it; over, with. ed by the freezing :and thoWing. during t•eken from ' another •lotation, I the *inter seagoe and rolling is ,necee- , .fer a • • , • trona •hasemeats or seatiene, rsary to. overcome this condition... 'In other instanCeS atigle worms leave the lawn in a roaghened cendition and" the 'evercomes-this.' • • • ' Mistakes are eoraetimes, made in. watering; lawns. It is better to thort oughlyaoak the soil -by laying the hese ' d ahd perraitting the . •• natural ' find. alsp that open•nis May Illieht has . r . to the 'lgg-eating habit: In, wintet' d()6,.. not -es.uF:"?..!.hc :i• • the hirkia . may: .serateh in . 'tho. litter c'so rePidly. . of the SVAts after eggs hie bee-111BM. •,*(ifee ru.-:tive• 1.s le:tee eEges • h iek ed aga bra t the aide of the ' 'evidence h ' beire e'• •• are rolled.. Especially is t • the- caSe ot. f?; new lawn. This is done. to compac root - t • 'to take a 'firm 'hold', - '!stITIF714.7411.11bo: eu orr are, meved.gradiag...: Not IA re elean beceme.pn_r as'4013 'it •I:s• , nests • • •ro- 0,pen... e- broken - ,•and then ''re during the clay • s_itt .. , 0 ge i• •ti;li *ler1;61.4 cet 1("ih In. th'e:' ":''''' ';'''''.. • :- .6- 4--,•,-;;_il.)-• nwridin • tg...,z.,01,,. ish, 'ashes, :-ciii, hoe ..1 .hui,,....... f0 •reinedeling. iii,„1.("4.•,• -:‘,.'71-luerS, c3t1 f.:,_.,"• ',:. ,.: ,,,....,'..' Seri-, cans andOther .debris are. section -'cover- . • ,ift..tneenesti in .4. 1,;" f••'(a.!••• of the 'To ••''' "`rs•-, •:. •:-.'":•••••"°•• ,ed, iv'th a then "laver. of soil the re- ..• „Ing- On the. d- ,..- • • °If the top.. ...f ir‘ L'aulo i may re' ui 'a es ;to the' cv• ...e . The • • ,I, ..• -• ' . • : • '• . roost ,i,iporT it If ill°. '• ' '. ''" hot '• Yet. t‘hnt -I., er;,'..1 Or '3". t•• .'"'''' g• • 'k: L,...,...r„, Lf.._ d.i.irRb-le,,grasses•,.,:.,.A. very :4:4 : - y u:nsatisfactory pro- , . .. • 'Pes ,suffIN;ileni-13t: the hair-e„il,„.?,eti-co..• Hie ,ee'scili-t. Pi '••Ler.e•1,...•Ve le.e'..-..;•,. ••••'*a .2 • have e.noleg-h: lope • "°' .'°11'.' 49 -es. '1°t• :dorig' W' '•::.' ,w,,•••„,"'-:1, •:.,,,...-24:„,„.". gic.,.o:i ..Tu.e.i.tcitellow iS.,:lteep at least on . the g , , 1 • . ,,--x.strii_.,../..i.,-, 74,_ .. it. -P,ays, te,,s_tr,••• t 4, 1 ., 'I. ••,_. tc:i."f:c9, '-'.. :::,*.',e ;: six' isa:.4,3,$' tit' rich 'sol',1 on the aurfaca:1 water , to...flew •"freely;•eli"--cuiP"'-part for ... meets rn s ,-„•,-;1-.c :a ".`12., lvt"re' • ilf,•----,t-i-ns-rr.F-.'17••?"`L.',1,-,,_.-..--:'il I.; ':',•,, •a..'4.-"..,,-.!.,:-...,'"• 1-:_•,:s 5.1,1 •Igic.hes ...et "errore- of spil;_shauld' .aii_ hour or so ahdelien•Move -it to .412- -f•.':-..", ',-•,2.---- flif.,6: ',11,4eitrire •'..ef S lpani oF. Clay. other place The .sprinkling-methOd is PoultrY rests .ie • e" .!Ao ...-'11 ...,_,_.`1,:..,,,i„_;, '.t•:-:. .`1!... ,`P:,'.,,e,,,,l',1,""!'_;.:;''..-f,..'•:.;:.',.",:. ;Xi... .;..1; :1'41 11.1,31 pilaf:, lees Muchp. as• they WE'e,r-sAttifactery•lif-eciatinued long ,enough,' " ..1tphelv'e4g:1:,..1.e-.t.,i,Ti:: t.i.il.,,,,,i_ ji .:e.Fg.,••1:Pat,:.41lu".1 Yl- ..I'.1) ..1 -'1,7,:: -:,?....;."..,,-1."_e.,...:41.7:'' .t,tre,_b:et.s.,„t;f-1.2.r,..th pgr.od, uctio.n of ni...ost'all:but frequently this 7 is not don he . ON Itled -b"Y.;110IN O. or,_ to • ••••e ti.:-14-,.t.'i • .'.• •t -e eet e. - :L.:- •-'' .-3-a- a -re-- rown on JaWns" They-- . ' i • Of Test 'di:Ire:14.1.1er 't .. lo.' 'it. tit- it ItT-P, 1{D*1?. I--; t71' 1r '-c:' ...'"7-: ': ..-10-, help', Ireep, it tres-h.. Dirty that the .tr,o1...,....e ,s. -!•••• .,,Q-••••• - ,...-'e-,...titT. reat• 1•••s•-•.•cinickly and retain added eggs leek vere bad, and. khe pro•dtAcer: hot rceit-•••Alg:. of Jr12,e, -\.:*VeL.i•-:.t7t St Is•I'l; .. tert-f.liz-e.rs ti57'iii4'cli- bettet.tOvaiitga: ..,ivitli„..a-!...$1,gloc,ts. trade ' caraccit . insluae:••.whe:49 .t he 'tenipt-,••ritty.re of t •:r. •be.:•.ornes fhat da:the "Sandy' ,scills. ; ' • . ..the'neetS' exces:3i.e'e all.'t the.nir'...11e.elz.'?e...?'••a;IY. "%in-- •-•\:teeere .drelnaga Conditions' are net . are slightly ..dark 'med. and the esting,;• . ore- ieet..;t-''.i:Ve,,7. 71-eth:40:-..,g,,,v;d-!"they,.. should be Correeted by the litter.' kept° clean; ,,•the eggs • will lte., the "he:Lief :bet 'th ',a -iverairee. of; , the e -...:..a e i r:g ...of : tile at .PrOiser--dePthse.-.-wit . ' ..-.;clearrWith-the. Chalky-__fieShnegs. whic. ,l.i • leeVeeepiPbeblY, follsi"s: tlie • 7•elz!ires‘.:lar ' ealtable outlets- If the Subsoil le'very - cuslon)ers expect when they. pay7,47tIon-s7of•, ,saXing ii*3q-s-."'".--Thel 7-:-Iietivv f or 'impervious 'the surface , eioil ' premium for fresh eggs. • ' e • ' • vestigatio.eS 'ere r•ot Ye': rk"\inPlet0:. '-v•It.•is'IAlAely. to bold too initeli -Water or ---I -find •that a erealt 'woedon'•table is .eneugh ' eideii•C•e' leis c'en.'to ee,,e•eele waterlogged.; resulting in Un- - •atefulein • a. --poultry: hanse.'...11.-uhalilell-servc . as ,,a twarniirg.,t,o _ Pot o'••0; f-'re\Y- • aa nit ary• -Condns; and uOtially an um- '. • field the water pail ,and ' a cra:ck.er'.'ers•••••te.•keep•-thee.Oeineeet.fPeett'.,,thor- riat"e'faete. ri',.:_.gra:Nvth of ,. grases-.. • . two • of sour milk; 'Then litter .can.-'. bit ghly. under :eeetrel. in", art :en.leVOr. - ' ifiOn' the other 41,1034;11,1w sub -soil . not Veee-itatehed• into, the...N.6_1er :and ' to. avoid' 'Ei.,1; • Btl. . : . , .. ' .i..S.:. very. eproes qr sitiely;• the law:am:apt milk,, making them a possible gotirce'. NI*Ire.s. fennel 441 e'er 0:e;Perinlentd-lf.be Watered Very fre'qnently and .fertil. •"",,e4feille'easeeeee-• .7..".':.. ,..L ._ :••• . :••••• ' ..I woylt -With. Pet es.'. :thri, .1.3ortie-aux,. ized More -Often that): • if it is, heaisr-in ' • time to 'bad hopperi;eieirettire; ‘eillee_e;lerge_exteirt. control texture.° In the establishment "of a •• lee Ili '10.15!, -NVIeti.'-"it'r. '11.1,W1Z-Afit4s..'ai-Aiiale, .0. generous ap- ' . - -of welt -decayed' - or "rOtteift- . . , The Children's 14' 'star's 'to ',sleep. Wider the • white -cloud . • blenkete, the tiny. bird Came ba•ck. For , • a long tame the. bird and the by talk-. There. was once' a Wise Indian 'chief who had a brave little sow The boy ed together, . then they took the -trail. •• a long tribe. The little brother e of the N'Vood'i'meitnhi:::ear-a:ae Yheellki:1 hite,;ass to travel,, but the boy did not Was love& by all the .people of thei etoPPedeeften to, play Wi.th hire, and way" the birds. sang their best. songs, to• him. U'e--It•ala'n;r1-•-heaO and he. right' Wail. The chief was . 61ad to loved te.,:iftice everything .' happy, eet-t4A------- a .prernised•to come fo the -feast little san a •his friend, inxt Best of all he loved . a certain little1:11 . . nes - •Afterwards the two, eompanions set high' up in a tree and lined' with the 014 for their' O 1 d , the -the little brown bird that a ' ' ' t built seftest down from fuzzy e4eteite. bird iehaing .the • way. When they ' resell -fad the end of "the' home trail all The bird was smaller than other birds, thie braves came out to Meet them long i.t,,,stay„ed, peax , tie lie.tie. eon,. of •Av1/4:in't:se,y. Tr:: the boy:. back to carap the the chief. c Inar . ,13 -01 --had wriiiia,.. little bird, swift on iris little' brown - " h --..--- Thal -wise. • and it could :not •"sing; but all „day . ilydh•fal shi_noswr.' hr. that'aIfionittlee .. .. Ile called it, "The bird' with ,the s'weee. t '''clisenieffelr‘i.'astit.'epbor° that its wirigs made music, and so , wing song " • '''• • . " , 1. • a' rriee,selge"".to a far7e•WaY „ehief--Tlig- . he bey' tokr•-hig-efathers- that • the . Inessege was. ther•-1110 -Green-- Corn birciebee_helped ...yme..fm(t :gages •- -rAtes. and- ' Itch. • Tiow, the -*fed- clip- , .teo- 'uses the' . and • eo eod.'•• • ••'r -'. - .' • .. • • day • he, too, would be a .vvise -Chief, • 77-0Y-ndAre-the.",v•ieet-"ehief•--be-4-t4- sel'4: able to _lead . I:AS:people., . : • .• . . give a ..-21:S't '.:1-C(17,111A1* tg;tCl'e' v:Y--,, iliSt.fitlec'h'iliefirdi. irf:',....-y..fath:pefd.'i:ii,i,'"11.171.1-6,,,,o,17„7-1:::-.. - .1"teen eeres -.nee!. -in the . sky,,, and . go it . The "very -shallow -layer. at .theeenriace. • the Greet Spirit for all• the ri . ,- Only .surfacer-apPlIcations,, Of..fertie, 7grain' -that:the •ha.rveat: had 'brought. the .?east ? .f...eaithheerselh'i'ef.y.04n."...• ;g,..1-....n.•Td.:71...0_,,zeI.' 4 ---.....ii._.... 'I 'see, - Let' Me show m'y love for WM , soil.- dries . out with :the e. . . . was tii•xie to 'Sera. •:tO' .estaleliele lawng are -rias.dieL• ."Would'ehral-ei4Pd...0171.e: tO_. b'S/' giYillg. Min -al: wonderful .ierit of... e . Where Stehle manure, igused it should the. ;wise chief ..woridered, - • ,.-. , •• - • -.---- .• be aPplied very early in the spring -In • The wise chief called the little chid , .„. gomeeieg.terteee mistakes aro made by to 41...m ihd. said, "Yon must, take 'il. 51:i.ilansti.'sea.:11.84:4 ..41'tclhh:e.,.p.t.br..:.sive...;:tt. .:11:24.66..r; antei" ,.:iiorliecl;.'..., . 1-ie., gathered . some flowers tiud_.,....._,..._, - ... ePelYirig.tresh inanure. ire"too--le : , enesiage.e.fipeenee friend who.. is far quantitie9,. there being toe niuch: spin- aWs.y.. - TWiee ..the Sint7willeseteand -•-• ble •material, added fon the -grass, tiae telice...it wilt', tie° before eon roach .:tijoi.. •• Then with the , yeti)* - -.-i.ita"--- - - reetilt•beleg• either. the killing out 'af • him, .43.iit.„thetrall ,is plain; the little orange 'end.. red that. cattle from the burning out, or a decided setback .to yon; -the. birds 11 &big .to you,;• the .tlowers' and tlie'green that earne from •', • the grass. , c.onniteely spoken of as brothers of the wood will Piley th- it 'shOuld, be applied s '.:very' unifornilY- erotlI .A114. ---4-31--=.4.44t •-long . the lit 6 of the little'brown bird.. .. ,'„ • .-• '. • the -grasses he 'painted the:sober. cc " it., if freek Manure. only.. 1St availuble Moon Mether and the'stars will getad. hundred 'and tWenty-ffie Pounds. per .Go," my, • sou, and prove .thet yen are , over ,the ...Surface. at the rata of one • •Stars-witli-Wings will- give .yettt...411.t: . -,TIOW."...beentiful the tveivr , S.'llit; 'iCISS"1.-; . AU' the other-birili---we-r-O70•7joge-:Aa:.'....-:,:ee•- •______ ,... the the rotted inanure Is • better ..O.. ...._ square rod. • As previously statedehpwl-, the brave son of a brave ohie" • . for the hiia with the s•Weeteie.ing-03itgr. eser wti4,5tu„il ert...,,....,,c .e, , had.. -sere 7._ .1.).....Lt7.1tr_ttra" ,...titt..... i. ..a.ec,_ of. l': v-sro...,,dnger.,,..e.f •,t.ge late), head7 ' : bird with ' the •Sweet. eving n So the 'little chief 'stetted. ,c)ver. hie lie. •Was• se proud that he fleW• hapPilY : ... - - • . alew leastl..duction of ,. spME) of the „troublesciine 'iiii110 ‘Vie.iit .t.aoy:,fisctug;., „631 tlyroug,h,:laptidlietiler • ateril: gel.ea., so-reunr dt,s...17Nii.talev7h.: hi.ea.mociiittletv•r.,7. • • reeled,. the. little son et the chief and - , form,' I find that- hopperl•- . . 1 plots le*-which..or .the•-pv.rposes.•o; a...e.e... . , 0 le ...-elesc.rable, • .. T . S .. -as • .,.he'll'.(1‘..b6 ivorled- ellw- 13. • ,. ' r.. ' (3440,•,......T41:4 illanUISSAI:ds.lualwad. b...esheo.ar'rte.-;...the_h.e:1;),3t..dve. boyj67111er: 0. WI.ide...,riii:e eriegs.:' FrPni:that: time •onfile•lutta4...::.-- and need Ailing le,ss Often. IlepPeri "not applied,' "t"•-r11•04e...._•.:_ri . 1'14g. eleplicatip-oconsrsting • bout fiillYeremoefedefrom.. the •.pea t"..°Entd-to;-:eatber.lcio. by dry _Trash cDA -easily be :made el.fr011' a 5.0'"e•••attaA' c•NI: TW,Pt•ii-ii.."-end.•-reer .emee•-ree. th' e-ight hUndred iounds after the gloss. begins to_growe in. e the little brother§ of the Woo c . ..:.'n*leed"46.nli-sta44.--eetel*:-we" tl3ee**Lhil!..1;,i'relef'6the,:eetrasimideeee.e. . . • 1.ig•ter--slielh:on be ..ppl.ace.4.xittl,. • ed:ir eIrth-en crocks on.,th' . . - :howeVer;;114-they-*aa .a.lerget:.§13-e:Ple 1.1ex•Perinl &tit, . 'O'ortleti".1 : 7111: ,.. i la the soil . e insist .packing• beices".-: -Sketch the 'out..., ihe plantS, w•;'•re °nit"; .t411-0,14".••11 •:3" ;Per sAllare rod. The uele of well-rptted .spritig...:•,, Where_the,manure •„is •npt.-,stealing out tp play. ;with him. . That • • • .. , made nae Of .tep:ctiesidega of nitrate "Of night-he•--Sleipt „safe .end . ichi 'to: io, the. .: ', St s -with- .L.:If:e.the ro-Oi-,: in tithe:tee:be .ealled. th.e humming bird.„"e •, 2...... . • line. Of the proposed hoPper. •on• the! the Secor.4 Woes' in; Aeleel-s-t-e' :''' -'.ivhile nea•nure. is adVantageous beeaUse there .sideg.. of the' hoe.- Then saw. out theleethet ..plet g' etillye samelleed: •eee. te. is much less-d-nuger-e,Cthg •Introdue.: -soda 'at the Mese grteith begine-mal 'friendly V:roOd. • Tha•Wist'Vrilid-' sang . . . box ,to ' CcinfOriii- With -the „Sketch, nue. w.iii::11; tor tho contrOI'.of • L'itt-••• BlIi"rht., tiee of undeglrable 'weed:Seed's; some • he needeat-theerateeof ;rein otieepi*e_. him to, . sleep, , an ..- . peeteaskqeueartee..rof3pdr,e• aPdli. . Wingi'itayedneer.taegive-hlin Bght. ' ith p'91i.aTirt 111166, Iclulls'it'i thee9. at-• ,.•-• - ..1._ -'-useethe-neatLeelal.reinoved to board 'irp , Bordeeue Miettee . e 'es 'refeel,e-r•sere.lind...._'.et Which: mey..prove .:objectienable, ,teeeruttioe aglaseliPou°u1iiii'dli When he c.Ein-ce-to-,:the edge of ' the ' tack.edliqtitons .With !Pyrethrum powee..:__ et lip, in •f -rent so that the hens 'Cannots'i,ight oxi.or.t:ortl."." tli,opIsiits-'&.,nialn- .-..'vfierethe--inieure has • been Appliea unfltotbaly '•-d-ver.. the-terrface-and--when .- --theegraga4a:net....roblit„.:, or When- Vie 1... ;lettzheotb: WeA • the'. filean-wciaytt.,:.1114 ' lean -. IcAoacea.7chist• is 'good_areo..• . . ..._ -. M f%r the 'front of the happer.:. Mike' a •scrir.. thvittytizilly-zv-- 1.w. '..":.•.1To.i.ost 'toel. Vere; „later eit: . 7 • • : . • . ' Woodelie--fotuul_----two-tr•a.ilge_'One „led. to ;der, coatirig the .-iritects-in-the- • • • •• • .In, remOallig--41W-iroien•--4-•-ttetind.,Linixtur,. ' • u,"is •• a s n ' risie..'e et .• . Leaf nreerge-eve-ereFteeeen„,,,n0;*;eleani.,or'air.sla' :thee., Pr 'She:yr pulverized O , : es noay be -burned, or 'in-. . • te'•t14. About fifteen %Made per • squer.e; red dew. is net •on..it; 'otherwise, the leases jured.by the nitrate. qt.tcht .., ,:C ' at Spirit :for the liar-, 13fttlier thief who never- took. the trotible to .,,, -Isessmomminsmigaggzos ,, te'it on the floor.... :.: : I ...,-.p.,' ' re en tinl•U frot• .,..Oine. °Bordeaux either liYdrated ' lithe at Tie- iiiTd- er, tep. of the Vvindowa so they ' couir be to the plant, , . . • • . • . :•pulled back arialidOkedIothe n-carliilg, ad.tlittion'•..1 • thel," referred,"*.tO,• have petite se p ' • i uare rod •or dried-Taraff .inide as the lawn den -i• -i, sl-C-Iff7atene --.-'-fiel---1"i'a-0.40--wr-- ''-:- ' - • , ' that the etirtaina weld '. ged to the` . . • '.1•1-x.' other oasei," tii"'Itf-ii- - -celeak-1.--±h&A,,at's-eof....a.kont. tWenty• . cetemetalegimilar_anentkees. maybe. tThalittle 'Indian bey could- nee, e.,,v"Ar •ti) !-'*:.-*---1-alse_feut‘ed that -the hens heti been . . C01110 {t) • (CM' 6.,;,.1).0tivipg eve, ; et . rate'. of about tWenty-tive 'thg outialt;""". . roosting on the...-enitleifetretries, nude., denCe , that regte,:cr •thorough •-eetrinis-•-pei-Sclit-,Tre.,rdd ehmild be add; instanoee, the nitrate of soda la. dis.7 ' He stood still Set a. While; :thinking. , low pnric'es.t• sT))(1)itpeLt.7.,.,)0(1,.. ._,ing theta _dirty. and infesting • them sprnYing Wit h. •tlee mietute...•._d ta the ieii, end worked. . Into it,""xthen solved-ineweter .and_.eptinkled on the lawn ;-• usually,. hoWever, -fiels."ig 'll'ot- He he said,' "Go; my bira :With i . 'tn. A. burned them The. new curtains TIP. Ilorl• - • --. _ .. , • . • . . .. .., • •.; a'ddition it is advisable to .apply Nur necessary. • • .. . _ '. ', retinas a; eisteen per cent..acid .phos-' • AmMoniunS" sulphate should not be applied.. ta laiteas that. • are .growing• ; . • • •••,. . : , . trail' to the friendiy: chief.", ; : ' • .' \ The Mid flew off; in.aeinatrtent••pt, • ••171 . -. _ ,._...,. : eV7'. K 10 e II rtfette terd-ijght.-."'.... :-.,--,- - . . ' - 'rtaok theSeCurtains out .- duco to a miiiiiitem the. rnveges cif i the land la Piepered.for seeding.. In . 'Stee-s-Weete Wing Song,,. -•atid find.. the 1 °i• Perennials . .1. rasa or white cloverenasinueli as tete it teas oht of .sig -lit. All through'. . Wiii: StOit.;.e.roPfefiKili,Si'OL07.111.11ted .,. . eere. Th'ee, ow leeees in, the eee-,e. ' When„the, seed -bed , .bas: 'been ex- it will cense theta 'AO -diaappee.r • and. . .tliii;daY thklittle:Chiel -waited„,enciall \ Wrstpubtished-1870-. , --••••-e;...... ---.-Jilly ' •••• • ' - . • -is-an-.-icleal.-tame_. sow the 1 , if .too thicl, hilt a halr;.incli sPace •‘'eill treincly finely "pnlventzed,:ond levelld : It Should not be overlooked, hOwever, . - • • ......e___;__________•, ...----.- - - ethee less, desirable.onos may' cothe in. . •:______________......0...__________________ , • thrbti. Ir the night t just es. ee. • •••e. .51 K tY34 :44.ca'S ..'._ • Grow . . '• 1 ona :01,,Ii• s•,,,,s4.,; slro Slower, than 'fresh' .phate.!per_sqiiiire rod.' • . ' • . : seeile•tifsueb hardy plants. Eta. pa. , . -.7 les :1 i,:,4•Vi.i"- until Iritirsp7..OntiAg• tinie, exotYpt:' down the , seeding'. may be made... As a the bloon Mother' wag putting the'• COlunibines,',,perennial leritiOta.,- fox' for etteleetroug eee 1 , „ ''' • • s 11 )11VWCkS, il:0 tierav-rtils'Itlier_Kentucky, , blues:rasa " st•popular and moat su-,et": ;that if Abe -B -0114a. lime&-abdut every teex yeare, topdressings of amnioninm `...".Lit...-xx, 1.4.V.,•,.• • V,„, ,:,V, •V‘.0, a .4.,..,:4•vr' i..,,,.; -- - RE R . .$101740, OanSieS, SWelVilltiallifij 5bilg: . •ANI(e,t1, to give tho ',little, :,pl'atitzr-,--n`vcsatul.....,,g_rass,.... fainfing an •excellent - -Theeeee-,i le-a--Slreeld•WeIrctiltie_enakes 1. . eulptutte without lime drivei•Joint _the: ..- . I te deielee;. • and Melly others: .. These •cliimeo to ntal, ,a• geed erowth:. .ka. turf: pour seed--anifictliteeof grasees, injurious effeet7 tO. these:Plants. ,In-- vestigiatione en.:-the'Use pi .ammoniuni• ••• •t: , 4 dill'''. ., .•'*-7-- 11ffifii4f4-2L=31.1gel • in -the foal - . c•old 'Ivo:tiller drOws • near,' lot theinl,hoWever, Such 4 the bluegrees and theni ' ,,,,p,.1 tile • Englieli • or Italian rye greets. LIENGTH. - voifial TiOrt be ` ,:iiiieee-reiee.eee.e: aer.e,e-egel t.tieneef:ete'is Ito; el•ready' meiet...-„This,"sed,:-.0e 'Part °I. "a Engliett-:.-rY0--graits „, . its, used iu. the Iii-IXture,: about half a . inciiiiirm sulpliate-Wit,hoUt: limo drives.gL ......i. :•-• !'3'''YIV: ...' 1..ft 61NtS*4'. ••••••••ve. e -;LAsie.„44 Seed bed, and•will bloOrn- it tho"regtt -•itef:Preilv ,th , ,l- , • ' three parte -of :the . bluegrass silpliate and sodium nitrate on loekne over. it Perted• of twenty years or more_ .. •=i•-•-•-•..11ffiX",,,,#tazo,' next sviing",„, The clomps ,NrIlf.oi; t-ho-AN'sa Ns -,;,:',1., liotoro-giviiiirprtwiyhor_ .,, ,... , w .enow-eoiteltigivelithet,,,the -use of ..arikL *'.____, _ _....... ' Planting them. Yeu can plant the eiliirso hay, Xnythiug- that will pacclover is alto a very popular one. Pr as 1 ceutiong• Ob.ould be taken in all cases may ceme into 'the lawn, If one IS de- ..... from seeds goWn. in. ,May, but .i.i;,-;,-,:',w...;:ti:tIfTtbe-1,:q7e_see-esketh,steris.1 ..1,,nt; •trific"'.. poOindlittlly_. scescled, On. 'EL square otit the bldegrass and•eloVerO... NV*11, 9.11-SOW1.1 • plants Sornetvbet •„thleker,. will eliet , off toe' moll p.h.. A eirous Of growing such grasses aft the .i • first year, 'se there is not much i' 111' fie4 f,r,' Alio k,hniV • wiii .serv4t.,,, or ,,i,ot.i. ,'A. 611:ttui:A-Calitagriiat6trid vaiii iiuniber of traublesotrie, Weeds .• that ' May s0 plante will not bloara the I I: roe loaves' are pr•ol‘s'oly-best., as •iieVerat otlier---grfeses;eend-,414.0-&- --- Alta in .transplan ;Ling have• le6re. eeti,Nr tight roof 401,11a .ho pleoeiti to obtain: grasses whose percentagea tihui,nce• to cut out,inferior Plants, , ovo a . • 'Phe bod ••tilionia , he•. high' of 1 stance*. Mittures of lo* pbeeentages gernlination 'ere high, In some tn- red-top, bent grasseg and tOtile Of. the tesnued, the ainnionium sulphate, Most of these • plants Mk o it' loose • ,.. enough PO secure good d'roinairp. W should d bpelic,ussedittieidehthelsdeibleleafptv:atieledd. tg.j, MelleW : leant that • w V.11 not pack 'Or ihe p:“••.1.•in,g lopt %try; there is little are placed art ket • , • r allowing the establishment of the pun., Woods soil with plenty Of lpitf lisitiror. of •winter -,killing. I, have iceot lawn. for beet restilts it should be ea,re. A mold is 1(101. Sow the seeds. in rOws. thoni by tinming on etwistr hoot VOW fully bartdiseitnd not pAglectad, ,Ii: the litlfrt• about every toito years at the rate Of ..tbree htindrett_..D.Q.Atids 'Pee DO not c.rowd Plio rowit. The seeds tholit., Malting tate, bottlein of die bolt very good rote to iollew is to never more, althottphfinek. 0 rotinii limestone I to holt an inch, and kept moist 'Midi A, little cure Avitt inulte your. ihmts .. ii itotertoistei 4114.Te.14 il, XibtKe or 00. used. abed twice at the rate Cit'llife lirasnutah: os tb,Iii ton& la ositso.it to SA a diii oi pliosihorue inalkiii • abeitild be covered not oveir a quarter tight ito It ‘sArtild Shod the Weber. permit .the lalra, liras". to go to 'aced, eveeke for mont .ot tho co:tauten var. al4ndant : illooin • noxis spring S.= satisfactorY 10,104 Al) i thfit 01 fro, 1,0lads"Por::StillarS, rod,. •• op,. WhiCh will -take ton days or two Iltrivie, and they will to*ord you %telt lotiv, .Sulut, art eloWer 03'01VMM:eta • • etimmer. . ' . . . .- . r , • - . .