The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-06-30, Page 27, 7 4 himi. Of Tni�)nths has C uril ibeso to up thq, hopo d AMD I SAID OF jXQej% 1i*4p&tjAIjg. butter in quantI005 'the. foctory aya , mp.givea -6alth has 1,400 miles- from the ralibead on the R of Moklox, good communlots, 94A 'Of ld of twat M since 1913 -an4 �Carc Aiscovsi4a "It.k'the� subarctle, re'l Alberta d Yqu pmarints'. �restored coinage aii, Qre%t Waterways Rait" -tbe.1 ne4T ]Fort tleldurr&Y; Alb0it%- V 9" paralleled since theAls 4hein 'egnada VI%Vfk janikary trade. and. proilt-M,aking ag Way I a�thorized I oUths of -the years within the ;,got Month. 9. of tb Mackeiii1e.-, Riveri Auq- w , But 4urInt;. four m tan c 6 n #A MYO to April 'I a total all Ost twice Qsz xlikust, June t9 pqpteiilber, 4. woAdorful not- f �0�e opatches 'now indi 'te MOSCOW diE j4ijyw'. �eing developed during, the. cor- 1920, the q IrIllers mits easy pay brought J.4 a. will 'work oflakes nd rivers v:AN 1 of 10 --lo. Tile reApuning pot t he f -,bout 1,000 bbl, ilally. "V th -bpr acem ;to the field. ftor when. he Wdes, tha iun. that tl!e &o& Bols,hevist w Ili. E jand re &a with a flow, 0 ount of ,butter ini-Pok ip When Ile Want45, to time Ikews. of t the-uew ikeld �1`h0,.Qxt0At,of the o)l,tkeld Is ot at Ile Of -will buy a stan but, 0114 sms Liuriog t But present Itnown, letter and. thb. de.�Osltlng, he's. spread all Over the world. a long,br totaled li-1,L)OI-4,40. pounds. An- mail uneym in.State banks ip. -to glat Places, It at 500'mlle price fol- priwife, -M, word ot,t�ii Otrlke�dld not 'reach the z4olo olare . 00– Imben all the. 60 -broad, Other authorities thlAtt Oil be restorbd. Truq,. these or ntll October, ItAy Ildve been �tsldo' u re WU 14 quanti- 6- State liankall and mh� Ib, 'pre&, may. be'discoyererI -in pay unio of, operativ ethe utlu waterways, were rozen, sual Vol ties. Over a.str4cli�ot 3oo,900 square 6 sponsible ftir o end V6uted.py large Msh.'ot en. uptil Leirilli�, a- iii waMthat do 00t� n9w. of that England appear; liCit bankis are. a part, a ng7 H f hardy )iall [es.' As .,yet, liowev.6r, most' of It- pri owpver,,. s9me, ew re Ains'to thoroughly prospected, The stitirovs iY1I h Lofiinp Ila* apffito did., dogrtrain. in from, lgdmbn 1A ilp�ort- i t,capitai ist systm"'whic ft . gin oIqnl�' by reo�ived� this huttiir show -his lo. Dasou, itcolonies -ght Ili at�hekg� is co'. g" a' t Is a region *, Inhabited That�the.,IlelA Js one pf .great ri.ch-TsomeCtribeg, of Indian And scattered nfamiDu pro,du­ Tile i. -fur- wh ii�h i0r *ixt thoir butAer. it is tobecotne dit evident r.oji. t 'whit.e men, few,.jnjiujU6er,. at the tho'soviekr, Reps upe( f a the fac h -of -trading Posts. A ortifted'tradifig post . . . . . . on'tjUring'the.. w 'r aet, out, 9 ti ed nd 1096S 10ch that tile company forme&.for. Its ex. st)ttri�e�of,.,."Bti.ek.liundr . I . - Company, prob. It is. no longer o. li�� n -of the ljudgi , `t� (1,14. 11joitAtion has bad'-6rews_ *oKkift, I t tnit 'supply. rfQ rtifi;d. ng,.po§t t.! bly the"only sl this': ote, a4d ir,64loA a -I t rft * . i� alsd op . tite entire continent, At c ioner, -as,, I -)RF judke, an several years. stilf.'In 'Use ;' . IN :iHE 'ou torm% ONE HV.NL M DKGRF. lish qrarl�#.4 as an tlet"for ber �5.ur But tuoughhe World at'large is just. stands in this region. I . . has Wen., 41 . iverid'22,- the� . he petroleuin is of very light"grailb 014s ilr con g tO-IMD of th e field T 1�itve 'hat Qf butte t kjt0getII6ia, the; re�orts r_ IS using It ti" The. r ill -Vngland. In is n w T 'the. dis- And one gas -boat at least Canjll� P4ul1a*. M Acke azle-Rivet A N�w Lt lle is w long start tow4id richness of._ reis months'Of 1921, tri 'is not iti all 4dring dite.,first th ct tn,6II;bea:ring ground In the crude state ASIMA­ OeLwevil . . down t1he thihi 00t. he hi,� 5$4 'all I u vi more 4it-hough 'the Panama .-than- th'- Canal ILLS -Y new dl"over�.,: air Alexander ]&sac:.* Perhaps the most int6resting tilipg 4,:U`hl�!ired with but buildling fVT a Ee in 1911 Cali- bt kenzie, in 17.89'93, during'wlitel in coull6etionwith the tieW field- is.the during thtt�sil, e -d of tion only seven. year. M beei.i. , in opera -UT the 64iffm he'llas. dreamt' 7 noted part the aeroplane,will. play� The com- -engineers Aboful.filjrg the Of �,v rs aXe alroady talking I -he travelled this, gr"t pbrthland �:Ax�ttg It bi% life, alllvthiftj,.more� i. -rd, ua: 4 a wh utter trade: Is w *" ; df� . -pany sedt.two michines from Ne second canorl 94�rap heap ever� ei& -i tike oil seepages vf�v� � hs agri ommented upon, enlarging it or digging a elixth 4%fi,jent 'to ibe dead of Win. -00110ulle, the &11 fiton I u hat' is' Parallel with it. Froin, -ail e ils, writings., or a hundred- York to' n O ;** vv ara' QL .; C , ngdonj afford- i con n been -rnbre�_k anti .0L. ears afte'r,'g'few,me�n,werd aware -of ter,.a record 4 ross, oinir of view the canal has ti ent. flight of, , !! Crt,;ed K. hry sald' P ' ' 14n Lteil, fu erl�h]aess' of 'thj� land 'in, Possib(It- ', hich almost nothing has, been xpe�t - ? vi;,e, W ruewdul thdnl�anyone� antidpa,tm- It jroin�. 'on Of e ..%4, caral in rog�r , L mposs-lbl to. ties 4 beeginli timb When. it .,he , r.e. ng 4 prpdudni field -of irlitise Planes. are. all -steel monoplanes, Th' will be equate. e naa to Domifilou g6vern-ment ts'PrePa.r- t6 the coninfercial.-need of the V prij- ut on 'a e! of it jS ut, no indi- The -,' 4 the-� Ot mullh-.0f it is 60 iet world.widb Importance., �ht?.trtM. ,� A -vidual or -Small conlo4ny had the. cap , 11ag - to p seaplane service to 'is ilir-pady nably nt;44r; som e a, 0'e '� r w.e(. it. , -4 a a t -Wexi, �a, a61..to explolt:k fie' go rento thor, hink it mal�b, �,ur veyors, . and gJablogistl, reaso fteen, k much is only - 0 se In 9tr- ch year� , v' at . d al 'Qam4lan airtneii *fth �n- au L -3 The first as -meftioneirl above, whIfe tw. ue of. the grc anj iiway.' The rC�' Itili.ts. at -Lehin,- have ordtir0i !rom, eomei spl�p .;f D t In'. in'-4:4gust, -last year. vlablp,.wa rec w4terway. as Ei con,�eiiience th -the it was. brqugh E may tie t hAt Tm�tzlq .9 re' I t and,dini a- cially designed se, efen;�e of -the United naval (I states is! e S t, S well Is on the, Mg6k1enziii River I England two spe Control, thit there lull il The rate 5� mpaired by'.the size agua Nvi-I e sh w in latitude� about 5 de longitUde. planes for pasgenger.se,.rvice. iiing to be.ji I g, an4d . girl e,4;�i a ihbreak and ihat fro f farefrom, Ediriontonj-0 th� oll�flelds of the RepublIc 9 newest 1)atileships,- 126 deg. wat: It is;1,600 miles = 010 0 .,more fa� nsi ere -e of s' .into two r ,r.ng,th�, w),ich cDula , 0 ; %� it, the'Mearest af Edmonton, and��is quotd a.t.o.ne as� Wrougli it.'�itfi difl: Vidl�m illi, . Ldnine. em ficulty, -if at All. Qf I 8. re na, illbre as the. strongk� Uni 1 v7t�riit.� Fifiances. Bride Xie6alpoec fte it! n thai the presend" -er 0 ille Duuni3Ors, as, the fiallre sugges. FamilY.Vauh?i until E I still d if it ncither, an( 0-&-:nt' mar That- was - A, u versity .supported 6e it bee6mes.' 0M ( canal be depi�ned and riagi customs, Pelf. : bu�s the st±aiigest'lis. thAt.ob"rVe.dk'bY` - -a) Pw i. that Thay I 'even nior dan: -po - .,k P:&� oilginal' pecomniendati n* of a -jsa,te r . I its pt-op.e_ 5r. ie�h 31, W.11dwood'Cemeter, V71111ams. , ' 'e'011., than 'tbe f 'ALssam.,,l�rldik- some of the.'women -I and daughters ith*,thel upt.. thought:., . of eegin Ir. tastes n pajorjt�,.`-of th-6 c,,r4mssion LIkert*N1 a port.' -Pa., is' I -jtud4�s As �raried as mank"mi, There .he. pro em con ,.t< I bride -, g OM e t 1M. k-. taker4 that xai:i ine�d bi - 'in": apt' ITp*� of seeills, tb b� *7 b6 the iml jt�,, kind 4P the 5: the. iLvffaxive.' Sher goei to SM -eh "L116 -It v�ould- mi'san *dki>enii?- the 'plac�'nol_,bounds.4pori ihe li!14�s 01 its grOom, 4u. in -W the hn -% of d et,quette for -,.,e is,,t e irre, "les in years ago . . 1�, 100 eet,'(,-nt1t b hat, is vorld It vas built. to the III 1906. d_ citizeu ol�tbAt communliF 30 b�ide " j cal,atioxi som,,�61ng, els; the jS --aiid resi�t until car ; X e t v e".q t6 hid:e ried WT. nd r n6jj :of* hib ening *the to K-v�-ral 'par4-ble lo�E. k Front' thl� to In �. thAt p red.h.. a .' - -1 'a I sure Oc6's1ojallj'_a mAn 35aay..,gqt his trife H a' �,,j 61' 'rl,z,' ihe a t-I'mei its L -f Charl� be buriid Alive., At t holl d evei �lj -.as I lit, -cgpture, but tiivallv it .1k. the w0m, oml -iq reniri-Ved by a - 9ML .6 40._ late. Pre$ajant he qiherz ldoini n4 f 861 Wo' d timo,, of iniermeiii,the'llody "to say -, -, - ?, e. v,e. c te. man who klid?mip� hf-M—that:i�. dut, as it eo�-t tz� the, 4�ahal "iij. the dAsket 'and placed 'In bile' of -Wisconsin.) hir'male friends db, it for Ji:4r. h A m. e he t:F"; Til as 'it ,sti�nd�sr; -prr,..a 1.y'. nnkte: W -en, it as thi �Wript the boulcfvki�ils '.the five. vauit- cmparpnenta. ese -wed to' . -rapt- ivt lad feltiii prevent in-. i", I.- j ,I gt before h, rid; and,' o3 . ne*n,.of.- Moans Are allo is be!nk t0m are I�fid�ith heav� -sh is -,j-he Eig eenl�h�Tht ' 1, yj cli,oqpe a. temfforaT3-.. tusba' ,)--rd )Ye the.-J�rov!nei ersSty �qf grnUv Lurt-ll'le a., ory, . shotild - the upOsed dead. wk6n tired. of- himi e,.Pa-Y him off ad a Mauv! I - % L� '' ' knd'-Pe� me -the bout oths. s6in ... . 'It appea I xs" bint. the "Istrong bj '<i ver .0 pa#ic . - . I . . eaable" of handh 1. . aly 1- take another.' .11 .1 . 1 .141, -1 - -siy t . .. ; -4 , . . -bt*nes�s :th-at the. pi��sent,­qanal. can. z#y the. *11�, fuj fliL Ducts supvi fre.sp. air to K11:0 a, good with S`MI�ar differe-. to. the.t6p, Wlfat M01:1� So 4 S'ttCte - of tr�uce--- acco==6date; ot Toronto' mast "'jet aliing on. an. the.-., heto pwseja anil W -To Use V wer;n_ n6t�er - SYM.g4 a' a'rinuai. colei fin. which a' Unit lan.,a trillion megns' lal that N;v person,, 61canlic P6 A estion, is t� ii6 wo6ld. j tallion. �I.n- rig trit, e 6'n*- HjLwaii46 Ise w" nA nAl. mvirsity *of equa. s. E otlie. :tn= t1k holderi '114e keys m ca ��cros -tl�e b, b morrow. 61)6L sare� the accm-a mi,,ijorr lijois, and--!'�'sbow- br t. a ilo liion' ebih- -ve been sent - ft`would- .,fiaturaffy bV'-not far fr-om`sra2n­e. So-c;-amped- M��ati6ns. of the Provi fi e One follow n rhree expeditions ma, ncial T;ni-.-er-' 9u.r nf i '� b' -t ciphers� 1 9. par M n, 'CpTerk� !;',;b' -h& outsid. but fro tli:6�Unitqjl-1 .'' 'Ti&in t Ij , §j;tes to'Kilati7o"a the the Pana Ganaj, -but it wwald )>e,.!, b 'th ' aEg,:'b Oj)erl of �Ia `PO�kible so tituited th� th President�& -,br6me. has' ff - Y t sland �ks - e firepot of 'he i ie,.'In j�raAcL, �nd .gme.ri --------­ -to Mves g .pord 0, ;itlti­th� -pia�tlaabfiitf o' conypo VeT..R.. whioll tb� Culebra hills are -ino -c --north' ck bu TL ons. it has It ia-�.* burt -e eq Ofie oi awthbi' of th� and pir! envirdn' ents -6ontintre "b -t rivers -d 6babT -be Vsed s Tbe,. 3 fm P�: Z of t6a, 'forest .fre,,' t ii ...prriposed o6; I - . - 1, . - ' - MTS. CLF- ' - I - r, obi -, uring ri6d� o f (Ir o U t tatE.. ia!� 'all thej:n d''; d" the evv canal- wq� be -an. erve a . ivl�fle publi.0 cj-cs lol Froun S �our a- terra P* ILI to - find a schijll .s some. L :.d�dtt�ed .datnvned as -the iub ligd 1 I r se, the in( -1111 ns ley ­­�­-ChagTes was -it. Ranama, -a' M is a" ;�bkViv lit ;r Ua _g r t ie o', Nibaragua schtrrib Tikay. bd xe- On. Jun sate;. reader w-. fg ae- i of- -teil 7 liji.d juzi, roneluded �Y'. , . - I - . . .--. grees. fro S jtb­ N icare: �!?r_ = Xe .'a -great oi goan I - efio 1, 'tW ;l1t ars. �Lg_ more- W k4IMPP MM K ye W th e' iiitii�oc6anic calis 'tii �Md a �hher in n. 7i In p� C, Th, *"s r.- .. "Tb4s, I ank'a sort ,h, Z-ot pe mute, 2icross Panama. In F -W�I al -k a :rATb-_: tee It'Make n hiz' Sea,., Ft wben't �,itfi th niU4, inage by bur p - -:!ng, �Wilk �rouglx �1-d b� ' '- ' — ' di;� ig �k Aff _a nonev his'ch. Is Ea a -g— L rj� tegtIjr: of th�at ',of- -the-, ILI likc, 1'W say V60 - W 6u] ot it-wi - - , I , ____ - ___ - - -_ , �k 11,,*l should tim d- th 1 ap i�ve-: Pit Irearly - miles a relative,y m6 Th�e -ac leem be� P 4LUI1 p1ed' the ot-ab Lai licity e 2r !,-V.ez ifAe t4p, tta 13 I t�jmpjy tu" i esom e, isn! he "Kind r: r­115.;X_�-L alktr ia problem. t.t' 111 iLU San ment ly plitket P fire 8 at the break da' ';�he states, -i �v P and. 4av rv.,t N! At thai� time'. a halT-dozen men. .�ut �ff fvho had, businesq, &L gofid" t.- off -'the hea A&Iqthpligh in ere, than fi ty ni6n can QU do -,at- -two. the =i��.Ild ekt a cen othe P4�rime t t "But'l doil't'ma. e� any e O Rre;t- S urlike -Trre -ITMaII3 On what railroadT.'. t, 'ctr a -)light anv hum SE e jin.'as i'tanc VMteVer '1)0- 't- wELL 16�e - sunrise but -if nothin - ii done t, re. MY of Scope It ib *t vhil,6�tb llam�eq are at I OW 0 n thing� :mill, by '6f -bi lior<in6 'd t14 mi"� oil: e.a wdiideful —WAR-.. �77 L, t to 4t mg war: st ti ced the.. -01 -9t th m -K -.rf tliat -m -A -firL turally-.-�proree,d­ in---- ory,t w&s tol.d 'by ow er, erei goutT er F- i ecti f, on o r Wlk�' . L W an-eliTAidal.shapikl-ftiea-� b&d flanW,'and tail.: Ti osi -7 d hrst day In,the trench.3 was lone fol yo' t gjt '16� (jul b I ia6ei to ittllick:afe a�t the ete`gueiies, t e big, fectua p! e,, ttld Teteran, E . nstkl,iat,ion rion, is . 900,Mhead and `-fianks..' If.6 he can remirkatil wer cojiduct-, 0 have only ed.himielf more coolly or more clieer- 11 -,r jr. "All.d you' aware ur. Keepb -a'sinjier tool tO tight, tile tor�est, flame"i ;j .d AIL :'.'I he. d7,ametcr 'of bu . . . . . . . . . . u L�*.. a wuttJr -15 P11M it's wonderful how the new# chap cute -the OLge Of the stirfabdi. . 'llow�d, to take fiSli fr(YjIl -t s 'fi.. ishe can ettlbs' down''to. It," said - - I . .. . 13F ixuL of:" ur- tun. I 80,000 4 �mitherh a. rd 'and thro* it back. He.dhn- a ISO_ oU, 'Ulric C row on. burning efhbe tI"Ah. bral,' a "F!. the hmn :th �,d t pApta; n,! said,a. orp I chitrware 6n)pera:�e ex.clu ta4ibg, your-.Ifish�-Trn What'; I- ducci - t - h - e 'I' to 'e P j yQu knew.: poor Bill Smithers'.. �Oie 8:,jAMjjjy a r oxygen.. The I� 1�1�e A good Ur. t1w word vi. It: i Ulster !over 4' -nwrned f& 'I d% -you'd -yeaize 'bow be.;ip7'j caii_'bave 'ecolhe, P -4m. to life as t 17 us to limit i ware am �amcing-. the, pixAuced it. fh6 area 4f the fire by plo mg a nar­,� preciatds, a. :.quiet day I I ,o1,..wber* T, ular fi oa,,. N� The' ca,lthier:cJ44,'o:f- Chmes a wav la g -een tile- frorij, 4 iw'ow,_ zttip ras ac th&, path, of.. the . 'A I Yar long' buter..garmet of orx paintrt" �flumes.. Wh�re there is'danger froin it d v 1To--yg* I 'Oootmdn's Drejs C.ost�� jvhkh are easily -damaged Tain.or wvah�-Y these. �res -the c��rulirdtj should be has �a trac, of -foot�--t snovw, sdid the- It Ves on-, --or-ganized L men at Buickinghitin �Palacb post more fording Warmth, prote�cts the Y -P ('I�j �,j fr oment's notice. Iv,-tilin w; a rn six huildred-dollats j si%�o jk cl thing und 0a,,�b� orn, jy Geu,� Jeyr� r I. r-rr- 4 __se_ HEAD %S..60 .......... : t= Owl