The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-28, Page 5M r,s,,. _ism t1rRn,v MAL aliwasnauri 71.1111111.11111111/1 11 MARTIN0SENOUR ftA1NTS•AMI;' VdRI?IPIES .. Touchup Your Furniture and ` Floors Furniture that ,is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. If the surface is spoiled, the article is considered use- less, This'is seless...This'is not soli Save tle surface and you save all.Use. • 1�%rac'1ArW 'uuunuui�iari u,nsnnr uuuas• ��W"sMlu! . o op. JA ' SThiN Floors and furniture that are shabby.can be made to look like ntwby using WOOD -LAC STAIN—a durable, beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds—a combination „<2f high grade varnish and permanent stains. It imparts -. to to c mmon wood surfaces .the 'rich appearance of more expensive woods such .as mahogany. 'rosewood, cherry, etc. Twelve beautiful shades, #' . Get 44 'Sample Bring the attached coupon and 'secure a trial can sufficient to do over a chair or• small table. We will give • you full ' instructions how to use it Ve want every householder to, try WOOD -LAC STAIN.. , CLINTON• $R.' FARMER What about .necessary spring re modelling and• repairs? We can sate .isfy you on the prices of CLEVELANn.:COIL and BARB WIRE; WOVEN FENCE and POULTRY NET-. y , POULTRY TING, FRESH PORTLAND CEMENT, LIME, ' PLASTER and •PULP SI.O ISE... This shows a Nemo *lode'. • fol slender' •figures. Fine qualrty, white coutil AS the material used. Sizes 20 to 26. 'Priced at $3,.75, CAMERON, 'MURDOCH & CO.. Ididiusi. rA f Rae &Porteou"' `° 4 e' 'se° ,..4�0 s ,� e ' c� 4.b(p° do t?o tP 460 c•N +1 V off' r 4 :1. Riglht- In Your Home! Cotnc to our store rrgh`t away=select an Amheroia phonograph and a dozen records—and we'll deliver • theta promptly.:to your home fora; 3 days' FREE' • trial which. will not'cost you .a cent or place you;' --tinder any obligation• to,buy! How can we. aifor.d to. �-- tlo t111SiBecause ' : ' • EDISON'S NEW DIAMOND BER' FLAX MILL. SOLD (The Clinton. New Era). Merner Bros. have disposed " of their; flax mill 'here and (Copp) farm to Mr: ,Ii. C. Struthers; of London,, who is how.in possession. The new •owner ' hasalready contracted for 200 acres for • this season at frons $12 to $16 an acre. Mrs F F. Mer ner, who has been in. charge here, told the New Era' that the 'firm •had spent ever $60,000 • in the ' business here, for wages, land,' flax, etc.: They still have their stock :Mr. Merrier is 'undecided as to .the future, but we hope be can see .his way clear to re,•' main a citizen of the town. "And do you remember" the faces of all your customers ?" remarked'; the 'boy to the assistant in:the shoe store, "I never forgot'.anyb`ody's face. that, I ever fitted. with a pair of shoes Springweather re- minds us. of Perfec tion:Oil Stoves,' 2, 3 Or 4 Burners. All grades- of :Auto,ITrac-m, for anc4 Machine Oils and Greases; Auto Accessories,. Dominion, Nobby and . Good- year Tires and Tubes. • E&..1O..RTEOUS Phone 66,' Res. Phone :1.21 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the matter Of 'the estate of Annie Isabella` Boyd,* late of the Vi4lage of Lucknow, in the County of Bryce, ., Dressmaker, deceased ,NOTICE is hereby ,given that all - persons ._having_ any-•ciiims_ _or de- ;rands against the late Annie Isa- belle Boyd, ,who died -on or about the' yin slayof February, A.D., 1921; at. the .Village of Lucknow in the Coun- cy of Bruce; .are. required to'.send by,. post. prepaid or to deliver to :the un- - dersigned, n-dersigned,. _ the executor_ under the .will of :the said. -Annie Isabella -Boyd, their harries and 'addresses and full particulars• in writing of their claims and statements' of -their accounts and _.:the-:natureLof•, the ,secniritles,- if - anyt held by them, duly, verified by .•affi- davit. And -.';take, notice: ;.tl►at�aften ..the Fourteenth day of May, A.U., 1021, ;,•: said executer will "proceed to dis tribute the assets of the said;deceas- ed among. the, persons entitled' there-. to, having regard" only -to tire claims of which he shell then have hadnot- ice, Nand that the .'said executor 'will -not be'•liable for the. -said. assets or _ -any 'part' thereof_ ta.any_.person . of whose, claims he -shall not. then :have, •reepived_ notice:. This notice is given pursuant 'to the statute it' that behalf. ' Dated-at-Lucknow,-this_.19ih dayM is the world's greatest phonograph value and will :meet any.tesnw►here `-`-talking••machines'.'sand. ordinary, phonographs fail. I,f the Free Trial 'convinces you, we'•lllet you • " ow`n'ihe Ainberola en; practi- caily your oavit terms! Hurry right down to our .tore for this Free Trial or you may have -- AO wait your turns 0 RMSTRONG -LUCh•NO W • (YAK l;uc fra'W Lffdge° n r -ovei rcarevering—o t a'clo 'ts. i Hall, Campbell street. All.. brethren cordially.:invited. • • Officers., Noblt Grand, Root., Johnston; Vice Grand,. Arch. Barbour; tee: Sc.,' E. Aitchl - ' sun.; Fink Seed, Dr. Paterson; Treed - . read urer, Alex Rosa. G t.C: Old bight Lodge meets every Thursday night_on _or.• before thefull moon, in the Mae • ,•ianic•Hull, Havelock St,, Luckhawo W,M., N..0, Mackensie; . SM.; 1. 8, Reid; J,W,, J. ,Mequtig;''Sec., W, A., Wilson. r e• Balt; rya:1 ;i4,.I231, _. W Xsieknow, Ont.. b -b-600. ExeCutor. N.0 riti..- Seiaeioa; Neuralgia. • Templeton's 'Rheumatic Capsules- • LAW RE LIGHTNING RODS During the present session. of the Legislature an act*wils, tassea• regul- ating the erection of liglitning rods •• Ott bUildings, EverY firm selling rods must have a government license and everyone engaged in rodding thge Must have 'a iteense 'or permit. The materia.1 used In the trittnttia6 ture of ,lightning rods has ta be tg cording to a. governynent staridard $0.in naeb ft' building is todded atter brOuglat 1004 tolutupetrotIttets 114 by_doctots, sold by drug - 014,51.00 a boa. Ask our agents -yr iviitt for a free trial package. Templeton', lel King W.„-Tatonto the het eomet in force and is dameg. ed by lightning, the price (a: rodding can be -collected ' again .froin the party Who geld the rods Or from the yOuV Ausbod," bald the caller 'sympathizingly; "was man of "Yes," sighed the widow. "lie was it good man. Everybody Aais 110-4 wasn't. much ScqUitinted With him `The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty -one -National Red. '. Cross ''Societies engaged in a world-wide Crusade' for `. • The improvement of health _The pre`centiorLo cl.isease The mitigation of .suffering.. Is_ moV6ment is endorsed by The Governments of Thirty-one 'Nations; The League of Nations; • Medical and: Public Health Experts Meet • • ug; in International Conference at Cannes, _France,. April, 1910.. The Crusade is being inaugurated by a c • • • WI•IY IS THERE .-J "BEST MAN" • AT A.: WEDDING When we . dig back into °the 'origin. of naUny' of the cue17om6 v*bich sur. round marriage, ° even when it is : re, garded' M the. Iight of a religioud cereiiony, it • s' surprising' to finis: the number of Signei'ach point die ectly to :the. days .when a wedding Wit s merely . t matter of agrtiement, _:between a man enol .a: w fxnatt,, fret) fattier than Courtship, -Wad the prtnc,pal argument .used, , �1`he• flrat',form,-tiff 'i rr,ah:';iit=A side of a' tribe was the "tnarriage by ,capture," The.bridegrotlm .simply went, out. eized" . upon some woman who appealed' bo him, and carried her off to his home. In modern marri'age the very name of "best man" 1,•is sfnipty the successor to the strong- armed warrior . who assisted the. grOoi i to carry oft his bride, just as the wedding ring . symbtilized the thongs with which , the 'bride was. bound, and the old shoos thrown at. ter the couple take 'the place of the. nnissflpe hurled by tits pursuers of t1i pot The ,Ind$ t aoi 'ito U N ONTARIO ENROLLMENT May ':22,-28 As the otitwarci and visible sign of 'your personal' .share th To help create puhiic 43 pinion favour of'sound health rileasures. V:00 YriaY, et11.611 Witt' Y4A Li 1:' tooql Red" Crik;A. 111PUlic.h or 1,,i)nr011nillt Colt. -mitten -Alt, If. thOit M.- -lit} -orgazikol,iczn iti.-1;01" COliixlitillitk' With I' Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division. nothing more than ilia space of time when the captor had to hide his prise 'irOna her kineinen Until' their though you vote alone,. and you mat 'acrid), the sweet reflectien that ./t seems. to be an established .fact your voto itimo, lost itohuanty an . ounce of keep /our moUth shut Is worth a pound of explanat, • 44