The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-04-07, Page 80 c 4:- :ial Prices 4 'Sand 3U.I1. . • t lave, just 0's -ed. intiiL- stock a shipment of Men's and.. Boy's -Suits.- These are' t e. best values we have shown in years: as rti •• • Forthe young fellow just going into tong trousers, see the snappy styles we are show- ing at.$18..0, •$20, $22, & $25 in Men,s models-th •• e� more conservative styles and paterns fat,==$22,' 25, & 28. Boy's Suits at from $8:00 .to $14.00,' all the celebrated . "Sanford .Mal'e" __= the kind. that wears ,'anti. ;anh. keeps their shape' Afki r 4• �'.' oaw�. ,�• .�....- _»• .ir, a -�6,� S i J*.,1�'itl .,+4• } dr _. �� . ,.-,_ n'r-»..•�.'r. _ ��� 1.: ;,:� �-�• ':T_,.,.t�S3' ;xrc„3 �.i`� .. • �^,o'+y_�''•'•'••"�`�"J7..+�,-���`r+.. GR AM[ WANTL;D FOIA • _ Q SI3AFORTII CREAMERY' .phone No:. 10 is at Your Service Wi ,Sell. for Cash -We Sep, Cheaper 'Than 7. he Credit Stores ,CALL ANY DAY AND GET "A CAN AT T. SMITH'S STORE. , We `test Wedhesday and •Satur- a7, YtM. Get Your can .any da',?.` ' Will also bay limited. quantity of good char logs. WE WILL •APRECIATE. YOUR PATRONAGE. ---A ANDREW--- - .25-*1- • FOWEE:FAEMING Farmers in the. vicinity Of Luck - new l4hould • ngt miss. the illustrated. address en 'Power Farming, to :be given on Thursday evg., April 14th. ,the' Family Theartre by Mr. Georgel.. Clarke a pouter: farming ex- • pert, .and • a graduate of the Ontario - Agricultural' "College. The ` illustrat- ions will be moving pictures, which Will- be both entertaining and in- structive. This information will be of' xalue to every, successful farmer. The people who are yelling the ' loudest about hard times. . are the people who have had to reduce their own profits to about 500' per cent. Se "StauntOns" wall papers • at ur''store.--a11• new :goods,, all the ' • latest design. ; Paper .is 22 inches wide.' and • semi=trimmed,' which, .• means you have no trimmingato do. If you want your paper put' on we have a -,man who will give 'you a' first class job.• . ,WE ARE HERE, TO ,SERVE AND .SATISFY YOU. I3ucknow Hardware &.CeaICo. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS f CAIV�ERON, MUI�DOC�: �e • r: = ; '4 ,` DRINKWALTER OBITUARY 1� iicc iiA,T,C� Mrs:- Leach Fol lowing an illness of ••, COUJullIa7 � more than a year :`Mrs -Samuel 'FURNACES SUPPLIED, AND. INSTALLED --PLUMBING AND. ELECTRIC WIR»iG AGENTS FOR THE HECLt 'IPBLESS_ FURNACE. :Leach,a_ well,. known 'resident of the village passed . peasefully _away at. -hem,home- the_.afte con. of March 29th. Althpugh' her 'recovery I hear' his, voice, often when not, I too desire to be up and .gone out of -these earthly;• inarshes- where hunts the dark Fowler -----gone to :some -:vast puree open sea where one Eby one; my Scattered. kind those whom I' lova and those who love, ine, will arrive in safety there to .be together.. was doubtful, . sosudden 'did the end Throughout the winter , months: come that -the. friends were taken ; severe- citizens have Visited -a .sec completely by : surprize. Sht was • eluded ~ little • pasture: land in the able to walk . about . and conv e - it heart • of our neighboring forest; and feat inotheils •before.' _her, death. She_ was in ' her 54th year,. and was the ST. _HELENS .•, " second daughter. of.the .• .late- John .. .' __ 'Pickering. In the year 1893; she was Monday . April 4th 'united in marriage: to. •Mr: , Leach; have reported seeing deer paths, and the .places where -they " had eaten, but in no - instance had any party actually seen one of the bunch, so many were inclined to , discredit the 'rhe�stbr-storka. -fine baby, beta<at _ .live :in Luoknow nine-r-eports... FTowev_er�iast _ Satin'IaY• the time of -Mr -and-Mrs -Sam -Dur- teenago. The funeral' set'- ;proved` beyond "' .'doubt'. :that Stich ilii on- Tuesda•y congratulations ... ' - ' Years' :wee- utas -held . iii .the Presbyterian might be the pease; as ,a: deer wa;3.-.in Miss Colina Clark was ?Toronto church, of whicch• she was a consis- reality seen feedir.g.hr :z wheat field for a few -days. last week:.' • - : tent'itiember on Saturday -'afternoon; • bordering `on the.--- sn a.np, and-'-- �b a Mrs. Gordon is spending the Week and was.. conducted : by the Rev.' S. •tracksstill remain to convince . the • with friends .at-Goderich. MacCallnm. Interment" was made • in most sceptical.' Bears are also said • , Owingto=t'he -illness;-• --of_ his son 'Greenhill cemetery. The' , sorrowing to live in this same swamp' as • Ewart, Mr. McPherson left' for the •foretold by tracks; 'but we'slave .yet - :- d W,st on Thursday. . Latest report state that .`Ewaits' condition Much. . Vie.. improved;. ' , ' . . Mr. Harry Durbin underwent an -, „' - new -Ian -week wh 'she' has :pup -.._ -- .-.:-haari 11 ospital..laat'elu irsday and we • are pleased to repert that -Ile . Is .1m- proving nimbi.' ' • Mr. Angus ' Mcbonald is home :• 1y}'• front: Gugiph. • Mrs. Buchanin moved to Luck now teat week • wl1en she has pur- chased a house.' • The postponed meeting of the St Helens Effie Association will be h81d • on Friday ..evening April 8th. • All. members are requested to .attend.. Mrsi Todd received the sad news - onM Sunday of the 'death of . hen mother,' Mrs. Neely at Pigeon Mich. 'Mrs. Todd .leftµfor Michiganen Pion husband has the sympathy of the community in , the: loss of a', kin and devoted wife '• Not now, but in the .coming, years,:: It may . be in the Better Land, �e'li -read •-the' meaning• of our tea.ra; W. d_ them un,•there .,we'll ttnder- to :see Mr:' ; Bruin personally' and don't suppose, we want to either; Oh, no, he didn't carry away Willliam Millet's pig' as he dosen't(ivearmen's boots. We are sorry to report the `illness: _Ttlss='11'lislle �ld� _ :•Asad lsope , for .her speedy, recovery. Our academy re -opened this morn ing with Mrs Duncan Thompson at the- helm. Mr. Campbell our former principle .havingaccepted the • prin. •-cipahip of Tara Public- School.- The Boit. Social held in 'the school house last Wed , evening. was. 'a de- tided success Mr. and M•ts • George , Perry ' of Glamims visited. relatives in these parts -the last. week. The happy young couple elan -attended the:=pro 'sentation to Mr. and 'Mrs: George Haldenby sof--which • oar- ••Ifinlough Awer t' en a a le. tittle- WAN spent ent at -the Hall on -Tuesday evening karat _29t i _ when 4 the :mem-bet's o'f' the losingside of the tt.` F. O. Sp- arrow ' huntfiig' 4 : contest. enter- tained the winners/ and the new mem- 'Hera' and their~ ; friends a •.splendid= . program was given consisting of solos by Mrs. W. Joynt of . Lucknow ' and Miss 'Colina Clark, instrumental music by Abrin Miller and' Charles • McQuillui, and, by Qeoi'ge . Stuart addresses by Rev. Mr. Cumming Mr. John Joynt M. P. P. and ° Dr. Newton of Lucknow. Lunch was serv- ed at' the conclusion of the program. Mrs. ,Ed. Meltoberts is visiting in Wingham .this .week •Mr. Frank Todd 10 'parting •a new We'll know ''why., Clouds instead of sun •Were over many, a cherished 'plan; hd: ceased when=scarce'. Why _song .a... ... - ...._._ °begun: • I•ts then up there we'llunder- stand. nder-stand:: •• A .loving' wife,: faithful„ friend. :An' earnest Christain' to the end. Her life has left a memory sweet; To cheer our hearts,until. we meet LIP thereAnd there' we'll under, stand-- o -o -o .. buittr Ja.•.•.+'s..J...ra.....1 WESTFOR!' - - ` ' out buy your phonograph for'a lifetime --Yon-ought to et alifetimeofu'sicali ha - piness out of it.; And. you do,when you, buy a New Edison from us. -;- _ ar - ntees_ this.' . . ... ,- • . . • Edison-ter—vice se�r_ice.. g�x a scribe is undoubtedly vennrng for '_ 1►,1•onda A:- r11 4tli _tl►is weer ' i4Rup' _� . • , ; ch has , gone likei its Winds. , The '.ot ter night' 'as"T lay" -awake- i :whiph., often •with ".. that ' yearn yearning within there fell from the upper :..air...:. the. ,notes. , of the . wild gander as he winged -his way on-. ward, by' faith, not. by sight towards his distant bourn. f rose and 'throw- ing open the. shutters Strainedeyes towards the unseeing explorerdstartl- ed, as a halfasleep soldier' Might ,be startled by the faint bugle •eall of commander, blown, to him from the clouds. What far-off lands, streak- ed with dawn, does he believe in? Neve in? . in what sylvan waters wi11 11e, WIT his tired breast?' Always w • :. • ..",•••••,•••041.04i-•••••4 ....._..,. LANES. Ours repair -expert overhauls your instrument it running 'smoati1ly- and regularly sweetly. Durr RE-CREA'riorr Departrhent mal:;es . its ison -- •- esu� '00111i to stock the kind of music you most enjoy.:...; . ,s Po�ha� ., Our, magazine; ,"Along }3roa �dway," comes .every month `with": -its chat about things and e. ,. , .r1+�m �chows persons musical. ' ' FREE Get this handsome etchingproof by Frank - "lin 'Boot.l- - and frame • it oun Faison as he looks 'to- day. • Bears : pis fat.- . - eimile autograph. No advertising matter:- • 13 , *19 niches in size.•' `Bring or mail ilic tou :A1 this' is service in, the truest sense' of . /..4%," rci.121, interested and with-' ri s the word,=co , >,� � out cost Tuesday April ..5th. Wil Barn, Lane had a..phone , install- ed last Week - 74 - 1. Mrs, Thomas Bowler . had a bee moving her furniture to her future bone' in St. Augustine. • Courey's Corner Club held a very suceessful entertainment , last Friday evening • r Hacketown •' Dramatic club presented the lionorous' drama. "TbeCountry School Mam". It . was greatly enjoyed, 1y' all. Refined vaudeV111 between sets. ,Atter tbi' AR1YI: TI ONG,-.,0,..z .._ «,.. .._'.. �. .: ' ... ..r.. .. % "fir•._ �i.•ai��0 vj� .. /: `�` off'{ -111001111.111.1.111111111111.1.1111.111111111.11181111."1"-- :e 40"nctVb, or -:paayl--the- --lunch boxes ---were- sola bringing—quite a -.sum of � honey. Lunch followed "and then*daneing;un' •til< the morning .. hqur 'J 1 :roeils,. __. .... P,�. ce, amounted to $81. 'Born —On 'April 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Courtney. 'a _ son--congat- ulations. ' o-o-�o-- KINGARF WEDDING A very ' pretty wedding ..was ,so1` emnrzFd at S•t.,VCetlicw's church, I; in- garf oft Tuesday March 20th. When Miss' Lucretia Mae Young, was unit- ed marriage to Mr. John Wilmer' Stringer, •on of Mr. and Mrs. Yitm' Of Mendila1ns • wedding: , er. Strin s and_ nephew g Pl► of Biho11 '.. A = large --and! -- xepresenatiuc.._con- gretation assemble in the church to "witness 'the 'seremony. '••`flue ` Bride entered the church, leaning on the. arm of her"father,to the strains of Lohengrin's ; Wedding,: March and looked charming in.a gown of white satin with a flowing veil, caught up' 'with orange blossoms. She carried ti bouquet of Aruin lilies. The brides- maid, 'Mss :Mable 'Stringer, sister of the bride : wore a dainty . figured .dross trimmed with baby ribbon and rose 'buds; •' Mr. Alberb• Young acted as best 'roan to; hIs brother-in-law, T -h ter n,on i? e p was 'per�ornteci-lit_ the Recta., the Rev. F. Lewin and' :they. .._ha . col -le-..left'-the thurch_to_ _happy p March. After the ceremony, a re-- ceptign was' l'eld'at the bride's home •' where about 50 friends and relatives athered to offer congratulations •ane, view fibs numerous wedding pre- sents. During the evening which was spent with orchestral music • and games,, the beautiful wedding song `All -joy be thine" was rendered. • The young couple Will make their , home on the Stringer, ,f : atlept:; '` "Doctor, .I Bowe you my' life," Doctor; 'Yes, and that WW1? rile strairia" • 4a h k . , i ',[...;tri Fq