The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-03-24, Page 2capoza aro nzed ae„foster-Mothers, hawk" v41-1 viewer itsve a chance of steeling the 41T:eke. AnY large cityis * good capon inare - NO 7ERFECT ' r MI WEV..-HT - • 13 0 GA.LVAtliZING- ROLLS ...) '4 WILL NOT FULL LENGTH VIRE PEELP.QCRACK ROLL'S - _.(!-J,"-- -, . ----•.--- ki-':-..."7. - -_---- ___ _xi', 'CANADIAN,„, FENCE ,-..1-.. 4...,,,.... : 6 ooa' are.77CC. "o buy . 1 POr sale 4v b,, Aiwa re 40.7 a it- rs 1 ..;fie CANADIAN STE EL4WIRE 6; LINIIED.i . 9 H AP111.710, GN T. > Vir /11/WPFCr , MA _-------,.00 .....T. 4,9. InanY Years of neglect, was' to glVe them a thorough cleaning' up for scale. i.eT,county representative de- Monstrated en .011.1-0 4trees 1?elonging kat I halm had "White Isethorts to _a neighbor, and the results. were -capons that weighed stlE and 911e-balf , . t tdebin that • we . *hied it ' pounds .eaoh; node, island Bede, svauld pay us really tealoek after eur 'eight and one-half pounds; • Wygn- own trees. dottes assd Plymouth Reeks, nine and Fortunately. - the San ..10S0 -Pc*, one-half pods. ." ;AB were less than which is the averat, elleMY of tree one year vid,,,atid from ,IM'diParY stock. fruits, and attacks them #11, 'on be • , absolutely put out of • business 'by winter spraying. Oyster-shelt scale jr-and blister mite will. also be cleaned • up at the same time. We never did dayi. ' . ` . - - • ' ''' ' ter 'spraying Who will do the work food., I continue its use foi, several, Anyone .can be suecessful with ,wia- . mends it::b.,eca,usOok-e kno. w. s, „_ and he roc . ..• any spraying against 'Mee or tbs- Diarrhoea kills more chicks „than •eases• that, gave us sucheee letell'id... - on other teas, anything else. I give •black- pepper 1 satisfactory results is white sprays . ' ground "fine ilia mixed with -Mash , iitg has. ",-,. . _ : • ' " ,,, Feeding.flavor into eggs may. seem thoroughly. But every bit of. the sur 'its, quEility is -the best. may be spoiled or made delicious by ' to...work, -Inuit form ' a thin coating ,- ' Orchard'ind. G.aidat:' a foolish -wing to talk alr14.:bUt no- fe,ee .of trunks Midi branches must be 'thing is more sure than that eggs feoiered, because the 'Spray, in order traalittef food. given. , ,-l'over Scales arid -egg. Every insect • Bens cannot lay in the. winter un- ' matt be tonCheti. 'less their ration containe animal prod ' The -two standard sprays for winter t make the whites of .use are 1=1e-sill's:heir and miscible oil. 41(.. go • if 'your trocer were greedy for profits .he would not be , content to: sei.A. an. recornge . A MoildRe44.050.170ti itt a 10, ss •profit than: than: he rna4es .on 'Other teas. . . But it is a fact that he . malieless..on Red RoA,e than . One -variety apple orchards ere the seed. 'Ilse a spay when Wateritig risky buein,ess; eThe rule among ap-1'm get an eVen distribution of the pies is self-gerility; that is, most • water overThe whole flat • f Flats 'should be set in a warm place, not in (Bred Sunlight, until the plants ' appear, after which they ehould he given direct sunlight _A* soon as the seeding plants have developed; three or four. leaves, they should be transferred to amither ,prePafed fiat that the may have more room for ...„„ap IP(' ;tsca..1".. A ..more satil trees require ;pollen Tom. e .„1,. , .,,, , 4,.... eggs. To supply this, give hens all the ;While gither ean be taxed a o , • - --dr - ,.......-X. „a ,?.......,........ - ,e... , miliCthey can drink daily or feed : we have found it much anOther :variety in order to . mature Of their regillar ratien. !use- a ready -prepared sPray. n ,might fruit : If Your blink of Northern SPY ''.---" -."-.4.4 •-• -z---..., _ 'them meat scrap er tankage as, a 1 factory, and in the end -cheaper, to .,. -.- -a .... - Early feathering and early. crow- be different if we had a big orchard. Or Wealth), trees „blossoms year after toierese ecencnu"Ole;tiens to P -nomist,771 Adeltide St. West. Toronto. in mean earl matiirit ' ' 1 ' ' • • - " turity means early profits. Always!' and the oil sprays and have found g I y. Early ma- , li'.4 e have used both the lime-sulehur year,' and the trees ' mature no -fruit, chances are you need knottier variety „i - Incubator Tiirkeys. caliatcr•and place them under her and I select. the eoelerels 'that feather -first !that the latter gives: just as good re- grafted into the orchard. Trees must I raieed my :first tarkeys• eight as many hens as are 'necessary. The or al and then select from them. the one; sults, and is much more comfortable be happily" married, jUst like •people. • . , 1 that Clovis first • Ito spray with. A miscible oil is one Use of flat for gaining time. a, growth.; From, this last fiat they One hen did not b.stelz an egg, the few days less.. • . 4 • The duck , intended for market . that mixes with'water. The: prepare- • Use iS: not to he had for starting I generally tiansplanted to:the ganien . other hatched 15 and that arousea My Here are three •reasons why swing . should. d at food i tion eve use, Whieh is made especially plants. that need a long period for i wben all 'danger troin 'frost , is pciat , Tears -ago. I bad two heni and a tora. hen bas Celli to set two weeks enthusiasm for turkeys. I kept these an'ineubater is the best way: • during the last three weeks of tier for winter spraying, needs only . • • . . devehipment; such as tomatoes and! and the sell' has: W,areted ti9 some - life. A. geed ration for this is meat? Stirred in cold" water; one- quart of •Peilllere, flats can , , e used in I, -II t ter' conamiso to care for their poults. scrap, elle prt, , ' t ti n one part. I spray to four gallons a water., and .house.. A. flat is a box of convenient•1 Early garden work: Sow ,ternatoes,. 2. A larger fleck Coming out of the i wheat •raidellings, two parts; corn- I it -is ready to use on any kind of atm - • size and about four inches •deep. . It: peppers, eggplentS and celery in the • 1. d G' • eativ plants plenty of. poults in a eaep with runway for 3. The turkey hens will be in a bet- • • .. . .. . -three week*: feeding hard-boiled eggs, is the critical age Iv petits and a lot sante age. They remain together 'and,. i meal, three. parts -"-all by weight- „A tree cornbread and Cottage .eleese. This " "of eats gii.,,Au.diirin*.. this "age,%s time are therefore easier to gather in ati, small p reent‘aio •af•eit eate,pae pa. I. e-e;eh • •'. well spent. • : ' o • night.„ " •' - ' • I green feed should be added. . 1 sprayin -.-. ,, • The 'next year I kept six hens and 3. Eggs Will hatch Iltettif becatisel , . A simple brooder is thus made and i Suit of one -Mixt. That • year 'I marketed so they are -fresh. Fresher eggs used bg a neighbor: A .wooden boxl, a porta , . , bens • at 121,4, cents ca.' pound 'and 11 'the 'beet. ' • ' -. .* ' ' ° about.four feet senate And a" foot' best thi ' cents "liar the tom • and r considered It is possible to move n hen for ,Set- high is Used. • A few holes are bored orchard • ..y....-- these good Prices 'then. That wai irt ting when one wants to. 'Others. n11.1' in one side, to provide air, and then a pressed_ 1913.• A fev-v weighed.1.5 :pone& Mid .object to thet statement total knew. it' blanket'in stretched over the top. An • sure, en • " I thought they .were exceptienally, be doie• beemise I haae done it, i eartheri iuk filled with hot Water is in Spit e: ,- .•'Mid have sticeteded. -Just keep the , - placed inside to provide heat. ,to tliS trery • year .since 1 1::are been in_ hens Shut up for a few. days. Teich sometiniei necessary to refillethe jug of dOult treating my geek,, ,Tfie met, to years,. the baby chicks to eat • out of Ytwr twice i day to keep up the proper gives e 3 have had -only 22 hens-hut4' u 'bands. Teach them to beer a certain temperature. , • . .: .. ••• , , . used with. a bucket •or, a knapsa , t haves Only 20 whet .1siering season. . v's• PliY I call and they 'Will always...Cense. I had 80 pout lag spring and When The incubator 'cellar:I-must have tank....It is .also all, right for .A few times. • I. keep two ' toms:' I purchase thick rovalls, e: double roof and good 'trees: • , . ; ' i e -a• tom every year and keep eacheloml I wciuld call "Peet! Peet!" in the even-- ventilation, in Ordeu,;t0 keep. up tbe On thew:age, if there Are a score • two years -only. If I keep a tone long- leave their mot ers proper 'temperature, and not to • be or more of: raid-sized:trees in Your • er than t'hat my hen i get weak, the i :t„„hie PfLit!' Awcn•lid• affected by sudden changes Of. wee*, hard it' -wilt be hest to try to ar- , ings if theY were in hearing distance, nth& weakens, and they do not grow '''`'. ----------• er:, The roof part is all thatis a range ' ‘.. vino toward me,. beCanse • to be large and strong. r am •It thor-i they knew that cottage cheese was in ground.- .NO special design is, needed ough believer in Purebred stack- It •• sore for them. Thep. of, course ithe so long as the principles Mentioned . . mothers would 'follow and I had no above are are eemvh-ed with. , . . PaYa • . . . o . . - When I first commenced raising trouble in. them , in. . , tnrkeys, I thought that tome weighing Turkeys baire a roving disposition. . There't Still. Title to Do • • ;ea poinia and .hert.a..if .paalida ,we" Wh n laying season. comniencesT.-one.--- your winter spraying. . , , -----".:heis-a_aniall--aleed P;10-, 34Y• thrns weigh sluspld •fix up nests for the turkeys in a dry Place and have the 'opening to . Eveit where there nre , but'. aefew ... goed sized. Now I consider a 13 -pound .':-.1rom 17 to 20 ,poundi. • Deil-l-cliiiy the nest partially .hidden•from vie*. fruit trees on your farm, it pays to a. a • to -uteintreltia stock? Well; I know •:In dressing turkeys, they lose :one- take care. of -then'', - • '.- ...:.._. _ • ' • it cieelk , 1 lilted ,to consider ,.3_1 tOin fourth tAs7their•-weighty,----Vdresstsny• Fruit hes a decided advantage -OVer 'turkeys -reedy for the oven and charge etal?: n _crops in that even -a ---small .,• age -a goart-sizeti-bird-a-butstiow,--since 15 cents more a pound'. . I have:so:1cl as • surplus -'can be handled and sold at a Weighing 40.pounds•at five -Months Of: • t ' • toms Weigh ten ., 'pounds at...three liceiiiint aasrrounnclat d-Trehassnedks.°1Prnitjees°avret ii-Filfi' --!iii---Par'y'vl•,-ydetial:;-,••-trtle-"79itde'-glitaelallit3; • - : '...I •bave a purebred. tom, mi. young .;,...„ta.....-ss'--..--Te area: ha, laast_year4„,paid._.$20401._a„ -even better_last fall. It does not pay learned to like care of our•few•deaen 1.0---dreas---a- turkey weighirigiesL thin fruit trees., we have turned every ..eMpty crOp. Now he weighs .42 pOundsi. ounds-allie..13a.Skit-offtiiitr.--o-tre-r---what we utie, e* se n ".• e. • ' tera--:711ejlientreiglied-81-Pounds-veithlikii -• My young hens last year weighed 13, s Bringing Capone to the Front. : Before that, when vi.e took the' atti- .. should be large enough to -contain a , , _ , . awe Used sever• al kinds •af sufficient supply of Plants, hat not 1 room in the hotbed; Seeding plants gO'uecir .6eixPiimereinetnee hite and, the net re- _too large.. nor too heavy ' for eaSsr ,,ehoUld be • thiimed out to A distance Movement from _place to place.. Holes 1 of. 2 :x 2 inches: , Pay• careful atten- .. . ble, band -lever punap is the been that hared in the bottom of the boi vsill tion to Venaition anl watering of . ne• to get for a sinair lit:U.11e insure prOer ,dralnage and should heIthotbeds. Get *cold frames' ready. Dig v red with pieces. of broken floWei is7arseiPs . end sigsifY that, ha' es been . The small hand power cora- . . , air sprayers do not give prod- pots ee that the water may run off left•lp L e ,,.ou ), v : - ter Uri.-- , otigh for practiced tree work; ;with*" remeving the„ soil. : 1 eov,er inultlitter onians lind partly Ilea. Fill the box to the depth of an 'Mehl cover aMptirague bed; .11arrd* espar- contrary, There is a new type with. Well7rottecl gable mature from eagus bed. rather .deeplY., ITreat seed a. of many aAvertiaing claims " Strists .'and shavioge have.' p.otatoce„ with forntalin or eortoslae apnudmepallth,beat .7,enbinell.41110.trect 'Add ati ineb. arid. one- 'sublimate, and"•stid-sprout them. xlec-ealleetrtgittreelseSsucreP," ., half. of arden'esbil eto the Manure, 1 ,.Spraying alone" Will :not :control evening oiLt . the surface., Scatter th t • zo . , dlinet-nieth the pest .thatmake seeds to be sown in the fiat isn this wormy apples. It ma be necessare Soil and cover them:, with a light to screen the , witidov,-s 'Of the cellei eprinklifig•ef soil and Sand well mix -1 Where- apples are gored' over' winter; ed Seeds should be cevered. to about • A year or So ago my attention was • hieh the 'etre tart and spray:lightly with water., Care , who•Wss, trouble" Sprayed his: shoald betaken never to, flood fhe trees eVery isitirig. and suminer. -But with someone who has a regiv- 'their own _depth • Press down the soil ca e .0 las • power 4 OUtflt, to Spray them fiat, as this tends.to wash the seeds the trouble', with„,•Worsity apples con: n e."-• •. • . flow is. the.Tinie. to Test' .Seed-cOrne . --Treat_aseedsQate • for • smut before '• Set hene Eleven • egg; •are epee& for an early setting. •-Pat up lightning -reds, , nd take eat fire insurance. • ' Provide dependable fi'refighting p- paratus for your farm home. • '71(11 or Sqiite sq at the top of eachlump. Vse 4 Milan., together, • tihued. 'Attest he called. on lhe pre- • . • A piece of window -glass should vincial college ,f‘bug ocpert"4,for help, be placed over the flat and the glass and was • advised to s use screen "sheald be covered with paper to ex. suggested. The trouble wai 'due ,..te clude the sunlight: -aAs soore-RS''ilfe t.,41?3 fact thatf•Codling-mdthawinteres1 young planta :terminate' the. paper over in some. of the avormy apples is • May be removed and the glass taken: the :cellar, -*Ina aamaiout. later than,. from the. flat is mit= as the • plants .the brood that Wintered- outdoors; , have broken'. through -the sol. late tehe ought, by :the .first spray. 'Flats should- not be allowed . tee*sliy. After the p:ragtjee., acreenieg' the out after the -sewing' of the sed, wintlettve. was e. meither: should- too---much,..water nicrfk.„.trOIMIct,., ' The screens did the ' ' -tithe • air -hacks of -ea - ce out the grubs And -theng. added. to__them as this will tend t rot 'work uirtSome .keroiene into .the Iola Thetxperimentatfarr0 . .• What 'Fertilizera- Are. ....., Systeni.- ° .-- . FeailizerS life prre-chi'antfoi44,--i-,--0_..... Remark "has .several • times' b en t are„,e .f.A.,./ I just like malted- milk is prepared.. ' • The turkey hens do -not -want -to- set .*.Capenizing 1.1ras fOrmerly consiApel. thde that there was. not enough fruit ., Leave your son a good reputation" and employinerit! made in Parliament' and eIseelheerer---" '-f---'' that the splendid Woric performed ey, s : Fertilleers areinlid'e , front, 'blood, : not eat while _the7.„are .ret.t.ing and, *the improved instruments; Which ,per- Mt4p-oistion;bat now with ell aur Place "to bother bother with," we set. dom' had enough for rour 'own needs, if 3r°u lialrgs .beeli- ."ablitt."6 P;frm'd-ll the Experimental --"Farms- -System_ -of cyanamid,. hone, acidulated. . very early.- Seine-turke3r -hens will icT.i .11° tankage nitrate ,of • 'soda, sulphate of • . iight and a steady hand, any one --cat paid to try to savait. , .... silo. for ' your farm; you are ready, I i Canada...is not nearly. so widely. .ktrown athillenis• and .appreeiated as It ahouidy he , 1, gratuid phosphate sock end salts of'„, often they' ivill die from starvation. ralt iniebstructed -Vision,. with _g,,,,..A and that Was se poor 'that it herdly .perform the operation. " The best time The mOst iniportant thing we did .now, to litroii4 a bithratini and • a gricu ura ,f azette of Caned:1P. It 1 d They .... are • .scientificelli Prepared • cockerels two. or three inonths old., At . tem and he ta•Sks in which it is en- i ender chemical control, and the per- otash. . ...' . • is 'Whenever there is ' a surplus of • M. get Our fruit trees to produce, after septie-tankseewage-dispoeall system. . The ,A • there appears an °Wine' of the sys-,1 . • * - "y . i t • • gaged. • The Central ExperiMentall centage eg. plantfetal they easry. ft goles-begireetia-tonghen Ifinei That. Will. Beauht Your Home G o ds . e 1 arm at Ottawa fit 'til headquartersl'Par,e.nteccl . • 4 . . . . tinder the °Pominien feel'. PC -groA,-Riia axe Calted-"ter roaet-ereti,4,-eWeet,fragrene .11.14,Pr which; "ere: lheY tet P1"41'.' °f otberiA; hence there are!specialru:sest, After setting on the nest four weeks they are often. very weak and make , poor mothers to . take care. of their small pcialts. ,For this reaSeti I use -:•-L•ssncifbator-.- An_ incubator bolding 160_ pErchen ...aggs will : hold .120 turkey eggs f 1 --lin,-44d.' Ti?Patet- dotS -nfk-bling A very high" priee in Market; While a ..,' • liaiii the eggs in 'the rat' =hater- for i . . - . . two Weeks or 'a few days were le eaPOe will bring the top .price; and Will . Weigh, whet full' grown; necessary to find the hen thtit Will set seven ft,orn eeven to twelve Pounds, accord- ' "§•• As soon asi .notice a. hen...that watits - - - - . , ,ling to breed. The purer the breed ...:„.4 . JAI set I,place her on a nes wt _ _ . . . ci !„tlittelarger._the. capon. The ,old saymg 1 rt an _ 4se,0nu te set X take. the eggs out of the ittel Placia °f tile iudding• 'ilt" ill tile tub; 'w° .h--. cb* . 1147 • .. ...-....._ .._ . cMci.e. eggs,. Whill Sei-..she is rea y „the: •,1 eating" is inirely trae.of capons. :. • many varieties .of• vines cannot be ex - ;the agg of- font. months -the cockerel's ° ,. df..7t1W-WeitY---irrarttli-'Lotc--aii,Xilier - -rr-r law'' ''' '' .. 7 ' • ' • •••• . .' . _.- .,... • ,.. . --...-earnis ane--,seatom......:tt,is:.stateff-tivat- ' 7 '' .'e alrErtfi6 ar'tile'lf:ertillier:"14fers ..,..13Y • ANNE ROBINSON •-• '.. -'----7-- • .,. „ . . , ., I have found. that for the . 'home ' .The,Initterfiy pea; flowering.heare , . phoSpboric acid -the 'plant, rinener, ,gardener,..vebether it be to: iiipPly and the canary and cypresSvines are. beauty- or' to' furnisha erop,,,for Frac- beautifuranduriusuali'and not so well Inewn.'. ' ' .. - . • : . • - Manitoba, . three •-.in .-Saskatene,var, '-h "Urovinees of •Prinee 'Edward Island, stititents that ate found in ,thg fertil-; The constituents are: am:-...' isf-the-plautfood .eon-:,.. ,,..-`,..:•;,......,.. there is one fare-I...An - each, of the ill° trie7aliwtti.it ,Nen. Brunswick and Ontario,twoin 1 inrP• NOVII. Scotia, lour in. Quebec', 'twO 1'l mehia (nitrogen) -the stalk groWer; and potash -4. e plaer, strength.onei . Ent for gol:geous displayandecleanftwo--ineAlberte Arid 'at:attain :Britiih k • . • 'k ' • ColOmbia There -ear also two sub.; land•starh "f""alr-74".")e-nag."-i.' - dens it is well to use fettiliZers carY- . Ing 3 to 6.„...per cent. .anniema,e8e.to..__. e 12 per ,, CeOt. Phica-FiCale acid and 3' to, 0. per cent, potash; Y'eu cast. Wit fertilizers:ft:0m 'fertile :- i?;er• marutfactureregi.hotises, de-... partiriblit- storoxr-florists, .. futrdwors•:-. ntlIt'eq.7-gvn.c.411.--,•.., or,. C•••••--,....-- ,, or' tilifligieeSTI74.-. , t ; After tbp. F.ee4 bed.is well„preparea, if the bloss,ema are ' kept picked.J, EngntY illustration or. denionsifitihn- ' •1 f I f i 16w. stations have also been establishedi scatter' ohet•lialf the amount of•fertil- • " ROY-Ai:YE nobv square cakes., The number of inapadrage red.' to scPar. ualht calt Eaat calie is ivrappe'd in wax . pap ct qualitles • 41t6 railteast SapaliWi-ther'comits ed-andaate...too ‘little_apsiteciated. fragrant •flowers• not ing doincan, be kept, with 6ther chickens, or in ' Saunter . -with dition, working vtli the, systeni ere Hero.v4_..are, gentle and peaceful, d flOwering' varieties.' The pepula - 1 r generally reach a b.eigh cif••iix • feet,, raid. one" iff'Britis iColain13. lee and are go. stations at -Farnham, Que., edi.7pink.„‘leniali;...antLerange;; Thesa and Harrow; .Ont ekt-alr'ott theiee fezneh an a ,un aR nationat...414portailee,„..13. carriect_911.. t Afterbeing and Wattles stop growing. CApons sel- Vinea are. divided into 'fruit, 'earreteriti-climbing, nastur.tiuma.Mey stations in Albert two. in the Yukon -4-571"iparate if-more'emivenient, eatesssoaedeetie-fattentin-e2 asegenia....1.101 a few weeks before trarkefintallem. When 'relied en farms, they can Pick - - ever:taxer itOMPAIN _ 101‘,ONTO,C4..!4. a 44044444, Stide, RA qi ACJD AbOrieSt 17.0 k4te tOYALYtliSt . ;oft AttiCk A%t3 4C.AeteleA untilPin • -gialie.tilartire-trikversallesegr-ow.n..hop_ are -perhaps :the • mog•_usefal Of all vines: 13ut.for,landscape garde -Mitt -a - de "sirable: their feed- almost until the snow _flies, Th s- . If a coekerel: is capontized at four., ity,..g.,r months of age • or eolder,.• .there la 'i'or . • nar:of deetik,frm_inteeLial bleed -1 train -ings .dae.....t.9SCPaYatinr:Itale '''''-ere-1- the - from a close lying -artery. 'But if title should •happen there meed be no less, seeta as he. is bjed to death and ready fori • F the , fr in an or for tanning. ,If he t „„ „ Iivets be ,may deVelop into. A `61iPi't'l t; ; Vihieli4Makerx-Iiiin,USelegLaa.11..trgO4tr its, ordinary rooster. •esepeeeare ensue.. Children loVe a gourd vine with itst for , over , a month last - spring.. . -,e- iarly, ..Ripenei,:i., a, f oa„,t,..s,..:, :..,:: , and mit much better eating than an • cessfiilly -caPiinized eesseeele ais the 'fantastir-frult, arida package -of -mix- i •treatment _ of fet'til4er • and. ManY , testicles begin to grow again. 'At soinej, ed markets`they are quoted at:five eente'-‘will furnish, seed planted along the back fenetwaterings w;m'e perliaps safe . entertainnient on i thar long season. On account • of , . , • tlie .i.c-i'4 6f: voar ..L V, a po,tim las- thari,,eaoisum.: .. • , MO er' 'b ..„ orn:ngs The daintY ; thorns, elitribing rose's are not se gOod 11 , The ripening .season Cf. _0. attp ,!!_iyPreY11.: When Capotis are sold for the. :!:,elernita, wistaila-,1 eirmamon Nine, afid.,:when_ grown by_ the pare . . e , .. .. . Christmaa traxie theY -4re tot full, honeysuckle are perennials Possessing, plate is at the aide Of Abe lonsee and ; from 'one to -two ,:weeks -earlier than e Virginia creeper, a hardy, ea ,.i. Sweet Peas , . • t A-corit'n , , aer pver the ground before planting: i g and are fine for cutting .14 i Nev Brunswick, Nova Seotta,i, eoll. When read, sh"ladnin'gP•eel:al'en-a•Iliaal:4:i.sseetnlie‘thfiar vrlinteer17 get :Meat. 'eatisfactitly resulti shy, Quebec, Alberta; and SaskatelielaAnit, Rake it i' 11 into. the i i.5,,,,,,,,:lsevetcr wher"t*v planting the mixed 'seed: ," -"t--• I Each .braiscie of :agrieulture is •E?catter ;the remainder '''of• the fertilizer - - -.-•---1--• - _ . _ -. . o yell _it.hhe. tO Plante .make. your - tarrirws. anti . trained Chicken, Wire, stretched nat. shade from early • spring. until. 7'' Single varietiese come • ' wh'M ' ,'-insiireep-of ealleslinsapedefe,ihe, xxote,,„.11„;tellihit.uinaiaec,tuTiaitl,d.:_xliiiti%rii in } r pizilo- -., mide'llthtlr vm. • • • • • , • ye di, • on , A - neW sort is I. Press : and hY uleaus or ocure,,,.;:kifshtly in, a ma,. . a a-.1ge,_.... the fa : - --- It lie" ' l' lit : • eng or graceful beaiity, what can• "cora- ; advertised .'which is guaranteed tO., demenstrations, and ..ex i its. In! cevering of fine soil eVer the fertilizpr , I 'tit 'th BOStion ivy as .it clings: blecim all summer. This seems almost', short every effort is made to encour before. dropping the seeds, or setting • - hriele:9r 'stone surface, seridingi .: ....: A 9 ' too goad to he trde.,-. However, baby age, ,adyance and benefit agritultiir;' bulbs,. or plants. -tender =new shoute Oyer epware ramblers,' in my owa erclen Islet:Teed' Tic the asic, industry ..Of the country. I • t io1irco f -su- experimeread -and -.reieeeelie-ivarls---o.f Smatake erfectbread. • Clean cows "contribute to cleanli- tass-of milk:- -With 1Y -stiff brush_ont. • - „Man can .s.efficienliy groom two cowt- • •e_ntiettee, If a eurryconib :is used, ra take one on tho ,points have ' liecneworn do,wn, to they .will not, be trc> • ttiO fkevere onethe cows:. At ten months old they are sold, gere, ' t1Ofl' • ' A . , - 1.... . , - - ----..--_____,.. 1 ' , ,,, . .....,..- .., . r_ottoli dasit.1...bi oatsL As a ru esi erally between ,New Year and Easter. i y defies deserip or eeatness, 'though, the Annuals i . rose arbor is , a novel arrange- , early oats are somewhat smaller III ‘ Their fleab, remains sweet and tender. I are 'best, as they, eati be taken do\vn Ment Thatcan he •develoPed in to ..size than later enes and fint4e in Straw.I ' t' Another excellent use that may bel 4ilien dead, and 'variety can be • had , or three seasons by etartini, plants.; Tba show more rapid growth s inddi'Orealitina'iS to 'have 'them tatteuing, different l-hY kinds' each season.; at. intervals arounm d, the fraewory..! throughout the entire .sesicirt And are' care 'of little chickens. ' This; they do' Mot PeOPle Oink' of mernihg-gloriesi When in .bloorn„ a more heautiful_spet t•ready to:: harvest,,...as . we hat‘e already as carefully and tendgily aa any litie,I when a 'beek.,,pordi, Screen iS mention-icapnot he foutid.'To addto the charm,' said, fully half a:Month earliei. than, or even better; "they may he given .ed. " And morning glories are well if:indeed More ellgrm be needed, plant' the liter oats. This is a greet:0-1 'thicket= froin etveral broods and dol.wortli thinking of, with ,.,their differ -1 nastum rtius between the. ,plants, arid vantage whep you plan . to have 1.411 13842 Jacques parties 0quare, Montreal not .ohject to any' of 'thern, whiele ia ent... bades, of pale pink .or deep roselet them .13S6- the r.OetbUSii048 as al wheat .follow ears:ly oats. ;The 'early, ' ----- n.ot always •true with the leen. As ar, in 'a e , epee doer, hioe which red trellis. ' Anti what WaA. or e a rase! ripened oats Mai*. be harveeted :,:inal, capon is larger alui heavier than ., eemb! ft blabird'ew:ng; The oloOn... arbor will be e nasturtium al-bor. If i the "grotnid•plowed immediately anal • ins' of' thene cicirois our ••••• "o- .-o , •er,.! • HIDESVOOL-F11 hen, lied as it. might tmintentionali ,' flower belongs it') thi$ family, al.! you like a riot Of cbtor, add a few blue' Prepared for the seeding of "the fall! • tinny. it wiii pay you to MO .. 3011i.CON " fillttilIi-ooThe %VIM* wheat. ' • .-1 • . YOU tee hasten ripening of oats. sthp on a day-old dhiek, I have found.' though it is like' the new baby whol•morrting glories. ' . . ' • , irtiek charges are too nears.. . PION' .1)1.11 on a. ier03 1111mber the young hi 'c tlyttil they aretabotit two.. T . - it hest to:let the hen take care of the geta his days end nights turred abeat 1 A ' trellis of pink' ramblers. growa 4 li * iiifk.ent floweri do not open o • rn ' kitchen window where I' cap ' Irani a week to 10 days by fertilizing...I ' ,. . . • , l',11.14 It s,ou have three Or mer, -Wtotikg (114.1 They eau then safely "lie . admire them At any time during .the Title meane a umform product Which . day. 'Espeeially during a wind storm! eau he harvested etti•ly. ' klarly liar) until sundowt, and by the time day valuable wfietp! 'W iLl .1At4 STONE SONS LIMITED , , turaesi over 'tolhe eapon, cliel *Id 11011 Morrieg fr,lories are opening tho(are do.T ,enioy them, as they sway in long'. C'1 fl ,is tsperially WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO is free ,te -go aboyt her businees of 'dosing,' IlleY at'q laftVer that the graeerel reaches and eeem to defy the you plan fall wheat to follow early, • • tWrAetattlZb..1419 laying egts. ." ,,ronveritional day bit:Orders', Ind m'ere 1 nits. Il i$ thtieted diva On farm$ ...,here - " frogrart eletpems. .. ' . il. *getable, araflosmer, eew improved Shaine All teslal.sete fo tiro* sendhoreatalog 'at°-.Atik.gkft$ 0 N." I WI 'NCO. 1 • * • 41). roo-, •