The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-03-17, Page 6• . ForPurii, ' Flavour and Aroma ° A. • ° a71i. 1!,ou have not tried it, send us a peat. cant-for>a.free • sample:stating the Price. you new pay and 1! you use. lack, orMucedTea..•Altd essSalada,Toraato° • r PART L Thereain't-Many in our little town. of North. River who haven't ,heard of the coward—that big, overgrown boy, Bob Dean. • No there ain't many that haven't talked him over and laughed at ' hint, but it took the thievin' and robberies to . bring about , the •real truth and prove Bob to- be.jeet what • Ile is.' • • blir sscr . So • ueitthar•--fib ; . !Wier knew shout the dtamoiid untiiLr the 1107hit i and were motet all leer . - ried- :abe t' -*Weer* bothering 'their home. Afterward, grandmother" : rt are `' ii had* feeling all -alone at hit the dletatad., he thieVesi ;sifter—WY teak little from: the houses •3ndF }eft aueh ratite evidence, of cgreftal seatnch ng ' "BI tto 'draw ; eraupset, 'baskets upturned, . closet': • `forced•, open and beds slit!" Yon whsle the tohliers knewthe 'WWII, the eil •tactor' the Came, and no .use. knawijng Await the diainon i,. s' thete-Wa nothing saiai to give them aelue. Abut three wed after the . first rciery grandmother was .terribly frightened one necaatime by a tramp who pushed- himself ant's the. kiteben a� can an_ . - a aaeigti or came in unexpected ,post then and the , tramp :beat -a hasty re- treat: Otherwise this Story pro'bbly 'would never :nave been told. Some strange. intuition 'told' end ` mother then that the masa. kpet she owned. the diamond and alae. was... so, frighenednthat she. derided to take: Bob aW &ger cosefiaience, She could emit the peace and ask for a 'gusted, but the Deans had come .fit im .rave stack and she' didn't want.to' give in'at the last. At the supper .table that night, she couldn't help but say as she looked at' . . Bob, "If you only had the Dean spunk Now that •was a long tithe before ' instead of • your mother's fear!"" and the robbers eame to North River and ; Bob, hurt so many times by just such • before anyone had even dreamed, that a remark, pressed his lips tighter and Grandmother Dean ' owned a valuable said nothing: One thing he wouldn't blue diamond, • much less of it 'being do was "sass''• graamau l Going. to 'stolen, Bob •' and his. father . and. a small cupboard in the bottom of- the Grandmother Dean lived in.a' very closet she opened. 'a• secret door -and . simple . but comfortable manner in took out ' a small square ; straw box their pretty `home. " , Lots of folks well wrapped and . tied and `brought thought they ought to, have•• things it to the dining table.:Bob's eyes were shore luxurious, being -so well off, but big •as'he watched and wondered: "I 1 and t➢ to the drarag ro m. Bob 'isid For generations -back the Edward es ,t f either the o'd have somethwg to , ao ye have been' fatuous ' for -having some member of the -family extremely lack- ing ack ing im courage; and they always blam- ed it on the fright of Old Uncle„ Jim ,when the Indians stgle him acid took him to the States. They say' he never got oven the scare of seeing an In- dian' suddenly • stand before , him " out in the wood lot and then a half dozen , others rise "alit the 'brush 'and grab 4. him: One' thing 'sure -his hair . was that black. and. fiat' before, Was white • and stood . straight on end the rest ()this life—even au those years after he escaped. then, 'the '°lamed it oaf this fright • e: y .and claimed that each` generation' in- lheritedtthe fear and was marked with it, but' between: • yoti and'me I believe they made their own -cowards by:their constant." talk about it- and • expectin' it as they',. did. ;• Anyhow, when'' Bob was•born' four- teen -years ago, be was a lelyenough tittle ,:fellow until he began •to walk bout and tack and then' suddenly. he tot timid and.easily:frightened. Elsie, ▪ Ms mother; would pet' him and excuse him; and they, all ^talked over the old: - tale again, .until the. child:: got..: so. he ;wouldn't go l�eto• the ,dark alone or • depend upon .himself in the' least.' and :was afraid of.: animals, , of noises and •a lle ;and was. ready' to cry .egery i1111141 e;. and' at -Mama ' they calledhim - "cry 'baby; then 'later, "thee Cowherd." 41l through his boyhood he was.; not • -allowed to play much • with other' boys, "for fear. - he -might=.get' :hurt : , or. tnte> e - srightened,_ bis 'another o would . say,.. .. • jeweler -in she took' it_to . a• big. jeweler -in stud his face. took: . on ..,Haat: _peeked; . _ ... scared- look that some°; children •have. the;city arid -Was astounded 'and a=lit- It:-used=•.to.,rileame to see - 'em; all the tie frightened to /earn that .it Was a time cautioning h'im into ,fear instead famous . stone, • loam ''lost arid, limited. _ ii.._ . .. i e:'staggering some :.of of .explainatag. and 'burning out the She was offered stta►►gg , g fear, by , o owin' a little'confidence in money for it, but she refused to: . sell for:. -some strange.'reason, and _kept Two years ago his mother d ed and• at -as a `fast -treasure- and- reemory -ol' Bob and his father Went to live with her husband. ., :, Grandmother De"an on the �elg of the She was afraid her' son might went fown ; He: sort of turned to me' for to sell; it and get the'money so she companionship since' the'boys laughed :didn't %even -tell him—just dropped '- at -him, and he'd, edit tn-my shop back -out of sight -as she -thought, into at a time just -amusin'..'himself • by the little country town where•'slie•kept ivatebin' me. lle-'d: talk,- boylike,�.anil- ._ ' - ' •• • tell me lots of strange things he was. tlrhnkiI'd just cwhittle away and • jisten, • one' day he opened his 1 ' heart and.told me how he hated being' 'died-a•-eoward, ane .vicrted' he. could jo to war and. prove he didn't deserve t. I' Waited until _he',;was th�r'o,zght: - sold. then ,I said,:quietly, ' I never did: • think : you was . a coward, box!" and ' - his face just shone, he was that pleas el. -After that he ,talked lake :a, ma-. ,.;. chine just 'oiled'.up and told me an that wasp the way of .. , ladyor Bob's father. "Who Wants a ..said quietly.,. Something you' have lot f show,'' grandmother'd exclaim' never seen and may riot see again." when some one suggested it. ' "Longs Before untying the 'strings, • she we're comfortable' and -happy here touted and walked to the bay window, What,,do .we Want' with a great big drawing down each shade "carefully so house?" And .so, naturally,' eo one that not a.' ray:. of Iight could: 'flicker thought . of a rare 'and priceless 'ilia- out Sighing es if satisfied,'• she• re- mond being ' in such a, house.' 'mimed her seat at the table and took . - But'as• thieves have a way of doing, up the ,small box. .' they. knew about` the -et one, and that But when: she '• drew' . the.'shades . in h in N th Inv Vii°' grandmother forgot • that the .:middle • when the _..S ..hes 'was goi:n' on no- the top and was. open and she: failed' gage—that is, so it 'seems 'now. Then, �aindow,had� drop three inches from • • P_ • f nd.ervriear: �veRtea�lt� `Buy MADE IN CANADA ° BY`CANADIAN. I EOI'LE'. 'OD�ERATE 11 R C �. FIRST GRADEr iH QUA L.ITY Ask Yo.� r Local Des 'er. N: EVERY MENT. 1 body thought•of settinrallextra guard to see the slinking shadow which•hng + • . f ped the wall of the kitchen near the t thetheit ' the- D d m d shades were drawn the man simply j big the -little jiottag�'t:'' some 4i dining':`moat windows. • When . the I save toe gi• isdii;p lgwed and plena the big :`ummer homes had.: But all...•. tthem 'tist'as soon aspiow•fro ." t.a 1. . st. is out same, a was •e can is ori , they were after, drew that much.: nearer, ,pressed•' close- of . the- ground. ':I,'dig',deep 'trenches I Years ago �.-i.,''Grandfather Dean to the darkened frame and listened to. was ansldng prosperous trips across the voices. to France, he saw the diamond and bought ' it in' ` one ` great . splurge'' of money, -think:.' what •a gift .it would Grandmother ' did mat, speak: as she unrolled the, beautiful diamond from its cotton and tissue paper arid then make for„Mary, h'is. wife. "Won't she Flet it Iay•sparkling on the palm of her be the '(preen!” he beamed as he pack-. ld hand. - B 3 tt tl' ll' ed it carefully for the long homeward journey. : ' But . Mary was not the kind rin On S. O, 'and with a . hoe, drop the •; seeds and cover them up not'more than half an inch-- if you cover them more it takes longer for. them to come' ' up.• Leave 'them alone bat pull the weeds out by hand' wrinkled .q an o , u e y y� until they.get to • climbing on the nefized with the wonder ef it, gapped string. ': After 'they startcl`imbing, yen the -w4 out - and quite�s bless hill the;. up, just keep ads , o n loaout2ted . ... PeeC , .Pe for . 'a moment' : before whispering and cultivate: in between' the roars.` . Of *melon to b ' g •diem d t hdskily :;• -"Cultivate in be3tween :the rows and would . . ..° e a raessurino :quicksilver. ....ta.,a. "2 saved,•.t.'+T.°l+"2IIS .iia ,I':iTF.aa, ; and quarrels prevented'if. those' who ° . Q.�ticksfiver 3s tae?sured,.by, flasks, suffer-.from•Indirectitiis• would cure ',each weighing:76.pounds net,•':. . themselves of the_ disease_. 'C'- For the Class in Pronunciation. Te dean .if St Paul's; one, of :the' mast: eminent'churchmen in -''England,' 18 a • literary man and 's .philosopber an well. He • has.' written' essays to chow how unhappy ls• the present pros pact of 'the world` and in•oonaeenence:. instead of being -pleased;' . she scolded "A diamond ' irhere'd yon get it has' Avon' the .esobrl et of "tine gloomy d then after an have oandeated i least bias roundly for` such reikIess mend.: ... ._ - ., • n . ii y eon." H name, One, fn and land the ` em. away, Grand. (To, be continued.)' )' • "'' twice, 'take green.and put. in betweeen, d e hoes an unusual g g that "Qanadjyanm aro liZ;e9p to mispzo father wOs so hurt. lie never spoke -4 ; • . ' ga • - ' • the rows and batik . it.:up well aroundpe, it again.. - %OMitlli'. Use I.nanicla l the;,aweet: peas. 1 take the grass that; naunollo in some readers,•therefon Butafter; b andfather's-..4eathr s} Ilo�etna' Lim may Prove en- :: - - - - has been:cut from the lawn. The the fo e.+zaek �• - pinus lightening as tseYi as amnee(mg, grandmpther--- vr�t�--looking,:. throe : • - b lds-then' oistur d I have t� some' old things and came across; a •Old diamond and recalled e ::feats. Stoei s; Draperies. is no more care -until picking time. - o m e -an never . Th re once_ was a man.' named --peas • Dress's,:. Waists,; to'water my'plants: Alter this there the' almost for- a Skirts , . :. . ' Inge :Minard'ti Lln ment Relieve: Colds, ate. so- ... A • woman Will pardon cruelty epd : but ,never, _indifference , gotten_gtft�of Jong. ago- . Curious and - - m steel :than she cared to cad= , • Everything KI' 'have, tried the wire *fence and • Who ham,. calledInge,: ng r'hang Q renin • : Each `.acgage'`of-"Dlamond-'-Dyts"''twine o7rwbiclrto-let;the vines-'elimb That I'm'o n _ e, �► • • ler ,.: and . - . .. SVhich voulel' rime the Kith Ltrige,." -. •conta$as" easy directions _tor 'dyean* I prefer the twhte: as. -they do not Thos b' Iproperly°:rimae with: Bi any article of wool, silk, cottoa,,litien .:=grow up ,quite so straight and they g or mixed: goods. Dewarei Poor dye; shede .the roots better, , The ones; on - etreeks spots -fades- and. ruins,; mad, the: wire fence always -quit ,bloomang Dales Coldest• Hour.• terial by:giving it. a`'cbed-look." Buy' `first.' My plants bloom from theAmid- '' ".'Diamond 'Dyes"'only Druggist has line to the: middle :of .See obi5ervations- of metenrolo$iat� Color Card. {ember" hate e£stabUeahed the 4• t2aar'between the things he'd dr-- rued of doing that .were ,courageous: "Yon_.'tiatvi uncle; he said , "I've: never had a chance ,to be brave," and I nodded. "Liras scared when I was Whole. villages in Jago Slavia, are . 1 composed' of :omen." • or . girl who likes adwersr Liniment for -Sure eta.. The :Answer lltinare3's L s. ..One at the most annoying .Peitsons to run aga'Inati;o;s.7 whenasked - a plain question„. does not 'give a plain direct reply itis not.as -though. they ;were unable to • reply, Tiley cook& a .they would. Dere • is an ' example frono . eealif a .: `Ii say, Drown, /time you 'seen my.'. . four and Svc' O'clock ^ s m, iS the. told Here .is a "• sibiiity' for every, boy: _ est }lour of the twonty=lour.. . •Do-Yoii-Like-:Stierteet Peas? ;.., • ' *sides the Hovers, sold, there were � ...... harlotte_Grant, is a fifteen•-yeaozi flowersfor the bailee, flowers'to sejend old girl who has made herself famous • • growing sweet P. too --little: t -know bettetr,.._.�,•ril: robodY. eget tried to help" me,Lge' over • at—it 1 Whet' asT fed'by just grew up,With site."' ILs.•face,port ffoW iWeet.tieas; ,hSrlotte`atts 7bou iier-busiaiess career—,• Ehar%tie of shadowed and looked far .awa} • and at once, "Because. I loveflt were! . One names her own . price and gets t. "; A der.yea,relebea. t ventyafive.differefit. kinds local ,ilorlst •takes even 'blossom that no coward!" would tri er have called . of'fiowers;6' Then I decided -it 'would ''he she has for sale, in fact she ;gro'v „•. r a '13'aa",�•...- �::�,�-"� :.•�'•��'fr8�?tis=�z="F�S'?�'•-os�•-�r"D�c��. �^��,.. s3..�h�TJ^��r%�'��fi,,:^�.��*. s a e erSthe 1310550 MB sweet peas Add this .:s my fourth year morning, ties them in hunches' of guff e v riter-whoh y to her aunt In the c'i£y qid d oc 's`fh* the neighbors e^ This is -one. of the -inferestln hinge 'WHY LOOK ^ OLS? *hen one appllca don of tnitoa r sf*Lr s.stozattve every 9 'eoliths .• ' ' ' keepe the hair ' •' eatur''tl 'sal. -•azo dirt; • •• the 'bait esn be washed When desired. Trp tt, Blame; , air Brown. som,,epoo Sent prepaid' to any - tadllrese a. eesaraocluat. Po tt ---do-ARSE—SA SALT N - .. ., S A .p Btdk • Carlota itONTOeAL`T IbRK6 , J. 'Ol.1mm, TORONTO Brown's possible replies 'are two, He ban seen it, or he :hasn't., But he isan µindirect-er"—a user.: of the "outer"'system.. So na'�.firstreply:is: ":Itwon't rain to -day, old 'chap "•, r , • ".lt=may not ' But..heve_..you seen . n3 •, umbrelai 1 dear tara i►--. llow, egimp of my °a'D'ye.i {ngl • .• . '•i don'. •But have_ yon. Been niv uiit- bridles?"; "If you :were like ?se, old: chap,. aria. alwaye put it in one place, von d' know Send for., Book•of FREE! Ri • art oke every dish -even bred pudding more opular:'..with ..-:children and ;grown folks. ' : Rich, pure,. wholesome, economical. - To be-had-ai-'all.Grocers tl1• lee :-ddaiitna ' mown CO , LialTED, ltON ttiEA BraiidFS.. • Through the school I got farted .a Sh path bt ins early . `lie "yes, hoes.. But'htive y'ou,seen 1t?" "AnybodyWith eyes in their head.: raising them." ` So 'Charlotte has been .Hundred each and takes them to mar ° the "sweet -pea g}rI'' of her neighbor -1 let in a_;pretty, flower basket. The "wave you a ' jet% '' hoed; sins -e-• she- was eleven : years: of ordindrg,..market..heaket .wouii(; eio, Ifni And':the:A; at last,` the •real.irepiy'.. age Charlotte. thinks they look • sq ,titueh en -Tees; All winter she piens' arid 'looks, fo' prettier 'in a flower basket, To keep''Some.Rjves'.too,'sufFer'terriblyi>om;: i ard'to her 'auiiiMer garden. All the them fresh,' she, •places ,a piece .qf :yndirectitis:" Asked by a host:med. '" basket, in o#'tits string that'comes around bundles ,>> newspaper,in the•botto where, say`;, a muffler' is they Will •'ris- plr saved. for ty itig" the summer's tilos- then a layer of wet paper end ;%tends, - ' "i'Vhet do ° ytYt[ want atal a muffi2r }. `` eoms, for training the vines 'up, alsos the sweet• peas, up in the basket 'for'': ' That 3c fallbtered by:"Dads;' J in -winter there is time for: reading'tlhe paper may he used .to cover:the faa'ket ' -eon:eta "it on ,last Suleeoe- '' and :islet-. best bogks and naagazme. articlthe, ort but Charlotte wants e Rowers to• it in the hall �" ' look ' -rett:" so" she` +ea to it arketr 'Vine. swset�pea cul"tiare. p. Y Lit'e•rtrouldtie much ssuooi►ner; : Charlotte's first interest is in the with their .beads bobbing over'the top • pleas'.ire to be had working in floi: ers, of the 'basket• -bunches of white, put`= • watching' them grow and bloom and. ple, salmon pink and deep pink sweet *Wooing their Cblors:and, fragrance. neas of the Spencer lbatilerfy.tiaraete, ;;. - -. - 5he v. ails through .het --gardens dozens Last.vetx she,e rued tiro husdi ed aro' G_...0 e .cls tti i . --th'ree bureheg, or 'tae a,r r i' I''c'$1�.d ..�t�.1;�"l;'...s_I:II.1il�.,� , . _�.• ..ne_ , a tiny., .i --int- 'tips o,za .:s tS; . ,s,' lilz':l t,^ • id , xsrtl 1 l -s fund of the flowers. To the boys "and thousand. three -h indred blossom~ to, bear 1 g y kl 3T ,Ya OF ._t21G,' T ... hlea. In-•the-•4ear-lc'_' lo: "'i.t it 1iti`iike "io"":iaT:e�`'theara: •• a;ii5.. market. .TI o b+st c1j«teCs81`i���t3�*siveetitsiXtel��. F end's rnr,ite it _±ii Fie of interest •tel twenty-five iiollars.' 'i iv secret is the trrr:ung r:ZcIt •loft { • to, knots that do fi:.e routs, or:e hn:i;lr cd, Charlotte . ern pick too :.th ' 1 B + feet each; 'Charlotte made $150. last .blesaonis,,in .^.n hour. When �. Llaiij5.�,,';i t....t}lt St {ro1YAGtt10r.. , >,.<. ,., w ,- r t� , t to child 'year art l °e,t a to ..r,.make more tiffs! -that- riot pretty fjtrrck'<ti3oi'. she 'uses {o es -elf az ler .k text. , � : ear. •She °hi: a very ,gaaa system' of s ;jd, "*''i es, its quick *ork, bet; t have . • Rose f F•"rane;e and oth r Tiatirai ..account• keeping so knows just %hat' a quick t<sy rf' doing •1t, The f10, s -t • per,%szrrre3 git;e their arena to. er.t xr ho; c :pe: ct shave been:. • s1-on'ed me hos to•ejtrst,bend• the stent Phiwi i; $, ,d the opposite vsa Tort which , ' •Y'ertitizer• ,. ..l;, 1. 0 ';coo dent nave the• piece of the tn:•usoAp: r .f•, it at '5L' d ' ^, , - t'. .. i. 00'• and it Wilt snap right 'err. r~ Th'.. :. ; Ser;n€> ' ;3:00 `: left to take up file moisture rent tee s pians" • Tote': •r saOT.Y+ ,, ,..:..,...4.,, 21 .11th I ctiarteewee: at G,ttr'3 "be I'tnit'•bt]il tng i'ovrer'ot.It» ril ,' has Goes•proved by 'lntleSendent .,rvte?t _ r e ua . r , , ,...«. lith.GO { grope � t%e>y retlutice p,et1 y l,t` ti' prtt.ntit `f errier.Imente to 6e irdrta.. IA -442 eni�'.-t'4 `. ...•.. 2,1.0 t and .Reeding j'$t. 1 istk'''o'1ir 'i"'Int..!' ' 4' to J timoil takthe aniout't til` ° - h W a t sill 1 r ». .l IY,(lytf',t�•pirMisilfile 5 is. how ('1i 11 _ .. Forestall' etnd w Kf 1i $uetnza =` Take • • ' O '';,.�r {{,"�� . ,? ,is�t //I Wit, -" .sa;restiitrmtsiuscur Iim i' • • wNptnuiisn,t.•nictii,tlItt• - Ilse 13 civ r II 15 print • is oking, It fiaiiourg, en, i4ichto , noupleheia•'note. • Have Your Cleaning pone by Experts CP9 li'in ', holli ehold drapries,:linen artrl dellc'dt ics�t an a ea> d apt) made ti, took:as fresh'..:'r and bri t :as .when fir: t " .lea rn 'and Dyeing Properly Dote z.t Parker's 4' It'.ittakes no difference where. yr,u live; parcei . coo :btu'•: Sent in by snail or express. 'i'he same care and •aA ten• two is given the :work as thigh you lived in nowt We..sil{. le please'! to•advise you On any guest:tin• regardirf Cleaning. orDyeing. ;WRITE US. • Parkers Dye'orks Limited C eagtters& 791'on s ers • Toronto