The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-03-03, Page 4MIT - U5HED• 187 • 0311E, people have rortnnc'•s left .. 'Orem, Alost. people have to make theirs. Everything •Faust hate a .commencement.. •A savings: account in the Batik of Ilestiilto. .may be the cotnmencentent of your fortune- It. is certain that if you never starygg, nevelt get. very far, e ' ANKQF.HAM:I:LTO ,UCIINOW BRANCH -J. ¢rGiennie, Masa Incorporated in 1855 d r• :0. ' w CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,400,009 . ° ° Over 130 Branches ° o t A.T.QTAS.ONP.....4.41:( •. . i. . • Buy Canadian " Goods=and.dielp,, to keel)Canadian work- men busy, .it,willhelp you.• , Bny wisely and save :as much, as your Possible ossibie a d• deposit n P vim era, ni alerts ns Bank. Courted • serviceto all. • ver T. S. RSID, : M011113 t,. I.UCKNOW BRANCH' Violasin H. C. , ractors & Engines `DEEINNG - 3i lis. Cultivators & :'11 ,141 Lir Overrriruroday eloping TRURSDAYe MARCH ,3r d. .. 1921..CRECCP110,-k It*&Oywaw,OUtsito. [cicleNZiTia ?r8 • .and editor PASSIN A .BILL THEY • oN°T w;NTn The energen y tariff bill -just pass- ed by the United States: . Congress must he a strange thine For >; measure of so much importance , it certainly had .a- strange origin. It was introduced inunediately after the Oonsress met aid. it was hurried to Presicfent .Wilson for his signature only on ,the day befere. he leaves the presidential chair to make way fpr' a. man of different political faith. But that' is not the _ most redicilii-: dus' feature of the performance. The' ,republicans of the Congress who ,are . tesporisible for the `passing of •the: 'tariff, bill are known (that is the partyleaders and managers). to be most anxious that the president. Will' refuse to sign the bill on which they hovel wasted so much time, The tariff bill originated with, .the • cry .of the middle states farmer for protection against ,the inflqw ,of cheap wheat and other faun: products " frofit Canada: - But no sooner ,was the bill introduced than taose who want- ed 'a •reduction aril' the cost of living raised a cry against it. a The next move was to do something for these. y Finall. the bill which at first.. vras•a ,simple proposition ,td protect the. farmer developed pinto-- a monstrocity which . maddens' many and protects few. But sbohid President Wilson-. veto the bill, the passing of it 'by the:re- publican congress will proyre a fine stroke in 'the fine art of politics. The republicans can then' say to classes 11it. •• a . • hill thiol•• • ff • w ell '+ho For Sale By. .• • A ,M. SPEN•CE,. M.D., LUCKNOW • shooters that rf they did'not have: permits by.the following: week, `their guns woutd be : confiscated and they would be haled into court, Let us consider the situation 'os it stands with regard to the criminal in Canada. For years there has'been a low requiring permits to earry'rer ol- vers; but how many permits were ev- er 'issued:? Did the .thug:carry li.s 're= volver? Will the crook walk'' into, police' headquarte . and ask for a. permit carry k uckle-dusters and a "gar?' We do n t think that there were. many .permit. 'issued under the old regulations. . `+e•;,know that the thug invariably ha his gun,.'and we think that the num ier'of crooks that: Will.. apply: for ,pe ' its. 'now 'will be negligible. This eaves -the- house-- helder-in a,.defenc:less position,, the burglar will have h s .gun despite reg , ulations and the ci +izen will. not :Iia\ e,- - his gun owing to ,he, bother df get-' ting a permit With the-escepti n of a few p. :t - 1•L i ti t.• ► Louden Litter Carriers, Stalls Stanchions • ' anti Water blow's .,1 a 1. FROST ,Gates, Fence &' Nog Wire ;• . New..Williams ,Sewing Machi es'• Gourli4y, Winteer.4nd Leeming Pianos Foil Sale lij LLTGKNC)YV ho -:--esita es sLbt" - ' Doii t ' ,Iasitate.Start ' today:' Snag your Cream; Eggs 'and • Povltty. to • StIverwoo�s, 11, And make money.,-._ .: • that: is in regard .to horse power: The Cost' of discittg'., with , the sniraller is shown- to be less due-trgrcater speed .. possible•:than 'with the greater, The .cost M-•plloughing with• the smaler.'s. suers than with• the,,1arger. The :lighter:machine'-btzxned". gasoline at s cost of 45: cents -per.-gallon and the heavier machine, • kerosenes 'at • 28�i�a' cents .pet gallon!' ' Cylinderoil cost 85 cents per gallon: • SILVERWOODS • FOR •SERVICE E. AIT4HIS0N Phone x'47. ATL : CONTRACT :SEALED' TENDERS; -addressed to the- 'Postrriast r-- ; _ ._ .. general, GRAND TRUNK( SYSEM THE DQUBLE • 'Ro :. MONTRI L '+ -.._TORONTO: ,t . ' , and CHICAGO— , Unercelled Dining Car Service.. Sleeping caro • o Ni 'r i ribr-Mars: on principal Day Trains: �.. Fulll iinformatic "from any rand.. Trunk 'Ticket. Agent or C. E' Horn- _ D- istric- Pa saen er 'Agent, 'Tor- onto. or-on •to. , F. Phillips, .Agent,- Luckno .lie , - w.. . 1;HE , FA,RMER „OF THE FUT. i LT1tE The -farrier ,of the 'future must be. it me 4'411 rather than a day 'labor-. er, renrarlra Dr D. Gray, Superintend- ent of the Central Experimental Farm. _tit t f?ttawa an th;e- Ir ecen•►ber- number' �f the Agricultural Gazette. of Cana0.a. chis of •course must n betaken -i n I a iterAl-�a' ` ease hut rather , e as Suggesting that the future agricul: turist must combine with a multi- tude of -other- _things he requires to know• a greater knowledge --of mech- . - *nice:than he bas formerly had... Ac, cepting this suggestion as his text, • Mr.. Gray tells of recd ds that, have been Dept at the Centrg Farm on the cost of - Operating three .•makes of tractors. The cost..'of'operating the ptnal$er Victor fli Amin to. b8 greater i . sot ef,wattle the 10404 ceived at Ottawa until ntobn,, on Frr- day,' the 8th Apxil, 1921; for the con-• veyance His: Majesty's 'Mails,..;. on' a proposed Contract for four .years six tliiies r""sv+eels`over Holyxooi3LLNo. 2 =a1 ,..from. tfie Isostntastrr General' re. Hied rr ot. . ori t2'Ai'ts fort inforination as to conditions'' P of ro-: ., posed •' Contract ,may be seen and bl'an': . ol•iPis• f' of..Tcr1'der may be ob tai_l-.ii• �,.t. die P'. t 0 lices.of Holylrclod, trtn}^' L r=teitr.1 i• 4. M^rd.a.abet:lfie tne. Past C„`1'ice' Inspector: :°. Post' O.'1ic:, inspector's Office' Lond„n "lOrit. Feb: 18, 1021:' • Chas. EL Hs'.Fisher• "Post Office Inspector: 17544 •, RETE' ENDUM./VOTE APRIL 18th. • It is nbw definitely settled that the Vote ..:Ons, : the•<.inp i: o.ta . ` •' . rtrotr of liquor• will be. taken. _ on Monday; April 18th, as Parliament, has passed special Legis+ la ion for, thies Upurpose. _ re.°sed By rfi °tion n - - ' iragesThe Ontario ss of 1919 will be and towns f 0 ove 1000population, but h e t or .1i.111 be iaa r ui i e son in •town ships and Mall Villages..- ; No one, however, living ,in rural places 'who ii:twenty-one years . of age (man or `Chuan)" will be deprived of a vbte, as prtivisioi lia,s "been made for, all who are-Eritish subjects and residents "of, Canada for a year and of. Ontario for two months previous to February first May demand a bala lot when they'' go' to the polls.' - ..' - Persons living in tftwns mtist -'see that their names are put on the lists by ttie revising p ecru. :, , didn't'• do.' any harm, - and to those who ;rant the bill •they ' can . say they did what they could- to pass it and that Wilson -is the man to• •blame. Politics is a great but' costly. game. i• AILWAY WRECKS The terrible railway wreck which occurred near Chicago the•other'day, resulting in :the death andmaiming of 50:people or more, again,, reminds= us 'that while we have•rieans r of idly :`transporting' large ;,numbers of people, we are bound to 'have such. • tragedies as. this one The ,blame rests, of ..course, upon •somebody.:__oinebody. was . careless -or -sleepy= or -exercised- bad -judgment: It may be that -the• dead °engineer did not see dr hear, or it may be that the man 'hi the tower: thought the.train would -get by in tft4le;'°°hhci missed by but a few seconds. Or:. it may be that doniething_ was out of resiair. -It- maybe -that -somebody--too—old—or toe: young for •Iiia job •caused : the wreck. • But no matter -hat the cause it was due tohuman imperfec- tion somewhere.. The machinery of transportation has been - ;brought 'to eat..perfection;--but--it n -be' -safe= lY . worked• only by me :of high eic- •. -lency, .always keyed_ up to concert'.. pitch, and`tmen cannot always be at that high •point of efficiency. . , -1511A KING INt,''. FULL USE f0 THEM It ,takes the Chinese. of China • to ' get' cbnomy- in the-•use'of-'neayspati ers down to a fine point. It is.'said, that in that ancienti%empire,.,newspap= 'ers are sold two -and -three-times-over . -fairlyell -Off:: ead h =, err,- o - the- day -:they Fare issued:: -After this class •.is through with them "the ;papers' are redistributed' among the lower class population,, and these haying a ng , :r sad 'them they re 'sent out. to the villages •and country districts where they are again •sold at a very low p;ice--a sma1L fraction of,44e, or-, iginal , cost.. of ; the' Reds overt rowing'" authority .with rifles'. purcha.•ed 'in .: sport`ng •goods stores. :: We ow from" exper= ie::ce gained in. th - war •. that. • one' • machine=gun prope '1y , niattiied - eau successfully fight' a company of rife - men. Why, then th excitanlent over, the saleof sportin . • rifles and she. guns? If the • gov -meat wishes "to enact legislation fo the uph'o}ding of constituted: authorit,,1 niake.�•the alien' procure a license f.r 'weapons' of all -kinds; and the Brtti h`subject prccure a license for a mill 'ry riffs .atrtl, x11 revolvers and pistol • ..We fail to _see: the need • of• a pe a; for ..the' gun club member to'use his shot-run...tile ;tyouth this small cal' .-ire;in .rraar'ail n-;,. shiP, tent a m hon to r i g•g' h s rr e, and especially 'whe '. he i$ : 's .ippl ell -with 'a -license :to --kill . big -game; - . k 'fourth rule that • Br.• Stauffer gave, was u\'t+,- was• tlinit the tithe llient 'e t• ;ima ;imam.. - .anent e1l6nld not be. a serst:ive, • It )\tl•t f,lollsh'to slac.tlk of an: hour -or tl+,+4 s:legit tlittuseciwtit• a.: .Wasted, h, fi fid, but hr ut-'`,e-i-•his heave; ,irt a t.) ai•• 1 ,lrtidltt glow. t.'p2i` \`iCi+t\ 4,..4 •st ' educat'ion.:tml t;altue;„ a�tt , Oa: i, Ind had their' :•Inire'o tilde ":t 'ti hi ht•ig•t:ti,'ai.tt+ .i r'itn or fifty foo:tV.1 11.1W t.t 11;11>',7 lir, e preacher's "ftni} ii diad •of advice vi 'S t deny to)1: self a li nista ire it •tie'etl=" s' ltaall\ • i:i er�1. t.o gi\ a tiwe rt`ltdin r....and for books; \\Mill were t'ie ' noblest companions of ail; • o %;:.11,1lla' 1:1; The 3 sibs'!+? C. .'t • Wore re;}d ;at:ti'':ttl.•nte!1 , •• Jaitr`.octtn' . 'i.'i;a;an ni,;apt;,'.:t',. T:if l :uclrrirll lF#' ; ';a. ev3�. t,:. tit i.a"c ti~ s r,.il :for 1:r1 1 1 It,ts:' i.'ampbl'rh.,, mt 0 d that 4t ..n '1i1,•rxti .0 • ace art i e ••k't',i: T 4,1 .\ F•nl 1,vait that A:.I., 'Johns' 0" It fi„U foo P Lank,•J.;nniest'n & E is .1r'tt'.1 'that th. tend.*r- far ,pr 1t a"';• In •the t ,t cirit'h' 'tar be are:, }lit t.: Jiilli �:srat el ,1.•ti 1' ttin. that 'the tale a c1.^A ti of the b lllit in III, 1;ow;.ship; J:tna:r- $ & .1o1u.stvt1. that :11e op cls • t1f . W.. 3. Smith. ant J. 1[anter b: r,ai,}:' John .i i ,&' . a.Li•os, , t!'.it T. -\;cin, an l-,1p'raln•,i,r;i 1 tt:ttl tilt rt;lit=al'• 1; cads lull\ entier:t't .Tor...atoa t?'t t'u:st. week'tif Mar1:h..3cthnston' &.JAin iv::+n tb,ELt R. • «l.`::,t• ":13b.' paid ".•'• salary "ASPs4_h5cii. atten anti e, oil er • :tai lta'?ta. The tit„?.'t<•rs handi'.d :li t'hyir .rc. : Fnilt ai,tl it „i-.. is a :antt..1 t=1: i. t oti,. ( ' "The Collector zeptlrtcd ,all. ,taxis paid with the e'cen;isl go thz ,1tr1 \fioted tea T : ▪ n &' Jami rr. i1'at the co\: e t r tie 1t.i�-.iii Haid: Rethe -W c; • •Cit+ :.' 1'..- on S. ,lost or pias••1 a,:dl for whish• pay - Meat is noW .denra,h1 d; Ci,aitril dt- tided' to `'acs est c+r'x z .bond as pro,- ided'.by oar, o rto' • ®' : ' ° •Jas.' C' c \3 i' 3i`o rtr:d as epSor on motion • f' 1••hr:ton ::Su.liean. The r:rllc. t iib a ., :•pts were • pass- ed anti ora;rctr ,.�, r Cel? ir+ne .lids arct., , 45 ^1: .{••• JohnsFot , p1aii1 , 1; BoagtItalie Fica' 1l Sly r ; Tp clerk re :4:1'051.54 Tt. r 3 c ~ th, �' c,«' c 1 �i•al, g:i : l),l . 1n r.tr Chita . a 'a:or .got -,' n: fTa Fl;�c�n b Tn"ani'-ry r'av , C Ci E 1:r,tti c,een o f .Pity. err• 'R • era, rte s:hrni a t•nffee z. 11);'P bt •i she, �a1aa'•rr. ! ••flmo ti_:,�4eI d'stti.e�d ?...,.v?` - ' Ind e!+ tY • S14-.21:" r'.. solar;-•-a� c -ad tr,;',.�`". , f;: C i'en, a) swat•, a"n� 'air e.>I5O: n '�'r'•21 (''n�in "'i'r!; S•r•':t, rya' iG,-•.Ii,F • ,AGAINST. DANO• NGF. IN" :SOME • FOR S' ."I :think that da sing ,like.' -every- . tlanQ_:else_tii> the .w - of -an[-usenien't, oughtxegulat d," said' Dr, - ron Stauffer in a • !s rmon on ' ,"The: Te: -Question ;of Dancing in' Massy hall,;' Toronto, recently. ', het' uestro" was.` - q >l v. once again to the' ore, he said,,nnd. from various . quattters had rece.ivtrd- w"liolesale .• denunc>;a ion , .r+. ether people .:like it: or: net, :.' young • peopie- wo 1dt- dant - -- nd,.the. _ : o - _t3 e, a , , y would dance together. •It" was, with this -fact that he faced the•gifestion, - "It'is pe"rfeet ly naturaland right for young men and women • to seek one , . anothe-5; coin an :• and we :ma p y Y •Just •ssz \yell! face the issue," he said.; ^ + . The' speaker. Beaded' 'wit 1ieo,;lc •aiiii"3reachers -' raiz;.ii1 rhraf sem•• . "�,,, tricts not :.to . in • Ice,, snap , iudgninni:.s , 'I' wish -that out 1r -ural -church' leaders,: whin'so6bitery "oppose: U T Fxrq of Adan irrg-"i ould� t" first, of •us \�-11r,. problems •of city rife,' he saich e. "Many of us. have been :burdened .a. lifetime with;these question' of''danc- ing_ and :'o heir m -amueta • =for -of _e nt' and are trying to do the ri ht ;thaii�r for_.aur'yot m o opla.? .D u r.-Stasiffer .-told. of Dr.:: Rainsford, • who.• was '• yery•-hitthl• against:dancing and theatres ill:le•in Toronto, 'Init after studying :Candi--. tions in New York, whe.re h -' ;hail odea, 4'ie vas-etstrapell'etii float Ing classes in his *to 'k , 'i his- young people•fro churc+na_golng - to Ina-. proper dancing* halls • • ' Four rules ,were la?d �tia\�>LL h+t__the slieaker to 8 ovorn:. •aIl ntrettamurif,`G•;,.• First, 'they must be se,mallv'pltrr " _.rr" - Im ro •d er i n c he � P P alt gArt d °lq rrc t ,i 'f iert `It''de3raVei] i>iisiil"pit;tri%in+ with cheeks .touching • on heads nn shoulders should .be forbidden'. Ne'vt the recreation should' simply phY7,;(:- al or 'Mental exercise Pis• thir� rl,lr- was- thatthe association : should' t; Clean. >• Inthis lay the crux of Or 'whole matter Billiards or triol, wrr • • not in thernselveswrccng.if' the torr panionship was of the right kirrrl'' "IIP that willkAttr With Wianmen aD il}f be wise, huts .the comttanions -of tarns llhall' be destroyed,"' be quoted. tiai'd in�rer*.M� fi� -,^ Tn ':1T, risn P. Fere; ta1 cal '� t"E`s�-}fr- iqR - i_ +'•,,,j•- .s n 1 415. ir,7: E r3 .:'r 'ars t.p 01i_ i ' t r _ ra° t1..,• xl -&-Cainr14411. r l-)Jp- (-il ad,+ii}i"'c3 _.is.se` .harsh-' zt E, Me1)on$eh C'oik • ° 1't Wonder .1 ' • • *1`MS -' gaestion h. as= . been '„ . answer'ed'3 *_ many thous- ands :: of ' Toped who . 'have found health and happinesiin ; the use o "Dr; Chase's Nerve '•' Food. Sleeplessness, irrliability..nervous-,• �I ness, •gloornir Sorebodings of the - future, depression • and discourage ' pent -•-these are some of the aymp• ton}s,wllich'telfof exhausted nerves.'•, In order' to avoid nervous••prPstra.. tfon••or sone . form of. piralyslsit is'' l well' to:getthe building up . proceels established at' once' by use •ofDr. I • Chase's Nerve Food. 60, cents a box,`6 for $2.?.5, all dealers, -or t; Erimanson, nates -,$c Co:, Ltd., Toronto. ' - w 11:1ItD 1tJP:• ;fou ale nht h 1:d up, when•,your' purse . is fiat. •our. trause1s .bra •:ed ,tike an y y old :-doer.Mat; --- ° • ; Ua are Hoe bard up when your 1,art'rt't•a''slrillind•'to see' you': t `u of .ch, You. ai,e not hard up tell .you -see the • day 11ra -;'ou haVtin',t'a cheerful' ora say: L(iu ,t p .Ilei haldt 14) atiheti your colli • eye . i --.;ti e• b;4'' a tells aS y0U'.• Jat11-'• ...Y61:4',411 a,,•'•w><ell the•'stre is while °oth- . .,' 'ors. . rick • +.:(i, your 'puvke•-a 11 •• - t_but hand* 1.aocle -a- --_ ; J:ha:t . not. -•Leine-Ibi•oke-: you -'may-tie-° -' 1 4.4 tacit y r fiats:' not: hard tip. while ; 'You • ii tt•e' a rfriettd 13iit^,ou'aie hat>d up inscri� -'ay ,i. vw�lrttl'eu.L awcheerlit; :ru-td-to ' W..; {z-,nbtinnl,• on earth appeals::to-yttn„-,,_.. --tit' uo_ca _,st;e- hat•lli-ir., the 'ski as.,. .'1n1,1' you are hard' up.. i% you've reach .l,cl tai: say ill • truth titat •,you have , -•lip •f,`ic:itd.' • .-..-By-the't'h o4/4 * a 1 1 ]i. V' - (Ofl[ l�l\'.A�I.] 1 GEOItr. F 13( • d Ei'TS FOR. THE • t __ awe t.._.p —t e--t-*�,e• �.o wr , i f; Body- and r'r nd' • re. tr,th 43:fta, .c and •for 't#le: pr.i er-v.ti f ti •e ,y .. • our rr, aker t; may;_ •elbllo. • .• Exercise : rc, . _- 9. ..altyc In reaset,. t . h, •phys:� •1- :pov�ers--ar••d- �rciesl- ts:r-1,e trjtlYro for oubod ;w 'hat ,htcijht,tua-1 .trov t airs v4111, ''da 'for your, niirit4--educaja and a°r¢nnthen it c"T l?txtr� callrl a it i me. b_ . cause. tie' .:exer ed• tile mind while ;th_s�,e .body-vvas' alI4we;lto sutfer.- , w. . • 1l sound holy l'es.:at the 'fount. dation, of ahi that ,goes to make. rife a success :tact cieclnri11 help • to oveit.' Excretal - Will h4711t a.' on young, !1 _�st„.,�-._cFiay.�e--}leg:,,__..:... Vartrd,..iight.,told --brisk •exet, dine; next to *Eileen), vilII .rest. the rred r !' i h .r -n eft � b cr' th n a n thin 'else..; .ar ,Y 9 ' _ 9. etaJ_.+4ila• r 't u -•f _ f -n of : �' ties arid' the body he>;irnie caee'f If not exrrrl did ted:, There e ora -: normae •4rr}nr T t hat" t. .. h a ` • cloy k hots 'worse tl,uh"gotii7;" health, bot 'not m:ny ttilrig$: - ( wDyrl�ht, 1a10,..by W. 4'"1„4,4not ?,ny manw"G•id,e$'rot isle: i. l• 1t1.1;2t+•"on.t,te ri'lit sire of e' irr,d for P P• h rxe ! .. .. . c, rek•.vli. 1- di • s.S"'UbL F• ,.r �,y., J .suite as the left~. • "tuiwn..;'av=ten 'e loitclun 1 PP g a crosslutid; it is.pe sly as•..dange:aus •: a tea.-t"*itrtd i't.c,ssli,g c ' 1d:;ult out fi�r'e.1 rreii,_. , ... . I t1,; you. :can c•:11 tc•i1 shat _they \4111': do and you � r, t le;••tir'xoii�•. if tnr-hit--'" -"-r:-~• • P1RMITS FOR WEAPONS (From Rod .and Gun.)' • The amendinents to th_ ' ciriminal ..code, .whit call •for ape 't to: own h.. 'firearms other than »i wwji..w otn `ons • 'riot P to -October 16 -192® 'are mini- e ing : untold niconvenienee °throughout . .. _ o o to ..their:, h i= the. I2 xnrt'ti ill �atw.in _ xo . h & P -Rite nature.' --Although it' -was genes- ally understood' that the `flaw ' was changed owing to. fear of general con- ditions onditions of unrest and that ,e spo}llts- - 'lnan would not lie' mtolested, tibia has not lbeen `'the case. The head official of one of the provincial ,police forces sured Rod and •Gun. in Canada that t e law would be -enforced "in a broad-ntinded 'way" However, two weeks later :three police officers locat- ed in the same eitj'lwent to a long.` estabflihed gqn lli - and aat#ied,tho - t r t, a 4 ..'r .:t_n- h►p~ ,1-Tfr rc) i,f...h;r�alm• _ flus i t . q t�t{ 1u uilic�rry', he 5 t'.ci: ,i ` e far' you enc ,j•, and ,he: her', a biugh job.: r lie. tire:. that, your •"diiiimersy: d. v - 1 roi.e-ell rs in4 into i l,lintllnr; `f:l tie air •v>oa pr'oh tblyr ._ `' t. k'n,tw. rr .R ail Find ribr'y floe' "\taC"1r gt, 1 0- tl eY).•,,- .int. ,U.t.... •'t•' -a T rip as' drnR 7. If veli ,fi. ra1 `you'vegot, to . speed'.eed' tin itwhere yeti t tit,• kill anybody 1 _ � • i .iT: in y h •tint ,r*nslrrs, , ! ,"_1 t'1 i \:el. , aiitk•ipate, 1` 11'rtrl r c+' '1d r4 is a I,1 1---t t 1 r n¢, 1 lit. D` t f 1 Hirt , r 1-a L t l'til` 1,ra Jury; ntiay. ra11. it ,Q :T man- 11 an- , - P 1'` ' .,' ,{i . 1':lt[>n.,. The fact, t)latl d 1-r. hr,rl •the rip•ht of ,..lty ivan't briar sill.'lirriv;hark to lif. --least .of all. t +rurfli l f • —1, 11 1'c r ,r�raifel•, t}tis entre « is, • ' ?r r. borro.cv..trr,i c.. nothing.,but . ll •If Serio, ;r it act ' tiinrl.' early .to l.r'ty and .ile•rfl rlu ,«t• • . . Bask, • t i,i' 1,11il r ra, air, it 1vaA ground this s main •n Int'` rr .• •.i •Thera, •is stir, 1ur•k�, .thine; • about' 'rile 'wini1 ry spoiled children; we never' _ • t p 1 zit v hP a+rt et'etl �to thtt never have them ahot'11 180411, bili,,notltinir at all is4ono la our -own faintly; tor' the calf, 4 • r