The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-02-17, Page 1,r P 32:00 PER' TEAR IN . ADVANCE';: •2.50' OTRERWISE: LiJGI�NQW Rolle � Mills`. ..Ars `v�ro�k�n day �a n h �� p�tts° Bran aid Shorts on hand: W. E TRELEAVEN. ' , FA. RM FOR ' S'ALE•° . • The estate of the. late Angus Matth- eson, east ' half of lot 1, Con.. 6,. Hur- on.. Township.. , 50 acres soil; good. clay loam, all under grass. On .the premises are frame barn 26x30 and 'frame. house 18x26. Half -acre: orch-' • , ard..' For particulars. apply to : Don- "old *Mclnty�re,' Executor, •R.'5,, Luck-• now. ' •• 24-2x1'75 ¢ ' . NOTICE..., As some of my LuckriowQriends '' have . brought a •-man here' from Rip- ticy •to be 'opposition• to me in 'my' bus- iness, and as (this man ' claims to . be. ' •working for, me, I ;want' the. public . to .'',,know'. that I have nobody 'employed to- work for me : in the' junk •busin'ess, arid, I hope the people' will continue to patrronize the man they shave .' known for years and who : alwaiys gives a fair .deal. I T pay • for: raga from ic. 'to 36 per :1b:' For rubbers: from'' 3g to •4c per ;Ili. For horsehair from 24c to_ 3.0e ger, ib..; 'For' scrap , iron ::frorh ''4c to___8e_ ' per' cwt: " For good :fat, poultry 30c per-� Ib. -Let me know' and 'I will call. . , ' - Jake Libel. PUBLIC �"M,EETINGS u r • LUCKNOW, ' ONT.,-_THU.RSDA Y, FEB.: °7 1921. ,_ i.. a o.. of o _o o.'o o,:.o'e a p LOCAL.'AND GENERAL 0- • L• 0 o 0 0 0 p,:t.0 O_.0 O_"Q The 'ice harvest is under' way' but the crop. is light. ' Miss Jean , Douglas is visiting her sister in .Teeswater for the ,:week -lend: Folk are "still remarking on. ' th • "wonderful weather" --snore ,like, Ap- rig than lFebrtlary.. ;n Mr Allan MacLeod; who recently underwent en . operation in Toronto, is• steadily improving. ! Miss Ida MtQuoid, of'Ashfield,• was the 'guest for a few days this week of Mis. D. Patterson..• • Large suppl of Benmiller yarn on. hand. Get whit you want,now before it is sold' out.—B.. Blitzstein. The •-town'ot Grimsby is preparing for an Old Boys &. Girls reunion to be keld August 25, 26 ,rind' 27 '•of this years . . • Mr. D; J. Murray and. a nephew of `his, 'of. Detroit, visited for the v'eek- end with Mr. and' Mrs,; John Murray, of town . Mr. and Mrs. W. ,L. Mackenzie re- turned • home last Friday evening af- ter' sjpending the week with friends in ,t Douglas Bros. have secured the contract of carrying �•he mail between Lucknow •Post Ofiice.�nd the, •G.T.R, Station, to• •commence •Aprjl lst .' School , Conceit • in Carnegie: Hall,, Tomdrrow (Friday) , evg. , Be :•there. to�.see the 'clever young people. Plan at A`rmstrong's. Huron. •County • Breeders' . Associa- tion ' will hold ` a •sale. of .• purebred • "stock, "including Herefords, Aber- deem; Angus and' Shorthorn 'cattle, at Wing-haamfon I arch:10.. Mrs D n. .MackitiY►oin; of tile' 6th: Con:, Kinloss, • •underwent a -very . crit- ical' operation .a. week `ago 'in St. •Jos= eph''s Rospital, 'London.: She is'' tq "as: well • as. coald be expected. Rev. fl.: Fulton° ` Irwin-recei.yed . a most hearty, 'and unanimous inyita- tie* • from his, church officials • to ° re- mat>d for; next year. f eIi Sea cepte " it' in_ 'the: same .spirit in which it:"was given: ,.. , Meetings : are �lieittg : called as. fa ' lows for. the .purpose of discussing ways and'" means of improving•'' the apple, 'pack 'in'our'district; Lucknow, Council Chamber,. Tuesday, Feb. 22; - Dun an on -'Allen. s Hail-: -We ne �• n , . d slay; Feb. 23rd. ' These= -Meetings 'will be ` addressed by. .- J.'.Carey, Dominion ' Demonstrator; J. I: j astings, Chief Western' laiv., Fruit ':Branch;:, • 3 J. P: itchard Harriston._,.,..`�•`'fhe•De art- r. „P ment • of A 'culture Toronto i 1 'o supplying 'a speaker 't'o address. the meetings, on sprays, pruning' and'. co-, operative •selling.- ;Make.^an,effart to be present.:, Meetings will commence at' 2 o'clock p.m. S. B: Stoti'ters, - Dept. `'of Agriculture; . Clinton: '::FARM •_FOIL SALE :, �o-o-o _— ST. HELENS —Tuesday, Feb. 15.. Mr's: • Cornelius' Forhan is visiting: :her` sister M Chisholm _ _ �` r. -•Mrs. Will T.. n l03' �' a .T y . ;s t ersoll the ng. guest' of Mrs. 'Stalker..' `Miss Frances Anderson. spent Sun- day at her home here ; .Miss ,:W. -'I): ,Rutherford -was: - ho e m .,front; Mitchell for the�.-week: end: Sir.. and Mr's. McLean J • linston• of Lucknow,• were' Sunday visitors at` Mr .. D..Todd's: Doreen. ;Purdon visited, her' grand- parents,. Mr... and °Mrs: Archie Ander- son. .. n Owing ..to., the inability, to..•procure' speakers, the Farmers Institute meet- ings advertised fo' ' is week 'have l;': n ;postpone s ' efinitely. ' The. regular'••nieeting, '. of- the-- Wo': men's- I stitute=will '-be- held -a Mr • . .n t- s. R. K. Miiler'son •Thursday afternoon :i;'eb. 24th at 2.30 The ; subject, iso . iff-ereni;:-ways--of•-Slinking•-up lothr- pieces for quilts 'and , rugs." Roll 'call;E "Where . housewives''time goes." All . the�•Iadies are .inv9ted.'_— Mr. and Mrs. Gus.' Wilson •are. re ;newing old acquaintances 'about' St: Helens; „ Will. Irvin's home ` 'rid a leasant ..._. ji:p.a.:�..:. social hour' was spent.' OLD RESIDENT PASSEs , Triday� of 1a t weak saw the •pass- ing; away of Mrs. Alexa Mackenzie, oue of the very old residents of the villa e. Mrs. Mackenzie . bad een b Seriously ill . fora 'nwnber 'of• weeks 'a'nd recovery was not looked for, The funeral' wad on Monday& • afternoon, service being held in the.'1 r.'esbyter: jan. Church' • • Mt: and 'Mrs. 3f'ackenzie,moved, in- to :town a number of .yeas ago: from.; Kinloss `Township : ' where they.•. bad lived through the pioneer period, Mrs. Mackenzie wee in her• 7tttirr year. and 'her,:husband is ten years older.. , He• also. is .suffering the . infirmities net:. ural to old age. • TICKETS GOOD FOR A YEAR • At . the February meeting • ofsathe, Lucknow Library Beard a'ti important change was made 'regarding member-' ship tickets. Formerly tickets) is- sued at' 10c were, good , for 8 books. By the new arrangement a ticket is issued for' 10c and is good '.for one year from ' date 'of issue, • no. matter how many bogks are taken. Mem- bees, however, are limijed to •two books at'the'same time.' The change was made ,witFi. a view•'to encourag= big: a greater number of young, folk to• become nienabers. ''i'ffii:•t••rie*v rate puts library privileges ., within the regeh' of ..all. • r" ' CHUR'CH NEWS • .Methodist. Church -The 'pastae will conduct both .services.• In the even- ing he will give the second sermon, on "How "we • ,may . know the ;Bible' is the,' word of God:" ' Subjec_ t, "The' men. .whom .God inspired ", : ' The' Guild entertained the .White- church GGuild Monday evening. The' visitors' 'gave ` an excellent program: oft yecal music and d; •nuniber ' of pap- ers._after .which lunch, wee. served"and a : aocia1 •h'our _spent'.,• There was quite a large attendance. ' •The . meeting. next• Mond y evening will. •be taken b ,the Program •Committee. ; . From the Border City, Star, : pub-` •fished at_Winds-or we et -the follow-• ing paragraph, referring to'` . the Church of which the Rev: J. G. Reid, fermerly:'of SSouth 'I; iiiloss is stor . , Pa "The,•annual meeting of St Andrews Presbyter_ ian Church, .Essex, was held on 'Monday ,•evening,: Jan. 29th,. with Rev J. G ileid, the pastor, pre siding There was a _lalrge attend= ince •of members who .were. much. •en=' couraged by the ''splendid reports given by all branches 'of the churche's work.• The financial report was . by. far the best' ever•given 'in the history af--the•-church ---Th`e- oirgragatl`o15'- 1s � � oin to' undertake 'th" ection . .. g �.g ...,,... a �r .. .of a new church in the near future. 4 t ;':300'acre- fermi. West of Lucknow, North half -of lots 42' and 43•, 'good so}l,, good barn 80x54, Targe: stone '" s - i�teaian-.well:. For•' ta'sek a --lrori e, q, ,s le: • For : particulars apply to• •. Murdoch.•MacRae, t " 3-310Q :Lucknow R t t GREY ,OX —Tue 'day, • Feb.: 15.. The: Kairshe •Liter Society held. . its _ _third - ;meatng_:. of the, season _iii . the- Sixth Con. --School : on -•Monday - evening, Feb.. 7th, The• meeting was "`, well, attended.. ' A special feature of "" the grogram was. •ti spelling '-match;. The captains were Messrs. D. Car P' ruthers anil G: ;Lockhart. It resulted in•. victory for Mr, Lockhart's sidde. L. •-Rena-an'd---Alma Car;-ruthers�sang a- duet arid five girls' from . brie 2nd and dth favore'd-th'a">'tltitiie tee<'Vvifth, `sa'ng Messrs. McMillan and Robb, furnish- ed violin music which ''vas 'ouch ap- preciated. As ',usual the • journal furnished, considerable • amusement.. It ! was read by Miss Morgan. An un- usually .interesting and humorous dia- logue entitled, "Something4lto Our • Advantage" 'was . splendidiZ played by a, number of the Sixth Gon. young people. Mr. Gollan, the critic of. the society, " expressed Himself ,as'• being,' a+ell pleaseli',with the meeting, which was--ciosed-by the einging"•"of `thee ;4* tionpl Arithent. The next' meeting will be 0 the Fourth Con.11410pl, an ,404 ►g4 r , rl.At; A�.,L TIiE, U.F.O. MEETING '' Notice' of the public meeting under U.F.O. auspices,, ' held • in , the Town Hall last Thursday night, was too •short to' 'bring a good crowd, and Pthe;' result ;was. a rather slim attendance. The speakers were Mr, Currie, . of near Strathroy, and, ,Mr: M'cKeen; of Toronto. • ~' A number, • no• doubt, at= tended: expecting to hear.J. J.: Morris. o as : n s he. wa kn wn o'be. " b o ,t rn " N. Huron at the time. However, Mor- rison wasn't there, and" the audience bad. to lie content with the lesser: lights." : II Mr. Currie's address• teas yd�evote d to' political issues while Mr.' MCKeen dealt largely ' with ;the commercial undertakings of the farmers' organiz- Pation;i.,.:.•.11e, .ky_"_the;_way,_is_.one of the managers of that ling of enter- prise and is conversant with elle.°its details. . Mr. .Currie's address was largely• .' in the way of destructive Criticism, striking right and„le,ft . into' 'the•' two old,'parties—Liberals' and'' Conservat- ives alike coming in for hard knocks and denunciation. Mr.. Currie , was. Himself a. liberal at one:' time, but .he had seen 'the error of his Vlhys and also of his leaders, and he had given up the old':party for the new faith. He said that though we: claimed, to'• be a democracy .wt had not respons- ible..government, and 'he cited the Rftailway' .Commission -end the, Hydro Electric Commission as : two bodies which 'could - override acts• of parlia- :n nt. Orders of the Railway ,'C'om- mission, will nullify. acts: of parlia-• inent. • lie::referredf'td the extravagance of the: Hydro Commission., The 'Chip- pewa. Canal would".be• a inagnificent work when completed, bust the cost was going .'to run beyond all expecte tion. The original estimate ,'vas. ten; million, dollars, but it was soon .rais-. ed• to' twenty .millions, •t 'en fifty., then �h. sixtj!;. and' .now ,it'• is thong t by :thie" engineers that" the• :work canno .. he completed for less than oiw Hundred' million• dollars.• - This is one of the big and cdstly undertakings which the- Drury- Govemn�nt had -inherited_" from its • extravagant ;'predecessor,. - As ::an illustration 'of the ;trickery' of the. old kchaol-of:.politiciaris •lie_ told of 'how -the Liberal Party, ' prior to 1896 supposed' t'a' sbe a ` free trade "party, during its: term' in`offace had ac-' °tually increased the ';tariff':by ;from' 2i/z to' 7'�i. per cent: .'The Conservat ive_ overn rent: ��ad:.a '"•i . ort.,dut. eg n .h n. P y 'of 20 -'per -cent on -binders -which were : valued'. =for' purposes . of taxation at $80.' The. liberal government reduced the duty' to 17 1 per• cent • but. valued �. '•the• b`nder at 110. • gnus the• farmer while' enjoyLLng the;:. blessings of a. lower tarrtff • rate paid`' $19• dollars ,duty on bis•'imported binder instead of $16 as he: had paid under :the high _.MAFEKING --Tuesday, Feb; 15:•: Miss Reta-Twamley is-�spendingta couple of weeks with her" cousin;' Mrs. 7" Frank Finnigi _n�Seaforth _ . Many from this neighborhood were tdown; :-'to-iungannon Thursday to o --hearts . d�: -Hemi, D'Hecretaaiy ,of the U.F,,,O: speak, and'they felt amply repaid for their'•trip. The •skating ,party ' Friday evening . to . which ' the Blake's League invited Zi n -and:' Hacketts' Leagues wi s`-•attt ve• ,,.en°oyabl 'a. ir.:After.:the skat-' r3' J Y , in g ref shm re cirri§. w ere'served m M g r. tariff of the, Tories. •'Thus' did the fariner. get a "lower 'tariff and the;' Massey -Harris Co. get higher pro:tec.• tori. by the same act. . Neither ','were the Cnnseroa`ti'ves spared, Hon -�G -4+H-owaird--Fergusen- dine�isited°het parents. over Sundays. being'.inade'to look: like a very crook ,, Mr; Jack Graham '.of Dominion . d paliticiatn_ _by his actions-m-.;cen-• Bank; Wil gham', et�t,; uinday tit 11is; HOCKEY The continhed,•round of success en- joyed this seaseic by the ,Lucknow- Ripley Sr. team was broken `Tuesday �e n' ht 'h i w n iso L wel la ed•. h g � .t p y ere. �y • rhe visitors proved te,' be •' strong aggregation :and the scoring'..' was• rather one-sided froni the beginning,' The game.closed•with a .score of.13,--7 in favor •of Listatwel,. 'Lucknowtii- ,ley-wi'll'3iaw visit :Listowel ' to play' the' return game. '' k,, 'There was . another; good ,ganie due- . ing the week when Lucknovi Juniors! played at Wingharn making a tie with• a score'of 3.3. ' Th'e roads being good a 'large number went .over from • here' to witness the game.. ° As the Lucknow,.tean had a number of goals to its credit, tke tie gave it the group and the 'team will now look; forward to entering the larger. field of group: contests, . WHI'fECEURCH a --Tuesday; Feb. 15.' Mr. Jas.. Elliott, •.of Eluevale, :. is visiting .with .his sen, -:M1lr. Gordon, El- liott. : • .. • ' Mr.: Arthur Craig, of Niagara Falls ', as , here attending the. funeral of • his. sister, th'e ;late Mrs. lra •Weliwood..' . , �LVirs.. Peter :Deans visited ,a fel,v. days with' her; sister, 'Mrs. H. D. lien �derson Mis:l , Catherine S •artz, of Water loo„ri ,visiting'at.the home of'.Mi ,R: • Chary is.., . r : , Musgrove, of ''Winghain„t, is visiiting ' with „her sister,',, Mss h",, If ei'1ry. ` Mist: Beatrice?Debbie, of. Wingham, • tent the' week -end =witti • her grand;. mother, Mrs. Jas; : McClenaghan. Mr and Mrs'. Jacl. lienders'on and children, of Lucknow, ',.spent Sunday . with- Mrs. Henderson's. parents, Mr, and: Mrs; Jas; M'eiregorr , The: Whitechurch 'Crean -wry ; has been sold to Stewart Bros.,', ;of 1 Bros- eels. The': contract for putting in the'. ice --has been- .let `•and the .work com- mences this. week.' " ' Miss 'Weeks, of Teeswater, • is �•is'= :. itiilg with-her.:cousin, Mrs; -Wes:: Leg: gatt, Mrs. Dun _ - can -Kennedy :yisited':9vex• the week -end 'with Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert Martin, roti ,the• Bh ev_ale . old:.._ We :are so y •to•.,•report that oiir teacher;. -Mr.' ,Gowans • .is '. lai.d. .0 .' p. agai n ,Mrs. J D. •Beecroft is teach- ing during 'his absence.. The.' funeral . of .tlie..late, Mrs. •Ira Wellii ood of Elm Creek;` Man • which' was'- held- on' ,rriday,"Feb� l ltil; from the' residence of 'her.; father, Mr. Jno: -Craig,: :was'. o"ne of th'e largest wit- �.nessed .,in this.' Q.ontmunity. for:. some years �; .R.ev iVYr Sedbie,- co 'ducted services. boils' °.`ai: tlle"house"�ai c :cemetery: ° . :.--:—o o_o� K1NLQUGI1 —Tuesday, Feb._ 15 Miss Tillie Hodiz�kinson, •of Kintar= t SINGLE, COPIES, 5.LENTS.. SEE ARMSTRONG ANI,SEE' BETTER. . . �'E ' yoti t'ver tltc.il 1i•. ! :;:t yroul lit•allaches .ti•, girl,' e •e'btlttiti. ��,;V tiJll(t.tlietl,rx;itt �f• ,r1- tti t1. lig t(I;1 hal,.'t' t•r.,,"!t+ d"` 'Itil i' tit.tnll ft}.t1 :Il al• • „t, • - ill,' 4' �ttt 1 tll,lrtnt yi�u ici t au, .t yourcyt•, • f ELA1'S curly make the �it;tttt r •s•••R worse • • 1 ou still sutlt•r.' ' .A130I'T the 1ie.'t ll inc tt, .dt; i., ° to coni tilt US 11�11t'. p r, CONfii'tT'tts with thels;ln•a tr'e.. that wtcan and will' licllt y,u. L I) `I11;glasses.art. dill.-F.- • ent theit'ordinary g}ats;t-s: 1. . . pV S,dil:el, we nl d e for yea the lass,you require. C EE us •aLo this' and It t ns . �7 i' o�ve that We eau help i m EYE HEAL' CHES NEED °.. NOT , B F. T.. ARMSTRONG Jeweller. &. Opticiann -o •:•EVER iBOD.Y'S COLU'MN:., o o=o—o—o—o=o=,?o=o o . uONk,Y Ta LOAN. ou. mox•tb.it es i i.0 .. riti t.tts .1'Ct.•au+litulj:L .;,n 1!i Ii . 1116"41,1:1:,.• Moto.. �c�t:k.•ax;li .SIL, .,.�a1.'-' •.t 0fli .t' YuC.`'.. t,Utt� Gj• iA1i4111o, •..tiv.... '` WII, 1 Ire iiess `.,ala - •uesp;t y+:lil. — . A. uiuu°c.i - it . ::.1►, kAtt:iL:L;, OS l'Ji UPA4:11, a. C'la'm , ' L)Ust., LacatiUW, Hely, "'l1 eurnd:�r (Lay iu t j.1u.ouIi. �t11 eiiruili'C' Ulf ,uses r5at4seaaiully .treaLea., .:L:s--__.-- �_itt.w itLLy-: reuiw,e,.-' Lile' pll +5_bes11- titL'SC uL I U t:atb�., : ti J U tii'It:ai a tel �;u�:� . `., ' t.oe sj1.Lie r5' t11ore li..Ca.:ll;,'ot ,..LLly"vl and wicli"iewer- 4rea.t hell's Sty' .c1A teui,atti .tu;a;ii:byany;otarc:r iilerllvd' 1'OLL'1' l •tz A � . .. t,. u ua a .. , ,ili�sre you 1;•it a. illi 'weal aril tt.k- ulrto . iirrtes,.�,c Aisu• ;beet and puree _ aides', and sheep skills:—Jag e L•il;yi .�� • .LOGS 1i lsi_TEIJ-We,, the under 4;g'ped,, will .bey all kinds" of logo' uti.� iiveletl 'at -our •sou r$i11 at:-lail�hil`u'iti'. : and : wilI. ``'a:,. the hi hest: uiai1I t I?Y g. .t price: for s'an'e.: For further lrui•ti = ulars : call ,and' see. us' at . our educe' or • gall us up 'by phone. •' ,The .tl.ucknow Tab'.le'Co,_J.-Button,- nlgr.,-' 'Feb. 28 FARM 1 Olt• SALE. -100 -acres iii; :t ;`}Sss soil, gi ori bui1dings,,,foui n ilea `; westrof Lucknow; 2,i acre's fall plow- ing :done ..'2'erms easy `For lrai t dial's •.apply, tom; George A.' Siddail:; 2140-tfc. `Domestic Help Wanted , at Child '... rens: Shelter,. `Wa'lkerton. :. Plain _ — i oo xzlg.�•Send-refer trees ,and=='st-ale• • CREWE --• ties'day, Feb. lb Mr. John Brown, of Lucknow, is . spendinng' a- few days with,. friends here. _.-_ . Miss Ida McQuaid is visiting . with Lucknow friends this week. s Mrs Ritchie; who has been 'spc�'id- i g a few 'weeks with ,per 'son,. ; Ger don h 's returned home. _ t. � a • The Rev. Mr. Edwards, of Toronto, will give an'address to the, men here next Su'''nday. A special choir• is• be- ing organized for the, occasion.' • Our -teacher; -Miss Stothers; enter- tained'a number of her young friends to a party •one evening last week. .-Mrs.•,:M.-,Shackleton: and son, Druce,• visited at Nornian Sh901,1ct ,t' , .*.t<if- e'kng, recently. .. . -0..t►' - -. " Sh l�._ : ' nkat _ ° 'b._,. air- °hole the other. day, , 11.4.moi', whit they call i't, but 1 'tenni it Mi 01 vast VV section with the lease: for. 09 •yea'rs home here.'- t :'. n_ .nTL•on Point '"4TYt, Geo: Itodgkitrson- of"'Deti'oit of , government lad o g . ., G Island bo°=a2.'-U.S• A:; •corm anyF---: for :=:ar: ••J?as=been :nisitroll"-fr-ie.xlss- hel�t�---ftp- p. paltry. sum. rsome tinge. ,' M`r. M'cKeen Said . that he wouldl speak of the U.F.O. movement.' After giving a brief ,•history" of 'the move- --ment--he-:•gave= much -':interesting 'and usefailt. information .about 'the U.F:O. methods : of handling' live 'stock and -of'• conducting commercial• enterpri's- es. , p.e-o---- ut pABAIKOUNT-_ a _ . -Tuesday, Feb. 1b „ We are pleased -:.to ••note that :Mr. - Robert; S�trtithers, Who -has been ;quite' seriously ill, `.is makif - favorable g 1 o -o -o= EtTIVCON!,.,�la.N OSS s da f Feb, 15. Tus y. 151 -r -ll It rWarti.s, went to=.._I towel . last: Safurdayir7 ;• Mrs. Henry Pinnel it :in 'very poor health- at- the•. presontr.•-,We• allk wish her `rest ration .to health. • Miss •.MacKay •visited. friends' rn t. Teeswater$or the week -end. -• .Mrs, Hugh :Taylor, . pf. Saskatoon, •Mr, Ackert, -' of Holyroodt '' h t•• a left here last Saturday for her ,holiie.. couple o gravt111ing iss�heie ra5t Saturday. night:,' ;.Messrs Reuben,, Stauffer and Sam * 1 esbitt : got the " rs. Tho ....Harris en.t. , work, _'• ' • Mr. .and:.l4i s sP , ,L; wa es : t •:•.Re __.�_ - _ __ _�, ���rcitte' :.Yi'alk.extu� `, . __ :_ .. FOSIt`ER ' HOMES WANTED for • _ _ d 1 ebr-rt,`ix�l- d mks, old; i3 lsy" o- mos ,' and Boy. 2 . years ' , Apply • -to;' Rev. I:..Perdue Walkerton; Best,;imarket. price for all.'raw torts, .et me °know when"you:`hay.e ani.•: phone, 85, Liicknnrr. 2U 1-tf..: ...13 Pearlman .,,_ h Kincardine f "ends.- ' •.• Messrs. Wm. `MQntgg3tlexy and_44's,; Monday'wrt ri ... 11ir Donald 'McLennan is a vi'sifor Percy, of Huron,.' called on 'friends 'ori progress towards recovery. a . Mrs.: T'•age 2las soli• .Trees : en .o an _ 7y.g good . health . of late,;: '. 4Iisa,Dobson;-ofr _Ethel,--ls�•-visi�tii g • at the hoine ,of her uncle, Max Ray-' nand. Mrs. I. Congram is recovering Ergo' a severe attack 'of neuralgia,, Mr. and Mrs..11iti•k 11r Sdersult snent Sunday with friends at' Whitechurch. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Cook made• a trip to' gingham. on Saturday, ' LOCAL ` MARKET, hitter. , ... ,d -pp��` .14100,. 4,,,,. tilt. tt.l,YQiie JZOIIii ixtN r•t'ttitiit, 4..113,26 A , t Mac; Smith's... ` the line last week. ' ° , _.. , .' • _ _ WW'o °,wideratand : the : Itousont fie in • ~Misses• •Annie and: Marren-:Iffodgtns. spent ` the week-eind with their sis-,, terj 14ti` ; 1 I'F`ulbert.' \�'r a' • 1 eport 'Mr. Mac e'»:ith un• the' aitk' list . We. hope to' learn o.f a eco •try. Mis it . _.. , i ' •_i Pias turned i s �4na . � 4.)k ..tt xe _. front:' an :extended :visit with Toronto friends. Don't" f41`get the Literriry .t``H'•als►.. rood 1a rides• evening. . A 'good: tame is assured. • ' Mis. Jno. Culbert is speriding• a couple of weekt with friends in. Kin= cardiae Township.;'_ ' *:- .:._ . A number of the ,Sports on this are attending the hockeyt .. matches in the etlrroOnding 'tQWnp, his been sola- to Mr ' eo. `Haldenby.. '•'he..o e winter .`we %hav , ha - 1 • p �., o d so far has been very favorable. for work in the bush.. There, hat been"a lot of wood moving :lately. Miss. J. Nicholson, nurse,' of 1. =C is' vi's'iting her; cousin', ' M'r. Walter Nicholson. • • NOTICE I All'• person�§'.in Lucknow who 'have 'their premises wired for 'eleetri cur- rent are required to call at.the. clerk's office and sign contract, otherwise e1- ectric current' Cannot be supplied. I. , ;Agnew Clerk. . a' 6 t 4;,., ---0 0 0 AAUCTION SALES Mrs. 1 dward Johnston, Lot 4, Con. 11, Ashfield will hale an aiictionc''sale ' of 'farm stock: -and' implements r,.'on.:;.: Monday,, Feb.• 21. 1+'arm will Ire. rented_ for xgrass.:: _ • " 17-2.125 J. P.ur-is, Auc Mrs. K: F. MacLennan,. I of 431, Lake Rani e, : Ashfield, Will` 'll it a "am ''' auctiollr sale:- of: her farm .tn4k ,iv�•,i. implements .on Fcb. '22,• 1i)'21; fist':'• nittncing at, 1. o'clock. shark'. 1 " • ', ' .1. 1'urvib Ari . 1?. Murton, north of the G.T lt. Sta, tion, will have ' an .auction sale of household • effects and other artii•ir, ort Feb. 20, at 2 p.nt. ,Tile farni, con- sisting o£ 8 acres with liotsc' and yb.�arn, wilI also. be offered t"or sale, -t ,,: R. M ' , arleer"Auc,. -� �. ,a 4. ,r tT ;:r -r• r 5 1 1 •a