The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-02-03, Page 4T11 �, � 1, ­- �; . I - - It "am- - W, idftD W liouie of Refuge at salary AT Lf 14-0 Inatqad of dilliending qu the local O conduct blergv.* t iservice gratis Och A A. u.Acicjtizt1% Spiliday. The Coiincil, bow�vqr,, d O -0-41'as the inmatep wgre, f V p; r "k0t?: va S ations that Are y6ti looMng kr �'Phice to, ks.. -,-THURSDAY, FlEmRUARY 3rd, x92i %Vork Well IIt, r a Olace, to save It? �, Thero ar6 Present 00ein 'of having diff er. to JA. ('lit �nlinisterF officiate ohould be con, A Arieds of 1010"s to J.spend. IGRUCE COUNTY'COUNCIL, a' h Ind' complimeqted eeper VP gank of liamilton savings acebunt'is if, 7��4 Want Wiles fo a gbod place to,'put'lt _r supplying proper tianspor, Tase itlaw ev�-Whilil you have a 'Initial Session, at Walkerton Last tation for th I fro froni e e ergy to, and Deliurtment at. �rpal need for thgt $5.6.0. gnll many the services, The Minist i al cj�lpga- A�o qn,cludes With the. Good Week �C Ition 41ong witli three Walkerton, JkL(I iour C Roids $ch. the Onh. Big ; sl, Mrs. Normarr'Robertg.on', Mrs. M, j' rr;)CrL4 ,othe", whicli, You capi add. to. it 1.f ine as r it It's you will only do m - le, ^I r14 1, and' Issue, 6it the Program- for this' J. R spy -and Mrs.. Warr4n, als6. re- (Ili a inore Tit, stable'basis Year4 -MalIy orillIts, AgLed' ftr quested 'that o' trained iiiii4 be. ap- A' lIFiw Made 8-,lwion: poifi ted.to caft for' tue Mr. r A es .0 I -e coining to C-Pinglaints Against Sch Insp". aged' glck at. thp� Refuge, *They al'io MICTO.K. ANK -OF Hr tor'*Pst�be SPecific'ChOges-te be 'better sy#eni-of ventil, frainiog 10 'tbe asked. that, a' 0 � at.,, Investigated. Councillors Will "ation be provided ot the Ho Iuse, The 'tile *commenda . t1oh o$ LUCIRIOW 5 AIRCH-4. A. Glenn A gain -Grept Lake,. n at -.June Conncil�� on re igs Maniaeer KM lf ironl! iLe'rvou.qii,,,,,- s Alit tit)- I­ SisNon, Th. �--T 'e. at,,Ki ' j&ln' the Ho7ise iin L nea P. ' ' m: is repo�t, . in, 4uVgeon J "hi 1 .1 !0 1,I fl�ll the 9110rarkee Q J t Vid 'the X r to ',.r one tile 0INMs'- i 1, bo]lf'-� eepe I . - ql... -fourthL the �OL -sta T�e fifty I t � un er'ma a dn the ff %with care, of t fie bo ad1t, Counci �* itl dy, iti.l. ession at wall. a,wOW9n capable of aiting on th,6 .i�l, rI,t.t Illat (11glity per; -asBisting,*it :other 'dutes �,ratlll it";K tilt, ft.0111. '1,,en to k n, t i erton last week, the, curtai�.-rising .-slck: and h IL In: cases where in pn.-Tuclsday night it h Reeve David- about the Place. lift) ago at,which Boa of Amabel absLenV 0 '"the sick list mates are laid �p, wit oh. -a�ny' acute �I*W liyo realizing. ;tnd. the other. thirty-tw -Frinklin'g disease ..w;@I:3,�short of ty.e Counc'il -auftrjied them- 11'. old Illottfud toss th.4 their brows over the ,selection - of a to' be removed And 'Ji tired. I commenee(i a f. ho Ili* r are. Ital'at the c ieated ;It., the tit*(, studon,ts, of D�. V 13vardeii, nient BPI ounty's expense. No 4tl form of systetiiatlo or I XL I`The� Warden action was taken with rd ft, 4nd bo Tlil. in nomm- ventilation rega -due to; -th my' ames were plaeod as the' Govt. relieved nit, "o Eght U . f and some IInspector,. 011 Syjtp, OMS.. 'IM Ilt ),"V. .:I.,4 Wo a tion -just to Bhqw that ]Bruce isn,t wfio. made periodical. visitp'., to, the*., clsses­ ."sh6rt.of.-ca1ib' endorsed- the. present one burdred per cont. Ifor scial and ath- re, fo; the Big Ipbair, House.. bad .of th6, 0 tette fie Sys than I Ava, Old the 9ther., c came from the tern., for intell,ectualopor- owshares in The 'Ale Worial the pers6nh Of Gideon. Dr.' hae? Nor�e Food f.6i, inclined H. Rattle'. of Huron' Mich' McNib' The Oestion of the Ood hedUh I.= ll,()W kill-, tBill W 001131ty SoIdi6rBI O� i0t... and .carry ed,_ to -W of Greenock, George Falconer of.'Cu h III]%, the second oying." Nern-orial, w ich.thq members decid rbss.. James Lewis if ElAer-slie 'and at'the December sittings to'' 'to negleet phy�stdat refer to* T)r; to all t r I . 'Win. A.Row#Tkd 4 Brant, whilelrim ir constituerAs at the nominations theii lives -striet C 'the bright lights iiif the urban even JKooted at -this -Session wa l6w .cipalit;ies a trio composed of Fred butAL motio�Wbioiijht for' 'for N?;iw our re it�ltipdng waid, W., Lippert of Walkerton the 61ant to� defray 25 per pent of IGrint, of T each muni Itality' -for.L any ara, ailid'Robirt Johnstoij 'the iiost'ta e el of tackno, e .w, , were villed to contest Soldiers'.. Memorial they* might 'ei;ect,, Itpushing zkway the.cruwn'lat,the Lup- Cdmplaints AL-ainst. .1nappe t us, esaj� OTMI an !IT d .. . .. Ij itol i6 our. inter.' tar i. It'll, 11 erda t 'by Reev r , * , erg And onp towns.�- Amoi` 1, Our farm on e Matherg of' K .,�tlie -coils an t Alan .modestly backed, �&N6j from and:Reey.e. Redburn: f Teeswater lthe af6r' 01. 4iadem and rejecteid, any,,, pre t to �4150 'Making hi's Prb�ght -salar� 0. He, Ce T raicto Engines DM- rs Ben at- that' owing a -.number f ectators on . o . c ees -and. fi 1(2) -Organization ,te�mpi..*tol.put.Lit'-�i-flieir, beans. in- pjalnt�e` 'o. :1�rqia -trust' :vatbrs Stenograph�r DZERIING Drills.., A., Mrrows withdrawing'Ino'st. of,them. ibrimated others'throighouit; the'illisp6etorate of Cqurt 'o of tithletio. that th�y -be"so'niodest at 'West..Brlice against the.Public S, -ci -on. gyninatic Loudin Lifter Stad �Stawch!�Qns .,mightnt' I I Th� soof C6urt Stfineg.i4pher e fuw Inspelctor"of'undue n som. rP. occ.Oloni which - the 'fiterference with It i IIit o tho studen if anii"Wa4ei bo*ls ing vacai t;�'tM Cle�k notified t1i'd COU."nell', were let to take eiihdir as' the dutiei of.the T s we, -a rd ee -tile 1-1 I it is nece.$ Council that didn�'f � seem Possi, e pro. 'reqtle ill 'the- matter b6: iA-1 'bl ]PROST Gatis.- fen4e Nog,'Whifte mise-'oi a th' f re. i t reafL The . trio wh6 are,. st at, w noV, to. �o ta New, wlmal�m wing eTen't'... �d�erse': oiryiu� conclu. veStigated by the'Edumitin anybod ke 'the posi- s Mw�hinL Commit.-.. I W�'J lxd� a.;. sioni. th t , * " . '' ; i6li .. 1 . - � I . go4lit-l'al par-*, at.'o*e.fqr the rone. of, Bruce tee and they o report at the - -ynL. 6iei, of, $��' III% I . . sa17, . : -6,L. t 1.) t,;)((; I I t. . I L 'relse tak. o ih ,'fac' -e� earnbd 'Gourlay, Whiter aAd Ltiellik Ag pia� �unq' t nos'' -and Wh t had donip m -ore or Sessi.pl; re un6il',refus,- Atever �ees:l th sulted:in.ihe.C�` ary a -ivh ss a ance II!, I t regular in- at end, i� any action,in t e matter 6 rcqukred -th to tak d t - the,-,counei en- nd. Fai taIR by- 41ii d' work toward d after ess, . some. speci an su gested �,;a t ent.at it toot.h and3i6ngs,-,Eiu, uni . . g k. -tic cha rges are ittest upon -ilkht gage, ;,a stenographer at a . �Bti e dust' -6f bittlW had -blo hri)u­fit :L 1� of cacli. year. IW G i.'A N D a R, E, W LUCKNOW. 4b wn it ., fist, ]I( a4;tllt, a.lrai . the' lnspectorl� go Ao, .BalA -a a ille -f6es earnet to l'renlize fit I, the bone lv�ig;tt Oro 'the county. ic -(6) jEnebur foiind that* end round bad deid' ve Costly. 'A result- -by Ws niany of the.ea'ses ed #6 vict4,.,�Ie firit ball An:..effort Reeve Nels'on of Ti n i3 are- aIii(ly ciitijd, ot of I age physi# - 'on in. A-lex-C8nl 1 .Ut s ,,I (I L Ti lie y to -Graiit-.7jert 7= -Jobns'ton,.2-1,f` ta d 'If as and 'Rowana,.4i- - J61nistori Iia4 a, 71D, tha� ------ composed. of -Wafde4 T LErf=.T T1M-.,ED1TO - Engag in- carpentry and- develop-.' illajorl -,of*the Council, hh� fused midmitta c iii ihe'#6u '-of,]' of-, hygienlo. t;y e was duly n to Be Ri.D- was, appo.�hl:M-, i0 engage. a oni0etent, Of facilitieg f r is the uge, 0 he -:furnished'. -with transportit- -'az d sunlmer� ng con ac Mfe6te A' . Rix , ieix . d. iiito a, ifuildi -ge . business esconsce­d in the,positin e a.,A�Lsalar ndt t6, up:., a lai and .,seqdn TAi' be 'y -Old ILacknow Boy, .S"ily 6ilt , , t�On mal ifeiiograplwr th 'that tbe.. south-?rfriost, in maintitingti IIat the lit' -excee*d $1200:. by ,Apointtnin Atide.- _of" Ora a Ing an. pll u �his 06 ­ ­ -bl: 'd ­th -A V IT. 35 7 e ide 14 f.V L§ent SP tal for t �N% I . pirit Toron I be� Wh Ito Le, am,..26, 192L: gradually to -take .114a lace n to t rden's chair, the first being, or som6 similar instituti6p, d am, orm.ilk :bf tan 4d the giaifing city gi- . ii.4 ktor e Me own by. t e Cquilcil,. as eat r Sentiiel:�. of. -Fargo as one -of - _.h - . n+ -A- 6r The c, qll� 'thr -POI ing- -y, f- MR-- -as folro i:e.7 -.y funds for its Oi "-onor4d -and:. usetul­�Ittzein='�` b eh Ie nuni -- , ­ Me" . Th COI, e Ill, is es;ie.ni ial for4ie- ien alnt�nante'o - own pilt)graln;� thisAs ts: under t'appoiii on ted, a -Pat r its , T too brief visit froin'air old-time. resi- �0ected to'the Stati!:LP9414tilre.t�rll arden Johnit + H., b;ldsl arl�fpn 'Rev el + ch 11�t. term in. any:such -o� ' ir progmssi . ye. 0f 'two Year$, wit out seeking mittee, compose H- F itolloin t out the. of Mr. FA c- ta-telimt. mh%ng.,-,a Pe oner� :b.-'.0 the 'Coulffr—wolfld bO, establish,jiT' . Leeson' 'A as- 6; �- u, I - itune f 0. E. is great V Wu 0- -Md-Viffifid- -.1 VtOeN eff--�ffiiit �l I nqt be 104 (0 Ald XcN0 _h* . I 11 I . . ppen t. e' e W bimasil .� Klilin, w 'o resigned-froin alker- �Wiho is bn a'trip. tq see relative. I , xire - terni -trust(,e o ln*g.,g single -,til frifeids in Ontario and Wil1 shortly� w and Ruttle, who s flood-,gab6s to �11 jh�. his Board, -and Whi. McDonald t� i u d., lit he io-'iwon the - 6lected qr,.4nunicipaI,-' oth good. . opinion inig*40 1�uckiww in his rounds Ts.-;* or. the. v,�ar as ities 9 urdened- Oie thitt -fil .,out,- tke.-tr expire iterni, on. lin exan4naltions on 13* "ns '%low fi in baii g 16 Otb*. wl n, d In q" � I 1111 Of teTday he and At Offlum, brother 9;'A�.el rst, i Ii � �wp. � 1)ei�g . - I .. '' . . ast Alifich foi- the etu�nifi' Boss aA rpqu fe' -�Offlcer o'f -h unch- -at his'wjthdra,7al.' fidii 'chairmait. � �:,: - . .1 a d �6f L and naysa iiiid-l' together C�lty. be nia& est- frioin I . 11g. h X01f. thd 00 ft na. reticemce-'made, ge-4, -ntire 'Messrs. R, 'Efi-I L1, IT -d" b ure &,at -h h Bit' Ii h A s, 'and 3ron may be or;,w ic aj%a tu a ta in Ag year "d Mq�stiro.. kc-� .160th n,t it, th? e I of Teesitat6r:, Vili(q, I i y Van, �tbere,'.as Ivilifere'reir Old . Lif It., Irwin ents i thli tic wites rtof:,�Kh ly to his likini,;.: -9�o. chi 01ch &* bat If 1, _o1f) ta .10A son -A r DaNI'd ic-6uh- all( Dr., Creelul-an' the� W; - 1. in Ject Of-, -I' d-- t -, V ­t - . . P oth-er-A 0*84,1iir" thi. oie,b b `& ust nh li e- kh Ir Ina e a.- notable 'c; fn an4 fdc- i which haye'�'gincfe 'beeh'u-�e�-. IM o n t Cp�nt� ,uditor the ---Findlaylam Clark.�. was Village, wh&e. song d 9 nt,,, 6. sux! I a ro ra m adop ildkien-bm­ e -16L iY.1i be tarilea.6�ret,.. -we Zaih. eleiftted.­ as re i'a au4itors-- ge. McKen to all parts Of the . I ed. 6)1 DoiqJg!as 'for Of t alliv. in I 6 f t� *he to an. lit zi Jhe li�e e Criii, al -,Jus i kccounts in te Aft�:.r .4, discussion �Ortby ..-teeLki iii6 Methodist Church. of Fhr-' and- Cottrill" Bru e V their part-; a grant. to!:,. Fo Ir Lake Himiti- oi�o ol I, dq, prograu. go..- Un -1.1 .41 by- t- 0 Petitions- d -Messrs. uncil instruck th4 t of. And when B itws ed 'th' llil.S�, Ilmkiiii ously ,grea . . . , ng,14that thpz.� The wor of on was-,praq-:, 1�, h th 1-1;D( in L'. e pcenes au.d incidentsi are of a'C ck.n6*,J#, 186 mald, Coitiffl - '3106 -it, Scarrow d pil t. -J)o.fly., mining to Lu ��tmir0nts, Which are w6e at up-, t�- foil ow i is.a :brief ot�tiikle, of; t*eall-, con ned to .,t.NNo ays, edilesz ose" on *--hldf tui1rttgon#-- rw-, d-' IO& a fourtein anI , . . : a d Thur �C A 171 r*. iio� S sn, oermg eve LR then is re I D inus ousse of Refuge- be tel f -a" rde I..:W-- a st Memc . Fri a en., n ematt�,r.' fuesil-tv, nig t,- -in an Siudcnti ho had pe- ': litt g lifei tl�ere,. anil retains. VMA. h lid p. ffi� J eadprs� in'the On'bii way east Stewart stAyed'.W' on and lgalari�tL�-Misrs';. F, 'Grants,IG.Ire .4 to 6tas I ,`>� - - . . t. ooll r )r1 6ri--th Iau. -ia d. ers. o...L :a. grant of,S Minne"olis One_-fi�di'hi Wlii&h6r,,- Sca Xn el-ro"t ie pf; th4se. 6h aays., rrpw,, M- thL, �N i�w --an..almdst- inekh stl�le *ell. of, d -T1111111 IZ4E4u'rn 'and W. t ie'company .-of Dan M&enzie,and. her td��nleet ani ... . .... ndelitsi- d folm e .wbet id the I g. �F ULU. K41klilu -I--- P-rog !6 -to- '!�- *f --:� r.- - - --Gf-W91k0 ft lid than orld ected a:B vr. I-Wart----a;i4--Afie1r , 80' P-* -- -h - --- r -IV— 'I 3 1W i-7M� -too wv ememb fee- - n n as -'a- -�d. their att?,ntpt tn t7t .0. -th Ife,�-t J'are a,.% d -er �G an-' .=d:- u i --Xc1nty.rp-anA--Georgiit il i... a -McGregor -Coulfty tor timn Me tollow;. fqst on'Lucknow *n& the' old easing to and G.r=t,,. near ol ny, avi "IN"PineroU ­ I I 11 . - I - - tl.�, - j, - I ( , �,,l I lis a vo ey, balli al.plenzare- to. 0,maii$�� old frien s Wa ovards 'tila ne.would;hav rdens­ , �M6ssr& Ruqu ,bi;11,'* -boxing aiXd -714 ;.met a siffi i6is.. Thete w;Ls soineilling in the e" �P,6rester, foe su. liw1w. an -many m $7 vcte` -liko of-4hat vi.11iktl�N -th lar fate Learae, all gbo�rd for La -e Ybuts 6kcpt,ef , (). it',�- , k 'Andividualistic and odd thak-acterp ibe�..:e-*v�ept.i6n-,-of-,,t�.,e�f,,) ne :RO kith P 0a e Ads Ti miri 'aza`ry n,e-,'t*.qifrnM6r, with lotg' d Tfoun Within it,, whcaiden li:i i drOss ern ? t -'Ed.. - tildellitt . - - , " a , d ,,w;rsje a o W116.do not. imp (4 .15 head, t �et 'bait. 'iseaIs -',W -biLve left.indelible,imprea­ ain ! th�a in the mund- hich vrer-e- kren, IM" t-, . ....... Z -two C(?Ill- r he. giVeni.. ms. on -tbii mh?& '�i those who have P�, I.. gra a w0c,k ill be the G'ood P,6a& CD air t ir fo,4 !;;. '" L ninussion TI, b6ok might -.be -had on.\t..e o tfnly.twelve Injes ;Lr b�e ' ' 'i b Ao pliblc d. jc4 1 - NQU 'I�e instructed in live4 them' What a, oirl 00, cs W el- Aield , d' I d )r Ian n vritieii *e�m the lives of the. dwafers ��He­ Who' H td d doi�'.or liss 4, tciizether . with . o� dVVII boxing. , 6;�. peii, tha" b M- Dbr BILE' 'e t Bruee and - T 'go on our Athletic �gte*� wftm 4 -the Oo-4tfy. uld e,-. e to. &-, Start of, tll(*,Z,- mm bbys Mt ill& =M in We bW The Coinj( e ifCorp lln(k a .,,but 'whom so l5riu Yelisr cFea,. Egg .,. 9 'TO 44gha frti= old :U'en4S 'nor Inside Ipollittv" to-- 0 Ie picked 7=ager-`brqt4' 1, - -- . il. L- .- "rt ­ : I � L. ID �aiid bis 1At1*rZndL Laders in�. tictors o , f sports"' (irt)- arld the r T of the grans, eo=p- S Woods- .: . 'to' ?'2 , - ­�vv�a�g ;­ -4. managers L P 'And =Lake j�moue "I .1 thel el HMO spnerrme, G-ord= kd _We hve. charge of ht and ti 4i�il niiliw�ing of their krebie f War�6. lana srv.,qlonsiblo to their, ama oth tIto Js g, Member 'the gprimg fl 1KR1 set G%ft had �,Z, PrD­fs , p V is -C . I -i- �.- .,frq or, t�l­ r 'r ahr ary trap OA I'iw Volt e -A 'n we feel. o Horn- I('01) ji-!; '16 e ?r*46seif of G4 11. 0 r at, "If' -y Tor� u,' I -T: A, VE�� Fat- oonie' branch, a-, errm- -tt- at 0 =--Se willo, e, (3) of our,.pro. ca= ce Im 'A� �0 'of aq 'it t��'* :6; TU ioil hy ou]- CbrO aild Will r. ;alid the IIn 1,04 1V;IY'Nl,e uill be a,blb kitu"vilt 07A, iIIJ si 4e. 4' .1 lid Drew' 'rural co , mulunity centres wl tv , 1 V�* -she 'sent d 1i -& 45 future artlelo,"It. W D W L IlF