The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-01-20, Page 4• 14. • Par HATspecial desire cif 5-PP:� • he iealazed almost aegardiess of ,its colt, ;$ ytl`1:wi;l put on one side• reeeneriy saa-iangs deposits ereir the Rae a of lItenilten, Ton:will be sure, pp,,s•2d.to And bow so®jn 701,1 we'd LIR your amiltnoa ° . , • LUCHIKOW liRAt�ICH--J A. Jen ie. Manger Incorporated In 1855 ,. CAPITAL AND .RESERVE .$9,000,000 Over 130 Branches 4•. Y THE SII O L SONS-/ .:._BANK WE WELCOME . SMALL 'DEPOSITS _ At all Our Branches we have Savings Departments at 'which Deoaitps of $L00.or more are .received:,‘ Interest at- current rates. ' Courteo - ettention given to every usstomer::. T. 'G. REID, MANAGER, LUCKNOW • BLANCH .t1:,;•;•""' . I. Ii: C. 'Praetors- Sc Engines' DEERING Drills, Cultivators & Harrows Louden Litter Canters,Stalls, Stanchions • aid. Water Bowls Fila .T• Gates, FenCe & Nog Wire New Williams Sewing Machines. Gonrlajr, winter and L ening Pianos For Sale.:. b7. ANDREW, LUCKNOW. "fleVhoesitates Is. .Lost". Daft .:_sitate.-_Stxrt today. Briag vonr cream, --E •_ - >&7 --tri i�ve w oadS_ Lt � d Aad =aika Soucy. SILVEBWOODS .FOR'SERVICE' E. AITC ISON. f✓ - ." ,proofs-of-P,auadinir,success and .Can- ada's efine 'promise " ,for ' the coming years are welcomed by the Americans: They_ 1.'now that the more•'the Do • in-+ 'ion flourishes' the better it will be for •-their•-own-country: , And they like to -see_ tile --good= fortune of: a good neigh - or.. '-EINLOSS CQIJNCIIL' As required by statute the . Council' elect of .this Township: of Kinloss -met: 1 on Jan.:l0th, and ' after having sub- lone_ _47- • = -s ibe ,the .,d .- �._ _. eclaration ' of effice,: 1 iiemberto1. their seats at the Board leok Reeve, ;Henry; Mathers;, Councilors, A NEIGHBOR' T , . ' a. - . , :Jahn . 3I'_ C'olveeIi. earnest Aolert; ;•,,APPRECIATES :CA. ADA 3falet:dm-Ross-and.:George .Ferrs- e---'. I ., •. The.ftiliowmg• business was trans- - (From 'The Detroit Journal):' acted;' 'The -minutes of last m W • It - scantCanadameeting- r .:• 'read_ a J s �Qned. _.. ,call the ' 'Domini ' , . - 'neigh •A $c -lair' -•was. .' ed a onit?ne' on the best n h- bor ,of the, United tater. Some of ., , p4 ` la • � ;theofficers acid• fixing the salaries for. thupthers;' SW- Ai - ' • and Hayti, are e e z .int year Clerk Gea. ( Mof- mew -web -la . ' as e•7---saml'axe:faY.: �1 a:00;�`Ti�asnier'Jolie Murray always-.well l" believed' and cordia.once 41?a:00 an for half of • d .PaF Bonds:. . . to4:,small. be of innwh lnapo anee.: ,Asses,-Dom.-'lirponald $75:00, "Col - Canada has both size'^aneeharacter_: lector,. John Purvis $15.00 Auditors, Our long nOr thern ;fDntSer dOPS et ' �� S u ri SIId -filas:.- Gann t S10 n pn l t2*- l ee'p-out--eseh--Eeeve 460,-Cauneilo 55, each;- 'Meta:s or a sanitary cordon..to _enc ' B?ard- of _ Health. Medical-Eealtb-�Of'-. : end,. , . "i=••=•_-, .. t f.,.,--,a._t! b a....:_1 ^ .a___. __- , ;. pe.•st3.._..,..�,, B..._.._..x� �.e ..��, �,.�.ey. R B. 1�ialso•.u;F 5:.0 .. ��ai�;,:.. tars of a :which is clean,sound' E .'- Ma ' ' . a theca, J. 'iV>' Colwell ' and i . nth in eau -sena- (and tteref re '.r.- . 4:' V9Arat Ser:;-each•-•.to.-reeeive . } e =--+e,e l..:.s, -produ e -end-- e f O-• per da d--and-'-10c-per inile une f of as s and fi t ►...„_.,. ,. ... ao. tor, mage • ;ic2v ,.,iri.ar5;'.'Inspeetor..Alew;.bliclntil= I. j, rn ., re' -e Vie.nit. i` ,•••••,n, 2 .ni• per day and :10c'.per milei? well •stor '•'i..-2, - tomes of , Sheep •Z'a'.nators, John •'Lane, Thos. r •, . • reg e' . %11e era $ e_es ' • `e.. McLeod john . and John ken- ' - a i3�``' sin, : Cid✓, a t. nom; _a:ary. d2.50 per inspection and; cera,_' i= tri • mr-rd w'a1-ze t _ r •Tito "one. Ara . Truant, .Officers - fa . mix. a- .- .... zz.v • l .. -,.,...-., - ,.... ,.-. .. � . - _, �-- ^e,n: _ seetion5 1, .2, -g aii?1' caas 1 #s fads :ee .t:..1 f e. Pa? Car-rithere:'5. 6 and 7; Wm. more tib. fo"at ;1"• e, it s.ez-• M --' _. ' ` e; 4,. and 10. salary $3.00 t'- rise most rr-i'c-:kabie str 1 raw• -•r -h..e on ' d nt" and 1Oc. Ties. il'LMJs�. t ed ".:'.0s.' v:.x.. -•ar. , bites faiiitzes, • e e o` vet- :::: _ �` _ �.•_ � .� S.W. C':,:fie' ase stance est' eans' the ;� I:►asia'xin,.:fz.. rise - r �-, e. 1 w,•; DI -aim 652.9: Mnr;- `.''w'r...:a M ..eritb-t.4ie'•-'let .'. at- : ,y Ltr-r-1" Fs.'rdiy0' �R7' and et'.. r ; = �:: e : �t' r - aro' - :,7::: Q''•t'•=, .7'7:::: '�:i•rire? 7L 52 yea -'B.ai5. vre, `011e t 3- Y a -t,-r';4're «.w: -e "& es. iYia4t`ke.', for L8reirr' money in ' 7- 4-'61,Y, rgi: 1•J . L"". ? B. • New act P.stab1isaes' the ra.F� a-;` r t, a' as. l•: ALO. V0.0; 'P33- ef ye cbatake;��gpra that :,_,r -an ?.%-te Aeker` -: as :retzt -ed eeld° .. croft bet est l^e•',.1i :t 'eL,.'e°rit•_ Ile.:;rig ey- 6r' .t'" ;•.+G, e,,1. r . �'%ei ell _tion I'm Dieppe Width was info vee' .r. - (. a* : ^...- 17.4 .i: Trensn-er the war. Canadian iinportt • ant:. e R:" etc al:.: - ;;rr : d r fl _ , pertsand the xv.rt.ites of the P,oir Ar^ s!4r. !"-E '•, 2.!.. etc'; sp'r,„'.'-7r••i- I':.sy.: s t�'.9►c-.,ent. l the sane' story.Y at'' v4-..', It TI:.5t..i`;e : for S:'rk Ch'2 of Cate= 'riser and prig sc. And lir '51 -sr -et -.. •- .,. row ane t Se Cee i d%" crieni i r ..- ",iYc. , , r 'wen. st • le'.:1c-1 . tee tree � tl''‘-•••-,r. .. rt r C ter'. a lane f�sheF.'+si�t'.li� ...�e _e_a:_.. .-,,; ._ F�'r:- a.. '+•-n i two -i eel s dr to • fo'S a $-;. i' ,.feet! 'in "i;}:: 3 *iC.2'.'? : S•t is .► t3 A .fits tt '..T +• .wi @,r M+., 7 v t.t . • git„1 ams. tin, .2r3oud.3 _ �• ai ErthirikYn Mtn t The 6-=,t11... C `y -w k. a r' . ' •6110 iiia *ii,n11r01,4- Ala' a � -'• ' • - Gcn. O. 1kiaRaitt +Cret`k. Pail shat i staVtapierwermi ss .. soUslww.Ontaiia., ' • SO. ' 1)0,c1TANZn tArsl iei ie ..,- TS118$DAY, JANUARY 20th...1921 P ulp ' Those Who -have for some _time waged' 'the public utterances. of Premier Drury of • Ontario and of Mr.. J J_ Morrison, seeretary of the Unit- ed Farmers of Ontario, must have seen: that a 'cab ' 'w,as impending. Premier , Drury is ><. moderate. The. sect y- is ad e#ctremist, ` . The clap has come and according to. M* Morrison "there is' going to. be something doing very. soon." I.Ip tx the present Premier Dray: bas made" no reference to his fiery lieutenant or his views.. He.. has. been going. his oven way. The attack .cones from .Mr, Morrison. • • Since he ' became premier, Mr. Drury has commanded almost univer- sal respect and commendation. Even those who.inolitics are opposed to him have ackuu`ah�ledged his honesty ,and good sense. It is said mit near- ly ear ly' all, .if not all; the •U,F.O.aYmembets, of the legislature' will standDrury and he .appears to have won the res-, pest and eppr'ovaJ of the leaders . of the farmers; organizations in the West.• ' • Mr. Morrison has been 'an untiring worker in the'interests of :the farm • movement in Ontario, and in his break With ^the: Premier he will. have a few enthusiastic followers. Outside' of the fanners' 'organization he• bas not 'made friends, and evidedtly .he does not, care t e do so. He ,regards those 'who are; not with him as :being: against -nim, ' and be is against. them, with a vengeance. In the . pion- ser wort. of .the rmoveiinent. he :'has been a useful man., Such men`as,,he. and Halbert appear to. be necessary to ; smash old orders; But they . are destroyers rather :than. builders, and their •leadership usually ends when a new ordei is establiii ed. a Froin this on we -may expect to see 'Mr. Morrison attacking Mr. Drury with •a11 the 'en- ergy; and bitterness . which, he .has' hitherto directed against the old-line, politicians and 'the -Pleases- he regards at the baton& enemies, ofthe farmer, lieis a' would'be "k ng'.maker," and '"he will rule or. rniri He talks of dem-• ocracy,:,but _ given .his -WY,; he.. wonid' .become a greater autocrat :than the; regular party . leaders. He is ': the :Lenipe of thereform movement in :.Ontario,:- bet be_;. hasn't .'the , material- . aterial-. here to :work with "that. Lenore ,bas;in :Russia.'_- He will therefore,'faiL• There are few : who-`-would-=-lice to see hint. made remier-in lace- of Drury; and „ P P rei9. he could not lea dgovernment tirengh one aessio•of parlimiment. IfsMr. Mbrt4zon.had a: sat in- the : Legislaturethere would '• be lit+ely. times when parliament meets,' There ray be that: in eitY-even and -the: government may;. •1* forced, to appeal, to tine country. • The 1 ariners. Sun, official organ of the .U.F.OI,• is 'in a difficult •posiitionS. It'-Appears-tp be 'Under the control, of the_.Morrison °fertile tbotighl.np-to.. .the present. it:bas been friendly to the premier,.` It must now be ''for' . More risen or Drury, for Morrison •will have, no half=way* service He is the sort' of man -to fight'all comers... The 'Fat'' mein Sun; by :the way, has not devel• p• ed as one might exPeet. It ought by _ this time to- be"a--great-orgai .of public opinion; but it bas harped' too' m ' �on 'tie one stringand" for that g, reason his lifted to win'th e enthaa- . dastie support- - rt of =the. far9ne diem - Pp ra selves • Ilp to •;•l�heh present,• .c'ieretary ,)Ilor hadthe last word. .Ia•reaa st', Drury's rejoinder . Which, mist come soon • will he ; awaited with keenest in tereatee , ••.. THE • U'Y S. TARIFF :M AEEEBS. The ferment of:the J'iuted States must be. sorpewhat.diseppointed with the `lawmakers at' Wasl'iingten. .` _' . Weeks , have gone by 'since a� tariff bill , designed 'to protect :the grain - growers of the Middle and Western States from 'Cariadie1i eoitspetitiean: was Tushed through•the lower house of PCongress; and yet there''is no re- lief. When the. bili was introduced_ inter Congress' that body bid --heard op11., oine roi:Ce�• -tyle n;eas 'T)sey oi�gkiii ed;` Wirth• a' . d7 view to . keerping up. prices. T fix- ed • the price Of wheat at 83.00 tier bushel, and they wanted to' shut out Canndi+an . Wheat' se' that they could' onttol the Home market. But -Congress soon heard another lei -in fact many other veicei. The city west/mien and. profs signal rreJ9, ,rhp for eral yeers bad been green- ing reen- r g' and squealing ander the high' cost of f� Stufs, said: "Now' *hen these is wane chance- Of . t+elief Car: - term is ge to ka p tip the iai1aetr'." ,tante raisers cried "Sot sit the beef cattle too, ''tp�,lWW lotto sad J Owners of Amberola Phonog The ortun owners f . • ate o els of Edison's wonder - fill .Amberola. not only* have the world's greatest phonograph value, but also have the greatest collection -of thea• world's choicest music ; at their command. The new Amberol Record catalo proves this. ' ' Over 800 of the world's leading ,artists. --singers and musicians -have made more than 4000 Amlie of Records for exclusive use on Edison's Amberola. Phonograph! Every variety of music is here for your: enjoyment. ' Grand opera' by s4wos Id -fa- mous grand opera, stars and ..orchestras.. Band : music, of every 'desc ij tion phonies,. marches, the latest popular dance hits and musical comedy..selections Noted .concert singers, vaudeville 'head- • ;liners, celebrated ,comedians. Ballads, hymns, oratorios. ' Instrumental;music of every ch Novelty records,. chit=` dreu'sforeign records, the favor - ite• music of other lands. You cannot think of any : kind ! of music that is not obtainable on Amberol Records i' Every flip74s twenty-five to thirtyncw Amberol Records are issued, including the latest popular songs,p up;- to- the -:minute den c hits., one-steps, waltzes, fox trots, p by leading: jazz .orchestras. Many people have t ed in their: ``talk- ing mathines'','and ' ght 'Amberolas •`. when they learned that Amberol Records are made' to play ''exclusively ,.on Edison's Ainberola. Phonograph!: , We.will'send t'as big•. Ainberol 'Record' Catalog'FREE to any :Ar nberola owner upon re quest. Write, for er.• your catalog today:; Armstrong, Lueknow • • cbe ee;" sid the' wool -growers •s id "Shit out the Wool._which .eomes.from Australia' mid Canada." . And this spread fresh alarm , among the con- sumers. ' Then .as Some Were 'going to enjoy'thegood-th]n� of s ProteCtlbn9 everybody wanted them ^' Se -the . tar- iff.hal, at- first confined to•the narrow limits of.,the •grain -grower,' is being broadened and .broadened so,:that all shall be benefited • aihke. .s ` une ,writer.suggests, ;so that all the pigs' •innly get their feet as Well as their noses into the trough. In the enthus- iasm' of 'bestowing. benefits the fact that everybody isbeing' injured' as. well ass beefited"�o3 sighi The framing of a tariff, hill ' always has been -'a laborious -and air•-ahnost ini- possibie_. business. 'But ail the lessons. of experience '.seem to" be lost upon the mngwumps of Washington. Theoutcome una • bethati'ta: tariff ,Y to ff "up; :the' ::lig bt .on :Campbell- Street will. • begreatly improved These- -will be;•: • on always during :.the hours of great: est traffic when : the best. lighting ,is needed. The . all-night service looks almost' like :a 'waste . of currant. But then there is, no : say^ing just when the' boys, and :girls get:home, ".tior when_ -the-_ train will tome : n i nor haw: • early' street,hghts may be_ wanted in the- morning'.riy the "birds" who, ac cording to the proverb; .get, the worm. • ment LIOn 9. 'IL rel ievca d4UiCe' dit(7 g Il-+• all heals Tie sicit�. - saznI Dux Dr. : Chase's: Oliitaient Slee it you mention this paper and send 2e, stamp for postage. 60c. a hoz- w dealers or Edmanson,' Bates 8; Do.,' Limited, Toson : will be Tb the presenf_-Con= . �•-Yair •-are wrier .` _experiment- ' ling' when ppori•, use Dr..: r hase's.0la,,- Eczema :and Skin Ictus- ' greasy Th -ere will be''so many claim, ants' of benefit, ` and •,/ so. many cries. -from `,tie' injured' that Congress ,may be glad to .ta'c, refuge..in doing noth- irg ` ,The re'cf-Congress will be under Ilermbliccinxintrulo ;and c°ie atay ea :peel- a return th-the, tjuditional pol-; fey y • Those • who have :had. H.' dro Y lights. installed ,in their'- homes : and shops express' themselves at highly pleated, with the service.. Being` with- out , electric . light service for some time no' -doubt_ :' conduces ,to -the'-high appreciation: "t We "have heard • .'soave ..criticisms oath not • of :a'', very serious nature the street li h ts. Some. . egarding e g. say they are'too email, or that there, should be twice as ' nlatiy of 'them, 'Pl&lf*Jpie,a lilIle too niuCll was It �, U'N eaf ��` ed. It may' be that in imagination, third " rutin ' :id os.�. `o'f the' s ryeta ff P1L - being lighted up ince day or like . a well -inti pined room. This is not nec- essary. In fact the. lights as' they are meet the requirements very. well. Those driving can at any point read- ily see where they are, going; folk can be seen from one end'. of Campbell' Street to the"ot e#', there is light .en-. cash en There .'to distinguish folk when -net. and 'there is`iSo danger of humping into trees''mior splashing in - to ri. to'pdddles-not unconiaion experienc- es our ag the period of darkness, • lit ie' further pointed' out that when •11 the steles qt . boli gull Behar d NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,.i X3t. the. matter of the . estate of •A,le •:; :ender' R. McDiarmid , late of the• Township of Kinloss in the.'Eoun- ty of'Bhice,, :gentleman deceased: 71.atice Fs hereby given that per; : sons having `:any' claims or demands against the he •late Alexa il'er" Il...1Vlc= I Dairmid, who died an r about the ;'teeth 'day'of ,Septem1ier, A.D.,..'1920,, at the ,Township' of Kinloss iri" the ,County, of Bruce, . are ' 'required ` to • *end by :post prepaid or to deliver 'to the .undersigned, executors under tee will of the ,said Aleiiander McDa' it -,their: mines -`and addresses..'._ . x• acrd I full' particui lars n writing . of their . ,claims and statements of their ac- caunts and -the- nature:: of the necUrit- ies,, if any; held • them, duly verified. --by 'affidavit: . e•: And:take' notice t. ,,.}atst;aftet.the fifth -clay-•af Feb-ruairy. A--'rJ ' 1O21,e.the said executors; cutors . ;.__ ....,... ,�dr tribuk'-Te�iiiiet,s rthe • said deceasdcl a»?iogn the persons entitled 'thereto, ; having; regard only to the claims ' 6f .*••hich they, shall then have had notice, .and that the said ,executors will not be liable for the .said •iissets orally part thereof 'to any person of cvh ae claim they shall not then. have peCeleed' not- •T}}s native isiven g pur,ua'tit, .tri • .r ' • .,Y the statute in. that behalf: - • Starting from the -first of the, year; • the telegraph :business -formerly ried on under, the name of the Great • Northwestern' ' '-Telegraph :Company will a Cen uCted M. the name' of d the , "Canadian national: ....Telegraphs," This step on the pari. of,,the' Goveri'i•. ment calls attention. to''the' fact that ,:the neo le :o :- Cana a -now li P fa • . d own and operate: a telegraph system'. with: nections eadmg . over. the whole 'Domiaron. ,• t,8' • • . NOTICE -TO "CREDI'TOIfS ; ."''i Iii the.matter of the estate of Angus 'liatheson'-I ,. ate .of• -the: -Township: '. of Huron in the: Count of • e•-'>., •Y Bruce,. •Farmer,°deceased. ' NOTICE, is hereby. given• .pursuant" ,' t' Section-56,""Ch"apter 121, -.RSO. 1914, •that all, creditors and ,others. havingclaims .against the est ate of;:. '.. said Angus .Mathe .w o died • on or ou t the b e.: Second:� er, .'. a -Oe toil- A ,I2,1...24 _are: wire _ d r n O q� or be- .yeti b� fore the -fifth= day of February, A:11:.--,--.. 19-21i. .to. ue:�' i;- p t. •peepeirdi mm -d.. - ., lifer t9:the ndersigned, the Executor' of •the,;saki te, full particulars of^ •-their ^cla-rnis writing, and the nat-'� ttre. of - ecur,'it _.if n' i _ ya_. , y ( a Y) -hc.d by, . . d . tante . notice•--that-efter- -suck: ' last mentioned date the said Execut- or -will, proceed .to, distribute the as- Sete of the' said deceased among the parties. entitled- pthereho,:--,#iavitia:--rC' '.._- garil';enly'to'the chitins of"which• he: shall then have noticeY .' Dated January 4th, 19,21.'• '- Donald Mclntire, Executor, • 13.: It.' 5; Lucknow, P.O., Ont. ' 27-1- ' . • r• dQ.y ....._r... ANTE tVEE 1 WETEST' AND PAY. FOR TR$'• TORONTO: CREAMERY (U F• `O.) ' - Dated at I.Utkrioiv • ACCURATE TESTS, , BEST PRI _ this .10th clay.' of CANS SUPPLIED January;. A.D:,. tfi2'1 J. AT Ee 0 i al our, Joseph' Armen,';. . MIST i��rr , Lticknow`, Ont• ': 1'^I A C 1111 i l+rir N tr7 • lraKecu>l6re, `'M41grr• H1d f. n >l+. F.. TATt,Q11 , -tat%