The Sentinel, 1883-09-28, Page 40." • JIBBED AND FEATURED* , Vote Witiellx Bele]. a Mau *rho fluiget.l. at lite Wife. IBLE SUFFEllitiliti• OF. -THE VICTIM, uttnunr4. ffept. State WAY bee lamed warraide for dye Men by, Chas.liouhtou of tarring and abet bitnTeeently ou the ground that „d hie. tonally. Public eentimentia Houston. • telling the etory of be trouble Roue ',whose character is seriously assailed bis neighbors, Says the other night he some trouble with hie Wife 'ever SOhle EaoluliOed harsh language; and very Una." On. Wednesday, the 25th, Wife left him With the ohildree. -He t. nothing of the fact that she flea *Way atter bedtime, because h d hi Would 00420 in with 'XV erfront; tbe depot. When,therefore, he imook lioou after the traill'fasse0 station, he- got out of bed clad only. his shirt, aOd opened% the , dot - of , his Wife he found filo len_ Y men.: Their fame were streaked hlsokniihrks as if charcoal had been Wn norm* them in eve* direction. The M the -b'eea of the ganginstanily • 'him by the arms and drew him out the landing. The , relit joined in and mpted to pull a Meal sack down over bead. He twisted and turned ari* Wafer help, and in terror begged thern to hill him. .They aid not get the Oa' his bend, but a ,powerful hand was ped over his month; and he waBoarried the aura TneY• • carried him down bill to the road, and along the read ribs creek, and '100 yards beyond to hong, low , shed that shelters the es, ot those who, worship. m tholv Matt, if_11:11:" 4,Au 'raufbeyond' the ehed by a low stone - There they met two other Men, die- d'like his eaptOre. They had pall d a beg With *Ova. Holston was laid his face in the stubble, after hie shirt been 'stripped off, and One of the Men k,it bread 'whitewash *ash' from the d, dipped it into the pail, and began h It over Houston's right leg: The uela had been dipped in tat. . Both legs re tetrad; and then his body •up to 'hie k was covered. When this was ,com- ted he was tureed, over and the opera.; u continued. The tears and appeals of ,vietina emitted Only a Ontario from; his , • - When every . Equare inch Of Hotieton'e below hie. neck had been tarred the torlo_ok thebag from his companion, d, in it, shook it slowly over the trate man. 4 quantity ot, old chicken there that had served,* emilebody'e ow ien out and 'iiovered him. Ile was ed over, so that the feathers wouldfall on *parit,of his body. Then themenalippect ,ity,,As Noon as he found himself free Hons. got on hiefeet and Made his WaYliaok the. honest.. "1 caul* tell , how I got OM" Houston said yeeterday. "Neither X deeoribe. nay_feelings. I had pom-;' tted no aline. 't had wronged • no One t I knew of: It was ahorribleccenditlini:. i'ves chilled' through. My e 'teeth tihitt.' d. My hands trembled so that tiould, hardly held • .the 'knife it which I tried' to Serape the stuff 'off. -.head Was in a Whirl. thittild hardly tent inyeelt at till. After a,while began to stiffen and draw the haier•1• pain was *mini. I could notwieh tha the men Who did itehould suffer halt tit .1 did. 'Bid BS the pain wale. &I nothing to ,theviinguielt. , the dia.'as looked at my, little bayaeleep. inally, . with the. aid ofkeresene,„t• edin getting the stuff off sh: that 1" One more at ease, but it was 48 how* *lei could shut my eyes. :For. a week was scarcely able to get out Of bed. Their Ascii that the same gang were preparing attack Me again as soon as I was well t to emend it, and learns away at Ankee • " • TJLR itW OI tflVO1UI. evr,',icortt Decree In wiiiie , ' elirffin:Eitioures, riainettiffied .11nya, Isa„ititit itonemitii* • - ' X' Montreal 'telegram Iowa: The Oahe ated eased Virginia Gertrude letaphens,- Atitto• -York, Who married Henry julitte ; of this city,: has from time to time 'a oontaderableinterest iirfastionable lit tem owing to scandal growing out their separation and its cause, and aia intkietiorteon.zhich the wife ed for divert -Or -1g , KM.P1.881, . Mies . to 'hers, , who was rthe. daughter of, a tiby..,00ntraotot,, teatime. Wrote to a 0 el 48000000, and in the saute year Married 214 risk... They afterward it to reside .in Montreal; and the wife dad over, to ' her husband S220,775.74: biome tenbeequently tomtit by her • that r husband was paying loci imeih atten, tin to other women, and she obtained a vowel by deoree of the Supreme Court of ew York. TliO husband offered no oppo- 'lion to the tuition, and returned a: portion i the fortune. This did not. satisfy the vereed Wife, , and she Ailed her husband the courts here, asking that he •he Gent- led to. retina the , 'himof • 8220,000, or vi her en amount of what • he did With al:woody, The defendant, Fisk, replied 04 the lady was Wilkie wife in the eye the Canadian law, and ' to -day, in the bit of Appeals, it WM held that he was ht. Ana alit the New YOrk divorcewad et valid; that, Miss Stephens is still the e all. risk, and therefore has no action Anat,t1=';••11b2q.zilluisiou*.lbii"4-suutto ta the New York 'moulage law, but throws e divorce law -Fisk ,and his friends are lu ' nt over the „result. of the IOW. , The endless cable: system of street cars to about to be introduced in Oinoinnati by mige -Medley. and a number of 'other ealtWoltizens. An experimental eirlii. 11011, of the•*eyetem was made thie Week, • &POI . of If 5,200, and • was PP' 'tattle toitery. The cost of laying,. teltek Will 040.000 0, mile, and if the O*411bart avenue iii laid out, as pro, ,witha douhlatrao ,_ it will requim outlay -or MAO, hi cable used ii ineh and a !Outer in Wielder, and is in all ken* bOX ' ilmilt, between the is. 'Who opening is then boirded over ttothat 'general yeblele ' travel is not iM4' ed, , - • 1 1' FEARFUL .unosiott, wog E.$1evin UP and Many •Peeple Klied and lelbended, • SCENE OR WILD CONSTERNATION, last (Thursday) eight's Rittsburg des- spateh says: The battery boilers in the iron mill of Lyon, Shorts,ez Co. exploded at 2 o'oloek-thia afternoon with to*riflo :Wag, killing and injuring !i,• large number tee per. eons, •••The. mill is burning:- -The' Fire Department and a large force of police have been deepen:bed to the scene. The explosion elmis many buildinga to the foundations, and•smashed the windows. It -terribly -frightened the reeidenta qn the south • tilde, Who rushed limn theiri' houses' in terror. The fragments flew hi every direction, setting fire to the Lake Erie Hallway flops and a number of dwellings. Thousands- flocked to the scene; and a 'earthi sight met their gaze, 'The. boiler department;a brick 'etruoture, was a. ooroplete Wreck, as Were e number ot passenger and freight oars and the master mechanics'. shops ) of the Lake. Brie Railroad, white a row. of dwelling; on the opposite side of the street *ere in flames. 'Men, women and children were running about wrii3ging their hands and calling for friends whom they supposed to be killed or wounded. In the ruins of the flanging department Were dead and dying, some With arms and legs off, some die- liguredalmost beytmd, 'recognition, others suffering from painful burns.' and scalds. At the time of the explosion tw,enty, met Were ati work.. Nine escapeti, three were killed and eight badly injured; four fatally. roue...children of Ghettos Douglas, who lived &mese the way, wove badly hurt. • the killed aro: John W. Allen', top of the head blown off; Charles Douglass, side of his head blown off ;John Moilavienn. 111-11.4...sr`A IRE ROSE AMBLER:IITSIERT 11S0111ED, 4 What Officers and the rubble are Thinking In the ease. A novel. feature the --new drew fabrics A. Stratford, tetegrana says: This is tile introduction of chenille thread in hareopb3onen thaeaRaYoscef bs ?LT I imatuir°Lrallowid :!ilif°j2ke goods of a contrasting color. Bunches of t circles squarea in raised chenille mysterione 'InOVenients of CleteotiVee, on rigfloweretou colored groaudices as myrtle, are uhiseitoue, ean be aeoepted Wan indi- cation. At this time what -Wm. Lewis has done and said both betbre and tepee the murder of Rose Clark is receiving the closest serutiny. does not make a move nor utter a eylleble that not watched with the sharp eye ca , At the same time the clew which looked most encouraging last week, Many of them, are now abandoned theories. 7' THE ininuits 1:ATunn. ••••• FANCIES OF FASHION. Ptow. „Itiaterbsis tor Autumn Wear press Geode. • • 4.. POOR WOODLAI. lionsolon ,18 Sad 'ate-erhet e ,ike„ 'Old emery oi Leming No Wiscre b'ter`' Too ' p "r• The Guelph Mercury publishes partied - lea tit the death of a.yoUng Worn= that tOWn, who- 0aece her name Moe Gordon, and who went to boarding-house in that . town in May last. About two weeks ago brown,gray and dark Inue are used for the alleged: Mrs Chardon heoanaet suer. In a • draperies and trisnmings,.and form exceed. ,few %bye; after Dr. Monetter was oalledin ingly pretty and dresaY costumes fot Arent audfound her sufferingfrona a severe attack wear. All shades of beurette are to be 'of diarrhoea. He found it. inapotemble. to. - seen in stripes Or in olustere of rough thread love the !aufferer relief, and he came to or in stripes- of rough threads alternating the oerioluston in his own mind that • :with Ottonlan. A new brand of velveteen WIrs::c4ordoni Nyasenot merrjed• and that ,e•ppears, called the" Brevano,' 1Vis Genbi, the cense .of the severe - diarrhase fiend, /and a, very excellent Ilhitation aioBe horn partaking •ot Bone , powerful of the celebrated Genoa velvets,' The dark eitug to bring on an abortion. The were= oblors are veryliandeome, and mehoetylish, was sent to the general hospital, and on Captain _Clark,. father of the murdered walking Aids. This material is much. Used Tnehdray moreieg gave birth to a male: woolen, was met to -day at the village post- for bodices, whioh are so rani% worn Just child." Atter her confinement, When, it Was Office., • He is a. man of sadnese, and.whilo. now cover .skirts • of 'other fabrics.; for appreciating the 'sympathy. expressed for 0000 OooasiOns the effeotisheightened by him almost universally in this his terrible having the beeene edge out in blcoke., under affliction, does not. have the heart .or whit% a lace TOffle is set. A street costume mirageto dwell at any ;length on a sub. .ef bleak velveteen has the hOttOln Of the, jent whish is So • evidently weighing him skirt Winn:led with four narrow' knife, down.. He was aware of the intimacy pleated ruffles, the olose-dtting waistis etistirik between Borennd Lewis, and of !pug:ever the hips in trodt and . is finished the Peculiar features of the case which at the back with a abort puffed drapery. impelled her to Visit his house, but as to A cape of velvet is ouryed on the 'shoulders the views beheld -regarding that intimaoy to suit the shape of the high sleeves; he felt that until a Verdict of Horoellort wan another. of brown silk and velveteen reached by - the jury it was wisdom to as tha underdrees, 'trim:tea around maintain silence. . the bottom with a narrow pleating of the HEICantagOnn 1.0VRIL velVali. The front of the skirt is of the silk, patted, and between; eaoh puffing. By `way of strengthening the statement i0 it narrow shirred triumeing of the .velve.: of awls .that he was at home preparing for teen. The silk 'overskirt's open in front his daily round of selling vegetables,. 'Elihu Oeborne, whe Him; in he home of Moe and looped backs The velvet corsage has t Joseph Pecksays Lewis oinre there as a wide, open collar, and shows 'a puffed vest , ' of the silk. . A very wide.. material:of soft Uinta Oh Mcinday morning, September 3rd, wool has printed figures 'of *armee designs Martha Woodenfor ithoutesehteenArAnthF”`7. nit 3 teolook, for his usual load and went jA7,1TrA '-',TrgWAting114Cf'.-2:?'::7":5titfalrAVIM-V.,- 11: 424,17.44, i•kmf .""411 6-4g' "'-54 groninlirwiltethy, stitches, wrought -ire all Oar since -and -saw her frequently until the „ 'hiiitt4tefairtealiy weeds -eta -Cot -very. cora-- the fashionable einabinitiens ; •thus a gray last five months; she was not my wife; .r plimentary character as to his, Opinion' Of them. ' • ground. is ornaihented With a red figure, a sent her money; did not • send her here ;' • ' • • darkgreen. with a rad and .gray, .a brown did nokkeow sheeame hero; saw her the , A PRAOTIOAL •.QuEOTION., and , gray on ,a; dark , violet. An entire night befortiehe left Hamilton ;she told me. On Friday .bee et the men endatgen dress is made of these goods, or, in conabb 'Oho Was going away, but did not .say where linnghfaourlirow•tiir wbears';fer the new bowie wild' nation with sergei or bison cloths. The sh'e.was going; line* that she was enceinte it is said, questioned by latter are in plain exam with shaggy Bur- she told Me at that time, but never before; • him as to whethent would be advisable to face, in wide ettipee. and in large blocks. did not know if she was sent away went continue with his hones or throw ep. the For deep mourning there:are cheviot and on her own. accord; she mrote to Me in • contract.. The reply . was, 6'4 it you are *Berge conibined witii crape. Lady's cloth' June, I think, from Guelph,. telling me innooent go ahead ;.ir not it would be better is also largelyused. ! • . where she wearied asking for money, which to abandon Your plans and spend.no more • ; TAILOR4ADE Snits, 1,• • I Bent her; sent her money twice; was , Money on the building.'' 140. answer • a wild girl Who ran out to dances -and With thie wes made by Leviis. .; are still in vogue, but fewer rdWe of stito Attfe ent fellows. . , THE* ANOTHER women 7 ing are used than formerly, the preferred 7- ; To Crown Attorney': Peterson-.'-' First • trimming being a flat' mohair braid pet on knew at she was siok by e telegram, from ' _ . ,When • Coronet Holt:was inquired of fiat,; or 'made- to, givetheeffect of a cord.•• the deeetised si 4.4 Nattier and asking. • .toelaY este his Opinion of , the allegation Many are finished 'with bands of velvet in made that Lewis had been devoting himself contrasting colors. A Wide bias band • of to's Neugatnek , Valley lady; and that her the velvet is ,platied above the beta of the laeoinstions had led him to regret ' his underskirt and another borders the' over- engagenient with Bette Clark, he exclaimed: skirt, while the jacket las a deep ,collar "Now you • ' are treading on dangerous ' and cuffs to matoh. The new plain clothe' ground. The red flag is out, and you know' for these suits are shown in grey. of Several what. that means—, keep El, respectful dia. shadow, .dark green iniadee of blue, !'sap apparent. to the doctor that eli& was in a dangerous ceudition, he prevailed -on. her togive him harlausband's beother'e address, as elle said, whiola was john Dunbar, 57 John street, Hamilton. She died on Wed- nesday morning About .0 o'clook,lind under the euspiciolis circumstances the physician deemed • it right to inform the ' County • Crown Attorney, who • ordered • an inquest to.. be: held. , In accordance. with the message sent to Dunbar one giving his name as Alexander Dunbar moulder, Hamilton; arrived in Guelph on ; Thursday morning, Who denied having been married to the deceased. girl, whoa; name " he gave as Martha Wooden. The brother of the decreased girl ar2ived yesterday. An inquest was held and Adam Dunbar, the party who had been supplying the- deceased With money, on being sworn testified: Am • a moulder; live in '4Hitiniltoii. ; knew la.kiure.:. t:rd41 irat blakairana otherwise injured', probably -fatally; Wm. Stewart, lege broken, injuries believed to be fatal; Win. Bedernan, corn - pound fraottire of the leg and other injuries, probably fatal; Thomae Smith, hand blown off and other injtirieb," probably fatal; Christopher Miller, badly eealded; Edward head hurt; Patrick Welsh, ihoulder fractured; &bit Donglase, a boy, scalded seriously;jeasice Douglass, a little girl, Bolded periously ; Willie Douglass, injured about the head.; Baby Douglass, melded with steam eery se- riOusly. ?The neighbors' did all they could. to relieve the sufferers. - , • The boiler was split in- four fragmental, the largest being blown/200 feet; landing in the middle of the river.. -.The cause of the eiplesion is unknown. It was, twit after dinner, arid steam- had been turned on only few minutes. . • ° • LATEIL—H01100 bee died. Stewart and Miller are not eipeoted to live through the • night. •• • . 4 tittle? Miro 10earad. Death.. - A NaPanee revere save: On Tueedly last a little giri. 8 years of age, daughter of ',Mr. Seth, Thompson, of Camden; Kent Co., met with's fatal•siocident oeti most terrible: nature. About '4 p. m. her mother was preparing a ohipkeri . for supper, and going out for a couple of pails of , water, left *geotionefor the child. tolightthe fire and put on the kettle.. Nothing hi known how the acoldent °Courted, but as the mother Was returning, to her horror/ she Obterved the little One running towards the barn, her Portion wrapped fleMesfrom her burning olothes. • Her aunt, who lives near, also saW the girl at &teatime 'moment, and ailed to berin come that may. Mother and aunt met the child, and while the fernier threw •the:Witer-.:over her, the other smothered - be flames with her dreett. The child's clothes were completely destroyed far as the waist, and above that hung Only in charred:thecae. The flesh �n the lower limbo and lbodywere literary roasted, . and holes were burned into the ahouldere and tame butherikeadvesoessd4lum „4.4 ..211v.Thaettizic„2.0ektett-• ug.t, 'IWO Imbibes where she stood' when •,..the. ilaMes-were -put-out.-- The • girl tememed %Wixom for a. short time; but Was unable explahrhosrlheracoident-happenectodec auffered„ little 'pain until the following afternoon,' after -"which • her iigolett:•"_were terrible to behold, until death relieved her thfferings about 10 p.m. on Wednesday. : • • • " ' A. liaentitsi4ble11111,d Slatlaeasatteisab Pardon of-•-Danielsoneille Conn:, wliO hi entirely blind, barely distie- guishing day from night, his recently per, formed time wonderful. feat'''. in mental arithinetio. 'His attention was called , to some facts in regard to the oomhination Of. figures 142,857. If multiplied by 2 the product is 285,714.-4he Mine #gures and in the same order, only starting with another and changing the drat tie° to • the extreme right. .Multiplying by 8, 4; a like result Is obtained—that it, the figures are ° the same and. emceed each 'other in ash:idler way. This led to a Oateful etudy of .theso figures, in& he soon • fOunthat,.preceded by edeoinial _point, they are the decimal equivalent Of 14. He found, too, that this is the repetend of a repeating deehinal. Ilia thoughts were in :thitt *ay turned to the fraotion1.7,anU he.performed mentally the Operation of reducing •its agnate, 1.49, to a repeating decimal having a repetend of '42 placee-.six times as many authat of 1.7.. Then he took the aube Of 1-7, equal to 1,343, And p,erforined the prodigious feat of hinting this into a reeeating deoimal whose' repetend heal 294- Novae, or .six times as many as, that of 1-49. All tide.% atgeursei. vithonti4roark tity'efethe oteoulation of the memory. It filled leisure hours of a number, of days'. Ile would work the divi- sion ten plates at One operation, holding in' men2ory the reeelt, including the ten:min.'. der, for hours or days, till bee:mild work the next ten, and so On until he had the °lithe repetend. The necessity for frequent . prOvings of his work added to its Complicit - tion. The mathematicians of 'those parts doubt whether this • mental effort has ever been excelled by a blind Mate—Z/00r Courant. ; • ' A Ovule subscription fer his wenn. Meet is fir..:YerY poor IvakV to. test a raan!s, popularity, especially if the list of contei. haters not printed in the newepapere. The boxes put up it various parts of Note York to collect funds lel'a monument to Peter Cooper haver 'yielded a, beggarly col. 1001o:int pennies. ' , • * • • - e • • •••••••N'ee• .••• me to 00nle.. . Mr. Peteriontel he 'witness that if he . had any lettere from the deceased. it wenitd... • he well ter hire to prod -Mae them 'so iti to . . clear his own skirts,,es the girl 'died Under enspieions..citoutinitancee., so. nulOh OO that . •• the •Medietil,,,attendent _ Could not, under-.' tenger " The force of this renlYean readily wee, violet,. several shades of 'town and ,:itandthe case.' . "\..2,.., ' . . - . • • ....I • . . . .: :. . be appreciated ' as indicating.. that the ,dark . • purple. ' A '", iioEiturne, .. of .:-tlitelt . Dunbar said -I havenone Of . her ',: t'A; what,, .. Naugatuck : Valley.: may • possibly supply green • -leas' a ' :.foundition . skirt'. -' on letters ; I burned Quell all; . •• . • . something' new . in tiie case. A word was which' . is. fastened' :. threeIdo with all my letters. ' triple ' bex, • • Held about Worthen *whiles credulity and: pleating; eaoli 'fifteen lin:thee • deep.; .._over Dunbar was teenlled and explanation . ' the reliability of Mr. and Mee. Hatch, with thiitie looped a ihort apron Overskirt. The of. some statements in his lettere called 4;4 ,' .. whom he resides in Netv Milford. . • "There Waist.* double-breasted, with a number of One dated trona a• cousin inAnoa,steron le another' nista," , mid Mr. Holt,' namedAugust 28th was suspicious.'It 'meld, "Dear . narrow:tut:eke down the front and back,and , Ambler, who • possibly ' may, come ,,to., the halite standing collar. A costutite of nevi! Mattie, :1 want our COnsin to live. . You . . know *ban mean, -Matti°. • Ryon, are in • suefe.oe." .• • ' ' : . • ' blue hes& plaint:drift with a•narrow pleat- , • • - trouble - confide in . ine.' •A , letter froin. • „ •ADDITIONAl. RaWCRE, orierate. • .': ing around the -edge, ti, long overskirt that Ounber.stated, 1! 1 have , of trouble 'its - • GoVerlibe Waller to:day Offered a reward' reachentd the top ef the pleating' in front, s...• Don't of $1,500 foe -the arrest and :GoneletiOn of and draped V'ery high Millie hips.. A dellaityoii regs let any ene luiciwwiite home, and -don't) ," Another 'letter' said, .'. . Bose Clark Mnbler's Murdeter. • . : - of dark giey has a kilted shift' witha Itutg , • , You.sent Md. a 'pretty 'Sauey letter. last • ':• ,' ME LovEll .04.0111lia WATCHED. ., : .8;31d full. !`apron. 1 ' trent •..overdress, •much " •lime.I will etiolt to whet 1 ,aaid; that you ' draped, 'in the back ' underneath'e 'deep The levee of Boat) Ambler, Wm: • Lewis, .outaway open jacket is e Oleseittting waist . - .. ' ! .. • ... • • needn't.be afraid."': Dunbar ekviiiined'that'„ iii tinder titriet sureeiltuace (tithe Buipeoted •of . dark red cloth: . White ' silk . Weieteeste this .Mentnt Money.- .: '. . . . . , . ' mhyderer.-.. Lahti Sunday when • he Went to With dark green Or dark blue costumes 'see ' The Coroner and County''drown At, :church he was clOsely'watched, and,. when seen, With turn -down -collate and lapela toineY Were of thedpinion that nhevidenea , • Was likeitighefbrireed toshowthat 'tiny one • . under the soothing influence of.theparsorfs• •--* ' • '-• • • : iiiii'6 i '„ . . • 7 ' • knowing 1110 all hie Redone. are weitelied, ' Spanish t.ii,baris are warn...With:bleak. li T ' . • • ' . • . • . herthatohe-Mainto134141 i•-e-:--icuiessor, 'sermon, he dropped off lutes, gentle doze, :. .i i .• , - • • , • had atteutpted to Prointre anabortioin doeunl feeLfre:te_talkiLOract_withinit silk drieee'e. 7: - • . • . ' , , , , . ;, . ElleeSereare still.high On the shoulder and The'eerdiet returned was to the effect • ' one of those, Men of keen 088 and sual*- ' ' tould have ought' .any words that might • Jerseys einiptised.:entiedy of beide are through natikel °tweet in ohild.blitin. and.. that:,, the---"deceseed • 'came •:te . her . ' death • . thial • Mind was :so elms; to him that ho slightly full. ' . .- , , , •,. . ' . . ,., .: , ' have been muttered, no mattetto*t.aintlY, troth ivitb.dreeneicmatobing Ohein•in ,00lor. One. '' ' • ' ' " ' that, no *blemowes t� be attached. to any e. - by . suspeoted. man.' ' Lewis is •growing ', bho 'phigig.ELS_Lre...„Ateptuided'.ftent nervous und.,_,mer the litteionitgliecemteseg•,:ii----a.i h -rA • . A. P .—.15,11-,---2.7,4:." 4 74 ---,7• *4 - ' - - '- - 4.04,49:fir-01,-MateArAlittrizaear.-xl: Denver;,..Tbe-iiiiinediate remedy Was • her-: ' .. 8 divii 32,... ii, of consoious guilt' -Itibbon'velvet. is theAratettAishionc........, Ithre -.....40816128rniade,'S-SiO4.:IFO*4111. #-;,i31T:itt_., „. itisimer.48f-;--,...simpritteeme-of_•••a•-4101-7viitc trimming for street-trennetc--'-'7. 77 W -777 --;"-- rage et her young nurse, who- confessed to . . restrain&The deteothres still. talk about , Moorish cape of, cardinel• :ere Worn ,. Moe' and impertane eines,. but decline to 'little girls;' • . • ' 'tell wh.et they are. ' , .. , . . . . . • . . . Bangles . and snake bracelets -., are still : ., •• :, ',. ' ' ' .. . .. .. .,,..,m, . . . A. 411.1/11k. ItXPEIONLENT. . inupb worn. . . . •!, '' ' .: .; ., !,--- . , • - . ' High standing cellars are stilt worn .fae. Hew SO fiet.ilid. :of a 16..a1;00a!villgodile tened with .a einall jewelled stud. ..._.... . . , .„ . ' . • '.' ;-''' .... 'Sifvtanto- • . - . ' ''• Embroidery is Worn on everything, arid: , • A. 104 ,(Friday) night's Niagtika Palle,' every kind need:: • '• ' ''. , ' ', . ' -- • ',.'' ' N.Y.,: deepest& says: The attempt to send ' Dainty bloutte,bodiceite caught in at, the . a horse over the Tails. on •Saturday night: waist with te bend or sash, are *ern by girls lase Mr orepted Considerable iixoitouient betuteen . the ages dill and .1.2. . • .. •. .. in th.thpilage, as some, of the parties inter. , Intertwined seart draperies ate some- •eiltedrare eery prominent. eitizene. ' • The tiineeueed.to re ace the overskirt in Walk-, old horse ,had done duty' wall for yeites, ing dresses. '. - . • - . : . ' served his Mestere. faithfully; . and he had Gilt leas and Itrbraidstire employed in the right to die a natural death anatture the Ulan:tangs for the nedir • and sleeves of of clover, The •owneete, 11m/raver,: deeided drew's. . , . , ... ••• : Slat him=swim to the Palle oVer.tho,tooks .° Pointed ,',.velvet yokesi. are , wornwith and be shot intathe boiling waters 'below. 'woolen . dresses trimmed' with • 'vandyek The poor Minna in his frentio endeavors ipoicts., . .,.,, .. • • . ... • , • * . to . °Beare broke his left . hind leg,: and The faidiion of Wearing mull . &sink- tied finally landed.; in. PrOspeet -Park, where in Peitrittin stile across the, should/Ape, no he ;was shot: • Meet Lobstein immediately lertger cadets.. , • * ' ; - i • • . Came here from Buffalo to investigate the , ornaments of tettohne obeli end Of amber case for 'Col 'John Itytne, agent of the Erie in the shape of 'claggers.„' pipe , and buoitle,e County .13Ociety for the Protection of Ani- are worn in the hair.' ' . • '• ' male, so that he could. investigate this . Long, ge•untletted,embroidGred •gloves. of 'matter to the gottom. Yeeterday warrants suede- are worn for:driving,. . Shopping • and were issued Per the erreit of 'D:It. Jerrault,, with walking ocisturase. f . : • of the Cataract House, and Henry Whalen, one of tb.e feathres Of • drees trimmings Pettlek MeCOyf Edward Clary- : and :Sohn is the :.eutting of. the 'edges Of skirts. and Cla,ry,•etteplOyees Of the earn° bowie The tunieS into futrette, year:the, and 'scallops. home will be, tried before 'Justice Clark,•It is • A pretty style of oottiage: which will be stated .that, , Mr. ., 1 . t ' .et"tah 14tYli' he: -Int n6- popular tor-denatteilerdfiritigitheieinteili: ititifition,of practising , any cruelty on the. m white Bilk gauze, figured in email 110Werts- aninutl, but believed:it .. weiuld be bettor to --. in their natural hue& • . , • '', Pon Wag , • . MK% . ERR. ASV URINARY.,,ORCANS.: .. drown .than to shoot .4t. . . • . - . . A brilliant elatide 'nerUni- OOlor .and _ , , • . • • another of rieh dark bled' ave quite taken • EdgarB.BrOneen,7-a 'millionaire cattle the place of ,etrawberrx.und terra aotta in TIER RBST .1k140161). IP irlititiflilla. ,. raisers- says that with many other raueho popularity. , , • • • , ... ' ' ' . There le only Otte .V7a37. aY*IiCh any diSeatio Gan, 5 men he has been Compelled to native from .Ladies' long oldth Odatereach to within be eared, and. that IS by removing the , °ante-. Whittetrer itnlay be. The great medical anther-. Colorado to the TEMIU3 plains to find eUfaei- four incite* of the bottom Of the skirt be., Hies of the day deelere that. nearly everr disease . • ant graiing„ ', • • ' i• ,,, • • neath tbentihnd are tribanned with a -bandis caroled by deranged kidneys. or liveri To restore Attertenitgiti from Rotiltture, Cambridge: of fur' five . Thelma wide elirose the 444 2 '' theabherefore in the onlyWhere way b* ich' health . ' secured , 'Bete ill 'Warner's 14hSate Waite, is now in Addenbrooke's • hospital, narrower. band up. the front and arduno ' coeanree hainehieved i4great revot9.tio pi It dots Cambridge, England, tiliffering front paraly, the Sleet/eS• ' ' . ' • . ' them la a healthy condition dtiVeS .disease I 'directly upon the kidneys and liver and by plaa:. ' • 'Fi,. the rabbi of a, , precitical joke: , It ,. Ttille, in deliettte shades, such as Pale andpain limn the system. Per all:Kidney, liver : . lippotike• that, upon going into the larder in pinks,. blues, 'greens and • yellows, Will be :and Urinary troubles,' fOr eieteesteina dite '. orders of 'women, for Malaria and 01.1Yersai ' imire, . obese* a_natill'ehiend moving back- Ws whiter.' --Vhey-'---will- --ba generally the house Where eh° was living at 'Petit. the favorite hall dresses'. for young' ladies equal t:eyottre of lainOstOrs, hnitatiOlrl and trOubleS geberany, Ilea great reinedy has no She became. inlieh alarmed at 4 Move- te all dainty flower, ' . , ' • i Ward and forWardtat the top of a partition. t • rowed with - garlands of row or ' setae , ,vi& Diabetes ask for Warner's Hale nia. • , Coneoctitos Said to biljr0140 good, ' any person, heriertor increased to such an • Some l'hiledelphiatts aid about to sett bests Care. • IL Ho WAIINE It Alt tO ' . . went of the hand, and, as she did not Hee -' .' . - ' . For age by all dtaierik , . ow apeeehlees. i .• : Ontent as to bring on paralysis. The girl is an extenoive stook farm in Hendallyoun . '. * 'Texas'. ana to ihoeapee oh tauter°, . verento,Out, ' noehester. 11. 't - Teontleti Eng. , • . ., - , . - / , v Ex -United States Senator Jerome ,•,13.0 Chaffee says that 23 years, ago when he . • entered Denver, he invited has tired felloye . , . passengertt ofthe stage coat% to • take drink, and laid down a 11.20 gold piece, con- ' earning which the barkeeper said, ” right.' That transaction made -him a' temperance man. • • ' • '• 9 :•• • •