The Sentinel, 1883-06-29, Page 4taetrage47 thA 11TOTA04 TOR 101 OUT, ey were 0.0ini 44 -sot the -door. Wb AL 1,14i4e UrgPimkilimg, rP 4 ag en act 0J s" vacto 'to 11"44 a 4 Ir of -I telk. . I I oa"i onx. fro r Cup, A by t AO whas'dou othe. attr George B goans dthe aliknio:, Voj Who Who following iii' thid Lieut,6-Govoruoi Pewilney is 'engaged ip has 4�quired th r gave. tha'd"mjtcta� '' the the oute'rtattiment., waa bivay,paohips� reo.'Alt' %I; �our ijtt inopootiou iii W. I -of being the beot'Oulied, ma of hii,apparatus. t( Mr,. uowlv,44� C., on, , hivit,of - Cuktius� connection 'With the Indian n depart wbeu 0, man, be tile iuwpeut 64ause ot�,hio ,diekring be, the difts declared his clieut had been 1pn9cently 40",wiU viBitll,'vt ti b�t infoVilied him Of Wel6a Aegfus speeobleW oeolsin$ work, And Dr. Gallag*r gave him and 0 'tWOPP 'the Brit' Gover) ter sid snam diatelytoll. dowr sudill Qiwall at,the 'Id ftiva i -a tri KDERLAND. in s, At., ome of WhO86 homes an ha,ody4otiqu io, an a in 'Gloo. f at roeerv% Th p, will extefid;over five Popeo is a ueh6w of the Alght UP'n. U.- g 1�kall%gher *as engaged in %, plot t six, weeks. W . ere ow. Moore who W�4 ,�ho aObvoted 0 big stru so siddo4ly d%rkeued. lost b6k RO out. d F6 g. C�t- Macleod. Wife pushed. their Pot. likely 'he //WQUI d follower of I "Conixell throu -hall. in w hieh Jay the OMes stranger to, anl6timst for conpeo�ibzi with was M,P. for many years for Xildaroo at a 4 � . b a -been hildto sy 11ito the Curt 13 and latterly for Lo gfoid, p.ud . held many ''Oorilpeo Ftitertainmlent, -of the viotimis, and withoub-botra�ing any high positions, wing been-th ilt. actq could�' on iy be declared marked off in tho.N90hwebt. The Prot ib 'to the dead. ''guilty on. the the' wtot lit a )tiol Imption, that &,plot 4' qo1fed.Viinipe A106", oom.pofled'of. tfio pro. -1 . OM rougli ii ra4 Of this no.'-Prgof ­h4d beau district'of S"k;t-'161) Governor Oqueralship of Malts., Tia Recognizing the face of Otis of his oh d w6d, but, : I .. I ' ' 1 rbeiitre iles. was rbt�rnl 0 .0---"n prt� 4 moridan, b5,000 �quare in w 'PIT111 fa -as bal The. Wlio p'Runce , ; in 16,74 and ogain'in 1880 for. Lo4gford' Sialaimedi-11 That's one paoglug OP Again On E4- ed at 8, I P h4d Regiu *Itb� *,h recogiiiied Another, iud third,' conoerved, he left the ca6ar where it atoodv A�d the fourt out All thee fQr0ing thtn,a Staggering in p,. .1 Mr. Alattbiueo,0, on 'b parts of tbe Provisional diattrict of tuated in. ipperary e a emont !tot ii.go:ii$- he exiled, " My properties beigs! d b d KildtAtel HSWQ`B a BUpporter of Home' Getiligher; ,p] boine, an An "logo 6yo"Pathy, Gdd 1 ll my childrou.sreg9ne and, over �pe, t at there was no qa�e l4de'rs 'P of the late wheli:66d with grief, sank to the floor..'In agaiutd big client, as be' Acted while r, BOO, under. bi tiMcle registvir, ca,blegrain some., a "a 0 Wren dead�' the influence of liquor, There Was nothing -excitement ',bag e�bn a 44aw :Outt, and, When. Mr. loaru�lf �eceded* lost, jalg�tls London &used it mip there Are f a�dT Ile '0819wity, 'itiVolving be. elaei:`brotber� who wa' winuipe 'by of.'Colbnel from that party and formed-* the war t ]ROYAL CONMANCE. of- 118 .ohildrefit occurred idtlie better o. -t an t4a younger onei'Oeliding yanced One which'he i1o*Ie4,dq, Mr,Brring. oReglo4pr of Selkirk, 'Wbich ig .0 toulmemkin6d with this old.party num bring '01 hirxi money. H6 confidently asked for tba.- said to amount to 050,000. Tibe peciflatiou in tho'c6unt , I Queen Victoria sent telegram to-0ay to b exprpopiog _er. discharge of the prisoner. Xr. -matthwoon, X' a, � peridd of twe�ty now' -1pig, ;Fro b li,tialia,byi,Xf. BuWsimme 0% )400 �bargtoh�.ve e tendedover An an ter- ru yu ti a n 6 076-f -IliaF- At% wt a r --t o appears that 3f at the do( 'Whiphl diMe Buqcek�,r Mr.- S�aw,'tbe M.- -P. for —during— _b nap am, Oli of the,v%rioui Sunday Schol dpirt�-06tk, r Algiven 'ilk Viet the I'ledl; of the'liostilo -designs of the dyna- 810 a Provincial- Gdvornment , has, taken f sywp�th ri,.but.it must e remembered that he 0 ojorer; bIQU Woo. atteni!164- almost al�o, 644 telegrAips j�#e f`-,&tohb6bop Brriugton., Coadjuit�ok,Arc�4. no otep4 to, poouro..i. !s6ttlement� - The ')One BRndi and ol Act, Opai�ioU A 1 4 ' enway,,. h 3irditial. WiOeman; and who #J%o hildrou,,. looverol. tAousbd Aago .vere At half maot; SY: waw a rt sidept Of BrOolilyn, Or -UR -bishopl'io gotfieJr by, 0 IS de Mr. by' xred S loses., thifty. scholais by the catse- '.be 'judged' ptime- st�udard, a,� moiiod- fo -Pr6v old bive, fill�d - tIfe. plad�e now filled aa%poe, Aujoell ocou" chgol by at the o1a, Englishmau`was� I t Was .t a Committe) of, the incial W is se of the perforadanco,,;, The body. tropUb., survivors bad arms broken af00-all LegW�t�ra�,to �uqiiire into ihe matter Arid Caidibal Manning ad not h red .of -06 in the,,6ru Ochors Are from. iloto -in health obliged hins to retire'from activo of tlj� 6 en. kn9wledge t, hat '.existed &a animated debate, was the'.rebult the ng ownr.lit-oi,wfiao jomeij�00 little ones came. brokou'ribo or rupture Of in rual r the manuf a6ture of' dyn'AnAte, Ainisierieklisto Opposing the, motion.. 'The at. Eiriniton s aiattll ft, - YOU ­�e rgans. Americs, foi -And accomplishmou -use agains &y.af great betity stairs fromi t� 0, UN 0 far t A b h i gallery.: v6�ocx va'or)DOM ATmost Ph� 0overnm,ent even'gave Mr., G seaway to -first flight at rance of M, and large' fortube-, i�vs Benedictinii �un' stairs a 9' 'j1.1 L '' . ­ 1, - . -underBtand that it . poti proceed 1th of the theA eri6ad.QoverhmeuC :F%aL ft door which opened only twenty the says children 'and 'Me. be� did $land, the Italian- branches of the.. family'. in. a owlidida protested hi� paot�on tbeyl ould sus�end'Col_ 46n. "too so tough at a j, L'' C 11"re no y,i . r. Gre,'onw," refusedi and' tfia b4i - I el 0ii child � WAG wh )"wiere not twenty from the do6 d. dibolarid. t c udi�g J.?rince B�ado and many the'old not the J%U4,WL page th came press aware A that Ou6b WOO the 0&06- only, b4 Italian -are loyal. adher�ut me... t g foiward, un of the Was no proi % 00,'regiatrar' not beeu�ouopeu4d, opnobleo, to i a Iinass 3�rett � 4 el&red that co nt,�w -of childieu were tragedy. ..thus making miltteio A t it a' ana. All the family Are devoted Catholics Mr. utbut ' '.the has - refufiC4 ' aLk thb�4;fell and wa ' wo, nL and inunifibont - in heir. charities. %,Utah top thai, thel* were. The"066 ad no right'lib, ake - Ott& a'remay k, 110' eliqUiry. Aeretofbre Col. Keidnedy. 'bas . t, 12 ori% e 'M 'Erring, "flUen, place in the id- it- gives, QU I any 3.11 Car' a EW -marca""Of , plots lot conn' i on 'if he'le. Dot, blara he Bass, attthe Veto gr t b of tho bodi0s was painful in � the vance theies sdukinj '69 idePtift' said 1126� f ' f the 'xistence in high Viet re *aB no proo, a r. anin or is but'iight 'y, ""t V 6 51 hdoes. AbscriO The faces ba opeiirivnity' of stat redited from. the' �EagUh Government 0 VeFument t I ofibul. e',au boat mor $one wsel wrib ali. .O,H�gan -6ugfiob, -ord and 1SWO bf�whorn ave een 1 b' -in fLrequent cd1n- addOli, tr4toplO reUL 'w t ot. t) i Go iiag. his Ace a t"n L �dba and suffoasto tion. io offiort, 8ould of the "'the Wei . i a in ever . y, .04 . lie �b 0 U rtebulted both Childre many. Nat. I thijkaou. 'He. said* t)iibk it- is only Allobertams ef.ouver wtvaeu me mes. ....... X gti r ion Hocaticlu fr N from kid hi h iny VF_J I , A , . _V aU-1 ion 178 of djed� 'T6 11r Wit4. f*1t 004 ; A. so Orac e due to -our, riendly reli. aIOU may j` do' ch suasuff6aMe and - parched, a reservedI7L*it12_ 411600 Who an( -very gent a' theim, word admits: of law �-exoepii ' ''t on d L leiding,' And G6*6inmeni ihai `IOU- uU B* list `46jNth bra tramp up ask y�uic&io,4 teally1w. RIM I dly, out,' w6uld fall' draw your statement'" L ant yourp id nparents' rubbin lie -iii i coizAin'bf Mr.,Riggs,: - t .on Washing .: , . . tfie_ 664ie'si"Whichwere upon. the badiei dead ildren and'with the,� ton b%iiker; And bag or M! . Mall,k, -Memory is'ai net. Pne findwit tulf i a eat04 'nUm r aiid, he *ould gladl t e 0 a m,� XAMP ago UnQl iv�,.clasp the rt in! 6 is ag6l tJay seven 'lojid wailing and -weep accede3b tho xulin the.00urt� floh *heii be tak "a itfrom. th 'brook, but. A AbI t i p y t i Y ad y'snangle, fro 9.0 onSO The oiso fdr� ilia, defene was -do�en'miles! Of L t r for' ' -in, theirskma, vainlydbdeavor" t Mo. SOW UZ a-- *a a h4ve r gla i OboiW ware ,liot' killed.- he a i-e-wry-siga-,-Of ��Ijf 6Z XX CXCJLVN th6ir b`adiei,' .t fist thers�swo6ned away at the -first eight of Wo ie jo L , .. replied on ti A__w_q en�,wl. TTo th%� pityibg leartoWlef must a U, d1i f d ia� 'Chief J'ettice,-Coleiiagei �hen began, gofthands, and I g la� bar *,ith!- tha­* blbodibg-,� _bb otibers 'we wild on U must a, b �:deqd,, while'. mosv� vio.aark, in. Sir- yi 5 . - nea 'charge to -t 0 jury� e Wd gd terms Q. his V. 10tens �Ispl 1%) a a nixi t bl��pt- kno fi ;Mauz� ranged, fro to.4ay 8 OhTh to at -,0 the oftement., in: jon. �Oae. ituesseo f , I 4 : n, a�;�kong a the dtheiro� Ile declared the Assertion -b -for.. the firsi, Thames were frequently r46ked by oarth-, ila*g -4ibOter'-spread, al, it t I as. intend6d fpr,l ti- :true ar g ­V, 51al Y a k1 W impoasibiliti. _te&� to4diiy,,tba i e t, it seems toniii likai/bUISLOW' brine '�ble qpakeo, London Would be an - jdt�at 6raW44,of people rusho five minutes lof �thol allodi4ent" ibire was"i as a ihor6dible.* No logiti- bu not a wedge �rgoid. VA, from, jbi*: purpos Wa ago'll tilt" the Egyp samot woul GrO91401, pur,� I aik' as mate�tta at, wo t r T &aA',to ij6at�L �f sistallal 8 '. I" loolo, slid'. A 'Sily slight.tre 4 '" uld.have.caftied- 0qi1a izes I visa 'Pole b are London as it' it ob6liuk into 'the a the Soling Wad' cause, lone ther4l �w d' men inthe iame*ay-�-and thetale1bow W6at wail Cl n and the -verdict of again Ions or returned a. eat Pr -as. wh grc 'teaBo't q licirities 'erdiii6d but, loit.' 'Th 'd I find the in this w6rld-is not -down Sc. Paul) % t ' - i 'Cathedral. A vbloano, in h p her "" warm The jury, ietired at, 5.3 olock, in thill 'InfabtL r , y , udeii'_ Th6 �"O&ge Way, oWe , so i 'pregerVe 4 . . L :in at aitte. Xiddlesexould. lower the .4t:iQuit f 1109 GA�ghar, Wileon,,W1 uch,werwwe�stan d i:berit � securities' . aud k6l bodi fter ilietcatsAopber &'sic 'we are moving Curtin, p On . not OU1 sen"s of U 6. one h * 9tPipbl' value 60he iatbly., They were steno came rom f .:the diKaiuis. the a i�etro "'b'' 11, h' idiculons iit; I 0 t pe&QaJ ' . .:.' . , ''.' ­., .. I. '.'. nh polis. 'For 01flosperity theta must be *4i�,Outlo.trlof. d ek�ard Gallagl: Wide of an impressible nature; it a, Very' nsale .Ahe pdwers.-of LL. m -found gdiltY. were aIn. 'itself w I tIN4, 66 W ;but if that is al raL,ia Aly nature f On 'Th: Vib&t it'jo if abildke if�jag t1a., bol -oUtheir, e had better have boon an a 'J L 'j, a " life Ong. a a Use - buld ropbt,t6 to�ajght: figure p 188 t6vol pe and stood r these horrible: ejolonas occurred `h The fii3dibg of thO jur3 V the bead. of grofessi6wat 6idg. el ques- �,�of gul y 01 . a.. Th 4 A wort! te&rg 'that n, alk t a ",Tribv.011eig.o'hinge'theirguin as 'nottbeir, State and atfrequent in bdrvaili. !our adivicted .m " ' - - 'It. - ' h of deadchildrbd the number. wi J.yb Dt.-Galfigher abiwacter' C bq% 4hown, to have an 'W� as tion. aries, whether theoe'� L The eagerness of tb4. '.counig:lof: tbe'indictmenis. a. d for... .6. piercing' baks, and r ;.he aa� ces.. may-� P al aona wicks eached sileast 29% id%ibe.tii�ib 6. . -the' laa�pcf &� 4istUrban affe6te 8 ball w ote a U thl t d ereireth �6uAb dii f chUrea, to dep -when thiL Molfter-wouldbe put ):asu"s life: brain,.blobd and.brapith by h6injLf1AJAj4% 'the, b6tter-�1h- courf pover a -Pr6o� Y, _ uld c6mii 'to, rodaiv.�. the' p a rio IL its,' g 1 i a,little, - h' ut 'fol,-', or ri n vll-m, '*e :be� ""Dr. 083169hir the,brgh lip- t, goes .q opaip.4 b , A that 0 , t of iiiAir at: i due ad whicli,01, `trd6 ar beep pt6uiiidd th�m. -,,Gr' With hi 'Wilia iz*tion' 6xaroll d1iinate. J kisled., and shook habas a r lowed by both the otborili Step the%be 't the hisood far, the ".0, alam'ity,14poft mar a climate as, well a 'an tfia%, mail' hliay a and Abobu Wiloon.:� d A whiuto d ut go all. thr6d of'the*icks, 8 in a An where.' tho.. t lan, '6�i mend one.%.,., He '.disturbs the. tainfall : by. ha ' check , the sit on ad the ante I , " : *d ­ Ber id, oiit -of the : ungo, an pro. the, door h bartii.ekoh, A64 hands ivith a un4fuly, am�ttiag, dovin' the' for6sti,. thei b Ing 'an ot appears, 4stgaei ivoutly.4 a itly, fluid ceases to, Buppl� the other #a a tA an: in order- that t �tbo'�glver 6&1ghe­l� and kissed Au�biirgb fe as.of !I dibi produal alternatu an. The '�onvib a were. cobtayed. to'blillbaiii' contras of flaine, an4 &I At srafroifi, he-6ue at-a.tim6'ii4ile they. flood -But-jn',othet ustancei the 6UJtiV1a' in W -the Aapp 10 prison in 4 van. m b hissel ',po ic joler : -� ' aj." ti�� to 0 d il' a ld* AiLrkn an g, In h6 clen'ti,66 atucl* of an is. the m6pt tion of, the ioil Sara to aniel' rate the mor, A' SiD 1110016inw. P Aed to:- �116 eeqort xy giaidaot,th6- which, �kr6ute.,: Thb,,milits 6; hindly -six prison. "had bien ittengthe Sd I allbrauche6:i dxffieul� 6f A k6wledge. n u.'ordbr to, climate, auil,]�Sture grj6wo any atte 'pt Aden I at a 'rescue, 111111111 -his ml'Osi". to iubdu& the t Was *it ,the Theta are igood ease in, Many real. in series in man, .t�io;ugh-., which toe'6b prevent Wle I I., ­ ' L at " ' I seem on'the �erge,of leaii on y'One .06. bsll� life t ., . i & L siail It -is. oibity a th�L ba as sitting, on -aeatinela ha- I isli.ed with, b, We Paup t g at, bu ear t t 'e are t W asa1ailizig 1) So cry ITO, that make lo diKarm the so's :of iiii-fdry ll.' A� lad 'w imilizi ng f ve ,beeii fui help oir rinklek 110 might 0i t 'do is 'r ai6n of the strsngeot cs9 imn eso Paissr�by im Ther (it tl�at'ldlari Spencer intend to aiid not'di attock f, L _­ L ", 00*eriei� of niodelaLs' tbait oildoit �or two in 6 P Wavle Vvio in the reiitd'�from tho�-Zord- iouten re- a ak SpdtL the h d ancy ot.1 at,, have, a we which -seems. irrosisti le a afore ,we - cau� love it much.' the.al jorowt 112 iing out:&, lobad, is'revive4i ge 6 . a I r, I L , . .- , n its fl loses all its tolld' nitich at h Or4l or.. t 1?boole thai,-40 i6t laug boi. ib%t W f 4pilit4ing,, tiakot-takbig. aa� dyfi3g,bit 'my ando tod to the' ag vibie of oay0iDg than isticod for theMi'Or itq power when 6neounteri m:9f .61 0 loude, "Was, poll t d jhbL'g&.J aorpa lyfigv 'ea, r Use g -but ictionir* words- W- h verwhe In 'P�n0o� of 0islift., on the form thiiiatenw to 6 abi14 are 0.0&, -anyt 0 thi.skipper.bSeL merely to fetch. Up .101i � - ?I y-1, - i . ... . . - bio . . . . I . . . I . . 4 .0 OC iiii ' Or tbieshi 'be " , . -- L- . 7, .. i So Im D'u, IS 'are under the boudd f ildion , I y peop -ge a idmir6ble. On ft i;� - ." I.' , . il',Osolk, 9MA'. tholuoh the wind"im w6 donotL C& 0 ortboole J1#oaAitn 'tho4,r1jgIa patty habit -that !they 6easeAl his 01 WO g.the eas offensive. `toi bowl an&, 1* uptight ip i� b in ifie. hoib6rium ibriek through 4avdaiir pectiAirt Although *, more fiawetj thavlpress'. Ia'by ihO 8611i Pt There 6;te 'persons .who publicly'-pirform Palth -Uliwkyo i lies he 44(dlief. Of a 1173 jV0jL d U% greatsf.� is too much. to eipdat, that the sae`�bf� th it" pats6alal, � offices .:of , ihb, toildt ;: Who have. il lel faidt, mi ivoi, AU0 Wei trick 6f$tingiqg, out a, ' knife to 41ei a]o 1 12 Y' owild, wtudi, will ever be 3086 to Why el 436mbbildy' give., us -a hot, 'LIT is r itdiasi),,!6iiiiiIs'llnibniown, you o't x1A 'Sri 6 y i inks sqd hobbidy buinall, ooiitrol;, or. his ato son, of soi&p.4o pate sia polish ihoir* whq things which ev b d - h wife Bud Up" gl�jjyj and y a Were State Tr ur r Capt. A. 0.19utt, deceased, attok. gayst, indanothor list of thingo.'that every- leXpept b some -a unconsciously 02t116404 'IJL ad, ilt -Piocois ts l 'k A W'L '%-ho I ad X' f tbeysia affliated. be4i bebyaL 40,t's' ing thoii whiskers; whb, i inks.' V ex "di toll hi aS theii woto building� I sent ut 'o 1t carried out. It will,ba. a. itrauge r6oult wins, It possibility on Icallis pick -1ii ieeih at Od4 'til pluck duV 41ne *Ai��f fts�mded. and. yet it 01 'th4t. m M M BtOT� Or- 0 well 6ti t th air at: the stot Oro A Or., ui,ze when 0, matt , !it' dqaeut rank of lifq�-. in 6ei thabLob in Unz6 -and he -,tough hiitq� scratch their headej settle' will bel bidli; i .4hial lay.01 a"Or their ' ties, pull dqw-h their India-'wish6s, to marry, and l -can ptove- hS easefully at 9 -land' More rro. hdj W g 6 resso t1potell their%'b&iidg,- - Ol possesses iho ineabsf matutaint, if' bablyj * as pqkulati�n in .1 'these States he: a St6r ItIB Baicl. thObf . VAMINO !VA�A, 9 11 W, S, lieciiine's racial douseo, ffid - the consequent of COptsa 6e fear 'Of e "'Son, aNutt :itnAha flik00 the � dust.04.0ra theirL. kn sw�whd in it is an toiafi f it him tii apply to the I 9 T -shortAre1ot evir q�ud pol L "iniatraso of dissoter ii, increased 6111Y.Pstfo�m_ Wqb6ol, state his dan o�j of' , . M611 will adopt* a nodi of building 'suited. to the- 61,0er 4 his home,, t U o0baoOUSUSOO Of -w!BheB E bmd- inqoire into, _,r mo h prr, Vjtb� art6V i�g, with 'the %ppAea . la Via' �Odolog V md: qidAA fie casei US the $�Wiog'b * IU404, 11'f t16 PeXoOn%J 0 ave ib Y�o vyki is ovanibg .4 out 7 00 he W&Or. offende 11�6 ffiqes wliioh the numibir notet of the mariiage. Us Con JUOU 'hot o0 svolaifdal � Thae 'in an uo'dl a" 11 b , otL t Sao KVt$U"Off1oe *W4306keB'. d refined- pe drearn of axe. CIO n tb CiSOL Of ''the hgirls. Neatly allied tOL them followo'as'.� to b.ii 'oligibiliq and if all is, however, a favoable a kroblieiV� even- if L ba. matters' shauld '.nlot to, atd vb4-cauuot'at6td4tr%igh1t; re the people promises- satlofsatorili,be is orthwith In- Oitilprove. Cyclonic outbursts such. as those. r4, *4 ''Ith, 1% 403V4 to the ., ri lab, - or $h we by ited to*taka", t h eat with 'the schoolmi d but U the 1�,v*tfi1g,.%Jme ukes W -So a;t the -left they aist one h 041 d. eveniogt to'givo him au. which have been displaying thoir inergy in itit L more analpolute tbii United States -act in a itery,cirolUm. -making his sol io. The e the_v 0116 opportuaity,'6f out a r ceiv6d ther 6hoi and, At. with1b it fel Ill -It is'saddoniog to re%d,of the' every iSgwre, fall 961156dr- NlatP followed -Au4 eldii J618 are thtli informed of his ­intend. -soribed. Area. In.. *halzo, Ithe life 6611111 160 eed. lw'Lo io- jingotnuraft) o, .6 f Clil over t? vi� of iti pUtpoirto nd tho so who raiacbi�f thai. I's - douo-��humon . beings 'i1I6W*d;' One 61 the, itiaitail takiag,,. prastratAody, leg� Anoth ­ A baila Another . L . . ... I .1. - crushed by tbe fury of the Mot in aeck L.' air kin da it e 140, 0 mblast, and hard jumps lip on /do hfauo or, has..& al k hei" t deettoyedi, Sut�. the 06 won -proper y, irretoevaI4 stones d6a, bafc.t a ric in& a that$! appes ance on a meio scrap q0m. could get tb him. The that is 0,01y: t an 00 a . re a room. The doman, t m t 8011 that clit Which in this, 0601il 11094011101 olvor I '�*did thal work is, t4 0 that alluffies to the Aitat a It *64 child At ivor� third wor#,. Ust offetilar is while doing big beat to ma I koh gon th ibiatilf he 0, of �f* i%iried on 05 Storni-puth. I y6do emoting of hill wb&ly MOWS, lt# thel way, aoil. should able, -y t, to tfie P60iffoo'. )at ooi h6ow ate& *1th, the 'IBM 10 *Tatt giais himaiftrup,And, is, be frowned -dowa 46-11'�Iftot Ai. 16'r. doeeut trivei in shebourm of the evea. 01 a'diminutive line a W"J g area "oil ova lnjaoil,� liewasbalm,bati ark IiR praf&no6 for one lY* On Boal in 060 - - leThomosaa frowlia a itantly; ]PI'v abots were Ate four takiagL particular Udy� ShouldL thoob SyMptoge A*obeo ig. sliq MA -1 11*600, and the Wit it UOW, tlaodd' ii�6brolws. One 'of budding Affection be favorabl'y, received, IlA let. One of, tw. P-6roonat who 40iotboit. hliaiw - a, third isteadeto'bia jjL;tuaning hi h & "Iili� vZOPOOSI i 466 forth; &f the makeo Utho and follbiwil;g morning. , But it oft, ocanto the -class on th U�WoAwely. �6 " the owl, tot bbip -,NctJq.::7]jlukeP,, 3ot to 1:10 'fting ,*I* acquit %e ilia so . Nutt, 'Yet Z IS, '.neither'.dne' Z'Of L an U r, eager -waft ieotidribg ex el n I a, . .. ans 0 let awl4ho -i61un*w*e& toi udej in L the otbord Bomb! dioesso by the - th gal ted , T aiq d I y, d ei hot; �plsvtiaipato Ili the Wf64 Word A44dildd it the spiatiole atiused'i pop. witch, iheir- mol 611d OOm6 fluttot their preBahlgL hii -:belief ime. I 0 - -Bow r ay6s wbal affor4ed an x hdfti#ed ttoni ^,tiji L 106r quiburid 'of i0aigiation ab the t imol'AftA sudden flamo, iii"w4joh case gtig _fJ41W 'L '' ..., - 'Aad thought- Ddkoa WoWd W, 1. o declittoi""the honor, a ohuio that 'the clasis a V11AWd thsirq�' t6,' theie *ideL the,p at ationt fare. is"Oelft, fiftl 0 at of hi lad fteerft hbraelf for 'the 160A to hiM.01" , I Q* IS the professor wthi tod. Ve6ple. He was 'bilng in a aldanpoi, A #ff- oxtiont. SOMM-6 tog their. boua; others rub gout'll, -, ,so$ he ob Wd thii' bp b idin. Up their hair next tia-Paxty imbibition. tards0 're f L lip tly'00of Iiiii ib ti or tholf-lips, Which, is trod ad with V pom never lad any. a -J.Uu man. 44 11V6 -4 me. bits thbif 6hooksoL Which is! the, profassoiri . Y6 0, _C1 �so o -out of vot*i . tr oftTlet b-id6oilo'- And o on and dh in ll ba4 - g6at P ."PsanUd ow, angorocis to diat 'r a *,: take, the. tro:, IS. to 6ba . V q b 41 nor MY i3mothet it 'If hny �Oba 6fok,diatit;�erdet)tionk, A remarkable murdekthoo hitaluat boon' "it %W"QN** 113ato of it L il1L 'tried at, Motuit Sterling thoL Pj to was, the reply tiogowuron, *a U6 at o w in, the,, State of atftogo," sMd art,' ,Ah "ry aa W*4 As "alf"lig 6how. Thoy ihoi4foro b4by,Agaonthli 4" On the A00t 4' eA4 an, 6ildlools vhrio�q, of -these triaka as! Xentutky. , Vaughn 110toil Was -shot dead, still lbobvinded tftafto ' in bed -beside'. hii Wife And child. John' %WpbW&AA"& front foota p1qia With, its tos, a&& & t6d, by� big Mends lomdacquibiat, gouty subject. I see liat hisront �*otb jrlsaL Pot YL, I , the murder. v indicted, 4OW all the Ohl to Which we aft WON** q6*69"'Wly 10 X terrist, do$ Lt is Its' Olt. odaii,, imOl 6066, harmless, ownd 0 L t - BWXnett and "van oth th e ftmook & fail, 'of *01110 *1141 diii Oa his trial BsAett with. atistome'a to oePW -` TtWtal WAS awaV,jost, but Kr the most part ungraceful,-, sud 01 to 11 gol sarviva, *ba A01i dutitoorbafi*bon "me 3391, drew his pleaotko *A law OHL", ,01. *4 60uu - -be "d, *6011 disguiti tgoilty-od.ploWedguilty. teeth lit j 6 e 13%ti6tit' screa 4", breftd th* door, ket,, inflantoo 1*045 arms Five of the other -se'ven prisoners fpllow. retotod, tile, as dioiftnn 6 , a - ".. .1'4 . , I In ad 13istnett's example-, :"d with hi 6M Wbrb di& nobin is P" 60 n Iliad 46houldoft wom, hailging bo.,bbd th ant! 404"#+ U " 10. CC I I I 'L . fdauds w"bo 4 'T - " 'a b -Otl �' ' 't , , - f, a d to iaprigatimelit for Mo. Now t at du have &ut�, at I t I AUA Z 4' ' In *60t* 011 of an 4poit *ifido:! &O"Jift **0 &OW"t ll*�. !rhio Miltek' b#On rebotdid,ftiote it.woffiAn �n dtherL nibno Overythings" , P =Iz w , w0d ibe little (log, . n 'Who, *tr6 called as td w IVNM" t* Jill me&; "Its Arat time, sit #A holding,ea ib .1hill ohild's dr*M to%, dothfo. found, the Maoig lang0s no'UlgL b e WHOOl tot Aakn6tik b&#6 bash indiol hestd falsib to _y vaAby oil the 166, 46- Jtibtiddl. 6, bar, pilings: *60,11 t I ioiftt 10f0binPlicity, in she thurdier. It is. very ia Lft4�i &ad P%yw* Ili* SWIM, 4111004111dOUS Of #A$ 1466fiftro W" , hoA this 'Obtfor ash having thE ft"itig oltht-is 104 ibbb, Uld' 14 *6 JhM_tb6 law has to deal With the last ion ywro 1" wtho tire", W*04,. a "An ibmia,snttiter agsl that''knon t7 4ot iweating. aeoresituteli of' a hangm Smgdl. thAnge'umeof theka ;1iftle 6bft topti alegit., 166"t ilia wo byla bi%by tot "a the Xt $8 ho pa aro 'q1#8 fta lo nf� thf5+ h6tv6A is t6 teqb thbire 6y U1160 WN ilk dMor *PA. Pa"44. wbon l# -dog had b0ond ve66"O by noweloVgh V*dh"' lbfit. 011t I**.' 06W *A get, %nd, you rotp a Ot er am. nah Ob,# 1kh*bjtL a ioltalk- beoi raliwg of kid; buriNia, he prabood we 6n ihe sitogs di o Charlie. tow Pa ere nd— hich to nd g W Of at th be inmp *J* ti igllfthi L sely" *h"Igo"ft �ady f bM.0 00011 *61i in Old 111lbON, ft6ft atthotiod* of 9" UN *6 tho go * of 06%*4 woibft *ad d6lid "a ,you relsp! the ohiw soA st thOr fji* Ot the ----- - "N"li Aft! "Mil tioi.: th*A- *M if theYk#A AwIrMol.�,