The Sentinel, 1883-06-08, Page 4'14.1 - •r. THE FAMILYCIRCLE to some agoouot tqyours�1ves or to othere, • net laborione idleuees. - The secret of 41i:eon in Making good pie t • fal;hion Notes and Newest "Reelltee Tried crust is to 'Mix • thh, lord therougt? with ..... arid FOlend 'Successful,. • ' the ilour before a art* of wetter la p 4 with j`tBs'ESS 1virTAB L4PIti (Compiled by Aunt gate-) . eitylve,iu 1lettre1treseies7 The presefit fancy 'in coiffure ,arrange. merit is to a certain extent more elevated, • although ladiee to Whom the levy ,Geenian hitchen; !eye to see the work dents, partieue knot is becomiug have noteand it is to kbe htely the cooking; and teething delights „. hoped will not abandon that` graceful etele elieut more thanto be allowed to `attempt to tit hair dressing. • With etetender fey° 4118 'make some simple article themselves. This etyle seen% todengthenetheettitt9ntetttlitle early play will not.be forgotten.- Girls that • the loose, gradoefut cells brought higb up on the bead tend to detract eepeewhat from •thisotherwitse elongated appearenee. But, • etiff; it teteke 'beth hande and min until•you could almost melte ortiet of • it and ribli oat withwater; A. little lard goes °tercet 'Way if •properly rubbed with this flour, a . : I tatilegpeonful to a cm of • fieur being ed, liberal allovieecle. - , . , . „ . . . If yourlittle girl wants to ehe Miniature ' 000ltinn on her owa acoeunt, let her do it. Most giris, &limpet frot 'habyboorl, it per- mitted to bp ettieh ;their'mothers in the grow up under such training or indulgence Will have no fear et 'the real care when it oetaes to theaene c duty. whiehever etyleis Odopted,the flee 4 soot peoducedehe weeeeng eangente or Many persons who, from the eultivation of a vitieted. taste. for delicaciegeor under uaing haindelines is Carefully avoitcl;, the influence of bad advice, hoe Lott the :TO -ladies with • very „clerk •power • of :assimilating the fat of meats, =Ay friezes and otimps are unbecom- may do ninth toyeardg regaining the lost • inge an. the bonnettee frent7,11-ar at resent. ugually - e•arreige the • i5-°W'ertbYttb°41"..°1Welltntarde."-ebertenedeOt bread—bread made of dough to which lard tinge or wave% Veil 'little false hair ie or hutee-seiutadedi,or some of th.e oepara" need and any one Who possesses a knot as tions.of ground large as an ordinary Sized door knelt,' itegorde wheat °r iudjah meal' Te • Mg to the present ley, needs no limey, false utuettel'huthr • and "Olive oil, both at table hair; but .unfortunaitee who Oen sustain eLl'e. AeC°6411i.' h11931214 .13e enehhiaged, ettlieetally 'for :young pereone,- whet% taste but a atilt inoreacituty growth ust have this alight defleicnoyeautexeied art. se this fat hied heen astaduonslyt cultivated. • -et variety of "'pieces," deeigned to cover the ,.. 'Weddipg bake-eiTillte one pound butter,. desert spote-gometiotes exieteen en the top: .twelre eggs, otte quart lieur, one'utitund Of a Young 0 elderly ,matron's Mead are ,inhiet sugar, half peund Mixed spicetthree Been. one/tread, straight piece, arranged P'" eurrante, one Ipainad raisiuts, half in loose riga, high euie on. the. forehead, Iteund almienele, half pound candled peel. • seems to. he quite .poOuler present. • 'Aeatetbe butter to a !ottani wide:Aar into it Teung ladies with light blonde hair have a thq yolks of the t4itei Welhbeaten' already follies:14f frizzing the bangemid then- let it with the sugar; 1aet1Y4,atid the spice and fly; which s Vet" unbecoming and in Many the, aludends chopped. Very finely. Stir in inetances gives thettlameel thus. adorned an the ileihr, add the currants and the raisins :nudely appearance: ' Barbera pay they do °h9ePt4• fine, and. the candiedefemit out. -not Make thenbaog as heavy asformerly, innt strips. Beet the 'take either with the : but - they are by no means 'abandoned,, hand or A *soden' spoon the °eke tin altb.Pilfili the tendenoy.is to shoat more of 'With bufihtted paper; Pater iikthe cake, and the forehead,. when the hair is Coiled. bake two }tenni, or more, if requited. . . . high on thahead.severallittla. [short, loose_ • eteininene Fiinicee. s, • . • are added jest at the nape of the •'• • . A London actressrecently carried' off the h!.1.1e are -Pa.ktictil- ,13.ecein• ele,14. 'to prize for cooking he the • South Kensington ' " Stowe. • Women who see not obliged tci keep A youpg man in Boston callsehis sweet- „ themitelvetehr: pondittentebynevitektesaynat writer in a contemporary, lot% after middle' - eage-einitnetimese tearlier—O enimsidetable, -• amenriteoftlisintheightnunte.britteepinitenee •e'” inaintlif, to he attributed to the perishingOf, the tatiseleg that enppiett•the ..'frittitte, in: tiongeouende of habitual and constant pressure of Stays,esiad dependence -Upon the.: : suppoittby thorn afforded. - Every giii who wearieetays that, press Upon these Muscles : anderestrietethe 'fie° development ' of- the. fibres,- .that firm. • them, telintingthem from their natural duties of Of. supporting' thee spine, 'indeed: •incapietittating.. them from so ;doing, May 'fee etture .. she.* Preparing. hetselt. to be a du Py wentenrt..tt . •• et't • ". To°Wives. , e4e. Yen will not_helffiely •to Italie it Mak - talk by eelling:hiirethat he oughtto talk:bre :scolding -him beteeduep,,be does not do so,. 'Make it a Pitotatire .tetr himto tellt With Exercise geodeteense, good temper and titans drawing htin out on teples of • teintereet to himself. Be 'Patient under his .:Zitrioods Of eileticat• Bett deserving thneme• Ipanionstdo of a seninhie man; • Avoid„talk- :.eing of personinite insignificant details:con- teperning 'yourself, or your work. Have „,. something intereetinget or .valuable to Pay. story of your _child% Prattle 'may be- t,f411. of interest'. ,4The Member of Pieetyou •eeliavei.made, or theerobnas you have swept, " may, not be ;Werth 'repeating. • Cultivate the graces of character, :speech and tones of etvilibe.and you may ffielthat the man who was gladto escape froin the lognacious,. ttoompleininge•Pxaoting woman, goes retain •,*intty tient: her who know% when to -talk. and when to be Silentinte*ho operitith her mouth with wtridotn;and in whose tenpin is the,lare or lainInestitti teeer : . Bleeding Nose. This arises from different causee. It is, ,itonineen. „aneongitt 3ieueg people of .:both • Pietas::: -Xt may arise tritna debilieyeor Worn -ttillueettnf bleed, to. t4fitela rp.nd4p pereonli, advent:led in lite, it is iometicaes effor s attacker ap9plely. Ight bleedings •iieW ef'. nature to ...eitire 'auffeter fro*, an give no- neeanaietyeebeittlehey .shouldent he alloWede*0 itecenta eFtlititlivee. A little alum . and WitertinitYibe Inlet) ed up the:40#,trilS %no-EU:Skit .L.ftite Patient eitauldlAt up, andavoid , cord Wa , teethed -with ter. VA 'T liteopingt and thi face and.tteek;rit he bectititeateXeettgitide.ailtiettir shouldheepon- :suite& At neetythe tOtiniestety to Ong the. nenitille*ithlhettessturated. with tintiture of irek;Liiii'aPplYide‘ bred:Wad-iota. •• back :Of the 4.04 besides :internal_ ttbat- tnenthy vnedieine. .stItt • , • Whittipreatailito Warns,. • Dretla and aiddresacomptite the lie -nee .,for:-4oniebi. 1.0111* tilt* indispensable,i • spOial • icienoe Whose priiimal influence- ierirade) astir jibe A * en% 'duty does not b •.,cftietr means end •appearance, buttit atittainlye tagging •t.Mre. Madison's tee reniemburbeitin your drestit room and forgliCiontseltin the draw. lett dttianiatyd rotim-=--1641, colitsation of the pthied the toilet. It leed; a, wo to beatieififfeif Elba eau, "and pleating ';„if she canitht be beautiful. Norte ittiltoe gegier a Matter beyond totentrolet-Vaise in tk toilet, ihtleghtfultiese' about #ip'Oeotee Ofeosturne, isefarttrinke detettieihinee than the original atitlettMenteeof mattiteee No *Once' lined giVolittereelf,up its athepeleist ifealth is tbingratt te,qing' • titeie .an3ara:do **rest., .01.ecoars Other a - Be•dimes °tad '4 is freqedeittifi, theg tailiult of other'cattWIthan drtilkingeLeit,ig• pritS1004,by itieritieneendtpdoidelttie: l. If it bs3ly neeitaemt1441„,`Y• ah 01111,0taityt 4fteliine klayme time te •' that forted. Mititiet-heet, it • it '-hei.Pere. Menent it will:1004 'HWY atteelio Alta a iiterent waered ¥Jrax c,-4110ty, by putting„ a• litt in dui allowaaiath end it to- &Wk.; thini, r altair'roiniu inge, with cold Watiert Thaaittra for *lent no +o, + +to r f 11100.11161P:: WEINER. TO His Excellency's Panegyric of the Canadian • DetTliniOn. -A NMI) -WOAD FO*Idtti; littcOESSOlit • the Senate Chamber 'Friday Lerd Levee replied. to the addregs drawn up by • the Commongeon the'ocotision of his fieinh in his term es Governor-General. He said: • lie higher personal konorcan be received by a publics man than that which, by•this address, you have been' pleased to accord to me., In asking you, to adoept • My giati. tude, I thank you also tor your words regarding the Princess, whose -affection 'for, Canada folly equals mine. It will he my pride and- duty°tie aid you he the • future to the uttemet.ht my pevier. .Now that the preestreenged term et our residence among yotittlitews, to ite end, and the happieet five years have eveiknow's-are heszlY'sPerkt, it te my fortune to look back on a time dur- ing Which all &mead° discord has •beeg voidedeour.friendshipwith-the great.nei,h. boring Itepublio has been sustained; And n Uninterrupted •prosperity n has marked nth/elide Of the Dominion. In no oth r ,hind have- .' the twit 'eeyenteen nevi; the speee.ot tinte'which beg elapsed since your federation, Witnessed fetich :progress. Other countries - hive their ,territeries enlarged and their destinies determined by trouble and tvar, but nee,telotel has stained, •the bands which .have 1E4° together your: and order -loving populations, • and yet - in thie period; so brief in thee .iife, of a nation, you 'have attainecl to ti uriion- whosa charaoteriblies„ tient, tied to •eeti, are the SUMO'. • A judicature 'above , , • suspicion, telf-geverniug- coternemities entrusting to a , strong. central: Government . all interests, the teleratiOn of' all faithe With favor to none, a franchise recognigingthe rights -of labor by the exclusion °city of .the idler; • the maintenance Of a Government not privie leged to exist for ant; 'fixed term, but ever susceptible -to the change of publie opinion and osier open through a reSponsible Minis-. try; to the twilit/lay of the pe.ople-eethese are the features of your rising •power. Finally you Present the' speetaoieof a nation alreadv. posseseing the. tmeens 'to rtiettfarii.-0PPertaltlit-Ye!ftbetattlia,mealte.4tapositinnereeneetedebytitseregonrces. wtg•tbY of being enthr.aeed, • •• • • . Men available at ;sea, or on • lanai; May Speatielielaeeritareestillensed-hylifoietwhei etheitee.thettertbeItiqiiiiiiireitotettitt to 'gaflier havitheineforetitessettehutewhen new black, • •, nveetseeth.a. :bounty. .of.-. GO4a lare4 , •. , Ohotienrinetetar-, , . •liewevet; .• •whielreemedeet your- -Roeind lace collare tete. itacheii wide are .eeetteeted on a military oollarof colored velvet or ottoman silk, and fastened on the left side' or behind by a small bow Of the 'velvet or Silk. ,In front ts a tenor jabOtr of. •lac:shim the collar, and on this are drov- ing teefetof narrow ribbon. , on cohere of ;dark red or blue velvet COMO ready made for Wearing with percale or sateen dreeseg. A jabot or fan Of white keel,* edged with Oriental lame is worn with ;thitei: dirk collar's. • „ Aineh makes a hit in this: : , Griemphy- 4etelpung ladies now any longet,bliash. In itly young .days they did. : GitectOhild-r Tes;hietettisn't that because yeti used to say things that Made them - "tt .""d kind ,of white net, heaVettyetwitt e on the borders With colored einWele, is eatione the tiiimmeneneivelties. IlAnds' of 'Persian -embroidery • colored etthst 'Worked .on eauvas, Wilt be used for trinenettitgei. Cim 4 uir-colered wp° of tbe;,P1491t, leather. Sho'doi isefeeid*ith dealt, blue for mountain. or yachting' dresses as a teet;','"collat and °tiffs"; mohair braid in the/1434ln Parallel rows on itee-,Eileilt andtoverskirtd . • .Nuns' visiting is fideriettiottulai each sea. son, and Untied inPiain fashions ter eimple tristurning toilettes, de is made inortt'dressy for .the afternoon, jid itegepitbie of. being bufdpientlyetaberatettot falloneiting dress. Some, faimituil h14 fignnet, gaits -have a ' 11 bine ree vest of re •teati, ,mere eentaine. tie ,tbasqUe, and 1i:801pin:tot thieetede is ingide. teach kiltittleate • 'Gilthiaid ktifittin length. *jittettobleters Ont thetlitaminig collar, up the . huffe and On theebatique. fathers. resist enoroaehment on your soil and libprties•is with you now, and it is. as certain to -day as it was formerly that you are ready to take on.yourselves, the maces, saky burden to: eneure the permanence • of your laws.and,institutions. You have 'the power: to make treaties, on your Awn re- sponsibility with foreign nations, and your :High Commissioner is .asetittiated„ for pur- poses . of negotiation, with the: Foreign Office; You are not the •subjeists, but the free allies otagreatCountry,whichgote you birth and is reedy With ell its energy to be the oharerpien of your interests. Standing. side by gide, Canada and Great .13xitain. work together for the commerical •,advance- neent of eat:1h other. It ig the teeognitton of this evtlitih, makes. ouch an Occasion as .the tpreisent :Persenal ties., however dear . ttce :individuals, • • are, of no pliblic moment. - These may be happy or "Unhappy tieeidentin-but the patiaftittion experieneed from the condi etoini of the.dettneotion nOW,teettbsieeing between the old and tlae new lands elan be affected by rid tPersonal acoident., 1, therefore; 'rejoiee. .that, again eit has .been. •your de- termination to show that 'Canada retnaths as greart tooted I as -aver in love to that free • Anion vehicle ensures to you and to c-teolt 'Britain eequal •acleantage.'•• Without it the maintenanCe yoltr-, institutions and natural alitonomy would fiat obe al- lowed -endure for twelvei Months, while thelotaitef theatlianoe of the communities which "Vete: once the dependencies of Englandewould be a heavy blow to our isominerce;and 'renown. . I thank you encee more for•W your words, hich shall be dear to the forevere: and ..may the end Of the ho'fil's with .Stnall pearldeettdedt pinEesuch as gentle.: ifi, :: h p_ brio servant w , mien use Anthem, drepi cravats are stuck in. You the Office', which constitutes him it ttheelhope of rittbon that ladies r twear at the, 'once youchief magistrate and the tepre- . hroattand;in the tted .t-. rthe that WI ,sentative eta, united umpire be a :day for upthe epatibiefttleyek e•nott eteroollatti of pronitimoing in tfavor, of a free ,• national dark Woof diessoil. .., . .',.':,--,0. GovcOnihnt defended by such Ineperiet. - Of the ne*i-sfui. aal*sellib4e.t. obanke,., • . allfauck. L4 ' '- - . .:. ' . . . .., able tittts hone rad int tortittbrtifeen with The Britiquiti was Ohio presented With an blue; oeyelloWwith'blaoll+ are most mind addreaby tile Royal Society of Canada, in the fornan$ion of whieh he was largebi for light evenite&dretties, trimmed with,the eneeeteevettee, sobering to his ottosessor tortt.eMbrdidetyphat comet* the selvedge in thegovernorship„ His Excellency isaid : andsome ttorielace for frillitti ' 119.1 416 f Long polonaises, Its.plain,thtftitittflend on the sides 'As pelisses, are 1.4idif of open - worked eMbroidery on whitsCialuslin, but. ari:retideted tichiffant. on thar',Aeitt*tire by puffs of plain -white musliditemeasn with 'deep Wept and elide of wide isash ribbditin Stincting military colliers of linen have two sets ,of blit.tonholeit ; tlees lower get is 0- tte$ • •••-•4•• 00i ION PARLIAMENT, • , -SPEECH. FROX TElt• • A Rey Worei Picture SupPlied ihe Minis - - ters to His Excelleriet, OrreweeteThe House opened .ou• Friday 1131Ornleg at 10 '0'01001t, with about 40 niicut. bers present.- '•• " • •Sir,O.ohn iinneediately Teets and inado , statement respecting neg,otietionts' Which have been carried on with firitisliCeluriabia iu regard totthe Islaud. • . Tbe' Eobeinion GoveremenVe prepogi. tion to subsidize lepitipany to 'bnitel the reilwayete ;which lit will. givna subsidy of 4750,000, eand-conVeyethee lands- ,the island which hove been set apart to aeEdst in the construction of the . eoad, The "Goveirnment will . oleo t allow the Provincial Government 025000, for mormyt expended -on the graving' :ctooli, and will take it over. from.' the local authorities teed •conitilete it. Sit. Sohn ettPlained in this connection that the Brie titene-Goteetiam ent egrantedeeet50,000- sterling towards the couetruotion :of the •dookt .to be paid over on its com- pletion, ; and • the ', Doriainion • Govern- ment %would ;receive this ' Monet.. • The Btitish Cielunabia Legislature wished to have the 'Dotninion• Government undertake the ' entire, tesponsibility • of building the road, and passed an Aet fixing that all laud,' -except mineral, reuse be sold at i1 Sae. This the DoMinion Goveriirnenb couidziot agree to, The British Columliia, .tautheri- tied had alit0 agreekidaddition to the land subsidy on the i'sland,.to grant threnand holt million Oozes in the Peace River conntry. "I'he DOmiukin tGlevetnixient would make provisional- arrtingiereent until the. Eritith Columbia Legislature Of twenty-five mein - hoes meet. . • e , • tiftr.tTroW,:icir the Oppogitien, briefly -criticised the speech Of the Preinier., The propeeition. now made by the Doininion (4OVernmerit was the Sable; he Said,t As that •natide by tlie'aitickenzie Itovermiemit,, hut ehnivin out in theSenate at the instigation of Sir Sohn, ,; • . (Victoria,. B.O.) Poriineended the 'scheme: • • • • • •• • , - Mr. Hackett (Prince • Edward . Island) ceniplaieed,that his. Province :was just as enucheentitledetoe.consideredeieueetee: Briti Cohn:ablate:and-should have had immediate Proviiiient Maar T,OFittetteriviiiteirt• „mineicationee. • •• • . : eet ' eteeeeeteeeeeeteeeteeeeteeeeteeeeeee_ne..-te--t - Severoli-ooteetwareehroughtellown- the Senate and serentiffling amendments neade agreed toe • When the Etouse re-asitembled there Were very few) members present, but, the crowd of onlookers Was considerable. The EuUse, .baving been Summoned to the Senate, the Governor General was pleased to deliver the following speech from the , ,llon. Gentlemen of the Senate i • • Gentlemen of the Howe 00M712012.9 . desire etottleank you for the diligence and earnestness with which you have ' performed your duties during the protracted session. The' large sums which the buo) ant Igtide of the revenue hasetwitilecl you to appropriate in oid. of the construction 01 railways and the great works of internatiniprovemeot will, be carefully applied and economically expended, and roust contribute in a large measure to the -prosperity and Re ogress of the country, ' • • • . The Dominion Lande Bile which embodieethe results of the experience acquired during, -the last two,vears, will, it is believed, greatly assist and encour.ge the settlers now fibwing, such unprecedented tiumbers, into ktanitobe, and the -Northwest TerritcTieS. • ' ' The; etnendinents to the ' laws respecting the mil•tia will tend.to imprc>ve the discipline:train- ing. and military education, of that invaluable force. • . . • • ' .The consolidation and amendment of. the statute's. relating to the Inanadement• of the Ciistoms;. while protectisg the honest trader against frauditlent and dishonest conMetitors, will -free the commerce of the country from spina' ,of the restraints imposed. omit by the previously (=Mine laws. • • • • • The readjustment of the tariff' and the refine - tion Of the duties on the raw materi ls used in our manufactures, together -.--with the :bounty granted on tne'predUctiod of pig iron, mut aid in the further' development of Canadian% inf dustries. • : ' e it is gratifying also to know that the financial. 'position of the publ a treasury has enabled you •to lower tho pressure of taxation by morathan esi,t 0.00% ' • • . The. bill for the regulation' of shop, *saloon and 'tavern • licenses must have the effect Of preventing the unrestrained sale of in- toxicating liquors in every- Province of :the Dominion, and affords an. efficient l•ysteni for its successful operation, freed from the suspicion of puiiticalpias Or control, while at the same -time it will not 'Unduly interfere - 'with the rights of those Who had engaged in the trade undor the authority of legiblative enact- ments. Gentlemen of the House of Gommone.: 1 return you ray thanks for the supplies you nave granted for.the varions pubde servwes. Ho walinuite ceream, at any rate, that the .H. wz°1`414° chm11°""' ilf Ma 8"414): 0 grant -- . •itteittemee. of the House of Commons : the great, honor COO- Mgrapi.0,0 Lansdowne would take interest in',.theii society: He came.from a letesite to thank you for' raceethet had long taken a great interest in reztigeb, .1.1T.Inil Princess ilzellicr both vat soienSt; and in his:. own person,•like 'many . profoundly touched by ribi wThoerds, aod (learto -.people of this country, 'Freneh, Irish, message'of which you make us the buidea comes, tiltietoll •'and Xnglish. blood:fleeted in his as 4, Personally know,. ' from a people Veins. (Applatise.) For niany generations Tteeremeving-adncelgi 11:1211aolaclittl coonnatatewun. with the ,Empire. his (the Marqiiie of Lansdowne%) faMily Canada does not loosen the itie f tio It for the collar button, whiles or Yeie ribbon .had given great encouragement to science, Eind he wouldsee that every possible assist- ance Was givetrto them: The motto of his family was iiirnete moo Verbis, but he was such a good 'Sneaker he 'would: be able to aplitseurse4s his into .o tovirtute et verbis. (Ap . is paased through thei• Upper boles andstied in a long lecitiedbow. Ottoznate ribbohlWo-1 thfielii of an inch wide is 'uftedefor these bowein.dark colors, or in two 'tones of a with light dresses. • . e:Yor bleaktdresses or nuns' 'veiling a new XabOY PI .63 have the skirt of blocks of blatek and 1whit, which can now be had in the: Opine...84er Wdol. • This is Made inedeep; pleatings, and the plain black everlikirt is ntrimMedsave by the large equate 'jet': bitokleatthat eetchit up on,thellips.• Black, Itretottlinnia preferred to Spanish lame tor those What. dreiteeee 't • :1 e • te. laPtite°01, E6neuthitti.irti. Went to Notth. Carolina totapend the Winter. While there elm met an old negro women who told her: Wit dog oil was far better and less dig.; eigreetibleto take than. cod liner oil. The jady heught a fat dog, had it killedand the fat rendered ititti oil: It -.agreed With: her .41` 9 , 11g0Y101 Gorge 01 Trout, • Yesterday morning, says the Carboni (Nev) Appeal, . thing happened at Lake Tahoe flume eeybicii is Something new in this rent*: About 10.30 otelackeethe of the men whiWas working alongside the "it flume •itt the -lumber -yard 'ca;lled out Vo- the Men below thifaltthetfigh M Lake Vedic% were. owning down -tiles eft tuned . A fail; aeoonds. later a sehitiol of ligh strut* the apparatus Which is ,placed the Annie. to "title the sticks of prabeteiOr the edge orthelleipiie; and being auddlinly de 2fleeted fell 'over 'the workmen.; The Water was fairly. bristling With trout -and gUeliterg, and they seemed to - cieme in lite ;Oar numbers abetatisix nohes Very -well, Was. earner .digese, d teat the long;alienee eitgly ite ton `of fish fel) under the ' othereand eheetiye .116 *getting wall.Annie, and the Workmen took them awaY. At the last State 'Drawing 'Recut 'the in baskets.. ite,ton of lista in. belt an hour Reineeittior,Vitales awe a clorgage, and, train: itt about. -theberst Poore, on record tor, Ofeticheitt netthoneedWhito veiveteerneidtine Nevada. It believed that they were: hatin overa, Pipe of pearl white *eitivided. Mtge the Supply pond of the 'Patin; richly embroidered in pearls, looped flume by tiatiiitorfam, and then, driven into With a singte large White rose arid leaves; the flume inkittliohee of; say, tweet thtee Head dresitt-a Pieta of diamonds, featherd dozens in a bath*, they. Would strike the and veil. testlisin ornanments of it reetetter etteteitered/ered tbn Will ever be mv desire to serve' this conif.ry, 1 imay that the prosperity I have sten you enjoy may continue,. and that thp blessing of God may at all times be yours to strengthen you in unity and peace. • ••.• . • . ,115)P.414IN't4 orea;til „by the '11114141 ; .ot the 1Pootttgats: " • The curtedir has again, been yaised, says, ; Binghailton paper, upon a deplorable Beene 14 the dries:1040o vorldteincl tho , story ive`ere:Chont to relate etemee will. be e. withheld biteoletie Of. the relipeitt dee' worthy' . .It is reported thet on the 80;4 day' of April the „Leadville 'Pot) Almetiouse eheredied in abject poverty the divorced. •wife of Charlealb•DaViSt the ' toter, who is well known by his sucteetsful performance of the part of ".Alvin Joslyn, Ile- has been flinty rolling in wealth, and, has made a fortune.despite •the tact that 110 had •the, dramatic journitelier his'pertionet enemies,. and that be stone 'Nos left unturned to trike-.--niro--a-etelling- blow. --While-heenteet-e-tet been enjoying.. the. oomferts which a snug foettine permits it is alleged that his wife • wide inta.poveeter and disgrace. Tn1S WOUlan Waft once beautiful young lady of Binghamton. She became infatu- ated with itegelife and so • ',retied by tbe " glittering properties of the'drarea that at c4loste utmiu4e,%IiPerfweilenrit-13,•gitea-O---.tigphlItiettgtrainpgete.131-nedr eeoured pietunes of herself in, this. odd , *malice Some of these pictures •are now in thetetiossession of youpg men in this city. • She is next heard of as figuring as, Coke dustiman.on, the variety stage of an ealetern theatre, and at last became BO pOPOIar as to damn:land " big Money. " as a eerie comic, _ her beautiful face, graoeful figure and plea& ' ing smile winning fet• her a multitude efv, friende ernongthoso who patronteel variety .entertairiments.. Davis, it ik Alleged, who Was then , a variety man, fell in love with mid' 'married her, and -for several •seesona they tra,velled•tegether 'performing a double . act.. Differencestit terented, arokie -„, tiveeh•thepi,andlthallythedouple separated, ' itharges end equntereaborgek of immoral .• cencluet being made. The discarded •wite ' went to Leadville, and; resetting to strong . drink, finally' sank t� the lowest depth of' degradationt and died; as. shone stated, in.. the alueshouge, lier body was taken charge eft by ,her . relatives; who "aretreepectable. eesidentsef Binghamton: Those convergent with. actors • arid aotresses: state thet heir list stage noine was Emma 'Verne. : It is it sad ending for one who was at one -them pee handsome and cultured. young lady, •and who might 'not only have ,been reigning Estiaiety belle, „but_ EA...ornament to sodial oitcleeethe pride Of.• her friends and acquitintineeict'There ateettrion WS' .• sad recitalethat should-biremeneberedthet.e- thn.ee, eteeetneeteeeetetteeententte=e-teeeeseeee, note--goteletthategletteTsite Happineeeere-note-een't alwitys -foiled behind' the feetlights; and frequently the glittering • costume tit •the • stage. covers. an aching heart, ;While the Merry song or hearty laugh .0 the -play is ' forced friem, a sorrowing Boni. ' ' A 1301100LNIASTIEIVP3 Can ilnilertnke it -During seitered ' • Hours ?--Decislon in the Affirmative, New kink despatch says:. Mridoseph G. Cleveland was hired last fall to: be .principal Of the district school at Ttnikahee, Weetchester County., In ehelatter part of Oetobetehe was turned out' because .the :trustees said he devoted more • time to the: .. "sparking"Of ed young lady teacher in " adjoining room than to his own school :. duties.' It was represented that •be. had . been seen hugging the. girl "whiinclassee were being formed, and generally a good deal of spountner was going, pp. Mr.. .Cleveland 'did, not relish the idea Of being dismiseed .upontstich a charge,. and de. - 'mended a bearing and ' 'trial: He • wanted to • give • somebody an , oppot- tunity. to testify to• a few remarks that had , been made • about'him; but the trustees treated his application With lofty contempt, and a great Many things that had been said did' not go upon the reeord.• But Mr. Cleveland was •not the kind of a man to be sat down upon by a rustic School, Board. He (settled his grievances teethe State Superintendent -Albany, Mr. Neil Gilmoureand snot Inpatient hearing that (ace; decided filet sparking a, sehohl- matam't was insufficient ground for dismii. sal; and ordered the trustees to reinstate him and pay him all his back salary' besides. The trustees thought. they could run their gohool• without an Y interference , from -Mr. Gilmour; and proceeded to act in accordance with that principle. Mr. Cleve. land was not reinstated, neither, was his beck salary paid. The Board knew, what it was about.. It could...mot be •coeroed. When all other Means had failed Kt Cleve- land applied to the Supreme Court for reliet'and yesterday at White Plains, upon • stnetion ,of William B. Ittsmidsonb 'justice - Dy Innen granted atreet-tee4. 13ohool Board to reinetate tileVelan4 and pay him $720 back ealarye, The papers • were served yesterday. „ . . • ' Lovers of 11LieZenges. " Lozenges," .a, manufgetufer said,""" are more popular than taffy or -caramels, and are distributed ()yen adder areas. . At the dote of the Zulu war •an English firm sent one hundred barrels of them to South .A.frica. The South Africans took kindly to them, ahd that Atm is now selid- ing out lots et lozenges by every steamet. snow as tiArell Eik4 Grass' I Was told in Paris that 'Stanley the • • . , We hve often heard of red, snow in the explorer, took with his glass beads and • mountains • a the Northwest,^ but 'mit& ,footrhetrhgeewygoatz litzdg; :sqttuveasegtesiti.es oTthinezyenligkees yesterday the idea, of green ems* this fir from the poles wite new one to us. Of the various tinges of snow—white, black; yellow, red and tgteoneethel last is the rarest, audit, seldom if . ever seen, except intheextreme north. A gentleman who arrived in the city yesterday from Piteaghet county, repoent that while on his way to Helena he made a cutoff by geeing over a mountain spur, and, that .,on the extreme summit, where . the snow ' was abonta foot deep, it Was a beautiful pale green. Not being able to; texPlain the plieneinenon, he tried to bring some of the green snow away in his pocket, but it melted (Without diteolorilig his pocket lining, however). He. thought the tiolorleg WAS due to the preselects of .some, tehethioal. properties which nadetrobably-come out Of: the ground.' 'While theory Might have -e beenoorteet, .it is mare then likely thet the green tinge Was canned bY thapresenee :of prolocoete viridisf a Peoultar species of plant •Whieh hears minute *lobe:leg con- taining a greenish, oily diunq, vhieh tinges ralds...! dtileotor aridt'lly in alit' directions. This . • the Sno.W aroundii; te13100 at 'vast, is' the • eteit thing wee teept "ntt to IrA Oarly balfare Ifoot,„ . :atoPpted4W9r3n—Helentelin4ePendent, . e lig* Vlotoptiamiel ictoerkinse iurown of in la ftit.J v.en611 4110 go* bettutiitillY lett" tam 'then t.' - 44 feveti but to xerti'en t turiiii and theAtilish fluidly order. MoSti# brook titi, . ' ' f.,:t . ' eitelithing i111.`06er• s • ' . a t Catharine of Itustsia, flt:Zohn of 4firuealinufeested , Odd altogetheet, They wore '06o day is'iortle t*entoeteirsa 10,10 43bela maladies ta itnap14)". ; be *et idle. a • * them strongly perfumed." "./iVb0 in this country consurtie tozengent" was asked. . • • Eierybody. We 'have, all wescan do turning thent out with patented machines and hand work. •Tho best lozenges to hand made. NO machine hasyet been con- structed that Strikes the doughtas deftly SA a man. 'President Arthur, when he was last in town, dropped in here, and bad five pounds of peppermint lozenges wrapped up for him. . He said he could get tore like them in Washington. Most of the - actresses laird lozenges. Nary Anderson .buys by the quantity. Mrs. Larietty, I " am told, detests them., Adelaide Neilson was an inveterate eater of them."—N. Y. Sun._ • . —A very geed. story is, told of Lord Retie. o eornmantled a troop • of yeamateety havalry, and when they -Were tip for train- ing it was reported to hi, that some of the Menhatil been fighting. He called the ON:meters, before him, and eterolly told them • thee he didn't etanteetny fighting eneniethis. • . - iegiahebt. 4 nVil is evectight by wanttof thotight ae. 'much its by Weent,ef boort. • ft'-' aaamfg.tee, ^