The Sentinel, 1883-05-25, Page 3••••. ILlitteintlieesisker- The date axe Short, and the nights erelong, • And tile wind is illPPing cold .- Aud Maks &Tabard and. the atualle are wreilit, And the teacher* often scold, • But Johnny tilcOrco. Oh, whatcares Ice As he whistles along the way? °' It will all come right • By to.reorrow night.' • Says Johnny McOree to -day. The plurete are few and the cake is PII*1114 The shoes are out at the toe; ' For money you look in the parse In van - It Vftle*119Pent long -ego. But Johnny BleOree, • Oh, what cares he - As he whistles along the street? • Weald you ItlaVe the blues For a pair of shoes - • While you have. a Pair 0:$9A The snow is deep,' there are Patiit to. break, . But the little arm is strong; And Work is Play, ifYou'll only take •• Iroar work with a bit of song. •‘• iied Johnny McCrea, • Ob, what cares, be • . As he whistles along the road? • He will do bis best, • And. leave the rest • To the care of his Father, God. • The mother's face it; often sad - She scarce knows what to • But at Johnnrs „kiss she ie..„ right 644 lad -- She loves him, and wouldn't._ tt? • • • . • For Johnny' litteOree,, Oh, what cares he „. As he whistles aleng theyit • The trow le will And "I told you so,' • Our bravo little John wilKsay, • .4 -Hama' elrogneTeopie. IDONasumilitu. ttestipsa StainemEN. The Horse Reporter 'Neils a Fair Bliss new tat Knit poem* with. a Darning • Needle. • 4! Is the real, ed.itorin?" . • A fairly good-101kilting young ladYstooitin the doorway and.glibeed -around*, aparb- mentin an inquiring fashion. "We don't keep any suppositions editorb oirthin prtu-", ant_t_maagronef:L- , "4,41,71tia,gUrrf , 4 "The janitor, mostly, although he doesn't" • clean the. windowe often enough to keep the stook reduced and give all the points alair chance." ' • -• " Ihave Written a poem Wahl Should • - like to see printed in the Tilbene, beciause it is my favorite paper'; papa has taken it. " lot twenty years." , , • "Ye, we know all about that" filtid the• . horse reporter. "What we want just now is something that will jibe with the season, • no Oh, the merry, merry My' -time, with * its -Wealth of floral bloom,' but a verse • or two that has a contemporaneous , human • interest, such as . 4 .• • . Beat the carpet gently, papa; ' Do r ot slug it quite so hard; , For you never can replace it Short of eighty cents 'a. yard." • • • "Do you think that ia nice poetry ?"' asked the Young lady. • „ "Well, there isn't am wander, - • ing by the brookiiide,! but it is goodserviCe- able rhyme. - Something like Dmil forget the garden_ hotN. _ • W0111.0e °WARM** LI A. 1111MISITEWS jgaiststsea- Ideas WWI. Ime416,10* paemilik she irssiatai is Itrajlareo, Charles, Barnard, in ".A. Eitiblafer 'BO Whiell appears in ate Nteholco SO* , says Ais anon as a boy Issiveg Seh004001 looks around to Bee what he Oholl do he is very likely to be told briktine unwiee person: The world °wee 1911 a living." This probably strikes him as being a very wise rernsx11, and the boy says to himself "11 it is trite that the World °wee ,n8e a living then I'm all right." He nada a place and goes to work manfully; but after a time he concludes ,that there is no fun in it, and ho stopsto consider. "If the world "Os °- me 11. living why shoul4 I trouble, myself? .1.4et the world pay its debt to me." Suddenly he lose e his plane and has nothing to de. He is surprised, and won- ders why theworlddoes bot give him his due. A nice bed, NUM clothes. and MO - lir dinnersare good things, and I ought to have them. The world owed them' to me, and if I do not get them I've been cheated out of my rights." „At one time this country wawa ;wilder. UNA where no man could live, save by fighting the wild beasts. Some One abased away the betasand worm* out down the forests; laid out road*, built towns and dug canals:. Somebody spent vast sums Of money in constructing railroads, steam, bottle, docks, light -houses, schools, libraries and all the fine things you enjoy so freely: More than thio, somebody liaiya the rale - Mee, the fireman, the eoldier, sailor, ' the light-Iv:Rise-keeper and eohoolmaster. • From the day you Were born your father and mother have fed, clothed and sheltered you.. It has, coat you nothing. NODS "ot these great • public -works, roads, canals, towns, navies and armiesoost you anything. 'How can you say the world owes you a living? Is it not.. you whmaretin',.debtl -„; not the world. • : " • , ' &hl boys, he was a foolish creature win) iirst said: " Tbe world owes me a living." Be told a very Billy fable: ' The world owes no min a Wring till• he has done some werthy, deed, some gOcal work to Make the world • better and a:lairer place to live in. Those old fellowit who dug canals and -laid, out towne,• who built cities and invented all these Splendid things -these telegraphs,. these ships, these MAS1000fit 83411fieJ3,--r had the right idea. They worked manfully, and the world at last did owe them a living and paid :it many times over.tlIf you mean to get out of the .1080 debt you Owethe world, do soniething-go.to work and show you are iv tom Then, when you have shown the *bra You ,oan ° Work, it will gladly pay you a living,' and..the finer and more noble: your work Sze greater will be , • ; • Wipe the darling baby's twee, . _Pat the lcioktng-glass and-tooth-bniehttire-away ••• Here is •Lulu's other bustle, .,-, • Come now; girls, get up and hustle, • We are niaring-it's tele^ mertY,InOnth of tflay-:: ••". My poem is about'ithe spring-tinie. too, said the our 1ady;_41p1-.1146-difftient: ons tat." , ,•• ' Ifosi does it go ?" : The poet produced; a. roll of •minusoript • and read .her varies.- -; • „ • • " You ° must have Written .that in a Wig.. . „ • gins year," said the belie reporter. "YOu've „ got some daisy- kinds' of ' weather strung along through that little inciW, • • "But I don'tAse.-:.-” "0! course you don't," said tbe friend of • ,Barus. There are sone so 'blind as those , .whO won%..quit writing poetry: But I'll Chant' you.. Now, in the first itanzsof.Your •'poem it tells about your .aitting by the .4:week Where you and, whatever his name is sat One little 'year ago '---although • where +- there is any difference in the,'Edze of years , • I have never .11 900010 to discover. ,Then • it'saysthanheoidft rain pattered On the leaves and thei*Prif grass was wet, doesn't "Yes, sir," replied the poet. • " lope you had yonr-gnni .shees 1.0140eltnelfbarzt71,%--zotleb"-rptadi24,,r..;thil. (Wel memaisacith;a told,in her bead.", te.01,y. sir,Ithought that was. a. good-Peerarlkfarerna thought so; too. •Then you can't print My verges?" said the young lady. "Oh, yea; they will be printed." . "Thanks. Will it be sure to go in if • you say so?' "Well, I didn't knew. You seem rather • young to have such a responsible **Atkin."' ' YOU- remember what Socrates. said," . replied the horse reporter: 'young men • for war; old • men for counsel divorce oases.". _ . • • '‘ "-Good day,sir," said the poot.. • • "Bon jour," replied the horse reporter. ,ad I den% know.what ben Jour means', • but the literary editor alwayssari it, and when it tretteit 10 talking anything but United • 'States he isia; large white daisy, with * yelloW. -.spot in the eentie.w-L-04icago . Tri- bune. a • IFAULIIIIC Rill AND IblikAililAilliC. , Sense Binge - That Will be ,111setal. . , • • There are a few general prinsiples that ought to be borne in mold in draining, • . A ditoh will drain direotly 50 feet each way ; , and when the slope is three feet -or more in tt hundred ,feeit it, will indirectly • drain one-third of the land beyond this 50. ' If the grade of a drain, is doubled per 100 .• feet the carrying capacity -le increased one- -• *Forsi drains not more than 500 feet long a ..•• 2.-ineh tile will drain Eve sore*, • Lines emore than 500 feet ldngshould not be laid • with *inch, tile. A 3 -inch tile will drain Ave • aaree, and should not be of greater length than 1,000 feet. : ' A fOur-inoh tile will drain 12 acres. ,A,,,tive:inch, 20 scree. 1 • , , A six.ineh, 40neresi , • . A sevendneb, 60 aeres. 4 • • Of course ' donee are the thaiais, and are supposed to be three feet in depth and On a grade of three inches to the' hundred feet; • which .may be taken as an average,/ - TO further aseititill ealmilating arable it • May he stated that in 24 hours', that one and a half inches of Water fails in 24 hours, ' and that onn acre A0,781 gallons will fall in this tired, and one-half ot this aount is; •toiled by plant m % and carried Off by °vapors. „- ., tion; kb that 20,805 gallons of unnecessary , water per acre would be reolred.,:te pe,ks. through at Iot4i; iiiiii Of -the .miiii aolia I 51: your reward, • .• • • • gs Fos: LOB." The Mtn. Who *Mated Id. Wile pletely SitoplOrd from IFfirting: • -AV-couple ., from awaillowit the hills oime to town to married, The groom, apparently about 00, years OPiage, wore 'a 'clay-oOloted snit Of jeansank,black-imake ee 9..More than 20,. was 'indeed 'air liloOniing beauty. Milking their way to a auittioe ol tlitt peace and taking a license out of his•podbet, the kiventrioken Men asked: "Be you the 'Squire ?", • , "I be." said, tne 'squire.-,"11iThat is it You -wish?" , '• . ' - "Have you the power-teinarry people and. hitch 'am solid V "So it oan-never be undone ?" "Yes, sir." "Fire ahead, 'squire." . The 'squire proceeded to business, and when he got as far as the question to the girl, " Do you take thie man to be your lawful and wedded,' husband ?" the groom lengthened the ceremony by the 'following additiofial questions to.bee, for he Wanted to be "hitChed tighter her" wax": • •••• • "And you won' havenothing 'more ,to do with Bill Sykes ?" • •.: • ' NO." • -,; , • r •• :.•-.11a‘TUr-tettiA70136/112.:" zko, Bee here; Sally, don't look down on.the cror that way, ; that meejuo you don't know whether you will or not: ,Look squar in my &toe, 13831y." "•• ••° ' Mien Sally looked," sqUar " In his face. and he continued : •- ' "Nur ZaWl(gOwere? ilk No." • % •••• -- •°•iHere the *lire intorruPtecl and-MT- 'dm:4 ttunk at necessary to pin the young lady down so cdosely. -Sha promiged me to bo your true .,and...lawfukwife,"and that's enough."? • .'J•• ; , ' • "Squire,' you don't knew that girl like I do. • She's a coquette. She flirts with every fellow•who gent 'Amokafter her, and there is a dozen of 'ern. Now, I want all that business Mopped, and: I ,• want it date here by law." ' • "SO be it," sisid the 'squire; Sarah" Patera is wedded to you for Wel and no power on earth 00.12 take' her from you.". •• "That's .the 'talk • Come. on,. , Sally; you're Mina, • Wiern. glued' tor' Well Oh - wait till Limy the 'squire." • • Repaid the 'squire 111-411 .he had -and, leftlor his country waggon happier -than he'll frier be ,again. . •itretil the Arians se the lliteswel, et Me -11101110r41110W it was 7//ormf. . proininent minister !eaglet in . Ver- .ment ,hee Made the following statement, 7whielt is befewithreprinted entire TO the $iditor•of the Bereld : I been alWaya ehrillik from .appearing prominently before the public, but egeese of the. linty X owe humanity and OA- world prompts .me to ask .this Opportunity' for making a biiefstatementin your paper. - Whether it be true, with others 1 cannot say, but 'dUringiny,entiro life I have fm. quently been ennoosono that something was slowly and working to undermine my health and life. _Whet it 104 I coUld. • net tell, but that some enemy of 'my being was devonrinkme Within I wagnertain, At times I would eosin comparatively well and then 1 WoOld be attacked with' the Most • dietreesingeymptorus. 1 wouldreel peculiar painain vanout.parte of My body, My head 'Would Seem heavy; my respiration labored; my • appetite • would-be ravenous one day and would lothe food the, day following. ..Then. again I would 'lose all ' intereit in wonlci feel weary without exertion; would become .sleOpy.. at ‘inid.. d ay and restless- at night. . Oooasionally my, breathing would be labored .and my° heart.- idreoet motitnilees, While at other times it 'would. palpitate :violently. I- thonght these trouble% were the result znalariai and I treated them ‘liecordingly, but I vino better. Shortly afterward my stomach became derangodymy.food failed to 'digest, and the finida I passed were of a peculiar odor tindolor. And Yet ‘1 did'bOt realize that thew- thilogifmeant anythitg serious. num" 1 eoniulted a number or eminent physimane, eaoh one of 'whom took a different view as to • the oanse.of My: tromblm-...enor'• °IA ;440'4 • to. My oymptoins were Oet414:1,2 and in • the Wipe, of I" was cauterised, cupped, bliStere4 aud.oubjeeted to aimast:,every *Miran forxn. of treatment.Daring one og these attaeke while at Red Boo, N. Xt kg$111akotin Ira*, • igentieft:* preeeriP$10n.., • Afterilie had gone, rregneated a friend *0 go ask him what be .thought of nly troublei. The be,i4right in a fels • daye Of Is' onlyanattack of delirium tremens," aiiI7Wal,•atkonce, inforniedthat, tliieWas lumbisible; Mill hadneverused an)".: kind of intotioating drinks, ;',Whereitptin he. returned, Made inquiries, and changed hie' Pkettoription: r...:But all the care of my friends and physioiatia nothing. 1 gee* Videa0 Constantly, and . .Avhat. was .• moot .terrible t0. think of, I did not bflOW.'*11141. ailedine, nor could 1 find any one Who did. the sumlner and fall, oflest year my pulse ranged'...frow,,„1.20 to 180... per minute' ; had no relit* tor food, and Was indeed' a . Most pitiable:0140d; ; I eOntinued in this .state' until li‘et bee eMbeit74,41: became unconscious antviissirmye reason, though X had tive, Phynidlens.• . whom; •:nayself.and' Weide plapediMphoit• °dud, ;dents% . In'this oonditidn 1 was swan ta: Vt41.004h.a.:43firpese4ifibeing p in an insane • asyltim,. I.Mniained therOntit... last .April, being attended all this, while by inky faithful who never: lalti and .believed that some disease and, not inaanity was . the Canoe all My trouble:Hi regained cOnsoionetietiolnitarcia 'last and ',Inslettid Uponbeing taken holt* The lihysieians advised that • X. 'reolein, btit X apOilklettliingi :and ,wo began the journey, slowly. I Was Met ' the dOok a friendwhomI recognized . and• 6., ,then ' -'beeame again uncOrigoiona" ;and remained .ao tory' °Ver. , , it. Week.. - :once more recognized.. mY...• friend % andline* myearrotindings I deterniined to try, as, -a last resorb, a. treatment Of Which 1 had heard mUtsh but knew nothing. :Neither myself" nor friends had:mut:4h faith that it or anything Could .help me, but We resolved to try. We acoordingly., dlinniesed Abe' phyeicians,.gavo up alt othertwniedies,, and , I rejoice to •-• city that: With -thebliseing OP' tilri3tIO...4-3.-.4721,-4.1..,11.ftr:Atrell. ayin&Olil,30ela.anvigoroultor many years, and I. Owe :it all to the .*Iitierful;.: Whitest'Iniihnuletai'power of'•Werner.)1 Safe .Cure, the remedy whichl timed. • You cuni well imagine hevi, ' Otani I intistlesi •under the oiroannitancie14.and, like a new'COnvert, I earnestly. desire that alt who are suffering should know and' avail theineelves: of this weird; of recover. Had' it , not been .for the reinedy 'above pained 'should doubtless, now be within the walla Of an .asyluin or in- my -greve.Ths-great lrOtible with my:- ease' was that no one. 'goateed to know What 1 was afflicted:with; , and I am' positive that theOstinds of People in America to -day are in the same or. aimular oonditidii, • and do not know its .cause,.-,;!•°. 1Kidney, •' troubles . are ,ther mod deceptive Of all diseases.. They • have no eyniptome of . their own, • '• but often' show -'the syroptonte .. Of ',nearly every' known complaint. I know' .that people aro.. dying. every day from supposed consumption, apoplexy, heart , disease; spinal complaint, and !Bony .Other diseases, When, .could the real cerise 110 known, :,it !Mild be found to originate in the kidneys. In their advanced stage's kidney troubles are the Most terrible•of . all known Maladies, as my own eaperidt100 oan fully verify. -• . That I had °Brig-lie:1.0seitige 'of thekidney a there, Oini be no doubt : ,That theilynintaraS Were these', Of Moly other diseaseis • equally •certain, aha• . that I was dOtkinedto a terrible death had I not ;been saved as / was, ,f am vocative.. The fol- lowing lettere jnot received, confirm this , vgnisowt Amon roit _• Briartratnono!, Y:tont, Oet. 1052.' Vo,phitis • • , • ,DELti Sm, -Yours of the aitt instant received. We congratulate you not only Upon the contiint- ence.Of • YOUr health; but also upOn its apparent Continual improvement FeW portions. 1 think' , bate . passed through do • exhausting an export:. *nee as you and rallied from it. -Certainly:I canna rocafl ono who Cable to Us In se eritioal, and for days and oven Weeks In so hopelerta. ,litate for Onendirtent,at yoti, and who survived and rettotered, .froni it; for, I think, you ,may . now catiebtor yourself 'recovered and no Ringer on the eottvalescolit ' list. ' Unplug. 1.6tAliti, eon,. tinUancent your present health, With. +lie -best, wishea, ikoni. ell here, / atri, yours -truly,, DRAPBB,0 , •• • - , . , • * °ammo, flor.°2nd;1881.! tar Dnakii,,..Fninuo&Iteplying 'Out letter Would say, lut.Ve been acquainted withrey highly veined friend,,ncv. S E. nopzirts, anent eighteen months; andVery intiMatelytittqUainted for ahclut six incititha pest. loqr a little Mote then tive Months ha was an inmate of thr.hbuse, and We enjoyed constant intereetirte with OaCh other. When he 00433042 April last be Was almost a perfect wreck in:point Of health. r thought he ' had .0040 tO US but to dio sopa afterwards he began the use of some at 11. Warner * 00011 rellitalieareniella the Safe Cure, tlate Navin, *44 sok rubh. wora al!nod. the time be their via his improvement was very mark,ed and wonderfelo end when he _left us, lifter having taken setae two dorep bottlet, be wee like a new math The ?WIMP wee the moat remarkable I ever witnessed. " istStrilL tfixitositt • • Fodor of the Presbyterian Church.• In view, therefore, of thole facto, and with a hope that all who road thie may *She *nob' Warema. I make this open statement freely and for the -good of my fellow men. Sincerely, -• (Buy.) E. D.. HOPKINS. East Biohford, VC, Nov, 7th, 18$2.' Canadian Artiste in tiostrie. No less than fourVanadian artists hem. had Pietuiell saaaPted .fur this 3rear'e, exhi, bition at the Salon, Faris. The fortunate ones are Mien Itiohards, eldeet daughter of • thsex.peutetant-Governor of British Co. • lumbia, now andetfor some month* back studying at Paris; htionarances Jones end abater, daughters of the Ron. A. V :Jones, • ex-Minietet of Militia, Saliba, and M. Paul reel, of LondOtt, Ont. , All ariUssool-' ates of the Canadian Academy of Arts and all native Canadian* . • 'Saw an opening, , "When I was a young Man," he Said, AB he walked up and down the platforni, "we did not depend on our fathers. We Made our own start in life. Than ie tV Much better ehoW for Young melt today, and yet none of them strike out for themselves." bo you know 4 a good opening ?" timidly inquired -vit. Young man with ‘a 'Simple trunk under him. • • "tell, sir ; g� to Tenuous% sir, there are mountains of iron in that State will& can be had for fifty Conte all acre." • IA that tioy'!, ' - , . . 4r, It tell you what I'll do," continued the .young man, as he' bit Off .the end ole twenty•einter, "if you'll buy two or three of those mountains, Act Up a blast furnace, And get things booming, I'll dome down and jerk the stuffing out of a set of books -for you at $150 per month." • The self -Made Man took walk 'down the track to hidehis disgust.-4POtt Street Area. Sheep recluire,pure., water,. Thok drink bliflittIe--bufaeoci to drink often 1 INITA:14. IDS -Nygo TAKE. larva , disappointMent so many of the nor.reModt rensatiOno advertised, and loge faith in °Me; art "Mould refigtot'' that most of the Pre . nthnlit panaceas areineductsof minds tintirgdY, norant of medleil science, and designed 4301110eenlY te: trade oathe reputation of standardPreparations and Impose on the credulity and receptivity of the goberngrucheie,455. ther,aPeotioal agent to stand the teatof, universal , eoperianee • and, secure the confidence of physician and patient, ,mutt formulate, the. crystalised •expariettee; of, linany years,,,Mediattl-Pructioe,,lia in 'Vittedsts ,tbesPhstal eek.fhtliesisetat ociai'relterlitiVa now everyttliere prescribed in ad forma of : debility: . SI/At 7 „, z.444Artaall- 4380'r4334446aflhin. ton and wik, ,a.t.,raatimatv. Oioyareatio., • AmPorgaillo When you visit or leave New Vara 0141' et e V,: •.f,„ P Central De t. mcmaen .900, et one pennon' rodu !towards • OW day, Eitrotionatlai*", Nlarato „SelitaUrant lined Ir•th:terr bettatiloront lieges aria,: vated,40,11roads 'tot, all •tie obi, Fanalieatior e ben& for less niouey at the Grind Unioh Hotel than at any other ertt.olitte hotel a the city. • - • re At Winona, Miu., two children/ were killed by lightning; vobile"°":playing ' the street. - • • 1,`;'• v:, ansWer Vale. • tan yeti .•iind a caa�t Bright!aDitease ktf ithe Eidneye, Diabetes, Urinary orlDiter.tomPliants that Is curable thetHoP Bitterellas net or oannot pure? -Atk your neighboraff they pan. , The oilief day ikli,mittivden- 16' 40cii"" „,vide• ria4-2,201.,Japan. lilies Were eountod , .31 in bl trot , • - 4 -.7.• - The G•vern�r-Generafs.blp. ,•4 • Many " pre' sa commeati have 'beenrnad. in - refetettea to .the ranibrtbitt Nir John Macdonald WO.,1_11031Y-tabeeleVektidAetkila•thhOortithtt** - "tlen;.y We ask 44y...4:its. • narcieldwuld: 'reeelite *.P1Zielallikeeli***590i taileeftAtIC eteireed he haa given na the Ne P.,04-A*$'40ttiren the ditrated territory: ,Dr. Scat. `,..ruttianti!' the Inventor of that 'great 'cont. :_eare;;,•12httititali".Plitiaiiiifilerii, Extrattor, is .herebY 'placed in nomination for lbOpogition." Elie:record bitthe hightitt that can low.elaitnedt for 'hy his OtirifEOtrector he hs ministeredto the 'relief ot.iluzPien paltering. Putnam's Cern Extractor le attrek sate and nein. • 1ee. rt. pa Felton* to.11itagetoza proprietors.•' - . „ • •,-The dynamite,' fiend is the Mae who goes on tt.‘; 'bust" , Nothing ao.timple'and perfect, for • Ing as theDiamond'D,yes. Forearpetrage, better . and ObeePeet140 on%0 Other4.4yeattiffs. , . . , • , • ' •Tho Queen' 'boa, letferiled'! to ,Vitindsor. •'"ErOwi:A.Oshortt0..-. *- - " PitikhOn't Iregetabliit, Compound roraoring 44.0 , • „: • -- • Men • like to R�O theing elves: in ;pot*: argAtodes4:tpiAlrit pitAWAtoi jagomp - _ fof the'cureatNeuralgia are jt, suotiets0.!'-koDr. G. r.Hounon.,c_hrist4kipurgi 've; 60' 0,t8,. at droft, - , 4-114&144450riptioito are publishedin gki;looguagetiiikAittleoto.: - 40001114.#141410 Q*1**, 00113D1.110C**X*, *31 saoy4g Ii. ItladderatstriinarypiseSes‘ 0411$04 Wight; btiO 074,01.- *OW ifio point -m.4 wee/therm* "isr ewes% Worm iftWOOP.* lasteleek bar*** fevarlsimese, reitlessaSes, WortOsi weenie. -.The breatIffrOM the Lake 304 siiid* has:** IssitittrY a4r1100411 W Itteite4i Itrata." out ratalence, Skuulgs, ebilmMosuitioXilere.-;, gists. ' ° • : . • Th.re no indicatsiOne tiutt the Stoat - hos h) tl‘e #tinavAlto .!:`, • • a 4144464$ °Cr A NE, ia inithat' flesh ,r) ° 4 1h ej•i, ationc My, itiarwrit#: wrkb this** f4v0 tb. "it 4r" a VirellAlittows 102*****4* 08/Th.W.A4 Mu. J., N. 013TaiatAIRON' ° es. iave OAT* it• ittatiakir-4 P.1k Aye :no dna of incictick; zoretie): Dr. DensOn't Skln Cure kir driven nivati. at eruptions and nu:Viergrly ivell."; Ida, .11 Young; Hainilten Ill , DrUggititstmeP Ib,• $1 peroaokaga • • 7-4 Wen. initleXan tie,. bas been fined 12 for ontting off a cat'ii tail,: • , • • . • . Electricity and, milignectini,,when. ptoporly pawed into .:theblow:103MM anal nerves pre-,. duce the most WenderfUl:,efteets. We are told that these elenients are perfectas+ blendttd'in the , medicine known as Eack's %Vignette 'hietlighie,. advertised in another cOlumn, , and the. good . which. has restated from ita use cannot be omit; .Pated in dollars and eents; : • • • , • • • ought, te,130 a gold:. Plebe'for° twins, • • . • ' • . .. • • DO .tiot, grasp at the shtidoir and list) the eabstatiecifi nidttey-Wort is able letenvert, you atinadow Of your former self into the sub, Stales Of •established 'health. Said a eitfferer from kidney trouble when' wilted to try Wort for a rettedy,' FM try it; but it Will, be my 'last dbee." .It tatted bmw,, and now he resew. mends it to all. ',If you have disordered kidneys don't fail to try it. • " • , gold bangle bracelet hapatopasOlasp. Tecresit, liating, and Erettchiia: plieasess LosMeitiltY. ' Send two stamps ter large treatire giving telfjreatilient. Addrett Woittals flitt; rot/sant Pliatioar, AileeinidzotT, Buffalo, N.Y. • make horsei-Shoes, but .Weinen excel in making hen shoos: .1.: Lord Syron, iii•referertie Co a beautiful "iatlyi wretato airiendo,." Lady has been danger - ()wily 111, btit now the is denigeroutty well 401.00 Allletietill belles, when attacked by ,any plebe Ilis that behf,a7,1r, to, may be kept kilibig, enct nine weakness, and restore:1.01e bloom et health. ,BraiLdragglets. !veld hOintitilled by taking Dr. V. Plercelt. FaVbrite KreseriptiOn, arnich banithea feint- /. • about Pain able. lbav. „obtaln no tell Llitte #Ora Kean Rlpg here. 'Bhuinsbu 'been • present ebMfo n4 eit.se.,:: wil.,4444•46 11.4-,ItttAmit'iLf teriptl.c't nette.*Wity#OWZIAManTgugli ,ipt a Pseareuvlittirtataxetnroinr mi orsiettuurAtt$r8p•ood1rldt OOe ittanorumeoxd Dvskn Ar111.411gevar 440401X10h , bpal e' ettattli. .111.01) 4 brsifl. ftnd inulada0; to a wont ale *J46/tip roja.-!tibe.zzootoe eitpolitieObeo, alLthe qua3itlern It It pokeibleitooreiblile, in a; '31terebygiVingitziwiderangeotap$icatiter vOtien gelige•_, such at. ithoilMatherit.„‘NAtraliti and kindred diseast anx 'Internal and aid alvenaidYfotawat;atid '• ;Mho hariest•trelts, follow,lta Asa audit' .-Ntat% Thro ,.;attd. Doug Dieepdide, OW 1? (Thrtitgaillat truly a marvel. Th. Oil, betides exed tug gt* tite, promoting digettitth and cheelangferatenia- ' tion on the stomach, antidettanr countertiotethe 'effect of ink acid, abloh..produesi,riletonatisin ,by destroying -the otolliteand phosphate In the bonetiand the Melliblaines .enelosInkt rrie6 26 oentilit. kettle. Sold • by 1.• • AND ,Atis DISORDOS: stiebbt,obOud. Liver are corrected* NORmAlSrs tetleOvirRic, ,, BEL irtrOite.jokooll.9b*tiolonOligitie .Viet, olainilerand Consultation Free. i/otiltlisAii 4 il4a,Atzket, tO $20 tar.1111. °et:46311110S • - pia * mil' 450 3$1tAirotta •uunr- 4,,x, vat,iat. Dotibleit I To preient all the helot in reatt, abie• sham and to ,tell tliOtigli the nesvanste.1404140 the tWer great purpotesur Tux SUN. It Ida rtentipePer fOr ardryliedr‘ *WOW tb'everybody, barring - the ,rognee and,. dp. Subscription: DaitT (4 pagan' by mails, a month, or *COO *yaw: fontimy (8- $1.20 per Platt •(14 1. year. • • • W. IIIIVIDANI), rttlalithe4 New ?ark ,001; $46 a week 116Atittlit ;%Tittlifilli.ttsti 04111T10,, NEURALGIA,. Latobilliows A:tato* •iaiittinbut (for Internal tirdiirterata. instantaneously. reliete, these to. Able diseasse, and will peld_41,614 euro 'nine cases out Of tent :Information that Will save • 'lives isentfre. row "Oa 0111, **010.0161:00. Pre,i'f.11t1011101: better Otte. L 0..410 oo, sotto Masa ! 4 • ,