The Sentinel, 1883-05-04, Page 4a •'!.• • clefirtgla • Come along, One believer, come along 1- tertime is atellin" !nen' -- Wee 'don w'st times 1211041' by da way Wont w'sr no glory -crown I • 912, do eon shine white, de suu shine, brIghtr year de: news w'at de spirit tells; • . Ire angels say dotes nothin' Or to do ` But ter ring dem cliermire bells* 4413200! home I ihnos! home t • We faints and falls by spells t Angelo say altil notb(ilfer to do, • ".-tUt tortiogdenzeharnitie-bellst- igeme *gong, trite believer, corns stone Ile Way is °Pea wide ; • • Mloage for runners. tote stuniblin' rOwe A hunting for de hennly guide I .. • Weight:astir, Oro' 1 . Oh, sinners °OTC to • •sa yeer it'es my Lordlella;• , • •131tanols Say dare's nothin, for ter do lint tar rims themjcharmin' belle I. •;mum' home! alms' baguet . We taints and tolls by Baena; • Angels say ain't nothin' fer to do. But teft ring dem chemist' bells I. , Caine along, true believer, 'onee Sweat . Euws1kladhev'wlywayI_ Z rustle wid :lamb all night -all night-. ' I matte vrid Jsedr all day! - .. 1117.0rosa la heavy, and ite 0 my Ietd.t • _so ',mar Wat de spirit . . aletanflele ItaY dere% nothin' for terdo ' But ter ri!).0 dem dherMhe belle; ..eimost home I alma' home I •• ' We faints and falls by wells I• Angels say ain't nothin‘ for ter do , But ter ring dem Chemin' belle I • -Atlanta Constitution. • IJARMAN'SCHOICE: A ‘NOV01,. • o 711)K,; Tim ,, fillisitm et: Maar Sem* .1In.) .011APTEE VI: • The fourteen deys allotted for theutitY of thagnests tverkd_reWing to an end. All thy' gesture auticillaVereiont 'afforded • by ' 7re had hegif .offered them Without. he LedY:Areq, IdakdOltilitill'e°12- noW 1300gbli 'the 4tdet 0 letire- an ' bisisiderattOrk Of '-ik:Ok WOO age, • . could not not this tiribi, .10,11 .atioeptintliome t:.;04.1PlittelltaionhAwliiPfl .tverei,ieliOwerecV •:', ' • upon tar family, matnlY/Ortiiii sake of her , , ipandsom Count Syrian: %in .fatt,t, had begonia a ••notoriety, no that iiiik whole. . usighberheed thronged to see and pay their respects to him, the more eagerly, since. the --minorphad: gone-- abroad -that - he was con- .... -......,.....A*plethiff i''.niartiegel_. egid no • prudent_ parent or, guardian could Overlook ilie '------- 0913.ortitatrof-seenring-se, brilliant itparti- for the. fait, one ander ktia' (*mei, if le 'rt!r''.T:lgh'k,;rt4k4*r*-et'aes.zvetft-rztra,tziv...------rlta, (knot tot ull:theo, cirilitieit, in his coori .• reserved, and sarcastic• manner, .withoet • uttaebing the least weight to them. i The afternoon „of :,tlift....itio..,..thiy, before the - cleperturepf ' the guests at .i the aside had , come, the the Left van - Sternfeld had SOPt for •' ' the Minaret; ,:to her epartnlente,andder- nude. detOrMined tospend eme of the few .. rebore hats that her position left her. in • '• taking a Solitary Walk in the park. .. . - , With a book in her hand slie sauntered along to . her /favOrite. place, Which Was a • : Moat beneath a hugeoalt-tree4; - • '" . • • 0 Gertrude!" ',. -.., • ';• , „. .. Rearing ber name Galled, the young lady . started•up with a look of. alarm. -" Herr ' 'YOn .Reinert i You hotel" It was Judea 'Eugene, who stood Upton , theverge of the thicket,. at some paces .41i:stens* from her. Hetrio looked, pale, • Molted, and his votes' trembled as he asked Wily' with •Ootturiast (lea: : - ' .. 1•.-- . • -k--::: • •• "May 't-----ntely'l dritetiiiarl" 4 ' ,14,3-1" was the firm* grave ailere,r,L_ • . In iteite ofthle.'prohibition, be Atilt- VW' • its" ad l'Itio ' take one step •forward. 1 'Aceler- trude;:lie not no ,'inetorablel. X ltimei that yen hate rue, that r have made you ",dap- . ,pir.--,-:-'-' ._ " . 4.• • • ' • Withs-* ;gesture • of ineffable pride; •Ger.- • • ,• • nude lifted her: head, while her eyeeMet. m • his fully.sea dirently, not* tripe of exoitei. mtint mg any longer. •Pmeeptible in her • : *aloe, although there was .* breath Of cen- : flempl#eate ,:. 'Ott , as she quietly • replied: •• "Yotie &OW under- a mistake,: - •Heisr: von • trehierkI -.I denet hate yottOlorliiiiiel been • Made WibilPPy 'throigh Suii -, ...mit :, i ate ix) myself , now 1" , said Eugene, _ , ,lii •• 0 hollow tone. "From the ' InOtilent Alia .I deviated' yeti I have never •IMomi pesol‘oeatelesely has.yolir ineniory ,Vitined Mk and Atily.• When .Oempelled to ' peels Yott,Ogetin;,it golidernefie•Oeepeir)n • , .., „With '.htsold abandon-J*044e* bi in Self :ilio‘da on the spo•wheroOhietiedbeeoseate, 4n0.__ .,...Oreseect.: hiS:- haiiii.;;;Whtt. broWe,,,,Gerp: etude litdoil het* him; and • Onti-lrhti. hadf, lieilLie*itnetit,t4ihe-s•vieieuce, of the etaci..' • 'itionctlietlfatc•vitSlied'il* *ttleideteil Muria Int ,',•*fett, momenta • *so*, would have .. been • ' • amazed ta.• behold, ' tnot.o0m Ore and. k7t0;131,d,kttliti ^ tTqr • '4) -i -- -,-, - . .•-;1 - - , troth. • ._. "Eugene t"; 4045 up, but she 611'0413' waved him 'bock,. -110 not misun- derstand OW ,X.• Stine 'addreiiii you as it termer playmate i whoin,"X only knew by Ihet name. if. the tbattglit 0,U having allow mei* eu that toOtenti yobiinteittas lig She euppolefFiniperythat it entailed tipen me, be comforted can 'relieve your mind, in so far. as that loceneirned. if X :taffeta& at our eeparation,,ls *wordy ,my, ride that welted at thic humbling idea , of being forsaken -my heart IMO no, Share. in it for, Eugenor4 never loved you I" " Gertrude t".,n "Never I". ib e repeated; firmly; "You. likti‘liud me, 1404 for tie bah later, • haps i•might have been obliged to e6iiie ore you with the Oonfeselonthati.eotild. met be yetir. wife." . • .• j.L„,t.qta-poilsible I". criedEmmus,lhmPing up. , • •.'4",E1 ott did not tete Ind why y aid promise you. my hand, do 'V* Mean?" Her eyes Setetbil the ground, and a Sat, Melancholy expression came •, seer her !toe, as otruiliMed in is low Woke, *hese peculiar touching toneopene- tested to inmost soul; "I WM hardly, • rims then, a child; and kite* nothing out:, Side my mother's siok-roein but care, grist,' and-:-inuth that was :yet harder to beat. access is *Odom refteed, le. the Ann ray of •.00allablil NOOK Opait snob youth. When retrained that. VMS' tot* the cipitah 41 the glOrY °flour thing tileitteAohe oskafrid Wig 'vitt fell*011neds, tatif my feet itoissing that ;Ott loved me sliteneedly#44114.*Iret overt other ,girl Of lituot Mil* 14W4-. 011 ,free .dreamed myself to an iitieminnent.Alist Oro only such one st, childish comrade. sL Thas this Itot Uri 1 had atiriwths3.egte0k then AIM twvi*- Slew :low/st it" • ThesehAttotttle!tentl.` itt n * they fell from her lips, but they expressed And tbe next minute, withuplifted baud, an infinite cones of of • wee. .17p to this time be indicted a blow upon the Count. Eugene had'coutielled, himself with, vi-ible • The effeetiof this was something terriAP, effort but now be broke forth into exproo. Everf drop Of blood forsook Herman's dens of exceeding Intterueoe. • • face his fists were doubled up convulsively, Gertrude, that is Pot true ! 'Oscan, and for it Moment it scorned as though be not be; you deceive yourself aod 1' You would Nob' Upon' his eivitilant and threw would relieve mefrom self-reproach, e,nd. WM to the ground, butf.bia habitual ',elf - little suspect thatyou make me mOre control came tO\bie aid and eVell ,(retehod .yet, if I ern no longer to believe drew. a long, •deep breath, , awl' let his WyOut you knowbow- unbeppy I oplitt-ed-arovdreic, •-"7 • am in these golden fetters, in this wedlock .It is well 'yew* shall .have your wish! with e' women who flees in me only thg .To -morrow, then, early I" slave of her whims, at one time s..idoliXiee ?lore waVeomething in the iron energy, me, at &lather. humbling. me in: the dust whereby this men forced,back his passion, with ren:iiuders'ef naY ' own nothingness: that putle shame Eugeue's. unbridled rage,. if you knew hp* deeply I have repented of and was not • altogether without its effect My wretched fancy, that once • upon him,. He stood still, ,Probably fright,: • "Let as dose thiwooliVereatien, Eugene," ened himself at 'what he had d0Oell OTOS* interrupted she, with gravity, ., "It trans. thing like penitence was, poor within hunt', greases boundaries that are net between and he made a movement, , as though he. ycwitndlne,: - :You have heard from Me the would' liketo detain- the .Count, bat it was sober truth, and I cannot retract e single too late,. for Herman . had already turned word that I have said. Now farewell his back upon him, and left the place, • 'She would have given him her baud. ...Mlle was joetabout toctiik.eintOthornain in saying 1 good -by, bUt hepaid ,no heed avenue that led to the castle, he came said. .this, continuing with increased agi- denly face to face with Gertrude,,, who had : teflon; Too late heve. I discovered tarried in thejtoMediato neighborhood. A.• what i once possessed in,you,_. What gave single glance !Whit countenance honeyed. up under the influence of . e foolish fancyt, that, in spite of: her apparent removal, she and what I. got in exchange forit. Long had been a witness toaconversation:Whose' Once disgust has followed the intoxication tenor she musthave suepected. Meanwhile, of Ramon, and now, :when 'fate leads me he made .no allueiou to this whatever, but , into your presence again, in* old love has said, simply • • . reasserted itself With mighty power .and mustentreat you to allow me, to drags me to your feet e, attend you to • the twine), else you run the Her indignation fully .atothied,.Gettrade risk of .eingiuntering•Herr yen Reinert." stepped boa. • "You forget yourself, Herr She answered by note word, but silently von Reinert, , and equally . Meat me and, accepted his -Offer.. Slowly' they went. your wife by such words. Leave me on the along the .avenuel. already • twilight sha-•, spot, I Will hear nothing more 1" •down were Itirlibig here beneath the lofty oak But *yen these energetically , spoken and beach -trees; their tops were yet gilded Words' of command, that, that, tumidly couldby the last rays Of sunlight, While here and hardly have failed of. reaching their Mark, there in the .thicket a bird was dreamily fell. .poiveriese•in :face of a passion that twittering its evening oioeg • • depilyed. Eugene of . reason or • refteetion. ' ;These two young _people .moved - along, Re threte,hiuinelf uPonhis knees, repeating 'side by bide,as coldly and distantly as Prefeetaticiai of love in • the earns glowing, though, in In reality; nothingbutaricidenthad entb.uaggitigliteenigeWitb•Whielihehudottee brought thetif into it. proximity that Was wooed the YOUlig girl of fUteelly'ro4 which' uiutually. painf ul. 'clotirit•Arnaii preserved' o ne yettr. latee Antoinette had • lieteneirte a consistent silenco Gertrude did -not lift' from his lips. This time Gertrude answered .her eye:, from the 'ground, and yet, from .bY not aline* word,,Iiht.with • &glom:ea time to time, his. glance scanned *miracle unutterable:scorn; Mien* turned off ex& .with..* yearning; questioning look; andler prepare* to, leave.. :This' ,movement drove' breset,..tecit heaved ever More tumultuously mter . extremity. .. Beside himself,' he hi the Ihroes of an inward oonfliotthat jumped up, seized her arm and. forcibly finally overoameher long -maintained re- drew her back. • • serve.: • ' • With a- scream of indignation,' Gertrude - • •:"Sir.r. Connt , triedlofree herself; but this •effort .wei net stood still, needed. At very instant that Eugene Kiwi Walter 1": , • 'dared to toualr-ter,'he.lell-hack;-4hruat', -,--.,-811petts-sileiat-lor-one--setion& • longer; asidcby a powerful. aino-,43ount....Arnen the words would not.: pass; her lips, and it ' Areff66_ Gertrude," too, shrunk- attraiturali sudt. libahy . den appearance, tui %though his Movement. • Are you. going .to fight with Herr lam had been, .directed against 'herself. She • . . • . . . 7 bad retained 44:4 liregence Of mind iii,epite. Herman shrugged his shoulders.!.,.. of Reineres.- passionate fierceness, . but 'lb . , ton will -bear me *Wiese thitt.I did' seemed *Wu to. desert . her new: and, it my best to avoid it; but 'Eugene knew how :Oudot looked as it she .dreaded her pro- to force Me intuit. There are foible; whose tooter more, thatilhe.aggreesore The,Count emptiness atid,htittfUlness We perceive, and noticed the :manner in Which. she, :started yet we must , submit to them:_; After whet back, and an 'expression' et, deep pain con -passed' between . honor is only trecteirliiirleatures; nevertheleeahe'Planted to be 'maintained ' sword in handy. . I' shall hinieelf before her an attitude of defence, yield .to necessity." . • . . oroeSett his, arms and .quietly Waited for "And on. my ,accounft., ;. this. May, further,..derelopinents. , • .; . • not, cannot be 1" . ". .• • Engebb....niesnwhile had., recovered his • 'Her voicegained- audibly in firmness'; eauilibriure;,' And now • advanced toward yet, 'something' 4‘;'. smile : items him, white.Witirrige, .0 Whet is the mean- the Count'grave face.. • • • •.'• • •ing of dile, Herglan ? Why 'de. YoU: follow Lknow that am asking., a hard thing . by litealth, 'mnd. intrude' unforbiddin of. y�n, in begging you to . keep silent and. into my affairs f. Who gave . you a right to .--•,treinble,"peithaps; when a Word might put 'de thisA: • •• . • •••• a:stop OS the . bloody encounter. ',knot*, 'The ant maintained a. geld coMpoeure: tent - that. few would be equal .- to hiletiteekyrordw-were-, lieMespeken i • oirlittatlitsitl-';belleVe.:it-Cftyou. My threatening tone, but there was .0ooleori• honor time demands • that this . duel be tempt in 01141ince trith•whicirhemotteUred fought through, ; undisturbed ;...therefore him from head to foot. • . • require-your:'promise to observe inviolable' " Do:you...46) to anat. ,mea'hy,Tbad„te •silence on the subject, till to -morrow at. interpose here ?" . • . . • •. noon. Give ine Vent word •upon it , - • . lien-hitee insulted Me," cried Eugene : Heclield out his 'hand. to her; :she had in an Outburst Of fury.' "given me a deadly lainhere in.ii, and he had taken it, but Ger- insult, and shell either "apologize or grant triidedid net. knoi, . that her little hand me satisfaction ' .Weoapon . your trembled so violently lit his, that be let it bend ' . • •• drop again immediately. ' i• ,Witheutdeignieg rePly,*etnianeureed. ,Do not 'tremble so," said be With ant. IQ' Gertrude, k.lities Welter;...YOU gee that thefbitternege, " thave the 'first shot Herricin Reinert is not sufficiently master- am sure of my weapon: :However horribly of himself landfall to.pitythe• proper respect duato ROAM may have, 'provoked me, I shall not lady's presence. : : fday•Lask you to leave forget that I used. to 'cell him friend. He der ' .1 shall ;not expiate .his lolly with his fife, e She stood before 'hire with a pilid.dheek although to be 'tura X cannot. expect the and doWneitet eye... Whither ,.hed departed saw Magnanimity on his part." • • the, maiden's - unapproachable, disdain .?' Without contradiction „Gertrude ' had Her eye that had once so proudly sustained " 'submitted to to the reproach implied, but at hilt gaze, 1107'•:floffit'shillr to the ground, his lastwords she misted her heed' ih sud- -She bowed her head in admit &code:Anna Alen &nom.: There' must have been some- **,,ititiVed.aWity.„ .• thing:in:beg countenance, that 'effected. the tk(*lookOpOiteneiit gasa',Ai.,Count .COtutt;toetoOtieolbyfor,o;Vght thiehod into 190 edlifteiher,%then ditasi 'suddenly grosgest. both hit' *8.10,06644:1414.; .;:" We are tiandezindeeked;" way, but with iPa Wh011Y .aloliP,Whitt did yod.want to sattoma?" different eitpreesion from what hi had 'eyer "That I. am tired to death- of 'being Used before : •.- ' -• , dictated to. by yetij and do not mean any " Gertrade,'why do you hate mar 161.,"r,L vss.,P'40,1i1x77 r -M1/-4 ' ,.:13qTrsg574,1.5:13t:74t;-Tiiat. aPattlizi ;f11:4- dkAbazailiac0,3;a1114 na,c1416' iiicelo -Whit passed between me and Ger. to aVerCher head, but he would not Mese° trude-it °bin:erns no third party.",' the bands he held. • , . • -‘ "Ah, indeed?" The Count'e Voice, was Ptom Ale beginning you have slievire still compelled. but Hammel:its workporten- me open hatred, and yet -Gertrude, there tone for all that You might be mistaken innet.be an explanation now between us. "Never mind what you think of it. You What have r &MI to you? Why do you laid violent hinds upon me, and hurled me hate me t" • • ' • to the ground. I demand satiefaetion for She hid her foe with both her hands, this bleu% do you hoer, Hardin. I demand while Herman gazed fixedlyupon her. it °flour • • "1 see that some secret is invoked here The Count shrugged his shoulder. • that you will not reveal. Be it so, then. I ,,,,66=A duel between • ult. That, would be can wait. • But on one point I Meat have (*dainty, ere I go tipon•therffeld in the early do yourefuse my giallenge?". morning. Only tell ma this one thing, Ger- s' Yee.' That would be to recompense my trude which of us do you tremble ?" 'grandmothee's ,hospitality ..ttoorlY., if' We " There • ensued & moment • of painful should kill Cobh other tifi berlant. Antoi. ,silence, then she slowly hit her hindidrop, nets. Is too bear to me; andlet me confess revealing a face that was pale 110 death,' but composed, and there was; no ring -whatever in her voice, as she replied :•' . • ".11remble for illy life that I know to be threatened." • - The Gault took three stepslackward, the lightin his 'yea Was euddenly extinguielted, and once more his features resuided their harshsternexpression. • • You are right,. Miss Walter," said he, frigidly. " Sinew you are the innocent cause of this duel, the death of ...idler mud he eq,ually.--unpleiteent. • I undirstand this perfeotly. Farewell!" CHAPTER VII. • °%' - The nett morning rose clear and sunny. 400* Alton and Her yen 'Reinert were *Wig, from the breakfast -table; but several LIM'S before they had gone Out riding very early with gentlemen from the neighborhood, the arangement having been Made the evening sprevioue. It did net wont to spy one to sans& any special iniperbance,. to this circumstance, but on cattv !Awl tl.to riawaess 13terigehl was *nob. ntordeik, beetties Mist Walter hail he.4. keret etnretcl o .StVOTtlfel 'more than ridiculous." 'sittndidly, Eugene,my, life and work are too precious to me, for me to be 'willing to stake them against 'nothing, -just for the gratification of an idle.:wkiin, of yours. 1 eholl'uot fight." - Rivene clinched his fist In meesprelese "Herman you are-,-.° . Insult I" said the Count, lifting hie hind with & gesture of authority. " ehould think that you had often enough had the opportunity of testing my courage. 0 -diem sone id but the open breech of & friendship that has long *Me existed only ir name. For the Ititurs our paths lit ..atiart'-let that suffice." • -If Herman truly whibilt ti`oroiit einem. itteg should not Waite apdken'tlittst that prent4i contemptuous tone, which pre- woMd Eugene beyond all bounds of endur- ance,- and finally drover ,him to an set of ,violenoe. He stepped close up to the Count, and with * Yoh* almost choked, by said, between his clinched 'teeth.: you for the last time, Will you give t3sfention t" ' • it • poe1400,, This sUdden efokeeee of her gov- erness came at it very inconvenient time :for We tady inasmuch as she, thereby, found herOdt., under the 130000BitY of keep- ing theohildren underter own supervision all day long, for the puree and maid were both' 8.8 busy .they could be making pre- parations for the next day's jourbley. Oettrude'e pride and eelf-oommend bee broken down ebmpletely. What ebe Woo14. Tisst-Urkit-te-herself in air this while, what elle sought to deny to herself, even Teeter - day evening; the dewily anguish of lest night had revealed to her. . • • Although she had .roused' herself for a last desperate struggle; Although she had had the' cruel courage to refuse, him the word for Which he •pleaded --it had been in; Vittli. She 'would have liked to pall him hook, now, when it Was t100 late. How icy cold had "pounded his farewell; perhaps it 'Wee his last. Then; suddenly, the f101inCI Of Wren' hoofs were heard in the distance. Gertrude hurried to the window, as she had already done often in vain:When anything stirred below: ; but this time there was , mistake about it, Her eye had recognised the rider; se noon as he appeared at the 'distant verge of the forest, followed by his •equery. Count Amu gal- loped up. • : Thie,was too 'Mich, thin sudden appari- tion of him Whom she believed last decided everything.: She flew to the door; it watl all over with ildlection and chounispeOtion; she mist and Would go to meet hiln- • ' A dull, heavy. sound, followed by e slight mash arrested her steps, &MA:eased her to look bask in alarm. • One Of her travelling, trunks, which she had 'brought out the day before and partly 'packed, had !ellen from. its:•stand. • • The back of the bOx • had burst • Open, gaping. fir *Pert and from the ',ranee, between the wood and the inner' lining, peeped forth it paper. Meguiniotilly, Ger- trude caught hold of it, 'draw out the paper,: 'and would have oast it aside, had not her eye suddenlyfallen upon a word --a sig, suitors, • • • .• . 'She hurriedly drew hand *goes her eyes" to ascertain if it could an optical illusion that caused her always and every- • where to Beck the name that now occupied her every; thought ; but the illusion was not to be•diepelled. by a second Wit. "Herman, COMA ArnaU,'"etood thera_on on,. yellow old paper, Written in faded characters, it is true„but_olearly and distinctly. For long_ years had it lain in its hidiniplimashera. it must have been lodged through an -unobserved. hole -in -the. inner -cover, „ upon the trunk being opened too suddenly.. Ger- • zdezrzliacr.:4=4;4-zal-.7.41=F.7434•••,telto,,,-- pall:tea grafi/hug the Gam:mobil:At forahe was still half stopitleil by the excitement she had previously undergone, and in this state unfolded thepaper., , • Only a few lines -were ' inscribed 'there, and those obviously of a. business character; but their effect upon the girl 'was elattio. ..She sprung to her feet -her few, awhile ago fp pale, Wits now suffused with crimson, her eyes, flashed in a glow of triumph; • eh° .&tsfeed the document to. her breast with, ,bov babas, . though she dreaded its being snatched from her, and that 'breast heaved with a deep, deep sigh, as though at that moment the burden of a whole life. time were lifted from her.. But this exaltation lasted only for a Minute: -Almost immediately she ' was stricken by,a memory that' laid Ito. cold, iey fingers upon her heart, and the fatal sheet fell front her trembling hand, while. she gamed upon it in, silent hOrror,. and then lifted her etesaeousingly to heaven. -15pea this piper had once depended the honor arid happiness of a whole family -then a trickish accident had caused WM disappear Utterly. Twice ten years had elapsed since then ; the two men whom it immediately concerned had gees to their last' account, and new. the same accident lied restored the lost. . • • ' •" Heavenly. Father why must it he given just into my band? -And why. now, Alit new 2'.. • • • (To be ecatinued.) 1he.1Firetikinit • t • \ Fifty years . ago few people knew much, shout ventilation; or, indeed, believed Much in its importance; and a • crusade • in favor of "fresh air" was fought by the banner - lane. . Now the tide runs the other way, and all the :dull ; ,peeple lope -learned the Phrase "fresh air," and rmeies on having whet theieell " fresh air'' at any cost, and without regard to times and plaeoti. `. Two 'Men will come into spacious parlor a club; the.air, though Warmr.is•much pater, and owlet by five degreerythan the furnace. blast of ,the streets that: they, have left. The ittoomers are eptirelynonfertablenntil •V•T;'z'F'T. ''..1.,51;aNs..VOrrIttsr 7,P11-315ww:- :.-.2.11S:matz;bei.-Lthro:10,0A. 'afresh oar -the windows are ordered open; comes the heated gust from without, laden with the animal retiree that forme the arid ingredient of the dust in our large eitlee., These' intelligent gentlemen draw near the -open' window; they inhale the "winged odors" of 'the streets, they Murmur their formula, "A little fresh .air ;" they have cleared their csenaciences, and are happy. And in travelling, what do We not suffer from this ignorant 'conception of "fresh lilt l" We have all seen the lady who must have the window open in the railway carriage; • in the summer she breathes the railway quirks and Cinders and she catches a severe Golden everywin- ter journey; nothing, short of pnehmonia -Will Convince her narrow ignorance that there are other- things to think shoot in° trundling thantvlutt oho collo " brach mr." -4, M. Coon, in Harper's Magasine for May. Difeeases Diabetes, Beware of the stuff that pretends to, cure these diseases or other serious Kidney, Urinary or Liver Disease*, as they only relieve for a time and makes you ten times. worse aftetwarde, but -rely solely on Hop Bitters;, the only remedy that will surely and permanently Imre yoU 1t destreya, and removes the cause of diseasedo effeetu- ally that it never return& The governor of a country, prison, vibe asked how many lie cold hang on his new drop, replied, "'Why, sir, we can hang six; but we can hang four comfortably." ' A oaxvz.snix AMID 66 writes "I heartily *batik you for the great boon 4 hate obtained through the use of your wonderful rejuvenator, known is • Ifack's Magnetic Meaiebas. I ow fully restored -feel 'net° ***es &V° Reed tbe admertimelientin anon= colmn. • • . Fog,. MONETS,.. LIVER •APO. ORMIST ORGANS THosiBIENT 'Maim pun 'nen. • There is only one wa • :by which any dieehse can be cured, and that by renfoving the cause-:. • whatever it may be. The great medical anthor- ittes of the day declare that nearly every 4009.80 • Is Caused by deranged, kidneys or liver. To restore • these herefore la the "only way b$ which health can hesecured. .Here is where Wartier'e Mira ' Care has achieved its great reputation._ It Rehr finirgestleYmUlnonathheektAinyeyotonatitiloivnerdrainvedsbdyispelaa: and pain am the system. For all Kiduey, Liver and Urinary troubles, ter' the distreesing dis- orders Of women, tor" Malaria dint physical troubles generally, this great remedy has he , equat e sure of impostors, imitations and.. coneoctio• s said to be just its 000. For Diabetes ask for Wearner'e Sate DU - bete. Clore... For sae by all dealers. H. Ii. wmtvirtat Co.,. ' •Toronto, Out.; Rochester, N. Y.; Lomlon The Stud and Werthleets • " are neVer.imitated cpanterfeite its especially true of •e family niedigine„ and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest Value. 'As semi asithad been tested and primed by•the whole World ' that Hop' Bitten, was the purest, best and' •,* most valuable family 'medicine " on earth, many imitations -sprang rip and 'began to. steel the notices in which the press and the . -people-of-the Oeuritirlad expressed the -merits of wird-ill-every-Wei-trying • . to induce suffering : invalids to use their -stuff ins:teak-expecting to - the, Great and goody nione_of B. 4101;450.iiiitittifficti style to 13., with vitriol:n-1y devised names ' in whioh the wind "Hop" or "Hops" :were used'In s. way to induce people to %believe they were the same as Hop Bitters. 411 Such- pretended remedies or cures, no , matter Whet their style or name is;ltrid *especially those 'with' the Weill, " Hop " or •.4 Hops" their name. or in any yvey odu- hooted:with- them or, their name, Lire imi- tations or ;oeuriterferts. Beware of them. Touch none hone of them. Use nothing but geniiine • Hdp Bitters, with e bunch • or: , cluster of -green Hops the white label. Trust nothing -else. Druggists and dealers: • are Warned agisinat dealing in 'imitations or ' oeunterfeiti. • • . • t, • I 4VA kd'N' WOMA rovociwa. r.t. 'H•OlLIE '.ft*E 40: LYDIA ,E. PINKHAM'S. VEGETAZE COMPOUND. .A Sere Care for. all Pieliotim WEAK- ' " :"IsitSsEs, Including ./etreerikesi4 Ireitillnif and Petard literiiitimation, .."'...71'!'".")!P.V.T.WTFLI:te.:T.1,4Ls.lebrAill;_ot.:.':.!':::::: 44 'di;iw.i- • '1G41181:18 IMMIX, de. • tarsP. lemma to the taste, efficacious and immediate in iteeffeet. It is a great help in pregnaney, and re. Arms vein daring labor and at regular periods. • •iSiCD.ss EBB IT AND relfeeRIBIL IT FREELY. l'ar th Fo ALL Watireassits of the generative ontans , of either nee, it is second to no remedy that has ever been before the public; and for all diseases Of the &Inman it fifths Greaten Remedy es the'World. , •air KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of itrher Ben• • kind Great Relief in Its Use.' ' . piwiCUABIP—a„ Bump ptritureek will eradicate evert vestige of thiniors from the Blood, at the JIMA time will giSe tone and strength to thesystem. Ali Marvellous in rifeultaas the Compound. frif-Feth the Compound ehd Illood'Parifler are pre- pared at 233' and OS Western Menne ,Lyan, nes* , 'Frio. of eitherf$1: :Kt bottles for 1)5, Avenue, Compound Is sent hytm4 hi the torts of Pills. •or of lozenges, on receipt 4pr1ce,g1per hoz for either. the. Pilikhtma 'freely 'anewere all &Akers of inquiry. Enclose Stela' Stamp. 'Send fee pianyldet. kedge° thes Paper. 12r 1.11/1:1-zeirtatefi trrran Pion cure, Condign - non. =minnow and TorPiditt wf the Liver. • III ctnts. hy Druirgiere.otee or, 14 N EY -WORT FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONISTIPATION.,',!- iroothiiiisim'immiterieri!;unt in this 'coon, id* astionatiPation, and no remedy has ever equalidd the oolobrated. Kidney -Wort as Cum Whatever the cause, however obatirane dte else, overcome piLresa dAstrpelaing emit- tOla plaint hs very apt to IA eeroplkatedttithoonstipatioAo gidnejr.w strenithinisi the totakencdpartliand qide..14 dente alliaddil of Eilds even when and ineslicinta havo before failed, • 13•'•110.1.f Von have dither:6401e.° trouhiew 'USE IthI['3 t1 Druggists Ite I LN Er -WORT It /MW.-ttaday at hada dud* rude xlids-fizeat.101 buM ACO. eittittler$ -Keno ; •- • • C.