The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-24, Page 4z inuiele=ateri re I* *psi Meow asekai shod 11t IIIL Pekhomismer. IA le imp ment i me* Ice litess hendeed maks eniklas isaliped d lss 1l1M. and it la lapel ties 140 maims 'Visit mks& OWL essato it: Parwiapt eceteleatary retsina. ear ttatiag a:ver- ge% rime the heat. Ship stireet and eats etses. It all comas oat of the Walther teas, Pa7 srPoksa mai remit twia each Vett et to-doy far Prim 1 45esfortiCreast thoafecail. O*t. pir mum V4^ Da IOTA& & .LL IL IL, LI p. 1. Oinas te •••••••••••r• The Anker " Holth Sell-Balandttg Bawl Cream Separator SIMPLICITY The more simple, 104- complicated 416444'bit' any inwhieet71 the leerier ft Will last with lees trouble mid expense. Note the simplicity of the Anker-1101th. By unfaetaning one burr -Omni/Per part/ orthe machine is lifted over and all the verlaue gear parts are expeeed to view' Apoeseibility to all parts 003 tin Auk- et:Rolth a hdiri4ua ty ell its own. The upper pert ie plased. in this poeition when filling the oil chamber. SANITATION authorities are constantly de- Manding greiter.oleaali nes in the hand- ling of mi.& As milk is contaminated ao Nally every utensil, mad .must be roughly subjected to a thorouidt cleaning. In the construction of the Atirer-liolth ths idea of extreme sanitation has ever been sosaidenal. -11• ' Ititentling purcharawarehould men: Ai* wonderful ntanfitiie before buying. We know that, your. judgment will be the same** ours. Cream Wanted Lticho*Fruit &Produce Company itorat Itilstelts t.iiihasim. Phone 47. inSillithing EaVetrrnigiling ees Installed. kinds of Tinurate promptly repaired. . ' nnkwalter Highlands ,:of , . , •Canada „ The Home of the 13;ed Deer and Moose „ 'OPEN SEASONS • DEE11.-Noveinber lat to November 15th' inclusive; •. : • • MOOSE-- November, 1st to November : 15th, inclusive. • In sonie of the , **them •Distriets of ,Ontario, iii- c1w1fng Timagatni- and the territory north and ::soutiv Of the Canadian • Government Railway from the slue, becto-Menitaba Boundary open sea- son for Moose is from October lat to NoveMber .tOth, inclusive. • Write for WO of "Playgrounds -The Haunt* of Birth and Game J., giving :Xining Lawn, Hunting Reirulatlotia, Etc.. : to C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, 'Onion Station, Toronto; Ont. , Akeuti-Luchttow.-: *- "-Phone-2 - NATION FISH DAT Ocliher` 3ia is XatiOnal lish Day. Itza the new ha tonal' day which for ita benefits: 'Ought '; be as Well known as Thibitegiving. The...intentien is ie. - known the tremeadoas wealth of, - our Canadianand lakeet: now large- ly gOing vast becauite people's tatteS ' haee run toward meek-, .Atpreeent_the annual *ohm • Canadian fisheriett ia $52,000,600 or. Only abant one-eighth of d011ars,:Weakitir eaiiipersFoty 'threeyear*, ago it was $36,000,090. The fish industry and b* coneariptiOn kayo not kept peke With the general pro - welted the 'country. A revival is lOng • .overitio. The average price of fish is *liont .olie-halt that of meat,. io. that • the hoitetwife who indite upon getting fish from her local: dealer torabate the high cost of living. .11ationitt Pith Day Was eetabliithet,t togive a right direction, to the thotiglit of tlie people reepecting tha odanaq boue dtet Bit fiolt Get* 1 • • 1.1rat".1.02 ilLtie.tireriarta . AisaN WToN tit. a.. Dos Olin o Oat. l'ur= OrawatsIhodirthr worritgelaas eatvaet- le"! "I" attatillitigtaPtite tirstetZlitiai masa. 4.11411.1111brin P6144.4 Ishe Lukttrint, ifettiluel PribleAseit evarrTitereloraosnlng- istiamirainfr, Oaterta II&ClEXN141/4. Pronietor and *liter. Teams or ausocauvrion.--To any oder** tit owns& or Great Britain. onezeir ILEA al* months /Ie.. three months. at. we the United. mates, one soar WM. These ore tho paid lu "Wean rates. Wionipaid in &month(' rata &i ine. per seer bleier* Subscribers who fail to receive Tho Beath* rrOkes br 9341 will miter s. favor ..br fur u;oliarbyr ot _ at as saris is cam xe When plumps Or address' iff desind, both old and tho now 4441rooro obouid be Wan. .A.4vartfiablii ASS** Dom.*: Anvanrigniti Raral-lfede known appuestkui, Brox! Ainuara-Oneiusertiou.Secitbreeln. sect.iiinel1.00. Ferw or Real setate for Nolo SO& each Mar- tka; wooenausons Artioloor For Bale. To Rent, Wanted. Lost. Found, eta, elm% insertion Me, 1•00e1 Readers, Notices, eto.,100 Per lino per in. settle% So awn eubooquout MoOrtion; apoldal rote of 8o to regular display adverthers, Card of Thanks sae, owning Events to and ft0. per line, no notioeiess than loo. Meal advertising °Quad On per linek Auction Sales. briet notice lamer notice 100 Der line for nest insertion. 50 or eaelb encamp:tent insertion. Blank -Wed 1YPe count 11 linee,fer is • • Ouwelle4111 *Oka file object Of which lithe Welders benefit efaey bellvidlast sr Work - thin; to he*considsred ea eivertieseitet, aid OM*" arcerillegly. . Business Cord* ot sit lines and nada $0410 per Par. OO 24th. 1918. .,TOn. 1018 'VICTORY LOAN DO you know about it -Labatt' t the if. 'fort tbe government of .Canada ie mak- ing to raise money With which to carry on the Wail A =member OE :the local 'Cilevaeleg • . 0000illitten.4Sid the other "Why, you .meet people Who -Retire* de • not line*. that there is another Victory Loan campaign on - Of , course there are iiiieh, and such ,)here. arehound .td be; ;Some motithe . age there was,thecovered.a *bits Plar4 elotli4 and. in his tilikinind, Who did . . not Thiiew thereiviat'a war in Prbtr0fia' He, wean% very bright, and didn't read the newspapers. " , • - The: Victory Loan campaign, is net nearly so big an affiiii'lie.the War,r, but its pretty big for Canada, and its _right here at keine. . •Ont readers all will remember :that a year ago: almost every pinion was asked if he Or eliebed fifty. or one hundred dollars or more :With .whiCh to ,buy "Victory Bond." Every Villageind town- ship, town and city. was WOrked: Pifer' and all the .Victory Donde that °Old be sold were sold.. The money got ter these 'bends (or government netes)., was handed over.to the Government Of Canada and. tilted in feeding and payingthe Canadien, itildiers, and in. paying for gene, amnion-. ition,airplanes and citherthings needed to Pro0e01110` the war. . • • - Our government has' heed spending something like one MilliOn_..dqllare_pe day in "carrying On the war, se that the four hundred; millioli.d011are which the people. gave ;for Victory Bondi a year ago has been expended, and now there inoney2ne required to cerrysin..,,Aoilie_ Government iknow offeriag for solo to the people . of Canada: Another set Of Vieory Bonds known as the Victory. Bondsof 1918. . ' • , This is' the fifth time- Once the out- break Of War that the government has aelred.the taiiple for Money. ,Each time so far more money. has been offered than was asked for, and it is hoped and 'ex- pected that the Same thing will oeditr thia tittle. • ' A year ago the government aerie(' for One hundred and fifty million dollars, -but -soaaccessful -iviiii-the-cativaes for- -thersidenthondirthat fearlifilidied and- nineteentinillion, two hundred and eighty nine thousand dollars was offered and accepted. But the amount to which the lottn was over -subscribed was net the only striking hider° Of the 1917 Loan. No fewer • than 820,035 persons • bought bends -that is they loaned money to the government. T105 fact is not ap- preciated until we remember that only 40,800 had contributed to the third lean. It ele,' be exPisined that Ale VAR 111WPLUARRA Ws are this amok publishiag & very iatemeting arta& ma the history sad treatmettt of ths 'Owe whisk is now weeping over the earth. Thiel extiele has hies propirod and int oat by the Conservatioa Ccoaritiesion and is re- liable. It hi interetiting te aote %hot there is twilling new about the disease. Amy will remember when it mole' it' last round of the t 4011 under the Fteneh name "La Grippe." It ei little more than tik severe cold with eouiething add ed which makes it extremely "eatable Occasional inISMI .of La Grippe have been quite common since it wie epi- demic aws,y heck 10,100 09, -but theta OvesiliOne.1 cases do not appear to have had the quality of contagiel. That one should catch it froidenotha never, Was thought *of, So there inuet 'he lemiething differeut in thie epidemic 'form; intim general health conditions or in the weather. The statement that, in I'M epidemic forme the disease always. spreadt• over the earth from east to west, is intereet- ing..--.-froin atilt to west eeems to be, tbe rale With 14 many things which -affect manitiadee a wliele, . _ • THE WAR NEWS Fora month there -hes been ellnest:* suifeit of good news from the battle. fields, of Europe -that is good news SO far as Stifieeseeeby the allied emit& are concerned.'To ,thousands of 'homes "throlightiut Canada bad: Kali h3e. come in reports of sooeor husbands ; killed Or .wounded. That is the only bad feature of the War news. On the gee .hand have the news of victory and on the . . , Other the news of the price of victory. ' There have been no Many big retreats by the obeli -it, Many' advances by our armies andso many German sol. therehilled and taken. prisoner. that at first thought one would think that the German army- must be now nearly all killed or taken, and the:remnant driven nearly back 'home again, - • Such, .however, is not tho case. The, American.olficer :Who said that as he watched, the hosts of pritientre thy took in their firaO hift drive he thought there , Wasn't so Many, Cl4mO00.in 01; Germany, hadn't.. thought; of, what he . was ',saying, It, hiketi a long time to wear down an army Of fear. or 0170: lion Men by , the destruction of ten Or twelve thoultand a day. We can't coin - prebend, a nJllion.' or the poet two weeke Gerninn, gener- als have been , conducting theagreatest retreat in All idetery,, just as in Angnet; Of 1914 they conducted the _greatest ad-„, "time.", the peat fear. days their retreat,. *lir advance' fent; year age, was **eked: by great #11611$ and ‘destruction. • They, adviinced in a IMO,* of Mad triumph; they are retreating in mad despair. Mr. Balfours' the British. :Foreign Minister, 'properly described, thein recently in addreesing a number, Of distinguished Americans in England: "Brutes they. were at the, beginning, and brutes, so far aa / can see,they still remain," he &dd.. • • • • Until ehoutla Week ago the,..Geeinabsi -weve-riestroyingT-every-toW0---thei-leit, but theystiddenly changed their patsy and Lilis, Bruges and a utimber of other' impmtant places have been left intact The reason way be that the "brutes" lave.Atiaatreahied_thatthenktothey7 destroy the more they have to pay for. France and the United States* have both served notice to that effect, , • Turkey has not yet made the expected move for peace. The "conditions of petiee for the "unspeakable Turk' will be hard.. As a government they will - have to ger out of turope,- and they will not be al- lowed it, rule over any Other people. "The sick mAn of Europe" will . have practically died. Auetria-flungarit- evidently is going; to get out of the war by breaking up. There -are l'.40t ot "distorclaiir elenianfs- in the 'empire, and some of these will now assert their independence. • ' There is no guessing as to what may happen in. 'Germatiy. There is much talk of insurrection and revolution, but we have had that from the beginning: Of course if Turkey and Austria with- draw through disintegration, and the Germanpeople come to know that the Allies can mush thetn and that they will Make tio peace With the Kaiser nor any of his kind, they may do SeMething theoljaited Statile hi pro. CU fitlek • ••••••••••r lirstaidi Aim* Isasifisvos itits, is leak --illimplaws Daslot Ise IMO Its Z:14 sou 114411110. soloiro.......••••••••••• A icrext maaati poisolls atelorktite re. POW ot dooran.ela iti4a9r9 luld do not urtaeretanA the mass of trouble or tba way to obtain aura Tito writor cit thio latter sialers4 efinruslatins Swim bk the bank and ix VoLin, Me physattita tried to ear* kite. . Ifor 'tome reason or other hie mediettiee AK not *nes the desired effeet. 1 Mr. Olts' brother Vie a nutrohitat : esilintr, among- other mealtinee, Dr. Massie Xtittort-litrant Pine* and 'he beard Ma muttentersi telltnir *bout how they were cured of hid.noy liorsaill• moats by their use., This led to bEr.. the splendid, •I`esigili reported in Ms Olts outwit them to the ot with County, V. B.. writs*: "'I Wad to letter. .,..1.'1.. .a.n Mr. 411. C. 01* !Won. Carleton let you know how much 7 ur V041. Othalitha* Oa* fOr 014, I mud r114 from /47_ aidneie, whit* at One lint were as Dad I could not lift a attic of wood without itwttiut on nay knees, ontl. then would alinmet, feint, f ern 41 pain in inY book. / cOnsial a do tor about } It, and -he save 00M11 medicine,. 1 but It did not bel 3 0,, brotbir. 1 Ira* bi a merchant, land riles, all : your medicines, 101004 me o try Dr. 1 Chases Kidney -Livor ilio. I, gOt one I bow, and, -they me, no I sot I another one, and on u til I had taken Ave bolma, W I h cur 4 me. I have had BO tronhio with, 'MY' bank 011300 and Inn AO t wit out '•Pir. ClierNels Kidaelf-Liver rui In, the novae. 'Last *1mm:ea X ale *uttered from P110* T Ugiid three box a of year Ointment, and. ,It mired the T can certainly recorareen4 DrA. Oh se Zile and Ointment_ _" • 1 Dr. MAW* XidneY Wee lls, one Olt a dose, 250 a bo . 5 to 41,00, at all dealeror Edelen n B as * Ca, urntted,f pronto. ze,t fnakect Into. accepting a ouhe tuts 9 ion will Partrihilr maannoln poring fOkane Rir r of • men by July 184 midi 1 inter ,nOtlneedtbat,Aerw00 aosti :Men enemies at. the ata • o Month;, , e leen* an.' Mato send 250,000 • Sergt,,,,•Boh Vamp four aSMEI of -chiet Per ton, has been apnorel side, leg and at*, - been amputated, : -.1i aedeirimally ellen* Annie Felieson!tti; i%ttend ben Team the frisitt With: th High!anders- Two younger Jack and Archie,;:are 1 still ing line; •1.; • unconet evPalikettire!, wouo ed ii tl1e he or "laving is in. England,. to 'gist rl:Nurtie ig him. for two StOifOrth brothers; ,fhe fir-' :.: Mr: irehie'MetClia on, . t . e 0..;ven, ..eel'tOi.E.',0011e,t'tin7. statetv th t in his fourteen .years' eiperie eit'On Ahe. job. he has never found Money dO plentifill as thio ' year. . Good ceops- nd gec . ei. prices ,areireile4.44' I the . Wet the ia,*ea feril9Iti are: isti enein ',' tn. In his Srat :tem. dtiYie en1 eatii4 Pk. 140 • - , ,.. . , , -, 'Chinon . get •ite a*h,60:01 e theneY than he manly gat On •hi • moire rounds. . ' Deforehe ha eet .otit the; tit notices' hie mei Symon.. called around tax-litil amotinting '10 314 40141ia - - „ . MANS' ''OSCOlifiTiON .--Lt: Vol; 14!,OY 444.48.44V Whn wile hriee cation -0i, • in .desPatebeii -'14i Genera gale, andt awarded :.the - OA°. Medal by ' the '-King, had anther deceratiOnadded to his colleetion by. being ;Made .010. recipient '- -of a : ,Frencli . decoration, Croix de tiookte, wit.h,:,ft, star, which was ;Oven hiin for splendid Worm done at•Anniens. Lt: Ca ltobertaen, . who is .the. secondson Of. air, David. Rob- ertson, KO., is iit cornmamid• of thS. 9th ' Canadian Engineers. and :Ilia pi:obit* , the , diatineftou of .rectilning the most frequent, reeognitions of ..anyilrice.bey in tlicdfia.„,.., ' 'PAin Fob Pett.r-The Walkerton Xeleacepe•has :the felle*ingi Alex . 'tfeDerinid, , an ' elderly resident of Black Horse, it.iict an information in police court here lastweek,,Chargiog• ten young.People, itichtding- two - w Men of the neighborhood it ith raising a rumpus at: his pl4e and injuring his property. : It i appeared that Mc- Dermid and hie bride were eliariveried: on several Wineskin% rotten eggs were thrown and hOlese than a rtoten panes Of -11** broktieiff"-MagiatrAte ,iiitori adjoutned the case for a Week after hearing ii woe of the oviden46 on Sat. drday. Since then theguilty , parties' have owned up and paid the. damegee arid Coati, aineuntini to abOut, $60, . Mann To WORK IN MINE -.To taken prieoner and spend rieiteti three Years' in the salt mines cf,Gernaany; was the fate of Pte. Jas. :1-icilidee Who has just returned ireni Ungland,.to his home - in lianover.i, Pte. gob** Leven ltbor; Mr. J&S.' and it ttled i� • Abdo hund, gal jail* iht Mon mid woo svms so ashasel is ths interim oi Gelsgalif end wee ono& ta work is traiti taigas &here with hardly 411601101 %NI lie bag Welt and *mil to noise. _ Breaking down under this treatises* he was at to Switzerland and gnome to freagiaaal. Pte. liolmea whits he was in &gland married and was as be tasioniee settled *il I egad for hie wife. INFLUENZA IT LS AN OLD 1)1SEASE-HAS flEON 11P.MEI-Ifilliltlintitl FACTS altOtIT: if5 IIISTORY, puhvenTion MW IROATMENT Induces*, which is now aweepieg evi r Conode, from one end to the other, it Vent Old diem% It Wm .keewti to, Ancient Woes, a4C1 ,early as 1510 it . Qir0(17.11 the Whole world. ,For eenturie,sit has Periodically eivept over veriede parte ot the world. The lad' great world was in- 1889 1890 when it generally. known by the :French mime of fa grippe. The drogue his alwala grovelled Treat east to west: . Svarrome The aymptonis are Oinillar to those, 01 4010171i4u1X:rheeal:ka:a- try:et:: IfitaCtf;.` Sneezing, :Bashed tae.e.ehille,-achea and :Paine in the back pains tn Ake 40400115 andlteltind eyes,: gen- eral Pilpical 4epreesitni, and temper atiire rising to between PIVETIT 1.41. it:talierh.Tan° dOOte;il baio naturally learned. • a , great deal ahout its Prevention aitri treatment Tine :first principle.' Of .Preveeticiii is to keep avieY freiir those lofected, end•the eeorind,:' 'to up the geriii-remsting pieta of the body by. eating' nourishing 911°C4f 1Aello,i** antg':1°Yttrir:•4112Ythgeett:P911:21:itre end in bright, welEventilatea rooms as 04^ an • posilbla.. .The • mph* throat ahladia:PO:14,. 4rna'ilPrI49,3.(8)3ean8Y48te`W:thleaa.11Y§nalickla frquestit disiotocoft'bPnntisePtio propftM,tioni.as Chloretene and • ',Serino are etlaPted for this purpose. • Infighting wanton*: epideinick • doc- tors &Mid quininee Useful preventative. Ocie polo or sulphate.0 email* mixed with (IMkeet dissolved In) 4, NYLPegiads'' fat Of • Cold water makes an exCellent iitieeptie;. "' The anti -microbic ropOrtine quinine are well known nitida Use as described above at once elieveethn .sYlaittete0 of rs�re .throat, hick reanit from the etfain of the fight • tweint the white, bloodeorptisel 8- itha he invading gerna in the ,tqi,ntisii0181-143thiet iso given ,internally With. ett_Coesti .as ibientative.:-.fii :one of the ,more re 1 ent.ontbreek* Europe, en wiped- tienliad%"Yoirt Olia6dregnimwebilictbof"ceeilivat -4)fwenree, ach -given•.7i, gains of. quinine: in noon.: of whisky &SY for 22 days, hilet those. Of the Other squadrons 70 -none:, :..Thelatter; squadrons . had row to 44 •Caiseii eioi Of 1114 thated wjoh. quinine eteltipedonlY 'Tnhalatons. of il Of .e,tialat,Y,Ptiiti, thymol, oil Ileant-' ILO th'; like are.:.'else na•uable How To TREA IT ti..,e -When apera�n 18 atruck nlY one course lies ',open.. That is:to kn.:CO b.04 With the. least possible de - y, and call:*.a doctor. Beef,' Warmth nd einet arethree remedies f , the primary disease, And the- heat reVentaiive itarriOrif deadly cempli- genii; of which ,Piiminitinia is the most. Cquent. .there is nu 8pecific •r influenza, . Yet there are manydritgf. inch play A u:efiri pert in relieving, it, Oh ice aspirin nerleas: • nics,' anti -neuralgic, ' antiseptic. and aL inedreineir,--Wbtr ire-.irdithelfirthe hyotehin hrcharga. • . 'Mist To lkT The dietic rules. which apply;:fie• any verapply equally tr.! influenza: /maid: *at firstr.eolids a latie later on in a daily amending 'scale from Jiggly led fresh eggs to *hen, roastjeasnts, • 'Water, cold or hot, may be sipped "egg water Muir be given.- This eat Bent dish is prepared by blending ith plat of cold ,Water, • thel:. o hipped- hiteri Of frotit. 2 te 4..eggrillavoured ;with salter cinnamon: Then tht animal biotite-May be given. There -are -Many eases ItivWhich. even, the lightest fonds ;Are *pined With loathing and corenton ; berme lutist be used in adapting diet to the 'ease. intend. • Piieeacnons • (1) The "Should • be separated from the healthy. This is etpecially ,$111POittlilt lir the cats of first attacks .10 • ,h6(grfr,t1D6eithidar'ges from the 11046 and mouth alletild net be allowed to get -dry . On II poolist handkerchief or . maids the rated in d.ugust, 1014, and Went to how* Ace dr Wort They should at 4 • I. AnIS BANK 44, CAPITAL AND RESERYL: $8,84* Arenehte in Canada A tieneral Banking Business:Transacted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders , • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest eurrtnt rote •REill, Manager. • pi A, Nos , are agents-fOr f011owins„ high-grade initruments: Gourlay Winter and Leeming, Heintzman & .0U4 tilc '- Newcombe' Piaiio Co. The mai feattireo o z The New VVitliains Seiviog Machinc. are its eaSy and quiet, action, its siMplicity), . durability and free- dom from -replivol." See its before Second4land 0Qods Buggy, 2 Organs, Sewing Machine), z Manure " Spreader, I Oliver Sulky Plow, NDkEW,, • . Full information Range will be sent free to any address upon request to nearest branch office. The' P a, idyg a , 'Ra;tip is .your., real. • friends on wash.44y. Change - the -tOp •‘, around, set theboil- • el- on the far side and- Ilk the: three •*lest holes— • can -boil qm., .011 -2 „9 time ;• no extra fuel, nortishorconfiziOn: . I about the Pandora London :Toronto.% Montreal 'St.John,N,I3. Hamilton , • Calgary • anc'otiver. Saalcateoir once be collected in paper. or clean .rags and bitrited: If this puma be done, -they-sh-ould-br:dropped, into a* -vessel containing water. -. (3) Infeated articles and rooms sheid(1 be cbansed and disinfected, Use dis infeetantsr,rshere. Wash.,thehands frequently:: „ • , • (4) Those attaCked.: should; not, -on any account, mingie With other ,people for at feaet peri of. tee Aye from commencement of the attack, In.qtvere cams they shotild. reniain 'eviay bern work. k.ir longerperkid. • (s) Special attention sbould be given to cleanliness 'and ,ventilation Warni are classfied as flavotir friiiiiiiind ntitri,! . ‘ . , tive fruits -the apple eOiliee ti. nder toth . , • ., Those who make a liheral* use I.,f • apples will serve the dtia. purpose' rf :saving fO'r'shipment overeetes etleb irt- .. ' icles of food as are fit for .thitt parpose . etria-the same trine furnish .- ttsefoi• food for the hotteehold.° 'Extracts from a little booklet by:the:. Fruit Branch of the bominion. Oepart:, Meat of Agrieulttiroeivieg 180ireeipea tor the use of the, apple, . The nook can : .be liadiree;otr.aPpltaation to the Potrt linatione 'Branch, Department o Agri. cultote, Ottawa, - • . , . . clothing.shoUTd. boworn; the feet should ' • be kept dry and ek tinnedeoiary • expos- -1„. • • Twp, Coancita.-inetion, -witivpiesettup-r. HURON. COUNCIL ure avoided. • I 4t, the CIAO:sir meeting et the Iltiren, • • • ple without qaestiOn is the king of friiitaWhether fresh, 'dried evae- mated or canned It is a wholesome food, 'easily -prepared, attractive and 'palatable at all times,'" Always:- cook , apples: • in. ,earthere or granite • utensile and, use inlyerrgranite r .wooden 'spoons for stir.'. ring, The nee of the apple is the basis" for all marmactured'jatit i ell known. - This is due tothe large. ainoint of.Pect. me which 4 contitino. Thera is no Waste' goo4 apple; even the paring' aild core mai he utilized for je.4 Fruit'? • -pointinrcatl-Centiollettor the tOwn- ship. The motion read* is Witmer. , Irw1n-4eCeeliThat Levi. Morgan e aPPoleted as Fuel Oontroll4 or cum- Missioner for the Tvv`p, of attron, tied' . that his salary he $50.op for the halance of this year,.1918„,' Carried.* By-law No. 501 te apoint as Fuel Commissioner for the top. of Ilitiou . for the hilanee of the year 1918,or bri. t I disMissed by toneeil, arid flxrng hie rt. . muneratiorr, was dilly passed, signed and sealed, Council will -next Meet oh 46+411,1tif lith at the uttal plaoo flail hour. • • S. 8