The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-03, Page 6rtiebtelltaltebteeteleeNtlettlee:Mee tre°1":1"4"4" I A. Man 11 Chooses • yield twice as much la the teapot as vkii ordinary tea. It ie VEAL economy to use it, to ea.y loathing of the unique flavour. ama 41111****••••=14., ••••••• eklibletetebieliert Mee Story of Otreesee te Attain a Seat Ambition. go a,. 4-- -44•••• sonic. swEirr ROMS • The Eaglisk Piste a German Wisittel te See. , It happened, 4,11 course, before- the ' t .war, when Deutschland uber Alles 2 sounded in the ears of the world no By R. W. Jelinsen, tee moge menacingly boastful than Rule, ett Britannia! and Yankee noddle. Not • Itebteenteneeeeliele: '. X" 0. et hathe Hynneof Rate sung; ' „ and Germans—plump, peeceful, in - 'a Do you know that a man may think. IMPUlSe at length he teached for his. quisitive and :sentimental—still visit- ! Itnore of a ineehanical creation than of hat. , ed England, arriving by the Channel '': i IS wife? Bud Barnes did, or "I think we sineed velebrate, Deene boats and not by Zeppelins. Some of thought he did, until the tlay— But he laughed, "Weile you :tart things that' the story. eel run to town for eyeters. We'll' e -, „- e, the thines thee saw they admired; ; Enly sought others, . In the Barnes femey there had al. have a stew. I'll not be gone a min- I wee eceae'ollellY ., i of which they had beerd interesting ; ways been a fiddle anti's. fiddler. The ute, honer." strain dated back, perhaps, to a flize Afteitte had gone she picked up the remora. ! of ancestor who talked to life over a broom his nervousness had overturned i Ile eras • fair, fat, seectaeled. end fingee° board, taken in such fashion as and went to the untidy living-roone It bigemouetrebed, and it eleeded not his i sere to make life want to be cleaner, sweet-. was always untidy, a condition at guttural tones and. Teuton accent to etas er, saner. The talent came down the •which he made no demur. It alwaysI acquaint the eXperienced eotel manei " line to its last scien, Bud, and spoiled bad its litter a dust and. line shav-..ager that_ the lite, arrival was fivIn a potential fernier. The man was ings, its array of elamps, :weepers, and Germane es not content to till his acres and make bits of .sandpaper on floor, ehairs, and . • ' Tired Workers. * living...for Ilia 'wife. He bad a table. It' was Bile's workseop, as "Vront -,Potsclatamereurg I vas - higiter aen—a double -headed ambit was every room inwe% the house. esir,' announced the newcoinef. I 44 apt to be eorgotten thetga' nen tion. He weagoing_tremakeeerieReee- Weer; Le- eterte oack the stect Itae eeIe 'tete ' eke' i'lettei • eile" efeid thel aal w•fneell "e, n-o,..11149.1114e,s"--Lvi. .3e,11'26. "Dere vas a petters' : . am sinewS get strainco 1•44-p„t Tone tee - better than any the world had known. been fed, the ,-cow milked. %end the Manager politely'. • "Yes? Berlin?" t- einr, the. easeir thing oval* rind over "Nr3ine Ohne" „ I nervous system becomes • frayed and 1 again year an and -year out, and the Sf me ' • worn almost to the breaking pellet. n—er— %many ch Before tint time e emiled. "The, worldjIremembers "Donner und elttzen, neinr in Eng.. / are ' orilY .obeYing a natural instinct nalentIOSA. 1 IMMO • Er$41414.1411 IN • 7.-1410:3• rot. worl.b„r Irlowito t7ov,r1 Low out imk" c4.1-40EVC trorhoi'sfrod -imp;!;••• • eo“-Auk•-oir. acvor‘t.,• dknietr- Davao! lig (Ewer part pot laArre, fAt ihroutk rmir tirdcr- icor'LT194k1 $2.75: clie•I lot oig! 025. W MITE 4.1447140 HAMtk.T0t4 gANA414. Be was going to prove old etrad back house closed for the night. Bright number. And he was going -to master lamplfght shone on the Owed board, the masterpiece. !warmth and coinfort reaphed civet a - toted play Devirs Dream" be- welcome. He at his basket on Dthe Elucce, With Substitute Flour. ferably eightlee. Seek teem half an fore his eerie k cooking exchange, for naturally- minutes. Drain again, dry with a of raatriage. people began, to seer us. Mine is from—wiey, yese from land. In dis gountry." ',When they sometimeseelect to stay it were shorn and he table and, took from his pocket a cote Almost every Red Crows raeetinge hour in veld water. Draineluen boil- shelled eddies w it. inert be Bud Barnes would do Ember, the old teacher.' He begau thiane,<thee ht shed for an hour or. two team of a housewives of the present time are cheetedoth. Have the fat just hot g - • ith his fdet jack- gle of letters. eyoure na mine,,r course . Dreier -these .eircurnstances, workers • •resolves itself sooner or later into a; ing water Over them and, let stone twe knife Withie rea somet lug some day, for he had in- reading the enclosure aloud: --------------------- 'flltnelletet • • conc,erned to use the supplies ,rail- enough it gives eff` a thin blue vented a bliss bar which tit • once Dear Charley; I've been here:at "Jae' growled the German. "I -vas 1 A man &woman, who has been and by starting hi t llnulterlalut 'at -far aOlra_l_ far -a Waek- etinfe -from Petsdietimeritur—g --tte'e- eeet f "rillaiftatelligh Presfaireeandefer-leugable,as successfully as possible. We haze. Drop tile dry polatoes in and rescued his week from -Mediocrity. releSe--- 4 substitute flours raal(ing the food the outside, tender and delicious. ' and some talk through. their noses. He hear from me. fay, Itoy, yet ought eine hear -der great Engleesh sop- • er her , hours, by meting the "pre -breakfast', q, • often bear complaint* about the they will cook quickly, be erisp on knew -why some instruments bellow now, andI though yell might like to Ohre. eI. vas at red goncert in Berlin uarter a work r r influence smallest variations in• School and they are tuening mit men, FM Mitt o S' dot- der eras no Wee; like task oecasienally _at' a.30? * hard or tough, or coarse grained or As fat is expensive now, it is welt was malting geese,: shrewd guesses on to be beret There's Pa big music, - I• cakes fall There is a res,eon for to iemembeie that a amide deepethe a te • alt- size and elms have upon tone ,qaulity. ' .1 and women of Went who are going to Ohm, und all der Engleesh boobies stead, sometimes saves himaelf or 'berself from a serious Ittealedown and ewer quite as well for the average He knew how much sande* down it do things. My sons oldest boy is; er go e gry 1 1babies.' euiceoeluch greater loss of time. takes to shake the woody response. attending, and, say, -I!4. for you Dot must be der venderful s g s fidd1 talk!We're=not Ohm, to make der Engleesh beobles In• fact, this procedure is novr farelle este a bread 'Vessel which re- In short, he was trailing his it e to hear hi fi d • :vireo. more fat to give the neceitearY N re h a me, t e e married, did not 121, it, Bud, erow and me, though • we! grV, -und I tell mieeself dot I vill go reeogifized one ationg munition Varie- d ve lo ers•areebeeinning t thee and if we consider the matter few minutes we will surely see why. Most of our old tried and true recipee call for viheet flour« Nowa,/ • TetE MOSLEM CRESCIINT Origin. of the Emblem Aseeelatea VI WI Motimeateelanient. We naturally ,essoeiate the erescent with Mohaminclanitm as readily as we associate the cross with the 'reli- gion of Christ. That is, of course, because the crescent bas long been the synteee of Ottoman Turks, WitCP areethe eominant people entoeg the Moslems. It appeere, however, from evidee p welted in Mr. W. 3. Gore don's Flags of the Wqrld, that it was otiginally that ernhena of Constanti- mete, or, rather, of aneient %mane •tem, the city wheel, eight hundred Tees after tbe teeth of the prophet Intern, becatie tbe capital of thie rel- I at 4 For the oriein of the creteent as a heraldic symbol we meet eo back to the .tiays of Philip of IVIecedere tee fathefof Alexander the Great. When, theeegend runs, thee tritarrisine• monarch besieged Byzantienn 3:39 ia.c..,4e met with repulseeafter •re- fuleee' and itied 144-1-k.hf 74O-- unotermine the walisi but -the reescene-- moon shone out so gloriously thee the attempt was discovered and tee ety saved And thereupon the BezentInes adooted the crescent ",s thee. baege, ane Diana, whose emblein it was, OS their patroness. ;When -the Roman emoorers came the cre$Ceir. WaS not diselaeed, and it continued to be tee eity badge under the Chrietien_ersto__ i)erorS• 140, elehauneed tt took Constantinople, by way of vary- ing the monetorte. of the ..plain- rect. flag under which he had ledeis men to eletory, he embellished it with 1:he old Byzantine emblem, explaining that it meatit Conitautinapie on a 6, cell:eft:I:119;4 story; but ttere IA an- nt)1,1* Mid it takes experience or ex. sionally in the Itettie kept for deep but she knew Bud-! She loved teed In My family, just as in yoursetheret lund see dis Ohm vat vas no leace like w i vibe d r va Ohmq" ',to see the reasouablenees of it, says ii61.4.tliticmteartfitchcoortinugnctor. that$h; • know how much substitute to put in` the -addition of a very little +drippings fierce, mothering Way. She knew the hankering for the out -of -reach. But was a saa*ely. ersi.4°1 usionece. glee, a British weekly, Thus, the doctors at Woolwich -Arsenal. to cite but Me Yne41:1.1 a hundred and Afti Years ect standards ot measurements to frying. This will clariff it and, whit andeeie loved his obsession in a, queer, 'has' alwaYs been love of music, .ar Lt 8 - days we have to substitute other depth. French -fry ,potatoes °Celt- know A mastertece from a gourd—. tlunk we know a lot. before the.,,eity fell, bait, a dream in far * cupful of Wheat. . ‘, ' will give enough *leer,. pure material lure of the pay cheque—see bad been this gran son of mine is going to get men • who learned that the nearest ,ettauce are ine arger \and larger entil it reace- * Experiments prove that stibstitute for family frying. , • a sc oo ea u b g tli re If I were youn I'd et there may to "Ohm" wait stralget back to ""t" one backward glance et lost ?Per - somehow. • I think of ou. vrith 'your Itotstigiminerburg—sweet, sweet pets- • duatrial 'fatiguel?was liaaglirec°osiglingize‘ni4 ne cr. L. frlont the fasthest east to the, far- e . e. Ake he saw a crescent moon grow- eereal flour:1;01ot. eotato flour) and When canning vegetableS this sura- =RN. slammerburg, ...• I P . t . . i • hese the -result 'being in least 'listen. branseabosorb the sainopnt of mer such as aeparagus, beans and d lim luesband.hwes e geniuts, yeah 'zed talent. . • Yt ' ces that thes ' d " u rt km 4 the Jaelzaries fca at -east der to 'Wren them. By amount I and one-half hours if the vegetable; crumbling about their ears? What course, cost of books, tuition, and oth- "Did you . Mall that letter .1 gave ' et ' t t • • That lett hen to eidopt moister es wheat and require the peas, the three -period Method AMY be good. , - • I'm going to send you one of, their t 1 longer figure in the time -keeping. re- thest wtst. an s e was gonig to elp himmake n you make it some way, Bud?. • same anieunt of yeast or baking pow- shortened to 41, single period of one What 'matter that the home was catalogues. It will show you their The New Exeuse. ,- •cords as "avoidable lest time." the :symbol, which had been tbe etn- mean: "weight," not "ine.aeuree" That are blanched by dipping 'in boiling Matter that 'frost nipped neglected er things: 114Y e021, saes Ita would you yesterday?" • • fields and ruined the corn crop? She board you cheap, and his house is "N -no, my dear. I whistle is where So inally people are deceived water three minetes, then chilled in .' • and wonder whte their resells are not Vole water, packed, into clean sterile .was strong—she would lift at the load. dose to the college. If ,I had the the postal airplane, She could ertake butter and sell eggs.' moneY. Bed, lionst, I'd let you have "lerloannIdni'nt come &mu after jt.' plod; so remember if emu want to cans ;and covered with boiling, see could sit up nights weiting.eoetne it, -give you the boost; but • 'hevelete ., use substitute floure you can do so to which a teaspoonful of eft and a erang articles for the papers. ?rive- so what is the We? - with success, if you .use an aqui! tablespoonful of vipegar have been tions, didn't hurt. Discouragements Maybe you Can raise the wind your- •, weight of corn flour, cornmeal; buck- added. Partly clamp down the, top, slid off like water from the proverbial self. I know if you had your chance wbeat, rice, or rye dour as the recipe Cook one „and oneeluef • }mere in a feathered back, . Bud should have his You'd' make good'', like the old fellow Callod for in 'wheat goer. ° chance., • WitteX bath 'Whieb, comes, within an limb of fthe top the cans. Cover so that tee steam will sterilize the tires. Remove from the water la:Aleut 'once when the period is up. Open the cams, fill any space left by shrinkage, put mt the eovers •mice, dame tightly, s• way, back who foinded veer sname e sifted aid measured -In a half pint whatever. -e-,But she -felt that Bud's° inud read to the sigeature, then .it; but whin jeloharomedanism be. • •crescent -upright, and placed 'the star ` Where the -dark area .the moon • • nc, medial• facility and is stile • mentime •in musical -write- e A cup of wheat Our *tech has been Nadine • had halc, a century previousee, and- lied d to the eir *fel driininals: in Germany in low' been used in constanteetele, - 117,000.. , • but he! 1914 °lumbered .51,400; last year, Where the stay came freen, is not • • clear. A Erten within a crescent was the badge,. of Richard L More time • two liundred and fifty •yeers before . Copstantinople fell. The device was emblematic of the Crusades, and the star steed for the :star of Bethlehem. - In his badge Richert! placed the crea- gent on its back and, the- :star above , 4- I • cup, being piled in lightly until the knowleda of music, learned from a. fold d the -letter t ' stOoKs AND. Bombs, tmemhers Montreal StockExchange) 105-103 Tramiel:aerates,» nulidingeMoinereill • * 'Main 1345 Avail yOur*elf of Otli splendid' System of inVesting by: Mdans•• ' • e ap re urne to. , came ,triumpli nt the Turks made -the: 111 dards'. .44nd see Beet a 'pet oder end eYou'd like to. go, wouldn't you?" rolled hats ground through a food set in a cool MM. Do not let deal in made mail y pitiful personal sacrifices chopper, four-fifths of a- cue of a hot kitchen In the. winter if you to enable him to make weekly els e - (To be continued.) • she stetted, and he nodded. ,, ' rice flour, four-fifths of ta cup of desire to coeli these vegetables with the neighboring city to become a - MAD INVENTORS • .0.--..-e. ,buckwheat, four-fifths of a cup of , milk, either turn off the liquid con- pupil of a noted professor there. g e y , elms encouraged, the man thre* coarse cornmeal, one cup of ilpeeorn- tainin the trace of vinegar or add a 1• Meat one and one-third cups of bar- Pinch of soda, This prevents the him elf •int the passion of lear ing neighborhood teacher,. wasprobably his pocket.. A new • ueger was burn - Letis even foie -weighs four ounces. fatilty and . imperfect, so Ale 1417' ing hi his eyes—a hunger Nadiheaaw Let we take this as our standard num- upon him the. rieed hi her • state. • and understood. . ' .surement. Two-thirds of a cup a - ley flour, one level -cup of corn flour, fiat taste so many vegetables haereeraustelleplaltddMirreendS Novel War Ideas That tere-Sent-!to • each weiehs -four nunces,e -So if your and aids the keening en:tittles:. - eZeiheags erchoedeto/?the British InVenttons. Board'. t morning post a e Inventions recipe calls for half it cup of wheat • • . flour, You can me corn. flour i its. • • rice lour,.. one-third- of a cup of I Are you insisting on getting weeat 'brine id 1 • d •N d• ' ng forth another wood -encased large . • perceptage•of the writers place, or only teroefifths of a cup of • - ten strings, alter -tilted by the chip of Tho m • 't tth n • Use Wheat Substitute. chisel and, rase -of sandpaper—he was board supplies good proof that a - ea , an a ine wee no more to him. h t Ough undoubtedly actuated by ex - d eats Measure for substitutes from your grocer arid are than the furiture. Sometimes 'tier • • 'housekeeper, trying them ewe as. visions of lee cellentraoteves for the country's good, meaeute the :substitutes do not pro- 3eell' as a lips blached a 'use saying elle ere not available be- broke harmlessl against the roes common' sense, seye a London writer. There, is ne loneliness rose, tide -like; advanced and. are sealcely to be credited with sound out in your kitchen?' duce the same results but weight they may be interehanged, not with the same results atto appearance and taste, but as to success in lightness mut nioisture. • ' ' As we are likely to have to fuse. aubstitutes for a long time, these are , very important peinta to remember. 44 1 • Some.Prectical Suggestions. "- . . When yoe bane a stain. which you. 'teink is tea, holt, or of unknown. origin and it' has been boiled in. and , 'ewe" try removing it with, javelle, water. You can get tavelle water at i • the drug store. Put one tablespoon- courage hun to go even. urt er than cause with pessible exceptions hi coastof her soul. She would not be scene distriette,..theye are, and if your jealous of his ere. -Bud steeled have dealer does not carry them then that his chance. . • _ • • is his fault and yours.; The largest Some slice beer was upon her as Bubstitete milling concern in Canada She picked tlier Way from the creek has just beer' opened at Neese= byi o s, er baSket full of late beans whe elui left Budost the last stretch, the Quaker Oats Company Cern, .. • ' • most ready.fcit the voice of the tat - meal oet flour oatmeal ,and eon- ill d r 2 . eSt Chi I d of his sk 9 little re flour will be 'turned oet at the rate beech He bad worked on tee mstru- • suggested that the Board. should con-' morants to fly to Ess scribe all the birds. ' e One -of tee letters reeen e4nntcilyrsicxent_than_ The writer's plan was to traiii eor- mortar from Krupp's-emits untiletheY1 .crumbled to dust. • For aerial defence, another ;wise- acre asked for the moon to •be black - of 7,000 barrels a day, • e • t • ment mailY days, feyerisely• as it near- enee Out. He.. enclosed a, mellitudin- The darker bread You have ed Comeletioe. Certain heyeeheorieseous mass .of notes . and 'diagrams:. ' these days the Mere patriotic yoe are, he was trying out—mould results be Boiled down, it was found he- desirede so den%) insist on getting, light bread unfavorable? He was banking on a' black beam te be thrown •on the , from emir baker, On the eta -Army en- this violin—maybe it was the master- face of the moon each evening at ' • Partial Payment Plan • • - • . $5,00, invested monthly for a child under thia method may, as - 'pure him of comfort later on, and kart him on therig,ht road to . _prosperity., • . „ e, Do not, jet, your money remain idle.- Bona' fide stockia.ec▪ i•day Yieldet0% and Withevictory note insight Fratieit‘pribee 'ere sure' to- advance Do not wait—Buy now .Write for free booklet "86vIngeby the Partial Payment Plan"' Infbrniatioa on any Stock -or Bond 'gladly furnished. ' had 'd d oi ful into half a cheful 01 Water. kr- the' Vegulitions specify in the use of each new acquisition, only..th the end to shake. his head and begin another. 'merge the stain in this and -leave fol substitutes e She qiiiekened her pace in her eag- twenty minutes or half an hour. 'If ' ' it .has disappeared altcrgetheie wash • the layette water out of the cloth, • With clear water, its to leave it in will weakeri the falttic, • If the stain has: only partly disappeared put it in a while. tenger. If your gasoline or coat oil stove f h pe • eight o'decic -precisely. , • " • Someone with an intimate knowl- . edge of the Reptile House at the Zooe wed' seakes to be pitied by pneut ereests to reach the house, Before tic propulsion into wienty,trenches A Cold Receittion. , her was th memory of the man's 1.114 •• - • •' in heu of bomb . • ' eyesebrooding lovingly over the •thing They Were .newly married, -awed- of wood and glue as he scrapped axle Shells eupply.endless eelds for the . iniee_ehe New York Sun, one en a polished, Her own filled with sting- invention nianiae. ' - ' f • heneymooh trip. They vet up 'at a ing tears, but she dashed them angrily " (lee ,recently seemitted •speelfica-d iikyseeeper hotel. The bridegroom felt. away. Jealous—of the Little Red tion ofea shell Flowed how dry grayel. IngliPesed and the , bride said she Beech? Was she so unworthy of her could be -showered on muddy trenches; e Would. elle out and do .a little shop- mall? Ph., no! She Must hurry, to be allother, how irritant powder .ce :,a • - shOWs eigns of rusting and begins or . . near 0 com or i i • • . ;'1 • In elite time she returned and • . • •sticky' Substance could hamper Ma- ' look sliabby, although it ie still quite ping.. ' She.ivent'into the kitchen, closing Ind gentlY on tbe Panel: 1, eel the deer behind her. 'and tee her bas- cluIls-g4IISI f* third. eretridee /or really ., new go•to the atove company, and geteteee thOusend feet. of , wire, weights, • aod , a bc4tle of ehe kind of oil especially I -• !Pm baekelioney. Let Me in. ' s 1 ket on a• shelf.. ' Bud heetd her and whispered. • No answer. . . H evene cledicwork motor to be enclosed • - I f the eh . "Honey. Homer! It's Mabel! Let , stood' regarding -her in silence. He within the limiteri capitelete Of. a shell. i nle ie!" ' -' • ' - .1 was trembling, and his lips were col- But some of the writers keep Choir ; There wee a SiIoneo for emcee' • mess, His eyes held. strange fire.e. leeste More within: the bounds of praet ' seconde Then a • man's vs:46e cold When he spoke his voice was unfami tieability ' ' • ' • - • ' and fell of dignity, catne from the liar. "Stay there!" he. commanded. One ventured the suggestion that'. other side of the door. . • i "Listen!' . •- anti-aircraft guns • phouid. _combine "Madam, this is not a beehive. It's I He went baelt leto the other room searchlights, :so that while the latter 1 a eethroene" . , •• and • Nadine listened holding her • ) projected light on the target; shells '- , ........e„ e . • itreete. The tones; of a violin came to couldshootalong e beam. tli b - ' et • • ler eat clear as a bell treitrulously 4 esz. roll) THE exainple of the late.' Queen Victoria' In. se - !Wing the Welllams New ' Scale 'Plano has been, . lowed by many of the words most renowered Musicians. This fact Was • • entailed It to be knoi•yn as the Choice of the Cheat t artiste, •• Louis, XV Model, $550.00 t • THE WILLIAMS PIANO CO., LIMITED, OSHAWA On Cankda's Oldest and Largest Plano Makers 111111111f111 prepared for the are a such Appar- 44tts. rollovi directions and you will - keep erour etove looking like new• . When, preparing french -fried peter toes eut them in even sections, pre - B013 LOPG UNIONEMADE SHIRTS & GLOVES Safety 'First. ' ' sweet. Deep and powerful on the . Unfortunately for us, Beetle Will net First Negro to Officer—How much baser like bird ealls as the melody follow tho. path of light. • wah insurance kin I take out; slier swept leeward. After a moment there A novel idea comes •freiti.East Ana?, and she went to him. The lin. The last- coach of every • train Oftleer—"Oh, $500, 0,000, $5,000." was silence, 'First Negro—"Dat's far , enough, ,new violin lay on the chair beside hira• should drop a little line of blacking boss, jest gib. me sole fiellied,loyferoppeilditto lie fleoeaele wee on the rails, to Prevent them seining orwar , as. ace wins eeeee" at 'eight and thus acting as a guide Ofcer to Second Negro -"And hoer iu e much insurance do . you want?" 1 Her arms were around his neat., to hostile aircraft! .. . For humoreus satire, the follearing . Second Negro—"Wliatee de Most / "You've • done it, Charley; and I knew _ , an excellent cartoon; can git?" , . ' '.. . you would." . She choked, using the would make °Meer -410,060." • name so seklom it had ceased to seem ,wsiThy not elline balloons," asked Second Negro—"Jee fix me up wit ins.' Yee beet, done it! . There has somebody, "to glide several hundred • . I never been another like it in this Pare feet above the ground, and trail huge dat $10,000 quicker 'Meet Negro to. geeone....-ei,00ey / r, the eolltdrY, 31141aPs .111rdwheril tset mageets that will snatch rides; etc, f . Mae, man, what you mean by getthe it is fine. • I feel that it is e, Mid $10,000 'mirth ob insuraucer . • I altegether-ecliffereet." - Second etegro--"Dat's all right, He -raised lea face at that, laugh'eatise Whelk dat ordah Collet; to gel ing, and drew her to his krieee over de top, dey sure ate going be be , "You're reel fleets." he acquiesced. mighty eateful of a $10,0-00 niggeree "Itig•ht.itoi Eta ute -the mastereethe • Little •Red Beeehi" Save yourself as ae the aur- 1 f bli 1 II b ct lie followed her to the kitchen and, from the heeds of the .Huns ?Ii . • Prisoners of „War in Britain. are al- loWed to putehase three-quartere of an Mince of tobacco per Week. In. pre-war days •one big British firm of biseuit-matters produced over 400 different varieties. To -day the plueetelan your were cied work' youri in eeaehY, wsitclied her Itindle the fire, number has been reduced t‘V‘50—all plee. his gaeo still very pale. With beyish plain. • ee.• 1111111 tI*itlIIlIfi3Il mint, le 111111/11111 .****4114'........****momon*• --Rene* it at. Parker's The clothes yob \Me' 80 proud -of when .• new—can be inade to appear new again; Fabrics that are dirt3r.. shabby or spotted will be restored.** their former beauty by.; •sending them toparker's. CLEANING and DYEING Is properly done at ,Parker's Send artioIeti by post or express. We pay' carriage one way And our charges are reaaori- able., Drop us a card for our bookleton household helpirthat save money. • PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED aro. cheers, • • •• 191 Your, St, Toronto IShould be, Others tell us that it IS I the. star. of piercin beighthess, the morning star, Al:Teri-re described in • -the- . eighty-sixth chapted of the Koran. • TURF IS IN DEMAND , - HOW:-.1Selaskt „Of $1301)13ring--.a. CoaI ' .Substitute. .e The eliversien of ordineiy shipping between the pette of the great coal- fields of Efigested and the Irish 'ports • • to the needsof the eVitr has 'brotteht about a great .%: scarcity in Ireland . many necessary earticles, and teriost '- pertieulatly eoal. Itelatitale A up- posed to 'possess •vast supplies °Out- tive coal, but only few , attenipts ;being matte to work it, itnd • tren Only in a small way. The istile eiateeto the Wrilthill Mine which . _ being consteucted by the•Government may not be completed for months, and this is the meat extensively worked colliery in irelapd: Its tonna out- put of eostl. is only about a thousand tone per week.• . .n Formerly the Cast areas tef bog-. land peovieed, thoussteds of the: pee- e ple tie rural districts wiilf friel,• and ; quantities of it Imre been used in. the .• towesterbut efforts are- 210* being made to extend ite use to eeerte part e of the counerte, . • There is little doubt' that these bogs; if worked on a large scale, mid, supply almost every householder with fuel, stnd many. people. have already begun to lay in stores of it to take the plece of Coal daring the etheieg •‘WiOnteelt"11 the bois. seetteted over ire - land .hundrede of pea,ople are work. e. ing as they et ver worked before, try- • eng to meet: the heavy demand ter ' toe, and the dealers are now reaping a rich harvest, for they are chaeeing the contemers more, than ,t•wicee the . old price. ' Ery- and late the beg-de:Tellers are toiling down in the deep bog -hole, cutting out,...,tho sods of soft, moist . peat, and thrower git up on the hauls, where itte is left' to dry. ' Amotk the uneven bumpy bog. lanes little carts, dravvri by .donkeys, continuelly ease Some of tese ore ariven by strong, hardy girls who haveiknoWn tail :Since their childhood, oth,ers by sinall yoongetere seared/ able to walk, while old men sufrering from the ittme infirmity allow the slew ass -to take it's own time to reach its •deitinsition Those convey. Hopes are taking the dried turf emee, where it is built into huge ricks, from' t which it is taken and brought for sale to the Alleges and totem. • Iteland are atraeging to Convert their plant, where practieable, to suit the burning of turf, and Wats are being made to utilige it for the drive ing et sieall powet etestie engines. Soie. 0:114 oniallariindustries Of tre-to the middle eif August 45,060 ntito tit!611r4e8 had been limed for the Intent .year Saskatchewan, ' • - • t'..0 4 4 ee :t L tn, ( • t • 5 • 'e'elese'"m'ealmg mwmeekiememomnsMOIMMOd"rn lade meet eve