The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-03, Page 5• • •.l lair -.,..r . ' r, .R- •' • NEWS TOPICS OF St Mmportelrit Events Which Ravi occurred Dint ins the Week, The Riley World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled end t'it Into ftnttdy and Attractive Sharpe for the Readers of •Otir Paper „w A Solid four'aa .Enjoyment. • gives Mone t For 'he,Fnrmer • TOMM;MES f arm products have reached a high level. The farmer can take .f(lc1i ad- vanta' e of thissituation only iequipment-- of q ui ment-- - -.a �n �o• .his � otime and labor-saving ma-' chine . Time" and labor are money. When time and labor are ..saved, money is• saved. Time• and labor-saving, labor-savingg de- vices for working theland do not produce complete -results in themselves. . he' farmer have .rapid and depend • able means. of placing his. products on the market. The Ford One -Ton Truck will.. ..make trips to town sp•much more quickly than the horse that you will have many extra hours- of time to• devote toroductive. work. A large p number of farmozs•haveproven the " Ford One -Ton Truck to : be a time alid..mon ey-saver—have you? . .- o $750. e �issYs dui i) � :: r C h Y) F. 0.. l Ford, Ontario' • RENWICK, .,. C c A.�D ale r .: Jia.._.... !� ! r " !• far �✓.. mai,u, ou .il. i �� a►■L �■, '�"""'j� '� i>fiill bouat 5.660 Coupe, 4% - _ 87W Ing e.. e , 690 • ,S s T •.e •; 1076 'f. O.' 11.. F,gr41,, Oaita>rio. . - .Alt prim am4 to Oa«al,ofthOi4}sofio . fJ, TUESDAY.. s -Aid. E. W. Barton ot Teronte • died in his 73rd year: i Sii, Wilfrid Laurier intends visiting Toronto meat Monday . Constantinople has again been bom'bBish force. Fivebed deathsya froritm .Spanisairh influenza have taken place so far in the. Polisll. camp at Niagara. J. A. Ellis, ez:M,P.•. for Ottawa., is slated 'for an appointment to the -Ontario- Rttlw-ay. Board. John A. Calder, Liberal nominee tor the North Oxford vacancy in the ociature, wee eleeted'hy �eelemA- 'five Gerhnan machines hat were de- ' Oen. tending the city. • The Canada Food Board has adopt- Dr. Starr, consulting surgeon, To; ed the allied war loaf, and requires ronto General hospital, has been ap- the use of 20'' der cent,. subaatltutes Pointed one of the • consulting sur - with wheat Hour. • geone to, the: British. force• .in France, The Canadian War Trade Board. The Rt. Hon. Henry R. Wakefield, has lifted the' 'embargo on certain •Episcopal Bishop of • Birmingham,. commodities} permitting ,them to be Eng., has arrived „in New York to: imported from Britain. --= Americalut-#n-Toronto toy it teete- to form an organization tri look after theirn, la interests in Canada, particur- ly in' regard . to' Washington 'legisla- tlot • 'All grain dealers in Canada must heVe licenses from . the Board •of. minder of the Turkish' forces, who. Grain Comfliissioners, and• not only fled from Nazareth shortly before the those from. Fort williatam. west, as. hitherto. • • The'Governinent will formally pro- test against' and refuse to recognize the validity of the Long. Sault weir deeision of he International Water- ways commission. The Zionist . Council of Greater New 'Yorli has announced a demon- stration at Carnegie Hall next. Sun - .i eeing Knowing The gats Oeng door- and ,t lie oven thermoniettr on the Fa•ndora, Range ma&, bakilg an est .act, absolutely, con- trolled .o' eration. You can see pre-: cicely how the oven is working—how fast or slow. • di tion about . the Pandora ill information . be sent free to any Range will be address upon request to nearest branch office. M�Cler� • %ondon 'Toronto ' : Montrelal Stjohn,'N.B. Hamilton :. Calgary. :'Winnipeg . Edmonton Vancouver Saskatoon p Ss uooL REPORTS S. S. No. 8 Maims • !those marked.* missed one ptit more • - le ame, •• Sr. IV -X.. Moffat 94,, G. Tiffin 94, B.• Harkness S6, E. l orrisbn 76,, H, Scott 63,GI. Seed49,.• C..Young 47* • Sr. III—F,. Pientert 78.. • • .Jr. III—'W':''Scott 65,i, Morrison 51, : DeM•a1chin •l'r* ' Sr. II—T.; DDiemert ea; 3; Scott, 58, W. S. • Ybung 86 oinsen 08 . E: Mor'rieon • •. J`r. II E Th , CO, U. Richardson 27'* • Sr, I --E. Thotfieot J. Conry,. M. :I)iemere, J. Fletcher. Pr niers—J. 'Thomson;: F. Moffat, J. • dyrr, B MacGregor, '. V'. M. 'LIMN, Teacher. Verdun • . Motidt►y, Sep. 30 (Amnia Itrotia WU 5 Stadltq •f .1JSKIJB Y FLAMES: • itiiiik�b bi i�liMitlMll+1'rfi tt Alberta Ani Ili die tsetse gleanges made Protintisl $ecrstarY, has Jo - signed. Ile 'ramie itis re*$oass aro those et businei e. He will still retain Itis Beat 14 the Legislature. s FRIDAY. The first snow of the season tell in different parte ot southern and western Oatarlo. Rt. Mu. Sir Robert Borden, Prints Minister of Canada,. Ima left Ottawa for another honcho?. Brig. -Gen. Erie McGuaig, Montreal, attar been awarded .a bar` to his Distin- guished' Service ?'der. Survivors of broken,Tnrkish army were drives into the arms of the Arabs by the victorious British. Gen. Botha, who recently hes been very ill,- has been ordered to take, special treatment and a lengthy bolt. day. During the past few days;; there have been soptewhat serious disturb. ansa 1n Calcutta owing to Mobam sedan 111 -feeling. T -eK-ir ee-T�- .uktart-wets -1)0Mhed. by the British airmen, oho ehotdown The Busy Hardware House Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery Tri uiiiiii} of Aalfeas i Balkans _ Com-. ''times.. to, Grow. =LONDON Sept 80.—Large brew are burning around the- importalnt e t hlc base qf• l,TnlFltp,. towards w h Serbians are advancing from Vetcs, bicycles and accessories has beenan-; which •' they .captured ' Friday, ae- nounced by the U. 5, Wet. Industries' cording to..the, Serbian official.. state- Board. • went on Saturdaay. The Serbians A snapshot taken in • High Park, undertake a speaking tour In Canada. 1?ublic irritation in Constantinople, has become great, :aaud``riimo` are- spreading xespreading that the° Ottoman ,Govern-• Ment May be forced to seek a separ- ate peace. Field Marshal von Sanders, cotn- attacking British troops appeared,. has reached Constantinople. W. W. Wilder, :46 years of' age, • reanager of Wilders •14Amited, one of the. biggest furniture ,stores in Mont- real,• died' on board a street car on his way home from the office. The• French and the. Ainerican, troops started a new •offensive in the Champagne.. The Freneh ,advanced day night to celebrate the liberation four and the Americans eight miles. of #'alestine' by the .British forces.. Ten thousand prisoners were bagged. • The..Allies.under Japanese leader- and aver 200 guns. ship'' have put the Bolsheviks and SATURDAY. Germans out of: business in the Omar Meatless 'weeks •will continue in province bf Siberia. Two thousand German through November, Dec- , Austro -Germans were taken prisoner.,; .bm and J• ent a3tuary.�, WEDNESDAY. • " •Canadians' helped to score another A Women's Party was, organized Or big victory, when the Hindenburg Toronto. line' was broken near Cambral. ' • Cadet. Sylvaester Nightingale of the The Chilean Government ,hate or - Toronto, was drowned at.tiered the' nai!al authorities to oe=, °Beainsville. „ • cupv with armed forces all, the in- Samtiei••Gompers, "president,of"the terned German ships in Chilean har- American Fed'eretioil of Labor; has,, ari'ived'in Paris.. • Maj. -Gen. 11Sewburn, Minister • of Boston. Masa.; 'schools have" been Militia, accompanied'by Col. Osborne, 'c'losed for a' week because of the epi military secretary, has -left 'for the demiC of influenza; . west: • He will visit the western mill :The, plan for the Coating of the tary districts for the first •tima since next victorytLoan will 'be -similar to he. became Minister of Militia. r :that of the last one: • • ' •A large contingent of Serbian 'Ontario County Council has agreed „ troops is operating with the Allies on •Warbitration' on Oshawa's desire to the -Muroran coast. in Northern Rus - secede irotn the pounty. sin; Detachments of : Serbians and The' Food 'Board says fruit affect- ..'ugh -Slovaks • are taking part in the • ,ed by phenol on,rubber: rings of pre. operations .of the Allied .armies in. •serve jars need not be destroyed. • Siberia. " .'; he DamtiAion and�thelProvinde of . ilhjalmur :Stefansson,,-;w_ho recent-. T . v j mat- years Ontario are to'co-opierate in the , ly arrived, at Victoria after five ter'.of settling soldiers on the. land. an . the "*retie .regions; whither :he Curtailment of the manufacture of went at the head of the' Canadian exploring expedition, is �stili •in poet health. • He has ,gone 'to Seattle '.to 'consult' a physicion. Premier Matinoff of Bulgaria has asked, the Allies for an. armistice to consider terms of peace, Gen.' D'Es perey.:has,. refused an armistice, but has . offered to, receive of0cial dele- ' gates to consider•the term on which 'Bulgaria will Say down :her arms - Marquia3:.Kinmochi Saionji;_former Premier and Presidentof the. Consti- tutionalist party,. has, been command- ed by: Emperor 'Yoshihito to form a Japanese:' Cabinet in siccession• to that headed by Field Marshal Count• • Terauchi, recently resigned: It - is' probable Count Saionji will, organize a Coalition Ministry. • • m a or Williatn, Duke brecht.ot • WE p r urtemberg and` Prince Stephen of Schaumburg -Lippe, were in. 'Mann- heim. Mannheim• last week when the British air men raided the city. The royal party was stayingein the royal palace,, and the •Emperor and his staff promptly took refuge in the, cellar, remaining there twenty minutes.. • ': • An appeal has been entered by Gordon, Waldron, of Toronto, acting,. it is believed, on behalf 'of the United. .Farmers, who have -taken: up the case of %Sedition •against J. F. Cross, • a Brantford:,•Townaahip farmer. Cross Was -Rued • $500* and costs by Magis- trate Livingston for having ,d eclared, . among: other things, . that a man tnight.'as wen', live » under -.Prussian.,. rule as under the. present•Gover'nm of Canada. , • MONDAY: ' • have a .ptu`retl the important ;noun tain 'singe of Plachkovitsa, south of. •YKochana. Northwest . of Monastir • Allied, troops advanced 11 milesup. to H'ri • day,• andalong the entire front had captured. more than • 300 guns;, .ac-. cording to the French omcial.state-• meat on operations •:in. Macedonia.. Further important captures of pris-'• otters ,hp,ve been made. The .Arlie. are .also making progress 'between •Lakeresba and.Lake Ochrida: Kru novo, an important Bulgarian base, $0 miles north of Monastir, has been captured by Italian troops, Who `also halve driven the:enemy-from the mountein ranges between the Cerna and Velika rivers: The official state sent from the Italian War Office says that. the' Italians still are tiUirsiiing'. the Buigariane on the Monastic -Kith - ever road north :of Demir hussar, an'. '_adva£nce• of 20 miles. 'The Bulgarians,. are • retiring rapidly • in the; direction of Krobedo. British and Greek forces also. are moving on Petricb along the: Stru- initna vapey. Petrich• he about 30 miles inside the Bulgarian frontier. Several- 'guns of various' calibres have been captured. • • - . itstrlan Pres s. and •A • The German an -hag -been ' itotifled that: troops are.: being sent to strengthen the Bulgar- ian front, '. a"ccording to • special de- altatcltes_ to that London newspapers from Holland.- • Austrian troops have gone to the assistance of the .Bulgarians, •ac. -cording ;to, the Vienna War. Office statement, which records the . re- pulse of enemy' attacks west Lake Ochrida - "in a defensive - Sector which we have taken over -from the Bulgarians." guest of Mr. 'M. 'Fraser: •• Mr. M. ,Misses Irene, Viola and Winnie % Fair, all of Bervte, ' spent Sunday evening at M. Armstrong's. it• pumber'�from this .lbcalt y attended the Goderick Fair on Thursday last. The inclemency of the weather was a e drawback to their t><eial enjoyment.. Mr. Robt. Mcaosli left on Monday for Toronto, Where 'he will take up the study of medicine.. . Mr. F. McTavish, of Stratford, spent the week•ettdwith hie brother, Robt. FALL TERM FROM SEPT.. 3rd In Shawn Buslneiia SchOolra•To- roato. Free Catalogue eaa re. quoit. Write to W. 11. SHAW', press 'range and Gerrard Ste.,. 'roro*tn. ..DE B!('a HAUL. Canadian Losses. Less "Than 'Prisoners :Taken.- - ' With the Canadian . Perces in France, Sept. 30.—The following are the 'net •results to the Canadian 1orpa of'Friday's.fighting: penetration .of about five miles, with' possession of the Canal du.. Nord, and a possible' turning or the enemy, position at Douai; capture of Bourlon, • Wood, which overlooks Cambrai, and *hose fall may follow in a few` days; prisoners, 71, olticere and 2,300 men passed through the cages Friday night, with a total ,of between. 8,000- and 4,000 men, • The ptisoneris'are' of the best type yet encountered,. being , mostly .eras= eians and HanoVerians., , - Our own caettaltles are loss that 0,e number of prisoners, _ to battier. Our men wept singing in exactly tab they did -at Amiens, Ana were 04tu yly confident of victory, Toronto; was recovered from a Ger,. inan prisoner,- .and • is . agai^n• •. in; Toronto: Ministers' Of the 'Mien Govern-;. stent are to devote • time to public discussion Qf -the Government's achievements. Ca na"dian casualties -,since • the big offensive began on the' 8th of August .total 25,600.. which, considering the extent . ot the efforts ;and' itsresults, are. the lightest since -April, 1915. Ratification of the »treaty ..etend- ing for a period of ten. years` the: treatyy of arbitration beween the Unit-- ed States'. and Great, Britain were exchanged yesterday at Vashington. T.I. `' •S. ,."Attorney -General Gregory has announced . that unnaturalized' German. women .may not enter or live to zones within one-half mile about camps or other military ,institutions after .October 5. •., • • • •THURSDAY •. ' •Lt.-Co1...Stephen Fairfield, of• Col lana; $ay, •near Kingston, died yester- day, aged 86.-' . • ' • The. British. advanced their lines and took possession of the'viilage of Selency, ,immediately *eat of St. Quentin. " A party .of Italian journalists•.now travelling through United States have`:been invited to' •Pay -a. 'visit-• to-: Canada.. - German Clfancellor bon' -Herding with hissed in the Reichstag ono.ac- count of. the unsatisfactory nature of his peace speech, ' Giovanni Della Salandra, a Toronto Italian,• was murdered on his ways •t and revenge being the motives for. the crime. - An Order -in -Council was passed in .Ottawa providing • °for , the trial. . and punishment of any men taching Bol: • sheviki doctrine in Canada,' .A terrible explosion occurred. In a powder factory at. Platten, Saxony, and out of 6,800 women- employed there, • only 12 escaped without in - King George'• of • 'England sent- .a greeting to King Peter : of Serbia, congratulating him'on the recent suc-'.. ceases of the • Serb troops in Mace- donia. Brazil. and Austria have recalled their Mfniaters, and these two coun- tries are n6'w in a •state of war, a • though no formal declaration -has been made. • •• It was announced in 'Ottawa, that Mennonites coming to• Canada from the United States must serve in the artily. The pact ,with the Canadian Mennonites 'does not apply to them. Five years In the Catholic Reform- atory' was the sentence handed .out in: Montreal by Judge Choduet to the boy of 14 years who wae the adthot ' of •a series of costly fires that during tl u pest sumttler • r-.. +hied owners nary porn,. auksd o;..'. P 1 ii - +j►�iif rkle. y,°,for sow • 1 Soon you will be think. ing itis this to get that New Range. We have a full line of Ranges on our° floor at present. This High OvenRange has been the leader f p r some time. Let us show you why.* We might wet 7rep ase these stoves a the same price at ::'hie'; we are offering same to=. day, a pve manufact- urers tell us that sup plies_arre very hard to get and that iron and steel is going up in prise - by --leaps- bounds, Stoves have taken another advance of about 10 per sent. during the lastt two weeks. We, strongly •advise you to mat. e your purchase before the price" goes 'still higher. These cuts' are some of the many designs of which we carry. We will be pleased , to show you our fall line. McClary and Perfection 011 Beaters —British American W+a l 011 and ' Gasoline- Rogers' Portend effluent .. --Lime and Piaster. Window Sash - rimed and. Glazed. • IVIcLEOD JOYNI!- The Store Where Your Money Goes Farthest John 0. • Swait, formerly a Toronto alderman, died at the 'age of 83 years. "Anti -German and peace demonstra-. tions in Sofiahave assumed serious, character._ 17 Of Miss Margaret Pringle, aged , Owen Sound, was killed in an auto- mobile accident in Markdale. The American battleship Minnesota' struck a :nine off the Delaware breakwaster. 'There were no casual- ties. Mrs. Norman Keys, matron of the Sandford Fleming Hospital for 'Re- turned Soldiers et 'Ottawa, died pneumonia.• The Bulgarian crisis has produced a panic -on Berlin. Stock Exchange; Where several stocks dropped 80•. points or more. Capt. B. Robinson, M.C., a welt- known' Salvation Army officer, who served overseas as a chaplain before going int6 active 'service, Was killed in France. Although the str:`:ers in the Clyde shipyards had voted by a email ma-. foray to work, their executives ainst rhave, iordered hem to resume ayo Hawkins of•:HalIfax has wir ed. a protest.to Ottawa against the landing of eight man-of-war sailors suffering with Spanish influenza. Ile says they should> bes sent to quaran- tine. His protest• was sent to Col.. 114foutisanAlort and Sif Robert tor dot 4' QoLadies' �t our• L. es' r• L �' Coats for Fall MV ntlls ' ago. This guarantees our .prices ,are. less than the. present market values: ::The styles are .goo and so are the: cloths; :: in' B1aek.:Plush Coats: have values. • See what we lfave- to ,show•be we_ good� � :. fore you buy. •._ .ums --are..., • Practically off - the Market `j.111Q�e •We•have still some ood:patterns: Also `ii inlaid :in' aw • atterns.:. 'Now is the time°to-' inlaid � • . buyb � • fore we are sold,out. -' • e . r We have a well assorted:, stock in the : Millineryt De .par tmentearly '. The buyer will. fare best as'to price Y : and choice. All who visit our.showroom will receive the best.' attention. Our aim is toplease our • cus- tomers. WILLIAM eoNNELL Too b.I ATS '�' L, T I� 1�0 .. d . • , . for $ ookkeep in • W e admit students any. time,. preparing • P g:. • hand Civil -Service. ' Send for Catalogue.: •° Stenography „ • WINGHAM, ON1'. 'A. tiwilited, PIinci 0. A. McivacMie, President. • c. alb • 1IEthBL1SHED 18?2 • • .. 'Yon • .:.,will i V) A C O .II -IIA M11L'T �. � ' • yob: , a o -•do without •a,'�th rig. until y pay • • �• �u$1 •s O' ' nes cash is st�metimes•gooc� p Y .• article at a' lower prand‘ so ., . • gets the . price save; money. you also -get • interest' on ' the, .. - •Patin it if ou money w hire you are aecumu g , you. deposit -it in the Savings .lePartntentof :. the Ban - : of 1 .milton.. _: Bank' . a B ANCA ,' LtJCKNO'W� R .. . •• J. A. GL,ENNIE. MManatner. J - Too b.I ATS '�' L, T I� 1�0 .. d . • , . for $ ookkeep in • W e admit students any. time,. preparing • P g:. • hand Civil -Service. ' Send for Catalogue.: •° Stenography „ • WINGHAM, ON1'. 'A. tiwilited, PIinci 0. A. McivacMie, President. • c. alb •