The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-09-05, Page 5.- .war ,,,"7F 'r"""i?4'�'". .,...•_ . Valid Oni Woman Would Do With The Kais r A United State; Soldier from Lap - easter County, Pennsylvania, on opening .$ a Package stout to big company by" an organization of Lancaster girls, found within a slip of paper containing the verses printed below. There was no in• timation as to who was the author; but it is assumed that one of the girlswrote the verses. The soldier sent the piece home to bia mother and she had it pub- lished iii a county papar,"The Exam - bier", the editor of which has been asking "Who Is The Girl?". Tao verses have quite a elcYcv taro, neve they urs LET HIM LIE A* long as the flowers their perfume gire, I'd let the Kaiser live; Live and live for a million' With: nothing to tiring but Belgian tears; With nothing to quench his awful thirst But the salt© brine of a :Scotchntrn's • curse; I would let him live on a dipper° each day, Served with things on a 'golden tray, Served with everything --=but things to. eat. I would make him a bed of ei hen sheen, With costly linens to lie between, With cFavern e c `)'th a*t3 €nflrt t. bf 4i2e, And 1Qt in rillows- pili .9 lEi l lac' Yet et to its comfort be would yield It would stink with the rot of the battle fical, And bloodiand brains and the bones of men Should cover him, smother him, and then Wag b His: pillow would cl with the rat= clay,. Clay from the graves of a soldier boy; And While God's sts,ps'their vigils keep, And while the waves of 'white sands sweep, "He should never never sleep. And t,itjt 2114E4* nli dal yeaiii; oli.ould be dtt anthem in bit ears lunging and ringing and never den% Ii"rolp the edge of light ta,the set of aunt Moaning and rtloanin, and meaning wild, A ravaged French girl's bastard child And I'd build him a castle by the tea, As lovely a castle as over could bp, Then. I'd show him a ship from o'er the sea, As line a shop as ever could be, Laden with water cold and sweet, ' Laden with everything geed to eat Yet scarce doe* she touch the lvee 1 aving.decided to great1y reduce my large stock of gOteral merchandise I 'am offering the following bargains:. ROCS buy ash long long as they last 3 pkgs ° Corn Flakes, 2 cans Mustard, cans_M.olasses .3 cans..lrudge: Scour -T_. Ing. Powder,. 4 bars Comfor-t-or-Sunli h Soap, 6 bars Castile, 2 lbs. ' Raisins, 2 plugs s Tobacco 2 1-2 lbs. Laundry g • Starch 3 bottles Lemon Extr . ► and -I-. BPY 3 boxes Dr.,Williams' Pink Pi + is, 6 •:25c. cans Salmon,: •3.,. 40e •pack, , es Mat�ehes, '-17 Spools CO.. Thre:a al. Gasoline, • Black,1 Green and 'lvlixed., :Tea,, worn �70c. lb on sale : 5:C�c. lb We haye a big stock of Fancy Dishes selling At, low prices. Just the thing. for gifts.: Why ; not buy - your',, Xmas. gifts now: ? ' • I. M acee. L ,en se's for Ford cars, :worth' $3.00; for 2 oo, • The best on the market: •. arl;. Plu Wires for Ford cars oc .•. Set of �f', g- r4 , 4 Timer Wires, 5 wires for 75c, ,Ignition or lighting wires 4c. ft.' • Stock Foody --Dr. Hess' and Clark's . 25lb. pails: for $2«00., worth $3 00. T.35 pkg fpr ' oc, 65c pkg'for 5oc. 35c p14: for. 25c. 1: Men's Felt Hats from 25c. to $2.50. 6 only Curl Cloth overcoats, rubber interlined worth 15.00, oh sale for $10. BalbrigganyUnderwear,..clearing at40c..T.v;z.,.t_._ .,.n All wool Urider.wear $2. Fleeced $1. and 75c. Half Hoe selling from 25c to 60e pair. Work Si irts 1.00,. 1.35 and $1.50. • €overall2.25 and $200. Ken's and Boys' all wool Suits, a little old- fashioned but just the thing for wear, at old prices. Ladies' House Dresses $1.00. ` Heavy Woollen Hose, worth 1.25, for 75c. Heavy Astrachan Fur Coat, size 40, $20. Corsets, small sizes, clearing at 30c. Skirt Lining 1Oc a yard. ' jootton and Silk Laces at Half Price. Flann ette, 22 and 25c yd., worth i;0 8155c. 0 f nice may h Wadi Deis his e: ger hands Then a hot and a•belhsh molten obeli Should change hisheaven into hell. And The° he'd watch by the wave swept shore, Our Lucitania would rise >I,o More. In No Mans Land, where the Irish fell, I'd start the Raiser a private helb I'd ,;lab him, stab him, give him gas, And In each wound I'd pour ground glass. ' 1,4 march himm out where the brave boys died, Out past the lads he,cruisified. In fearful gloom, in his living topab' There's one thing I'd do before us • these I'd make hint sing in a stirring manner, rhe wonderful .words of the "The Star 'Spangled Banner:'.' , The Busy Hardware House Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery SUGAV,ONSERVA. TION iMPERA.TIvE. The Canada Food Board has asked private householders of Canada ail further to restrict their consumption of sugar for personal use to iir.ponmis pdr. month per person and to use .a greater proportion of'brown sugar, • The Board .also warns,agaainst heardr.ng as, unfair,. unnecessary and contrary to law. '. . .frhe..Ce ban crop of sugar has'fallen short by 300,000. ' tons of the pre•gious estimates; the American sugar beet crop. has also prbved.disappoiiiting as has the T�ouisiana cane crop. • The recent Ger- man- drive was a further cause of 'sugar shortage as a large beet'ocreage was • overrun and many sugar factories des- troyed. Thousands . of tons': of sugar have been sunk by submarines, iuclud, ing' a .13,000 toncargo recently lost off the Atlantic Coast. Conservation of sugar is imperative; . There is -sugar in Canada for everybody 'inmoderation -but none for extravagant use, for Waste- ful use or for illegal h'oarding.,' TANK MEN WANTED The - following has been `issue'd :from Military headquarters at tendon. • 1' .. Men are required '-f'or reinforcement draft for 1st, Caiiafdian. Tank; Battalion;;. qualifications as follows; -- .1, Categnry."A" 2, Age, 10 to 35, inclusive: They should have educational quali:fi` cations 'similar to the University Can adian placer's•";raining :corps; *hat is •t e--Matric 1 t`oir-ex ` iiktion . to- rr - = h uttt stn i� i versities or its equivalent. . - Class 1: Men under Military .S3ryiee Act, not yet -called for duty,may volutt• leer for this unit ' 1hat3:includes the 19 year old class Men 'under Military • Service Act en- listing her eSplratibii of E% Xn-15tH 1 ,granted, -may-enlist-in this unit. Applicants' may apply to any author- ized medical' exaniiner in: the district For, examination or direct fp Mobilizatron Centre, Carling Bloek,`L•indpii, Ontario,, 0. 0.Finu3ANIi;, Majer. aint:Paint: Paint Hiving bought a large quantity of ready -mixed Paint at greatly reduced prices we are offering to the public a chance totry paint at far less than . present wholesale prices while it la:; ts, a .Remember we only have the best selling colors to .choose from• which is also an ,�s� r advantage. The following prices, while our pr ent stock lasts, in either house -offloor paints. SalePrice, per quart, 69c, Sale. Price,. per pint, 37c. We are also offering at a Special Prick, Martin-. Senour's High Grade, Barn_ Paint in- .red -only_ Tho_ paint is used by many of our customers for painting garages, barns, roofs, fences, implements, etc. can. offer 'our present stock only 'at the following' prices, as this line has greatly advanced sine ta-e. bought. Antinomy tits r. 5 gal. cans, $-ro;oo per can. a dal; eats, $2.25.~ rc. gal.,. cans,r.r, quart cans, 6oc.'; Any person wanting to try this paint on . any build- ing •can: have a sample can free for the asking. aWe want you to- compare these 'prices with other high gran paints;and.see,if we cannot save you money. • MeLEOD -86 -JOY The Store Where Your Money Goes Farthest" W. W. Hill . • LUCKNOW We believe that it pays togive our customers service and satisfac- tion; _that atisfac-tion;.:_that is Why_ we want to sell you 'a Off LAVAL A RD WA E 'e have a' large 'assortment of Pitbh F s,. selling from 40c ,to. $1.25.. Come - r ea i4yt ait&h re- nrxrsl charm ' Elephant Brand . Paint, Pure• Linseed Oil and d White Lead, while -it lasts for. 69c qt.. ` Red; School House Paint=5: gal. can for Sr(); Il: can for $2.25, xa ;.gal. can $1.15, :gal. can, 6oe:`• Any one wishing can get a s✓mall sample can free. • Grauiteware at old 'prices while stock .�./ lasts. 'Cream Separator •'i'heconcave-bottom, self -center- ing bowl in the NEW De Laval Cream. Separator.is. tiro biggest ad. Vance in separator construction in 30 years. • It has greater. capacity without increasing either the size or the speed. and it is do supported upon the detached spindle that it will run true and do perfect work even after long•.aed'hard Wear. It he..fewer discs than the old type bowl. All discs ate unnumbered and interchangeable. Discs are Caulked only • on one side. The milk distributing de- vice is removable : Its 'easier, to . wash than ever before. , ,, Considering the present 'national c-risis and,your , ability 'in' ctrhat capacity. can you serve best'? • • 'Don't.say unskilled labor—Canada needs. *, skilled labor.: Untrained workers are as. great a. hindrance as untrained soldiers. .: • - • ti v A' course at this school :will enable you 'to airs_• -. 'ver -this question with satisfactiois satisfaction -to- yourself -anti -to- - The business, world meds your services .and its • doors are`wide..open to jou.• • :� •SCI1OOLOLCOMMERCE,. _, ter_--CLINTON,ONm. Offers the following: courses 'Business, Stenpgraplic,= • Secretar ial,> Bus. Penmanship,- Civil. Service — and arranges ' specl,al .. courses for special students. For further particulars write to • B. F. Ward, B.A., M. Accts, Principal. M. A. Stone, Cor.. Specialist. Vice -grin. Phone 20$ School opens Tuesday, September. 3rd. yr Ogir)con.r;$0- - • ;. s the only appeal 'we..make for your pati:ai age. If .we could. not convince you after you had fiiiit40,4the dots se, that- our training is : the:.best •obtaival?•le: eve, � � inuld :not want you to enroll- in 'the -school. are Ali. our. graduates. • satisfied and successful....' 'B. A. McLachlin, President. A. naviland, Principal. ALL CASH OR TRADE. • • q�Y���iSh Cross-section of,.nety bowl, ebovnng now method of dis. • hibuiinc'milk,4ctecen the rbvr. We're bort; Avers, clay to explain the NEW De Loyal to,:ou to go into all the dela-la. YOU entn buy one from us on each: ears .terns that tit will save its cost W lilts you are t-nyiistr fgt.' it. come it, and tall~ it over, MAN:UR SpREADERS. We' sell the Deering Light Draft Spreaders, with the wide spread, the most durable and nip-toydate machine on the market; Don't fail to see it before buying..• BUGGIES—The latest styles witih either steel or rubber tires. :.1 liTILIZE11--13Se some homestead Iertili:Zer on our riots - and potatoes, t paysto fertilize, , Frost No 9 Coiled Wire.,and Woven Peace on. hand. W. to ANDR 3 0C , LUC A SIO V 7 e �esee�assa .rxra, iy,�.a.eac.lcs.®..e i a» s,�,assm Utttrib, AUc °toneer, Mix is