The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-08-29, Page 74 ., . N --r-t - - - - ft- -- - ­�-- - - , - - " - - . \ I �� . 1� Z 0 . I . I . ­ AWWWWWWW.P.- __ � I 1. - - �- ­­. , _!!�;��� - - __!!��__-;_, __ � =7 -_-77777 --- ,_ __ �____ - ____ __ � - . � _ . , !------ _7 'I :! , "_ ,�_­ - ,_ 491 -.'-- - ' J , - �_ --.-,-- _�_, , _--!!.- oo-__ "�!!!!!!!�!r7mo-__-__�! !; _�o - , , .---- . ,4 . - " - , - - �______ - �____ 4��__,_­­ --- � ___ I 1.41111601m: . coffoo are then served Shoulo an :.... 15�11 �5 ... - . I 11 , ­, .. I : - . .. he , 1, , . I .. purfow Sells silenced in England, 11 - -_ I ,.A officer not desire to taie dessert, .., . , .1 . 1:, I '. . �k I INMIONSTHAT MANNERS AT '_ ' I signtficii thlo by vressins; his, Unife and ',, .. . �� The CUT -tow 011;4 throughout Engund i E AT,G . I- N i 1�1 - "11% � I I . I foa� - on his, dcose�.t-rlate or firick- ­ ,have 4eu Me sul;jcet of Much. prose 1 Do PT # 'P� � DU WAN U) * NAVAL MESS � 1�1 and poetM Ono of t4e boot bits of 1 1 1 ARL T . bowl. ' �:: ­ ! � . I I . � I bad -a �uzzllxkg experience at dia. �, - verse Inspirecl by the night bells� of 'I - - 1W � '. . ' i � i�",:�� . - ��' '.. I � . i I - )aer the other ,night. I accidentally :�:.:: � :, . .. 1. I . I . . ,. I'� war reads: I . i I * ­­ L . .::: 1-. � MADL ��i " � , ... I. I MW MANY impnov'FmENTS AWAIT A INEXORABLE ..LAWO, .-WRITT& timcbeil my glass with my fork. 49 ;.: - I tV - . . . �.--'� NO eurfow tollo the Lnell,og day; I ; ANAk,A & -1. . �4* 09$GOV9RER. I 'AND UNWRITTEN Me tumblor re*Ounded, three voices ' .... NAk,A f � i " ' ; � Night ollenceo all bells. It . - � . I .opontaueouoly called out "Hunl'% I �;;,.-:: � �� I ;.,: .. I When dark descends no beltrytells i - � "_� askeo what It nicont, and found that .:::,.: � W N , ..;,... J � I � - I ,�:,:;,:. . - :. , ". The- hours. no "Voulto" swells . , 1� _A4F*% �. . . when a tumbler rings, according to ,�-,;; . :: ,,�:: � . . � ,: I � I I 11 - De# War, Thiite Is Little �, , .41.< .,:.,. I . , 11 Xrtlficl4f Rubber, substituto for Lea the belief of f3alloro, some midfortune - .. .. . I . p1te, the ".1 1, I TO 8.11mmoa those who pray. �, . ' �11';_;: .::.".. 1-11�-1--i,:, . . � . I Are Change I 6val Dining Customs 113 nlgh ' . �.��.`.� I �� V or devila from ton thousand hells ! I I 11 T% - . : A, I thor and* Artificial Glass " ,, , Wait to be guided by the bells, � , * _� . ' . ItEvery time som �:�`.i�-"' : I .1 - ;% Amoaq,t�e Needed Articleso - Qn British Warships, t*' :?i;��::­ . 1:. I ;, . . , I � . g - -� `!`� ,4 . . laos ring on the ship I use(I to,com ,�-- . In silence still the bours, steal, by, � I I I k How ItifluitQ I'm f"IcUlty is, man, paid � . Nothing puzzZles ,a new -comer so maud,11 an ofileor told me, "a seaman �:�.`.?. - Wrapped in a bushing mystery. I � . , � . . .:::.:: �X- I I . - ��!:.�;i�� ...�.. ,.-*;, :�: ­ 11 . - '. A, I I flalulict. � plue;1 as the. customs ' of the benior IXre enough fell overboard." That was -��i:3: ,. � '.' �;,,,,�-::::�,�,.::,.�.,:.....,:.�,. �,'��4?� Some day, who knows, 6e, 6ouncl_�of . I- AgeoptinU this rather flattering Service. There are laws, Written and why they called out "HuAl" In doing �1`1'11.'?*. :'.. .1, , . ,,, ... ` , , ::.z".".. ,.._.::,�:,_:,,,,.,:,. .r,;,: ­,j,...,,.. ,, 1-.-._;.,. .,�:.��-:� . I . I � .NS .. � ", ;�­ ,,, view of him one is tempted t "�:�:, .. ,`*:,;!:_:. �;�i�..,-": .. , , � . . L', -:;.!�: o imagine, uuwritten, whieh'are In4vorable. Woo' go they were traiisferring the bad luck "..'�?,;. .::.,��-�:. , '. . ��, . ChAmeB 30_� �i - , '01t � .. . .. . . . ,��': - .� i1s, , . �::...'��'..'- �; ;;,�;�'; - I , n ' .: ut". 1 �.o N . ��'. . .._. � *a � '( I 1".1i'AMI, , that within'the next few centuries -he, betide 'thp culprit who luncee tlY to out enemies' I Usual�y somebody :....."'I.I..", . --�;:,.,��;�.�. :.i: Again will ring adown the gloom . �:::�:'�,� '::::�':`::jL;�r1 , , 44KING., . , . . . .....'." - � . ":!!!!!!: ��:--',': And deeper tones, from Winster's " "I - 0 :�:�.':i::::::,i:....0( � ; : :3 :�;i�:�'. .. , . Wi�l haVOL'i3olVea"many� problerati breaks any of them.14 " Tho.etiquette calls out "Save a po r sailor! " and tile `. ,.,. ._ . . , . ,, _..,.: , '.t,.-:-, -?�:...,.:: � .11 : .., . , `­..­­,:;::!..:! , :. :�'f*.i'.'i , boom � . . -, , N. I 1- 1.11 . ............. VIX . !::. .....; .1 11 . i �`. "... q .. . I : iij ; Laborer Pigs Up Buried Treasure, I I . ., - ­­ .I '' .;�; I I I .:. i� . . 11 - .� . 1. . _ .1 ;7: :�. I , ..... , � Wh&@ guns ,sound -in th . on A jar containing g &­� 11 May discover a meftnP for COMI the same as thataround whicha naval at once stopped by placing a finger . I., ,.: � r . . - I old coins to the : - now seem weli-nigh UOP01433. 'of a military ni�sa is not in the least ringing of the glass,'plate or bowl, Is I I - I * ,. ::� . � , - TV. -W I' - "I'll, -.,,10. N .. ­;;;'. �._:. i�?'�� Qse strIcIr � lie . . No _ municattua and exoh:inging news with oMoors' mess is conducted, on It. - I .... . '.,­�,;'� ....... ­ ......... ..., ,,..:, !., times, . _, . . 4�.:::�::::!;.::::.:".:.::"�,,,�'. -.`,'.:.X.­­:'X . ..... - .,-`�-,�� 1. value of about Z400 has been ilug up , I !:: .1 '. .1 ...., In 14 ays so many novices aboun .... : ..' ­:, . ..-;.kWt1 - - r*`,�` Some day, from every chiircb. ,',-and by'a laborer named Albert H11 r � 10 - � . otltqr, � plallete_if perchance guy of 'The f,lrsi thing',a,colonei who -ca 0 owad * d MAG`;-�-�-��-,��"""� . :1 , � - . � I 1, wha . 11 . .3 . I � - .�.;,�,-,i,.,,."- - ::!:., . . . . I them -are Inhabited Think how 111- 0 .1 _ ` :�:e)!!.:,;.:;.�::.::.::;:,�o:;.-�:.-...�*.:;:,V�,�,�;;.�.��z�.,*. . tower d in excavating work. at Elms, , . 4 � ......�, I . aboard ink.6hip the other day -asked In the Navy diat many of the' id and _: ..... I ­ - engage . IT!, . 1. ;j:�..' I oll, ..�,��T , ...... . � . torosting It Would �p to Pick Up On 0 revered customs Are falling Into - do7. 11 , I t1wo ,,.,-��t;Ml�,,�, .; The bells will pour a molten Shower Lincolnshire. The oarlle.5t' date. on , " I . me was whether he was supposed t :."..,::;- . � I I , � - ­ � I - . _�'-'.;� .2" theL CbInS" W ' PW � I ;;; . ? I.-.. r d O � .. .*�:_'.. 4 ,�:: Of glorlo s c4ords-not'li. ur byhour,' ' .. , .;.`­`:, . , ( ... 4 Include spade guIX1_ , , I :_,, ;; . morning paper -and ifead of the latest sta� all through the dinner, as he had'caYp If they are not actiially taboo. .., .1 .!; ...... ��t '�­"r . . bleb 1 - . . *;-:.','.... ... :-- ..... . " . . '. :-;,:S:.�.,,,,�:,:;:;r:..:. . .. � ,­ happenjnZ� oii Mara or 'Venus, . , to -get away eikrly, r fla . F&_ ­ -,-: But In one vast God -thanking rain, gas, was 1734,,-,and'the latest 1828. As . ys a Dayal officee The 11pukka" sailor regrets this, aud4s; ':: Ft) : has, r . I . AV4 "....:, . . . . . . -.1 I �r ' line 7. , ... 11,1111­:::� ";; _trI I U pli'd a restilt )f the fInd ja D. � I Such an achievepiqut wbuld not be I told him what he might do in th;Lt Inclined to ,look, forward to the A - . .; , I .... ­­. ­ i.. :. "ft .... ..; L' I What righteous, peace In . !reasure inquiry I , .. customs wilf r Come Int6 " - . . . . so fery much more Wonderful than ntt()U!. wheii the old .1. ::::::; . again. . . ,was hold at Alford, - and the Jury de. . I . ,�iu � , conneetlob,'and, Incidentally me , 11, .�,.:. . 11�_ ' � ' ; I ,:,�, �Ilwlyele s."' Mig�t Wer n6t learn hoW 6d. a few othor customs, at which hak their own again., Speaking as one of .., X: : ....... , . 14 1 I - , elided thati thelc()In& wer . _ � � , . , . , r . . I � . e treasure, .1* I �� � .. , :to telegraph, , or even telephone,- to was amazed. I told 11IM'r for instance, the novices, liowever, let me say that . .... GIRLSL WHITEN SKIN trOvib. 11111, who I* 03 years of ag ........... I, I . L . ; K. er L . � . I IL . Venus Along a li.ght-ray? . that It would be. as well if he retrained, Most of ,those I have'met have easily "� .. . i.* . � WITH LEMON JUICE has a wife and 17 children, and It Is . .'4 . I � . I . � ­ . . Harness the'Sun and Mion, ' . Irom fuquirl�ig after,my wife -or any fallen into the "ways.of the many," at- ; . ". .;, - I r . I .1 ip .. hoped . that he will be amply rewarded. . . er . I . . I �. , - I ., . r 6 uIltil tho,' o elieve ' It could � %. Make a beauty lotton.for a'fe%k cents to . . I � I - 1� � . we Aglit surel 4� . out befoie oflior ls�dy�at table,1t Any rat ,, , . ..: re a r I _rtb� flud . .... ­ . - -_ _' _­_� _'­­­._� - ARANAA U44P-440 _9_1W_W�PJbl&I& _'-�- ' ­_­q.� ___ __�___ S_1Wg__ _-, - - ­ - '' --- ­ - , __111 . . . . . . . . ... .., �1� I , - - r - - .. .. :�,:E;: ..... **�V�..:.�; - '�� ­­...." ...... . . . . . ..�::...... . ,,,� ­. .1­.....­....._F..;.X" . 1.�: , � ­ . Sum 0� ,-t " ' Dik. twell di) wlt)iout. a few of the ,:�:�!;- :;;:;:;:;;. :. ,:; mov tan. freckles, sallowness. 4#61�­ r __Iong_hoW,_to -A�W- '410f X01_1014k! §sl _ _he __r7�'__�,,_______,_,_-r-_-------- - - I---- ,­...!111�1"..;... , - :. _ , , , , ': ': , :: , , , , - � , ,,harne8 . _ _%_hAg .'an_ 1---_ . ;.. . . . .... :;: -,,��,�S; , .I.- , , , ..._,___._.._ 41. I , __ - ; t a , � 'also until after the curI914s ceremonies, whic appik6ntfi . - "' , Z � � r eRnho , hartietio the ,.:.. _....".1 11�.._ .. . � r t do that, we mi)r I r .. -seed sown last �, . . . 4% * *t up.out of sheer,devilry I . 1� r . � r - � Your grocer has the lemons and any Cyclamens from audt 4. � by Machin . I I . -4 r.). . I . . I I - I . � . r . . i I 4 I �' ,e' moon , ery th , will utilize Ing's health had been , runk it would Are - - tunin,require six. inch pots for bloom. -i . "". . I I 1% I I �, . ., � n er do to mbdre a wager or le4ve, the , *.*- ,Orpstle Treatment. . . r I Irish Avengers ­w -Recruit.,*, for the 13iftish navy .who volunteered as the drug store or toilet counter will sup , I the power. of the tides. ,', , ,, , - . . I i � . . . I � . I . . -1 . .. t of the circiplatign of this ppster throughout Ireland. . . � ply you with throe ounces of orchard .ing, Old plants should, be kept outeg , . . . . I I . - But, while we are waiting for thbse tab, without the iexRrem permission For instance, It a man'bappened .t9 . rOsul I I I � I I . � . . . . � . , � i � � .1L . . . white for a few cdnts, Squeeze the side and not permitted, to dry out. ., . � . sreat,thlugs, there are many 13malliir :Of t- pr9sident. - . . so,far foiget himself as to take from , . I 1. I , � I . , I - . - I . I I I . a of two fresh lemous into a boV N"en they start mew growth repot .. , 96 �, ' I . , I � I . ones that invite. attenflon-inventions. '. Inking Toasts In, Waiter. a dish pa4ped to him by a fellow-OfIL- Ple f � ., . , Ue, then put in the orchard white and and stand in a coldfi-ame. - I � :. I thai are wanted, but.which have thui ­ - My friend the colonel was much sur- cer ' first the party,, scattering the men in all fortunes; there was n opportunityto - : . i instead of taking the 'dish . � R shake well. ,This makes a quarter pint I I 1 I I t, � . � I I � . far .*luded the make ' ' . . . a "dor directions, wounding several and toss- make them, for it was impossible for , I i- . � 1� � . rs,of new Ideas, prised to find that a dinner In a navaL fr�m the officer, he Is said to b . , R_ ! , 11 I p ing the, phonogral)h, uninjured, to the one man to force into his service a of the Tery best lemon skin *Idtauer roX "W11 . . � : ' � I . . � . . I . An elastic glass, th4t will.not'hreak officers' mess even In war -time Is ' � a " 'and the,penalty for and complexio fie knowtL XXKLTXXW0PAPZ4 Volt HALIN I , : 1. 1. , a ing a Marini , om , top of a steep I bank. An officer who' large number of personi' and so to . . .1 I � I eaotly-Itow ab6ut that? The ancients 'very formal, affair. The presidefit-a this -at any rate, In the gun-ro I . W In Now Ontarlm Owner going to I . 14� . ' -is the dish ran up was reassured by a smiling create a big organization out of which ,Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion , I �, are said to have known ho,w.to make . . is. upset over his 11 . 71rasee. Will ssll ,18;000. Worth double . . � I . . - �, , � senior officer -sits At the head of the mess , coolie, stripped of everything -'except lie In" daily into the face, neck, arms and t smount. A&T J. IL."G/o Wilson I 4 , . . I 'head. What if -it happened to be hot Jight, make big profits. A very os X � � ijuch glass, but, It they could, the table, With A vice-presid4 tit opposlt�- I 'explosion large numl>er of men did business on � ftbilobing Ca. =Ito& Toroats, . I . . I . � ' . � ) -o', � . a shoe and a few rags by the hands and Just see how freckles, tan,. - . � - 0�� �� . ­ I art has be�n IOU. 'A relatively -in, fuiictually:to time he raps the table potatoes! .. . ' I . X . 1, I I 1. . . . frangible I tum . - i�g and clasping a wounded hind. - ecent living ,sallowness, redness and roughness .%,61 EQUIPPED NEWSPAP'a 14, . 0, 11 I - I ass would with his polished hammer kind says - l4owadgys 1. notice officers arriv � a small sealev all made ;s d dls4ppeai and'how smooth, 'soft and W an Job printing Plant In Itastern , .. . I - I 1 3 . I 41or or wineal , . . . for diriii&r, forgetting to aliblogise 7 -"All lite!" said- "Cutlibert" cheerily. and all we'r'e reasonably happy in a Ontario. Insurance catned 4.600. Will S1, t . . ,, ,be a grept �comf6it. ., I very Informally, . "For what' we are late . clear the xkin"beconies. Test It Is for $1.200 on quick a Box J 1 19,0. ft. , I � � !� �., ,Anotter thing � badly nia�ded , to the president. This to a point which "C'O' gone,' cashee gone, IN' finger humble fashion. � . . . � zmess, I and the beautiful results 911SQ11L 'Publishing Co.. Lt , Toronto� - . . � L 11 ,1_ . . is 86 about to ,receive, thanl� God," where- . I . - - bar � ". I �� fireproof paper (ot,asbestip6 or other upon the dozens"Of orderlies -general. In normal tlines-wQ�uld be considered gone-noni�mfn'. Gottee moosic. All I - _�. "I . I . ... . I . � . .. . . lite " , , - - - � � . I 111" a 0--0--0--o-0--o-0 will sUrprise you. � '. IPE_I?IGREED XEWF0TJN]DLAND1 � 11 11 " .. . � � . �,L .. . ­ material) t,hat Will -take Ink from a ly Marines -who have been, waiting a grave breach of etiquette.. In large L ' . - , .. , 1. � 0 0-- I , - 'P((pPIex. that noble breed now so, � � .. 51. ' ... . 41' - . . . I a-- . " nearly extinct. We lhave� some very gas . I I 11 -_ . I documents- the president, of course, b&ng served Or Chatham,.a sjde . I I \' PtDIGREED BLACK SIBERIAPC X 11 ' I I . " � � pen, and' not I;ilur. It Is reqnired for for.the SIgnEk), hanil.round thii dishes, niftses, sfich as that, at -Portsmouth .. . JERUSALEM I 1� YES I MhGICALY1 . . I ' The Can - ny'�oot- . '. 1. ones. ,,P A�'Gtllesple. Abbotsford. Qua. .1 ' � I � . .. I . Oeeds * and other -valuable � -table �is laid . for * . I . . . � � . . A man called one day on. a friend- I , ' I ,� I.. How about an artifibial rubber? fliot, and the vice-president next. late -comers. . 'Corresponaelit' . . , I Fur Hares weighing tirteen pounds . . � �, . I . . Of course, everybody has heard of Piscribed By a of , the . 1. CORNS ,LIFI�_9UT a Scottish merchaiit-*bo before the at maturity. Charles Reasbeck, Van- . I& " , �� I . With I it the iftuation.is mucI& the Officers nowadays are rationed, but . . I . British Army . I kleek Hill, Ontario. .. I I ;. . . . 1. I I L . I same. When Columbus Arrived in the . . � the toast that is made on Saturday . . �. I I war had a1arge'continental business . I :� .. 1, I I �� . 4 � , . , . . . � . I I 1. - thqfe 1.19, . comparatively speaking, , 'Jerusalem, says"a correspondent I. WITH FINOERS - -connection. "'This wAr'muit bAya' hit . ALGRX" WAX2WD 1. ". 1- I ­­­ New World, h&,found the Indians, nIg1kts at sea. 'After the King!s health I I I . ". , I plenty, and thre4� courses are the- into- .. . � � . . . I I'Verra � I ______ - . I , I . . I , WANTED -S1,000. 'YOU . I 'a �. ever, to � - . -Playing games with bouncing balls, mum (a, second 'helping,, how has been duly drunk, the wine is once of the British,,Army, ii itill, as . the .� I you viery hard," . lie said. , I I . . � - I . I I . the - r'aterial,- 4s he Ascertained,' de- , more Wilig Psilmidt. describes itibuilded as a- citY' a AUENTO-ke It In your county with out . ­ � . ,A I permitted. -from the same ' Passed. round for, -the ples . - , 14 'o 'o o. ft - 0 haMit"replle.d the mirchant� shaking, . � f - . dish I ) . � , I ", . . ' ' a that is coft�pact together. Thoughit I � I his head sa(n- I fast selling Combination- Cooker. one J? � . . ' tbast, "Sweethearts And Wives." Th . . F.,�tve oirer sixteenhun- banks $389.65 the Arst month. I I . "I . , plyed from a tree. 'To -day,. nearly 400 Sugar, too, abounds. ,.,An Important . You say to the drug siore �n, 11 live - . � , .�, I i ,_ . I .. - cynic haa,added the tag, "May thley spreads untidily outside the Crusad- I I dred pounds oviin'. me in Germany, an' agent' sells 20 In two hours. 1. . me a small bottle of freez a." ea,nlnz up $0 daily. No capl-o, , . . - . " ." , .., years lat . - . . -is and can I'm no sure I'll ever see a b wbee %1.10 � .: . , eratwe,ar.e unable success, Italit'for some. of,,ujkL � . � his 0 1� � I I I 'it hat tal necesss�r7. Goods shipped to reliablel-' . � 4 . full �O.im,t e t 0� tuff of, which those never meet." But the toast� ;ipy ers, walls, it a small place, " 11 It " I � . I I : . . . . .The King's health is, drunk,before . . ost very. little but w .41t "y' "Indeed.1'said'the. -other": " at'shard men on.ttme..- Territory got f ­�,, i I b . . . . ts be taken in a. glance from the Mount will c . ' , I ., , ,- I � ' * * A,,S :Were made, ,. one -really. Is. "To our sweethear � . . d or soft 0 % I . Ca" � I . . � � I removeever bar I- Write quick to secure Your n 7 ome . " ­ , L dessert, After tbi* grace "For what T . rrodiitetq�, Co..,. L _� i , . and wives! May oit� sweethearts soon of Olives. or Mount Zion, Outwardly . 'a ' b . . I . . . . . I luck.." "Lostkl" ans*6red the 'Scots" bination Thom" Idg., * . . 1. I I ' 'Big Fortunes Await Inventors. 'become our wives . , and our wi. I lup from one's feet.. - * ' 4 ' man, "it Is so, butno' Wtogether, I ,for. I Foater. Que. . ,- I . e�l I ' �� . . we've receivedi thank Gbd.fl Then. the' . . � " " r during the ' � I , . ves re. the city. has changed litt 6 i . _� I . . I I'' . . . - I I 1� . It to positively discouragin to con- table Is cleared, All. tumblerg�even It to!)p ., U A few. drops of this now ether eOm- owen'five, thousands poonds tag. thiae '2--��MICMZXPAAMOVX I 1. � . I � . . I . .k '. I . � n our, ears of war. There has been -a lit- ' . . , , ,qweethear I - � I I , .g . '_ Mai - L . - �� . . j if . . 1� I . . � . : sider' , the fact - that big �,fortunes. in full -being 'iemoved, ti6a., . I . . I. , . - - . I . tle widening,, ,6 parts of, the Jaffa pound applied directly upoA a -t6nder. n . " . .. ANCEIL TUXOIM LUNP I I L 4 � I L 1. . - I 'bessert-glasses' having �been,ser#ed "CUTHBERT". IN FRANCE. *road,. and there -are tren6he' aching corn relieves. the. soreness in- ' I I . I S. ,=a , - &L V �, � . �� , . I money are waitipg'and all ready to I . * . a and . . () Internal -and ext rW. -cured, wit9l . ,� ,� ,F . . I . . '. * I � be grabbed by lucky pO�SO]Rs *ho, by- three, sometimes four bottles,of wine " � I . .� emplacements 6ri the Mount oi Oliv- stantlk, and soon 'the entire corn, or 7-inard's Min=oAt cures Distamises. �, . out pain by our home treatment. Writsi . . � 4 ' ,', I � I � - " "' - I I . . I I � .. . . on before too late 6111nan Medical - . I �. . � 301, Ong tire placed In front I Co.j Limited. C411tignwro-oll Ont. I I J I - . ...,chance or otherwise, ih4y bit Ul. I , of,the president. Thousands of Chinese Coolle's Are, .es'and Mount'Scopae, where invading �allus, root and all, driep up and can . I I � , A - I � . �� 7... . ' - .new Idea or another. Not a few opochp 4r9gnd each, Is A, silver label--t-say, I I . ' I e lifted off with the fingers. . � . No Self-itarter-7 , I I I � I . 'A . , � � 7. I . Employed Bebind the Lines. - armies in f6rnier ages have een en- . I I . I . I . . . . . Ir � 11 I . , . � � 1, .. . __. ... .. making inventions - have �been -. .'.attrib- Madeira, port., sherry, "niarsala. The ., . � . . . camped.' But there -is a striking This new way to rid one'b feet of The enargetie, automobII6 salesman . . . I I k." � . � I. .1 . 11 - , , 0 . � . . utable to pure accident. . � �. . president starts. the ball. rolling,. first Why an anti-aircraft g4n. IS "ArW- change In'the character of, the place corns was introduced by a Cincinnati had just delivered the fair customer � 11 I � '� ,.. I ­ 'or,' 1A familiar .,diminutive, . I . . . i . .,:�, ., � - . . I A saftsfactogy substitute for leather. by Methodically removing. the stopper bald," . � t freez9no drie' r, and evetythingowas ldve- '. . ,� �. � ' . � . the IS that throng Itanarrow man, who says tha s In her xxeW ca ' . , ..; , , I . I . I I . . I ". t ­­ �� ­. � 41*47ri . -of each. -bottle and laying -them- In -or- "Areffle," Is one ��Of -the-minor- myste-_ kq4_: Lpeop __ _ walls ,is a mpment,--iind gimplyshriVels up"the' ,ly- - Ho liad,scarcely entered � the o - , � 1, . , __A - - 2'.__ ., .. - �Who will isupply-itT-lAre wd . - A— . - - .�. e. 1'� * . ways. The. city. within the. .f I . �1� - � I -der-gide by..oide, Then'.he slides the, rlep�.of the.great.war. A -kindred puz- I . - . I � . !1 � ,: . _. -1. . ) . 1, I : callus - without Irritating --thd llee,-bowever, when bib received a tole. 41 . . . I I I I �, �. � . I to rely upog nature �for--the-­Produo- around . n-1. a., every, Chinese coolie has qtill a: religious pr"eiserveo . sereen6d off WrD.Or I . . . I . - Said: . ... .� . . . . . I � i.L,. I �. ,. tion of , the.ra;W materipl? Surely not. bottles . I with the Sit zf6 .ig h ,,--� . from the common . nd � into Surrounding skin.. . . I . . phone col. 'She � ,� � � I I . i . . e It is I . C L ..k, u ,-, but so . world, A . .. . I . �,� I � L I . And jqt, thofigli Inventors 4 from right to left. Not wierybody, of bedom C thbert", * , 'Tihought ymi tol.d me' this 6ar was .1 � I I . ,; ­ ;5� 'I . ate busied. - . . .1 Which the soldier can enter only if Don't let father. die ot'infection or .. . � 1� . I �,�. � I I . with the problem for many. course, helps hh�self` from these de-, Many thousand coolies, provided by OL self-starter." -, .., I . I . . . � �. - - themseliv�' . - . I I he.* has a Bp�ci�l pass. But without lockjaw' from,.whittling At his corns, I . . I I A .. I I 1%4 , � ,. . � . I . canters, It'being permissable' by order the,Chinese lab�lr coMpanles,- are at I . . . ii ! .. � . . years, they have not ,the s I the yvalls the soldiers. have taken' pos- but clip this out and ;make him try it, : "SO It IS-" I . . I �'. . . . I ; �Irinir the 'Rofal.toaft work'behind the lines in France And .. I . . . I � t L � of the Kin to '"Nothing of the sort. I have. to .. "I . � Who will Invent a machine that can �g . I . " I sessio I es where - I . . � . ''.. i . . . . , I I . " : I � . . th , , with water, .or an empty glass. On are rendering Admirable serlhve: � '. 'isn't A . n of nearly all. the phic - If your druggist b ny freezQue pick chickens?. Where Is e genius . � . roi Push a button to make. it go.!' . , . . I - I , the -vaiious religious bodies had their tell him to order, a small 'bottle f , , . , . I - I A �. .. thii lasK_ ship' % I- was In *Practically Physically, they ard of a.far fifter I I I . .� I I , . , � . � 1� i , ., . who wlll,'-contr�lve a mechanical. 6yster- - I _ abode. ,-� . - _ ' hii wholesale drug house for you. ,� . . .. 1. . - . , I . . . .. ­ 4 � . , , . twistin, I , ;.,o'a .ty�pe,ot Chinese tban-we commonly on. I . ­ - � .1 . � ' -ORDERS. . . .1 I LL . I . ­ I � I ., 1. ; - . � : . ... , . . � . � ­ �, - �.­. I -, - I � , - I ow shall we flud ,a pe,mm everybody drank the ,w ne - ­�, !�. �. " . ': ..� . . I . - ohucker? "H my present sh ck I I Along the Jafte road te&-piats ih- - ­­ .MONEY I . I . � ,�� . I knife ,sharpener that does the -work, 1p bcir4ly anybody does: * counter in Canada: , lithe,.'(iui ,: Sup- . I -,--,O-- .11 I,` - I .1 . I - I vite our. soldiers. with signboards In ds by mail send , I , I , . I I I I I , . ___ -'--"--' - � , . � - eep On 9 st'raoge' Eng] oh --. to-- -pa-r,taki � Iiii ­­­ . -Domin -Express Money -Order. , , . - __ I . " . , � --- 1.* . � - . -and yhich, any- min- can It- - -- , hi When the bottles, having gone the pie and taJI-often well over six feet7� - .1 -11 ..BLACK TEETH POPULAR. - --- w . , I I � I round, reach the preold6at again , be and . enorn , ously - stron'. 'They- are ': f of , . I �� - I . ion F . . . I I- �, .� � , � . . desk? What about 'an envelope suit. � I . 9 cakes and sweeft. Just outside -the ., . . , - . - I I .1 1. I �. � , , �, helps himself, and, having carefully splendid workers; : In, loading a train Are Preferred to White Ones by the" ., ­ i - ' � � C. � . �, - . I I I . able. for -mailing small grticles or . � Jaffa" Gato,, a primitive place of.. an- . . I Getting. His Number. 0. , � �. le I f� , r . � . " (I I . � . . -&, Ives of Tropical .Wilds. . ' oud � ,�� . ,samples? - , I I . � replaced the stoppers, liftfi � his glags with heaVyrarmy �lahkets done up in Nat There was a rush of'wind,' a el , . I . . �' 1. I . an oo s vice.* ,.' ,sausage .'rolls, they easily ' did one tertainment. is �produced by tho. tkiu , . I . . I r I . . <1 - '. � �., I . 'Among other Inv6ntioris wanted Are,- . I . I I ' f a divisior; that boasts professional � , Dentists are learning that the � wild- of #uht, And the car rushed. on, le&v­ . I ;. .�;� � I - . . . � . . . I Qualnt Superstitions. �. hundred 'and tientk to' ovary ninety zl[�nt 'from tho- melghl�orhood I of erness is full of oppor nittes � for wid . I the Old gentleman sprawling in the . . � . . 't;" _�__r ' A wall -papering machine., I . . � r . t1i . e, ng . , r, I . .. n I . �, "'Mr. Vice -the Kirgl" he I give's , ; achieved by Europeati'v6prkers, and at . . ' � - �. . . � r . ew. . I � , , , I I � , ,& scrubbing machi e.. . . I Drury Lane in one of , its'battalions, and lucrative practice. roadway. He picked himself up and I �r- , I , . . . . .. A . C . uspidor'that will not spill when whereupon thiq vice-president says hiih Pressure ran ther count to one . . � -."Black teeth for human Wear are Ih dagh,ed.up to a policeman, yallilik ex- .0 � . . .,!�, . . . . . . I - , . . hundred and -fifty. Theyarenotfight., and�a kinematograph booth,which 'r I . - I . . ,�_, :1 I � . . . Upset, . . - r -most Solemnly: "Gentlemen, the . I " before the, Ing demand," said a dealer in den- citedly:' . . . .-. I .. - . I It war had a precarious 'ex -,grow . I 11 . - I - I � An ngl" and tIte-'toast AS acclaimed .g rnen,�and their contract requires . . ,;. I I . envelope that cannot be opened Ki �. b,m I ## that.they A I all be. employed 'only at a, Istence, has now a,n.ightly crowd of; tal supplies. �"In's6nie PdAs Of the ' "That motorcar knocked me downl.'� ... . � -�.'' . - � . .. . ' . I . `� �, 1. I I . . I . - -The policeman took out a business- - _. . I r . �. . . I " withouf detection. , r ' r . with "The, Kingl ,God .blesi . . It . . I world the � . I I . � � I . I .1 the siipulated distance behind. the battle Patrons�. I � , y. represent all that the un . �. .. - , . �, � ,,, . � sses ifnow. 'about the . I!A� -_ � . *1 � ,..A contrivance to receive mallasacki everybodk reiii.aining seated. It . . -I.- .enlightened ma like notebook and said: - -_ : I ." I . I - � .. Are courageous and r I I I . . . - I � . ` . "ins' . . . . I I . .-.,. from Moving trains.. , r shiplq band to in attendance the signal I , � . THE GOLPEN -AGE IN TURKEY benefits of modera'dentistrY, - 6 "Did you.notice the.number, strT'. - I - . . � -,.-. - . � I . . . r � ' ' with indifference -the occagional . I . I I . . . I I , I . . I A I A. substitute for .twine, for tying for the toast to the -moment for thi treat r A � I � .1 . . I "It, is idle to contend that black. - . � I I _J = :, I I . rin' vt the enemy . shells - * that. come''their . way.' , - - . � r 11 I . I -111, : . bundles. of mailed -letters. ' r - refide g National Anthem, - Describing Commercial Conditio�s in teeth are contrary to.n.ature and In- Lachute; Que., 25,th Sept., 1908. . I 112111MI&IR6,kasul . . 1� ,I .. . . . - ., �, ` , .. . � . They are gay'and,,good-.natured, cheer- - . . M" . I r . , A cure for seasl6knes'S. . - . when, of course, the toast Is drunk ful under any discomfort, and,extreme-. in Asia Minor a Ceritury, Agd - jdrlbus to the' character. -When the. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. . . . . ' . 1 I � � . A really practLeal car fender. _' ' standing -. . I . I . . In duces, Stcained,' . . � I .as on guest nights. - With all his faults, ilie Turk is- � people,want black. teeth they will get , r Gentlemen, Ever"fifnee coming ho e' tuffy Ankle ." � -_ *�., � � ., _, '� , � - ' ly fond of music. , They sing, as they . mphangith. -Poll Evil, Fistul I I.. � � � __ 11 - A means' -for rpecuring 'window paikes � There -18 usually a ioneral. exodu's r . her'came much in ,eori- I what they want. They will even be. from the Boer war I havq� been bother-' ' I r .1,- . . "� % withou . -:-strange . Edstein songq,- often Orr 'Was, before * I . I -' Stops Lamen . . 1. . . . t putty. I I I from the table"afte ace-pdfore the work . � ' civil- encouraged to. want black teeth. It' ad -with running fever sores on my its,, S.wellings, . . I ' " - A stredt car register Independent of . dessert Is served. r gr who reipgiu r .-=and. have . MGre commercial . . � I ' d allays pain. Heals Sores, Cut . C', - � ' ��J . - , Those discordant io tact with the I . would be the same " I tried many -salves and lini- I .... . .. I r. . � . Western ears singulArly'hon-. . r I If they wanted iegs. - is I I I "I . . . � Pike& song 'leaders. To . the ization of the West-' . I I ism Bcrot Chafes. It. I .,. � app . . . I I I ' 'or teeth. of ments; also doctored continuously, . I I . ,� �. � I .. . the employee. . . I fill up the,.seata nearer the president, � or red ie SAFE ATISEPTIC INO'GERMICID � ` - �1. 1. and iri'the'best 'sense of the word'green teeth eth - - . I ' - so that the toast and aher-dinner par- rhythm 'of these Songs they get their est . ­. . . . I r, A method of.erleksithg d Alp'q bot . 1. . I I any other color,, - 'Our civiliation, is. for the bloodi,but got no permanent . �.. � . I i� � . . . . I 1. I ­ . - loll Deso6rt and labbr, and varry it'forward With a rSiMple-minded. In a .Quarterly* Re- r Does not J�lister or removethq, . _. r � . . . to.m.without Aocking.. . ty is compact.and. Y, � , - I.strictly commercial. ' ' , . relieti till last winter when my mother tietrand horse can.he worked. . .1 , ... . . .. I - I .� r, . . , r I $,wing, much as. our O14-ttme sailors view article,,Mi. W. M. itanisay give; - ; . . Pleasant to usei, - . ,�� 1. . ... I . . - . - .. - . . I - 17ravellers have long noted the got me to. try MINARD'S LINITMEN.T. I $2.304boitle,deltvered.. Discribiyour case : I . . . � I -- . .., . .. � ' I .1 T_ - . . � . Wefe'wont, to do' underlthe head of,a an idyllic picture -of, trade' coTIdItIons r r . ' . .1, ,. A f . � A NO.�-W.kY :WATCII BOY ' - � I : � . . . . 0 effect of which wsks almost mdgl- for ipecial I'nstnicitions and -Book 5 R freel - " . , , �n,�� I . . � . . I . � . .". 1. � . deep-yoteed chantey nfan.� I I �.� , I in Asia Minor as they, egisted a. cen- Stfange predilection of halt civilized Th . I 'iABSORBINE.JFt..kiititepotilhibittitibYa�it.kind.re; . * I � . . I �- ., . , 4 14 '. I - . . ­_ .. . . � . . . . I I . . red ;'.. t. .. I .1 I . ­­..­ - 11 . . ­ .. races'for wearing black'teeth. Xa- caL - TWO bottles completely ou , � I I �, �, , ,-, I - - - - ­ � I . . .-Ono'cong leade�, nickqamed Tommy, tury.ago., - � - ­_ - - -- -- - - � . -.1- I. - r - - . I .� .r. have r ;ducca stwiQ& PALInful. Knotta. svolkn Veins. coneevoi . .; . � I . . . i _ � ery I I . I 9 Whan . ' bch� � --- ' di and 'Ma aud:1 workea-ev' ' working I . I I -1 I .r. �Whb_Glves Waritin a tives of the Phrt ipl?Ine IslAn �ratcd-ovly a few drops re4fifted &tan application. - � Ptkg ' ' . . I , I � . . I - � I I . � * � . � I . . says An English eqxreApondent, is one' � , With regard to the simple 'Ways of I I - I '0 . � $t.25 per bonfor at dealirt ot delivered. ,� , . 11 r �% of,Fish AppearG in Fiord � . L . . I ' most other Islands of the Paelf1d, in. day' SInco. ` . . . .1 I . I I I'� , , � � '_ � . � . . � It e - Anatolian ' trade, he says, I ve one W. F. YOUNG. P.O. F., 51 0 JLY-Aalls 1141.6mi6treal, CA , - . I `� . . . . 11 . � . . . I . . . . of the. c eeriest'and',usli st men lin . I gi ' ' ' Yours gratefully,, . , ri , r. . . 4 . I , , " eluding the South Sea 'Islands, are "rblea. Jr. : 'r . I . � � .. I Iiffi,nable. �The oth6i daj lie. ish friend,-. �i, I ,ebsorblac add va made ta Caua. . . ,--, ,__L_. � , , = I � � L - ��_ :1 ",_11ft__ c00zWa_z1 WAQJ_L&:__ ' L- � ''I � r tumbl,qdl� ekainple: ' An Rngl � I 'R -.1 � � I- I . - � �. -_ r 7:. , , I __ I � -, .1hC t, I . . - - * tatad-, �t6,-,,-tho,,-fa&-.e,-'--blael�,,,�tte,U,� - - --' - - - I I IL - __.1 � .' i_ - ,__ - � --- - _11 � r - . I ­ ­ I I �. , - I ,.- - -6ft A roof'dn to'a'pIIb,of_tfMa'ber.--W__o- paAericed -a-na 9-i,-e(:ess-rii-t-Vt,§I-fiii-!�g-man r. I . I .. . ta ,,. r _-, . =_... __ �- !�,_� . , . I I -boy. watching- cattle In order that ' , ­�,, r . . . - , . I . I . . . . . r ... I I , . I they may not stray, & keeping,birde . L. . ­ . . . .. thought " he must be killed ,� but he in the inner part of Turkey, used to which they prefer to Wear. r, Some ' 'His Cholci.�Imlted. - . .. .____,..=A 9 I . , 11 I .1 y , . � . � :; � . � L off, 6e cropt. A watch . .boy whose. . r .. 1. "durin th*. a Aye produced from ce' � . I . , . : . . I . Wasn't; although' the tears' Weler run- relat� what he had - heard times the natural teeth are d ad black ' . - I ; MIN"11 - . . . g a wi rtai� Aitipt--Do you knoWryou are playing r . .1 � I . . - ..r .. we picked visit to Trebizond more than sixty With two very naughty, - little . . . .1, Auty it Is to kdep a lookout for a I ning down his cheeks when ' herbs and berries suitable -boys,' 4 . , - ' ' L . . I for the pur- . : I IN I � _,,� ... �­_ � , ., school- offish and who sits it" sentry . - L l I hini up.-' A passing doctor looked him years ago. .'Until'a few -years before . .. .To I .� � I . . .. . . _,�! . ' ; r a' I . I over and reported, Wo'bones broken, he 'was there, and Within the exper- pose. But" for the most part natives hnny? . .. I r i . . I . . . � ' ' ' Istic Johnny -Yes., . � !'�. . ,box set upon Stilts Is -chat . atter" C%n but very.badly wrenched and bruis who'c"an, afford to,do so have all their . � I , 'r ' I r ' ' "5 � . . - � . " . I � Childr ed-� fence of many 01"business associates, Aunt-You'do? I'm surprised. Why , . . I . ��) % . . � of Xorwa�. I � . . I � . I � 9 . - � I .. I * ',� : "I . *' -of this lad's lo'bors is the - When the verdict was translated to an that goodg.,,,for � natural teeth extracted. eby a dentist , . �e � ­ The s . . . a cuttoGi had be ited don't you Play with good little boys? _ .. , cene � - � I . . r �­ .. . .. �. I . . shor . e'of some Norwegian fiord. His . hike , Tommy; he Smiled and Said: r I . . n I and full sets ' of blabli; ones substittl r . L 'Johnny- Because their Mothers . - . I I I I, L� r'. 1 I'Mo fbAdO .two* day,. then ' sale I Central Asia were intrusted to ,,fiance the. great quantity Of b , ack � A . . I 'rhe Good'QI4 Fairilly Friend I I . - I I " � . . i .. 1. � . . little 'sentry box Is made. of wood afid " tho rl&vro +*I ' k to , I , . . '1110 native traders, who went In charge of tooth manufactured for export and rthe won't let them. . . F�r over 40 yeats Hint's Pain Ext0minstor � 'r, � � � . ,rrr I I . wor ee. I . r . � . __. I . I is perehid high upon posts. Here the - , vor ,ata I . I caravaAs & camels 'laden. with raer-, increasing number Of dentists In the . I . . . .. f hawbtenjakInir t4e pain out of themmatism, . I . � � , . I . I . #A�, � boy sits,,, gazing one across the arra. - care , . . . "It took much longer thall' that, but .chartdise. -A trading journey lasted, , Winsird's Xdniment Cures Colds. Eta. Itimbeze, lamt Nck � , Aturalall. sprarns, . . I � .i . -4he spirit was th . un . . 14 � i I I ready earlier.than' 0 from a year,to -eighteen ritonths. On ti,opical. wilds of sojithern co . trie6.11 � . . I t6dthathe thd 11milgki coraplxl�ts. Sul a . 1� , " , - - r .t . . . 'of th -em Io ng his ,keen eye- - - T � � I r. "! 116sh" � ' - --.--'.- --- r . ,. . � - -0- . - __ __ . R,%ses, - chr� -rithemums, tomatbes J Wide. vead thi'dIfftilonT Vu tht'iltCuNr ' . . I r � I , , _nIftS � .. I _. 4 _ . . ". -their return these -native trade i, _sd , iftorvackate. #6t.d"1er&;0fV$1tCUb. I ­� . I , . . � -1 . . e �"ne of the ftrm-ers,, % � "Odthbert" has two Other marked r rs en, Ntluarwe Idulment Owes Gq�'wcei in Cows nd many other flower and vegetable - � , � . . . I . po 1 1 K V . . _MUSI r tered Trdbizond early in tho\Morning - I A a "1stST'1tJ11qEDy COINMANY . . 11 � _]�d n UM I . . _ �ight g go for -1 . Who depe . him to give the r tastes besido,; c: dress and -like I i� time - It is said "The Barbir of Sevill PI nts Must be sprayed with sulphaie Himilson.clidads - � , .- I . 1: Alarm when a school of fish shhll ap- , , Most Orientals-gamliig. On his oft ,1m;ving bivouacked, for the. la e"" a , . . r I . 4 _ 'And It's firie for ' . 8 'ttla distance outside the, city. Rossini'8 happie9t effort took but of nicotine or tobacco water as often , 11131*8 Family solve. (5 . 11 I . " . . . , I . __ I I ame It r - oo, 354v . .. J. . ­�A­'W�", , mes ela - As they passed along.the s . from. r . . I 1, . . . Ahern to6i, for It Am he beco . borate In his'at treet they thirtebn days to 6mpose. His Somir- as required to keep th6m. free ,from 8111IT1 Pectoral gyruponlore.- . . . " enough in ..­ cOntains 6othln '. ' I I tire and employs a- whole bottery of depos�ted at -the door of each mer- amilde" was lals.last production In splits. The under sides of the lemaves bound Ans Eleconipsne, (40:130TT E . . . I .. ( . - . - oftly t I ftoilet accessories In r getting himself r e . r I "�­iea, ^ - I" 1#91, � hannfid I . �, , r I . peat, , I . . They work conten ,9A 99 . . they had Aid the stems must be covered, r . -_ : . . . � , , . . their fields, confideut'th;Vfn vmtp, goodness ofifleat up. Singing is popular as a reerba- chant, 7for whom -done bust- Italy before going to France to Hvb. - . � � . I I - . r . . !�=.= - �' � 'i, � 11% . - __ � - 17-7--V lot them ktio when it.lo time -Krj, P! r , -dud ptwe molasses. nesg a bag containing the money that, C-- . ---.-- ___ __ - . � � I I. - 1) I I � w . accompaniment to I - ­­­ _ - -_ ­ - . . N, _ ­ --- I I . . '11 � ri' 1; ' . iton ad .,well as an they owed hIM; and When the . Mai- , I . a oth _ . . a hatVdSt rfroll the ,sea insteal V 11 POSTUM Is n(yw re4u- 1. toll, but he. to also Immensely fond of 11111-11111-M I I - . . I I I I , thiiofand. When the signal at. SOU chant arose. he ' foq;id the money L�� �) I I � � . the farmov.s. leave their oTk ' throw lar used n Plato - . I Photidgraphs. SomeiAes they. render waiting on his doorstep, Everyone . ��,_,� 1, - � L � . . ,; and of lloeaanj coffbe classics, .'sometimes the record8 are - WW4 , it -_ lit s:J,,ill,,,,,,,," '.. - . r . 11 "I - ­ - . I I � illeir big- lie us- ovvol�� 01110ir - . � I I _%m�_satitofied� ithere . were, no-corr- - 1`7�,..,,X � ­ � � � . .1 I in frian 'ft' , , -Chinbse; and- the fr6qqent"fransfflon� ., -f. ,, � . - . 11-11 . I I � .1 . r hurry'off to their boat5. . . fW7 I from. nerve-tr�lng sounds to the -volc trads,. no accouhts, . only a ieasonable . � . - . M I I.- �' , . those em- . Mzi e Most remarkable of all, tbero � � & _1 � . I " . L S. - esoMe econ ' - profit,. . . . * � I .qefitinel bo3te Similar to' among . � � %01 of some great prinia donna Is start- - - . I .< ,� I . pl,tye'a 111,j4orway WerO in Use ' 1. . . . . . Was never. any -theft ofillozicy from � I 1� I . . , , . 09 of the '� lical afid he f ling Indeed. the doors until *Valtese immigrants', " r, , , . I t116 fisherniell on the shor, - I . I ., I Diring one such period of enjoy. r I , . ' It is supposed I "n , �96RC:056hll , Who beg I ' 4 � , ,_ . " *re m6ut I an to settlo in Trebizond, in- I . , Meditevrancall, tind . L - a iroup of Chitiese,,dress6d In , I � . "I .1 , , 1. Illat the Vikings bro'llght back with . � --1 ' troduced P,uropean llvivfl�-atiori,ll I I r I r � .'\. ' ' ' r ' " . . their best, Were playing fan-taii and ,,,r,,,,, 1-1. I V, � " 0, . .. r� I � , , I . . th6yft, from Some of their PiTatidal . � ay, large , " . �t ­ � ',t ,,, I '�,,,- r7�-- ­Tj.-, - :t�-- listening to a favorite reeord whon an In, 6 . oso (1, ,: there, 116 . � �� , ", 1� " �1� ­, -- I I - I - , '. '5"A , '� �._�___. -..----,L I � . . I � ., 's -i ], 11 - raids t1le idC4 that has been ill Prac �� . ­ � - . 4,! 'Jar. . i I � LE -MIIL-= � W M wri . , - I � � 411 . r -_ ,- L . I �Z , , hioppiotune shell abrubtly 411sr.ei ed _. . .. . .11 . , " . *.k k��� . ESUE No. � . - . . � � uce,over 01ce. . . . . .. I . I . I . . . 1, . . , r . '. . .1 . . .. '. . 1 . . I � I .� I . . . . I . r I . T L . . . � .01 - I . . . I '. I ­ . I . I I . I . � �, � . . . I � � .1 � � . 11 . � � I � I . . . . . I . I I I . . 1 7 � " 14, 1 1 � I � - , I I"- � = I � .. . . . . .. � I - . . � . . � r . . . I . . . . . . I � I - �11 . I � r . r . I I . r I , . 1 L ­ . '. I . ,�,, I "' .. I .. . I , I . I �� I . .r r I I . . '. �r . � I I 1. � I r . . .. . 1. � . . . r . 11 ,. . . . . . I I . I I r I . . r 1, I .. _­ . . . . , . . I I �. .1 � .. . . .- . � � . . . . I r I. . I . . ; . . � r , I I . � � � . . r . r . . . I I � . . I . � . � 1� � . . I I . 1. . . I I . . I . I . . ... I . . � r 0 . ... I r . . � � I % I � . ,� I . r .. I .., I .1. � . I . . . , 11, , . I .� � . . . . . , �. I . 1. � .. "I � . . I - . ., . . I � . I � . I r, � . r � � I . I . . 1� .. I . I � I .. I � I . � � I .. I . I I I.. . - . " " L I I I . I . I . I . I . " I I . . I 1, � I .� L I . I � I I . . I 4 I .. I I I . I � I . � . � .- ..'..�I� �1 - � I - . � _' ' . r - ---r__._.,,_. --'-r ­ - 0 11 -1 I . I . . � 9 . . � . 11 , I I