The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-08-01, Page 1[1. -.."—•••=s.••• -1/01444.1.• ...•••••• • • w- - • • • • e • tIC $1.50 per year, in advance; S2.00 otherwise • .100ClUsTOW, ONT” THURSDAY; SKI 1918. T. li • SOLDIERS ON TRIAL AT'LONDON CAMP SENT OYFRsaAs INSTEAD OP TO PRISON LUPICNOW MAN INVOLVED Eavetroughing furnaces inotoo Prompt attention to . REPA.113..iNg 00'; two 41Oois West ' „: • Senti1 Office, rin - • .. • Before. Leaiting • England. l4rs McCoy, of Town, recently reo eived•the following letter which exPlains • itself( • Mee. .Tainee alcdoy, LucknOw; Chat. • Dear Madane * . • ' This ia just to let you know- that your son, Pt% W. McCoy, previous to his leaving with Ins draft for France, partook Of the Conimunien dispensed the_chaplam. It must .1 e a great °time of comfort for you to know that our Son .as. he enters tht more 'serious rid 'dangerous phase of his. reer hr maintaining his conneetion ith the church and Ills relationship th Christ. My, lin that he may ciane through the dangers and, temptations to whichle be subjeetect, unscarred in scut and that he • may be Miabled.to play his partinaiifuts ly and couregeuslk.-' - . . • , • May god poinft.rt, your heart daring th;s time: of anxiety and trouble and at pennd prayers is The, folloWing account ' 'Soldiers trials at tondo*? is taken from the•Lon- don Advertieer:: , .• , • , Seven Ten:deers of the Int Depot Bat- tation, Western Ontikrio Regiment; who • were tried by district courts- martial re. collar, were eentenced to !ems a lin- posomnent Carliug Heights Thursday. This ie the largest number of Prisonete in this 'military district to be.sentencide t • 1100Z14 SHIPPED AS HAY laspectur et (lacleheffets Forty • " fletrels Werth* U�U 1 LOCAL ANO GENERAL ...;.,..„.„,,,,.....,,,,....,:„. It's Auguet'iet.- The -London Advertiser had the fol. . Olyie lioliday Monclayof itext,week. 9wleg 4°17' freel PeelPh. 4°d.l. 44t..6,9,C TUE SEerrINEL, will not htissued mad- . 4111y -486M. • ' • e, Week. The biggest seizure of whiskoY,' itiver' " Miss iNfarion MeeLeoCQf t0r000t, is inaele"!in Gaiiipla or • even he •Weetertn home on miliiMet vacat . Iltianspt"erelt°e;r11114JaPnitleilt:ak'dot;17.ieren 4)YSaLtuictedilac° 'io:litisesr sMietePre,nMtlra:clinVAisneidr:;.8018;7.1 0 t- to°t1t& '44 had it: 119 1;e-enP/34t. theMrs . W„ Stewart and Children, of Tor. bead: of one of:thr barrels broke. Onto, ure guests of Mrs. Alex. MecarrOl. he liquor svould doubtiesa :Lave been Mr. Menson lead left on e!..4ted afely delivered to the 1:0441(38 p! !irho mornibrote:aebutiniees trip to Thesealon. , . reakieg be of the head of the barrel • week'. We are taking our annual's:reek -- - - waiyutencled. ' Tho reshit a the '," , expectyour SDNTINzr., next' bile ,. being' fianciled there 'la eloft ' • • e • " ' roximately $8,000 worth of clooder- Mr J. S. Newton, who taught school m da iiirtrts whiskey now lying on the at Islington the past. term, is home for 6 0.P,I1,. traek under guard, . the week' ' • - • The. lzhiskekcenie to Guelph on Fri" Listowel has0. tax re4e of 38 nillis on y hidden in a ear labelled "baled hey'i d addressed to theampergil mattress triPapyl ?f this cit, a concern that no legal existence so far as is known« was billed from a suburb of 'Montreal at oneetime, and the sentences were s be!„Pr_9_41_u_kalte_cl.„4.a.--the---parade-groun - ore the -entire battalion. The pent-. tweets vary from 40 days' detention to, • two yeareen piece; and severe' of w the offenders will he' sent overseas aa eomans possible, by • special recoil": ha mendation of 'the ccurt. th ,Ptes. Telford Thompson and 'John B. Morrison were sentenced to two years each in civil prison, with hard labor, a for disobeying a. lawful -order. The or- der in question was to. don the uniform. CO the accused being conscientious Object- has ors: These men maintained' that their •It religious convictions prevented. them, • from taking any part in the present . . crane, and rs a result they will at Burman Reformatory for the ntxt arOurn tain IIVRON 'CANDIDATE Joke W. Ku g et ithlevele IS The NM The Liberal's, „Huron in:n». on ion at Wingbattelast as their eandidattelift • farmer of near Bluevale, anmescheol teacher, but fo as been farming and dealing in horses.• ' nem wars good attenda4ce at the convention, quite a proper women, and all were keenly men were 110minatefl tr.Tfig3r----wetet Ab Winghant, John Mackenz o W. King, Bluevale! J. on, ineknow, Wm. Bailie Dungannon, Frasele Morrie, John Parrish, a Aslificicl. AlPdeclined to stand but Messrs, King $ THE OMAR, IS NO MORE fiallabliog Mc* Sold ay Public, ituction. 10111 Reid Bee04Pett Milton') Weak selected Ontario West ;Shore Railway , (the eme.time Proposed electric railway W. KIllg* a &Out Otiderieh. to Kincatdioe) Which ql Mr. King is one time prOmiset1 1111141 to the naun- • i Many years . . . ipa Itiee was deed to serve, later -became the. subject of Much litigations, and of heart-aehe to those intereated ' . • 'UI it, has noW become a thing ot the past. ation being interested. It ,is not only deadbut buried—or if • not buried its parts tave beet; so dissi- for the pos. 'aged and distribdteitthatitraaathin tirer. lb; Ashfierd, The final scene of destruction was e:-• G. Ander. in itself, it-nolonger-exists acted a couple of„weelfs ago, when t 0 effects—wood and iron --between icin- tajueiti4onn,(1 ajd. clJer.ielliluwnteelre', oi3f°14KtfcitPrdllin4leic, wielded the banner, and the sum of 2200 was realized. from the old ties, 14UTAtigliA WINOI1AM The Three-tiay pstival was only a. taste of . what it is. Tickets on sale at Ann.; - 'Store _strong's-Di-4g , loucknow, •:At. noon: Satarday, Aug, Z., adult twketandvanee from $..s. to ee IjO; "Children's tiekas $.1 00 to $1 ‘25. • and Fraser, add a Vote being t as. und to be very much the favorite. mttion of J. N, Mackenzie and reser the nomination of Mr, King was ade Unanimous. Tke teeling of. the Convention was at the candidate shoald be a fartner. This was one of the -reasons Mr. J. 'G. Anderson did not wish to be the candid: ate, thqugh on a previous, oceassion he. had Contested the riding In the course of his sPeech to the convention Mr. And on stated that he could not itee how -candidate selected would be Liberal Party candidate. In view 61 resoltition *passed' at the former co. tion criticizing the provincial leader e party; the candidate would eeces- • 'eerily be either an Independent or an independent Libtal. • . J. N. Mackenzie .felt he could 'the clollarLs,u increase of 4 will over last year, -:. ,, . • . F 0 • Mrs. Will 'McCoy and Mill. Baker and m children, of Winghane visited with Mrs. M • cCoy lest. week. , th and the whiskey 'area in ao:bariels, con- • , \ Mrs Spicer, of Brantford, and Mrs , , • lug lien dozen ipia.et bottles aPiece, McNally, of Goderich, were visktors at 1. ti• fares can be learned, for'only one of • W• R Horn's this week . ., barrels' was opened., " To the casual 4. number of Tan SENTiszr.. staff will be on vacation mho week and the paper , rver! who might open , the car itli it will therefore take its annual week off.: iehl,a ared to contain was baled hay. ‘ -12/tIVIAIVI/MR. T.ti WALICRRToN' it: pparentlk two operators. 741 Used Reker4' Thbraday August 8th. 2918, the he j(lbewere in charge, so tha,t no Geed Purses, Ovoct Track, pool RAceS. VOL • aken King bridge timbers, scrapers and other juk. The moat v,alua.ble. item, was the timber of the big trestle at Port Albert; It• brought $455 00. The Goclerieh Town Council thught of buying it With a. view to having the .timber int() fuel wood, but did not catoqo pay se much for it. For:several years the malerial has been disappearing—f08 and otherp helping thernselvei to such things as -they 'could woke use of.' • There nelittIe left now bet thee cuts° and the gradings whizh for years will minim as a..monnment to one . of the . greatest swindlete ever pulled off Weetern Ontario. .two years, • :• • - the •obse appe Ns. Adam Hartman and Alfied Klrehn were found guilty of desertion from their unite, and sentenced to serve 90 days' detention., By special recom- mendation of the court, •they will sent oversew; with the• next draft, and mill complete their sentenceaoyerseaa. -SELLING nieterxnee ' • : Acting' Sergt. Thomas Agnew, who was •tried .for • selling blankets, • the property of the public, and convertin• the prooeds to his .0wil not gtiiltYhyilie entirt on this the statiop agent, pnened to not . e14 s e al finding ' genie, and he wee sentenced to tete dew ,theyedideloteeentaineettliechay or the A tot 'local niinte,appeared in connection with the shipMeet. 'As tiotni as the clizt arriv- ed. the Hien paid the freight. and arriing- • kd o have the "hey" unloaded' •Ilext-- itcrything, everked like. a s found charm and ilhe ta! *aa nearly" einnt37,' charge: including the. barr when Mr w • • However, the court in a P• • t • hist send your boy' home safely to you • „ • , . mmy blanketswith the intention of decided that he , hag , disposed of -.six on th h the br?..keitie'te. • ar1114_"' our Verraincerel; tfie vuhliiierrritinenitY of the sespieieee-•ehee _ • • • Chaplain ofthe arch. Canadian Res. ti i' • n ion on is count. ,However, on matertal the tnen had stated they expect- • ••:;* • , . • - •• . • . ' •:Surrey, Kngland, • ,•-,„ COrrespondents • With* Camp • • . • - Porrespondenta yin kindly remember that TnE Sim yin, will not be published next Week. Budgets will be as welcJme ever the week following One of our ti • ataff has been off duty this week and -last, and because of thin we are unable e . • - 0 publisha ndmber of.newsY, budgets.received in good eime,--Epreon. • • Mty it Prosper . citizens are glad to see the • Pipe Band organize d again, and it iterf • e• hoped that it will prosper and become a let permanent institution. The •atiriing .4e niusielendered the past few Saturday.drl evenings greatly enlivened the tosen end wasiiighly appreciated by crowds. account of domestic mrcumstanc the good record of the prisone • • .. officer eonimaeding thie district ted 60 days of the sentence, and fender will be sent overseas • i near future, • • • Agnew did not 8e11 the hlanke charged, but gave then' to seine fr on Elias street tie ;wash, me ago, nelecting-to return the camp. Re will coniplete his dot pon arrival.in England. • • Pte. William R. Cudney I was found guilty of stealing a sum of twiny froni a soldier comrade, and on this g was senteneed to 60 days' detention Immediate Service overseas e. Manley Cohoon was fOund desertion and sentenced to .90 d mitte, the court recommending also be sent °verses yvith the n es, and ed for their new mannfactining company r; 't4e for he pia Ins hied in the Opening at rook, the top of the barrel abil'finall.)% pulled hoof-. out a bottle:painly labelled whiskey. n the lito tried again with the same ' retitait. There Was only one thing to do, and he ts, as aid itLeverything was ordered back•in lends to the car. liThe operators tried hard to eome get the car reihipped, ptobabk vvith the in to idea Of shipping it some other•place andIltion , liberal amotints seal to have been • • offered to get this done, • • License 'impeder O'Brien got wind: of the affair end he•acted • promptly•in punt seizing the centrabaed. and reading a and guard on it. Meaowhile the two strangers theappeared and they haye not been tailtY• seen 'since. /1 s the liquor is.valued at aye' eabOut $8,0 someone is out a large that • amonnt m ney Had they had Et few Crt ;minutes further grace th-e- whole apiP. meet would have been successfully pull-- : • L�ckuo'Ur6116n }WE SiNT OVE-RSEA. • Tte five -soldiers to 1.14e sent Overseas category men). and as they would • be sent (i% in the 'course of time, their off:noes merely hes3tened their departtire from Canada. -At Omit trial several of the men sentenced plead ed guilty to the offences Charged against and expressed, the- desire: that e given an opportunity to Serve it front, insteadorbeing etained n. em ig es prices paid for any the ey quantity good WashedorUn- priso v'faqhed Wool' • requ t •• Special attention paid to C11S • tom Work•.• • . ed u •. . thatt. • LIICknOW sWoollen Co. MARKETS • • (0.orrected.up to Wedliestlar nen) The court accerdingl granted their est, and it that when these reach England, with good behavior e mean -time, they will not be call. pon t� complete their eentences in ountry. • • sentences were read out by Cant: Kirkland, adjutant of the ist Depot Battalion Western Ontario Regi• • ment and. the majority of the prisoners jfl th . • Oats b Wheat.... .. ,,, . . • •01/140 • • ' ........ .00oileY • • • • . Peas • . . .... . . . utter. . 35 Egg, new laid.. • • 4, • A 42 4 Mow . 18 25 TORONTO' MARKETS Choice heavy steers....$14 25 to f15 00 Choice butchers. • ..... 11 50 to 12-50 Choice butchers' cows.. 11. 75 to n SO Good feeders 9 SO to 10 75 Good ninth cows... ..,100 00 to 10 00 110gti, led and 'watered . ,19 CIO to 19 25 PAU Wheat.....,..... • 214 to Goose 'Wheat «... 2 10 to:' Oats • tto Timothy ny. 13 00 to 16 00 ugg6, new lid 46 to *itr, Creamery Will****.. 4% to poittorl Dairy tbsioto.... 34 to 38 • • seemed Satisfied with their punishment the court martal, 'With Lieut. -Cl, Milli- gn, D I having acted leniently on thesetrials, espedially with the men guilty of desertion. Boy Scoots Enlisted en years. ago a coMpanr of Boy seee ts Was organized in Chesleyand it . would iiPear that the training the boys got at t lab tims instilled an element of patilotis •ot Militatisin into their blood: 6 any rate When the tvar broke out and Call vont out for voinnteers all of thP boys mt nuantior respend.* ed. Tw of them hare' given 'their Byes an one has been 'retured home incapaciteted by wound. . Think it Oier Why wait until when your:. contlyiecallibk you now to 'pre- pare' to fill positions vacated by Ca.nadian Soldiers. e , • Thelast font. studenth enrolled. from Wingham were rAa) School Beecher (b) a University Graduate ' (e) a lady who spent three tie:rubs inh New York School .(d) a lady with several months in a Detroit Commercial School. These people are in a position to judge betWerr- genuine mexit and ImoOnshine' Investigate bef ore -investing' with 'agents', who should be het.: ter employed in 'war tinle' A few have been deluded and then regretted. We enrolled five times as many students last year as any other school in the ditrict. 11 THERE'S A REASON. Write for it. Free- courses to returned aold- iers and sons and daughters of 11.(AdtTehrsis is not the lialfprice, e -ticker tiehooir Enter Now — No Vacation SpG tton 13usiness . ‘College • Afilliated with Canada Ibtoiness College, Toronto. Lieut. Foster &mason , (Some. Where in Pance) Principal. GeoeSpotton, President, .nwlsemar- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fleming and son W er, of Toronto, and Mrs. Reining, of Winghani, were visitors in town last week. Miss May. McCoy, •the Western Business College teachizeg statkleondone _SAILA!? BOYS IN TROUBLE • Five lads ,belonging to .the crew •of the overemeet supply boat, Dollard, not do got into serious trouble at Goderich s° week ago. the boat had been • lying -, has all fairt for a•few days and via. Sunday night ccount a 11 Ti IP 1 Ai Litigcnow a 'purse containing sum,nr tni•yrog. money. Finder kindly leave ni.frips4k3ENT., TVA0RDR, WAtii`BID-tor §unsiAno. tifohooli, No: is, Concession 10, Efuron TowriShip. • • Salary Six Hundred Dollars per ammo.. Apply' to. Wm, Etuorri Secretary', Itinlero. • • ntreasonahl ca bot. • Stock Tot 4.1/h -t g),Q-egteds • are • 0 ;mule -7 d CO Quax siD.D.A.D.N.,. Droker; Luoanow espatelu ErcitTgEll NTY cents PL petted for all hens In geod .connition,avdmore tor birds over 5 Pounds:. 2'40 for cbieltetis; - ror Y'oung. Docks. Don't soli sour bea4- • .• -without letting 'hie kpow.,-4.Ave. • , phone • C0%V An/R th • ' • rugligtf. olaJZapAIgt4),4Zi'irFavAtili'• • ..;•• ()Wrier sattie nn brawn property and paying e*pelisee';•::4-P ,it rig Ittetice.to himself nor to the coriStituenCy Is. speeding elle Summer VscatioIr With' be 0 by becoming the candidate. He an atteect to on the farm on'a ne of his 'sons. being drafte her Mothered. town. • , • ' ' • of o her being liable to be called • -good' dem or IR) uiy • tO'tlia•-paintola ad' The. intense heat of the past two ;arit)t weekar -thoirgl.f.irfaibred • snia store conducted by Ed; Lynn• P d and was:'broken into and a•quantity of tigers,- - tie•aoy 'chewing gun- and inbaceo- trik o growing crops.. Rain is still much • • needed.' • • '• Rev. S. Duncan was in te e village lest week renewing old '''‘acquaintences, and occupied his former. pulpit on Sun- day, While _here he was the guest of Mr. and lifre.,R..b. Cameron-. • 2xi--------------- nP.u.j.1) ehropio diseases siteeessfuJuokziov every lly • yrOzit&u.. toopatby removes the musical, causes of • disease, Adjustin t' f spine is Mor4 , • tilyliggfotalti,Itzff .4.14 • . • • . , to. HIetIio FOR. SAL,E i• :.*;. 014SATotri--7.01. gStairr Isoirx Yozk to wean- ' •• NOTICE • .13aate,sate. that -he -eyes -an UMW er of Mr. Ptoudfood and a neighbor friend of Dr, Case whom he would not oppose in any event. ' • SULCESSFUL, STUDENTS Lucknow Continuation Schol. Lower School Entrance tp Normali. llowmg passed theJune examin- 13. dlarktion, 1. Hamilton, V. Hedley, 'Treleavn:. The felloWing passed the Raster •ex- aminations: and will be granted certifi cates on completing thiee months farm work: p, Douglas, 11. Dornin. Middle Scheel: The following 'passed • the June examinations: S. Gee (honors), L. Finlayson (honors); F. Atchion, A Alton, J. Cranston, K: MacDonald, M cRae ' The follovving Will be granted oath . cafes on Cona•pleting the tem at farm work: . Alton, H. Burns, 1-1. MacKeil McClure, IL MacDougall, Webtr. • • y Douglas and Ann% Nich • •• wereattendene Wineham ere, ,sucdessful .in pseing Part of the -Uper School examination • Successful in Music recent examination of ''th • Huron should not stiffer forl k • he fo help to take off the118 harvest. OVer 2500 men In the County •registered as ations, having some farrii experience and as beteg willing to assist !fnecessary in ° The real • eitato ofthe late Atte. Peatcher -Was not solcl at the 8le4lait* Saturday the reserved bid was not • reached; •The rest Of the sale was veil)? atisfactory, there•; being a good ittend7. ance of buyers. ' • • ' The following epost offices Huron county haVerecently been closed: Ben, Kingsbrag, Lanes, Port Albeete te-Augustine,-Westfield; Nile. 'Former patronft.of these offices are neneserved by therural- delivey; •• ,,• •ZIP, •M. • Mr. L. lennecly, •of Winglism Over- land Sales, has received 1.1* I ship. inent of Model 90 tiVerland cars for.1918 8013, who School w s 1 all be sold at the. old rices. • It is impossible -to call 013 all' pro:hpetve buyrs,17...attato: invited to phone, write or call persOnally for dem- onstration. • " • • Fosters are out ateemmeing an even ing picnic t Clark's Point this (Thur.- • y • the- time the the• t 6- • b • (t4 for Kincrdine, •The oys of the crew Were suspectd and two constables went to elthicardiee where they readily. apprehended the 'young fel I owaThey were ta,ken to ; Gbderich where they Pleaded guilty before judge Dickso& • This their first offence the boys were 'allowed. to go On suspend• ed Sentence on paying -a fine of $10 each costs,an and nialfing restitution' to; Mr. Linn. .In all it arnOunted to $14 1+5 etteb. CHURCH NEWS The congregaton of Knox *clan h Walkerton, from the pastorate of WhiCh Rev. J. Wilson resigned some teniego, • . \has extended a call to Rev Wll rn Burgess, who has a charge on the put - skirts of • Chatham. Mr. Burgess •:x young man and a :graduate •of Queen's 8 Collagejtingston.:'Fer ale* Years atter graduating he was in charge of the: t Psesbythrlatf Pacific coastmissions. ti,r Rev & Dawson et onet bee r of Se Andrewa chrch, Iincatdiee died a at his home in Toronto on jitter' 17. Rev- • Mr. Dawsen was f36 years of ae' end For ail matters regarding Greenhill cemetery z•eferoto 0. Taylor secretay • • • NOTICID-Par• ties who tresPassed and picked . • bent( s at corner of my bush, Aonday, will do well to eall and see me.—Ansitis 'J • PHOTOGRAPHY S. PRUE.' Lucknow. • Stdio. open Mondy. Tueeday and Wednesdak. Panalb- groups , .. • taken at honiti. ..* • 37tfe. 7, • , • .___._. Notide to Creditors c eieby gven, purSuant to Section 50; Oho. 121, of theEevised Statutes of Ont- ario; that all persong htiving claims ,,againsn the estate of sa 1 nry amilton, de -i. Aerie A.D., 1918, at the Township or lanlosa. oeased, who died on or about the second day of in the County of Bruce, in the ProVIncoof On. tarie, are reqthred tt, send by post prepaid, or - .." • to deliver to the undersigned admthistrattix of the said ettate On or bef andi ei 614 arldfl in any) 11:ne dil )313;:ftilhitbr4181811itIgitvil; 7- ottrth Wii,se,, A. nature :f the% thc7.1,! 171.°Pavlf,,,teetarci railYa t'ottlie 3,':,'Pvg i lii staiDifirclgratatilie"ii-btre tdhual:afvteerifir:h4ebiittitid4' * tvkvseerti,V4MtislafinaLgte‘rilillskeittailitit; he adminietra;trix- wmeng the parties entitleu. ttatlifewineotopealleifirggifiVitZi not M1 Dated tbitS seventeenth dy. of July, A.D., • ir:intialca V. liAmitmort • - ' S28:500c• ';.'-,- - -.' '-'-'` chain' • • ' Et, T.1.1 1, Hollrood,that; ._•_________ • ob «_evaseeill-fokonly-erfewdays. clime to this country from Scotland it the age of nine; attended school at ,Niagetar Antlejgraduatedeftenn''Otteen'ideilege, Kingston in 1803. Ile and Mrs. Daw- • son celebrated " their golden wedding GO M14 1 1016 He • is survived by his Wife, oneclaughter and two sons. •• • • • •••••••mowswwwworml•mons Civic Hliday• Lucknow • At the day) evening,- The enterprise is un. ATItlirp(iTist(o)fC dertaken by partieswho Spend their va- veere Deno cation at the Point and tlie proceeds Piano D will go towards improving the swamp CI section of the road• Graduat ollege of Junkie the tolloWin Mrs. G 11. Smith, Afl(: Bec ng the successful candidates iplolea, A.TC.M,, first clas ant IVIcQulln. • . ioa ReiMl, Clara McQnillin ance with Orchestra, Chit ! • - ••• Pian, first class henora e, Mona Mithhelle Hnor, ell•< - • • .• st Piano: first claes honors, Murray Verna: McQuilli, Alma Mackay. VeteSt Cecelie Senior Skond Piano, first class honors: • Etta J,hnticni. Pass, Ade , ale:okay,. IDonidda Madritosh, • Senior Ituchments,:.firet class honors, Margaret Webb, Etta Jhstn, Mar - caret Murray, Alma Mackay,• Hietory of mitsic, first cleat honor, Freda Aitcliieo, Rath Mitchell. Hon• , ors, Maggie Mleolm, Ada Maekey, Ethel Maerhereon, • Piano Harmoy, Preda Aitchison, u h . • p ing drops will be irrepat Write4 114'1464 11 On OT the warnings. to motorists- fro• m . , •• •• Perform ne Deputy Munster of.. Highveltys reads c ui in thus et -Pedestrians who have strtedto Edna Boyl Primary cross a street at a. reasonable distance from an approaching motor ear havethe Dora. Mi Oh right to do so at the pace of an ordinary• 'Senior 1 1 walk ncl the motorist have no right to Margart Jean Long, compe pedestrias to rush or run for etifety by the blowing of his horn: , Orowston., . . • • Some Tall Oats . Oats six feet bigh; we fancy is a rarity this seaon.. This however is the length of a few temple (Mlks brought into our office by ;Mr. 1no. Mcbiatraid of Kinloss They don't show any signs of the reeent heat and drouth. • Most fielde of oats do, however; alid farmers believe t at there is not more moisture and less heat within a week the damage to the oat a ether. 13 • At the regne—.-----St of a nuinimr of the citizens of Zucknow, hereby .roclaint 111ondny August the5th' 1918 C' yjc Holiday for time Village of Lticknow and a persons are hereby notified to govern• " theinvelveS Reeve. ' • '• • Ford)tce --Monday hely '49 • • Mt Elwell Webster is spending a tew days under the parental roof. There are two milking -machines; in oca ity—Mr, 'Ince Turner's and Mr, • Ince Marth's and both appear to be giving good satisfaction. . • .. • Mr. and Mrs. Slue Gibbons motored to Loidon on Friday latt.ad returned en Saturday. Haying is about COMpleted for this season. The dry weather helped greatly, Mrs. E Ravens and Mr. Elliott Tay. lot intend takIng a trip to the West to • • • • . - - ".-.§0,1d1011. _ -e- • . „ • MejoillecLean Moffat returned home „ from Englan• d because he is over indite ary age, has been asked by a comtnittos of Walkerton citizens to go with experts, - • to the Peace River Country and to New. Ontario to seleet lands for the returned soldiers—the Major' a special duty being t.� look after the inierest of Bruce boys • • who have joined Mee colors- - Tie idea, to be Carried otit the gether te new coma -tip -hat is sttele::: tn f e ruce Walton Settle to of them as will care to go farming-. Waliertot1 --Stonda, July s9 Mr. A. D. Lainout, RA ,: who hake been mathematics teacher in Walkerton gii Oo , has resigned tha.t, position to accept a position as head of the math. nmatieel. Dep. of the London technical ehol. He gets a salary of $1,000• pee year, an increase of $400 ovet 'what he received at Welkrion, On his return from Englaud Mejor Moffat broeglit with hint eleven medals • woe 'bye the Wiarton- platoon tif the • ' Bruce • 13sittalene as elnan Lahadians in Britain in barbed wiri ns eam Wee to charge of te 11 lib's. Garden stuff and pastures are ta.. nomnand. The team had been need int y, visit friend, land with. Lieut. Pettigeu iu immediate* ap ert04 Adohson. Pao, Ruth Miss Margaret Eintoul is spending a domonstrettiod pulroses /foregoing to' so getting in had Aare, • btePhersort; few dve at her home here, k!Agee* ' • il