The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-04, Page 2. I � I I I t. � , .1 I I � _� I I 1, , ,,,, ",""Ill I � I , 11 I .......... �� , . -, ,4 . ­ 2. � 1-i � . ,, ,""; � Ak=;i"is!, ,,, .. I ." I'll � -,' �,".I:,..�14WA"­;; I -1, -nip"At, _ a . 4 ow . � .0 I WX , _4 I . - * _. I � I . � ____ ­­�__:TM9__!!=___ __­ �!_===____� I I -, ­_ __ in ii �ii ---I---- � " rj�w ___ - I __­ - --.--- -- -4 ........ �� I dm* mism a" XwWls ekkw at eower, For our Dood. � "alows,11*04 111" him . I or you# our dead, boyqW, tk4J a" � "PLEAss Glys uo DREAm" FOUR SEAFURS SALVAGING BOATS k IV or bwd Www sbewkw %U% tboy wor sriff I t1fil I F Ft-*;, Covatlow CMUm Are BogghW From . Tbo VWA obw X%WW Qse Rassi" , M Who gave your lives t� hold us -_ - I vis"No in tliely afts"is for WWW11- LW M ,By us, who keep your =emery, Dow to Dow in Visma. . . 4 0.0 doveoth4 AM at in* all *0 What con be said? , EM -, Ic - I - I A Picture of conditions In Vionill Is FOUGK . ELECIM MY workbw wore unsa ist those locall"I i We cannot sing your pr ' . t drawn In a doap4tch from The Haguo I TWAN84URELL&N 1 FLUST COMPLETE $11ELL-SHOP9 _� Use vbwo tk4 Chad WA lomorly ox- Lost heroes of the R"es r'gh - to the Loudon Times, x*pWucod from - IV, AY IIY372W UWW their Oki. silver, le*A or cop- Moe" ilght; A TERRIFIC MATTIM OFV THE A NEW METHOD FOR, RAIFJINQ .. I CURE ON UBCOUT). whoi* souls into the lonely night, the Arbeiter Zeltung. . It asys: Every . � 0 . . Per. Sib", being the richoot gold � I I Too Soon have tied. - Sunday afternoon pkt 0 o�olock there JTJT14AND COAM SUNKUN VESSELS, + . . . country of tke world, Is also favored . _� comes A modeat tap at the door. A � . � I .. 4 wwy 7w AAU* to Act June- with deposits rich, in silver, WsA, cop. We can but honor, cherish, bless, , - littlw boy and girl stafid outside, tiny, � . .."-w I . I aloe, tin and *very kind aMclass 40pargtion at WaShing ton on Auntra- I Your sacred names; no words express pale, as thin as shadows. They shrink British Chorgett the Vieet, FouXht for Elect . ro-Magneto With Buoyancr . I WAW17 it llwwk Is to 1�o Saved opfwr'Alnoral value. lian Wdler RomIta in Reotoca_ The measure of our thankfulness, Into a corner and it you ask them .1 � I $even Hoqiro� Sen4lpg Down Two Chambers Reduco the Coat Of From tbo 11was. The Iron deposit4 of Siberia are , To You* our dead. what they.want, a little voieft whin- . r known to contain thousands of rull- � tion of Sight. - 7 - - Pero anxiQualy, "Plaww give us. one %PA Da 'xXing Five Other . $41yaglar'stool $hipa. . . , Ww'& 'me%" all Of Rum"'s 110114 Of to" Of'bigh-gr4416 Or#$. The gas cloud," the bayomt thrus% �11 I HOW Cast 1 Oorvo,?_ 1 'Small plode of . bra'44.1# I , M .4 I I . . . . . . 4 Ad P06044410AX, oxesiPting Trans- Alongside or near are great water. and the bullet wound have caused There are strange way,% � 9f seryinle The, ,children kneck at many, many lritbefight'ofrth�Dutehvogaton� Informatioubi�areochadthiisconti?t, . � I - asia, Tmase"I"Z territory WA fame for power and immense coat Many a repetition -in ., - - oill. lutio 4 live- British seaplanes of the out that &,large Aalvius company Us I I , � the war Of tiso. J God, � doors, and .yet y three, wr,L0tQ1* . I I I Notax The Ural mountains and fields of coking coal exist. Oil fields,'fawiliar story of the "Light "at YOU Xweep o room or turu. a s4 I little scraps, of broad are � to, be seen In 9 largest t.vpe outfought 19: German sea. � bean organized lit exeKolarly which . 6 I I r are the natural boundary bo- and timber belts cover vast acreages. i Failed." But among the thousando,of And suddenly to your Surprise that* dirty little. api'OUS, , . Planes, L � 0110 of tile eneMy M$cbinea plano to engage kiraising the ste4 I OL Xuropean Russia and Siberia. In It any wonder that the majority of 1 combatants whose blindues* Will ever You hear the whirr of seraphim -1 They got the #*me linswer every- wax sent dowst in flames and another ships now. lying on, the ocean bottom - I . . I . I . TrAxsursl district, which contains Russia's citixens,, who care for 00,'through their lives prove alpoigugut I And find you!r"n4t God,* own eyes where; "We haven't breadenough for driven out of control, according tw a sunk by their, submarines. - " . 11 I. I 'L � , Creator part of the mineral wealth upbuild of their countr34 are, looking I sacrifice is one v;h4 almost m1racu- And b , lug. palaces gor Him. ,, ,ourselves, befOW a krouzor (abouthalf, description Of the fijght 'TWO Americg�� inventors, Pool Gerw 9 ' .. I... . I � old . written by L ' I I . 60 Unds and contains a great to " praying daily for assistance to lously hap recovered.him sighk a cent) for you'p, Ensign X. B. Xeyes, a � naval 4vlator. liardt ap.4 Theodore Ahlborn, of Chi- I . I , I I . kt-Producing section, has long again set,togothor, establish a no Ag a U 0 An4l,,TheroL are Strange, unexpected ways . . 9 .1 .- It . . . -6 firm as An I Pik! eq el t the story of The littlerellap, altakes,his. head eri- Previous' to th" LdesCande4 ivprited,a solving Scheme,' . a encounter one of' cago, hive . 9 1 .1 . I � given over to European Russia and sound government And Place - the his phyalc4l, rehabilitation, the Of going soldiering these days; . ergetically, and plucks his lit -tie sister tile British maeblues had which they hope to forestall this on" I � . ��. I .. not to Siberia, whore the credit entire country In order and drive. out 4a announced his inte victim t may be only Various blanks. ^ I . . . '.. to woe repo and. the Gorman'S torprd, . . I � ­ I _. , nti�n of g�* book, sing, German move. They Mean � I ��_ I ' 'reduetka ,actually belongs, says the Germa� Invaders? back tQ the trocliee. , 1. � " - You're asked to conquer with 4. pev, , ,o,xo moneyix father won,t allow lt.sp set upon the 1�ro`4 other machines to be& work In'the immediate future . I I . . . I I I tiXultint engineer for xevqn years - There are now many. crimes. Of It Wall in tifa"flarce But suddenly youW in the ranks. Doubtless it 43 4r protecting the Injurea 'one. Ensign -before the. close of the war -gild ra. ­ I I , . I ke Russian service. ,a - daily occurrence, and no man or�bui#- Gatti 'in 1915 fighting before ' L L4 enough for hint Joseph - Pat , Of I . I . . I poli that Thoo. Skaybill, kud fightlili for the rights 6f meA. tq see his children go. begging, b on, anothei American cover the, millions, of dollars' worth . . . 9 L . ' . L. ,read . I . I 1k � . I ­­_V� and it 'he were not III he Would not aviator, wason t'he injuke4 machine, prop rty now disintegrating in " the' '' . .. �" the stoppe 'Ural and Turgai nqxkv appears sale under the present a signaller in the Anzac forces, was Germany As It To Fo4ay, . � a . � I .1 I .. ma, extending far beyond, the acting government. The Allies Must Instantly blindW by the bigot �f an Oven 4110W this, but they and bow#s a4bisequently interned in mud of the'oceauls bed, - " .. I . . I . . are b . . . . I . . . � I Holland,j I , , _­ �­,­­ , .. , - - �. � I L I..., I . .1 I I - ' 6 . I ,� ��­� ­!� .. � ,U�, �. �. : -'_-.--!%L . ;! . � giver and more than a Viousand make definite arTangemeitts, of not oxploding..shel . FQIIQ*Ing a 'terrific" The Oermaw, empire, better known And,thoy box -lot, what is,fhoi .. � " . V . I 0.% �.V,$ ' al$� ­ - ­ .7 I . . .. � I . 9 ' Rojo Steel L . I K into Asia, have for more than Only Cleaning up the German Empire; bonthe,rdmentlrom as the German vampirO,L embram� aild three times sacred ri ,lit 48 CbJJL_ "Ension Paton a;i4 I were two The I L . �. . . . . I . � a cwltury been giving a great of, Its ineane. military lead the Pranco-Brit'sh 208,880 square mile 0 � 11 I inventiQu. is intended. for the . . . , - 9 . .. . , �ha . a,. but nok A jingle dren-they,beg In order to be satda- Amspleano ,among - th6 Crews of - five rgi , L I .. I . . . . . era And as, fleets that'succeeded in silencing t .11 'Sfilg 0:& vesials having Metullia . . . . . . IY output of grains, livestock, tAblish a iroper Gorm square. meal, says The Brooklyh fied:� I , A . flying bo4to',on a North Ses'patrol," % L Sheathed . I � I . . . "Government Turkish forts at the enfra4ce to the Eagle. . ­ - I I - hull With steel or - iron . I .- 4. , I I I . . I Tals, etc., and ,the credit has b�en In Berlin, but must keep on the march Dardanelles thou I.. It. comprises Jour kiugdom�, , " UnfortunAtely th says Ensign, Keys.9011w1est Of Ter- plateg. � - - . . . I . . . sands of Irish,. A:u,s. onl . L . ese are not the, . . # . �.. �. . . . . . 11 to European - Russia, when, in Into, Russia and also establist a, sound trali4na and * Six grand duchles, and 3,970,581 grand Y ones who..go from door to door schellink Paton's Mar.bJU4 bad � to pormer metho - I I 1. ' . I . . I . Now, Zealanders, with goo*eateps. In'butline and . ds of raising sunken . . . . . , in alight on the surfaceowing to engine . . � I . . . . Inclination 'be . � . I . 9 Ii wss all a Siberian output. , governm6ht therein,- or no real peace British and French, landed in an at . 81 . . L fort RgIng, bread ' order to obtain the .have had several disadvantages# , , . . . L , I , it is highly Irvegiiluri : On the east it least that Man can. ask for, and troub4, We Stood by, circling in the work requiring divers to Attach I I . . J . � . . . ,9 1 . I . I 'rMn01%tX east =4 west of ',the . '' � 4--_ ofenses Of' the 1, bounds Lenine. On the north it' Is which, never b r a waiting for* will - , to, repair - Illp � I . I . L . �erla Is formed into sections: two can result with the job -but half done. to sweep Past tile d Le ' PAS§ SUNSHINE AROUND. - Peninsula and take Constantinople, t aless has J�ocome So ai . lid . I I I . . I ... . River, namely Tobolxk hounde4 by the Allied fleets and on costly, ,The the damage, I I rais ng devices to the bull of -tile ship � . I I . . I , I . . and' , I The world -knows. tile Story.., Fo .. . old.. newspaper woman "Affdon five Germaxi'aiiplaties hove and powerful 4oisting apparatus in- 9 . 11 . -9 .- . . � . . , wk; two GavormilentX of the great L. 9 , .r, I the west by General Focli. who brings. the evening, paper, th . 9 1 ei 111e4rlY a Year, t1i ' Ailled forces Strove The. principal waterways of , Gar- wbman Who, , .a in sight, . Stalled on a large number-. of' barges'. . -: ' ". * .. . . . . .. *01 River b"'n, one at yen'$ 'ok Faultanding Falls to AceompUsh It* vainly to take defenses, that prpvjed comes to check the gas We took battle, formation I . 1� . 1. , 1. I .., . .. . % 1. One St Irkutsk, the latter city be- . Object And, Varal,vzes: Action. I I impregnable., Thou many are theL seize and the Kiel Canal, meter, the lockomitys boy.. who has i and went , for the * or pontoonEf. cppablo of raising th . a 11 ; . . . :1. �: . � .1 . I the * I , sand,a. of 'lives wore I M, I was. In ' the submerge4 weight of the vessel, . , . I . I . . ,. principal Capital city ivith The high C's no* under its control tO deliver o key, tile scissor grindar'fr011t C5)ckPit with one -,guil, and -four � .., � , 'L. - 11 At Some man in a � place of power 69s satrificedi.and. many bodies were I The need of divers'f.ok 11, "' , . I I .. ruor general. . 14re confined to, the opera. house. The and the.pretty Postwoman­-they'gll �1 hundred rounds . of ai � Attar lug , .. � I . . - not walk just ,as we. think he.,should. maimed by the -withering fire thpt ' - I . ' . . niminition. Ila. the'radoing apparatus limits the.util-. � . . I I � ... � . 1, .. . A Government. k the, torritory'of Down 'Coin i 10el Canal IS, used for exei:c1$e by the. the stem wa .. ; . . 1. es the big stick over his. came 'from the foe's positions on ,the - L . L SAY more or' less frequently "Please � and : I . . 1. ttak. in number of acres, is aqua . I t bottled L ships on. pleasant . Sundays. give. Me one small Piece of� # their ..operators., The- Gerimans fled At itY of the method solely to ships sub:a - .., L I ''. . , . . . . I . * United States east of the Nis. head. The Skulls of mupy men who hilltops. It was. In Dqcetnber, . breod,#� merged in relatively shallow water. - . � .. . . .. _ . I . . - . The sea board, greatly restri�' J like Foi they are hungry and fill-eaL With our approach, b.lftt r had t* . . � I are trying to do the best they can arar just about 'a mputh. before I ' L , he sati0ac-1 The ... . . .. I -i I ' 1 ,:.. I .. t4o'Allie �, a .. L' . . . I I . . . �pl River. This in the largest of sore front top to bott6m. I all other Idnds of board, is' known as the very - right feelin tion of g ri 4 for 'extensive h6litin : . � .. . . carried out Weir splendidly sudeessful g that it is no etting several, , , ioulids into g ap� .. " � ` . . I ,� ­ I . 0 . ­ . wrritorles -forming Sibarih, I � Ae high Cos I paratus-on pontoon' a _4 . � .� I - ., . I � � . " ' . L I - . L L .. .. .. ; I �1 . snd And it doesnit pay. No man was .I L t the light of. living. Th": country. ,�hame to beg for, them; . ea 9 or scows involve - I , , , evacuat on tha WAS-141con . broad -at least no 940�6ugh it is Jtnposisible,t6 -say . .., L , I . I . Iva larj� ' L . . . is, not entirely, oil the� level. It bits,, in shame, for these who must beg . only whether there,were any effective bits � t e�cpense for equipment and % . . . . gr I %, a rivers, thei ,principal ever made a Strougerms, oyn Skay�blll�S'eyqa. L 11 , . I . 7. . .. - '. � I ,�, 11 - .* - . I 3eing the Lena, the most �Smous , � n or a better fr ,�, L . En " . . large number of - iamployesi ­, . 11 . I . I 1. '; L'. -.'L . the itlterior,, a large. table land, en- because of those whose -fault it , is � Qmy Circled Back. .. .. . . I . 11 . 1 7 . . .- 4, I.. L . . L I . . 'L A difficulty that has heretofore bepart - ? ' . ;. I. I ... . . ' � '' " Man by being found fault with con- . , Noted'War Lecturer. . ' tirely empty. There are alsd deep de- that bread has. $ec rpe. Aft�er a -time, t - . . . � . , � ,Producing country from ,placer . � . '. if - I . I � stoutly.' That sore of thing paralyzea . . preSoio#SL - ome, $0, sea] � . , hd -enemy . came experienced Is -getting. the power for ' ' ' ' '' .1 _ ' 1'. - ''..... s of the World. I Months of service had given', Skey- in all ports of the nation. ThP beggarp are .411 people whb circling * I . I I � '. '. ... . I -brin* Helpful criticiorn I . e a I , back, but instead ` of - five raising the' ship, . .1 . ,. . . � I roe 00vormile Avid go defeat. I bilt a 404P insight into the motives L Berlin, ,tlw capital abli.qhed work h0norabli azid 'hard. Even It, it.js�.a#empted ., I - ' *1 . . . 7 L nts for 'the Atiur is a ko- 1, was �osi :.;. � . : .. : . . .. I . od thing, but machines there Were ,only four, one to ra!Wthe hull by means'of cables ' .' .. - - - - :' ".' .'L.' * � ; ' .. . I . . Littoral region, consisting ' mare fAultfluOing that had ifiduced, ble comrades to saci- in the thirteenth ceritury, on the tfire44-Aad women who comia on sun" 'Sma'14 SCOUt It I � :�' . ,:. . RM&j. If doesn�t get us. anywhere. . . . � � .1 . avigg .'been sent, la4d- and wifidlaso. tha� - eon upori. I... �!,..­ . ­ :. .. ,� � . .. ..", .; I . ob L Sun- rifi&;'gladly theliaiVes. Incapacitated I Spree Wver. It has not yet recover- days, and -who h ve worked .. I - wave rao, ' ' . 'a, the Amur *and the Lit. shine' , a to ex. wur�i, preSUJV L help. . . I . � . I . -L I . . I � . .1 I I . � I . I � . k Warms ,.o lind makes er9ps for further fighting, he sought - to ed. Theinhabitalits eve divided into hkLustion during the; *eek ail& in - - �ably to, bring ' the -ph ,orr pontoon. beuringthe wind�-. - :. '�, .' - � ' * I We whole coast zone belong# grow. Tha former has hip . . . . . had to . 'main ela re - "Soon afterivatfis we, discovered ten. lass .a tended to impose uneven Al, .1 I.. . : L' . .. . o basin of the'-poelfic" or rather a gospel ofithe Allied effort two sses--%­junkers and junk- tuin for this they b ' . . ,, , . . come in for his share of thetriticisin und . 1. . . * , I �: ,, .. ��. . . I L it . . I . � 'i4the - lactur%plafform, una ad., ,The'pr�sefit foole'r is Kaiser Bi - - . . I ,. coming up. .. . . . " '. RdjOIniU9't1l . in tT easure'i I AVd the S A ay hoitile michlies ' * Iron! ar,k' stresses 'upon 'the cables. and. to Sll!kp . - - ' - - , "' * . , . , . " , , ' . a lands, in* tr I - . I . P1 of saying;' "Ploate give Qp` - They Were - ot, them. .. I I L . , ... . . . ., ,; � as bast , and hurft him more on tile I me posite .directiov.� n '.. . 11 . .1 " ..; � L . .��, . .. ­ I . I . I ' ' - tlg !the vast Peninsulat of Kam` thak� any aifier ont.thing t pieis. Ith6ugh barely lious IL ' His principal Occupation 1s. ,,one, small Piece of bread.'s , . . high'in the air, but close to the, wa-' . ' I .1 . �� �� _ " ... , t . ;� . , . . . � ' . :a and the northern, paq of. the, happened to him... �,- ..bat .Over . over his maj6rity-he' enlisted, at - the looking for a �laee in the. auu.,Vhei�L , .. : -4-�-�,_� - � - . , L Works - at Any Depth. . - - -: - :, ,!..014 .. . . - . '. .... , L , . . warMaj thail ,that . L , .� -,on , L L. . . .. . � �­,, ". -.. - �,. I L . , r . . . ter, , d were joined almost imme,' - �k I I . - * I d of Sakhalin. I . I , Aere, a age of' nineteen-hi6 soon becalii6 Is_ somethIng . in .. , Etc ER AHTV NS . * - . diately by'llve wore, mak* L . I The propogecl method obviates- these - - ... . I . I . � . -� is-sunshiie, eu6iigh to, go . XG L R . , "� . ":. , . .. I . I r. . . 0 Xirghix region consists round' if we all, let it shine known as a p6*erfully �e#ective lec�' store:. for, *h1m. ' It sounds something . . .1. I 1: '-' L' - .. I . . ... I Ing -19 in all. ,disadvantages in that it, is capable of. .1 . - *..­ . IL St P , ,. , 1� The, enemy, scouts wore painted. bla It - � ge .. .- . . � . ­,� I �, � ... ... L' . I � Wor Went Chas were instrument, like Helg6iund. . T6. c X.and'Girl the Value of wh- C.P Only OnS L.. . " . . . . * alreeTI, territories-4Akmonifusic trouble is r ' -The turer,, Hisspee . rown prince is Teach'th6 no. . Ila. . use at Unlimited depths. , . �, .1 n0t'ao Mich that ' . s I the iwo-seater . L :,. �­ .' " : � . . . . palatinsk and Semliedconsk. - all the Sunlight for,ourso �Yim rallying hosij of .Austral; I L . � a were sea�gr ,IV a it.is , ia.'s, the' barely-appa?rent, Tha ,national . ' ..een Or twO.LSmaIJ tUgs ' or Ls agb Stearn- .L:: - .."..:. .. ­� . . .1. L a qS . I . I " iludividual . - - and V6ry -ha a1VL . .. ... . I : .. . .. . . . 1. .. I . . esi , 6 -is "Spurloo versefikt.11' I ity ., . . rd , .om , 11, . , eria. occupi " man -power t . a . . .1 tor� diitjuguiph ,fr I . . ;_ I ... I _. . o the -color, and,, his Mott . . I . . ­ , . . . ar r r operating - �ht - - � , ' , , . I - , In bules, SqUaret a L th4t' We .keep it frowshining on the * ' - I - - --- � I L sons�' are . water� . . I . . . .. �JiSing ipp�rStUS...'L ... L. , . ­ ,. .. . _ '. ..... I I k verse, Published - under I , . . L ,- . . llie family tWCjL' . . , . I . I ,:" , '*'�� , , L, I � 0 1 '. new it ,4 P 1� � . . �orn. 'L ii 4wung inio-battiaJorma. .r .. � , .., - . * . , '.. . . 'Ory larger than *a combined the; title of . . . . ,=an of Japan, Germany, Franc otherfellow. It we only � , the, Soldiers" SongiL Thei'llave the *same pairenta, . - "WO -1011 _ 6 . . w,� I I I * � IL on provides !or a num. �; ... �, he Unitad,� Statea - I n the. beat thing any Of. of Anzac v edused: I - Natitre's Gigantic 'Zoo., . , tionegain andehatged into th , , 0his iventi ,­ .. : , . ", .. , . . I I I L . ­ . ' I , .1 I . , Us' him W be . -ugh - - - . . . .1 . they receive a train'Ingi . .d a bar of, buoyancy .. -., - � ­­ - - � - , . . . . L. iojularly known thro, the same horn I . eMi d . I . I Could I . a .9 Op I I , 0 ',of y ­ we were. Aam6m. equipped ,* � .1, , . . . . I . . I . do, would .be to say to Ou I r fol- the Ant podos as �,Ithi , blind ,S&dier .X0 military , eraiiona on a large -they go to the -same go'hools. ne of the: anent fleet.' 'Wh6n � " '* ' ' ' '. - , . . : t . . .r . . .4 om I ., ! . . ­ . were ever, carrie&�on in, wild6r, them'makos,i I ne4rly wlihln� range with. electro -magnets to .attach . the - , "It-. . 1 �, . . . . ­ ' . L 1. . ,. � Trans,,Siborign Railway.. - lower: "' C ' e! ori. out here, 'O.14'Maul p9et.1 . - . �, � scale a million, dollars, be _ four, Planes ,on, chambers to the -!in I .1 ­.. I ­ - ­-­. ­ __ L *_�__ . I I . . ,There in plent�r of .room for us, all t . I . comes the,i6rP aide a1kc! Ve ,metallic .. I , of ..tl a: ',:�.�.'� I.... ... , I .1 . I . it Government of 'Russia.- under- . Recently be left Australia, wherie more MCA, or_anore interesting ibe most,fu - his . . fi on the itarboard iunken . I . .. :.1 . ­ ­ ­ � . . I ottLnd in the'guilililne. t b elleve- ifi, yo 0 1 1 I - - tose',.to our level,, while .two- of fh&ei� L .. vemel. , .. . . * � I . . � : . . ' . 11 ' - L.. -, L 1. . - I the - - totak - of coristructing � the, YOU bell,", �"fi _ _­­ _­ - ,-, . , ,tq;' his, Ahma,'_bad� country..tban'Briti,sh, ,And .,,.'German Viovi' � -These bopyancy. Chambers Are -sub. ­. .". ,.. ... , I . I . , I ,. . .. -2becdme�-'�';a,household 'iSL d , ' nc% or perhaps'writes the great- I . . � . �. T beriso rallr6ad", L . ord,16-co ca, . nes'passed directly b6neath , 'th. .. . � ; 'L. , . - . lralis-si 1watern eve n Md- dnd'We -both, know. w 'me to Ameri -for, i. - - - Hast Africai The countf,� omin- est. book of the cefiturY. The .,L other emy machi ;_ -).. _ . eXA, by allowing t I . I.., . . .. L - ' e. Itr our hearts thit'Allis'Is' . .series, .-,----.-.,I-- us shootin I hem. to fill wt L. � .... . ­­ . I � � � . L P . g UpWaK. . .. . I . _ I - ��. 1 .4 . _ , a good old - - in -. . . . . 03. The bistoij�.,%f ionstrgeting . ­ , '. . L 'of lecture i' ated by 'the mighty.pe4k of Kilima, .lives,. from hand, to -mouth thr4ughout ... I . World." . . , , L � . wa . . n towed along , � -,.' .. �, .1 I I ... . I , - L . ' . . ,; .. . . � Firing Was Incessant. - , - - -1 , -1 � ".., . � . ' ,. * 110 iSA60 *011 known, to -here ri- I ' _­ . . Cross' His first addresses - at Saii XJQXOj all'extinct vOlcand 19,2QO feet his life,.and dies, knovh� only to(. his . . I I .. the sea -'bed in the region of thwsunk. � . I .: � I ­ .. I ' but' fatt reimadning-to a,.JSPID;� � It We did this we. would all get Our Francisco were heard b . high, gild although almost on' tile neighb�ra_an4 to them ML I I - . . � . . .1. - �.. - #tan - erely - as a - "Tbe firing -was incessant from the on: vessel :,witb - the .electro�;MagAets . , ". ­ L ". . , �, I . I .. . . 4 , b . I L. Y more I ' I I . . . . L . . . that the Ainui branch line , iulderd together, we - would lift IS0,000 pe In .Equotor pfoducirig onb,of'the biggest ,shiftle . , . , . .. . &I is sho rsons, ,He imilAi'su"t-'.. X . 98p linSuccesslul firmer. What boginning,*L and the, air was blue with. energized. - . , , . I I . I :. . .. 11, . ; �� � ,. .., " * 1. . 11 � .. , -1 . . . I 11 . I L , , ' . , h , , 7 � . f. . :.. : " . I Whre and. kick lessi And. that would ��essea in glaciers in the'world out' de'th6 Polar is the ,d I -Germaq! I . .. I . . . , *,%. - 09, Own ' Vladi*ostock northe,ply, � , I . Ren$,,. Salt Laker City, Den.a. .1 . � ., al ­ . . . L' I ifference biptween. the man ? tracer'bullet,smo,6,L and the. ,., When the aei�ril .Chambers ave I . 1. . I . , , . ... ' . , I , . , . . . I inir, the - Amur Rivol� at. Kh h ' " bring the,glad day for whi0h we have ver, and'finally at WiAlngton., regions. . - .. I . . , Individuality, WeL answep-that . mys- used explosive WIlets. 11 I . I the hull- of' the � - . ... .:..., .. . � - � . L . � .. , . .. 1� . . a er' ,all boen -looking, -ihen' I troubl6L Will L The country all round -thei �m'ountaiii terious, indefinable qualittL ' wMeb . . become attached to.- - L . I . . ., . : , . � . .maid running .westerly, 1,200 . . Although'sufferi�g. from his physi- I . . . "I devoted,my tim6 to the 0oAside, sunkan'-ship - 0 , � . ­ , I .11 ... - .; . � . JobA . a 1; . . Is. L L . Ine tar. water . by RL' ,.they, are* eillaustiA. f , , . .. .. I ­ I , .. .. , . . the main line'at 6hitd t"k � W'ng . a and"fly gway� Cal ,disabilities, Is full of -,wild beastai lions and leo� makes 4. person what he - where. four planes okare4. i 'thaL. 4* ' ' .' ' L I . I ....;�. � , , . . . I . I I . . I at,n L I . - pumping evic . .1 . .1. , - . r . . � ,..:,:. for, has. lateli been, com I big 4 Pard4. being ' . , d'! ' a in " . . . .. Plated, ­ Intention- 6f inaugur 9 an iridl- as eommoA as spaniels, . But Individuality is, not confined'.t6 geta� .Once I looked "around. I no.;' cliambers themselves, bi oil . . . , ; �_� 1. . I I . � . . �.'#Sp. I , . . _� - - ' ' '. . r to RU . -0. NG"' Bib 39GGS 4 over,the,plaCih - _r L---,-'--. . _� t a _pA- ­�._ ,- - I—- -ft- ­ VaW.Wt- . -�.­ .� ­ �_-�- ­1 I . 1. 'it,!] , ... � . I - ObJ4ct­ of -raising, Ii � . trooPe-of-oA---mw"n&.women,,-Seid-.fr6in-tw6-.,earo- t1cad---'My­commander-wus­J- .#-" I . . .. L "' L 4", L . . �. .. . saia an a iYe�,xfth_the ,�ppos all 4114814n Tan __ L . ­ __ ­_­__­_ ­­­_­__ Adava-dr :C�_ -ai .... , a- & � I . 11 a oop� . mer. - . � . . . . . �. L' . .. 1. .11 . . . .. . .. � .. . 11 . . . in all-Rassian terTltory�, ,:from - - - - .. ! � I a million dollars for the Rbd - Cross. ok wandering about, and of pedigreed;corn from the ield, Ing- Pbgiti6l%. I t6ixght riothinij ,6f it � :'When the water IS - exp.ened' ifie`� " 7. ; .., L.- � ' ' . 1, . %, . to ocoart., . ". ., tie "' the' CameraL ' 'a Determining Re '14' *been .-afflicted' -with violent monkeys Makilig ni L a Same A d Mimlteg later'. , w ' ' . .'' . .. . . " . L.. - 'L . I I . ad, I ght, hideous With planted - Sidi L by. ide and cultivitted until a'few OYSTJCYI� - ­�­'% - i figures' furnished by the Min- , ., their cliatter.. . . I .. . . . , .hen I .chambers possess kifficient bu ' ' . I . L. . .: �,� . . . . . . � , Age, of the Hen Product' . ­ heada6es, -for more thg1l,a, Mon . . Pr I ' ' - " J .:.. . ... __ . . . . . . th. In .;" ' eoisely alike, yielded, one at the rate looked again and,aaw !he Was still in' to raise itild ,float the 'Vessel. The.sal"' �* *` ­ 1. , . . I I . . . ' I :11 . - .� ., . . . . - Throughout ihis diicult country -of 95 bushels th - rate the same. position,, "Then the�truth vage steamer furni - ' I , ' fb unbilingly.distected ital, in.1to L oif�17�bua,o #. a other at'the: 1. . .. shas . .. ... . of Pommuncation : -show that , I Bod eigs, a' L . San - Fraritisco he.bad been obliged to ' .10 thd current"', " � ,. _. L . . ,. a has spent, within 01beria, over . go to 4 hoop no he had been ,motor roads iluie been. . driven, - -and to the acre.. Ind* I al. dawned on'me that Ite had been - - hiti for. ener zing the . . . I I '... . I 11 . an eath I ividu I . . . . . � �. . - . _ . ri..- \� , ,. . . I I . 11 . L- Vi . electro�magnets. I L . . . . . - 019a of ruMes in development. by -the -Camara, This has be ' d!- bled nearly to d from 1. processions Of cars run backwards and ity agal ,. I . I . I . � . . I .. I , j, � " 1. I . .. .. I I . I., � L . . . , a ' L . and, looking Closer, I discovered his -. - T6 Traip SubMarinea. - � I .11 - . . .P monatrAted in F�ranco,. whire ., exper�- = . emorl- - . ' . ., L . . a 'JJS t, f"LL . . . I I I I . . .. I I with' eat'speed where LJV- ' . thi . it big. Idea for � b�y tb head � was in a pool. of blood, bu Or . , .. . I. . ... . .' ''. ach four billion (over two thoum rhages,. and in fokwards gr I .L . I . . .. ments are being, conducted - with ton he -suffered . '', L I . . . , -ate-.Salvage steamer performs �nO,- , '"' . . . I " . d ' mimon ae dollars) ,are fo�r ral�t I a greatly from, p 08 n.eck. - . -Ing'stone and Stanley toiled illrou'll, . ­ It - , I .. . . . . . � . . . .. . . 0 . . - I . photographle efft-iesting apparatus, I L . I I 9, grosp. 'Wheri'llet'has grasped It, he, the moment. - Could riotlea,ve, � ''of the, . . L L . . I ... _ I and'highwaya. . . " __ . . I I . . I _�6nat6ble forest and jungle. has got at one.'of the . . . .� ., . ,my part . . . � L I * , , . -, -1 . I I ,.I I In great secrets. of Post I .. . . .. ,, . 1. . actual ridsirig operatidn - ' " , . I - ' ' - - ' ,� . -�. . ... - I � � : I . , ." ' ' . ... L I . . . I I , . - . . I aca,�, " eXelaitud , d ' Why`not�giv4the'boy`an'�crej "Wekeptupa fiii0rurmijig 'and thus need not. be of any L great' . � ' . I , . .. , � . . I I .. . " 'lizing + ra I . "The pl L I ; The -of uti ;Ite., Came . Effected Wonderful Cure. I . a cockney life. . L UjidL that M "( a. Wa" 'L , ; .I.. I ,� ... � . .1 � ... I : - . . * , � : - Rich lit Minerals, . It" -eye for caftd In 'A Washington spicialist fo _ . tfighti Size. Moreoverp.work dan be dofi6 i- ' ..*' - . I" �.' ' ' � . . ., . �. . L � stea� f the fiUmAn, lang, b0r-drivero. llis.a'blightod zoo, and bf ground oil which to make' ear -row : although our machin . n . I �.L .� I w one. go far it has not thL ' . . . a CU .1 Off ,. . . they forget t6L IQ . Spite, vf. hea*y .seas, - its there are no ,' � . - `.�% ' I I .. .... those ucquabAeA with'the ittin, Is-,uot- a ne' 0 vertebrae at thebaie oi Sk6ybill's ek* the animals up at. the� . . ... . � . �. . . - corn that you have select, ftoln"the liest and , tW L " amelt IS khoww 'that placer been corjj�d�pabt theLlabOratolir Stage, neck had been - dislocated - th . ­ni t111,. He -had nearly 011id -with, I I Surrounded'- b' ­ .. . � I 1. � 1. ­ ' ree . gh � 1ZfS0'r0fPlantIn . Lot the boy an, y 'tauL'connectloni -be eon , the. Sunken , ... _­ . ' . f ' � ' "ring -9, ..", I .ad ­­­­ 9 discover :sav * eftenW.'so4plangs. We f' ' ,. , '' � . .. round in California,: is but, even .though obstacles prevent its plue In ' ... . .. i ought � el and the'sdIvoge, stoam ' L' 'i :.-'. .: ....: �.. ., . . � . � L . . . ' . . - . I ­ , ,. pr shock that, a hippol ' . . I . . . the patriot ears, and the,alackqr ears. for .ton *miles ,'until we . ,"a er. . , , � . . Wmr.'Worked c utilizafAofi�at I as esurnably by thb ' ­ � . .. , I . ­ . . . I I diove, Off These buoyancy, chambers ME1 - . � . . I . ..� I . , I , - . pres�nt, it IS had blinded him L- A simple " teo,a I -07 . . I Thi resu L Ly . be " '. .. . � . .� , . I or over per ggs . os . I . . Its of t�a t6st will be ,of. 'Seven Germans, Sending . one. down UbIn A .. :% '. " .*. c6ble iard, What. of mor6 thin Passing interest E, . . . I Ing L . a erged to .,. . - . .. � .. . ..., ... . ' these M11W. workers. tfiink of 4re holdin a half dozen oval' pithid oiei�.tio'n..Wb,s-,Undertiik,eni and :- - ­ - -- % How Krupp 'StArtefi.- -, - -, Z1 big- value next Year in the *corn-�plintA- 0131 of, control, and crash . any depth, , thereby . �' "' ' `-, * I ''... .... . .. '. .1 ' . . I 11 . .. . . . . ' ,,, another avoiding tho, ziecesgity- of. divers, Wligir ,--- - � - ..' "'. I . '... I ` d that gverdggs $% the, cubic Orovified 1 a metal didles as the vbrtebrae were snap�ed . 'back. 611 JnXo4Jh# formiL 'Even more fiiiliort_ in Itames . from., a heig .. Of . two e- I . . I % 1, , . .1. I.' I ends point'toward a_comm -Ther4 is no doubt . L I fi a . . . electro-maguets are energized, ' � I I . � . . �. . �':. - , 4 plate.. Their large, into position the �sight, ret6rned to the ,thot this ` ntry ant than that will --be the enthuil"in thousund$ . - a I ve oth r . th .. . for Itundrede - of miles? -The . eet; Th �, . . . .will haVe . ae4n L ' . 11 � . I . . ' ..� � ., . , .- � 1. I .. , . . liver gota fields bAveL $ever I �n centre., soldier's 'eye. -.If:was e:iploined . by. started* dermany on her Industrial that the- boy Jrad- for,:chmes were SeVekely --p is =a- they wall attraet the buoyatieS.r. cham-�'-,,, . . �� ­.. I . , I . . . - I � .7 , . I Ile Irtiense'light is Passed-through.� tho �Ph.kgcjan -tbut- the -displaced b, - way,� showed her the ToPes, � gave h6r f, -- - - - tter __ f th - 1_ - ­ ­ . � will - our _guiffird� " -- ­ ­ . -. . � . to - the - rnetall� .. I � ­_ .. :. - ­ ­�. . .. - 1, - al Whi . . , arm ma a ano 6 ansight ,be . _pW had. . . by - bars � ' le , 1111110''fividil - When ... � .., I .1 , . I I . . ' - I I. I ", % ... .- ad M.Iles'of such paying lands.' them theyara photographed. A power- had- - one the wrinkles And* 'generally, � treated have gained into that - stran * , -vitally . . 1. , , , . , the chumb . ' I � ' '. ' . � .. . -­ .. i& of' die'big, mines .areowned .. . .impaired blood eirculatioriL and her 4s tht , During. the last fow' I'' t " er 1,S SQnie'Llittlb distance, _ , e' ..., I I . I . � - good" apprentice; bit It I ,- . I . I . . . �. �. I .. I . 1. . I . ,!... .. ,nerve wn�ections with the eye centers . a impprtant, thillig-Individuality. - engine b6gan.stoppi, 16r . .1, I � . . Use an ah6XPOSUr"ang ge , . in nu as, our perfeAng, English and Russians. ini upward . to-three-minut*s Is Made. of � z.. , , ' I ngs and, tlie an- a Sy4 . . 1. . . � . . P I.* . . . . . I . . ' ' . � . - , Bbdause.,of this attr4c .. . . , * ' has L , he brain. . I I.., . 1, . enry that �Ktupp bim- .� ,. ­""`� 11 * I - ' m6br'reported I tirig 61tarac.. ' . .. 1. . . �, i -result is' -a picture, that shows. the, I . . . ' - - . I till . that the 'Patkol 'Pipe ' telistie the inventorA c6titeMplate us. ' .%,L.: -L ' .. . I � . . : 4 . . � iorriiany 178,000 acr4s ' of i� self, the man.who' has 'eiiable(f, the � ,, , - . 1,11, � .1 � I had broken. Meanwhile. 'I bad,.- I . I . Aii0i-bearfiig gibldfid. Sinee the size of'the-'air'iIiii"ers. .. As the reolization,egme to Skeyhill . . -Ion . . ihq SIugS9 . - . . . laid ' . ..., . . . . . I -, I ­ . . , . . . . I I . . I I . I . I . . * .. �% . , - 11. . . .. . �� . _,� ... - - _ �J 4`da' -bud taken A seat - . PI . .pin 6nbmaHneS--bX­t6wing'the -sub ' ' , . . . . . XalserA6'hold out So g,. and who . I 11 .. ing,ihe'buOyancy chambers for trap*. I . - .. in the eggs. that the darkness that had hung Over . . These - out th6 commander In , the,gook L*t " . . . tion of this company and their A. transparent- gapgo. . . ed himAo believe'thathe �c damash % . .., soft-b6dled','molluseg - , ,consisting * of him for More aim wo, _ -had .1 oul L 11 I . . 11 .- I . ,�,� '. . . . 9 . . . � . . 8 � years - his �. * to world � d cid ly. destructive In vej0t,�hlexar-� . I m .- ­ . . . ... .. - I . � 4 ' ' . work, 19124917, -six years, thei concentric circles crossed by - q* line been fflv6lled, he ' way ominion,'go� -his . "To& Wh6lq engag6inefit " InAbd - . morgo#In �ubmi�rle hae.sted, watei4 *,.. ' . I I . . . I I � placed y Lth � g ikintfllenl :adjacent. to an b. -, I - - , , ` .... .. � . 108" io" 0� PU're gold, ra­atingL Is" 'first capitalL here, -says an 'En ish. are likely to. a oi sin '-: rri�&eZ_�! ' , al fromL t6 - Centre .an cestat! * . , b0came seized, With . de . . They attack any half hour,. a�d I tliink.i4" ' , . . I 0 LL ndue Of over $50r,000 P 000. . . at nearly urihinged - Writer. , '. ,.- . !­ . I . 91 kind of. plant, They., tire nocturnal in - I did ^very 1,.Served Aubin ' � ,. I �. .. I.. . I . . .1 . ­ ­. ,Vn .pf - -_ C 'L . , L , . . L . -er, rn�r machine .dmc - urine. - I ; ..", !. -':'' , �� . . , Jho;�� -� tb�_.. -L . - --'-'L- ­­ , . ., . I � _ ­ _,. I am�� - r 1411gil it _r+a"Ath'. ­ - . . The bbtween ther negative '.and sensitive his .Ind'-'40is mind becam " blanit wall. Aft 1-1 �, Rm-n-mialm - - - ,n . e�p 4, * ,I i VA I- "bf� "��dr Ing. a years at Ot oilded P � � I - . �.; . I.'- . . -.,I.-.... L .11" -1. . 11 _p a 'Al- xed-4-ruyp-c . . . �. � - .15_;-_YOd1r,#d1-_ftoL-%w _,.,!1.,-1_ .-Tim-pvts. __ . hitbi , hiding �during� Lthe-4, ': .. � . �L � __ ,­ -'- __ �_ - �­ . over L' .' --- , ,- . I , " all L these. lines . W, th had .elapsed ­N61be water, ivItere repairs were., . - .t. , . �._ '.. �, . . I . . I an in . , , . me-mitieff- ;300,006,000 In the, finished photograph in 1840 with stones,. 4ods of ,earth, etc. As they madej 8.11 � L . I ­ I I . � . I . � . ... since his �nj and he Imaglued him-. ' ' troduction to a great . . d.then we returned -to..,:- * , .. . . ad lalaor. .. , aids okie in comparing.Ahe -size 0?.an self back n ury' -bayonet charge in English .firm In the ovehing our, , . - Lloyd George Amoni. � . I � . . . I the of L-lectro-platers from Coma, out to feed I an L ' � I . . . drill'she Of vhich be had'bee;n wound Dr. Siemens, and offered them on 111- ex is , port-'-. .,The whole fight save , L L I hem. . L I . . . . � ,' etSL' one Lefta gold *egg and: the air chamber within its \ ad. Hi . vent collent remedy ' to spread broadm hoj� �Sjvp�., , L . lasted .. ' .n I C, L " " . I I . ­ I ; . . I . � -a L 9 con. - his - Ing the cast 'Over the soil- before- uightfall,. . 1. . I . . .1 I * In proborti0ft to it& Size,Wales ha's " - , . . illow a gross value of more than which _gl�es 1i .In�ax to to age. diti ft bicame 96 a . !on of own for -rolli . . ­ I . I I . .1 tars, Th -is t .. 1 . . .0 cute' that lie Was re. I -------- *___� given.to the world mord- fan, DUB L . . �%�' isand million dot __ _� . metal "blanks". from whichforksand freihly Slaked lime. This adhar.es to ' . .1� Jalen I ,.* I . .3 . om- ' � moved to ' a hospft�l`)L . . . I I ' to the largest producer of gola-1 - . COLD AS A SUBSTITUTE.. but after a � thin probably any other ,)art of I . .w �. .. . ". . �. - %.,� . . - . � . . I... L . .. . 1. _. I , . .'. ._':� .. . . . . L. I . . I . � . . 11 . . I . IL . --i I ar* but there are several thou� . - . .. , �. . ' invention-7-f0i .It must bi said 40icsil' Oo* RUSH TO J 19 an UARDS' Unit If agdom, , � . , � . . . . .. . 4 . I . - - . , . ... L. 'night's sleep, he, regained �his me spoons are Made. For onqe a Oer- 'their bodies and a A kills. them. Throo . O - Elkin, . G� ad I - . the. .. . L lital I ''I � .�, . . . I . . poise .1 . man 0110 on cbnsecutl�e eveilings I � I of iten, from an Andividual, 64, Platinum Is Practically Vii0litalhable, Sk ' - All Clao9ea*Eager ,to.E'tdi ' .., The name -of -David . I I I .. � I I � that the. Germans haVe beengood at are'advisable, Shingles, placed here 4 1 st.irCCr4tk If .. "' Lloyd George, . I. I . . ' L; eybi'll ily.4nediately after the op- . � . . . I 11 . or Instance will live in history side . ., ., L. ' . I.. .Only by'Aally labor -his t' al ic ,Needles.,., . eration utilizing but bad at inklating.:-turned and there throughout infested, gar . . i . Ot for. A�poderrn - '.. Reginlints. 11 I being; his pick,. Shovel ,and pan . I was abl6'to gbe obeets With . ,, dUara L by side wR th. I..., I . The. War has up'�' ' . out to be'of use) an& Krupp got ton dena under low growing Plants,, will. . . t -of Pilliferston,' of . . . . - Lo large corporations, who dra I set many old stai%d- Perfect clarityo but. lor -several � - The glamor of the S'has - up� Iblaraeli, � and of 014ditone. . , ,- . . . . -.'....t ards and, set up new ones... one of 66 woe afflicted voith Color blin .thousand pounds from the firm for his Inan Slugs, for they. WHI-form Soled to me , .. . tv I dness. .. . attra" y A n of all diaoi6s of, - The late M ­., .. producing gold.', The richest. - , .1 . is machine. suitable tel 1p � . . societ. I _ r, pierpont ., I .. t ' ' -, ' - r ` - ' eurioug results of-this-uphe' -that raploly ig'disappeariti$�,,and- his sight! - ,Wl _., ' '­ ' ' , ' ' tors- for the 'little crea", and a, vacancy � in: these'- -regiments -1 onw. `Ufs '' 6aL ­ - "a' _­ .,Morgan-,--, -- ­' " .,. _ - . - . . I N� _­________­.__._­____ - ... - I aval is , t I ­ .. . .... ­ L 1. -__..__-_._.k__ Of this .vast triasu 1 L .. ... . ih- - ctib . I. . It: .- 'r. - .t1iis, � -- . 'th L _ P, diV,d. L� - . .. I .. - I -di. " . I in som M !It 2: 'either- of dOMMIRSIOU -0141lia rafikh-�Aidth --'- - Ithportant'in � . .1p, Or :,. - 0 .Y yout'lle, gold.hes bee L -Cases, ls-�6xpdeted-�to-beas good as � monaybil -t-etuilla.--to --Uree- and, incidentally.,.*W.111;lure-them. _ an . not _ ,. �Without . . I.. 1. . .- nwth and tast of 1ake Bailitill itute, fbi- . lev Germany, went to Essen�,�And- theta to their doom. . . . . - . 4 as I a most �, L ria. ,Every to . . . I . . . ..) , , 014;, ,� - - ----I 'be' .aubsti. I L has sdldom'needed hours. te-fill says. US! in the World -wag of direct Walsh stern section of Si -all 'at mAtAls. Hypodermic', needlesi OMPIete Cure of . � a Lon � . , .. ; I �� - L . th6rolo.of a cheap" Short time. His Case is bet' to be I laid the foundailon Of I I 11 0 1 ik Z N " in the'va oth the-fitst in whicli a t,the,,' gigantic � . . . . . --I I �, I . ' Forgiveness, 1 . . . ­ . -, I Kin, i ,at territory of , business whielt has 'Since L become 1% dou'dispatch. . ­ 'I origin$ his, grAhdf4th0, 'a working. . '.. . . ­ C , . . - t CaffieS 'Pilying go for insta Were fokmetly made of 311611 shock ba's�been C . 7 . V� . effected. . . - .. At Present these regiments. Are . open InInpr,'b I g, -Migrated, :tporn the Taff -L. ..�__­ , , . ..... . ld-bearing . whole world, and . aVM1 ,�01,1.1�, , ,.. � . .. � ­ platfnUml�tql plutimi' 4 The aoldi . -Which To forgive before th4e be - repent, to' iting) with the result , th' I gidtis. the tL L , *'..�l-,,. I '. . � Oven long tIld'shokes, of the . L ' m4ridium, two er-poet will complete his , I . I .recrui .. IJ. --l-4 eTploys an army of Workmen, ance, Is to �ncourage Sin. i0litist-tells, at. VaI10Y to fhd*,PenAsAvdhia Cotd;�f--,' .. � . , . a ul .06111- . now PrictievQ11y " - unobtain. WOrk-in the'lled'Cross drive und then there,is it positive rush am6ng young+ .,III arly part �f . I �� I there exist undeveloped X1611- ---------*-- T . us, "It he repent, forgive him.,, One' men. to enlist. - Thb hundreds L .the- _ last . .. . . I . ..!,. . . : . . for I. Will 4Y to'.r�join big Anzac coMrad,bg Watch Vora blister Beetles. ' . a young .-century. - : . . . I �, . . L Able. The Increased war demand , I � n in the-trenekos overseas, : . . . . . . I . . , .. . � . I � I h I 1. . ., I L . I 14 those godles led to 'Many ftperi- I � � ovildonto of repentance Is a � burning minerg who have been released under I ; ' Sot tO60 1�iaf; the late'Mr.'Yerkeg', . I . . . 8 I I ' .0ther . Minetalt., , mints.with, other Mews and alloys in I ! 10,_� I I I I I Blister beetlea occlir almont - overy desire, to 'repair the "Ong donb.'.tho CoMbilng,out.ordor, e6picially raen the nifignato who eloctriff6a London's - ' , . I . I I I . CIA was once i6abited .by a the hope of finding a -good substitute, I . . ,,ear and P Cause c6naiderabl4b anxiety Wildn'Clermany'and Austria show -this .jr , I . tj . , , * L I * L L Ing th lotind, were A manufacturing -concern, ma:king ;' No Time, to Rock the no t. L , to Om the northern districts,"aie com- I underground railways, L an I I �. I L , sc�ord I a the firinei and gardener from their deki% (and the Most Pacific 15aciflAt ill to London -for thb pur,po I d 3efforson � . . . . ti .. I L . habit of appeqiing auddonly In largvt, daul&not claim* that tliGy Ilave), 9 Ae of erl.� I Davis, the tirst,and last President of L ' . . . I I � t, -AL V;6.'Ud,Gv-- uic-4- - It IV not, Specialty of ttutpoing pf,ecious met. . 1`1hera 'are few df us who d not 'numbers. and feeding L on I . r uIld listing in these era* reginlontS, alid the' Southern Confederate States .of - - - . ` I I . I I I I 61 � . � . . when thoge People, IfVado but -als, has recently pokfeettd a hyp der- , think that we couid'give thb 0 1 potatoos, - when voluntarily they act aecotdifij- the rocrullffig, authorities gre w6ilt- Am�ticaj also hallod' from 66, land of -, - - , � � ' tin mon�meuts of their former rate needle of specially tompo"redo 14. Food Zohricl. some VAluable point,on, boons, be6ts, carrots, Corn, tomatoes ly toward Belgium, rrognc6 and Ser. Ing tilght and day. � . . I., I I 'L. . .. tf im. are anclent mines, chiefly carat go% whieb, offers ,many . land other vegetabloi. They ate soft- bia, it would be Unclitistlan not to. ''The i6n,aie all of si �� I the teek, 4 '' - ' . . I I .. I . 4>1 Cabada' I i - ad- As no one group Of men Can have Any bodlea insects-'alender and cylffidri- Meet, thein half lefidid Ph . Than there was Mt. ,,Regj16,, !lot., " . I ­Ao�, . . il ptn diggings, only in rare in- vantages. The motalhao almost the' MOn6POIy of Wisdom, p6rhaps : Cal afld'41JOAA I'Alf an inch I theft- bique -and 66W by their 4etion 'that - bbrtj Prince of sportome " ; . � � . p. Pod- hatdneft And. rigidity of stool, is not I could. nut tho CanadgL rood noaH war . Whothei th h t . - 61 ith Paris green or arsen. politidlans. Con Oct a "Peac . Polo' Into DrI. I . . I L, .. I I n Ound w rk�n SPI-ayltic wi e I . . ,41dr n4erground wotkings, attatked'by steamo boiling water or'bas the Informaifoll W1 WOLI P .in leng4h. wh�iboi th6-' ' C102yiInn"Ieno"r, ;'#-�_It wyjo" no got Over tbO'gobd 61d'16tei, Who Iftf6due dL 4 and att. " ' bi wed AM4 closed up. t'fie aft . nod English dislike of wafting,'t6in foufid6dthoRaftel4gil and�ta%4 , , , . I . I _ chomiftl $OlUtions Used for storill'Zing" I not'a, d i1ch �we have i gt,6 of lead 'Will control blister beetloo Vould be 'u,'vi C . I 1 id jh6,06ftehing Club, Do 0 �, I I . . ft whi olation of every Chridw UAW theY AV6 fetched, '. 1, . . I I * . I L 1p ' 1. AO'ch= 16 boxer; A. 3. Gould, the . . . . . .. . * Cb "toy ardildt At libOrty but afft SOM�e outbrkalca, It may be no. tian ptifte, 16- to treat tin uhrepahtant Ity d the f vid St. John, - I , of these wftics is aceft from stud, the needles. are. much cheaper 0 Share. With. us, The Jitliatiofi Is I I , The majorl _ Mon V i 016MIT tb repeat the application be� I. Germany or ;an Unrepentant Gormaii., Ing -fok ,tile full army P ,rd enliatw . � , I . I � . . �et that All the . Instrumitats, than- th6sd of . Platinum, Or platlnum� laftiou� and thi's I'a no time to r . el of A6, I lanil5lu§ 711;bY football pla�er; and . I . I . I I . X, have boen found in these ,an-'iridum, � . I Ithe boat. Follow directions." 60C cause, the beetles which are killed are except us a foul and Aameleza crim.� vice afta not for th,§,dur qod . . . L I � 0� . I . . . . I . . I 800111 replaced by others.' I i�AL .. , . � I % ation .of tha, �noy others.. Welstlj�ienalfof thoj�, � � I . . . I .. I '. I � I .. I . I . . . I .. . . . . war. . . . . . � .4.bfrn Und bredl - I I . . i 11 : . .� .11 I � . I . . I I �. , t, L . '. . /, I . 1) . I . .. 11 . � I � I . I . .1 . I " . .4 . . . . .. .1 . . .1 L ... .. . I I I . . . I L . . . .. � 1 4 1 L I . I . 1. . L I . I . I .. .1 I � . I 1 6 . I . . . . .,. I 41. L.. . . . � . . I , I I . I .. - . I .. I . I � . . I .. I. I I . . IV - I I . . I I � ; . I I . L I 11 I . .1 . . I 1. I I . . L I I . � . .. L L M � am . .1 I . I . I I I , I I ow W W., �$� - I I , , T 11 - � ­ I 11'.1 ill",w : I I I I I I , L'�",t , �, �, - , , " �, I I . , � i I I I 1� .1 i II I I 'I I - 1, f I I I" I i I 'I -.. I I , I f il� I I I � , I .1 I I I I I , � , L � . � � . . . I . . , 'r I ­ I * I � 1. . I I " . . . "I . . . . � . . ", . . . .. I � � . . . I L . I � . ,_ - � . .1 � . I . . . � . � , . li� P - 14PUN , 4 ) 4A*,-. J. I I J� , , 4-100000% . � 1p�_,- � ­ - , . I . . - i ­­­ "W_ " �__I' . . .. I Le�� __7 ---._,1_ - --- 1. I I � I , ­­�-C%t!�'"' 'i.�- �� .�� . � __ _ I I . . I " I . - � . - . ­ � � . - - � - " ­ - 'L � ' '­­ I ­ . - . __ , ,1._,_____.._4 _­­ 1. � � I - 7� . .L #.dr.% I M - -- - - I ,, A��_ - - I I 1. I I ­ � _. -11 - - -1 _. . . I � . ­ - . - - ­ I ",---,- I -ftir^"i�, - 1 1 1 . . I .- - L I I 11 " 11 , I � . . I I . . 11 . ......... I - I _._� I ( I - , .L;� A.: , e, 2�� 1. � � It. . � .. . .1 ). _... . , , . _ , _. ". ,