The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-14, Page 8.1..11.•Ak - tkipate Your Needs for Next Fall and Winter All indicktioas point to much higher prices fOr next fall and winter goods in isfoolea, Cotton, Linen and Fur Goods. As we arc coming a large and well -assorted stock in these lines, it would be "good business" on your part to anticipate your needs and buy now for future use. We can still show you a good assortment In hieretv Fur Coats, Ladles' Furs, ' fultd Boys' Overcoats, Men's andBoys' Suits, Ileiwys weight :Woollen Underwear, Woollen Hosiery and. Socks, Shirts, Glovesand Mitts, Factory anct Bleached Cotton, Shirting, Derifins, Cottonades„, :Sheeting, ;Flannelettes:v,.0o Flannelette .and 'Wool Blankets. - Because' We anticipated ourneedsand bought for future use we are to -day offering you.. various goods: at less price than we oafs purchase them to -day. „ BLJ Y NOW ari4 You'll ,Save Mouey Next Fail and Winter.: importemf Ewan** tititititilti Him Ocetirred Merin the WIWI. The gluey liestrelest letespesente telly Orespelisil Pet tato Roads mad Attractite Samoa for Os Madera Winer Paper A iffeearlt lihr4oveseet. American soldier* may. el,P4tar in British triochea on the West front. President Wilson made a dole eer- tional etudy of the *kipping probiene. Soldiers in the Toronto Militate' District are reported in good health. A Canadian War Mission hes been , established at Wsshington, with 141074 Harris as chairmen. " Commander Wyatt Waa arrested itt eOnseeu.encte of the report of the Drys. dale COMmission on thselfallfax. 41,Po eater. ' The DePaytnient of RellwaYs will essiet the Grand. Trunk and Canadian Northern. Railway's With inotive power. Mr. P. Gordon Oster was gleeted tsaurr af the etinediezt Rod Ceoge -BoefetY.- Succeeding. Beig.,Gen, -Hon. James Matson. • Prof. George Swain, of' Boston,. told the Board of Arbitration flx the prigeof O.N.R, stock that it would take iix million dollars to Put thir shaper. There is general acquiesdoitce the Fuel Controller's order to close factoriete, ete, though _ eoziaiderable agitatitin to have TlifiedsX sabatitf.4ted Lor Saturday. ' v . • Edward• Michener, leader of the Conservative Opposition in Alberta. :and Win. a. Humeri Deputy Minister of Railways and Telephones,' a Lib:- , eraearnionist baee. been .aPPointed. 'Senators. •• - • , Berlin telatiffaino etete that a bomb .was thiown at the fmeerlei Palace by strikers op Saturday, and 25 arreitiy, were smade.. Attempts are made attribtite•the strike 0/ foreign Siren* for the purpose ou._‘yeaitaning. the army.. • Delegates of, thb Irish Conveetion ere new in. London. Private' genfer- eeees wifl be followed by a.,generaf meeting. With the Oabinot, : 'where there, Is no question Of ' the •deep anxiety of the Government to • promotel an immediate saiettlenient,, and 01 every true -friend of Ireland, to egoist in the Work of foilitering o•••••1101MY SAN TRAGEDY .,Army Was PractitellyPen.tit#0.„ ,,--,..-litefore:Revallitiori... • .,111ter. Ten Monate•of...larstr, the Offloiel,„ ' casualties Were -.3,800,000;," But the. datttcratic -131oVernmeot Nos. 4,neitteleeicyea...figaien,ei?n." .,Peace Je New Uiilversal.. • ' LQNDOIC Feb.iernard l*arek Witp taught Itniielan history '- ,sod -'iiterattire. in the ,tritteronty of , 3,4verptuatt and I the omclal correr4.'. epondent of the British fliverinne,nt ,en tire ',Basilian trent icentribttiett an„; Interesting and iniPrealive article, 'ts 1tte Daily XeWit, On "The Tragedy Of 7.1010114.1 Writing Vittli an lotimate knowledge of "Itusides early, Part In, • the "War, and .of 'the 'Valises that lad to heridebacleo he says that line :can • !Understand nothing without a knowl- edge orthe: cotoseat ItUelliatt. casual- -ties -add also lifklively • iterate ef their Inevitable "btsareig,"..and. • on title. he • Pays: '"I'lits....ttestelaii.'ittme, has ,done JO duty" and has peliehetcl eight thileS Over in doing it. It's for usteunder, • *paid the position teeteceeated.. The Wais the ifie of autocracy, as ;ate -three-quarter! of the ..tronbles 'front -*hick:Roast-a' is new; suffering, :bur 4 -the liipitableresult is ',.that whelmitig Wer‘WearinesS whlch, for, :.the now emancipated e millionaof • adai.blurs out ehtnost everything ls tutiversat „longing for. peace. Of the enertnotM-10seed of the Ittio,, lslatt army, be writes; - - • ."After ten menthe of war the Rite - *dame according to. statistics giYeirme.; '.ttb,en . hyr their , War daeicet, had lost ;$,800,400.roett in Lclied, Wounded and pritoners. In -the drive Into 'Galicia, - In 1915, through most ,o which: -.10$ 'nwirrithifth -tno_ ant!.ioano.1 uUiu xeal los. The Array • Owned to the 3'c/seta' 150,000 men out Of 8504000, • .more. °fee than .-not„ 1 foiled ." company 01 2e0 reduced bir eafmalfies. ., to .40, and ;that • was only 'halt -way *through the retreat. Oliezeinnot for. • „get the- wholesale itigntroareof. hien_ leeht, his.,,nntrailied and without.iifiet, and returning toi cripples two days. , 3aterCia the titarsaw, front a whole ' division was sent under shrapnel . without rifiee, atia Men who had no. diebnets, tried„ as elsewhere, to cover their heeds alth spades. AS a relent of this leek oe equipment, ettortheut miltobers of critides for life were ispread:wholesale over -villages Where they were, ofen, atotitat the only men . . ' ' ' ,"Aleanwhile War .Minlitter Suk- lioinlinov refused all offers of -muni; tions trona faetoriee not. run. by the Government. It was the general and 'thief of staff of the army and tho • director Of artillery in Petrograd that -*roe me•tdbeg for them every pos- . table help front England, and this dld on reehltie hi a ,ireetitt- • xaudum, , in Which • t represehted revolution, andlaiod chaos as ineVito WIS in this iillpported by, thn • military knowledge and conspicuous stbility of Gen, Ietent, who, before and sine*, almost exeltisively devoted • Ilmeelf. ,supplying the 'trailed ,iteeds of the itusalart "Lord Xitchener and Lloyd George 'WM did all that, Ittie humanly 1)04- . 'Ole for the Maiden army ----as ninth as theIttOkt deVOted Itutslan efittits. .• ter emild have *She citoder the on „ Movire1I1*. 'Oil friar At int).011.pt tome 'or 'the* amens*. aiovetarnithe Continued, and with the same restate. In Man 1916, 1 was present at a Rusaianoffensive, on take Narocle,of which no news had reached the, publ: tic, and hardly any reached, even our representatives at Russia*IMPeriaL headquarters., We had now some ar- tillery to concentrate at a given point With. tine we Attacked for a month, advanced a -mile and a half and lost 50 per cent, of our Men. Practically ell out artillery eed aeropiiiiies Were taken from us.. The Germans fell oh us a -day or. two , later* and it Wee sheer butChery; condeeted systeinati- -.telly,. with full knowledge of our potence. Of our troops, -which had been 'brought up 10 Init" :strength,, all "the -battlements. ln the 'front line were reduced by nine -tenths without Our being able to inflict any ,loss in reply. ", • "Shortly before .the break up of tlie4 army; I found' that the ,average /units, with whom I lived,: had. , been renewed ,entitelY between eight and.: ten:Aimee. Please ,realize the num-, lens -.of the Ruesnue army and then tell yourself that ..every place has been filled eight or ten timeli:rever. AS ime soldier 'said: 'It 48 not fight- ing:. it is slanghter.., !.t • Anarchy 1* Argentina. - ,"BPRNOS. AIRES, Feb 12.-Agen- eral railroad: atrIke *rite caned yester- day throughout Argenta, thimedi 'itely•neett 'quitting work the itiikein began. a demonstra-- jion throughout the tountty.," Train were wrecked; tracks destroyed,;:eart laden •Wftli, wheat were berried' and Wires eut,,,proventing.news item the interior from reaching the city. Al- though ; details are net known, niany passenger and cerealtieing' are Stall- ed at various points 111 the republic." • Troops are being rnahedto points, of greatest &solder in Central Argett- tine, Thelarge yards It the outskirts of Bueeos Aire, erbich•.etivet !weal- teo,citY.,:bleelot.', were set oji lire V. • the ittrpreirFr,1*-hcr.-fotight-nfP thk- 11143. - men an yesterday morning. .EXii106- • . • The outbreak came almost without Warning. It; suddenness caught the authorities unprepared.- Railroad pro --4. ite,rty hat been blownup' and cars' of cereals and OirploSivei were ablaze be- fore anything unte-rard was antici- tlattedlhe elitiSid'rta of linen' En os AlrCs the strikers were particularly active. .T:wegiy-iive• carloads of ieheet: and ex- plosives Were deetroyed by fire,. • • ••Etrageone. - „ litegoens tided to be teemed with it • thine musket which spouted Out ffre se fiercely 'when the tiigger was pulled that it Wasgalled it.-"dragens7 after the fabulous beast whose breath is fire. So well establiehed did this name be• - ceme. for this firemen that a dragon • was engraved on the barrel. and the •mew *Ito used this particular weapon werecalle4 ‘'dtageofie," • , . Inooll -Addition to -the reteli -- She=-Dontyou feel ',you dere me an aDologY for the vray you talked last nighti rie-4 do; but in my present financial ettudition I owe tie; tiaav per .sons I am- just going to let this new obligation stand „. Mike.i wish had never been born rat -Whew you'd go arbtind shunting that yotti been cheated ont tiv eome, thing, $t possholsteb Teesmratex. - -Tuesday, Feb. 12th .„ Mies LiztleXcDonaldnurse of chic.* ago is going overseas this swing. . • Three cars of splendid coal arrlyinfin ,town last We** and gIaddened.the hearte of ,the tewns-people. 'Mr . Fred Mace% went to Stratford on $atinday to play for 'the 0.11.4:. on, Mender night . • ' Miss Hicks .was unable , to teach the latetr plea a last week' owing to a.severe Gillies, Ottawa, vistt-• ,his mother and brought .heree with him Ins•little niece,' Wilma OtePliene, Who has been visiting at his licinie ainen )itat September " inenilieie Of tee Methodist cleireh. were: out ;cutting wood on Saturday, takieg the advantage of 'Mi. eter MLA% itpIendid offet'. of cutting:on shares for MriCtlRar!tmeaentIntwheiillo heithiledbieietchionitIchus.i7;.. ess here foie , great • meta Yeaea lel reil tiring this eerie& . He hate given bis hardware -store' overact his. son. Will, -find sold his dry goods buSidess to Mr. Bertram Hise0g Of Fergus Mee Dopald MOKIty who has been ailing all winter, feek lit Withpneuthen, Tuesday ance.dieti on 'Sattertliti. The funeral will take place thi e after, noon. " BtrtiticiftaY has always been . a iipeeted oitizon and her, .stiddenideath Was a great 'shock to 'community, The:ain' ..1;7111117 MiteelninAgYow.f Tt1214 Cann - Alan Red ',Crone Societe revealed( , in- creasedactititt at the war. iront.;'7. , • .-Tbe War Parehasitig,Coinmissionat powers have been eetended...tte. buy. terLegfailiiGolioevfkouno,rinnent tedes“Petclitinuesnt4544.:44-1. cal orofeadon is ,foresbadowed. in ..the; report of Cartmlissimitir •Jestiee,,Eed; ginera.„ oefraii lio:;.Oralcrelio tetia enittov:inctaelta'olo:ra,. .0otbuth being Maltese, was han4ed ,4ta. „..•00:vornoient gradine. Of butter Is ;recittemeneed by., the Canadian Pre-,. -duce" Men's Associate*, *filch :has been in eenvention;atipoden.: Arratftenients neve been.mitde"; by .••Whlek. tlipa'finted States- War :Trade': cern Board has ha, s„tx, es. t :19.Canada ,to.:teeet monthly require •• Alberta's fur :output: is" estimated', to probably exceed $10„090,000 in, . value this' -year;a largo.lncrease In exports and and value Of coyote and rat. pelts being teptirted, - ''41• 4. - Tour caseaet stailipos having been 'discovered In the-ITioulinn Academy, - ,alltho.citizene of Chatham,havelat.94, ••Prdered by the.Citai Celniciette be "eae-' einated. Immediately. , Negotiations are said to 'be in .pro- gress between Ore . -Canadian; and Unit- ' ed. States Governmenttelooking to a daylight saving- echoes for thetwo countries 10 be inaugurated la May or June.Altcu',ntill.'•:were. tireWn- to the winds ' in the Legialature in order' to give relief. in the *mealy. Of, gars to'. the eeoPle.et -voodooand a- hilt was totrOdueed -before the heating Wine ?speech from theztereets.'" - The Deputy Puel:Centroller.decid.ed that it would &nee toe much confu- sion, even 'If .otherWille' adthiabie„ to l ngTuesday change therSaturday s ugdehorderube t iti" iiebeinettliended•-to ineliele400a and .oil heating as well as coat . The .Ainetlean_traiteeort Tiiiseaniar Was gunk 10,31. Illuttz..17.1.edirtfar -' coast- OK- ir4and- .di.;u or ,0,2pdv,rkrt,„*.-',1*.f411,ttntrt.,1711.cfp 'Of the, escorting 'fleet pursued •tbe:. stlihmatitte sod Is believed to ..have stink it with it depth tomb. Two thousand', onehundred.0*-10-Amere- lean troops were etteed, ..„ . BrititiAt , "A was introduced in the Leg's.' latute which well -Make the tiovince . of , Queboc. bone-dry after May let, 1910. . • The Cunard Baer .tureisia- was tor- pedoed by a German intbniatine after binding eargn In Ireland, No Wee Were lost' • t. ' v. Col. Theodore Roosevelt -was WAN tiper` itted'UfKia ' tok- 'Ohttila" and -:aheASSel: In both his eat% and IlliectinditYin fe terkela.. • Shlpbuilding has . :Commenced in Anstrallak and'.'befere leng,; it is oflt- claily stated, a *teen *testes will he , laid down In Anzae harbors. . •Cosutoe 3. ShUiley, One of the, lei& lee 'estatieftetiltere ot tittit,„ .ditd at the . age „Of 83 years. • Ile was well- known itt- Canadian business efielee. _letvo,J...e_irdeceltiverserohoretateteittboe .,;uchttoriairdtioanin. - his -fellow-countrynten, has beenop.pointed Minister Of ,PtoPitganda. hY the trifle 'govern -meat., ' The Bolshevikl have been cheered by tthe strikes in. Berlin and retina. :The workers of Petrograd .44ent Mailifeete • to their 'Teuton brothers utgittg homer efforts t Mash the intlitarehielf. • • . • - ;Prersier Hearst. and Win. Proud - feet. IC.O„ have arranged that, nieelete Gm will be held le thae•Pletelece of Ontario until' after the end Of the war, Mitt vacant match* the future 1010 he Ailed without emitted*. Ail#Ordieg t# miferagatIoN steig "lcr.777-- $01,_ Ogee? riIi ce•Notelaeet eine* taster es • pagsb assess wilt, ht Witvalelk 1314/10,30 apd Ami- ties on or about Tebraary re. Sohn leolteabrunaes, a wealthy aorteas 1..13ulyea„ Sask., bas bor ewe five Waited dollars and cosh far.proventing his two eon* from re; fettering under the Military Serve. Tbe cane was made by the pro.' vincial Police. The Telesraat hat reteived merles - from the fvontier than an order ha* been ittsued be the Germans, gem. mOnIng 4he male population of th }loutish coast forniilitery label'. ego Inuits of the eonscripted pereout, nre,frozo IS to $0 year. • Cenalla .hast34siTtrotitpbalkekf.itearlY g,OU 'of the 23,000 Canadian .cars. sale"tr be in the ..United Statea."b Many are taming loaded with .atitbrecite. The Ceatediaff Railway War Board hesk.erdered that freight for overaeai export mind not, be aceeetedubles'S the ears are loaded to ecaPaeltY. . Mr. John P. Lennox, brotber of Lt.. Col.. T. H. w"11 be appointed .Clerk of the.York Cann tY Coort,.-suegeeding the late ex-Maoe John ShaW. - ,••• • -. • 'steamer reached Halifax 'Ott' 141.---oMeeri-ead-5-03 rateal.let Thu 'dal.' et-tette:tete :tee .seectitte to Arrive with returned itoldlere" !ince 'the die aster of December 6th. boOtrus holif!r4ruendap.441.,:fivfatylietxhttaupspainele. are -In deliger7of itpoi1inglor'.1401s. Art. • cars- to;. trateteort them. ,to . western' Markete. .the Begligh....Market being cut. bit. e.; • TheiSpaulelf"Araboliteader at Berlin . telegraphs thet b� tent te.tbe German: oGfQ:ct"htntata".Selait Tithilli.Grgliarriteuteetn-illegertfon°e,ter-', ainplimiagshairtteistoshee;90elernatid14. • ' • The Ukrainian ...Buteau in .Stock- - holm ,has received direct newa'.frora ' 4ireiltad1tovsk that tritrain'all troops ,halre -gained.a great victory against ' the Bolsheviks •SatnYi '300 ma- chlne gunsc'200, rides and 2Q0 trnck- loadB of munitione were captured: Roberto Ardige,. one. c.e the meet eenoweedphilooeithera of .1teie„ lleg; cOnimitted Weide " Year. ne' -otiittea In life • ana"," Oatholl prima; 'and. trent through a. stow in. teilectual earoletion.„''Wite*he was, 4E0., , he poietnest PrindiVittS ! ' CoitirittliCtitni, With ;• hie :reihr:inP.1 ,411 • - Mate ,and. 'Vet, Nate a.remaikribie letter , to "bit :bishop. frankly .setting TOrtb", his ,eettsciantiblianeruples about tee- - loieing-liee -Sacred 'profeesiere.'Hi name' noon becaine fameue both •ln- Italy; and abtdad.. He roceVed high henore",-being-aPPointedrniefessor -the'•Unitiersity of Padua, which , is •• the ..'„atiotte.".Celebrated:-.411 ataly, --„and.- elleSen:0, Senater,„ .1V10N44'.. • of Role Psha in.Paria. • • . Tho -PritishVolulubla Logisature Is adjourned for .three,weeks.. • The ..greateat- ,pOsaible-..PrOdlietten, this ;year et manic .pytup maple ' anger le.tieged. - -Baal)). *fill.titi. 114.dthat thoent 0.1. go' On ,Doteh. cables had been previ- aionallyiettieed. ," • ••••" ' Gen;. Glardimenecceeteediaen_Gs. dome., as 7 Itallati...repteseetatttee• . on .1bn Supreme :-.'"--..Cedet-.Prank,Plisher was silitedArt,- 4 fail 'front an;aeplane , at....ennotiies• Heights.,_.. • • The,Gorrentent has added to the 'Wee list motor Vehicles. and motor ha. Pteinents brought in by intending set!, George Wright,for -. Cintire .burg; Ottre, In-horticultural'.agrieul- taint societies,.Iliedlat 'Tweed', In his seventy4ourthlear„ atlicir,•cominission dealers . go to Ottawa: to tenter !With :the Minis- ter of • Agriculture 011 feedbag grain • to hog:4.'1)00re selling. - • ' The .flattie .Board : Of' -Trade will gent.a lasge• IlepUtation, to urge the .10ntatie Government to develop .the Peat Ude: of the province. ' Mr. Samuel Wood* ,Sen;„ 'father , of, ...the, late •Paintiel Weed, fettaterly of, . The -Globe. 'editorial staff, dzed - in TerOntO':'hespital-Sattirday • 7 .; Rev'. De, MacArthur, the tinted tieW York Preacher, in beginning a, seaes. of serniona At 171ahiter -,,Itoact Baptist Church, Toronto, welcomed the ills- .establlshiijent „ of- the .-Russo-Greek • Church be. the BelitlievIki. . . . .• „score . n. erec Is s't.ad b4!nseateresta:otdcn, • isereatioiritoCatew- soureette of food: :Meier -set down .to• a **whele'eteak ,l'unetteoWat the American liasetinc,„ leiterei lkTe't:It.-ork: • 'lbnn h , IL wao ;ever chey Pec-tarea tAe bi appetialegGa Mali as any *teat mar- . . • • , _ , •• * TOESDAV, - --.BoIten7betteteete giteilletitimeny at . the filet fOrmer • Sultan. of 'Turkey, died in ConstalitinoPle.; The campaign campaign for aisietance to farmers OL4the :0068.16AI full, svileg,- . The. Ittitish destroyer Reiser Whii 'stink in :O011isiOn in the :English ..ChTannheelehild. Wellare Wook opened at et'-`1,0nden with large attendance:AV the exhibits, lectures, cIincs, etc. The lia.kert of Canada will require Satiates, and their products are, stan- dardised; acording to order 01 tho. rood cootrediere. • • •° , • , Itegistratiou....,ae patients • ;le OatatloIn Ukely to 60:provided for. by ,ptoeitielal legislation, but ineeed4 ,tiOn!aritratipereittient is not probable; -Mao' J. 11. liata, et Ottawa, aesist- • .Medical adViierto the: P.e1i5OOS • .,loveriteak.itt deed, ite the u! -.e .of forty.. ,11,red,t4e1,y, 601.7 re A ,coni.A'ailenlit repreientatives eight . wosterh' Ofitario cities and towns. Wee treed by -Coliscreatioh ,e -tor tp Weed for next ' k Tito .0beitennielit has peened ten or- der-iti.tottittli puttipg bite' effeet at Mtge, pending the Palseleg of an act : . 'of leirlietheot, its pledgee of ebolitiott of eatrehage in the_civil serrie4 • • No legiSlation will be introduced By Hearst elovernatentthiti eeeslOu Ip conneetibit with hit Justice Irodgins' Trepocoorotti4nondations. In Order to enable the inec11014 'atUdy tlid 1 tiT00:140611,4101 'Had Some 'Comfort,' • • There Was fie Itcd Cross in the Old ,..daya,..and. _women nurses -were -net witted to the field hospitals, but -Wn men were- frequent visitors to' the sta.; tioettry, Arnie hospitals in the cities, 'bring,hie feted de1iaeies a1 -id -always auxiotis to essist,,In relieving the Ant; feringd 01 tbeir al& er wounded heroes. ' James MOrris Morgan In his relnitiln. MOO of 'the Lost (faille" relates • story- locident to his Visit to. a .1tIcle. mond. .War hospital to see his friend, Captabill. W. *DtiWisote Who -was eery Serf011sly WOtinded„ The day.ivas hot, and be foend els friend lying on 'a tot near the open front door So.,,vvetiir that tould 'net SPeak10 fthbspe1' - The poor. fellow WhIsPered in bis tar. .4.031tam14 for Mercy's .eake *Mkt -them mete in eot to the back of the blind. Morgan assttred hini thet be had lleen . lAtleed in thi4hOleeat Plaen in the • pita!, so that be Could' get any little' alt Abet might he sfirting, het he Stiff hj slated that be wanted to be motegle. ing as a reason tbat trey lady whe mt. • tered "the place Waeleed his lace and fed • him with meat jelly. The restfit.-Wars Unit- his face felt sere and he was duffed so full of jelly thatte Was most inttoinfortable. As he was so weak that ha could net defend hinaself, the Wonien would not listen: to his preteAtr At M01148' rectlieatille heatatirgeon Pinned *lance on Dawson's shoot to Oils effect; "Thia man most be washckr and fed only by the regular utirses.! • PhoneNo. 10 is at Your Service We Sell ter • -eare sem *Cheaper Thee The Cfeillt Stem Sea.4:onable• Goods A first-class assortment of Winter Mittk and the'price reasonable. The unprecedented coal shortage sh‘ortage which is ,bound to .coin!..nue until the close-, of the war, ' has -made a :big demand: for wood; Now is the chance for you to turn.your bush into money. TO make itpay you, piost. 4414 --it Good, -and Axe. 41.a $avr we "have the. Premier :and Gold Coin, -ab!olutely 'guaranteed. -.The Sat. :icti:,,Axe• is correct in shape and.ex:aoly tempered. • It is:-:000an- 'tee'd.:,., 4'-iteplaeesoirliry Oniitatuici.de edtly.0. We afa- -tile', -best:ickOry. :that we.. -1** ever, sold .in 25 years' experience. Price 40c. itproitp 0,1 Premier Gasoline e Luckuowlltrttware& Coal .THE-,eyoRE THAT NEVER *DISAPiklitiTS • . , (Intended for 40C.Weelt): -Fretty.cold weather we "we are -having., •;The' thermometer registered 30 tlegrses below zero tbie morning,• Wedding te0s.gre .ringing ,lowl:;and: ItrEL. H BeilStoy is Visithig.at:Go ich this week. •. WM. Maize ie:cierkiug in 'Ferlainta etote theee,diya •Will "mil* a gleilli41# banker'or dinik. • •. Mrs Then • Stothere 'llaShati in attack, ;.ef Iagrippe, but we atePleitised.'W say Owls On the. tOosd 10 -reSeVeri:no*.;.'. On TueirlaY of latit'Week npublie in- atailation and social evening WAS 'fihion,. by•the 10 9 'After ..,the intitallatiba of efficere there- was 'a. very enjoyable ' , Program and linieb 4negfog by a few sleepy -looking goes the next .tiletniegit fileSehave been n very late heir when they get home. •- Last, aunday taiiimag /the -,sacjanient 'of the ..j.airde Supper was held in the :BlethodintChnieh. ;Theri'''vias no Seri, *Win the -evening, as „Kr, MeltelveY.: -preached at Crewe in theev.ening. 2 Death has again claimed pee of 'our tild residents in the person of °Milt' ha; (lerwiti,_ • ;.Decea,sed.liad been bed • fast for a long-- time; The odd ws.s!'very peaceful a she•jtuttslept away. ' ..• • -"Whiteehlieell • -Monday, Feb., lith • -Whitechir,Oh 1/ed-aross-78kolloty-- .air woe'a chipped ilia w.ing geettai--; " 7"e0 . -.4 Pr. sheets..............2 50 14 pilloveceses.„.... . 3 50 10 suits pyjamas , " 25 00 ousts, 80 23 pr. soaks •• ! 23 00 • . • , ilg§g do /12-0.1r,otsocka have .beeh sent to.. the hoys Ironi:Whitechurchilince-our last !shipment,: veined; at 062 00 waking a tett4l2of #2,65.go. • The Society aekdow- ledireti entlethetiks thefollowing &mat- ions-MrS T. Gaunt, patriotic tea, 168.0 alt 2. pillows; Sfrs, G Middleton, $20ti Miss AloSda Olo•v, 1 pillow; Mr's. Walt- • bre, 2 pillows, 2 Pillow mitten, 1 pt. socks; Mrs. Win. Taylor, 1 pillow,.1 sheet, 2 pr iillow.easek; Mrs, T. It iroere, g pilbows Mrs. it.° Henry,'Mr. 'John Laidlaw is evidently "flOibilicJAV; having knit go, paw of 'socks lait year. Thelichool Children at S. S. No. 10. Kin - lose are alto knitting for outoolchers and the Society would like more volunteers A tr tor .enitting ae tlie need is yet great, Miss Violet nolines blot 'boen 'appointed • Treasurer in,place ef Mise Orel* VOX who is going ttWity, frs. Win, Itutchieto has been appointed to look' after the work her neighborhood place of Mgt Middleton whole 'moving away atIti e tlatitie$ /ertt ttt 4 ' it 'from Mte."Tiptceiscal, . •Beedost SOLVIOO Tim ago PROD P.:01. one thing we ,:may be ',sure, labor -- " •M117-net.to Pieetifhl--fejffir it 'beaap. • , hand crop ; „ Prieek'are:, beeineto,:bebigh ne4; year 1because an active :demaed • for everything:we-Can possibly produce - There is eseal opportunity 'neeeyear„ for theloroganiletl „man; theutati who gets in :the -game eerie, 'the...man who. gets hi eupPlieli.ot.fertiliOrs lindSteds while the getti4fiigeOclt., the:lean,yrhO., is prepared .,for every teinttielity, thc thanwho uses What laherie`baslor the be0:04v.00tOge,..0.id.l.*-.4,P14;t9-tlroW., poa.iirops. ,pdr:thie SOO of,firmer.A. moles; . hods _forth' n Aitoniise as neve*. before.' For Peter TionblodOWn;the,1244,, ,".- pectkarealittleyverse 'than, nettaf,- which meting theYareAVorae than nothing. , „ Paradhatilit .:-Ytendity, Feb, •11. , ' Miss,Cashen, of -Midland, .isp electing' her eititei; `Airs. John 1)iewn, '7, • . ;Miss Sadie MacDonald,.. Of Winghamt. Biisineste'efoliege, spent the week -end it shoine. Miss ritabel "Mcbittimul Spent . week -end at Laurier.. ' . Mr. r.iylp j?4tied the ;navy! lately is -training- et. Eigaimilti •'Vancouver Wand, R., ' elofted ingine with thOse who aro gorigerei :Ater:-.'"iiiiiiiii,Ve-nOthetiglitanY7WOOtt coal -this Winter and . have auta 'int to fast a whileeetad we think Weafte."eir. titled to keep the seheoloi)ened no ter what others maY'do. Culross The'•annual meeting .,of; 0.0 corms . .214nucit.uitilt '4;she :inicllptt 64411; conditions the. athindanadWa 11.04: -" large as usual, bur there wae4t - •proientattire ine6tingi• The' pertil were receiited',,tuid: adopted, the auditors . report being ef particular in.' . • „clent$ the year jest closed Ws one of the s t000remolpia ly:d as pointe out by.„the pr,esi-" • niest )succeasfed m the history of the ' • At a meeting of the Board Of Direct! Ora_organization was elfecteciaofellWat; -4.-- rtieldent,• Xenneth Uttokenzie; Vice; * Pres. G. Moffat; Directors: fr. .it. kel'A rtart h terford.u hr jy.),Icietosit was SitePsen,-; lichert Grant, John • apporated Secy.-Tibs andagent. - The following .are 'inspeetors: ohtt McRae, Vaunter.; Thomm Malcolm, ' IlaythOd; Ben 'Logan, ItiPloy,iW t1;* • Molfat, Teelovnter; V, flenty, Iiuoltnow; ato); rd eoarul;klaalloaliiitlatt44 in41i.vaencisiti'Jitoltntilli404tig ° u 400tts.Tesswater. reseamempamuleaw- YZA.