The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-02-07, Page 3• nenelawernertrIPWrwr' PrIallP4P7pt"" -74r-vt%:".0ir. de,yr. a- • .11 CI USE -OF GLASS IN RHEUMATISM A MYSTERY --;‘• - Mon - r ts PINS AS TOTS _ armarmarma. an OLDEN Tilos ThiS Trouble is Rooted la 'the Itz041. d Chil-OnlY 11.eCUred EXQUISITE ARTICLES WIIICII WE. serge ore,,eqes lye immunity from .0 ,flti C41`,ZNOT REPRODOCE. , another attack, but rheumatistmworks r . I just the other way. Ilvery Attack pf • aniarmrma ' ; rheumatism incites antler; Were() • ,o , 141111, all' t, it viluces the hrdy's power , :C;IP:13 fey /It"' "ti° PurPQ/3es W°13 P'N'' se',Sthai ' w it, ^it' cit l'.% Weise then the ,_,. , .6 P Pm P. •I ' A eli Two Thougandl. Ione I. (gee.. . Ir. pee t. ;.-C.;,`,F0 lit,eilA curing early it .. , , Years, Ago. • . • i is th 1.,,nlat:i,S1, till th,re is rearcely „ . "It yeti a i*esat teececia, Mark An- ow' (i.1.1.,PPe."; t'ilai, PLYsIclans gad ' mere. " ' ' it -w 13 vertal 'y Fonle orator'. But difinia teetreet .successfelly. When glit,1 1 1.,:,.,14 a drtr1c,. sia,r; a' rood:eine ;.thieS cure ' 'rheumatism, • 1.1,111- tn.! a'enr;;;"1 . bottle of am old tholofere it 1,5 Werthy of' special notice, authorities 'agree' that the 1.1 • en'' Vi'. with -cobwebs oe ..Medleal. !te '-' etelee reel) 43.erYStal drinking blood. llet.xmiefl Mill witli:dtla.1111ing. ,, , • , .• :rapidity as • 44411140sta deverops.. rr::•,;7- i. -I Rennin' senator, ; Maintaining the quality be the biped had therefore a reasooableevai a iftevwit.. P. 'I...ea:tit...for it WaS none other, Jul' I Cenci! freia celebrating the re-' ing and combating rheumatism.' That it works out in feet is shown • by ( ere, deninel of .1. •Caesar, -He was beneficial .effeete v.hich follow the treatment of yheuma.tistn, acute. must - .put how .about that "crystal clip"? ' elder and articular, with that' great .- it • was a 'very beautiful goblet . of The Weekly P IR I The Mejoes Job: . ls.y EaLleitinag Uwe Blood. 1 ' 11 ! Ciuristmas Gifts for German Children , • 4 i' i) ' as a sirg.'.crirp. T.Ir.,.1 a hum !Are Very epL • A. ma 'or's fob is maraetinie* regarded rashic,)11s. Show Belgian Devestatione .1 pri-Fp(pil Edivnrd Ictifind change hits (a the idea by this story orons az- . Bxultation over the ravages of th3 I. li.iii%41.i ' '` '"' "*" 1 uorzleituedanist,blitti2odu:s co"...rriegtrait;:pie,treingotilinei, . Teuton nrmies in Frartee end Belgium . * - a' r.eaje.lae commission soon," r .1 dren's Christmas OW year, a.5 ehowa i ° * .,0- 0 . : said he, "'cause 1 ovorheard de kunnel a M. Ar,'Ineatillt Tells What ttaoll7int' to de adjutant about somebody entered large:y into the German chi.- ', n -r nrracrous tar.; from Germany 1 ,Doild'fi Iiidney Pills r,old and sayin': 'Ile wort't do fob. a lieu - which ba.V0 fallen. into the bands of ' tepant, 'came a lieutenant dean know nothlo' end does everythile; he won't i the French. Sainples of leaden models [ were recently seen in Peels by a core .1(10 fele a captain, 'cause captain. the library and museinn of war.' Headache and E3ackache-He respondent of the ASSociated Frees Thy Gave- +elm Gel,* Relief From ble4webeesruetriyintillyinmi.e.onuldd dmoaankedea rime tahitt! a cities destroyed by German troops For feunded by the Vreach Ministry corm,,' -'ends them to All Sufferers, Public Instructiote and the Fine Art% • The models showed.iin 'detail the heaps.terre igincnt, Jan. ?Stave, I of brick and mortar anti stones 'Which (Spocrai.),----bodd's kidtreY Pille have ;cause a majah doan do notliin" and dorm know notbirf." ° • rrolzab y never efore was tile seed were ail that remainecrin hundreds of !tumorous friends In this tight little Bele island; axe among teo name cern situation worse-, never a greater' towns of northern France and glum, faithfully reProdueed for the 'attic of them -is l‘ir„ Mathurie. Amen; searitY of sped cern with sa4isfactory4 " 'delight of Gerrnan'S.rising generation. can't, a this eila,ce, ^ gennihmting Newer available ler plant- ' I dditi t th• te the "I reconimead. 'Doda's Kidney Pills illg• Corn grown in the year •just 1 b n on o ese o ec , r have been gathered pictare books fill. to all whe suffer," air. Arseneault cceic'patetibsiyeaaaraattestb.a depended upon ex - ed with iirt*rationa a military oper- says. had been troubled with head- agons in which the German emperor's ache and backache about two troops have always had the upper i till I. read in. Bede s Almanac how hand; their enemies' invariably being maey sufferers had beitelited by tieing That thousands of people who aye anii.M.hte4--,T.I.la Librpry,434 igni*enni 11 11 of W -------------------. ssz'Well pro- "I decided to, send for two boxes. , .. eeeerelederfeeereeekeeteyete- Wet* eteelee*!ble-WillitIrtlie, Plait -11,#1,11.-- ..., -. not clearly transparent Hke a modern , , ,1 I portions that a large institutioa will 'Before I had 'finished takieg theni I tumbler. Yet, in ads respect it was, `ais'e4 nr. W111141n8' Pink Pilii3 f°i. for that period, rather remarkable and be necessary to house it. The negate. Was feelleg as Well as ever. their rheumatism have been coted •is a fact beyond dispute. That rlaeu- , e ning of tlie collection was furnished 'fit gives me great pleasure to say the Senator had paid for it much more matism doe, not return as long as the .... • i by Henri. and Madame Leblanc, of a• ferv words for Dodd's Kidney Mlle' than a golden vessel of equal size I* v. wild have vest. • tille. If therefore. eou are suffering . 1 bl.octl; is kept rich and Ted is equally .. from the battlefields. Petrie, who had brought together relics , who' tell of , benefits received from All Over .the feland You and people 1 Glnes:2,000 Years Ago. . . . (Jena rheumatismin any form you . orate scrVice.of glessWare, every Artie, Ilams' .Pinit Pills a fair trial. Mr. A. cie of, whicheethough this was 2,000- E. e Hinton,. western Are., • Toronto, Ona table nearby, was a• very elate Micelle Ice° no thee in•.giving.Dr. Wit, 0 iroe;:ra. ., the care. of Canaille Bloch, General In- braries and Archives, and he has an- neys; they refresh and invigorate those specter of the French National Li- n°Y Me. A•ting' directly on t1111° kid* The museum has been placed under Defies Kidney Mat •.nized as the standard. remedy for kid - They are recog- yeare ago ---would be regarded to -day; seys:--"Up to about a Year ego, my ; • nounced his intention to make it inter- organs. The result is that they do • as of adinlrable workmanship... i Wife had suffered for nearly three .. national by appealing toall the Allied their full work of straining allethe im, Nor is this to be,considered surprik, YearS from ritetunatienf, from which POW6rS to furnish him with,doeuMents purities, all the seeds of. disease, out big; laarmueb as there was no poiee- • she: suffered 'greatly. She 7 had: been and exhibits. • • - of the •01ped. . That is why Dodd's :111'. Senator bfin. ;elf Wore' , orna. an. any.; lain for the table in those day e • and under the care of several doctors, be- The collection . is to contain trench Kidney Pills are recognized as tonic. the ;dace or it . Was taken by glass- 'Sides' spending dollars on advertised .For work or play', this suit isequally journals, works of propaganda, eyed - ware -is:hese eirshei, •elase drinking l•cures, but did not get any relief.. One anpropriate. McCall. Pattenn No. 7876,• mens of paper war Money,. 'medals, -' Pluck.' .Misses! .Service Suit. In 4 .sizese ,-I.4 parliamentaryedecuments, military. in- . enpr, ete . . . . - • el day; talking to a follow allerki- she said (ease for .t/(4.46.;tic purpines," : was her sister bad been cured Of this to 20 years. • ...,Price;-21r-eents.. , . signia, ration cards, war stamps, and, Take trouble standing , pe 6430 . on the war.. . • hi fact, everything that has a bearing If the drop o'erfitiWs your clip ' Bear its buffet bravely. I much More extensively used then than trouble- by Dr. .Williarns', Pink. 'PAUL , .• . • . . , to -day. ,It was leirgely employed. for Although. •not feeling, very hopeful I - the adornment of houses. Thus, for . took twe boxes peel.° that evening and The French Government has asked • -Quaff your poenjon. gravely. , exempla, tiro vtalla cif the Forieusfclin- urged my,' wife to try. theme . By the leg' •reent wt 1.6 .Penelled with , thin ' that! they - were used thee had doge " AK< the Chamber of Commerce for ,a $50,, Face to -morrow fair and squ re; 000 appropriationeand verb:me persons Look beyond it, treating; ' • plate; ce g1as14, manyeteored and .ex„.. °her- so welt good that elle required leo , elasetateill -' have promised gifts for. the further- "Keep geed temper in repair . leemeer de come .„, e ; . - • , i. pressing, to continue the. treatinetit, • erica of the work. ' • Illik . Humer, will infect a crowd; 1 . tdking six or seven boxes. Among the exhibits' are the medals . . Else it will be rusting. peror in honor Of the Oinking of the ' Sear . mer,:,A ef .trhois,, Po likewise did Mrs.' elle' WAS completely cured. As I have ' - struck by order of the German ems : , ,.. • rexices. p.,t. op, should realize- that said this„ was 'about a year age, and :Glints of silver snatching, . .iii ,ree eneel:..the making. ore. glaze rsin? las bad. no return of the trouble ho Lusiiania and the Saesex. " • Art.. In le lent:Donne it attained a di- " , • PREHISTORIC 'SKUEL BORINGS, Dumps are also Catchlrlig:, . . was. poi a mire i,,,luAry; it iyaa,e flee einee.'''I reel -very" grateful for the im-• A dainty little dress is this .f6r. the i ---:----d „..---:7--- . • , menso good. rir. Williams' Pink have dene my wife, and I _hope ether 4, 7aelorincift and an "excellence which in ' dainty. small person. ease: to make arid aurae respeetilitive never been equal-. :saffgrers, will- benelt by her experi- reqiiring Very little . material. --.-- . 4 • • •• , Mc_ Trephining. Practised by the Ancient .. . 'KV in ..mode,fe times. , • . . I atte'a, ' ' ' ' . " • • „Call Pattern No. 6480, Child's, One or • • . 1 (I'M A . or by mail at 50 to two -Piece Dress : -.In 5 sizes, 6 months ., The operation called- -‘ftrephinirte . . • . - "Peruiians. • " ' . . . . . e The publisher of the best P tinerls n e 'hegi "p' ' • ', . 1.. "Thu ea g t t ..e ills tin ou h an - 'One of l)( 0' Arts. " 'ler in Med eine , g . Y 6 years: ..Price. 10 tents;'.-- - ' Paper la' the IVIatitime Provinceir.:4117 . .-.-. -The clanelentRomaes. keew . - . net' hdnr , cents. a hOe.'or Six botee for e2 5b fro& TheSe. patterns May- be 'Obtained by Which.a button of 'skull is remOVed,. writing to us States:, iron'. yeer lecal McCall dealer, or from is regarded he these. modern . days as . 'a would say: that .1 de net know of the McCall Co., 70 Bend St.., Toronto, very hazardous, and. to be attempted; a. medicine that litt8 stood the ,teat .of Dept. ;W. . •• . "• ' • .. . only-ae a last restate.. e - , time like .MINARD'S LINIMENT. It „ 'Ent the ancient Peruvians, eintiniee has been an unfailing remedy ' in our before 'Columbus landed; practised it household ever since I .can. remember, •ekulls,, recently obtained by the 'United has outlived dozens of. would-be very commonlY. Of 1,00e of their and . States Bureau of Ethnology from pre-, coMpeeitors and ineltatore.', " ..• • historic eave,s and eirneteries, nearly: like--Per-Cifit'liadliiiii7:0CPWriedr:'''. • • The early Peruvieas'itied elabe'iiiid war-hatehets in battle; also slings for throwing stones. .Skull -fractures must often have resulted. But apparently theyerephitied also for,:brain troubles, and possibly for other diseases. • The .surgeon of ancient .' • Peru held the head .of his patient between hi - knees, and .with a sharp flint sawed obt. the button of. bone -an agonizing process; surely.... Sometimes he filled the hole with ,a button of silver, or of mollusk -shell, but more often, he was .6:intent to ..vcoyer it simply with the flap, of scalp. • . . " . -Jessie Pope, . teamake transparent•glass free from The Dr. William? Medicine Co., fiaws and blibbleS,'hut.they could make' Brcceviile,•'Ont.. k ‘. the mot exclealte-- articles of .• this r . , , . . . • . vitrer,ils • material; btooderzd; crinison- I . • .. --.7-77-!**----77--- . . • re& and of -every inieginable, Color-. ' IVAR "WORK FOR SEA GULLS. . . . .. .W . . e know -not hsloImitate SuccesS- 1. ' --• . ' ffully.te-daY; . ' • •' ' '• ' . " . United States Inventor.•.'WN Train . . 'You ',see, cveri then it wee no...yerY.; ... .. them to Follow U43Pats. - DeW rt.: . On nn algyptian menunient J. e 4 . ' '4 • . '- .....-- .-a---datingeback- tO7-2000 years B.p. • has i- -- Sea gulls. commonly 'fellow:Ships in . . , :.been Sound a ccasving of a" man -blow- the expectation of nicking. up . feed ,ing glnes-eabselately.. unmistakable. iwaste that is 'thrown oVerborird. They ..tliassznaking seeme to. have Originated I Will' eVen hover about the wake 'of a • ire Egypt; and at' the .perk0d. • when • submarine that .is trayelling'stibreerg- •;• .".liriat lived. itewes utilized for, more ; ed., 'From aloft in the air they can 'See :purposes then nowadays. , , .• - • i the underivater craft at a considerable a • . .. • The houses of rich people, in ancient- depth.. ••, - " . ' ,.•• . ,ROme;:iif the da•ys of tba Caesars,, had 1 , This eireumstance la • stii&toehave .1 windowpanes en' glass .set in frames cose. the Gernians a number of 'sub: of breeze: They' weie 'uneeen and ineeetnes, the •preSence of which . was • fullof defects,. se that: the view Of betrayed to pati olboats andidestroyers. ' thingseetitsideefrom :inside, nnike haveby,flOcki of circling gulls.. . • .- been -rethei :unsatisfactory. . but , at. 'An ,Ameriean. inventor,. -Dr.. A. 1). '"'that time -they -ie doubtless regard- Peitz, has hit upon the idea . of "train - WINTER WEATHER ' 'HARI) ON LITTLE ONE areextremely- aard on the -health of litele'ones. The weather is often SQ seven% •that- the !nether cannot take the little, one o•ut tor in airing. The consequence is that baby is confined to overh.eated, badly ventilated rooms; *takes colds and he- -colnes'crois and peevish.. Baby's Own Tablets. sbeind be given to keep the little one healthy. They regulate the stoniach and bowels and preveat or euro colde. .The , Tablets are sold ,by medicine: 41ealtrt or by mail at 25 Cents.. a box front The Dr, 'Williams? Medicine do., Brockville, Oat, ed as the height of lukury. Such ing gulls to follow enemy U-boats, us - SUBS AS "FAICE'STEAMERS. panes were not bloevrybut cast ; on ing for the purpose • a ,friendly sub- ' stone. 'When used for public build- marineprovided with lapparatus for inge they Were set-in piercedslabs of distributing minced !IA or scraps°- f' Believed That Germany is Using Sub; marble. • - , rood Xvaste of any kind. The stuff . „ . ' floats to the surface of the water and. mersible Cruisers. - COAL IN THE FUTURE,,! ''. .the birds pielc it up. ‘...-- It -la -believed in England. that Ger- 1 By this means the gulls are to be teanre is using subme,rsible cruisers in A% ailable Limited Supply Must Be enlisted as our allies. We shall odtl- its attacks upon allied shipping, , and " Conserved; • • t. • cate theiri to show our chasers where that these, plyieg as "rake" tramp - the Hun U-boats are. ' Then Triere are welleirifoi•med persens We can steamers are the boats which Admiral who confidently aesert thatnifty•yeirs., „„peee Benson, thief cif ppesatiOna di:op a few depth bonabs where they weeene 'from- now the' titiIiStititin of urdw" coal • ' in the American naval board, deScribe fey burning in furnaces, kitchen . • • ° ed lest autumn when he said a Ger- eanges, and,Other put posee will be on A POIITABLt DAltit ROOM. . man engineer and inventor, Dr e Gree- 1,,idered pfroosi, a "Imo, .. _e ben, some time age perfected a diving TrlereeAseAn4nan-reaelleeeet. 4`k LhOHeHletrgrilltheitO:WiltrYit14.7..T.1;:010:1-14*tr-0i 4,90a toils- uelnei444141,0 tion Con.N;e•niene;----- critit Of the earth .Cessible. "Every ten taken out climin- • ' between -twenty and thirty ' torpedo i Weighing but seeen and , one-half tubes for•tholaying of mines and the ehes the 'coal ea ital b one toe, d nature does not replace it Mafestirpeunds when completely. collapsed -and discharge of torpedoes at enemy craft. :tie the available Ito& underground uat ready. to be carried about with the con- Its engines. were enormoue, driving the m be conserved to the -airiestVenience'of small suitcase, the port- boat at tviinty-sbe, knots •on the sur- . When coal is btiened for fuel in Our able dark chambers recently perfected face and Sixteen kiults ender water. It • • bk. Benko of New York City should eould erase 25,00,nailes possibie by -produces are lestThe present wasteful way, great values in, prove cif - interest to photographers England joins ' Beneon's statement *.. having need for such equipment.' with Goeben's invention and with re- believe.d;tiree will arrive before long, it IS when no householder ot man- The portable...dark room, says the ports bf attacks made by German . ufacturer'ivin be i,erinittaalo burn Scientifie American, can be esed' equal- eraiseri .on the teat hlid helieVeS.that "craw" Coalwell in daylight or artificial light, the dieing cruiser is now an • actual - They. will burn coke -representing it -Moors er.outdeors. It oh -elates the ity. • • . the residue after all possible by- darkening. of a eoom or the fitting up It carries a thin woodezeidiell out - products have been • extracted froin aspeeialri"n‘lforphotographic side its iron ides and to all appear- the061Conspicuous amongthese work, hence 'does away witheebjection- ances is a neutral tramp, 11, neutral :0. , by -pi otts are illuminating gas and able gases and vapors arising from country's name painted large on •its kerosene lamps and ()Mar illuminants side aiding this impression. Us peri- - coal tar. Front the latter , are -ob. apt to prove injurious to sensitieed scope is hidden in a fraudulent. smoke tained an enorntowl number ok useful thingseineludinall the colots of the surfaces. staek and its every line indieates its g - rainbow Zin the shape of dyes), and Another great advantage Of this ap- cOnririercial.puepose. Whet' seen ' ape ▪ no efid &lige valtiable for medicinal • • -nitrates is the"fiteL that the operator protieliing a Merchant ship it is un- , riurpoos, need not put his bead inside the dark suspected and allowed to approesh. chamber, but can work freely outside Suddenly the Wooden hull collapses ' Prom coal tar is obtained earbolie of it, performing the neeessery inani- Into the eager,. the smoke stack Is acid, which is the basis of. ell the im- portaht war explosiyeA by-prepulations with his hands s. simply in- hauled dewn by. the sailors and heavy duct of gas Manufacture trete eotti s. , "serted" through the light -tight .cuffs turrets bristling with flazning.a-inch that Afford atnple elboW freedom. ' toluol, which, by treatment "With guns al:et:ear. Caught unawares, the Merchant ship gods down in a wal- nitric acid, is made 'to yield the fem. lowing plunge, . oue 01.14A*." for filling shells tied pursued by allied cruistre faster other,purposes of Military destruction. than itself,. the -German •13hip can sub- merge and Coninue to safety. St is not intended to operate under water except as a Means of escape. ttuch destructive pOwer aa a vessel of this type possesses is obvitnis, and if Germany' has them in ettantitres it has only been by extraordinary' ac - WWI, that England has kept them d, • • CIOVilti$ It is usually possible, by examina- tion of one of the trephined slculls, to find :tint whether or not the victim survived the operation, because, if he did. so, a new growth a. bone shows it. Front evidence 'thus Obtained it appears that the operative mortality exceeded 50 per Cent. This was rather creditable, consider- ing the lack of suitable instruments, antiseptics, etc. -But, -on the whole, an ancient Peruvian who got through lifeevithout having a. hole bored in his mind -box was- rather fortunate. - • • e_e_e-.• tee 'eents perepiareeetei minwipo.v:44,,Kpops., , , .0310,4, ^ . .. Dummy- Plane Targets. , France has adopted a noyelenethod of training its gunners to sheet effec- tively at Beale airplanes. It. euspends 1 en wires a dummy plane, quite small, ' hung twenty or thirty feet front' :the gunners. The machine is wObbled about; elevated, loWered, thrown •Into a •siMulation of the • "nose spin"' and the "falling leaf" and other common aviation trieka. Considering the size of the Machine and the rapidity with Which it is movedabout, it is exactly 4es difficult to hit as a real machine up m the heavens.. The officers operating the wires call out the, range to the -gunners exaetly• as they do when ob- serving Teuton planes. , . . minerals Liniment CUM cows. Etc., New Milk Regulations. The Food Controller has limited amount. which distributors of m lk may add to the actual cost of the p ()- duet delivered , at • their premises. Since January lat and until 'filet er notice the amount thus added must /not exceed such cost by more than A . . Now le a good time to get rid of all Unproductive- farm tock. .Animals kept at a loss had better not. be kept nave a breadboard and breadknife at all, but turned ihto human food. on the table Mid cut a slice of bread - • ,orily as. there is deinand for it. Twelfth Day is a feast, celebrated largely in England, twelve dans after Christmas, on the Epiphany, January Shur -Gain Fehr ze MONEY'OROERS' • • .130y. your -oat, of town -supplies with Dominion . Expresa „Money • -Orders, rive' costs three cents; • A cereal cooked in milk makes an excellent substitute for eneat. A veriety of cereals used in the same. way or breads made from several dif- ferenecereals are better food thaneone alone. - rdinard's Lialatent Carets Garget coWs With the assurance that transporta- tfon problems are going to be more andenore difficult, now is the time to do -operate in the purchase' of spray materials._ Don't put off ordering them. 0 0 ANY CORN LEFTS OUT,, 09E801 HURT A WTI e No foollehnessi Lift your corns o • . and calluses offwitlefingere ' . -It's likce magic! ore-eenas,-har&eornereeft-eorne:o any kind of -a coin, can harmlessly he lifted right out With the fingers if you apply.‘upon t‘,11e cern. a few drops 'of freezone, says ,a1 Cincinnati authority. , For little cost one can get a small bottle, of freeoite ,any drug, store, will& will- positively•rid one's feet of ever) corn or callus without pain. , Bean Loaf -Two cups cold baked bean, one egg, beaten; one cup bread , crumbs, salt and pepper; one, table- speon •Onely minnecly cmion and two tablespoone tomato- pulp or catsup., Combine the ingredients' and shape ths mixture bite a loaf, ' ' , ininata's niatmeni caree Dientberia, 1 7 -..---- Cooked raisins are Particularly good for growing. children, and the cliff() who will refuse raisins in any form to [-probably not to be found. . Since she • I can buy seedless raisins, much labor • Js saved the housekeeper. 31.11SOELL/INEOUS !ivELL EQUIPPF.D .N4W'SPAPER. and Job printing plant in Era.aterzt Ontario. Insurance carried $1,500. Will go for $1,20e on quick sale. • Eoic at- Wilseri Publishing Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. . . 1.4111PS. ETC.. X/ Internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Wilto us before too late. X3ellmanMediell 'co,. Limited. Colllngwood. Gni. Doetor Recommend: Bon -4)0 o fcr the Eyes , . .;11”Pareianaano,,.(17,•e,'",specialists. pre- scribe 'Bcin-Opto si a safe borne 'remedy • in the treatment of . eye .troublea and ter stnengthen eyesight. • Sold under mons? . r_rzegund .guaranty lay • 01 ruggl eThie elan° dreg driesethe Moment it is applied and (toes not even irri- tate .the serieending side' While ptving 'it or afterwards. This anneuecement will interest rnalit, of our readers. If yoUr drug - 'fist hasn't aby freezone tell him to surely get a small -bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. • • The 'Sent Plinio' 'the Action., bidet on :OW " OTTO H I ElLt' PIANO ACTION rpsaArava.",ssorbavsp,a, The Cause of Bear: Trouble Faulty digestion causes the ,veneration of gases in the stomach which inflate end press down on the heart atul interfere. with its regular action, awning faintness and pain. 13 to 30 drops' a Mather SeigerreCnrative Syrup after meals sets digestion nght,whieh allows the heart to beat full and regular. 9 BabiesWithite ur S s Sleep - And tired mailers rest after giving • babya.liot bath with CtitieuraSottp 1 followed by aientle apNiattionot - Cutieura Ointment. Peace falls on ',distracted haliell(gdS Nvhep, chil- 1 Odra enters. .-Trial free,- For tree asninle viol, oddreas-nost-roril: "Cud. tura, Dept. N. Boston, U.S.A. SolA by dealas I taroughout tbe world. , • . 1. • •.CoAmps Suggestions that may 3avio Which Suffering Marysville, Pa. -•--"For ',twelve years . I suffered with teerible crampe. • would have to 'stir - I II I in bed several days . I _ every- o th:- I tried all kinds of Wen -6k tinued until onc I read about laydia E. Pinichree's Vege- ' table Compound and what jelled done for , °there. I tried, it and -now I am never . troubledWi craning :and feel like a- d'fferent woman.. . cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkbarri's . Vegetable Coin- • pound too highly and lain recommend- ing. it to my friends whiasuffer as did." GBortag R. NA,MOR, Box Marysville, Pa. . Young women who are 'troubled with . • painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging -down sensations,: fainting spells or indigestion should take Lyditi E. PinIcham's Vegetable Compound. ahousands have been re- , stored to health by this root and herb remedy. ' Write for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Ilitilcham Medieme fidential), Lynn, Mass. Only women open and read such lettere. • • ore Eyes; Eyes tnflamed bY , relieved by Murine. Try it In 'COhl,Mbia; Or by more thin- 5 cents Sun, Dust and Wind (plickly per ,quart anywhere in Ontario, ile- refre your Dyes and in Baby's Eyes. OUR IGICelNeSmartinri Just Eye Comfort Prince Nova Scotia, 1);ew Brimewie or Mgrtne • Bie Reinedy At ntjeri) Dna oetlang ince Edward Island. .„ -.. Vegetable chowder Makes an e.xcel.' ; lent meal in itself if served with some bread and butter. , - rya Salvo. Tubes 26o. For dook of Th. gwe - Fro*. P4k Marine Eie ;Remedy Co.; Metope ' 'The Gray Loaf. * •• • A contributor •to an English weekly says that persons Who look with dis- favor Unoe the gray loaf that his dira placed white bread, and think of the dingy edible es soniething new -owing to the war -should remeMber that fifty years ago the white loaf was a . What girl or woman hasn't heard of .rarity English millers had the shock . 61 lemon jUiCe to remove complexion their lives when they discovered the bbrileninigsohuets;thiee ro wiisle s te, tnhethfertkhinneassridantdo whiteness of foreign flour. The )3rit-e ish milts could, produce nothing to sat- the hidden. beauty' But lemon Juice isfy the baker,- who tn turn -had 't6'b lashitnule-disitriindtixtehder we fiClirlie- 01 rrreiltltridn ht4in! please his customers with white'bread. this WaY. Strain through a fine cloth Intporta of •flout increased alarmingly, the juice of two fresh lemons into a and all beetiese the British, public de- bettle containing about three oueees mended White bread. ot orchard white then ahake Well and Rumors ef wonderful machinery you have a Whole quarter pint of skin producing white flour in Budapest Rad ceniplexiou lotion • at about the caused „English millers to visit' Aus- costnone usually pays for a small jar tria4lunary, The result Of this de- ' of erdizetry cold ereent Be enie to imitation was that in 1878 the first strain the lemon juice ao no pulp gets complete plant to redute Wheat to into the bettle, then this lotien Ivill re - White flour Was installed in Bilston.imain pure and fresh for months, So staged the English manufacture of when applied daily to the face, neck; white %egad. The people Are bidding arms and' hands It ahOuld help to farewell tidt teem old friend but to an baba,* lear, smoothen and beatelfy alien invader9 the skin. LEMONS MAKE SKIN' WHITE, SOFT., CLEAR warm.. Make this beauty lotion for- a few cente*and see fdr yourself. The scissors grinder always rinds most things, dull. • Any druggist; will' supply three 01111COM df orchard white at Very little eest and the grecenhae the lemone. Ilitilad.t441 Liniment Ontsi Distinnter. IsSUg So. 5 Rheumatic Ache3 , , Drive them out with Sloan'S. Liniment, the quick -acting. soothing liniment that pcnotrdtes • 'Without rubbing and relieves the pain. So much cleaner than ' mussy plasters or ointments; it does not st '..the skin or clog thapores. • ,tiyithavea bottle -- in the housci.for the aches and - pains of rheumatism. gout.lum- bago. strains, sprains. stiif joints 'and all muscle core:less. • Generousstr.• bottles at all drugeiste 25c..50e. t1.00. achinery For Sale • 1 WIINELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. . New .Automatic Valve Type. 1•Complete with !supply fold exhaust piping, • fjywheel, -etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for Immediate 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 80 I.W., 110420 Vets Will accept $423 cs.psh for Immediate sale. PULLEYS, Large size. , • 26x66-$30 ; 12x60--420 ; 124/2x48-412 12x8.6-48; . 7* 1' BLOWER OR FAN, Buffalo Make. 14 Inch. discharge -830. REAL ESTATES. CORPORATION; LTA. rront 144 West* TOfOlatil A . -1*.li!:illb.41111-11.