The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-24, Page 6A RUSSIAN VILLAGE IN• ENGL NDIANADAit a measage telling Major Strachan to A'S CINGE return at once. thia remnalat of the ELECTRICITY VS. STEAM, !ALSACE LORRAINE . di Peasantrection to Mesnierea, which ldie Actual want of eommodite w- eo IS RICH PRIZE any protestation lying Illteelelleal Atter the Pirin 'their of a Coln- 'squadron rode _bach, having, F,I.everal Satisfactory `Experameete With Elec. a Gernaan prisoner to show theinithe Homo Land. e • anal OF LIGHT BRIGADE ti e way, and forcing trie Locomotives S . . Lines. monity of „ kegaeed Where is it village iafter much down at n videe the most direct appeel poseiele laehiela all et ;1..jinbabltents are Rus- WHEN CAMBRAT WAS WITHIN times awl re/tieing to go' on. for its conservaitiene The me of elec. wag, ONE DETEmNING aga dens and au whielt the religion, work! Ikesageree wad aiteguage are thcae. of BRITISH GRASP., tricity, instead of steam, on those por- .Afteafalow. thine of Canadata railwaara adjacent to. After th the clamor et battle watereaoavere would niatn teraally re. Without ball or roller hearing's the t•at a‘t 44-`a t-1:4 itYlvas11 'V1)4.41°41°6' eu Utz hea. -nte 'levee and the eiraPle .*t"' duce our depen enee on di Starings Should Not be Neglected.. ;eta; xei atatiar Mahar, tate Rgeelia ft is, Tesaace, •whieli lies vehicle. It is safe to say that Yon i.aattae ••'*'•-a• " callvImaItY tad I" . begalmIng Deep Inte,Geranan I ine But st — of Canada Used 8,996,000 tons of coar, , ball of Kings 'and Ria. ler,s Stetee for ceal. In, 1916, the railwaye This Favored Land Has Been- the Foga, automobile would. be a sadly crippled igte 4.1;• %gee,- t 14 4 • And 'the sirup' SUE OF GREAT' WAR. '• k••4 1 0. • • / • I 11 There coMes a moment of rest, see as aaa'haaehat to reeet ee e et the river Stour •Row Canadian Cavalrymen Penetrated. joys or 'about 61 pee cent. of our total peo- e,elaarie DaYe. anintar 4alt aahaaaaaa eeveral awl when al ladimir know less about them Wan eny other ilive tlae carkd * Was Recalled, 1 And the eimple ilioughte are best. deletion. In fact, th ' e Increase price car, and this Perhaps. le the best testia traulaahaft IiP• samal - 4 4)--- - Of Canada's Charge of the Light After the victoe's•paean, . 'of ceal may soon compel es to•use hy- Sigas siecinnulate that ilSaCe...1•Or.! Wte SUM PaSS an Eng a Iget tide aaan 'calt la imeertant medlar -deal feattlre of the al ilisPeetten mad Inhatentaaa. Teltenakett came there to escape from -retanets S313-• f menial of their serviceability, Yott are c by ball bearmgen P -e wra • cale been at 'emelt " " !Brigade of the Magnificent • desh of After the thunder oe gen, dre-electric energy extentoOm Great sively as a value will be one of the determining' • Ree. familiar with the carburetor. because port el tics is by no means coramota, eakty. gelge,weee eeeelo. and oideer , Fort Garry Horse .and game of the *Porta conies a that must 'genie to. railway Motive Power. ' issues of itlf3 duration t oeca,sionally gives trouble. you can antPle Itibrieation is possible at tine the inweriall Guards„ but he laecame a - a • Stet:Ace:ems against the Gentian ainea all , • • Certain A.rnerican railer*" companiea War., France, bitched by Britain end time toahe, Mad,. • ' change the tires beceuse yous•frequent- point. the plain friebaon heartur co, ne. eonvert to, the w. isdem of .Count Tols• . . . near Cambrian a partimpant told The laefove the set of sun., : .•,. liteutevuetaecianraeretroifinetatieettewnistiheien the:Pre:el; Zlesi.Jt ;eiteedu Tates, legate that the War , That thunders by at your feeta • til this richterritery cart 'behave, to, you overleola the import.• to and afterwards . was thee noted London n Telegram e recentle. The . a large residence with eight ceetezi . g o _ .aa e is emeaner was e i II Rochy Mountain division, the Chi- Thet a vvar engaging anore than lia . cago, Milwaukee 'ea St. Paul replaced perform the important. function of . . - * - - 'splendid feat of arms and oef ciehaavez lacepieg the shafts in use, ao that the la and-entaOf acres of land abont it and he brought - - entlx him friends and dependents who mixture orpri e and triumph for thas, that *fa Iittl ' 'an of charge '1•iael -meet \wen followed -lin by; Thatehrryes back to tho airnPle joye- ..- In- PPaaatia0 - , . th ir , aY, nay, to the lifeeworn spirit g . . . illy .: N The. happiest. thoughts are- those . 1::4*IeltY is decidedly cauPerler te hY e eCtrie. Elee-i 48,000,000 soldiers should in its later , 4 . ;the world and calling out nearlY • Steam, 'stages cencentrate largely.= the' pos- . ferential. In the • transmission they • its steam locomotiees 1 - lade smoothly 1-4141"11444-1Q4Aei'lhgattoikjiTnel7ea'ra - I . . t , • i cold weather. Electric power made it i is one of the ironies. ef the -conflict. •- - effieie.ney,aes,pecially_ _in: ' , f a lot of 5 600 %pare' miles ..- . man's chid frieed and helper. , 11.10.rsemso•had-beeo over to reee.l.ve .4.18 hiesniwt the lisoet,hsedlleafenaPtie4tet_in217? I two Yeari-and Man, y of the results are berestored, bile Germany lo aa Act -knee of -the bearings hecituse they are • al Of more than ordinary interest On in no mood to consider suelt aething. Luarication'Important .1! welt behateed. . • . . Thet•e are two kinds of bearings, - plain bearing and anti -friction bear - lag. The plain bearing has been used for e'ears, yen are fiertiliar with it in rattelaines of all kinds, end ydaf have Anti -friction -, are indispens- M. d f th lain and nt e Te er o a • what was then called Tueleton Honee,. ,Is it the splendid paeise of a world "ts able in the transmialon and ,the teelelinra Intlarell11 .1°;* el g' •• lice', it en the wheelS of the big loco- mesh and run without noise. In the . the great masses of WI is r n *wee ne s o 1 e s rep . . 0 .• . . motives. If it is good enough for tali 'differential they have an added duty . winch were waiting in reserve. • 'possible to operate more trains over The bitterness of the struggle s m , A eunple tove and a timple teust, i the same tracks and that, without the ? koft . Welporaed IoanY other Russian . . steam locomotive why ie it not sale- to pertorm. Power frau) the engine leitilesiV f und 1" f all Ith jar 1 "It was Balaclava all over again -e the deep-seated sentiment of bath • teeters?' foe nee in auY Part of the auto- is transmitted to the rear ax a Y . paraplets on liberty and human , . °I. labor,i°11.. ti ' (b rights, or in tine ordinary trades com. iing rent tnrough tne battery smo'ke, mobile? means of a driVing•pinion. The pros: mid . If you have ever noticed aloie care- sure between the teeth of the.pinien. mon. to village life. The Russians isabring the gunners, and all the Than a whole world's 'victories won.' and' round -house facilities, and the latter to hold what she had ta en y ' t -7-Wilfred Crunlibell. , 'rolling stock was not subjected to • as 1 the sword- in 1871, Since the.conenest built new houses and took cottages • rest of it," ea:0:11=4,0m earratoe. . . few. hours and lubricate the front and With the exception of the tapered Part of the aver ' ey f I , - fiow an t haveIyhiandetihilaetd- printing the litera.ture -that was . then, when we had got, aWay with Our "We ° Wh .Are Left Behi " see them go, ly due, to the superior braking guali- oc hi i 1Gcl Germany aonf yF reaonncset ful the engineer is to oil these bear- and the aarge gear with Whicla tt hap at frequent intervals you have meslies gives the Pinion a tendency to It was simply magnificent. And _...„ c 4, 11 ... 'mud' wear• and tear as ,when steam, nd. . Was used .This latter fact was large- I iebene cline, on the teeth -of the gear, aod even in Southbqurne Welt, and went 1 ing te Charles Hammopd, in Motor the bearinganust take all:the strain of anoff and we I through the, story of cruelties..during 1 partla answered the question, accord - spreading Tolstoy's doctrinesen every 'It, and rushed the, eueroy off hie With saa's go heart that breaks and tears that dee f el t ' d ' • Life. Would you like t . o stop every keepleg it in place. . afeet and had•hini le foll retreat et'o ec ric- lawn trains. • Aar that war. st handful charging an army,' go - Are truer torches to light to death ; there was a •great saving in terminal regain. her ',lost provinces ' end the 1 France and Germany, the former to • •• u agr e lire pr ng coo s need for *helped' locomotives. Again, And a simple duty done • -. brakes were not Aused on grades, ex, • would. have to do because plam*bear-' ar ,Smiling and Prosperous. . binding, too, in ome of the houses. I - terly surprised- and stampeded -then, They're just "our boys," and we love cept in cases of emergency. feet, rear wheel axles? That is what you roller -beating, anti -friction bearings when the smash -through the • e not adjustable and reclaim re- British army has ever had the clianee them. so • ' it was found that as much as 11 '" per Roughly speaking Alsace-Lorraire a is because the rotating shaft doee awl out. Because eat the important posi. the disused premises of the old If ke was right in our mitt, the We whir are left behind! . cen . o e power consumed during I t f th might be compared in size with filet inga deniand coustant lubrication, This placement or regri'mling when wo come that Tehertoff finallyeeased bear directly against the soft bearing t• h they ' th ions W ey occupy e gar • .t• chrietchurele Waterworks Compaue for his printing eStablislunent. I a thousands Of riders behind us failed tos come up, end we were recalled. It was But. England callsathem to th :- strife, `'• lin bn the train,s themselves on the. down Hamilton and Windsor and.enorth to n th,,e Period of the test Was generated belt of southwestern•Ontario between grades. The experiment avai so sada- the Gaelph ,and Stratford. line, It• is • So prosperous di the community be biggest . metal, beta as separated from At by a, Is imperatave that rep acern - The village of Time:ton, is one of the . . thin' flier of oil, which must' he cong1 made aasoon ini wear has _become ewe most peadeful in Englend, and all lilt iterly disappeinted elan, We had Cam- stantly maintained in order to heeP dent, but it the ear has been properly residents. • live in earnest leeei cone igrai 'apaaretitly in our grasp, and; by indeed taking it .Weull.,,,haY.9 ,fillPg.the . 1"P•a.. :the metalerem wearing away =Pally- equipped the bearings will•lest several ;eigistio. fat -mole • TheyaforM The Crankshaft bearings are of this seasons?. • Oceasicinal inspection IS .--4'. a large band* of fixtles, laiought ae„ t fee backe Now • we mhst 4 wait, el- . type, and you know that in spite of the necessary, and, of course,• any now gether as brothers,alaberiag for the *neigh we Shall get Cambrai pooner or . . . 'god of=liumanity; theY include every :later, darn weerga 'Doeletlea4.. the fact that they are 'constantly auto- which; originates in the bearings de. , mands Immediate attention. . sort of •well-educated, Men from Tins- i h. h e ornenand knew something we There appears to- be an erroneous sia, as wen an ninny • of tee leaver :didn't know, end held back the cavalry - in this anticiPetion, but at first sig14 belief that ball or roller bearings re - Peasantry. At %olden you may meet llelt staimun lawyers,. untversity it 'does seen as though they 'might Immo? • • g 4 ' ''.' , quire no lubrication, . and that they so The second hind of beeline is the operate just as well 'when dry. S d talk with Clever journalists, phy. and -friction type, in which the shaft a belief is far frem the truth. - i °I-- 'leer wealthy People and ,aristoerats folk, tor. have taken a chance. However, who tor grease:is not only necessarl as a of Russia, who .have all either eseaped Wen niln the Vieteria. Cioese , • . a. is in rollingeontact with the bearing,' and in valtiel friction is. greatly re- lubricant, but -else as- a protective the clutches, cat the anthoritiee who "I Suppose you have read hew - we between tarring and sliding friction, romuling the bearing to prevent Ate ttirily i used to serve, the czar or ha.v-e volun- dashed into Mesnieres village right daced. To miderstand the difference agent to prevent. rust; and by sur -, themselves in order to Ibehind-the tanks? It was then about gage a book flat on the table and Push eiatranae 4 dust or grit. , Only the' a *hare in carrying out he enlighten- 2 o'clock in the afternoen-the mile - it over the surface. Now placePen- best mineral oil:br light grease sbould . meet. of the masses' of their fellowe, body of the Fort Garrys havirig ee- -eile,nride-. f - this nu --, , factor that the com any has decided one qf the prized per.tions ofaEuroPea • heart -breaking. "Our Colonel is a ,bit- And mother, mope, . . sweetheart, wife; matically lubricated, •they wear' out *, rapidly end allow iality enough for Unotlas and -thumps to develop in the , „ ----------------------------------------------, from a s secure haven. of reed=r- 1 narte 00a can ThaVe it over the top' of the to _the general opinirI the e arming- banks of the Stour ; . remain ril the . village -that . Major table with much less effort. This is grease, even though finel pulverized,r A ong-the• hardest, werked and the ; Henry-Strachain-whese .exploit Won the principle of the roller bearing, in causes the bearing to wear out 'More `Whiell the, rollers, corresponding to the rapidly, •and does not:improve tharmi- busiest of all the settlers in this Eng- 1,hun the V.0., -rode out on a clivalry lisle kamiet is M. Tchertkoff himeelf, raid which will forever be famous in ' pencil, are arranged around -the cira ning qualities of' thaebeating or reduce . f ior he oiveraeos everything, kid acts. the Military annals of 'Catania.. ges- euraferenee Of the shaft. . • the friction. Care for Two Forces - • • • a INVENTIONS FOR WAR.' e , • There are two forces *high the a 1 • ..,_ • 4 points in the main If you Push down • . . p a n e as e were the owest of the "Strachan's men rode straight back take caie of the load, but aimpose- you . War is a *dreadful thing :and we all • la • 1 1 • is • • 1 „ . . - • - - a In a region so lacking in coal and so - cede division as well. farm land, with prosperoes• industries . industrioes and thriving, a mu ing We'fb• proud to be linked to a soldier's • .- • to instal electric equipment on its Cas ' life • ' • • Coats of khaki, jackets of blue, • rich in water -power as is Centr41: Can,- irk the_cities. It is largely a plain, • .We who are left behind! ' a Soldiers and senora trained and true, ada we may expect tat, in tithe, Oeion theaWest, with their peaks snOW.7 • God help us all! We'll be brave, to, reaching up to the Vosges Mouotairis : Wewho are left behind! . vincrease in the coal will,. in fa -4 capped half the year. Corn, wheat, orable eiteations, induct the •electri, barley, potatoes-, flax, stobacco and . fau . , . . , fication of part a oar stearn, railway grapes are some of the butte' of its mileage: if the • coal now consumed by fertile soil, and copper, lead, iron and Breve•in otir sorrow for these that t ,. , , , . , railway locomotives could be turaied to coel' come from its hills Jena, moue -- appal; • ° ` • ' , • Brave to believe God is over all -a.• .• . . step would be taken ip making Canada earth region, Of the kind that lanahea tains,. Ilf a word, it is a aaltfofrthe-' - Brave When defeat would, our heart other productive uses, an revertant . We who are left behind! e more independent of - the ,. Ammicangtrade and, wealth far the natio • that . • , ,in.. coal market' Concerrently with • that ownsaite 4a -cities -the large t laelig ,, We cannot fight --hut Wil work . advantage, the country's trade balance Steatesberg, in Alsacee-aa,nd which coin, , . 'stead, . , :, ' •• • :, • , . would be considerably improved: prise about half the .populaaien, ere ° - anoise. with the hien of asranallealaafor , Actiaeawith fingeas and 'heart and . ' - •-aa-e-o-aa--, . , , . , • . .. - • *, WHEN PARIS WAS SAVED; here is the most hriportan,t cotton in- - To help the living incl. honor tleghlead,' . , - . . dustry of 'Germany. . • as the • little father" of; the wholeenieres was about six miles in advance cofnmunity. He raqulds his own life ',of the origipal Britishaline. Strachan the sinanlest PIan-; he eats frugal- 'and .horsemen advanced •at least on a4heni Will be Found. Useful' and• bearinge must take care of at certain man- a ‘furnishea his own- reomeeas another six miles into enemy. territory. 1 I if h I ' asantS. The Wilele hamlet is guided , towards the, Roche rear, declared my hinte end modeled wit it were a.n linforrilatit, Wile was not 'with- this (Unary Ressiara village a peasants UsqUadren, "end:they saw little in the It, elus------ ne 'chateau herePorarily France in 1697 and Lorraine in a706.. t knovas in this couritry Whice, .manaer-in-Chief. He ems. well awaae wartare there were eoi siderahle pops and a ow, bed3,. . in•Peace,. . . on the book the *tellers, on hags can hope the time will soon come when 0. We who are left.'behincli '' - ,. IlAepsage Sent by Gen. aoffae to . the .• • 'FoOtliall of Kates, • . a) eareflirrgNI"• aa'a.'• - a - • . , e -FrenckArmy.. .Little' . . ' • .. • wondm such a faveied land , . ... . • • a • ,-. • ..' Faiinee expects from ev,ery son that should he Made the fbotbalt of kings seate. Paesiclent :Wilson's belief that before he jets the enemy pass he will and rillers.' From a• very early peried... , the where. he new stands.. fight -Ingle_ it has been a disputed territory, , and .. - All patriotic Americans ' Might to United States, says a Idendcin: Weekly. Joffee, i i • • • • , -,. . has suffered ,mueli in occeedi g wari. To his. beloved poilus at the crucial' The Romans held it for 'near Y five thirteen la• the lucky number of the J • 't tic tee sa e be- centuries; Mid/then-it peeped' u der the ace and . I variaa. . Of dif- The Illifon : originally Consisted ' of e • . • thirteen states, the Declaration -of In *fore the battle Which saved Perla and •sway of the.Pratiks, Both Al dependence vitas signed: by thirteen 'cheayect the _advance . of the german Lerraine-underWent :territbri rnies t the Marne.. . dons, and were the possessio men; and there were thirteen. stars In' a - push. against the edge . of the beck.the Original flag . under which the ' ferent. prinees end kiegs tor several It seems at Gen. aoffes _Were the el, and the amity *thine 'tee do ii to big, even far the sake ofaatistice4Yen ;a'these he appoints for the plirpose• . hear • se much of. They also mamma turn inthe fight mute had taken an_ centuries; until Strassberg4i ase,d to The Wok siMply, elide's off .ef the'rolla therewill be hb rieedloi nations -fight: la tlie heart. of e RuSsian barest. ' Hee way. of ,the, formidable defences we ' i fought • ••• • • • ' • °glen sea.. . . a their successful re-' Theie is a i Th4teen Club, as every-- turned ilita adquarters for'the. Com- During the -centuries -of ediaeval V • liat evil, /as ma* be eapilY iealth the oleinlinesi of the settle- up againSt scattered t Yr :plaee another et realers igeinit the. the 'effect of wars is not all bad, net look after the excellent Sanitation. the ' tered veay little opposition They 'no va • • ` ' • ' ` . meets in Recap 13 at the Holborn. Res- a taurent seta thirteen tables, and. aftn ..'irmy . was. at:hand, . lmat9idoinic'aptiroingidnuarlilyngCtehlteiR, tolreaen ppaemrieoda - , y ! thirteen at a table, if possible; and el- I Seated at his desk. he SpOlce to none by the arrival of a German eonle the • ways has its knives 'Set erasswisee . of the officep present. At intervals Triboei. Lethe fifth centur . the 'Ala - bet America has a Friday -Thirteenth he woulu. take up a,map or ihilitary Club,. Which meets WheneVer. -Friday peper and ,study it closely. Ordetlies ..mmasnenelaelnscie4Gheein•Matehetribteis, :eciceem, ewitioo ,: falls on the thirteenth of the • month, .with diseouraging news dashed in and considers himself- the out. , At ilite, time- a Colonel rushed drove the.Alamenni into the solidi'. . • 4E; president Sinde that ' period. the -Pop latien . has- -- lacklebt of men. lie was born on Fri; to Joffre and pointed mit a serious ' been mitinly Teutonic, Despite the re- a data, 3.3th, graduated on Friday, I.3th, • reverse at an important:point of pie cent French occups.tion, 85 rea cent.' and 'get Married on. the Sanie day' and line. The gray aliaired man 'silently 'he' th • 't " • . . . . • edfee ottlie hooyat rightanglesto the =, table. ' :This: Is just -what is done. ie provedae Foe the „nalte aif •winning 1., „lent. TheY fake note of any •dornes- , machine gunnet , ' ' some of the most wonderful inven- Ittle arriingementa,•arnong new •Workerea tillery of a fairly. heavy type:. ' Staaa' along the axis of the ailieft is taken 'fimis ever puzzled Out by the brain of ;that are not •as . satiefaCtory. as theY ichan's Men just rushed at these Huns „many cases, and the force which acts.' - . .- ,. o, by an 'end thrust bearing, ...me man have been made -to kill, to maim; ' thohld be, and insist on an inimecliate • and ItIllectthein. One Feet Geary cora. • tapered roller' bearing is . designed to' to destroy the enemy and to, aid, ad,-.. alteration; they act as •guides ' and ;newel actually, after..killing a machine take -care of hoth et these loads. In vane% protect those who are in .the . inentorS to the novegineria :and grad- gunner, turned his gen against some windy* it le, nee& the same as the business of killing. ,And •as smile Of 'may teach them What it is necessary , other Germans and - wiped them out. ...,revk..in. a_ hisittw.„......nrelorieta.m...th.e...these_inizentions,. Inere_or less changed ' for. dwellers in -*gland to khow . arid One field battery they surprisell 'flied cotk, but presstire behind it will not to meet peaceful condition', wili. be l'at the same gime eielie to retain -their its guns at • point fiaiiii a *cilia force it inside. In. the roller' beare.used after the war, some being. en- trucytusslan indiVidualism - and na- lance of about ene'.hundaed yards. The• nave uermau ing of this type : prevision has ease tireiy. new, others • iieprovements on tiOnality. ' e .. .. .1 : Huns missed, aila the next instant' our : ainoent of end thrust, ' I therefore, a decided' gain to 'be.. rea 1 . : - . • . ,.... • , lgi • . . • • Faithuuree • .. • -Teiea late President' blergan Used to- ' "It is ac.." a • " - 1..c:Phd: howae' a the balance French .6r. 8. pa- - • • been made fof taking. cage of a tertain .methods formerly in ' use, there teal a ' . - . • • swords in the good old style!" " . . ;little later on ' listened to his subordinate and • and somd field tinie • f the 'changes in the character of he Pope- ., • . . . • thn corded, throueh•indu ng war. . •. • • .- • .. • hearings are subjected to ..a„ greater The sebinartne for elredging and 'the Yew* ..dOctor recentlY • • • perfected torpedo for 'the destruction was late in rising, says, the r In the bebs of the front awheelse • olieervation of channel ,bettoms, theeyoung lady to the opera. IT. he curtain the ear over Bumps and in ruts.," aln r 77. and , - away: whatfew obstactes had' before .this number. There s eo• lig. een n ------e car. -.Here they carry the weight of a„, aaea derelicts the eitertillee and "the 'girl complained of feeling . • turning a corner •the end theust me -1 area." aor heavy trucks and 10,44a:wee •faint. The elector took - aoneething interpoted the advance Of the in- the Strand, :lielborn, WeStbourne. Hischeeks flushed and a curious ex- • tioned above makes a ,secoed force --- . -, , fantrr D ka * ` • d Grove, -the Haymarket, ...St: 'James' pression cameln his face„ •• • 'AIM' in o g a, . • 1 ,.. •-.fert,f " h' pocket and gaid• . . .provement hi excavatiOn asaPractised :be atii•eaiurelon't Swallow it . - •'. efhna reill.fere.emeate. Th little party Street, LOwndes 'Square, P,ark Lane, Tevoadivisions were going. to. with,: • • , traesportation in . general, the im- ' "Ifere, keep in yqur Mouth; hut •-- • , • '- which' throws- you toward the miter- ' boys -were killing them witli their (Int took • a • . yanis ng s kloom. Vila of French. .Thiee-filtbS of the le,are Roman Catholics. . • Almost Reacliee Cambrai def fate by i his art treasures, The Place4was immersed fn • By this. time Strachan's party had which were priceless, at 1.3-• Prince's Some of the officers in subdued Voices P&113 • Annexed by Gerinana, strain than in 'any:other place in the cut three lines' Of • German telephone Gate, London. But it is .a feet that a -were diSCuming what Might happen ' • for Alsead-Lerreine. The early bat- tles .were on the turnery of the . two . • province, and Strassberg, 'after it se - yes a vele bombardment; destroying many . . orsemen, now quite Close to Cam- Threadneedle Street, - Tokenhouse drawand give the enemY• a .foothold, - • „ • • e • Gerrrians,*with their usual aggeessaye- E - ` JUL scruly. * Joffre seized a sheett•-. of . . orecaet, wires. far in 'the rear and cleared' tenth og the London -streets Etre minus to Paris. Suddenly a change came. A 7 s • • ' - , --------------f 187 -71 was a; sere. triat. • • • Th b 11 t* • iven the t care_ old buildings, wee • captured: aPhe -• • ed- of the eet avheethe cat roun s a •in the trendies, the geeeral Advance in -She • placed. the • •tablet upon her brai, could see a „Stream** of infantry Yard, er- ° -0.1tryn. and it. lads greatly to. the bor- eaee re* " -1 of -wear' "rd teneue. and terited it over and • OVin•r • t • 1 . na.. aeoente • _ .urryine ou an grea cop ri,<sicit-7,-El- • carre-. : • d - h = . paper anc atarted writiere. When. lie ness,. at once assumed tha and ,ni,etno s .nn.. ospitai 'team- :ha iould :apt Stipolvc. She; ;Fah teousenae• ee. so aar.etee -teoops gale to , T-anaicit Contrn1 of Til-etbl • . ..,_,. 4 , . , 1. eneeeee-egonailleao„.„1 _eel (.4 -1'f -en hod eneshed-en ordere Late A!..' >Met, Ca' 7 ' 7 .. , ggaitigrvi.ftewtiwiirdwipzvirz,nij.fft.7.fctiwp,ikk-awvaiAio.orazw„--T,;v„tztoatrtr&,B..-atziwgor..-,t...vAtta.4Tk,i,-,gztfi.t.,y.u7,v..?.qeit,ivai,rc2-4-iye.,..4.qaa..z.yazr,, ageganaehe .......eneeeneeenaV704.+114.4r14•..3i:..,,! 1..L. 0,,,;•Z•_ "1'6 :`7.417=4,`.4474VATi rich twW..731,1,7,...7,. benefits the wee viir,bring. a . I took the 'tablet feorn her mouth arid --' , and. an 0110 they :Could Anuater at a economic develoPineet. and nontrol. of ell the officers and nice. of the French e -• Herein lie4, 'Some hint of \chat Gernme the weight of the car is carried' by the a tents or the -sheet De traimmtted to • hearings If the. car ,strikes a genet, ae. 1 •er 1 • this tt . f •' a vvell• slipped 't I 1, ve. she was efiri-"•.' moments notice, to try and defend the her mineral and metal industries after u y in s nia ei o. war, s ,i into her g,o , e; • • occupe ion would mean. o, apy en t* ld t " 1 eradrope into a rut the ioaf.1 is great- as in most•th. tl t • e • ings ia Ent gen ie ! ous o exami e, w e e place .• IlY t al h n she was once I These ; Hung pr.oeeeiled to dig the aver. A conipany' has been formed, ; arma. . foethwith. i ' intensified,. and although springs Reda • paris. the AlliesV a •t a of,• • me.,.1 The message was dehvered. . theyNee fel uoate to cap- etishioes protect the passenger theeu • .• • gave, seld: • • expecting reinforcements any. time, faux, with a calaital of $2,000,000 for gtraehan, entitled the Societe Minerals et d stiirted to dig in Frorn ekepa a lai•ge •seale, end peal fin, in checks p rifortunate, there is truth: in"the' old , street light anda Unbuttoning her -.themselves in aleng.a road. was saved*. The aerroans were stop bel tilre" Requisitions were:demanded on .-- fell force of the blew is teaneinitlect to "i, "It's an ili wied'hIlat bloiaa itolhadY , "That tablet'you gave meameale Irke : selected a neighborihg autilFen road as the ptirpose of fostering and protecta. ari . which were tb be honored at : ihe caose . the wheel beeiines. It is iinportaiit* ee , , *goo : ' 1 feel a" in h b de 0 She bent ' a good place to speed the night. Ae- ing the metal *industries of the coun- Jo,orraniace exp e c t s ;,,,owmorevse.ry so that , ff I d ' th d -• t• • . of the war by whichevei• aide Was "in • tirat these bearings be rugged enough; The•ill wind' ofawar hes blewn : and 1 mar'n in the light, the tastelhean sub- ' eordingIy, ante Vila readyemade trench try. The company, which le reln'esent- 4 &et so uc e r. unpleesent ipoeition ef the con- • to resist the wear and tear of the hardl, wall that hadgivenher such relief the Fort Garry's•scianibled with their befere•he lets the enemy pass...he,,,will the ' service which falle to their Icit, f e r 1 stance. . seen as weer beeomes voticeable and e . and better ideas concerning ways of• living foe merselves and fin each other, .the girl stopped' under an electric' gutis were set up and brought into oc-• ra°ftortegniarlkiztitgion6illiPITar fOnir I'LlloabEl-.;• • . : ahaa-tataa•---- • a , After they had left the opera. house harsee. •.:a Savatal eaptured machine ative a existing intereste, la not a dip can 'be -whipped with -waa , a - a her burden ef indemnity kept* ilea •eottetry poor for alinoseo, generation. blew;gto inankincl Many bigge where he now stands fighting!" '• clue e( ' f 1 Of .cotiase France. lost, arid -.4) - eesnies weans endheethotigan deggi. .! over somenneie white -gee - eound in _eitelonal ply; just to triaRe the enemy je'etelgeinfaireveineet endexteimion of i Prussianism the wheel begins te - wabble e u can -/.. t .1 6...• dh•peiicd terms ' were -ills -ceased ina- 'her heed, ertainatbat *learo borne clip -t .---e u ol- and imagine a•fair_sized • fordo opposed themethds oof distribution, treattnent, the four B'e-breacla bacen, beans and Feb r - ela e• - e: 'a d • feel ce . , .a.-•—• ' • 4. 4 looked p at th e d oc tuary,..1 , ismare , at once e-, ., p,-oe og:no._ bescrings ate :usal. in f 000,000!acres of -unexplored and utar'ea i • , italintered, "D•Dick! Why, it's, only them. : • • ;and 'Marketing of the metals produced billets -,, ..The fernier. supplies three - Fed from the .!iae ef the tires, /i - Quieensland IS estimated to have 40e• • : fourthe of these. , rhanded and Tillers eotacedeat the an - Dawn carrie' at list,. and soon -after in .F;an.ca, and -her colonies. . neafitien of Alsifee-Loeraine, There • coneectien with ale fae• shaft, the I served forests. . . . •.... • • . la peeel hutton!" •avas a' strong protest from the.' repra- , sentatives of the tavo provinces, and despite the promise of Biarneeck to do, cvarythifig posaibleato (ave. -Mate • th people, 4-5,000 of them tivailei, them! ' serves of an offer to determine under y,Iiich flag they wouldaliae. and -, sor- 4. _ eowfully teak their deaintere fate-. Franco in 1872. " .01d Strassberee with . its topulaa tion of 180,000, is•a sectioe of mediae,. vat Europe. , Its harrow, . crooked , streets and the quaint costumes of the 1 . Alsatptris contvaat strangely avith the ' new public- buildings vahich repletee 1 . theae destroyed in the aiege of 1870,1 •und which give the city ,rank next te Berlin and Leipzig in this respect Part of the ernpt of itstfamous, cattle. drat dated from 1015. and the 6 nave, , finished it la75, is a fine spechnen of . pure 'Gothic. . ." 0 134 copm, ralaaalal DAM artePt4,-,...zr -Tont QOM' %OR 1014914' entialt4 WO:AM • 'Melts ALiallfE Petal ARE seabhzai Neetrta "ranee t4c); la,VALeal ,DID .ri() .stt41plod eilditaf aiRanan• TRAT.e0fagen Mena Alaia it/WI -Pahl 6Iatt itt i.es*ot4 tt stize rosigra. \JUST f+8 I Skil) 114 "Tii- • - riRsr Fuct. --r4h-r ' fhtl-Oat Wasiehr talaal laiG , To rugv vivit lou I 11'6 Just itmaglapctog opolooR poscrIgk, a • 1 v•••••11-.6: taaa' eaff F ' st, itV 04, 4.1 011. VS$ 'ti6‘ ON\ %WV 0,6 The flint eenaus of ,Ctotat 1itaia,. talon in 1801, shoWeS eleven million people. • o , 6