The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-01-17, Page 1••1114 •,4.te• • $1.so per year, in advance; ,00 otherwise LUCKNOW,OPIT,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1711h, 1918, AMERICANS NOW ° DISCOVE4ING ENGLAND (Maier AND ENIPARN) , Just ea.,1492, i reipeniliered as, the year lo which Columbus discovered Au - erica, the year 1917 will be remembered *stile Year in which America. diecovered England. And When We ea,y America. :wousean the United Statti, Anil when ?re toy England we ween,GreatBritein's and we Mean also that the entrance., of „ the United. States luto the wee end the firethandeaPerience Americaeoldiers - beve 'with -the :13eitish eadiers and ejvd- japs 4.014140a long Mistleelaretanding'__ 'TMiiy timethrti-realsiiintithe we helve noticed lettere home froni cane ,who are making their firet porton& cOntact With Restated, and witheut ex- . A Pine Medicine This Toone, a patent medichm at present greatly advertneel in Canada a* a new wises*, for the CUR of alt allgielltil of the stomach, kidueys and liver, estarrhal affections, rheninationk nervous diserd- Mil and the like, has been aealyzed and found to -contain 16 4 Per cent of alcehel. Now that Prohibition is the law, regard- ing alcobolio &lake,wzfl the.authorities Permit Ric inle of this Pateet Medicine substitute for the genuine thirstquench. era. The Journal Atnerican Medical Alwecietion pronounces Maine a pleat; of unniitigated queeltlery. It is claimed 'tha11-it--oven mft 110 tteswereeold iii WO years. It sells at a dollar .a hottre and onethird peel* the retail dealer. , . 10.1300410W Sti1001. REPORT. • ' •eeption the lettera. admit eaelier misap. • • : Prelientdop and later enlightenment Not leo. age.4here Was a fine poem in the New York Sun, whom net verse ran aomathiiig like this; 44Engleri4, we know thee better noir. 'Through ali the 'eau hereafter, •',Shall thy mime, England, sound for us ; A ebiree tif valiant laughter." • • $veit caltered Americans- have had , their conceptions lof England colored, insensibly, by the ridiculous accounts of - Aniernan revolution -in school -feet- ' • „ , books arid: by the well-known stupid , • Englisiemeei oUthe vaudeville stage On . : the motif tbat Punch for instance, has no.idea of humor, them have:been mill n , lone Of• bright things said by American humoriete On this point it ia inteteet- e . Bcr-a-cerreePoodent of the•New rig to qa.ot.e, the. remark e of Heywood reen, no • York Tribnne with thi Pershing force ' in France: ge Says that Of all :the . charge niade against. ',the Engli • . FonicelIf , . . (Ledo, Chemistry), - S. Gee, 83; F. Aitchison, 77; P. Webeter, 72;13 johheon, 69; M. McClure, 67; L. Finlayson, 66; a Burnie 64; S. • Alton, 63; G. Webster, 01; H. McKenzie, 50; f• A. Alton, 58; N. ThoMpeon, 57; 0 Mc- Millan, 55; R. McDougall, 54; I. MeRae, 50; S. Burnes47; M. Itathwell, 44; K. Murdier 3;'4. Mitchell, 25; G.. hicNay; 23; J. &others; 19. Lately_Mcquillin, 76M. 'McQuillin, 74; P. C'ongram, 80; K. Mac. : Donald, 66; J. MaeDtefaldi 04; W.; An.' drew, 54; I. Cranston; 41; j..Deugles,- 32. •• 4 •• • ::' ' -- P Feint I • L. Garbutt, 84; R. Reid; ' 72'.' W. Elliott, 70; A. 11elm;:,68yA. Towle, 62; R Bowies, 62; J. Smith, 59; H. MoIn- •„none is so wideof the inark ea the con . . :tiestarit limitation that he has no sense of letOner:--"4-never-wair tine;-alltHeast-u • of ellentew. '• -What we mean ut that: the • • nglieli do ,net understand our. humor. • , ktt a gen Om an from Mars should be in- - •-•••••'- e • vit.*. in to-jedge't am -sure be would tied Peach ever so Much inore awning „ . . than Life, e.nd he would. probably de.. • -ulare that nlaii Hay or Beinisfather had 'tosh 56. H. Nixon 53;.0.•johnstoie 46;; J. -Hetchabaw", 45; A Andrew, 45; Itatvelle44; PezAgar,.43) 42, .Leod, 40,J. Towle:39; A. Mc - Nay,39; E. johniton, 39;' 1E00On.. ell 30:toward' Agnew, 31; -W. Alton, 30; 11 Reid, 21; Harold Agnew, 18.. • . Form IL . Hadley, 62; J. Hamilton, 60;' M. Johnston; 00. H. Treleaven 58 11 Dur nn, - 57; C. Douglas, 55; B Clarkson, 54, 'Pickering 53; 8 MacDonald, 51; P. MacCorvie; "48; R. McDiarmid, 45; J. Btaikingliam, 45; V. Wood* 29'; E John-. jiton, 27; A. McDonald, 17. •- beet! inspired.with deeper,. 'finer, truer humor in hie reaction to ward the War our own. Ring -Lardner, who-com, • ., • . 'pared the Battle of Verdun to the world's series No nation has been able to keep • ' ' •• the edge Of its,hurear abari, in the face . . •ivar as Eagland has done, Oely the. , - • . • - • kegliele'have beim able to look things. • in the face as they are and grin. - And . , while they griU'thei.plug and fight" Mc &Gun stes that the champion • ' • hater is the :British hitter, and he ie. . calls ••• the lot. that • Hearst and his, ::::7--.-.."--*-:';'.'•--Tdiettiati4lliericatiecrevrein.the • United States, as well as :the ,-Ger Mane 'awn", •• • salve's, used to pay 111 at the British . , ,.• • , would not,fight.,' In fact, there nsed't.O. • t be a song or Jibe in the early days of . , . • the war ep the .effect, that "Reiland . would, fight to, the last Frenehman." Now, • however, • the tune has been. changed': .The Gnianan papers:' Milne --the-Might:3h forfight1ng tbey say -that- ' if it were not fee:their foolish faihnb . to recognize the , fact that. they are „ beaten we rshould • have peace—e'•Gei*e Men.' peace. The :Koelnische Zeitung 7:-. tor itistence7e-orripTaititit-, .teate, is- now-,boiog- ruled by, tihe,Pwz STORM KING RUNS AMUCK Ursstret Storni Is Yowl Stv.:eti Westial • Wade 41.1. R0408 BLOOM :th'e winter; preemie it becomes More and more evident that -the Weather man. le little or not at cencereed ever the -114, Shortage. tteill early Saturday morning last until late Stine day ;tight this part. of Ontario was , the grip of the lieverest winter slerra to paasover the province in Many yeare • All who had experience of it agree that it was the worst ever: --,---Zere-etemperatnrearitheeetliglit'ewind makes a cOlcl day here-, •but op Satur- day it was :down to -12 degreee below and the wind blowing e hurricane. That. made a hard propoeition for the man who had to walk or driviagaipst: the wind. Many who had only a short distalice to go had their faces frost bit- ten. A few dive previous to the gale, eight or 40 helm Of snow had fallen, and during the etorrn this:was driven with terrific force and piled tip. in hard masses Wall sheltered places . • Reiltveys and country roads alike were blocked and rendered rinpassable.. . The umiu;:ntreet of Lucknow 'looked for: all the vrotict like a acenel'in the Arctic rogionte---A-eidge Of enovi"vary- ing up, to ,teii feet in height fOrnied . all along the smith side, and residents irere busy a goodspare of Monday clear - it. from the walk. , The train dee about noon on '..latur- day', did not arrive here until, atter 'Mx in the evening. . There ,wati: no. train through on Monday, but a snow' pro* . s , . diti,e0.6y,four engines came down from% 'Ititictidirie on Monday. Monday was • fair 4itay. goecrifearefrold7 breakieg was done.. ' '•• • , ' The extreine told on Saturday un ay ,pause a go 'ea'o • iscom- .. fort, is It 'win impotteible•te keep any but the beiii; honso$ at all comfortable. - . •' • F. E IffoLlias. , St. • . ,* :•—Tuesday, Jen.'15. . Rev. R. V. Stepheneon, of Toronto, will Preieh next Sunday in the interests ' . of . the Lord's Day Alliance,. at St Het - ens. in the morning, at Lanes in tlie , afternoon and at South•Kinloss in the evening. , But 10 . • : the opinion of Mr, 13roun, the &di' unreasoning prejudices on the part of.t6.. merle:Mit ageing the ..:Britieh is alone responsible . for the.„ fact that. the • Anierican troops are benig train ed in France end • not _in. England. "After all is saitraied •defier -he re- , marke, "We ' belong 'With the English. We should train with themand fight -bisside-thene--Speakifir of -the` Itnin; ing in France, he- says that the corn- pliments and Oneness of the French oiliders blind the Americens to • the faults that ought to be corrected. • He 'lzwotione. tho•(kr, .olto Jnima4m104-: lish ;obstinacy, w te never no ' when 1118 beaten:0 The German press fails to' realize that this War is not being determined on the rules that de • • side sham battles. TAtiwilly, theoret- . • , ically, and in •a . purely Zekwieltien, senle eo doubt , the British have been beaten. As a matter of fact they are •• -pinning. Aft the" -Pittsburg Gazette. ,Tuees renterked about our oWn troops net long soil "NV Wonder thereantid. isns never know when they are neaten. • They neverare." . • . MARKETS Corrected Up 111 trennesdarnomi) eat.. IL -OA 00000000 10 •• Vite llefia 72 75, 20 1 30 . Peas .1stotaorliftii I • 008 50 IlackWricat ... * • .1 1 • 4 ;LA MS . Butter.... 45 36 O. figs, new laid," oo . o •• mos..... 17 25 TORONTO MARKETS. • Choice heal/ ateers,....$11 50 to 112 25 • ` Choice butchers.. , 10 25 to 11 IS Choice butcherte cows,. 9 00 to 9 SO 8 Goya feeders SO to 9 gs • • Good milclecoWii... s 65 00 to 120 00. • Hogs, fed and watered. IR 25 to rail Wheat. 2, 14 to • 11?• as well as the Oanadians and Austral - Timothy atty.:. 00 to 16 00 :lane. As We . Said in the beginning, too, ' new roid ,.„‘„,. es. to 70 the British people Are now being dis• • gteater„ chestiery, print. 45 to. 44 .covered , permanently discovered, L)7 /01404 DilifyPthitik oe 39 to 40 tkur tolativoo to the oula of uo, • . • the American* training, •-•-fle watt like the wage Englishman4 and was sup - potted to be a joke Says the. Tribune correspondent: He , began mildly enough by telling -a: group of yoting officers Who Were training 10. dig a trench a 'certain depth • by:a certain" time He: returned at 'that time and the touch' was not . flambe& 'That -rettetit'lle-Reid briefly, America; (Alter in charge straightened op. Ee had not heard langeage like that 113 -long time. Probably not since Peesh- ing'e . last inspection. 'Yon see, sir,"' he tlaid,'this is veiy bad soil, The men can hardly get a, pick' in it's "I don't vent :to : hear any exclaim,' Mid the English Inapt, 'that' ii rotten weak; that's all therele to it.' He -stayed until the trench was flattened and two weeks more forthat matter, and when he lat Amman Oleos were Unanilli, ma in their pranre of him. He wasall business and he knew his trade.° Mr, Breed tows that a nunibei of our young • on-a6,60unt of the storm and extreme cold services were not held; morning or evening* inthe Lucknow, churdhes. .Services in Methodist church at , 11 -tublect* e: Sure FOundationY. -.Evening subject,. "power of a Pried* Passien." Good mnsie. Everybody made welcome . Services in the:. Presbyterian church' next Sabbath at 11 a w and m• Morning -subject, "The FourfoldWeed and the Four fold Use of the Blood of , Christ"e Evening eubjece; . "The Wish to Escape." . Next - Monday evening - the. -Zion. League wul be-entertiliied by the IAA - now Epworth Leagae. A epecial • teat7, ure of the programnie Will be a leeture. by Mr. Bert Hale, of Stratford, 'Neste. dent of the London Conference Epworth League..., Admission, :adults 150, child., ren1°4.Sell..0.1 .; 'Theannual. congregational meeting of the Lueknow Presbyterienelinieh-Was held on Thurs- day -evening of Jest week. Reports front the Clerk Of Session, the Secretary, • Fin. Secretary, the Treasurer- and the various UrIgallilla094 ill° c_CreueetiOn with -the congregation waia reamed and have puhliehed in booklet form for die- buetamong the ineMbera and ad- hotents. As a mark of appreciation uf ithriesptile ndid service being rendered by the -Minister, Roe, B. McOalluni, he wati voted a teinue of, one hundred dole lam in additicin t� the, regular" stipend. ‘Gift -From Ex...Puplis The ex pupils of :Miss Burgess, for about forty years was a teacher in Liickno* Public School* made up a purse of 499 00 and sent it to her as a New Years gift Miss Burgess and her sister are in London this winter'and We understand that the eh Y.teicer is id rather poor health, suffering from • rheumatism -ea trouble with which she vsas afflicted for several -years before giv- ing up the school. Miss Burgess' eft - lefty as a teacher was always recognized, and the gift was sent by the ex -pupils as a mark of inppreciation. -reset% ()Dicers has been sent to the 13ritish. trenches 'as observers, and • Dkd In The West' everyone with whom he has talked has conie back singing the praises of the British, "and I mean the English• Mrs 0 MacKenzie who livessorth of the village at the •railway eroseing, re. eaved the sad news on Monday that,hei eon, Dan, had died in the Went The . remain o will be,brattglit here for inter. It!etik LOCAL AND. 'GENERAL I few ,caleodare left at V. T. Atm- krone's. Call and get our. • r. Norman Matheson has been set TOM KELLY A STRANGE CHARACTER' Mere Miser Thai sad Marc. PorlIsb Thin Wicket, ' iihen we wreteeof Tom Ear 'Just lous yeill for the pest week. 'week—the Ashfield man charged. with Fifty Barrels, straight'grade, Baldwin dealing parcels from rigs in leickpow, and Mann °merits Apples, to retail for • • Copetable Cameron was away making a $5.50 per barrel, q, ,for 25 Ceeds.--- search of eceibee house on hie farm. 44. Be FrNroalre014.7 There he found "a 'whole grist ef parcele the•nature of which suggested that they bad 'net (tome there. by proper means. Cameron -filled his cutter wit,' them and The Lucknow. Vire Brigade will hold a dance on "13,ures' night," -Friday the 25111 inst., in the Carnegie nal Luel. now. proeeeda will go to patriotic returned to town. TheY Made PP a cur' nvpbeek,-- -1110 kbeirow Orchestra A6I1 ibuirand interesti4 assaitireeet.. We supply the • music. The ladies' Of the note the following: Thee Pairs tweed tvi4leleigueneahn.d he the country will suPPli trousers (new); a man's salt: (new)seven pamen of mens' collare(theee varied in -. . ders TO WORK . were freshly laundered, and (Ahem appar2. antly Oil' the .may to the 'laundry); a number from a half dozen to 15, some THE Nevv comp.. • — ,_ . L---,,---. , Woman's shawl(nevi); a woman's dyes! WALKS ON CAMPBELL ST't0Ef TO Be CLEARED OP SNOW • (new). He evidently was looking for- • . - wavd to matrimony, Two pairs Of raens' o THE ELECTORS OE Asrapi,D. ToWrisitir • ' i me The Lucknnve Conniil as coneft d °been and a Pair of 'eTerthees(alii new); for 1017, met in teal session on the a„piur of anises with skates attached; a Ladies' and Gentlemen: Accept 'my passing i.t, few accotintit • and , otherwise a lap spread :hearty' thinks for the honor. you 'have horse blanket, driving robe, morning of Ay 14th inst.; end after . and a rubber spread, a top shirt, a bag conferred upon me by electing me councilor' for the year 1.916. I maim containing a feed of oats for a horse; a ' winding •nn the business of the past you I WW1 endeavor to give You faith- -year -adjourned :to 'make ,pay for eke wheel' hag „wall a book in. it, marked •pliire Robb": He liked mits, for there id "iii impartial • flame. counell for 1918. • • . ' - ' pair of theite—fite pair -knitted Yourir siecerelee : ,• .,... The members Inifing taken the oath were ti;ll ' . and five pair •gauntlei`dri6ng mite and • * Jowl' S ABLIESQN. Of office proceeded to orgneine as foil : Peremnent Coninutteese Fire and. g•I'°ves* Be4c1C8 then.' 'wg'4 two. Parcels - -. : Died-Otit West. . Light, Thompson, Mardie, Johnston; of bread a bag of - kW" and a bor. of Ws- . . '' Muidie Thonip.' cuits. The whole made up quite eettche, .Petitions and By Laws, , . son, Henderson; Reeds ,and _Bridges, the -death of Mr. Donald Clark. who Word Was. received hire last Week of and Cameron says there were wily cape smith. Joirkomi; .F4034104, .and.hats whiph .,he Could. not take with h until 1892. Was a resident of the 2nd HendereOn; . Johnatim, Stnith, Mtirdie. : . nun i. 1 The new'suit of clothes was stolen six eoee, of AuroneTownship," Well known - :A:reatinitiou from the'ScheolBoaid ' for fends was received and $1,000:. *as . yearsigo; and the theft was eePotted at in Leckno* and surrounding townships,' 74 Yearsef ages and of Areertfeeveclete theSchool-:_eird. aiconn - ' the .01106 to:Cunstable Cameron. . Under ,,i'._6_5ftr'. 1-1C,laacl,be.'weeas..eeving_taryiiint. mono, t e collar was a liekiir allowing it ha • . . been sold hy R D.' Cameron td, -John Mee where he died en Dec. 26th last 'A grant of $10 was made :, to the . Hos- :Intel far sick children it Toronto- : McRae of Loehalsh district. . . . , • , n. . ,,:. he ac t at e y did hot:undertake 1 rave er From IJ to wear the .sheee or clothing, nor to- sell' 'that it had held a weedlike tied had 'der them, and that he s•eemed_to snaten any, -Luckpow a few days hist week and en - In; The Town Hall TO Night ,..'"The birth of a Nation." 'is the moat tremendous and vital picture yet pro- duced. The recoostruction of a :cation after the abolition of alavery, is grata., eally .sliOwn, and one nee all of. the great •events that led Up to the reu,1400 of a nation. ' • , A splendid' musical acdre, combining folk tunes, Patriotic airs, dame melo'dies and experts from' ,the coptiositions of aie great waiters, elf so arranged; ow to fit happily -into the enacted seerieS, • Half a million dollars was anent in staging, this mammoth production and eight -months- elapsed before therilet ure was 'completed. In order that the big battle scenes and other epecteeular incidents of -the photodrama might be adequately presepted 18,000 people were Utilized with 3,000 horses,. • Card Of Thanks • ° clerk's•office en'the le.th, the Committee 011 Petitions • and By Laws relented Mr. Andrew MacKenzie was about cidedlo recommend the Passing of a ,thingls cippeitunity offered Without re- , ited his cousin s; John and .1Celte , Mac. pato, its use ocealneettggests tintele bypthvingthtnersfproper somethicg cf clicptacianniac. Helms Kenzie. on the second 4r:on:Campbell St. he reanired to keeP . . , the snow cleared: from the sideeetlits.. This report was adopted and the Clerk wasinetroted te prepare a by-law mak- ing the provision ouggeated. ' The ...pet: - mkt° whiehlnit by-law Will op* ex- tend§ on the north Ottefrom the Methe ;idiot 'church to the Ford • garage and • 013 the seuthilide from the 'old Town Hall to Finleyson'i store A provision of the byelaw ,wilj lie that en the case. Of per -tine failing to keep the .wallt Clear ibe eouncit will have the work done. and charged. up 10 the Party respopeible. • • • . • . the heating oUthe•pleee,.. Oe beipg told Canada has made her itself in the minds 4s To , This ospir' ;t144. t‘ he lihely.vinuld; he decide4. to gee :of Airier, iClikihy 'the gal. lant pert it has . mi-erithetiro-nieals-perday-imiteed-ct plan reet-Wa-Thereiample-- '. Winter storing itneok the publisher's • three. ; , of Canada, he said; Was an inspiration. • bUsinemeas they kieack everything else: His bail was fixedat $503, and though .4 the People Of the United States,. and We don't know when this Sentinel will he may have MOnei enough available he their aeribitionnow 18 to emulate the get to. the siinteribers. Our 'white -• he trae persistently refused te put it up:. Contribute:Mit of this country towards saving the world for: democracy. Can- edians in:Denver were intensely. inter- ested in the:recent. election, ,and were delighted to learn that there was , be : tieSdar afternoon)-ve.-are up -would- keell-MY'kumeteJe-APPareetietit no-elEtolteniegia:-Canada's waiLefforts.. for . this week.. Fortunately this .'doOs, wouldn't matter if it was the Other fell • Whether or not. the Union Party had. a not,. frequently happen, and we shall • 'Ow's' Money: , . 'better War policy, than the Liberian did• ust ask readers. ; to • exercise . Pate ' • • - • , • net greatly matter; but itt.-11ficKeliiii * Y iekre and a little Christian :charityVOW TOMAKE. OUR . telt surethat hail the • government been been known for years to"be a notorioldi MtieKelliie 18 one. of the Killion. hoY8. miser,' living on husks and unsaleable whe went.West and grew Up , with the scraps . of food while .nieis , enough country. At any rate, he appears to off to live in comfort,: For -years he has have done remarkably welt leo Imaineas- lbe. g.geti,threclis, certi.. diem. peo. flbre4u , • • yiainlia.nowaluityiesident pri tr.tey meat -at the bake shops.and meat shape Street" For some , years he has leen e , . He gave 'curious evidence on Sunday.. resident of . the Capital city Of the state of his disPoSition to °Save. The cell he of Colorado', and aniong other 'thingri 18 occupied, of ceurse had: to be kept warmmandging:exteneive farming 'operat, -andOonstahle:Catheron had been taking ione.in the eastern part Of the etate. : He hie mettle to him.. He had been eating called for &few Minutes 'at .the Sentipel. very, heartily,. On Sunday he coked. if office one while in town* and among be. should have tp Pay for his meals other things,. referred tp the big place I I I • paper comes from •Torontb. each _Week, generally on Saturday.. Ae the train' ..whicn carries it didn't come 'through and there has been no:train "Once Med.* He'asked abeut getting' other 'parties:to go his bail and when ailed. why .he •wonlan'p Put up his own nisneY, nreplied ."Then if. 1 dkin't appear for trial they Single Cipies 3 4rta SUDDEN DEATH OF . MR. MOAN MaODONALP 4•••Prma••..444444.414 `- That In the micist of: life there rt death, and that we never know wiles the merrow, or oven to -day bolds r, 118 never was; more forcefully brourd t oPtie',-Sopulnedt. 'of lljestitewkre:: *afire'. , learned of thedeath of Mr. ILtgaei Mae- ' Dpuald.. . Without Any intilnition tisft he was otherwise than,. in his inn health he died, that morning while er'- gagedatihe,mornmg-chores about- 04 ba,rs with Wit father and • broth( e. _..24.teo tire- -sktaalreftreelkiri8t40,%,,nte,teorette.weivt; do.milking andliagan. took a shovel b.) fmJirktbeea hpioirseth satfoleigiltit44erintriftedEviditt. ly he worked -for only -s, few minutee anis • he was" steep afterwarde found lying ° dead, having expired while at work. The doctor explains his death as Ike to heart failure, a trouble which wale • afflicts one of Iregan?s: 'age. Efef batt 'just entered his 281h year. He was in the prime of Physical life and alwaye looked healthy and 'Strong, ,altholly hllwiever, it 'was known that his heart . action was not good. • Additional sadness attaches to lns death by the fact that his mother whq has bean an invalid for some years, : • in Quelph taking treatment for rheum- atic trouble. She was communicated with „but owing 011ie anovr hlockade,* . she was not ablate Net, home ;at tune -feufnewrrailthinAgy,c1. not arrangementsbnniade, for th,o;- . Having' lived all of his too brief Wee only &short distance from LucknCwi Ha- gan was known here alinoet like mina_ the boys of the village, He was a meet' ' exemplary young man, and gave' eery ' • .n. ' - promise of becoming a • succesidul made .useful Member of "miciety.:. He wait • I :especially int;reitec.i.in and devoted 'to. I church work; Arms a member of the Luck- • ' now Psesbetetian enurch, president of ' the Young Meng Bible bass and an 1 .1 ive-and•faithfill: worker -in -the -Guild -at •-••••e '- whieli he wits the first president. - Besides his fatherandmother he ,1 1 leaves to 'brOthers younger than him- • . - , self: Wilmer,.who is serving in the Brit- , ish Navy; and George at:him-ie. The . 1 bereaved -ones have the dee-P--eynipath"y---'-• I . • • of a large circle of &muds. •EVERYBODIM COLUMN 1 • • MoNlct TO 1.0.A.N.-On: metrics:wee and usit'Aie , - • • 'at.reasonable rates.. Fire nsurante. bot,, • SIDD.A.14. Broker. Luc:thew • •- • --, ••• Stook and 'Mutual Companies. fgonvey. 1`. ' anOing_done with neatness and despatch. '. • • . WAlkITBD.-.&11 kinds of raw.' furs. Bigheit city prices 'Paid at Lucknow. Don't .seil ' • - • your furs without seeing Jake Libel,as lie „ has the city•inarket, Best prices for junk, ; • ' rags, rubber -7c cash, gc trade; herseheir-- . gobtrottc; and all . • . Phone and I will call and see you. Phone • • 86, Lucknow. . • _ _ -,LtstisLIma., Luckricw.. " , . BAGS WALST.E13.--Farinerii save Your feed ' • bags, will 'purchase any quantity. .Pride Ten • cents andupwardsactiording to size and. . 'quality. • • Joiiikr..ferwr, phone 16 311 . -BAWFURS WANTED.-Ilighost price will be•paid for all kinds of 'taw lure: Mink. ; . skunks, raccoons, weasels. ••bpecIal .prico . • for foxeS. ericcs will be as high as 116.09. Best price will bp paid"for horsehair ifud ribber& Before you sell.your furs call at • r 43 DrY Oft* klt.Ofe. • , . • • LOOS WANT.Elk--The undersigned will take at their eawmill at Lucknow all kinds of logs suitable ter !Umber, maple, beech, elni. basswood, birchand ash, and will pay the • highest Market prices in cash for • same: Call at Our ollick3 at. the . Furniture Factory . _ ciAp;1.2.tault_,FILT,12!-, eefoeteee-thee.effeete &114-_-:•unitobt, Li for further particulars. _ . • - &Batt -nal , .4';•4 •. 444. •••` si•174.,Z. LT? Keep ,theIuel nbed thick 'have been regarded. as a week ening of the national Will, and a lowering of :the high itandard up to Whieh they were pre-' paring to Hie.' They all were delighted with the: outcome , so that .iI will , . . .. .. • T.HE .PATRIOTIC .ORK. ,. nothurnthrough in spots. ' and admit a • • , • -•• . ' •: •: large excess Of talc, , If there is a ::bright A letter to the' Secretary .from Pte. ,bed of 'coals' over. the: entire ,grate .as Clyde Reid, acknowledges with Intake , there „should be before a heavy charge the receipt of two pairs of 'see present- is fired* Omit:of the burning coat should: ed 10 him by the ladies of the Patriotic. .• be Pushed 10600. aide.* end of #43 grate- Pte. •Nivins Wounded Committee, While home on last leave,• . --the Part. nearest the opening where: . AUCTION SAL91-4tichaid Mcgaillin ' Wili . . "along with lin appreciation,. Ike: Reid ; -the •gliteee leave the fire pot -and. -the• :41; itS' ' expresses his teat ;Crithets to the ladies tat: :; ;A : .:,lizo- ...eolle zodo.liziaier thevec.. ituveqeceinmd worirthat their son, 'Wil tyi.theCiiiilriiittee 10 ElYPY And PieTha fire the fresh chat e • • :felt:* ttilifelnerifiriti. di/Egi'lith; 'raj . . : ' .I) so. as 64. make f i'Md T. and M•rs. John Nivins of tows, . -. have a sale at the Cain House • Lucknow, .„-_,.,.._. 1 _r_ bt.iy`ins, who is with the Canadian.: .. ; litile. !st°041.5%tispeoLuttitii;.serrlitigur.H2s:teitoi. perous New Year. .: - . .. . tee.leti'0,pneoaitoately of :fleirotte, „twee. e.rine,inFretice, was wounded 'recently, • .J. PiraVis, 431ctioneer. : The real interest taken be the FireMen ness and•yet leave visible a bright spot 'fills!heing the iieona time hie 'nann31.1 ' 17-1 - .' . : of the village, in the work of the gat; of live toalle ignite the scombuitible appeared in theramedity list. ' Pte: Niv.; • ' - riotieelominittee, was shown in a Pract- Ogee toninik 'Off the freshly -fired fuel; ins enlisted it Regina in 1916 with the • ' .'` . ' .• NOTICE ' - • icaland Very. welcome menner -recently, Per en inattedi regardful; Greenhill eenti te If the •1`13 13 low, takecaroimt.to- Put : 6eth Battalion. fie is in the Canadian to become ignited before fresh coal ni . , R • • fresh COnvalescent Hospital at Beerpeaesog,, . t°11'°. Tmlor secreted'. 8 : Ir , • when a check for $15.0.00 was handed it out by throwing on too nnich to the Treasurer of the yVoneens' 00m,''. coal •Fire lightly and.allow each firing land. ,•. R. Treleaven, 'Dungannon, . • inittee. This sem represents the anenint ,.. : . .• . cleared by theFiremen on the tivc• den-. Sent Up For. Trial .... ', .Dled Suddenly •-• ••• 1+14 thrown ort,. Use email 'sizes of coal if . . , :- co even iieder theirauspices earlier in the- winter and is. .certainly greatly lip, they are available, . . .: -. . . , Since Our other article. on TomXelly ...Mr. Robert TrelvaYen, n brother of .preeated by the recipients • . CI: When preparing .. the fire to last :over, was Ptitin type.1fitgistratea raham : the lete T. ,14., Treleaven, Lneknow, died , , • ' ". G ,-. • - et lits home nti Dungannon on. aturday , • night Or for a ' similar length „Of.: adj time- • .edee • evening last. Mi. Treleaven had not. FOR SALE : .•• push some of the burning coal aside end! asna'a:hcilliet"passeddthatthour.ti°r:iy 1411A course Was been in . good health for )11orti than a POlt sALE.-Comfortable it a ni e 'dwelling, fire the fresh charge so AS to 'lease a to tieoct.hi;to en for trial before a high. : year, but Wet as well on Saturday as With good °eller. , ' a bright spot visibleto ignite the Aia. • DATtlevelv.. , tilled' gases. The drafts should :then be er eoutt. -He will therefore Et6 * :11,11417 . ,ITrent:,(nib 1h Atlite_iermIng to ,, • um *MS bake anon alla 0ook010 Saila . . ' 1:078.4. Lg.-G. obd frame residence With stone . foUndatitili. On HavOlOck Bt.. 1.Mtknowlbo. .possibly half an hoer. before they are passable and await trial by the' tontity thiAtrong etee win& allowed to stand open for a short period, are . what exhausted in walking 'beck *Omit: : Chl entering the- . Walkerton as soon is • the roads her the rosidotife decitard 13) .11% D. flit- closed -tor the L,night, se that tepart of . ' judge • US °admitted the 'stealing :of house he eat down and in a few albino) 1 -- BDEnriireenimrit'orrittiicsuielaNy. ' "Plittittlitto.jul volatile platter .or itaaas in the coal call : over toffyarticles,. and As their value erite elpitea fropt heart .failure,.: Mc be driven off before the air supply is to a considerclile allIn the magie., ;Tim... .., about 00. yeam or age. .'• rmtm riot SA.1,51..40 adros death 'hair let 8. V a Wide*, onk ,daughter, Mr& . . 00n. 1, mon 1,00,4411N' o0onomiaintt etid pernicifieht water kUPP1F• Apply greatly reduced.—From SaVieo' Fon tan but tend' idln . :10.6aettittail, Of Deneet.eolet and four out • ' . ' -mkt- Att/ af tilicalitMlf. Of :34110k0011'• raw stoolowein of miuti, :Ilitatixa A Houst,_ 'smiled . by, the traten could do nothing 1)1101.11X MIMI% Winikaei, iy.before the 4ocige. • •• Waltor W•4 Albert, Nertneit Sall Pr • DR: PA.REAR, OSIROPALEI, at Cain mouse • • - Lucknow, every Wednesday afternoon. Ali • • • - chronic diseases ;suofesSfully treated. thl• teopathy renaoves the physical causes Of • • . disease.. Adjustment Ot tile spine is mom quickly secured and with fewer treatment" • , by Osteopathy-than-by-any-other-inothoda----- 3D -9-p. • • . ' . Al./CTION SALE . ,