The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-12-27, Page 3• .4 , PAPP* 4, 0444...,•••• -• . - GOING OVER • • • . WITH ‘11AllY" Tze?7,,Y,,gaotsti.P.gV, • coat, but on looking around, I noticed to til;l'ills•Nvsivteti TO THE FRONT UNE y ‘‘GOING IN" .. vated by the French peasantry With * turnips,•clotted here and there, culti- :newt wi,,ollidinerfatiluaiistuluwilinietber gar - to stifling, and I had to take off m , to expect. The German. crew fled in a den and replant it. As we cross the , hurry and abandoned all their equip-, ,e---- field we stoop and pick up a ternipoot TRW INg A TANK OVER THREE ment and personal belongings in the bothering to peel it, just rubbing the ----see.es-- debris svhich followed our entrance. "BATTALION IS :WARNED FOR worst of the dirt off. So eating it weLINIS 01! ,---i' ,. , TRENCHES • The Huns, who at the first attads re -arrive at another road and the en- trance to the Caand here we rest, .es s gaPPenInsa liresthe Emerald Is at • RELIEF." - — their third line, whieh had Veen wrests .4* treated, were fighting now to regain' • . ' . . •-•1014. rom Fries Green Isle 'EWS, ST MAIL FRO)11 IRIfe LAND'S SWUM the Way to Cambrai and 'Wrought won position. ' A partietilariy hard •J of' Trench ,Duty Must • the fact that a shell may mime dOwn ' , and lighting . eystem is ; ahsolutely I. If- it stdiedoes not siseen ae lt . ' bitereit to Irish• Ilea the Land. Battle Ships Cleared. esi trent them by our infantry, who „, • . •• . s Toile ; up more mud and muck, but we are • Mei- . Were Alieedss tonsolidating their hard - 08,Po' 1:4•9'5-' - • ,g. 4- --. , • : stired and it does net matter not even "Frequent inspection of the lights! t Need le Ov r ne Fearful Havoc.. . • hand to hand engagement occurred • - I shoulertheraninet he a -defective eons when the, infantry • eterreed the s . , . Begin Again. , !their. souls aciing to their Maker even lighte themselvee are easY i, taet or' A bad vvire I d'• 't (ono. The Belfast Corporation have de - "England expects every tanls.to: do enough to l TheSe tr ea ing to a• "Battalion ois warned for relief." ' h "TL'el perithns. with' too- high a resistance). cided to grant a ever bonus of 425 to scattering bodies in all directions, necessary," lien, an expert. , . as the message sent from it Bombs Were tlYing in all tn-°tables will 'occur Somewhere ench .employe receiving a celery. ' of SO ' -efore their bedies cense. down like take tare of, but the. appRratits. on between the ewitablocis and the base MO and' less, trench and dro•ve the Germans . its damnedest" w , ' eaiong the line to the tank- coMmandere sasse the company sergeant -major, and ShWers of mud. That auch 'a Possi- ' which the depend ' V t d d f the bulb Se4• that contacts at hose There has been .presented to the Car- y.. Is comp ica e an o . e , . .. . lik,.• before' tambral. ... ,- ." ' • i • '. . i acrglIteBILoidberunarriy rs.Lionfleitr1.4orfoaseesim. 4et , 'rections and the noise 'produced bY the. we,erean. It. sneer's we et'e going in • hilitY 'existed no 'ene :conld cloubt,'•,but may easily get out cif 0,rder. Sd,leatit 'Of bulb- end in socket ere clean, 41 • . bursting of shella was maddening.. lt 'the "line" foe a tou • of duty while the no one worried that - . the tanks., which, traesiated from the ! s• L no vriE rg,, nmsuud eio.uountilopoulecuri. Bo up , ::-. - . ., ,,. ;the indicatiOns of trouble and develop sprare •eteong :and also 'examine: f Tit ' Faugh-a-ballagh!" is -the slogan of . • • . , , I • old Celtic,. means •"clear the Way. you . may. readily note any ,variatimi ' and if there are,. anY 1.)ib a faculty for inspection • in order that wire's' to' *see if ends: are 01,svselli:eaTis roll: mei elptplilicealg,0..enef nth centtueryi,imeridk, seemed toste as if hedlam had beer!, other .fellews come 'out. aed refit; it 7 le,t loose' ita I.saw the infantry teering it also meabs,rio one Will Mosse,fuither ' h ! at the frocheewlio. were stubbornly kes than a coeple of huitdred yardsefrout get al:n1 in., single Illa enter the Cees-e'front- the. ueuat Condition; and, so' cirenits, along their length. . ' ' Geardialis.tOgrentevar boreteee td -the , ' And the, Unica' eertainly.do seine clear- t 2 ing, as. has Veen semi, by the snecess of. bees I went ahead soas to. reviint , • • • ' • ' °eve higher. until it, gets. above' Our • -serious, ,, ,. , .. . - . .' .. ." • . . . Tin+. officials in lieu of reduction of rations sistmg the vietorinPS onslaught otear hiabillgt until it 1st:erne to Meech into stnunicatien trench, '''Whia. gradually remedy the trouble before it becoMeel„' • "After satisfYing Yollrself •' tee- : iniinedietely Migaged , .by late Of the Canadiae forces. . ' :. : • "One eiteuld tala'each of -the. slif:,detessinine • how •rauch 'ciirreet. .each - Caefeln W. 4.. Sheehan, Of 'Ura - 1 lanspe are,all butningsas they ehould; has been. refused,by the T,,G.13 , , ., . P • the line, winch will be within twenty- ' Kr • " General. Ilseig'i. great =We. Thiel' - " ' ' V ceunter 'attack by Docile infantry, .f • . SUCCI6$S MU 17,14, . laid largely. Ad. the.; t,;.1,1.,e' . our ,hours, Say's' Lieut .• 4..."S: Smith, :heads and :sWallowa ' Us • in the • inky • eavY 7Gernian guns which :began to It never felled to rain when we chlackness. The joereess is nearly Over ferent med. bulbs and make 'A bete, groln) Is' -dravillig.: • lite .sWitch, prob- eride. who a takingepart M the Bast ' now, only that and monototionS 'of the candle power .and voltage of ably reads "side •and. rear,' "bead $,..,* ...a African .camPaigo, has •been mention- , tanke, Which fea the way. gripping -ens:. '17.--. wa • ' . tanglements to pieces, .acting As the • - • o heavys.harrage '-isilieSe hidenoise 'the see....e......_.,„.......e„ _.. . ...; ,,,, ,F.h.e.-AX-kgrtell,-A(10t#J14',.-1111 sinders_14 * aeb ..: took. oar place in N.o IVIan's Larid, saye. . thump made by the engines :.of the s tanks, the "Ramie Dazzle " in : cern- "caterpillared up teem the rear arid:we ' pany with..five others • of ‘ . tile' teent, ': On the. eve_ of thesettaelc during a ' ' • - - -- shells.' ••• - I. . The -End of""Razzyfi: . .- ! just what We could carry on our backs I My advance. suddenly ceme to' will' withstand heavy fire they cermet ,youerelief on account Of rain like you, ter ebout twelve feet deeii. end when "Razzy" fell into. aebig. erase • . e:: , ..... es.e.e.ses.....e.... e-a.k.,.:_.. a11,gatitei.Sayire,packedup;„net. • lc e . more , " we' yell go along. .It only takes. about five. oboist the matter, and on °we go en• in, a clever but fiendish :device, ,which Now a man slips and fells, the next . , a wardrobe trunvitlid handbag,• biirofteese-tban"evef,-"- ' : • '- . --• • ''elh--r-------s.' e. It—. - ' -- --ilie- V' '' „ • . • • seems to get heavier and heavier as man . on, him; •endless ,conversation ' . .. . e.e. -7„ vo lamp in-placr of In . g stent-nr-verkoWproperlY,---Ify,- * the next minute th : 1 e ed. into day one minute by„a tare 1.10#,. . used 'in -eerie% in Which -cote theYvAill reading. : Then a. single glanee at the merce have requested tine pOstal au - gradually we come nearer to the fia • . In the "remit Litte." . e .,1) a n ss * : , and • i - 'S .5 volt will not light properly. If A. it Shows more or less than the 'Pixel.. . , ,s • lamp should be used it will. burn bril- that something Is wrong. By .tresing each end its- location. • The usual volt- . rear," '`all on;" "'all off." , Try each , !dein desipetehes. ..b e age is 7,. but two lamps are sometimes. combination. and note . the ammeter ' T be marked 3.5 volt • Do • not confuse -ammeter will tell you at. any time it, 3.5 Volt lamp is •used Where a- 7 yolt eurreet. consumption you . will, knoWl . . . , - • . . .5nail,.between Yoynes,_Glin and Tar- in the shirt and ,calar irielestrxes. Of therities to re-establish the Mid-day Severalof the female operatives The I, merick. ..0 amber of Com- . . . . -„, - infantry to fellow. " ' • . . Arst wave and ntaldng a break for thaka' critleal Moment, for 1.'vhile the tanks next day it .ranied. Yon ean't,ficistporie ' It was made a relief, and sure . enough the !tsworitstoinfgirtaanzdef, w halvuidnigneyour . way light.' in an endless fire at us at point blank. range. the eartimander of the tank nick/mined couldn't get her out. We put on full minutes to peek, but when• you get it res liantly Tor a few'. seeonds and them' the. different eoinbinations quite ofteri, Derry have decided to make a de- • , . "Reny," . • . . . power and tried every means to make' all on your back you look like A burn out, , Note. also whether the ' One can tell in which pet of lamps the mated tfoi a warbonna • and the :front line,: to those men 'Who ' i •Taziiee • MtirehY, of PertaferrY, it tapin esexe,. . s her re,ove, andjust as we weee on the •• Christmas tree at a $unday schOol.ies. are waiting for us, to those mereWho - socket has a single or double 'contact ' trouble 'is located.• ' s .• .. .near.us and aleuiestedestreyed the ma. • tival, And Yoked feel the Part' li• 91e have been there' f" the last.. si* days ' double . contact bens, met it does not'.eeeeeially if the starting motor does : sixpence for 'failipg to save ones Christraeey spirit were present; • • ' anSwering shot for shet With the en- A double' wire aystem ;always has es_ "If all the lamps .burn dimly,. and •Thown, eivas fined two ehillings and Or it au,' eighth of tie flag crop for seed. Eaountering • over e fir me, meets - point of succeeding a • shell dropped ' We. swept th fi t V . ' of. A communication leadingfrOm the, woended boys, dropped 'opt of the deer .. and corruption, graced with the name, , : follow that a single Wiee syetetei al-' not crank. the engine quickly i r. Baker, a tenant on . .e propertY . ..firat to the second . line I'spotted, . a. of trench, :while, artillery Played on ways has a single: 'milted bulb. Some the Watery is weals. If . the lamps. . PP I . . • e glum. We applied first aid to. the Pecking One's Worldly Goods. .. °my", Iying in their ditch, full of Snuck ' "pill .boe" (an iron corierete. girded , I. blew. up what was left of like this to ineVe lace the trenches. them end over:theist., For six days ' 'single wire systems ese a double con- : brighten' as speed of 'engine. inereases' of' Miss .Fairholm, Dungervani• was doebt) that was .full of machine guns e , assistarice Will You come•back? ' Will your pal? taet hulle and ereund the other con-; end grow dine a's engine slows sloven! ordered to pay 47:damages for cuts. - I A. C. IVIcBride, ' eecretery of "Our . 4 ort the, sheltered side, and, with Stheie It is ,a peculiar • thing to pack up ffRezzy,".. sathat no, part of her eould • tact by means of a separate wire in- 'then alsothe battery is weak andthe, ting -down some trees on the property ...Which were being -used against our in- fantryever . fall: into the. hands of Mir - en- a you looked areund And itUdied' the they have been there, suffering easu.: stead -of through the larim : bracket! generator alene • is 'supplying theist.. . _ . . e 'At the same Otte Bottle . in- faces. you would find ne expression to alties and punishment, While we had , This her; the .advantage, of . a • good', with current. Do not confuse this Day' an Armagh, in aid of Red Cross _ third line 'and Lreportedtheeesult cif . show hoW or what these men thoug,t. our rest. NOW it is their, turn, and we • ground even in case, the lamp comes ' flutuating. effect with. what is celled funds, has received a. cheepse for 1 keen . curiositss and . ask* questioni, time, as in Six days :they will relieve loose the _is. apt to flickeren fail ' loose -contaet or broken' *ire, seat ---................—......... ZOO. ' =les. •We 'made our way back te the : -cators • on :my left to veinforce: their. Reinforeementemen 'might PlaY.a: il. hurry on that *our relief MaY be .on ...loose on the 'braelcete. ' If it does coine ' "Dicker " . The latter „iecaused by- a , . , . , from Sir John M Lonsdale, M.P., for ,' as • . faetry ,were coming up the. conunimi- • Woeld Calls • For Variont: Mater-' 7 '-' All pecked up, with the midday meal ee cording to type -(single.or double' con- ' the . other stop the car and throttle, • 1 - "ich Armagh. — Are there sti.II those who' do not see • brothers in the front iine•afici. counter .; . . , my action 'to `headquarters.: ..• • . .....•:_____,, . i . attack .our 'Own bOye, who had already. - • Is NEW, USES FOR WOOD. '1 which Would be effectively shut off by Us • end we will want them be on to light, . . . . . , ... st Shakes apart with Abe rnotiou of thee •. , . • - . • "'his le ble Thing" . • ..o,„ • „, __,e.,,.. . .• . • • - aoinehighlY improbehleansw.eree .... times. ' s Sweating and -staggering: 'with the - "Having classified the letups. •ec- ' engine, • • To. distinguish •one frism . : it.e leto ra . .. e s ' pushisig' over into the. see ct.' ' Spot - '401 ' taken the troet Rea trends, and were . . . . .. . . • • .1(als Made Front Trees, • . • ' - • • ' weight of our peels's, we sliP intO o'ur tact), Voltage and locatiOn, procure 'a , down.: • If- the lights 'brighten and that this war is unlike anY other war; • , ling these 'targets through My. peri- over vou lie round waiting for two '. scope, I• wive Ordees to the -genters to . open fire at the Bechea who were ad- The uses of wood . in the world ekae while . at the .. same time • a: sergeant ' o'clock" whieli•comes all to quickly ,? troops. With Whispered baritering they eccidents. - If one burns out,.. yeti ire! speed It iS a 'flicker": caused '. by a position, to the joy of,. the ' relieved coreplete .extra zet to guard againet : dim rapidly . irrespective of engine or who do not Understand. • why the ' • hav rl•eemen,-..w4helii,• , e hemeniany: . et mere catalegue of ...dells throitgh the doors "Fall•in on. the leave es in our "'trent line." We are sure to,haye the right.one to take its ' loose...contact, . If the lights: burn StreetasensisPtsolelatt ' vancing up theeeOmrsitinicittere, and we advanced straight on the. machinethem as interesting to. thelayman, who road, No. 1 platoon.".. With grunts and • .in . , 11......—............................ . piece. . • •• ; - e. . Isteadily but dimly. but brighten as the which there can be no ompronusel , • gun 'emplacement whiN 'was cutting thinks of, woods mostly in: •coneection • groans yoe heave eour •Isit into place• ."Tere onall the lights 'and see that ;engine is aCeelerated it is the fluctue- Says. the Philadelphia' Public' Led= . - • - HISTORIC OFsWARFARE..: . each one -le -barning at .full hrilliane.YA 40ns-due-to a weak bet:Pry." - ger They have. -only to look at - the ' s, cloven the advancing lines - • : -- . - - 'ewitli houses, shade trees; ' matches, and mo.ve eout into the rains- "falling . - • - ' ' ... Contlanteg ourefite, rstopped. dead. . • • • Pencils, .boxeaend. ladders frein whose in' . on - a vvet,- elippery-ce , . bble. ' stone Shows•Reinarkable Oiffermite Between' ' '' • . ... : . . . . . , s 'brutalities that G•erneeny and her at, • .. , • ___s. Read a %tittle, lip on.the,...history.' Of. • .'' '."`The British Victory.": .F. ..... {4 ..i..... A.A. la Ca...aaa••••••••-ak, . - •• • • • - • . •• lies are committing without' tone _ science or honor." These ar,e:.ft'eShlk . „ .• . telizeY heights he bangs. • wood •fraine road'with a lOt of ptiehirig And shoeing ,, Atimeet and Modetm Methods,. -' - ...• - • • . • k. . • I • ft ... 1 en' the' misplace -Merit and, . usieg our, • e 'steam rellor crushing an .ant neap but .recentlY, there was., dtseovered .„ e from nowhere an particular, take the , a esdoo.b• and the . - - Haled:the bells are gallyeringine . 1 _ . . . ,' Olgi :UM= 01.. ug au E• . ilinattated in the • latest .eir raid • on , thiety -.1.-ton ,,,,weight" • 'n advantr - e ' ' I- . , c,tclungs:. -. :• _. • : • • •.-. _ • as. fou ehp. anto place, ..-then silence.. ' - ' • • - - • • - . t . . • eruslied.the positibis . A its ere, like — lothisig hes' ' been. ' - ' ' ' • PaP.er c e long known,. The roll is, called your ffie p , ,o er ap eae . . warfare.. • - . -.which it wotild .paSS oyet in' it's tenaks, .12neth.90 'of. ..• Waterproofing elothenade sergeant's report of all present, gives e'ou , ,theseb a . th Al -• ' *eeb itl Over lend. and over sea, - I * 0 .- -...se-Se. o ' . ! . London, , The Gersnans may, indeed -"eXterielee ' work ,befeee • •. you see inoee difference .ie meth- ..• -wee, oe. Cotne join the song of triumiih' • I Britain, 'show i steadily :increasing de- , yor this. glerieus.yietsey., - -.. ! • .. 1..counteies; and"partieuleely frm.,.Orewki, C . .. : Latest adviees • ftein • the Allied t it''. be. against lavr and hintlanity.• 130. attack . on en 'enemy ,eity, even' though" • t had twee' been called upon wit the present:. ,cconfliet . Praise' to. God we no*: are singin seek to jUStits •as an aet of war this tee seele•-:froni wood pulp whieli • gt,eatly - ie- :the ceminand,. "Right turn, ' quick' ,,p „1,.a.,,,,,;, -i„ it creases .the •lifeeit . the garinelit, Sonic' march:" and we stint; Off. ' Whet. luck ' a' - ,•Hens then I. had .ever dreamed Of, and variety kilos.. , .... . , _ Vis. to the•J'a Japanese which cora • . Our imme so. p o e p . . ; ... , .. . ci. ts ,. • r :IA in is riyaebioune aLcit, aeinulyeyS tAtu.b.etwe.eri Get:t. ,, ••• 'aricle-foributtereetie • okieedinge-theese.-----...- . • • i wnat or theeeveful story of the freat•;; • • . • , - d- ' f $onducting - a serep ' between , • - • • .... 1 4 ^ ' . • , guns in -a •tew- heurs destrOyeentore .. , . , . . ,. e eas one we are • in for • now no Otte . knows , or " .' " - paper clotleis -brittle but tit e • - ' • ' : .- ' I' Weir-freflifrVerY'elfeerful . - — * and de; _ , , •_._.• :0 • , i . . g . . . .• . , ,_, 4 -will with teed-'31flillOsfeld•n s Without Wreellin •Withefift pounds on • -the t s In. the lettere they, esnee-elY• 4ddeti-- • a un• in a geaed•unieed chores, , Let us, one. arid all 7j, dee, e. • ._ s. . I.,aeailable - Supply, ie. that Canadian i merit Sof the 'Serbian : prisoners? A rp a -s- been made' public -se '-•,• dairy*. en haVe_absolutely. nothing• :to,: c" ;reps_ . , oieiiiatgarine.,tu .the,ca.tiaditiu _itatritojliwuhicdhre-',.dshicir psh,-„itoomui-etsathliciig- li,ktel; .-:, - - • ,,...fighted With my .striikeVf 'luck In: '.1.):6- 113"rea•strig'.'" •• . -.7 :7 , . . . .. 7 '' . . ". laced in chargd'Of a taels • ing, p I. •.. .• . • PePer bullets' are now thot. ,. from send, believe me, it is eeme vvrestling. ss ' • back and e a ,wet,ffSlippery, slimy road, . .... • ,. . . •• A . Q . weapene . that sent . in ceectiles , by th. ; ' ' GA-cf.-1;16Si, af .0:iii, gallant iteree - : • . . • tear by ireascer• of the • appearance of '''• Whdhave tinder' His. cemniarid • • Applications for licensesefor• t e . i ' •rit- R .- • . .... • . . , I were interned in various camps .= Ger- edslipping, you skate .• • . • • • the more imngote ti'llve. .• - - - ' • • • • • • ' -.• ' I guns to carrY news secreted. in. their' Match. Sliding. a '' -• '. - • Wife' EntangleMents • euti,ioluritsinega a, rc:; 0,2 i . • • - • y Austria and ISUlgaria. Their . . . linnet . ' • • evrapeings • •and. a course th ' more than oos: • erch' with every now • . ..e . y oltS , r.o. ght this triumph to our 'forces; • • ' from bows and .creseboWss They i1•3-••Gueided• by• His Mighty hand, ' , : ,. I pottatiore of „olereargarine sheuld bee mane, - a adugont' tried . to' •get • ineide the .!•-. - Ships :sted • buildi.ngs fey war.. pur- oee way, himeelf another, Much. to -the' -- • • • foleght oil the grotind, Plennedemeneu- i . . I. • . • made to the' Offiee sof. the Veterinary i sufferingt there Were harsh enouglesesses-es elle hardest kind -of worie•Ittels offood, • Seine of the . BoChes' who 'Caine, ont, never had itaserigin. in sOinefOrest. 7 , and ,thee somebody going crash! 'rifle veredeeharged, retreated and that was 1 Gheered.-are . all 'Our ••drooping spirits, We will now freSh cetirege take, ' • •culture's Ottawa '. • • • .. . pirector-General, torpeetrnent ef Ageie, severe pitnishinente for trifling • of. poses could not; of ceursee.be useful amniernent• of his pals and the deteie • tank, 'liming bombs, rifle and bayonet P e in atternpting an Mitranee. • The'ena's- ; without , • extensive'. Woodworks, . And ment or has language and .molos..- : • . 'Fel. we 'knoW. that God. is With us . ' . • , • • . , . . T------ - : fenies. But This is not, the, .**.co:ri Arrny'.• . . t• '.2-e76ni :7. - about all &eke was it , . . • ' -chineltietesnortede'grerntedsand'etegs 'ritleS'nee''wegreateeitlaritititeerifeltin rlif0':76.11.:Oraillaafthing ' - . - - s • • se • Petenneeles-Bightlege fercee,elesseelle: e., - - . . . , .: ,,,7,-„,.,- • • ' I And He never Will forsake' *ie. -story. ,The-campsth. a:ree-b •• , • I are not content .to merely go .at .• each :' . ' .. '. • • e - .• ' f' 1 ' Prof. Re.tiateourte Head sf the • aged 'with with disease and th h 'hi . . , parement of Chemistry, Ontario Agri- • • • . . - no proper Medical' care of the Vietinta, • geeadi lisioelse'd them down .and ' cOn- ber fee their •stocksee .' ' .. ., - . .. - ' ' • . tinned her wobbling an to , the-. third ' .. — • . . wegOns. ' artillery,: wh.eele- 7:Silently' we trudge along 'in the rein other with y011eys, single -firing, bayl., . • • Now, we. willnet aint or a tete.. culttiral 'College Guelph, has, left for , . . . It .1s. estitriated that 'ft:My-half of the ,. line. The infantry were ,well • 'ahead ' Poles, tent pins, saddletrees. and; . eir- • • • • ath rin gloom •w th •• ..• n net and sword . No indeed . The do • . o - • ' • . - • • and g ..e g .i ;pi . • ow . . , . , . . ,. . . y , • • . -.. ., • . . ewer s . i .we- tavey. go, 0 d 'till . Ill h'• 1 the West where be. will doesule- With , ' of .us 'for tiothing can staSs the -eager ••131Eistee All denitied..their quota, of .wood. • g ' - - ' - • • • • • - : Till we lay the tyrant low. ••• '• ... • . • . " ' ' • thou hts tomnarine• our lot with that. all. these. things and add to them' such i . • Onward in the. cause efejustice; .: . . the bakers regarding .the use of fiber , - • : quenee. 'V forty thousand . , •prisoners have-eel/we died in tense-. , knah of the boys once they get itarted, 1 , •Black Posedei. has for an ingredient of the.inen on the snotor trucks,. which interesting . iterres as iishig ' -.hicrld'; , • -from 'cern,- rye barley, oats, etc.,' as . , . . ' andfrOneiny spy hole I could see themdash peat, sdErttering mud in plenty grenades arid rifle.greinides, bombs I psi Send,•, '0 seed' On 'eeinforcernetite. :*" .' ' a Partial substitute in nialcing a . been eliereited to Turkey. old e''' n . Ve -c,haregal," and the naeyrdemands .great , • . . , o mere chasing the BoeheS who had 'abandon- .1 epantities' of tar, pitch an turpentine over -us, • in .a .rnenient .'of. weakness 'other various . !sorts, asphyxiating. To Our brave boys ,ove,reeee, •• Standard wee leafs Meetings are.be- . Cordite, :Englend'a.Most -impotent . . . • Ha t' f 'tie • 'cl: 0 h • t : ' : s en o • eir ai , • as en, . ed :their eirros 'in theirhurry io get, 4)40 ' ' envying teose, inen, :confessing it .‘,t0 g.ases, liquid • fire, barrage: fires, which ing arranged 'in the ,priecipal cieles • It s not strange that this happeirte them -there:who of the :wey of iny•heatity. ' ' . - , , . 1 explosive, 'accirtmta for thewaite wood''Our 7 own souls, jet in - the next breath. .when made trimeat an, 'actual :curtain '• Help theni,•Wie fresh victorieS: - .. of Western Canada. : ' . ', • ' : purpose ess truelty is exp end 'ether. wOodWorking- ' ' ' • , •• ,.. • =•Isalsella B. Wation. . • As I'Was apPreiching. the third line i of saw mille . proud, fiercely proud' ..cif the 'fact: that of projectiles as .spOken of :as having ' • • .. — . e.s._... • • .., ., Part of a -deliberate attem Pulp 'paper is used the'.thunitiori ----eeTheeNightiesseles efeflandersee • That an inerease In hog production ., trenches. I -noticed that .sOnte of burin, ju.141s; -.,. ' .. - ' ' • ' : ' ', • • • ' . we :see the _infantry, :the 'fo.ot sloggers been leidedoeine like one wattide.ref .- facteriee.to. nialse .- the- cepa that • • .. .... next, year all over the Western Prose, fantri•Were being held Up'hy...the wire! :. that live in and muck of the to a tablecloth or ' a blanket Arid s • o.ut the Seeblan nation. Is it : entangleinents. .1Vlan .aftee marl tried ere_ *Adige. piety We may be, and felt of then : • ballOons, :flying maChines, sti134 , "Le .rossignot n'est .pas .mobilise.",:: . inces amountingto• 25.per cent.may be tolerable thine' . • :to cut the wire end. Was cut down by ' ' Vent. a :too, "Tepid dissipation of the: . ...- cootees, 'birif we are. • the. boys... that marines, nets for catching same, depth:, • -A Fiends: soldier.' exp.eded, is the' encouraging report : ., Holding Their Ow ,. the 'snipere' _ire ' a save.. refinery.' :din& the' argument end arefightleg, bombe. and 'what, not are added, • . But , . . The nightingales of...Menders, .• brought:bads by Mr. •3'. :D...MeGregor, .• , • • ..•• •• ......•.... •••• ,• . .• 4..appears that it tertain r,,feece ejecting the projectile frem the - whistled as loud sassI could an-crmade:.n. - ' . •• •• ' • ' .. ,.:!: se.. proud of our threesyearsold traditions •mostremarkable Oran is the ti - ' • -, Th4y, have not genet() wet. Western.:ItepresentatiVe of ..the, Food for 'the wile. Which wae lioldiee u th . e p_ _ e _. , . tvice uses wood l • The 'anise medical se . • • ' • e and the hundrecla of years'. old stradi.• The trenth is • indeed, , no new in., : and' Wood for. knock 'slows' 'field - .. A soldier heard them Singiug Ottawa:- • • , ' .. . Controller, who hes Just returned, to °:' •• - 's ••'' - ' I' had been ordered to ptote i on being relieved. from the wire, and -she, just walkell. right hospital enits -; and spriece pulp ie.'faetry thae.we aie.fightine with side 'adaptation; continuous: for miles, With * • .. ;, . listening Posts, rest and sleeping shel- Wheretheyehacteung before. . .• ,. .., . . .„. "The general :enthusiasm: for taere ing line,:where. they were tit . Infantry, -- "Baize" thinks nothing 'of tone sit the Teench and. •Britisli leek ventiore but . its:: "present': =•tiniVergal:; i•-• : lage son*'•distan'te in rear ing with her most of ' the through, cutting, cutting, breaking' end carry leiressiege, t eheets,s towels,„ slings . and • So 'we slither along; and •corrieS to ters, :. machine-gun. placements, dug ' .. .• i The earth was tore and quakieg . The skis about te fall, , food predation and Conservation in the' West is strichistee added Mr., Mc - After marthing" for abo I, utilised in - the...melting of •surgieal by .side. :, : • • • e ..,' - , : ed for a while; . , • 7 s . . ment. The infantry, seeing- what , I .• splints, ... • , .. se, • . .. • • .„ , laorne batteries ' a artillery lined near Outs, . -supple treeks for small -smile ' .. i roads along the bOtitome-ealt this • WA The nightingales Flanders, es Gregor. - 41-11erniers everywhere' haVe they Met it peasant on the :Making •for, hung . on to. the tank end 1 grease ptoofed by the use of Viscose; dark now and the gunners .are in their . neveiedreained of in the old days s . C ' • . ' • `, . '' e : . • a ,. • : They mieded .inst.aeell, . taken very kindly to the idea. Ana. we s had donee and knowing ,what 1 • was' . ' 1 Food 1 conteiners ere,. water .'-' and the road, ,their edugouts near by -It i,i . the. taptain enquired how. f . cheered like a lcit .of scboolheye oist. a -chemically dissolved pulp, . • :. . idegouts, As it• he to he a tritet night, 1: And; efter AIL -this Ls. not more than - At intereals he, heerd them . . ..* found that.already, -owing to the neWs- paper :reports, of the desire of ehe. rood Were front the village in quest . picnicking, and.„. using all the available I ' . and leathers:Come from trees. • . • • ,..' "but- their sentries • Spot' •ns and call to one-half a matter of.retative ..serap, • : :. • 21 -ping 'ability, but War 7/10‘ .-- -7contest ''." Between the guns; he said; s• 'Controller, that farmers write' wide- , awake to-hogssand• ...They. ,seeesehee in .t.6r andherito "Abont three Miles," was the re Dyestuffs •for the coloring .of 'khaki Weciciliirelehee-the beSe fi•otri Which .their mates that thee"iefantry is ,, go-.. . • now- is a • • - • ' - s • • s ' ', • " Jsetweert ingenious' ' tlevieeSs Let lie • •- ' ' Making -a 'thrilling musie 7. • gunS we had, I;inad.e .straight for the •-•• • '''' auger refinery,' whieh liactonielseen-a.!':''."- , - •A.,•ail, lic,c4A, • .. . ..:.:::%-. • . • ;._-_„:4;4::^7:,-,, . ,,,.:-a1.4:7174.5g-f*ra.31.4441,,..7,pen. .0g,,,,._,..vidu-t; ...i-,,'. 1-.-,:a ;f -,..44•4;1--. 7-1,4,-,y_allps,.:•n. it -net "11.1kr, ea,.,t,,a,4- in .4.4%.,•...--LILII7i1DAtirld "inn- Of nivrin/71 , respectable,. • building . making sugar., ,. „,-.- - .. -•''' ' - • ., s'-'7',' 7-• lit .. • ' ' ' " g : — - '. f-1--- '1-7--71-T17'.ii . ... is made an Einethetie • &tiered from .Out to wish. us good hick. They.• . leg hY;''•and- they, all conle tuniblirig ere hope it will be the laet.great war, bet - e, ' . ' - . ; - ',.:*•• . - imp ovementS in the 'art, of ..• Abbee, the listening dead : . . • . . • • were-.•alredely. -making,. arrartgetnents- cansidered possible.", • , for.• breeding on a .scak. never before .—,„.., ' ' ' - 'fa• -,,,•It -,:,=.1-t4, it,_ -,i--,3: --.:.„,-----,•auts-- - , _.-.• ala-lieetzigi nO'signs of place, th captain- again, • equired of a passing will yie . horn. twenty to 'twenty- eend ,so do we know_them. They know oo killing, : . m voa si e • lee . i.efp. . . , •, . , , .. ' ' .. • • ” : he q ic s firing g ris m the refin„, . Wooden ships..dematid wooden . bike,' es:- .- ...... l'•-esseeeseeeesees-f.---esseesesseees'frosesesoftreeeeessesessoseeleseseeessessiesseesee.„4*Iseleeseseesseelessessesteeseeesssesereseesessoseeree s'•• because they give back, shell for shell) seesmiles •4e -se ' ,,,e_!'-ee'eoos,eeoseseseesseeTekn'etLsfale!Sosef-AI'esssktsoosste'eseee/sse.ree-eesee... .....esseesseeesesese7 , el-767sitiging "France -is' nn left: ' A s- t. . :, , • P11 a e: Iiii'eieived;frornhO •. • • . , : agtg4tellt--01141/00-tethS,e-eettelleSeser ` 7 Snieshetlea Siimereit 'finersr:" ersewereeeeritting.pne_theie hails of • to hold'theiitimbers together, and then some, sehat AT 'get, We de- ! - • Celled Names ' - .. • • . • ' ,--Grece Hazard Conklin .. . s • rriiieli:117nedllieia. •-•"-7----- le, gift of a new pair of Woollen socks, Another hoiir's marchii . .. •L'i : death, and the fie vas concentrated on • .Froin turpentine call .he made see- pend .on sthein and they • on its.. • With ; ' An old . gentlemet reproved -hies • • s. ' . jees'•••""'-' ' • ' : ' ; • - And put them 'on -Joyfully on the Morn- , theweary, .captain pro usual (wry.. • . , • • . ,, te .,... Eientimmital "Razty," who, rio' dotibt, le ' thetic eaMpher, mid • s.yrithetic rubber mUch geed. natured. bantering • and ; nephew tor fighting with ant:tiler heye ' •• Neither Goose •UpsTo-liateeS • , .. hig. before a heavy .march, . He waa she were hi a position to eepress her- - • ' •i• ':' , ' ' - (4.- •- •' • .' • • , • • • wishes of gdodluck 'we slip through 1 "BLit," ' eitid:the lad,..4he. called..reel The new Mother Hubbard wen( to het 'soon limping; bet got • no cha.nee to TM stolid peasant' ' self, tell yestrethat'She felt • es ' ,the night, leaving behind. ' ' .. 'sister nametX-- . . ..,,,' • - • . • . 1..' . . • '._eup..board.... • . : ' ' • . ' , . take et his shoes. till •the end of a head. •‘'Well," he said, ‘. The hest isinglass ',conies 'from' .Rus - _emotional, es: a wolf after lard% „fin- Sid. It is Made fteritthej.gisnit stets "Why, you haeen't any sieter,. anal._ To find what .she had for •iege. • ', tvienty.fiveerriiie day. ' The d," he got can judge, mon •capitai.,„,t . heeding the . hail of • bulietk we swash- geoft, Which abounds .in the Caspian . . The.,Cemmunicatiott:Trencl: • • ' , . -- . . ., never had' One!" exclaimed • the'ether- •Kbane a crust, and , . . . • , the socks -off- and found in the- t.00 of 4 three railed off AZ the whole strocture•doWn in Oar Pass,. . . Thereis a: great truth in the old sgy- -'1' NOW we branch- off -.• th-e - road and : in astonishriteet. • ' ' - : - • .• ' -- Was 'all that theri.seemed to he.• take to the fields; which ws11. be a short 1 "I know that," replied the boy 'deg- one.a piece of stiff Vyrieing paper, on road." '• . • , • .. vvhich •he could just read the worde,' • Tommy: "Well, th • ed 'right into thesbeilding and 'pulled Sea and other' waterie‘of 'that Country, Set to the cotrimunicetion trenches. As, godly; "but he thought I, had, and said But eonservation undeee ei•• cee ' e• written in • a childish . hadt-"Ged *e-tro holding our Own, age . through. 'My machine ..gune wet e• i ing that .England'e battles abroad were waegoseskatingeieveis‘this•Areacherous-',--she-weS-4squintoeanci-4--wen-t: foss : • Grave Grandmother, as ew, .e, . • . s • - beiegouseriewith-goodoeffettee-e-e-- ' - -wen oir-thsefoetbalHielde-ef-Eton ah& ' _sht,,..dioetpthe_serapi„: gt„thv,,..,_,______ bless.. ithe„1.Wearer of • thts. pair,,..4. ' 4 .. .. ,. . hile'liteiteliii-lif •• -And-served a .-delectable •sten .' -. rocKs1" --7'!' • -- - All Geemany lias'public _ .. all Idtchena are .managed Halibut& the Second city o ✓ pito, hau 100 -kitchens and citizens ...:. 450.,000--.-regulatlY on this. fare. TWO. hundred an 'thotigancl-qUart, portlene a serve& adults paing ,5 cents tsti c *1-' ',,, tiren 11:alf thei .8011- when thel tan; , when they oslinot-it is given to theft • ..', PH'.9P\rb. :anyway. slie Gaaette estimates tear, • osinie bee-ill:Ili few the Zell peke. s `e• ‘ , '',.e.e.pt Wa Tuesdays and Yriday.s, whori . ' " ti,5 stew contains moat, the Bina • ;menu is limited to "hot -pot" or XtUra for overY MO Oats of pound e vegetcablee, M. pounds Ausisess 2 quarto vinegar; pounds petatoes, 214 pounds fat) 1 pound salt, A boi . tapioca., !fruity 8 4,ound.s barks' end 3 itrit-t-,4141; lying on the road, our uniform sopping Care of Electric Loins. ;If one is at fault replucc it %Atka, neyr • • • •: 2 - The air ineide by this time was hot Rucbr. . grotied we eeme tese little field- of hum- • r WENT go 41-AR5 fOR A DUMB, co • DUNCH OF PEAllitRS THAr is RIDicoLous - The 73Coilmaleill or tanaca. 1003.213921M,,,' • . TOMeTtle-f Poetet Is A vER.4 siviART DOD 1 X.....142/. Is Wo1211-1 eveRY cart I PAID FOR •-y•-a* .0••••••.. Ammo. 4 l'oU'Rt A Plt.le: PlEceor JONK-- cSie lee) -RE. A litgRT ALL Rie • lot} cosT Tworri VOLUiR5; INN:BRAT )LAAN SPARROW-. ‘-qo NO0 Nou'Re. • V./0RM \fL•. 5Ak1 ,14.tLENI I TAKE 114AT DAct< ‘APINT k THis. IS A •poiaGoriE. $frtAirr .• '''-') 1311zD 1 ••••0.; eeo.see---es seees.--- s • seseseee e. • • . "I • trendless saietY h ilmatches Are boat. sovcilty, one end eeseash ..,.. at 1 1 ing sothed in a therniehl seeZetate, . eeloreel so it May he distingtdaimem