The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-22, Page 6V, 7(1.11,•,R LL 5K amste CurtaA ilerlized film the Maim Sam Plo 41 the ,lifore40 None itythe (heivemal &t Co 0.0."404011ii i••••1 FIFTEENTH EPISODE,--(Cont'd.) II 1.. i c A • i4e# k 1 ellig: A illOURSE IN IIOUSE1101.43 SCIENCE' Ini1PLETE IN watchers who had been on duty sill , TWENTY.FIVE LESSONS. 4alrfim, but was located izia grove, with/ thick underbrush to shelter it from the' road. It wes a remehackle old pieces that had been last occupied by a Mrs - twines Frenehretta, who lied been found unaccountably murdered. From thet time on it had never been °cm-, Pied as a place ofitabitation, It had been eeleeted by the anarch- hits ea an ideal spot for their heade of this most iniportant USN* Bread. When making bread use a therme. nutter and scale for Accuracy, so that you wilt have a positive knowledge of hoW and what you are doing. Modern inventors have made it peseibie for the baker to raiinufacteett bread of A uniform quality. The housewife's Itiele a knowledge e art crf th 250 tsof rs Lanverlialarge numortsh.v But 1.111111".... that proves the fine quality of Red Rose Tea, which goes further and tastes better because it consists chiefly of rich, strong teas grown in the famous district of Assam in Northern India. IBelthig. , . The halting of the breed will require eare. It must not be 'placed in lint oven of uncettain temperature, then! • the door closed tied the bread left to: Ilia. The even .altould register' 3251, !degrees Fahrenheit when the -bread ix: •placed in it. ' The bread ehould be ated' eArefullo eeid if the heat or w'h quarters, atanding,. tui it did, ;Inert home cooking has, resulte-e-A3 in the nu. 41' from other houses, in a lonely and 101- the oven ix ' not event* distributed i late(' pot. ligroin this' hut they had raerous large baking plants that are a feature of all large cities. Theory faster then theeothert, the bread (that is, if one partef the break bakes' the eapiosibn. oaf,. the .excitios, (meats ornamzed their air-raid on New York. has I that had SO .qUiekly. developed. The caused many failures; few worsen - ground passageeas a means of escape principles of fernientation, .gismteoz:Vsead orturned. ei 11;14, it,.yen 1 do,n1. through the tunnel they had dug, making their way to free - The anarchists had' dug an under: teeny understand the miderlytng .1 be if they were called upen to suddenlyi Iteraember that while the oven re-! anarchists, in the were fast disappea :ring from the scene, , Ilietory tells u$ that the Egyptian , were to place a thermometer . "este' lied when theY leerned'et the werettirobably the tolerators of bread.: center of the loaf ot bread you, Would &OW: In every direction. OP 'WOME4 OF DMIT Fur FOR ITSSIA, MME. BOCHKAIMA LEADER Or THE DATTALm. Aecepted By All RuseiskusA One' Of the Bravest Ming in tite e Slav Army. "A wernan can fight Pet as well an a Man and she is just ag wttling to die for her country." ' The ,sisealter was Mine. Vera Boch. kareva, commander- of the .Russian Wonieitn,Bettalian better known e* the Battalion of Beetle ' ; ''."Besides," she, went on, i`it'e a hun- dren „times easter to fight than. to . Stains on crockery tax be reMov- etana the agonizing Wait, at Iterate' ed, by rubbing'with fine fishes moisten- with nettling to break the ateful mofl. ed with vinegar. ful casualty lists which tell yon that . Your man Imo been crippled for life or Itilled,% •-• knetiv whether fighting hi easier' -e- watching,,and waiting .which hate been Women's traditional part in were for alW has tried both,. She stood, the waiting at her little hone in Sineria until the news was brought to her tbee her hueband had been killed hi action,. and then she could stand it no longer.' Moreovet her, boast that Women can e. light as Well'as men is not an imPtr, boast, truth of It has been demon- " Sttated by Mine. Bechkarevie and her 200= Amazons 'against the Germans on ' Reseda's. -soothwestern . front. The - Battalion' of Death -proved its. mettle' in its firet engagereerrh in which ' twenty of its members were killed, and c It is no% accepted by all Russians as °tie %of, nee 'bravest 'units in the Slav ' arm tinder Boehkareya might have, had two or three .theusa'nd women *Stead of two:, . o -theee. hundred -if -ehe -had-Wanted, -' theme' But she decided that • it wae beetle begin with a small picked body• - andeetMetaquently she made the re,- quireinents se strict fot menesetehip in theltattelion• of:Death that Many - teeny event the _arrival OP the dread. prenosen visit of thesetret seeviee_ liciais they made sure thelunne ° e. The °Hewing fable illustrates: the die-,-And,tbatitrequirosnes4Y-Aftes4 tlth; . c Vel ve e ne es e -covery of the method- a gonverthig utea for the heat to' reach the center IJu clear of obstructiona. Then they pre-; grain into bread. I of the dough. to heat, it to the boiling- ()Cession. Some of hismen he dis- pared the hut for the reception of that. The sto officers. ler geeh that a slave, while' point or 212 degrees Fahrenheit. For persed, post haste, in pursuit of the An explosive Mille was placed under, two atones a / grinding the grain one day between this reason suffielent time must be; anarchisto sudden shower wet the, given after the bread is well colored' The patrol chauffeur was ordered to wtirrefiaawirtliTPhae baumndberygrasouenadaapecatsesdagbeY; seeeL Th; slave fled from the storm, for the interior of the bread to be , speedtoe•thetiairleoir asnt ag. for ettin h te bout the meal• well baked Hawing worked their wen theough eiwitenletde ready it) be detehaFgett,pli When. the storm was over and the sun! The time allowance :should be froint Pat was still lying insensible upon the the bergs the Aladin* lowered a, iope, : ee ettIrtin.eopressor,e„ west ePPLectithad come out he returned to his grind-: thirty...five to 'forty initiates for med. I ground, beside the chief of the secret which Pit tied under her =Me. • In a 4 4110,„-etP,Aucln,F-1„eY'14.,:°0111.1....'""`" Ifeling.. He found -;;hat the sodden masa iumnized loaves, weighing about six- service men whom elle has so heroical- mitweinkliwzowthzaitirisradrothameduledthreupw.r. eereln- ee-e_weaere sVccreZtKa tuatt.""'elea46;Yeeithitt was the grain before the storm' teen to eighteen: ounces before baking; ly rescued fromethe burning ruins of . The ladderlike structure held secure nu- foie for_ yegenance held m reservea rad come was now a dry hazel cake., from forty tesIxty minutes for loaves theeD•enchman's she*. a stronzeriatousg pla...orat — __ verytiung ' was prepared for the '414 tr In" t-dui"g °welcome the anarchistseintentled to tealvtened breed. od b d le ' datee back I auSlicheosriening is used to make the and the secret chief Ohm's hurried was the first production of un- weighing from .eighteen to twenty-six While soike of the Inaice busied ° . - themselves in effert. to'revive Pat When. Pat was hurr7Ing • beetle- rowed villains waited rep elm- from their Greell and Egyptian tap, in the flour; it also furnishes fat to hope. of catchint someeof the anarch- Iltme the window. rod an incident °centred 4" ne4ir- tr for the andval of th tims zee b • - ArOra the Romans who delved- the art bread render and to neutralize the acid into the nriderground tWind la the ree ma . to give the government offieials, aad the e ern els' vie tives of war. 'Histerians state that the food. value Of the bread, • ists who might eve escape. uPaet lthe APAelles` ealenleti.ensit A Berne time aftep dark the lookouts re- ottrol wagoa„ going out of tam l'"5". ported that the attacking force was th200e RoB wens made unleavened bread in --Two methods are employed for the Others Joined the secret service opera" yard in *newer to a call, dashed apgoaching.. ,.' making- of bread. - • tives in scureyil in every direction, Thero was 'in a twinkling a -they finally completely surrounded the this country unleavened bread is ngcle Val= Icfp3f sttettltfUZ saallt atnhnitheArereez (To be continued.) This trying to appre enti, their escaping 'strewed the corner *sa neeldY eel -tided e raiding party advanced cane In teen•y portionsee. the Old World First; the sponge method, • with the resseuletizeactore - • itionsly from several directione until this 'style 9 bread is Still made. •In calls fora sponge of light hatter,' The foes. mad Scramble and wild. fight between Fre/Acute* cabin. Then the effe, into biscuits and crackers Bernet es called beaten biscuit it depends illgleackled. The dough is then werlf.. the Apaelies and the pollee. e We cer 211, eaMMA181,101th a few of hts ? Mc r- ora e into e 0 g give ed for fifteen Minutes, After.tIns it is entered*" rise for. the , second -time. roar.was bound to attract ettentione subordinates, apprOarbed,, the ouhr ti on the ran)unt ,of -air that is beaten - and Pat knew that she must Make her door. that gave access. to the huttund ?t Id il 11,,I tn s • g s. Now it is molded Into loaves, given 'le "get away" in a burry. or stand the IcOoehed loudly for admittance, 1. e _ • sliort proof and thenbaked, • our. ° chance of being Avon 111 the tone, She There was no response to repeated grabbed a revolver freme one of her demands, • and at . -last the officers . A knowledge of flout; is needentf' InSue:ianagd'tlhsanilleofikhgaSaat, srilieotigi° .1. men and started to rap. Pressed their- shoulders against the for successful baking. ing, sugar and -flour are mixed with - The pollee were too much occupied panels of the door and forced it open. distinct kinds. One iserIcclielra"tias the liquid and yeast into a stiff-dongh in meastiring blows with their °ppm- ,Searching the one big room that. tem: ring and the other as winter *heat. - ,,. • that ,can workedwithout to the hands. This method is quicker, because if is possible to havethebread fitished in about, four and three-quar- ters hours. This Method gives very *tits for Ater one of them to break pied the ground floor of the hut with otitis wheat flour contains the lets- nwelfrom the fight And -0U after the *their -electric torches; the officials est-Perceutage-of gluten: • This -spews --escaping"tirly 2. the feee. SecOrida made a careful inventory.. wheat is, gretine into two, dietinct that e Vibile Pat ran to the street The gleam of the lights upon a wire varieties, known 80 soft spring Wheat,. corner she made UP her mind. what to stretched. .across the floor awakened *ti t - doe -df luck should be with her.. -- ' tauspieion, 'The leader of the party, 'Tusk as she reached the juncture' of concluding that the wire could'net be the he* street that ranrpast-themain.-there•forenee-esneciallyegeood pulp •, building Of the prison, a passing taxi" promptly cut it --and 'thereby saved cab fitted into her purpose. Hailing the lives of himself and hie Men. ' the chauffeur, she had jumped, onto Underground the .anarchists were the running -board before he,,,haa time debating Just: how seen the3r, should to more ellen elew down.: - .. - ' -• -, * "Ge ahead, and he quick -Ls°, any - inhere," andetent girl accentuated her : corona:id by-, teaching -out, with . her , free hand and holdinsethe *evolver against the taxi driver's side. By the ' time he had gotten a. little distance away from ths,prisoni Pat had work- ed open -the doer of the eat! andWae safe!then 'die • lifined_eut kfL.them.frent window : and ',directed; .: the chauffeur, ' keeniint- the cold steel pressed against " the back of his -neck, .. e , • ." 41Ceerrigoing and you'll be all 'right. This t,Iting Won't„ go off; if you do as tell Yoe," Then she pent him dire0- 'fAcinsi,-.• to take the lead -frequented otreete,Peet 'a trip-- that She told him vault' not end nntit, he had reached West Vernis. ' . "- e ' ...i "We have it couple of hours to make • i_ ,t axid•ye be Well paid fOrthe trip." • ThUS tile.• Uniey to West Fermi, eves made, with Pat, watching .the driver, ' in every Movelie inede. - Before Pat's release from prison was effected, secret service -operatives had • besnn, preparations for 'their raid On • the Feenclimaa's hilt. - Officers detail- ed to- Watch the enfirchistii-hade been in the -Vicinity of .their,retreet:all day, keeping an ''-ene -On . the movements of the • suspects, ', . When darkness fell, , Ow inove to dose in • on the Frenchman's hut and. :Its ' -desperate tinentS-..bitgen.--- , Opera- tiveseleft the federal building, bound Jet West Fainis • to re -enforce -the . .. , nefeetees ne—• satisfactory results. ,. . _ . Winter wheat is divided, into tWe • Milk, part water and part mak, or varieties snisilar to that the spring all water MAY be. used in making heet-1-10nteliamelYt-tedend -rird. eOne-efeer. e itun-sizett—pota— to and the soft .winter wheat flour., - ma; be added when the water is used. which is the hard winter -wheat flour, The.'i 'NM increases the, food value of the last-nanied flour' contains alargu!. per-. .0eatage . of stank; , it, is used for bread.- .The milk must always be sealded. and cooled before nsing. ' lode the mine that WEIS intended: tO pastry and cakes. , ridthe earth of at West ofew a their To get successful result; the flour • The ,SpongeMethod. . enemies. When One of their number :Intuit be- blended.' .Thet fancypatent • settled the discussion by pressing 'the flours that ere on: the market 'are es -7% 1-..SIft the. flour 4114 *hell set It 111'11 ow:iv:toting tina no ex los on re. rum), prep at e d for .4114round Iconny pmave where it will have a temperatUre .,YMAS TER: dwoomommompoorom, IICFRANCE, 7CAsa • DOMINION EXPRESS FOREIGN CHEQUES •THE BEST WAY TO SEND MONEY TOTIft-BOYSiNtwiTatticars - .• • . Manx keople, Make a targtki A -Lbw - redo waikseiresse true House 42( Fluty) les O&M es MI Wien lit Toon* The rasa% di* surdas- eto horassliku• *whitetails iustatitit. Ott tudoet that drawstheme theeet tan°11114Dititar ef THE HOUSElWriV* Pomo MEI TOROW/Ot CANADA: Ito* thiegoefeee Gee Wthdet 14044 • the gang knew that something eking pueposese • , Pastr had gone wrong with their plans. • y now, or soft winter wheat fi 'The leader of the anarchists' grab- cOrwill not Make good bre , " ow - bed the container of nitro-glyeerine and her It' the low percentage of gluten. started to crawl cautiously throtigh the The fleer should be kept or store in a room that averages about 10 degrees Fahrenheit and in -ft container: that may be 'kept closed and away from all. foods that have aetronS -odor; • For toiceessful reshlts the home - baker tuimel, followed by the rest of the *reminds'. When Welt Mine faired tit explode, one of their greateat schemes for vengeance was shattered: --They had only the hand -operated explosives - . • relynovr to upon,`. 'When theanarchists began their exit front the underground ttumel,l`the sout that was set Op by the officers Good . flour of a reliable brand'. Good, active fermentation.; ' • Yeast food, h ' 'remaining outside 'cabin 'attracted , The proper amount of salt. the attention et the raiders who had . The proper temperature.. She pro,per. manipulation. sone inside. Some of the eectet. sere,- The ,proper baking. , ' ' ice erten rushed from the cabin and joined their fellotee th:le repel. the aWheieilalefekaerteatilegd 'loaf flaleanicri.goilreseitaitte: reatened attack, • • . rroper,container in a place that has At this ;Institut a new and ,entirely exciting.situation. Pat drove up- ;h1eright temperature. • Sift the flour e of. CoMPressed " unexpected element entered into the Dexo• re using. The W the Frenchmen's cabin, from the main to road jest as the anarchist in. posses- sion of the nitro-glycerine was • about to huil.the deadly. stuff into the ; group of °Melilla who had gathered in front of the hut.. • . - Pet had but ft secouirto think, and in the decision to -fulfill 'the pirpose -foreWhiek she had come,etheegerletook careful aim with her revolver and shot the aliarchist at , the -instant his arm , processoffermentation. . .' into retie, weighing two ounces each. 80- degrees, Now teeptepare the sponge. Heat the utensil which the sponge. is to be made 'by filling it With hot water. Let the water stand in the utensil until it is heated theme oughl3r; then empty out the Witte! and -dry the vessel. ' e • • Then place -or le bow' three cufuls of liquid, testing. it with 'a thermo- meter to see it it is eintetlY 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Crumble ia the yeast cake and add two tableepiemfuls ,of sugar and three cupfuls of sifted flair. Beat with. a spoon for • five minutes. Cover- and set in a'elace free from all draft., for -one and one-half hours. hen add hix cupfuls of flour; one and one-half tablespoonfuls of shortening and two teaspoottfuts of siCe. Knead for fifteen minutes, then put the dough in A greased bowl; novrturn It over. This will grease the dough and prevent it forming a crust while recmg. e Cover and let rise for two yeast eliminates all doubt and 'nicer- tayeienetty. of the, ad stVle..lieni,c,1 and dr,137,1- geld. into loaves, place .in - 'well For successful results it is necessary greased pan, and get away to rise for to supply the yeast., with a food for „One hour. , .At the, end of.thia Aline i active development._ This food is not hethe loaves in an oven registering found in the flour, 'therefore it must 325.. degrees Fahrenheit for forty-five I be supelied. The toed necessary for minutes. the active development of, the yeast is Use a scale when ready to 'mold the 'began '.' - 'eStigateelinp-plion "lite eeeitiben 108VeS;'-Weigir turcuty -othies-tv 'dab` hich ' a necessa principle of the loaf. Divide the balance of the dough was &ewe hackle hurl theexplosive, Salt is added to the bread.for tivo This recipe win make 'two 'metes of Thenhot,wes.true,,and when the: but. striick italarget the nitro-glycerine .fell •fenefeet. awey-fronelein. and .-inte pleded oiethe-gretilict. - putpbsee-efiest,..te •tlevor the ...bread and enalte.'.it palatable, and also to 'supply one of Mineral element; es- sential to. the. Ininian body: • Stetted, bread, weighing, after baking,•nbout seventeen and one-half ounces Apiece, and ten rolls. . _ -- -" - ' Straight Bough Method, The shockwastodeseribable The eia., to control the 'procese of fermentation. Tr' ;;G, cupfni5 Vef wken _ go_ d' enteez ifitiity-teir lif•t-4,c-tahlett. Inahh, aha li too Iiillelialt is used the, breed Will - e Fahrenheit, one end one-half table. en -overturhea 'etoreeset fire to thee /lac flexor sod' be: of. a coarse„ rouge. a11113.-:-----01ficem untleanetelnstereeree. etetreiteettilideeiftownitie*Yiseusedetelerftbeceestvel00'47W0er sh-7-'0-erntVinTebear3 hellsai Pat hadopened the door et the taxi: -Sidon of the yeast will be reardedi alike threw'', Violently to the . ground: one -halt teaspoonfuls of salt. Mix . 1°ss d well. Crumble in one yeast cake. Stir cab When•she.anned her Shot, and the and the breed *will 'show a iala shock of the Medoeion likewise -threw v. aTenlePeratnre is the controlling fee. until dissolved; now add sit cupfuls . , The of 'flour. Work . to dough and "then her to the ground. Men in such try- tor in .reiceessful bretid-Makinge for -fifteen anilines. It in times have been knowifto beflir room in which the bread le made must knead well Foist now be smooth and elastic. Put in A greased IOWl and set to Oise in a place free from all drafts; with a tenr. partitive of 80 degrees Fohrenheit for three hears. • At the end of this time mold into two loaves. Put in greased 'pans and let rise again for fifty minutes*. New, bake in an oven of -325 degrees .Fahrenheitfor thirty- five minutes. This amount , of dough Makes two loaves of bleed, that will average about fourteen ounces apiece, or ene loaf and eight tolls, weighing two ounces etietie --- - - e". ' more excitable than women, and in be five from all drafts. The proper this CASS Pat was the coolest person -temperature le /8 degrees Fahrenheit - n the panic-stricken crowd. When the giii scrambled to her feet the first blaze of the burning cabin at- tracted her attention. To teak utter in summer and BO degrees in Winter; Use a thermometer and eliminate the guesswork. • Thr this is meant that the dough horror atm fancied that she Stiw,, must be worked sufficiently by reeling through the Apo door, 0 111811 in the l and etnealiog, if made by hand. If a •*Frenchman's hut 'WM his - arms inbreadraixet is used the bread Must be .1 sign of distress andthen fall to the worked for the period of time as per floor: .- . • • instructions is supplied with th, ma - .Pet. wasted .no precious time in de- chine. ' . - • *• . ..chling what she should de ' In mad MRS for heed manipulation is from leaps she coveted the ground and fifteen to twenty minutes and from five dashed into the burning hut. A few to ten minutes when using the litieet. feet inside the 'door,. with the flames -7.'".'-'. .- ' meting about. hie itrostrate body, Pat • ' - ' . e * i (i. e te. . t. .1 - SAVi, a m n_ who ha evidently be at efforts to overtonie the officers, wagon eheoegootietheresgtioriaautaxperoOnotehecie stained 0 who had een ni ,sbni6.,way he polite Were quickly when other officers responded to the direct to West Farms. The attack on blowing of alarm whistles, and Pat's the anarchists' hut had been under - Men wete.SholiTtubdued, , • stood among the authorities and it was throng the open door. The•nlames The driver of the electrie patrol, proposed to have the men in the patrol _ THE.. miGHTY PEN That an army Of 200,060 -people Is armed with feurtMlit none is the amae ing face brought eut in a recent isSilik of. The Pen, Prophet that a pre sent day fenphasis :to .aytton's "The pen is mightier than the sword:" And thitsgreatarnr4e-growing- at tr Meadow rate 2,oczo,ops,vebruitg were. added last 'pier . by the Waterman Ideal .alone.- This growth is, all the More staiking when: it is considered .thatAnaVIt. Yea -Waterman, a nathre of ,Decatur, began making fountain pens hi.' hand , in -a -little:ahoy behind a clgrat etore-in- Neve' Volk 3Pal-'00tput was 20O pens -a year. - Theis . -"aria-ea Oros bfiwiiitilot fedi "1",asirictiS41Y04 soot inrestitati. Nag, !Orgill Woos ere aska ems, tissmi ‘- ..tbbirian bathos Weddle toils Viand levestmeat ea nitime-ftwf wisatiwisasi Is the rape etas lief Oak 14 ril social if the bia sas IMI tof Pffece!1„,rdeee hvi; tree usr4 Askltehilatintellisews!eeeeee, Iiielytne; • . ,I.A.siPPLOATe-eliiithojeraigelelel44 , .11eloeriliehq &ohm* loe!034,8 Uf,r.111*. goki Cleaning And Dyeing The postman and the express-; • marl .bring Parker Dyeing and 'Cleaning Service right to our door., We pay carriage one *way. Our exceptional. en: sure promptness as ;well as- ab solute thOroughness, 7 -when you think of clean- ing or dyeingthink of -PARKER'S. • Write for. ooklet, Be sure to address youc, parcel clearly to- ieceeet his dept.- o ave Met ,Shtr.put -into effect the Old eystera, rejecting . eli the , elaisical methods which have etept • into the Ituesian army since the revo- lution. As she said, 'aRepUblicanism , LIMITED 791•TONGE STREET . - TORONTO 41, and self-government by representa- tivee eommittees is all right In -, - 'affairs, but it won't do in -etudes." ' • _ ' Of the mann giiis. who applied to ..her for enlistment some were reject", ed. at once on account of inferior - • , . physique. . It Was sem aigovered that MANUFACTURCR'Sql/ERSTO To be cleared, Out At WHOL.ESALE - PRICES 500 reduced by competitive trialand • by CI( 'others were inclined te takethe whole *Mg its a kirk and theSe Were speeee dy dismissed, The,re remained a large ' -body .of girls and women who -meant butainese,--bute this number -*AB- 111111* • Regegn -to is; 35 . sputa set An exceptidna1 opportunity to get a 'drat- maehine at tr bargain. Equipped with A.1 Motor, Universal Tone Arm that playa all makes of records and Tone Control fOr4.- full or modulated voliiMe. Has. in feat. All the features found on , the higher priced machines., The eke° is in inahOga0Y A/48h, 41 in. high,' • • One Year guarantee -with each: Machine. . days and set your money back. •pounds the cavalry Carbine which is five • If. not as represented retUrn -within 10 ' . . lighter than theinfantryrifle. the -exactions of Bonikareva's Spartan didphn The*:: nielainere fore -ed. -to shave their..heir men e soldiers, were made to sleep. 'on hard . bare : boards, from Whiclt,they were obliged to rise at 4 ,o'clock in the morning to - face a day- Of 'hard drill.... Whet both - erect them much, until they become hardened Were the 'heavy men's:boots Which they wear - Fight For Holy Russia. The girls eat the ,regulation atray food and carry the treguler egnipinent • of the infantry except that they use • overcotne. . e-- The gid-•tlaulted - let° the. burning buildin and dragged the mat out ' leaped high, tine -the tinderlike cabin sticking.* hie POSt tiwough the ecuffle, Set- there in time to help in raid, had watched Pat ' nuke her getaway. . The mad dash of the patrol failed to wee fast crumbling under tile tenant- ing aines. 'lust deer f the thregh- deei,ideebea seen her hair the taxi and land the policemen at the Frenchman's Lintoldsafe 'outside . eabin before the anarchists had ex - of the flame, Pat fell to the ground, As :gal' as the Apechee were ever- needed their. charge of nitro-glycerine ,oof 'the radius iireetrate 1/11011 the body of the still onto, the driver told the commander When the wagon was less than half fi ..- of the police patty what had become mile :may, tearing down the toad at ecreedi.ble in" 831°1144 " °621e541Y L'''°- of Pat. The chief. ordered several po. full speed, the noise of the explosion e—eee, licenieri to climb into the:patrol and, it and the flare of the fire as the flames SIXTEtNTIT tP/SODE toes quickly driven away, headed in began to consuine the debris, gave n°- *0 direction Pat bad taken when she tiee to, the polite that they had, in ti eommandeared the tall. .. - ineeSare, failed in their pureese. The Surrender. After rutuing several .bloCke, ' the But the patrol-loadof police were a The battle With the police, ,besidepetrel wag halted by a polieemaii, who useful addition to the band of secret the Moen Via% utaa epirned, brief raid had just xeceived telephone °rafts eervice men who were now coneider. IthOsive. The Apaches, made &spa., front , headquartersy diredirig the ably dunned by the, sodden eked; of , . • , • Price while they last - $35 carili- with Before they went to the front the.. order or C•0•13' • . thembers of the battalion evere in- D.- ROBERTSONi. sPected by the commander -9f the Pete ' esaiieugioterars, Arent. - • tograd military district, who was en- . . 77 BAY ST;• ' • TOliONTO thusiastic Over eheit enthusiaem and • - 711419ealtst aohif itiht3ceniltnadreikbleitl.:;;et-t'he 'Agee of 18 and 25. . A few are married, but hardly any of there are mothereeTheir • emend status is rather higher than one , might expect it to. be A: few are the daughters of noblemen Or avowed aristocrats, while many are gra'duates 4111e:higher academies or secondary schools. The percentage of petitioner tend toward what is the leesognized Russian peasant girl type; that is, Short, thick set and burly rather, than wiry: They look like- geed/hand' to haed fighters, and they are They have special fondness for the use of cold steel, but when irot busy with bayonet practice they like to 'wrestle, • jump and run races: . The sober. 'steadfast detornintition • to save the .fatherland at any eoste •Which is the feeling, that actuates • Bediktireva, is also the spirit *high , oroll .4 • Cornnado Beach, California • -Near-Ilan beege POL TORIWICENNArr BAY AND SURF BATHING; FISHING AND BOATING. 18 Hole Goa cookie • Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler Sysbizn. AMERICAN 'PLAN JCMN. J. HERNAN, Mnaaer• achinery dominates her companions. e1. B tt i The great object lesson that • the pointing out te o n of Death is . • we, , the world is the fact that a imtionnt - ' I beckbtme never lies Much deenet 'then ' . • elm emit of its women. „ • WIIBBIAOCIt gNGINE 18x42. • New •Antomatie Vaive Type. Complete with Supply -and eehaint piping, flywheel, eta... Will adept 51,200 Oath for immediate sale. • 1,,ELECTRIO GENERATOR, 30 KW., 110420 Volts D.C. Will accept $425 cash for Immediate aale. ' 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT.Double, Endless. it iuch x 10 it. WdI accept $aoci for Immediate 611100 although belt Is In excellent eon* 'tiltion and hew one. wOuld Cost 'about 5600. , • PULLEYS, Large size.' 26xd6,-$30 12x00 -4 w 20 ; ioota-412 ;„. 1244• 1 6. g BLOWERS OR FA.N.S, Buiralemake. • • One 10 Inch, other 14 inchAAMeet-large-Lege emote e • • - 'REAL .BSTtES COIWOBATI6X0 ' 60 Font, St.' West, Toronto Of/ ..... gaig's Eyesight, . tt is not generally imovedthat Field Mershat Sir -Detiglaa Haig- is- eolor--,-. - blind. This at first threatened to he .„ a serious.. obstacle to his eareer as , soldier, becausit.he was refused en. tiance to the Staff College. • Hearing , of the eircurnstarice,Polonel (now Ma. Jor.aeneral) 1/icaalmont and the late , Sir Itedvers 13uller exerted theMselVes. to settite a reConsideratitire pointihg ' out that Hdlg. was not likely tacit te seek guidance from railway hightail, tventually the dee101011 Vail* reversed, end the futile° Field Marshal., nagged la threu the eolleg e wttli flyIn Rio1ors 11" O • P Ofit • 40 '