The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-22, Page 2• • a 44 I di.' evi":411; 4=1"aleiras' 4111 Feed Cletrel, Comer from The Middle West HUN PRISONERS IN A LUMBER CAMP IN EAST AF ICA **1 1:::=11L4"1:•• ;Ili. tenthetseald3:11 PT \ .....1*ar . ' native seaside to earry roe ea hides 1 Cattadiass who are waling to Mitre i imam away, mere they *rayed and , to save urgeetly-neetted whim' flour, from the map to * cattle Itrital some'. 42,11k Food Controller in order to help BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BEL TIM COI.difilillA• t them back. reins were taken to erne I "in* Seieititetee. r nuns GERMANS IN THE WOOD. LANDS OF FRANCE. CRUEL TigetATmetarr *WED oir! woof/ thou. uitor on *by 4sar *ow beef soul bacon Mr the soldiete, will TO ALL CIVILIANS. I up, scraped teem swain and raaraaej And a. considerable number ef whine - 1 •••••••••• 444444444 Frosi Provinces Where ki Waal* Boys mei Girl* Are The -Saskatchewan Legislature lies of Ousels& action, weak power, lack be too weak for hirable*. This NM v discipline prisoner* were put in the varlet7 of appetizing dishes, and•wliee, been oiled to meet November 1 As good hot spark decides die dif- ehould be covered tricties tape; Ithat their labor wsis performed in the To save wheat flour, barley rimy be • demos netween good motor and "Tim VAX; place is the noilS ioiarod. Starred. Expos* to the Oa', preeenee of natives, who wonted to eyed for bow *yid berley flow for goer one," says MI expert. °litany the- secoadery t pattiontrodl anosta, muelt pleased se. the anuema ,; thickening; eornmeal for bread laid s new has been rendition:0d because', or the condeoter leaks, the spark will 11"5""I'''''' srostsrle, _reseal. mitoses" for vereal and eat lo Get Hot Spark Vet Enema and anith y spots which show chiding 444101.444. ,Petatees MAY be used in efts lailigalties. For the slightest breach of thearigid muffins - of flexibility and other belts, and be caused by * die ,,fert of nuut_ufiketar,11 The story of the treatment of the punishment cane There was ne 1 they are served breed reeY sometimeel_ _Every street car line in Calgary is c the reason laid to faults design, but is usnallY canine, 27 4 'wirerrz-Eagiiih and Deer civilian, prisoners ague Tea mete cause of a native be omitted from the meal, At pros nein operated with eneenan cars, whereas the trouble was due to *, ping a of a "'Para PIUS'. 4.11'.' ....'"Thittil° were taklay 11 ill G errttan __,_411 ar414 I Valli would lie sufficient fee the Ger. If sent the Price of eormiteal is higla BY taggkei the public Caigere lefdt" "Eyes frondt" Uttered in gut. of slunk and the owner did not,, itheaul* saeurrme.eatant istaimbengiugitaPreredanuelaear paiust, rodearies. i,itihalistuenhayte comiklin: iXeroltimeriugurer i inswitancia' conliousztry,dant The women were I, but the new ex4,ln the United States I realized $8,109 for the ibitiall Bed tural German, theso4 tonhilands %land . ., h th treated, but no details Os verY lexge and will be coming WI; '44°44' t iv, -Strangely on a Canadian ear. Stranger "The roam!. to ilia is elation. Uninterrupted It must junta iseine : lish saw given on ibis point, wblelt, ma? the' Maket SOOn. • The question of ,1, Southern Alberti, has been &tided still le the misainsicene whence the - quarters. it iii issued bY • the spark is not hot enough the es -1 As. the sPark is Mrs= °laugh t° ..04" Government ao -*White raper. * Canadian Voreetry Battalion* Are gas gaged in Supplying the Allied Force* With Timber. , Carnelian Front in Vratiee.-"Eye* now form, tbn' subject of Speeiat repert Pruebas to be care.fully eonsidered: into 13 distri fa it' Vtetory • Loan arin ise. Fs:the "non -coni. who'Shout - • plyiion lose. • great desi of its sO*P- over * ailatter of 211 iehh tedi.,lt In German East Africa when war later en. by the greet malority of Ileopre; arAvalgn, „ ' the order in it huildng Ilea in fiel pine end the power sniffers 'la eon- pant lilbian Of the coll. "lee lb broke out there were a few Britiali I , 4 those whe can *fiord to do so slesuldl Southern Alberta, furnishes anere gre7, Wearing the iron Cross, and lsK sequence. Other things big unctane the inhibition the spaek inisslenattes, and a few. Engrisamen now TRom trim.* E.4 .-butaitute. in Part :ether 'esneale, for4, timothy seed pan. any other .part of',Ilis Igde marches n gatUnrk of Gamin I But th d direct/ ' uPon the' will, not the srarksPlug, since •Ireployed on, rubherplantations.Thessi „, CGLOR., wheat even if tne price ef the sehett.l the Canadian west, . . • so lers•no tolSere are n ear the hoot of the vark. The bat team has a shorter Tont triode: ere „were Immediately intern y • pore *perk the stronger tke explohort. The: no remedy for thus tenant's', so *, German* and were held mita about Action of t Lig Rays, . Out -'13f 2,695 regietretions Cal- rto bayonets at thew sides, and fi 1' I 'T,jgary 46rrvere roorts formersice and 0 headgear Is not tiMt if one re,gie 791131:e, red, y‘e.ilow, rdet the cape of these men, and quite as •di- s, verse are the designs of their • . • shoul- - . • ""--- • • bites should. be higher. other factors, referred t,o sae cattures, new coil must be obtained; So make „ year aim, when they were released by , . , Pigment. • able eutistitato because of the variety 2,42g claim exemption. • leg', tliese Ave factor* beim necesesayR properly secured at ill dimes. Also The first thing done was to rib . Anglers are familiar With the fact available and the abundant Purees Dr: RobertsCollison, for 20 years who had any money. In • exchangellike, in conformity 'ah that trout change color, chameleon) of supply‘in the Dominion. Beane !medical prattitiener in EdinOntsn, died with the character have nearly the some fetid values aeireeen Yiroge 7 . tion,lubriestioramospreseion, sod cool-Lleure• that the spark plug wire* are 0 :he arrival of a Belgian forte. ammies _ . _ ss. • weak spa* will certainly follow if !jinn" were given worthless notes, the of the bottom over which they exist. meat. By a.careful selection of oth- I The thirtYfirsit allnUal esugress of 1 der 'straps,. Tall and shert, fat aud i for the engine to run lind dereleP full look tc, theterminala onthe c ' , *Nese it ainanhe• se beeente lee ea-pin-ewisy no *Y. * or dirty -- ----••as sa ' fiction 0'n:bred transactio -n 13elfig the.fish frequents uImre e ' --, s .,_., a aa, .er_foods the,eonsumption of meat. may** Salvetion. Army of Western Can- thin, many inespecteeled, mingle in laa 4 hoe Teak give* at seance essPlosionq `Pfite interrurter Meet' elee maae, therefore preserved. They were taken, stream Where the .water flows' ovetpie-feriaOitilderablii'*Educeil" esPeei- Afill-0-116W4eihrliektils-VdnIOton..-z thiS-.0;)glontatatiOn4.-P-raSsinns,:line ,,,, If yea Wish to, a - of firm contact or the battery ' current, to two mein camps, one at Itilirria- white sand, it 'Weans nearlY white; idly by persons who 'axe not engaged 402 Men were exaMined in one week , varians, Saxons, Wurteinbirgers-salai robbisk ,qmit` kly you weuld set fire to will not develop ite full strength. The as-- • tindi, and the other alberunes. On the reverse is -true if it frequents a in heavy manual work. ' 4 1 in 'Winnipor and out of these only 1.8 'longer soldiers, but aveirlmen marching k ht several' Places *t Gum- If X041,0°044 F(dnte 311114 be de", weYiarrivel at -the former tne priatinerP1 pert vitae the bottom is a dark elaY And remember, the primary reasonl were judged abselutely unfit ser- ta diener. TheY salute a group of . net the fire at oily one sprit it wail must open the right distance the were met by s English-speakingt er mem • • for urging saving of wheat flour, beefuldee, and bacon is not eeenomy` in cost, bpt ..ene manain eiget ie wiping to i bully German, non-com, in charge is • Canadian officers as they pass, andtbe all Tannehill but it will 113e' spring twist be strong. tb Garman, who them that their A fervent follower of Isailkiyalton that the eoldiers maY be supplied en st txt peg ' Wirini te. dat e. se Get rs, quite evidently glad of it 'chance to air hi autlunity abR in public and do Clekri" e told 6,129 who have reported 5,860 clean 'exemption; Conrad P. Watson, Saskatogn, was arrested in an Edmenten Hotel, where he had a trunk tilled with bottles of whiskey for which. he was getting from between ;5 and $6 a ,bottle. He Was fined $100 and costs. s• Berglars trek $700 worth of goods from. stores at 'Qu'Appelle What Head and Grenfell, Sask., in a three nights' raid... No trace oi the thieves I--.. been found. • , burn in t7, longer and it might go out, By ignite. tug the pile in several places, the whole wet be colonised labia time end if tie Are goes MIL in one or two places the other, flames will do the work. aaaa"The. aualegfaaaa, ?as _the ease, ef tention, urr I e4c1""'".4-46 *nu 1.41c °PI accumulation' of dust and oil outsidesto .keep their sexvants, but preseutly 'titre ix very close, A weak spark 111-. on beide. If outside, the spirit mayl these were dismissed and the lobos - S Sometimes may ers had. to do their Ornyin,t1C. • points occasionallY by drawing a Piece time for exorcise would be between who had tong been curious to learn how - . _ . and 6 in the afternoon. For the re- rapidly this . .transformation Mites with he food wmeh WY need, mate sure that the points open the onailider of the day 010 were kept in then' andl, 4 of fine emery cloth through b the manufacturer- barracks.The accemolations were mer and placed it in a white porcelain AD/AN woo. jaa• F-aaaecE: Place, caPtured n. small trout lastsura. di twice advisedy 1 Testing For Spark ' of the most whnitive description, *nal tray throughw e eau as eam .. Inch h * ix CAN ° : „ men and Women. were lorded together, ea dear water to fiew. en a few days _ Report 0_ ,._ e _003_ .0 "The distributer requires Os; , , .L. I 1 From the : t ttl .t1 nu a le It through For a short t,ime they were Perinea." the fish isegan gr A Pj• 4 OW i ter n co - or, and before the week ended was a Revd CaMmission. flames a few -particles of gasoline. Tbese few set Ares to a few InOre and tbe explosion is started slowly. In the eaee of * hot sperk a great many very light yellow, with stripes and "Very little Canadian wood is sold' spots only slightly darker. on the French market because it is be heard jumping inside. Dust shoulal Exhibited in, Chains. Hie next experiment was to place a almost unicdown, and, what is worse, be *email . . .„, be removed with a soft cloth dipped 1 /heir food Was coarse and insufii- thin Sheet of bard, Nock rubber ou the in the few places *here it is known in gasoline. it 4000 not offer a• yen'. dent. The manager of a rubber plan- bottom of the 'tray. In leis than a it has the reputation of being of very , mere outwits are inflamed. at the good path to the- current, but once ;titan= complained about thafood, and week the trout had become a dark inferiors quality.' Thi a seeing hard to sThe ,78th Battery, who expected to • Ant. Theo* set fire S to* large 'lam' spark jumps through_ it the dust is vas -thee y upon • confined. in cella for elate, nearby .blacia'withthe markings believe, but it is Only the strict aintla , hers and se the Dame advanees 'titbit scorched, forming carton, Which is a several days. . It was announced stinit almost indistinguishable. • • can be explained 'by the fact. that remain. tn. Lethbridge, Alta., while in ' greater r144/44 ' °IMO! the n2,1°8,1 gaol conductor. Distributor brushes as prisoners the Englislunen ha n his third 'experiment he changed the ,camenan lumber exported has training; have beee' ukeved to Calgary. Siting the snappy esPlesaill relleirel" worn away, or broken, or . loose rOtear right to complain, and that a repeti- the flab to a dark olive green rae;realy3r bBerenitaisnenatndalmwobsetnaerfrclountivteimlyettooCtirmeaet, rsetEendtithoer up-1.1-theactsorllY't'obil44aitvbere§eerree- Test * Daftly- ' will also cause treuhie. ' See, that au don of the offence would besregarded. b,s. covering the bottom of the tosciate. , -. a bit of the swanking he was went to do in the barrack square of -Deutschs laud. • " Felling a Jack Flee, • It is in a,pine4orest of France that . your correspondent saW these Bodies s working for the Canadians engaged in ' forestry 'work, Working, did I say? •Well, imagine thirty-two husky Hans • pretending to haul on a rope, Ieistire- -ly tuning down a tiny jack ' pine, scarcely more than a saplings andIou can visualize their efforts. How „s an Ontario farmer would laugh at such • "work." However, the Gerniarei do accomplish a little.. They quite evi- dently like this"4job,"- and it confers an appetite and an apereciatiou of the . . -comfortable huts in which they are housed. • ' . y the "ro-a-deides-eielirs--13-WW--s—s- G.artnart alWeb," and facing him -row of burnished 'kettles, Brimming with Some saliory stew the •stea nds s Thi ha e t place t as sent' -from that -c-contry to ok tiaatee be,* best obtainades As ed awl that no worn SPOts existin thel 'As other groispe of prisoneriaarriv- more laPidlY* them had the otherfaew- France. it lost its name and passed as „ follows that the spark, mast at the distributer wires are firmly faster.- as a . , there ere many cause* of aveak spark Msulation. ' • edethey told :Stories about being ea- 'mg doubtless, te the fact that the Ils the prOduct of other coma*. -This eu•restored the tray brought high. prices-, t must ebnio- How Men Came to Shake, Hands to ---t bitte it lugs. may give trouble hes ' -------------------- miht he imnressed by The a. sYni, t on nal color -white -and per. mitted -hoWever, that -,eerrtani P- - Sh •dsh' it be• well te f4A1P tbeiji OF dile St "Loslasbut not uesst,.are the spark Whited -in -inane hefere the nativee In was already darti : Was the, cese, with our fine wOi:tha.t, • , a tittle. First comet ry. Thev lellY be 'weak, the ternunshi,and wires came, Of teflon', leaky core, spa* gapo gi • d ts Geist= power, a one occasion, four naval .prisoners Were brought in, .and tomeonestheitteclea-Axesere4own govennior iminediately With •it hydrometer every week. R • bruit. The,plug bestaken aPart timed -upon the late Rev. Father. Vila should read 1.275 to Ldfiff, ealkid for this, Which give," orePottunity zen and Ii was imprisoned in 4 small siteieritysfive. and. thirteen. hun- inspect the care. -if the porcelain is vermin -infested cell. At this the Otis - 1.6:1, the decimal point being neglects cracked a new core ie. needed. The prier who had raised the 'cry went .to ad itt eliealting, but .110t In writing the *park gap •sluitila be adinsted to ap- the coMmandent -aitd confeseeti.• No , • 'figiiree• : • ' s • . proximittelY one thiff-Ystieeend: inch '"If the battery is below-, this ancitlie,pointi touched:4*W' eht01- strewth you are deb* the ' starter on cloth. Never 'tee emery on the. lights ton March or the'generatoris not porcelain core, as tine roughen e . charging properly. The tertinnalis cantingsvarbon ;accumulate more eluand be thoroughly cleaned and set rapidly than before.. , • -• ' up tiglitty!'-with a Wrench or -Pliers: s A4ci steat the •apiek„., ereasienally. to Then cup grease or vaseline slunild see if is well, ',Remove e spark emeared over them to prevent cer- • pie* wire sehile, engine in Pinning and : resion by the geld in the 'battery, .holdit itairiere•than'one-quarter Men, • which has a tendency to creep in be- from Plug to avoid damage to collS.,„ If tween the hirfaces and to 'Matilde a geed not spark he shown. at each plug you are re:M(311031y assured of wires should be exatained oecasionally proper ignition." ' w Fnen o • * in fragrant cloudse. Tcoomheimth:nprbi:otnellet Inv nOt make geed conr,act encr,ot utstadjustraent..e, corro ed pom . isients of Canadian wood of a most in - MAY be defective spots in therinstalla- A carbbnized plug should be e eau Orli= illAilitY• Were unleaded on the Ti the days* of very long itgoLy When of twenty at a tim mitted the trout to fade to a lemon ellow. Ile then sprinkled a layer of brick •dust over ihe bo o , fishierylpromptly turned to decid- edly reddish hue. Ilia : last experi- ment was to cover the bottom with mice •saini, which' wrought the most rapid change: in. three days. the fish change was Made, and. fOr 0.•wadk the became a. light straw colors , father- kept hid 'Celt On the second • To deterMinti the cause for this con, day be asked for Water. It Wasgefui- Or Variation, the angler repeated the ed, and he Was. obliged to drink the entire 'series of experiments in a dark - water he had used for waiting. -• ened PM:1M, Here it required three , . s :inhuman Treatment:. • ' times as long for Venous changes Howard s - • 2. to take place -a difference that 'seems. -to the changes are prey, and when brought back with 'broken duced by the action of the light rays rib and a pierced :kidney was confined on the skin pigment, and net by any coOstiOnS Wert upon the part -of the in, a ell -Six by. three feet. For :five months he was -kept in this cell, being ut • • allowed out .for half an hour, .on one day a week. - All prisoners were required to sa- lute and stand at attention on the an- proach of a guard. One man who fail- ed to -take off his hat was confined to his Sells for a 'Weeks s •• , One of the most revolting • sights been recovered from • the leg of it they were compelled to witness. was - Frenchman near Verdun recalls the days when thousands of Sardinians and Austrians were sent to ,"theie eatia by similar missiles fashioned ered, to fight at anT 4,gtai +hair disciesi and receive each one tion of the Wire's. Vet the battery ` usin tm old tooth Ffeliciranarket-at-dowsprdees--hecausesall-men them *with a layer of sulphate. The The lime% Breed. During his recent tour in the North the King' very nearly became the vic- tim of. the early closing order, t. An official of his suite visited a loca bak- er's shop after closing hours and ask- - ed for bread, , The baker's wife re - tined Pointing- out the reason. "But it is. for the King," aid the official, 4"and there tat a bit of bread on the train.'. "I don't' care if it is for the Qdeen," Was Die reply. ' dare not 'Serve • • 4613tit -demand it." inse **rip') Persisted' the nalinan, "ha Mat refuse to serve.you." 41That an 401' asked the official: "Yeamight.iee the police," was, the suggoition. THE OLD HOMESTEAD. In the old house where we grew ' From childhood urs• •the daysawere dreams, • • The summers had unwonted gleams, The !Sun a warmer radiance threiv Upon the stair.. Alaid is seems All diffetent in the new! Our Inother •stilI sing' t strain earlier days we listened to; the. white threads in her hair were Ste setdotitaighed auffered pain, „ Oh for. thesold houseback _again! , It, is not so in the new. Profit in Tree Growing. • s "Thegraring a timber Cart be -made VnMinereial fniCeerOP says Dean Baker of the New 'Yak State college sil.taanr. a a aaa,,;a,zta,d. up•if they attempted to sit deem. 'PRECIOUS BULLETS.. Sliver *and Gold and Even Precious 'Stones Have Been Used. • The news that d silver bullet has they could, not be ----------------- else- anall' times because one coul 1.10 generoas chunk of breed; 'Oquat, . where ' Such proceedings have -causeow whether . another approaching ,'Pen ther, they partake of their' mid-day ting:under the trees in this line welt - incalculable harm to the reputation of was a friend or an enemy,..all This was before the day Meal. Would that Canadians in Beebe! our products. Unfortunately, Our ex- went ports Of high quality lumber have not ' of guns When the sword was the great land fared half SO wen,. -After feed - been able repatatioa,Ssimee they have - al... Upon occasion, . when one man eps ing, several of the Huns :prOduce lot. - , able to counteratt this endesir- weapon of defense. . , stemmedpipes with • chinas -bewlass ways been credited to other cowl- proaclied anothert each had to. decide. :Which they puff contentedly, their en- - tries. * At Contras, near Bordeaux,. whether the ethee, came on a race- loyment Unimpaired by tine thought of • the following sign. lt3' displayed on e .fel mission Or net. - • the sentries who stand . back -among . large lumber factory t, "Bois le l'Ams People in these &lye were raostli .. might Wander . throUgh, the sYlVan.......„.,. , .... the trees nuesise sonie•forgetful Hun erlque du. Nord"' (North • American eighthanded, as they :are now, and wsood).- it issevidentthatsin-Ainces when fighting earrieciStheirsesisarde•Madenes. ',..... ' ' • • s _a._ . a__ _sass__ _ 1 •, Canada does not •exist as a separate their right blinds. ' • - v.; 4, A Fairy tale WOod country, only "American" _ produet.s• If, then, a man wished to speak with, tire known.- a stranger, ca., as -might eaeily be nes. And••whitt-a-pine forest-issthis! Its ,---s- • cesSitiy, tnone who ihay even be like does not exist throtighout the L1. -right -hand npon,•approaching , to regular. Miry:tale weed, this Vast knovrn- tote unfriendly, . length and breadth of Cenada. A • British rood EconOmy. • he put out Sir Arthur Yapp, Food . Zconomy 'f- Superviser for Britain, appeals to the British people to, observe the follow- ing food rules: - s . •Economize in the mit .of all cereals; • Don't serve bread at mid-day meals the almost daily flogging of native unless- it la specially asked for. servants. They were brutally beaten 'No one should have more than one for the slightest Offence. • . • _ egg at' a inealS to have more is Un-, , At ICilboriana,„ the Prisoners fair * other people. •• - . required to take tl.c:frdr meals n a - - i u leotes soldier from 'Italian churches.- ema In hatter; • .1 • . „, • band was- empty, also, and when the'. loggers: No brush nor slashing May were frOm the altar -silver taken by Napo- _ There isitretne,ndous need of. econ- open shed, which' air always drench-. ' Butter and Jain should net besei*Iniet,'eaeh.Svould grasp the hand of be scattered about as in Canada, to ed With the Mists. There were Bullets of solid gold, too, have even Is en together. • • .• • •- '1* -other, so that neither one Could start fires. .-Everything here is piled, no separate sanitary arrangements for been used with deadly effect. It ,, .. . . said that thousands of lives have been takenby them in the Makan wars, teaG.ive u,p .the earlY morning Off of -Change his mind and assume a fights wept clean. In me adjoining French - • - ing attitude without. the . other bays section of this wood I actually saw the women. The weather. was very ing an equal warning • • windr ws ' had,- cold ,, and wet alteinating With and the favorite bullet of the Kash- Don't . melee I et too strong. . : ., ..., , o made of branches carefully daysofdeadly heat. The prisoners • eaconomize sugar by .dispensing with - , ,.. ,„..-.7.-,-4.- - -- tied together.r. Thus they are shipped were not provided with proper heed r 'mir warrior was for long a garnet, ..,. I d tiI d, which he re arded as stovr that he had no needy or dans plantation of clean trunks, • -rising s gerous weapon in it, says the "Beek almost limbless exi: an *vertigo fitfty of Weeders. ' the otter Matt could feet, green -topped, 'Springing from an see this, and knew from the -extended underbrushless carpet of niess•-end •epert bands. that no harm wag in- needles. They grow in ye ow sand, . - tended and .that the approach was peaceful. ° .11, then, he was willing to meet the other, he also. extended his right nint ivitli,theshand.open, Attie him erne was aPpreacinng that his fighting these trees. The larger ones measure from.10 14sieches through at the base, and give spree 40 feet of log. ' Hark, Canadien lumbermen. In this country stern government allows no iiniber-limit Vandalism oni the part of , covering, and there were many eases ene °se l• ea g the Oen' bowl from whith supplie .1 a certain messengei, of death. from which bul ets have not been ,d y. a It Would be a great help if 'the clothes wringer W'ears Mi --------- itial- In marked -contrast to the Buns are off tc• Faris for firewood. _ nfosteetion. The two houre_ a v Can be drawn unchecked. Lit for the Clothes Wringer, .• , Long e !few ...,F.reueh Fall Tree. of eiercise was compulsory. The women s. I Have only one.fresh imeat Meal a When the lewees-'• rubber - ef. the d - There are, indeed, few -materials had to ,walk *Steadily t e sv oepri , h I e od "This was derie and the King got his and -the tratiVe soldiers hustled them • --- titsselathoilisleeven si, the coneeiente ho ealteessawnii` tedubled ter. - A shooting corii, if wrapped up 111 1113 .ivy • leaf, well, aoalced vfnegar,swill cease' front troubling. • • • Provide labor -Setting devices for home and farm 150 ag to insure at least tO that extent againir the scarcity 01 liked belp. thoughout 191S, , • t • 4 rif Forestry. ".10 16 years mme props I ssaassessast4,14-=‘,' stts dil-s•ears‘raer-"Targeni-iougisle- Produce pi -per belts can be grown. It will thus. be seen that large corpora - time which make paper, for instance, can be induced to reforest lerge areas and thus insure an adequate supply of pulp piper for theirlaure needs. The value of tire wood will justify the ear - taring charges." One of the Men arcill sent to -the pun- ishment cell tor five days beeause '61 admonished a -nativetrooper whonehe Lound swearing at a woman The prisoners were allowed no news., ner WOO' they perinitted to write .or _re- ceive letters.---------,__ At Toboro the indignities neapecieu fastiOned • frem irceand altuninitun to eopper and brass. Tney have -been gamed_ deddly poisons, filled with duts • eYi•-•--sstasSe•a a voluntary rationed amount were serV- lit does, before the upper one; strip the Canadian hushmen, who, °veranda, ed at table. The 'meat position May the rubber Off. Take a piece of heavy stand in military formation, ere they become serious unless economy is ex.- white duck, teut it_Letsv.aine Idith as d,iativirciiset tto.;eunf lunch. _theA_Ilititatleregr_tenagphathiligeityi. - vninger, letting ite-initerier 'inn jo . evenly until it is the same thickness vicinity,. is others are tieing else - as the tippet rubber. Fasten the duck where, turning out its full quota -each • With a few stitches. You will find day. These, Canadian mills are not - that renewed this 'way the wringer only supplying our •own troops, but , works aulte the same and will last for linperial and Trench troops as well. a long time. • a Canadians are hard at work in for- •-s,••,;a•aa,•ss•ss••••eseea,,,a este of - beech, hornbeam, ash, oak,- linels,..cherry and chestnut -trees, which _ are falling before them, and, oddest sight Of all, are being pulled- down by made. heavy with. Mercuryin the • • • te Arid- do not forget to 'have a Weeks Crirtiett many a soldier, WhenliiS but, ly potato day, without breeds . let Pouch was emptysfited ramrod, as a parting .salute to the enemy;' and The man who say he loves his in the reninsalar War:, one of our most luimi won't bank it up withhorse gallant tolotiels -Wats found- deadsivith manure to 'keep Out finste:-if he heart - • • ' ' ••• • - .• means What snys. a silver pencil case embedded in his , MISS )3R01414,111IS IS UV' FIRST PAM HER Aid% THISIGS MA' Sr - WILE ‘STRAMOs• To IOU> OUT roi sum N0I) WILL me. 0 aka -As TittiE does ON los SIR _ fiet.1.0;rom :-,1 PoWtJTOWN stioPPIRG Met Pr4cot4106 OP lb Ilia OFFICE s- 1 war TO ••StioW 401.A SAMPLE OF .50Me CRelbi•IfIe ,I9M 601a -roger • Aporisio. "islaromemelie46Y .t3ixe • sAsi tILL., Wilti,N01), TRADE , „....... ... .. . _ . .57010SRAPIIERs-,rol?,' VkI•110:-A.1f0•1,' • OF, SO t:. `MIS SEW 611Z1.. 00 M IN • Is Too- 61.0161 AA!) I" FIAV5,* - SOME Ri)sit Viofkk.to -4trouTI IN ANSWIstz To 400 Rs or Rican' PATE ' WE WislITO SA`i TONY - "1%f/re • VI\ --toteezap;44.4e • block and tackle. Such is the : French .aele-on: chopped, offs _and, •a_ • . rope attachedto its tap, Many a tree isstOtt out by the roots, tehicli • are afterwards sawn of Queer luinbeees ing perhape, but it sal:Teo the older • trees. Picturea' quaint village, mediaeval ,elturch, .fifteenth Century -houses, inn, from vshose limbered doorway 6 cr.Artagnan might well Sally forth at any 'moment. Pieture an emparkek eliateati which escaped the revolution, . wheee pillared gateway was old when Marie Antoinette came joyfully ;to France. 'Mut such =grounding*, among trees where the deer fed un- disturbed, now rises a clotici-:of smoke, beneath which, entrenched among the new, white timbers of a breed new' mill, • a whirling fiend devours the • Woods. Tail and itoOf--Twe itt one.. South America' eatt boat no more remarkable toologisal product than • the "greatnnteater." • el.