The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-08, Page 14'4 , . 7.1.IereerierveeL:a. • - -•••••—••••••••••• 0 $1.50 per year, in advance; $2.0o otherwise LUCKNOIATI ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8kit., 1917. • ° Single Copies 3 cents 'ADMIRAL liommowimiimmto.‘ !Min* the Life Buoy - Rabb r LOCAL. AND GENERAL • . Mies Mae MoMorrati is speeding a weelkin Toronto. • Mr, Charles Whiles let this week ▪ for Spanish, Algoma( Your 'soldier frierple, •mill Appreciate "our Pheto es a Xmas: gift. • Mr. and Mrs. John,Reld, of Palmer- ston, are visiting at hisqormerhowe Miss Ethel 'Howe is hone after spend- henununer with her (lister at Wind- sor. • Mr. Neil D. Mackenzie has returned after spending a couple of Months iu Mrs. O'Neil and two children, of near Windsor, are visiting her permits, Mi. . John Howe. At Little!s Shoe Store and Mrs Theydonst coot any more than interior Rubbers. issnsmasis# Soto Agent in Luek4ow W• J. LITTLE • A GREAT DRAWINtt TEAM (BY ABODSTUS Brawl) A geed drawing team is just as much of a joy to the man that °WM it ter i need to b� in the bush -log days: • We talk a good deal -6(6e of us-abodt the •great horselives used to handle the rib. to William Hill, Rat:4, Goderich; or • phone4Goderieh-rural.-4-r-a- ' • 1513-ni over us tine ou, pea , lode Pf elm loge, sometimes 1..500 feet Cameron, Co.'s advt. and mirit • or 2,000, sometimes more aceording to td. the Luck -now Hardwad Coal Co.'s n the man who was telling it, from the vtusually on pago8,a` will be found etuinp to the skidroad and the minces- on page 4 this week. W. Connell's and mon line McLeod.& Joyei's are on page 5. All . Certainly some orth-b-se teams could. are-4-interectet?-84°Prserathia-week, ; andsurely some .of their 'drivers • The Sentinel is much overloaded with. did use to be. able to talk about it, • advertisements this week, due largely to Rut there Ore more good average hauling the Governments appeals to the public teams'in the . country now than there , in connection with tkellilitarS Service .eversein the bush clays._ Fate:tem have Act and the Victory Lan. ou have one in for specializing on draughts and not read these a.dvertisepients elsewhere •• roadetere, because they understand that read them here. They:are of -first rate im.. •. a pseir.tetite is bad eoonoiny when. work Pertancee • • . hs. to be done in a hurry. Getting _ • ': ',stuck with a load in theAelcla,is a dead waste of time and of temper. We Peed to be stuckuften in the old days with AcicearT.-:-In Kinloss on October 30, - • some ef thdso poor tearnspickedup any 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Aylnler Ack- old way efliwt edition itelk-Birt 'Aloud • --`;eit;••-e:da-aghteteGieendolpw,Emilyi • . Span of Clydes or Percherons nowadays • us a real plebe of insurance against wast- •• • ing time with stuck loads.. The only thingthat happens • in that line with ' such heroes is broken harness or a snap- ped doubletree. • • " Of course:a. • good 'deal depended on _ the driver as it.does now:, One , of_ the . best drawing teams ever known in an Ontario cottony would r ull like a tractor ' engine.for the boss, but when it catne.to -- the hired Min .they ee-sawed and jump- ed in the collar like ti pair Of 'balky Texas' -steers.-.When the boss pulled the lines____r,.._Jtoboa mato.c_4„ .Maty -Martin, over them and. yelled, "Get dowp to - Garnet Farrier •-• gether"-they' got down, those Bob • PA • Hunters, and lifted the load - f - lad -heavens, Numblex.,Inglis,..Wilbert Naylor. er on roll, 17; how they could lift it! •No matter what. Those Marked* wer'a. perfect spellers .• the load was, grain,' or legs; or gravel; it during September and ,• . came out of the hole on to the high -road, October. •• • oust by the eim.r.a.izaBETH WILSON, Teacher. pie knack of getting down . . - together. •,• S. S. No. 13, Ai311, AND W. VirAwaNOsii Just now the greatest hauling' team Jr. IIT -Total• -6,10-Thelma Reed, :ever known in Canada are engaged in 556e Wilfred Hackett, • 522; . Hughene •. lifting. the biggest load that a team ever.Philips,: 505; Myra McDonald, '479; stood in front of. The load is, Violet Twamley, 476. 40150,000,000 of Canadian Victory Sr. III, -•Total 352 -Vera Philips, 320: Sergt. Tom Agnevewho is with the flome Defence ak Quelai and Petawawa, was home over Sunday. ' l'erhe Misses geld are$ prepared to do all kinds of sewing At reasonable rates - ever the Murray Block. Ptei W. E. MacQuaiiwishes through the Sentinel to thank the ladies of the Patriotic League for the socks, Which they so khidly,ga,ve to him recently. Mr. Hugh Clark; of. Zineardine, was nominated as the .Coeservative:Union candidate for North Bruce,on Thursday of last week. • The.toiivertion was held at Tara. " • _ . • Mr.Olyde Reid returned home Satme " day night, from Chicago,, where , he has been the Past .Yeav, We Understand he intend e to don the King's uniform in the:near future.- _. Wezentre-Mei to. work In the woods, by Nov. '15th. • Big wipe to the right kind of, men. Applyby letter or phone BORN • - 4 2_ SCHOOL REPORTS U S. S. NO. 14 E. AN-I4'W. WAWANOSH Sr. -IV-*Margaret O'Callaghan, . Jr. IV-Aldin Purdon. • Sr. III-*Fratik Mellaghan Stanley Thomson, Elizabeth Inglis. • ° Jr.III.Wittnifred ' Farrier, Ruby Everett, Lottie Martn., •• II --.*Madeline O'Callaghan,. NO re Falconer. , . • Alma gar, 317-; Spelice Irwin, 26 9 : - - • ' That's a trinnendous load. The load *ChrisA. Cook. • -- Annie-Campbell, 223: ntritipia Trt:411; Sift *1).011,0,0nk - is there- all xight. CaPada_has_the monev• twice as much, ready to pile up AVe.woreei-iteed.k..W.4.` load. It'e a „Matter of what team is to do it, end'who will be the driver. Whaett the beat tenni for this jobl -ThiCanadian Farmerend the Government of Canada. ' It those two can't lift a great part of • • that load, you might its well. leave it alone Who its the rimed A great boss named Victory. - - • Vietery. VICTORY! A. Move For .Union John Purvis, who for two •yes has been the Conservative nominee^ for the House of Oteatifions in South Bruce, has resigned that position. Thio, it is said was One in order that thtf waY, nnght be clear for the nomination of Uhien Government' ,candidate of either party connection. So far as we know Mr. Truax, Who Under ordinavycircumstances wouldAut.'the legitimate Liberal party • candidate, has riot declared himself either for or against the Union Government. As announced elsewhere on this.page, a call has been issued to the friendo of the Union Government to meet in con- vention at Walkerton on Monday next, Nov-,-12tk-for tlwpurpose-of put.ting t- filTenidiun Government candidate In the. Down An Old Welt "4/1••••••••••••••• Magistrates Token and Richardson, of Walkerton, imposed heavy fines on Duncan Curry, of Bruce; and Robert Osborne, two fariners who' got in big shipments a whiskey and then couldn•t Hatisfactorily explain whet they dill with the booze. Cases, bottles- and all; had vanished when Inspecter Whiteeppeered -on the scene a few day° after the ship- ments had been received.. Curry said he had broken up the case and thrown it down an old well mills farm. Os • borne also tedifiedthat he had thrown his case down an old well. Alex.Russ ell, another fanner upon a liquor charge, also had .recourae to a well. Greenock must be honeycombed with -old ells. The well titmice did not go dowa-'with the magistrates. Curry and Ostorne were hifea-$200-alicreosts each. Noth- ing was proved against Russell and he was allowed to go free.-Trutsceire,, or -England ---:- Clifford Treleaven a Ripley boy - and lieutenant in the Loyal Flying �orps was home for a few days recently say- ing good bye tolls folks before *.going -overseas. He. had-received,a-cablegrarn from the British' Admiralty risking him to go at once to England to engage -in scientific 'research for the Board qf In- ventiobs. He retains his rank in R. F.C. and is merely "loaned" to the Board of Invention.- •• • - • • - . . . . . . . • • . . ' . . . . . , • UNION ,CONVENTION • A Couvention of electors of South Bruce, who are supporters orthe Union Wiulthelirar Otovernmeut, (incluaing women ectitled to vote) will be. held -at, Jie.Tow Hall, Walkerton, .on Monday, the 12th day of Neeember, itant; et:2 pop., for the purpose of nominating a .candidate for the riding to support tb pre:trent Union Government. , •• All such'Sueportereare hivited to be present, Women entitled to vote under the ,telilitart Franchise Act are especially • Robt. Russell, •R. V. Baker; Archibald Campbell, Archibald Tolton, M. Stalker, W. R Halliday, J. Leggatt, W. Q. Searle, David Robertson, Peter A. Dales, Gilbert Hetrick, F. L Martin, Wm. Martin, . R. A. Fowlie, James A. Garland, Sydney Parker, Isaac Chamber?, Charles Kyle, George'Sirre, . David Graham, Duncan McKinney', Whoa. Powell, Colvin Craw- ford, Alex. De Robb, James Rushton, W. H. Huck, Dr. L. Doering, Mrs. Jacob Schmidt, Mrs. Seraphine Herringer, J. A. Wilson, R. H. Thoinpson, D. Pater- son, J. H. Ackert, T. S. Reid, . A. D. Mackenzie. • • -MARRIED MumikuN-HousToN.-In. Moose Jaw, • Friday, Oct. 26, by Rev. W. G. • Wilson, of St.- --Andrew's Church; Edmund M. Mulhern, of Mazenod, and. Jimet, Houston, formerly of Kinlose. The bride has &en teach- . ing-school near hlaeened the past 'three years. s ROD AND OUN FOR NOVErillIER Rod-and-Qua-for-govember,-whic now on the news-stand, contains as ustial many stories and, articles . of particular • interest to, the lover of outdoor lite and sportsmen generally. R: .1. Fraser • in this' issue describes the "Joys of the -Winter Camp," ad--Charles.--Cams writes of the Wood Buffalo of our North- Western Canadian plains. Fred Copeland tells an etertainingstory, "The Doininie's Mascot," end there are many more stories intervening between these, andthe regu- lar departments. -• CHURCH NEWS Services in the Preabyterian Church next Sabbath at 11 a. 114 and 7 p.m. Morning Subject: "What Of The Nnehtl', Evening Subject: 'The Prodigal 'Son." . Tke revival,,s&vices. so slecessfully carned,on uy Dr, Mahood inithe Meth- oelirit church are to he et:mantled during the remainder of this week: • The subject on Sunday morning is "Loyalty." Sun- day evening will be the closing service. • LUCKNOW 111011 SCHOOL MOOS FOR • MOM 011 OCTOBER _ . x missed one or more exams. • -:.-FernelII=Si-Giet412;--K--'51-e nu , 64; H. McKenzie, 59; J. Cranston, 58; G. Webb, 08; F. Aitcheson, 57; J. Donald, 57; M. McClure, .56; M. c - i Quinine 56; J. Stothers- 54; A. Alton, 53;.'xH. Burns, 52; M. McCallum, 52; M,Itathviell, 52; B. • Johnston, 50; P. Congram, 49; N. lhompson, 48; R. McDougall, 47;S. Burne, 47; I. McRae, 44;16 McDonald, 40; /tGl. Webster, 37; J. Douglas, 36; C. McMillan, 33; xS. Alfen, 32; F. Webster; 30; eR. Mitchell, 24; xVir, Andrew, 19, xK. Murdie, 17; rAMitchell, 13; xG, Marty, 12; H. Freeman, 52 in Physics Form Hedley, 77; A Pickering, 76; B. Clarkson, 75; I. Hamilton, 69; E. Johnston, 61; E Treleaven, 61; P. Me- Corviet ' 61; J. Buckingham, 59; V. ,,wooaa, 53; R AlcDiarmid, 52; M. John- ston, 51; xH.Durnin, 43; C. Douglas, 42; la McDonald, 38_; xA.. McDonald, 31. Form I -L. Garbutt, 83; A. Helm, -72; McIntosh, 60; H. Nixon, 60; A. McNay, 53; W. Elliott, 53; R. Reid, 52; A.Toiole, 52; J. Smith, 49; J. Ketchabaw, 48; A. Bowles, 47; E. Johnston, 46; V. Altob, 40; xB. McLeod, 33;.C. Johnston, 32; xW. Johnston, 30; xP. Agar, 29; C. • AxiMgocniGew,_2"Beadio 1.turiclreA,2g9ii;i3w,...,A.:1. Andrew,4; , 27; vrit 19; G. Rathwell, 19; A MOConnell, 17;,. Asbfield • . • • , The annual husiness meeting' of the Ashfield Soldiers' ma Circle will be held at Crewe church on Tuesday, Nov. 13, commencing at 2 e'clock pan. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested: in -the work -to attend. -Secy, - ' • I • LUC;KNOW SCHOOL REPORTS • • . • _40034 „ . • Pert. II.-Ereellenr.-M. 'Dime* D. McIntosh.. Good -W. Nig.011, F.040; Innis, • S. Jewitt, J. Jewitt. Fair: --IL Bridgettet K. Theinkin,,W.AgeeW, M. . • • • Part I. Chisholm, A.Andrew, N. Wilson, B. 'Chialtobu.. Glood-A. Cameron, , • ' -Rait I •-jr.--,Excellent:-X, Stewart. Good -Clifford Webaten B.!-.11eriderann„ • McLeod,' A. Bridgette, W. Weliater„, M. Jewitt. Fair ---11, Milne, R. Purvis,.. R Aguew,;M. AlcAllioters Charlie Web- stert".A. McMillan, K. Mortis, Si Whitby, B J4bel. . . • -Mtfunii,ITeaeher. • Roma • Sr. II -Excellent -Jean Stewart; Muriel MacKenzie, Albert 'Taylor, Eris Armstrong, (Margaret Geddes Campbell Thompson.) Clood-*Andrew Thomp- son, Lenora Webster, Haroli McIntosh Pearl Beaton, *Clsir Mime, Fair -Kath- leen Chisbehn, Percy Webster' Alvin Irwin, Tracy Webster., Jr, II--Exeellent-Morgan, "fender- Winnifred Douglas, (Gordon Johnston, Rena McDonald,) Gladys Smeitzer, Grant MacKenzie, Pearl Nixon, Harvey Webster. Good --Sidney Decker, *Rob- ert MacCallune *Gordon Fisher, Maley Armstrong, Stewart Huston; Melvin Webster, Dave Milne, Doris Durnin, George McInned, Cecil Webster., Fair - *Dean McInnes, *Calvin Blitzstein. • No, Ole rell 35•AVer. att.34, • • •P.M: Spence, Teacherot. Room IV Teste-Spelling, writing, geography arithmetic, grarturnar. . . • • . . Sr. IV -75%-=-A.. Reid, B. Murdie. 60-0. Mckendrick, J. Spindler, S. Burns, P. Mothers, tkl, Cain. J. MeCal, lum. 50-tW. Wieleaven. 40--tY. cQulltOE Douglas. • • J r. IV-75Xj=-K., Hill, L Ratliwell, R, Howey. 60-T..Blitzetein, F. And- rew, -M. - Webstein, H. Blitzstein,•-• D. Mitcbell, 11 Thomspon, W. Thompson, G. Hodgins, A. Yohnston, F. Cain. 59-- llum A.'hiurdie W. -Huston ties. 40.-R. Andrew. t& ,Irwin M. McLean, Below 40--E. Niiins. - • G. BIIERBIFF, Teacher. lentInelAdtts. Bring Results . . • ' oes anadam ont- by Selling Bonds iptONDS are issued payable in ten or twenty years, as the case may be. " It means that repayment of'the Money will be spread over ten or twenty years instead of being raised by taxation to meet current expenditures. To raise '13Y` taxation all the money as fast, as it is needed to carry on . Canada,'s share in Winning the war,' would be an Unbeaiable -burden upon . • . • • . • . Jr. II -Total 2407:. -Lena Hackett; 224; Olive Alton, 221;,Clifford Hackett, 184; Marx Vint, 179; *John Irwin, 130; -*W ghat mina Agar, '99; *Jean McDonald, 52. • Sr. I -Annie Bowies, Agnes Cranston, Russel Reed, Archie Nicholson. Jr. I -Rena Nicholson, Toinmy Hack- ett. • 11 --Elizabeth McDonald, Becky' Livinson, Melvin gackett; Mazy Hackett., Those marked with an asterisk mimed • TRYING ALL WAYS examination; .._san, • I. M. Itasisav, Teacher, S. S. No. 1,•Kistoss c' • Sr. IV -Margaret' Campbell, 1313; Lenwood Hewitt, lltrq Makolm Mc- Illottald, 1110. Sr. III -Jack Campbell) 1315,. Ethel Bannerman, 1300; ..lennie McDonald, 128; Menl &take, 1260; Mary McDon- are these acts reprehensible and unpistrie aid, 1170; Edith Geddes, - 1088; Ralph otic, but also•dishonest and some cartes Huston, 966. . Nousheble by fine and imprisonment. • Jr; III -Belle Hewitt; 980; Hazel Ati instonceio quoted where an awe- Bannerman, 945; Reta Barnes, 552; Tor. hensive parent glued a formidable plaster ranee, Guest, 428. en,,the back of his stalwart son, which Sr. II -Ella Xs ake, 1080; Edna Guest, Was ruthlessly removed by order of the 884. \-- inedical examiner, who diagnosed the Sr. II--Satharine Ca' bell, 1264; decorated back, as a particularly capable Verna Leeson, 896; Allan McKenzie, one. But the Dad had alto scraped 809; Tom McDonald, 7491, Kathleen acquaintance with the examiner and Hustan, 733; Ruby Colo, 665; Mary confided to him that his unfortunate Still Stauffer, 607. WAS Otte deaf, and on the doctor I -Gordon McDonald, 1164; Agent casualy asking the son In an ordinary Bonnett, 569. tone of voice: "Can you hear what I Sr. Pr. -Eva Bannerman, 905; Ira OW the stupid youth at once replied; Leeson, 718. - sir, can't" is said a nienther Sr. Pr. -Dean Hewitt, Eileen Bodging% of the exemption board was also, op. Annie Stauffer, Robed Bonnett. liceeelted in till 0411 QM* • Joint A. ri301MAIIIT5 Tifieller• •, The, Ilarriston Review is Tenon:Able for the following: Many and devious ere •the. methods resorted to and the artful:lel terfuges employe.d by the eli- gibleti And their relatives and friends tO enable the fernier to eVadeservice under the Militar3,i Comscription Amt. 'Not only Vet., "1 ifis..4•60". .ti; 4 • • r4.101.111.1k • It would mean that more than a million dollars a day would have to be raised right now. - But to raise money , by selling Canada's . you give a persoiial pledge that are . . Victory Bonds - Means' that thosexof: the - ' going. to help -to Win-tlie- war. ' • • , ...: nett_generation who •will. ' benefit by the : Avery man andivotuan in Canada can. • , ' ..,;;;;-; -Mb 5.-...tay..raion .is raatilail.-7-. -, • ' - - • ------ bet --tal wiz. the,- wat-Lby• •-•btlykk-g-S.,..---, 9 iiirriliaie-i'ilTtlic.fielO'in-thiS".1°-----2°-"Viettii 5r-""Briiri-j'Airdn Vaiittlinnts-,1her:-.,-- • • • • ,,, • • • • . generation is fighting for and largely paying personal; individual interest :sand co-opera- for—will .---.. also ay:their share. • • tion of. every- man and 'woman ' in the country. - s - • , • • . , a :: , , * . • .le * 1 . ' The. bnying 'of Victory Bonds . " . • -ClOcks: - clock may look all that ie de - aired, but if the movement is ire* good the clock is worthless. We . have a large stock of Mantle, Kitchen end Alarm elixirs. made - • by the best makers, which we can fully guarautee. In view of the advancing price of ra 'W ma. terial we would advise buying now art present pries are not . 'good for future deliveries. • livery clock carries our guaran- • tee. .Call and look them over. o . F. T. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician • EVERYBODY'S COLUMN, MONEY TO OA14.-Op mortgages and note,' at reasonable rates. Eire Insurance.' bot Stook and Mutual Companies. Qonveri ' •. ancing_done with neatness and ileslatch. • GEO. A. SIDDALL. Broker. Lneknow DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH. at Cain Honite Luoknow every Wetinesday afternoon. All • chronic diseases successfully -treated. Os- •teopath remove_exhysicaLsauses of, disease. lJu,arnontorthcspine is more • , quickly secured and with fewertreatments • by Osteopathy than by any other • method. RIMIEST PE! )ES fat poUltry and all kinds • • of junk--ra.gs. old_ paper. robber. iron, co_p- zinc, and all kinds of bides:. Phone 80. 15-0 tf. " . , .. , , FORSALE4,--14-,a1.40 au,i lot. iwoltorty et the -.. ... ._ ._.-. _ .• . , late Mrs. ,Olara Allis, an Havelock Streit. ' ' ..,, ----Possession any -time. Forparticulars-apply .. . •• •to W. Allis. 1fOR IS -Thee trams dwellings, good retair. be__sold • at a Wzgalit- owners leaving the village. •APPlY10 POE SALK-Good frame residence with stone • foundation, on Havelock 136...Lucknow (be-. • . • ing the residence occupied by Mr. G. A. For.particulawa-pplyr-to • Da. 1114totuaimmort. Ripley. .- 211-54,1c. • , Auction Saleg' " , • Michael C,near, of Ingersol; Will hold'an Auc- tion Sale of ranch cows and youn_e cattle at the Cain House Barns Lucknow on November J.4. ' commencing at So'clook. The stook is all grade ' AlurhaM. and good quality. • Poitvis, . , Auction Sale of Farm Stock •-, „ . , . Ed. Purvis will have an,Auction Said • at his Farm, lst Con., Kinloss, East of Lucknow, on Tuesday, Nov. 13th. corn. • „ mencing at 2 o'clock sharp, when the -• following Will be sold: 4 Aged Mares . supposed in foal; 1 Matched Span Mares, rising3 yrs; 1 Spring Colt;(filly); 5 Cown, • . - ; .. giving„milk; 6 Two -year-olds; '6 Yearlings •• 6 Spring C.alves• 20 Leicester 14ws• and • . Ewe 1atubs;,4 Ram Lambs; Brood Sow -• with 10 pigs at foot; 1 Young Brood Sow; " " • • " 8 "Ch k ", Teurde,-7 mouths. credit on approved joint notes; discount at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum for 'cash. , And when you buy Canada's Victory Whole people unites them in adeterinkation on s you m e firs -c ass us ness vestment in a security that is absolutely • safe,, likely toenhance vaine after the war.; and Iikaring a good rate of interest.! Yott_help the country by keeping open the British market for Canadian products and this helps the general welfare in which you share,, . *• * * And again, every Canadian who bus I. Victory Bond becomes a financial partner or backer of Canada in the wati NVIng you buy a Canada Victory BOnd to *in the war., . s - • Every purchase, of Canada' Victory Bonds blow for freedom -against -the tyranny of German ICultur. • Every bond sold is a new guarantee that Canada- is in the war to the finish, until victory. is with the Allies and the world has.been made sale to live in. Every bthad ym buy is a new- pledge that\Canada will remain true to herself, the EMplre, the Allies and to freedom.'s cause. • So it is both patriotic and good busil ness to •e Buy Canada's Victory Bonds Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Coninittee 1st CO -operation with the Minister of Vinance a the Dosnialoa of Cotokdo. • P , .:„ ..`,- ..• ' • • 're Prowls, Atm. •• . •• • • . • . W. P. REI), agent;for the Ezeelsioi e In - entrance Co. Residence south on Ross - • Strael.. LttoknOW. .20-..U4o. • • • for all inattert regarding GreenhilloemetAity ' • refer to D. C. Taylor Sebretary. - • • . Atahmal . . 4 • FoUrth Con, Kinlos,s • --Tuesday, Nov: 6. Silo. -filling is the real order of the day • on the 4th and 6th Cons,;though many • are busy housing petatees atid other. • . John IMcDiarmid famty have • moved -into-their •new reside -We:. though not completed it has all the • appearance of a very comfortable house. • Miss Dean McLeod's entertainment in the eth Con. schoolhoutie on Hallowe'en evening was &great succes. Often has - • . „ • a 25e piece been paid for tench less real • • enjoyment Blackbirds are not so numerous nor sodestructiveirt Kinlotet rta Peter Me - Arthur flays they are in Faired. In- deed, few of our orchards present any temptation to them. Don't you think they are after the seeds of the aptles instead of the tleshl • Kidlough Mr. and Mro. John Brock and daughter Geraldine, and Mr, and Milk.. Angus Munro, of Owen Sound visited with M r, • and Mrs, W. IL Blackwell, The undersigned will be at Kinlose each Wednesday forenoon and at Km. ° ' lough Wednesday afternoons to receive pnLty Highest cash prices zliv•9140. et