The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-11-01, Page 6rant (r ' ace MAW ,Novelizet films the Maim Picture Play of the Same Name by the Universal Film Aft., Co her nien • I Mai elentritahatimitally resit _ahead falai *so *OW vepie atta "Cis eat WI year atiatries fee see." sail Maar es Pet'a meabd. admit, etep hastieses te to poseeete oad I *aro • 0. ' knits* estErturr wait her QM: sasdaass." 41:Liag Roller *lose . • 'It eh* Iisekihse Wall sotost. the pa -1 porno *AU lee hal of awe* thrall WON" WM* a 4or efets befog faelivareel IttrI. tt000i • emit witae, leek.( *ft - sloa, Vows* Ihts hie*. e at' Kok\ ib. *is* elt UN Apeehee A COURSE 40SpOrtikat elotettle of her * te eleffoot *1b.eneereiests. Iter eineafittser etteeot Itoft to' oat, of New it is 4hsehlt* Torre, eutearlee. *boo'‚ aviation ineiede aege.tah dela we.* I \total Tient Pot toe/yenned witla loft' of enueriPere jgctassystga WW1& r e • , -er37.).•pepriprwirripKnnnee • --••••;,• No, ,7 aM **NUm W* *two Mi automobile - t.24 44k IN HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE comeLETE IN TWENTY-FIVE LESSONS. ;emelt Canning Vegetablee. ly necegeary that we Blanch arid cold dip. lee in our day diet. Place a silver 'man in the jar When of Olean or low-grade pouring in ahe boiling water. r home consuiteption ia Be poeitive ,that the ids, rubbers la -10 ailta etupleyed *Tanta the hanga1 and trawl, through )001..44"m/0y. Aside from. the danger and lids are eternized and in good con. r.% *, him, to Weft an anal*** pleteal at her Irapov•-mseeI'e&u.in erior article' methes dition before, UzUW. tlitnosul. ie to have good reeulte To successfully can. vegetables, WA when Pat had madher rangemenng tcooking ifeet Al food products, these foods heveni• e ars , aro'. 000.41 n n nnt 11M7F,„"1177rinni-77•Tr 7.-reere nee --efte Old Tea 1.4pok, All Right ad tea and fresh tea, poor tea and good tea, all look alike. No wonder a wornan often gets a bulk tea she doesn't like, Red Rose Tea in the sealed package is always fresh, always good, always- worth the price on the Iabel. Kept Good by the Sealed Package ge .esi .-Par len arli the, stle- must he completely sterilized, All „ • none too soon. for tat very t "ee ing the warm weather, an 'OWin to be- mud 4iso 0 THIRTEENTH EPISODE ---(Cental.) word was flaalled to h" that the an.. en ent *glee, arereasoable riced duo- acceseories sach as jars lids and rub ldi night and drop bombs on the Anaemia' 'their well-known. periehable qualities, Vegetable Structure Their meeting niece, in a, mum archiets would.go alone after mi. g ot, 4 Me under e rule. • thi Ace on the upper floor of a -bui ng , in the factiaey district wax known, and dietnet, in the read hope of eiblitee. .ti.nieeteltotnit:itt knaeettralosfataen! length of tables se foelltuoloogsbe asotrduticturroepootio vehegare: at the session of the .A.peches, held to ating Wall Street. decide what should be nvestigation ,of the done, Pat dee When she wae readY to jump into An. "assortee„--ena of home -canoed acter, and because" of this the vege. her waiting motor, Pat, stopped Ione vegetables will prove a most welcome tables require a long time --from three 41% dared she wouldherself, murderouundertake enough to give 14 play to prank that eaudition to the pantry during the win.: to live Ifoure-to be completely . i loot Doe ding several of her mg e Wes destined to cause her no end. of ewer...smelt* besides saving many times ' sterilized. Many successful cannerst .** aicompany bee, Pat appointed the. extra trouble. She rang Kelly on the, tatter original cost. , e use the old sectioned time method, that! time and place ',here the Apaches 1 Phone and said: a-- tandetise gala gayer 411 vagetablee is, to heat- it to tho hoiIing-Peint ancli 'Come oand ,get me I'M Off to And unless they are completely steriliz- cook for one hour, then seal. Repeat were to assemble for the new adven.1 n . save Wall street.' Then she hung up ed this bacteria will cause fermenting this proem far three successive. days. ture. Just as the meeting in the ou the receiver and dashed away in her action to take place in the jar. and This is a troublesome method width Hse of Mystery was about to adjourn, one motor,To Can Asparagus ing and cooking. Newer and more bound for the aviation Relit. then the content% will be a total loss, requires considerable time for handl- of Pat's Apaches entered the room,. The airplane she had secured was', e leading a Man who • had been blind- ready and waiting for her tok arrive,t Select perfectly fresh and young modern methods have eliminated all folded, with his hands securely tied and it took but a few Moments to start asparagus. V. ash it carefully to re. this. behind hint. When questioned by theMove the sand. Peel the stalks care- The Cold -Pack Method ! the engine. . leader, the Apache said:. When all was in readiness,. Pat en. fully and trim away all the hard and This method is now in general use - [ • "I think thm is one of Kelly's men. tered the machine and dashed away: pithy portions. Let it lay he cold all the large canneries, and IS much We just found him prowling around into the night, at the precise moment i water until all the asparagus is pre- preferred because it gives ; pared. Then tie it in --convenient b T tif 1 the lawn, and thought we would bring three dirigibles, manned by the an- appearance to the vegetables. et can • him in." At a signal from Pit, the archists, rose from the earth, in au- bundles for easy \handling while he successfully accomplished With the scarf that had been bound over the 1 other suburb of New York, and head- blanching and cold dipping. same results in leas time than by other man' eve was removed. ed fo the heart of the city. Blanching -Have a, large pot wa- methods. ... "Why are you prowling *round my .(To be continued.) , - tar boiling. Place the asparagus in ,In usingthismethod, the vegetables ......e..--.. house?" Pat demanded of the stranger. .I, this water when it starts boiling and are blanched, cold clipped and then "Because I have On appointment MOSQUITOES IN WAR • boil for ten minutes. Remove and packed in sterilized jars, the rubbers with one of your men. I arranged to cold dip by dropping into a pan of adjusted and the lids partially tighteo- •bring these plans," said the prisoner, aas Well As in: Times of Peace They very cold water. - . ed and then.processed: sa he fished out of his pocket's ao fold- Are Instruments or Torture Packanto the jars, the \ tip Mid down, ' . • - as closely. as possible. Put a silver \i o ip . . • • ntnnnnn , • st “!..!."7" •• WHERE OUR PO▪ WER LIES. Under conditions Web, are prededined In Children Carefully Reared, Sound in Body and Mind, NvOne of the primary lessons of thiS terrible and devastating war is the value of amen, and especially° of A fit Man; maw witluti lomat mind' and soul, and in future the nation which has most of this type to, the square mile will be regarded as the best and happiest. But sound men grow from sound children, ,just as trees grow from good, etraight saplings; horses froth good, well-bred foals; fine, heeithY vegetables from a well -tended, well - /nurtured, rich -soiled, well-votered, sunny market garden. These; things are so obvio that it almost gems superfluous to e umerate them. Yet we let our children grow like weeds wherever they..happen to 4 be blown by the winds of circumstance or the folds of chance. We stand by and watch thousand a of them growup ''414APitt Iltheari instan. t another Apache ero When the Persians under King knife in the ear to prevent cracking is aecessary to rnake them firm enough Cold dipping efbianched vegetables ° toed the nOon4 ,,,r Werra' hailed Senors were besieging t4E1 cur of vibile fdling with boiling, water. Re- to handle after being Partially cooked Pat's prisoner. - e explanation that. Nisibus, mosquitoes hevast multitudes move the knife and put the rubber and and olso tet set the coloringmatter so 't ' followed diedosed, to Rat that the' fell upon them, atfaclung not only thelidin position.. Partially tighten and, that it will not easily dissolve during man was telling the truth; that he fighting men, but also the elephants then c ss in -hot-water bath for two the rest of .the procesk . and pack animals. There was nothing our r e belling has `started. Be positive that the water is h Pr;3ftee X had made an appointment to meet the boil - Apache who had last entered the room, he clo but to quit, and the Persians did Remove and tighten, the lid secrurely as ing rapidly after the jars have -,heen . • ° and that his capture had prematurely' possible then- invert to cool. When Placed in the water bath before *int-. interfered with the appointment. it, the city being thereby saved from old,,store the jars in aced dry place.. ing.thetimeefor the process. e ; , . • Polak to 'remember for -successful Remember that no food will spell 4 , 1 .. . results; . - - • that is absolutely sterilized, that bac.- . , ..- • • ' ' - The asparagus must be young and teria, spores and germs are exceed', . . • -, • e fresh, ' , • • • ' ' ingly bard to kill and that only leng ' * ' Wash -carefully to remove any sand. and careful cooking will accomplish . • . risinrsery use to produce poor results.,- And they are a ratios chief wealth -the wealth which will best repay preserving. As a nation, We need to see vividly, to appreciate vitality, te understand fundamentally that when a child has reached the age of fourteen the chief oPpoitunito of life is paSt. -The VOW. up to • fourteen ate priceless, and, if well used and utilized, the rest of 4ife can be trusted; as a general rule, to look after itself. The foundations are "well and trula laid," and the erection of the builtling may be left a good deal to individual taste and scoPeand capa- cit* But when they strike the surface of the earth, their energy is transform- ed into heat, by which, the ground is warmed. Air is warmed by vented with thewarm ground; and the warm-, RAIL T It7 OF 'ARMY SUPPUES MAGNaliDE 00' BRITISH TK IS NOT REALIZED. Ditficultiee Which the Unitefilinidoin Ilad to Overcome Were Almost ea • , Insurmountable. • Nowhere inathe war arias have railways been so essential as Miktery - auxiliaries as in Franco. Stupenlloue, stares of all kinds of provisions. haft at been 'kept in France from the .bogin- fling. The provision of depots has been in charge of 'a. stores branch, which is now, in the railroad atal roads. division of the War Office. all kinde ' oftrailroad material, rails, ties; bridge, building materials, locomotives, gara, tool's, huge repair shops, have been sent to France and pait into service on . the lines of communication. Thou - sandsof miles of railroad traelt, hun- dreds of locomotives f'n' use on o broad -and narrovi gauge trac.14tenslot thousands of carshave been pouring In a steady streom intoyrance and the streazii still flows. About half of the cars and more than half of the larger locomotives now operating in France . were taken from the British railways. This, of course, necessitated the im- position of rigorous restrictions uPon traffice at home. Dominions td the. Rescue., • After restricting travel in Great Britain to the utmost, it was still im- possible to spare as many locomotives and cars for service in -France as were necessary. So the Colonials were call- ed upini and itinnensa amounts of roll- - ing stock have been. Sent from ,them,- • Thousands ef cars have been special-. • ly'constructed for the military work of Britain, Hospital train* and ar- mored trains hive been 'bat and spa, • .cial trucks -have had---te -be construct- • • 'ed for the movement of ,heavyetertil- lery. The ordinary railway freight ' car in England is built to carry , not niore than afteete tons, more handle twelte _ions. and therefore, special ar- rangements were required when it be.: came oeceisary, for example, to move • apiece of ordnance weighing as ?nuelv ' as -a dozen cars would be expected to carry. - . mg of the lower air gives „rise to air currents that distribute the heat through the 'atmosphere. Invostigatioloof the pIans,,proved - - - - that t•hey were eharta - that the -an- archiets bad. Made, _in contemplation capture and sack. ' Evidently, then, mosquitoes . may play an important part in war. Moses, • of their air-raid On New York. The apparently, did not think to inflict -a Apache had made a friend of the an- Ttiongrutfartzeluat:ezzletehavgy*. *realist, and had secured his protatee Pee and riothootatheapithy..parts - - ---- blerVehvewredtbe-nzal satisfired with develop- they had plenty of it already. " • In e.. , ... ,. - ` raents thus far, Pat Ordered the Mari ancient days (according to lierodotas) • ' • • ' - • • . . • to be again blindfolded and ledfrom the rich folk of Egypt, to get away _ . Meatless Days. . salt, two anpfuls of buttermilk, one the room into the open,. with liberty to from mosquitoes, were driven to the ••. The dinners suggested below • will round teaspoonful of soda. Sift the proceed at will. Just then Pat was into a bowl; add the graham expedient of building tall towers-, on be helpful in following the advice 11°11r . treated to a surprise. .. flour, -sugar .and .salt. Stir the -soda the of -which they could- dent) in given- the government on the con - When Pat's men led their.- prisoner ... , servation of food. . • in the buttermilk until it foams, then . from the room, and descended to the the dry ingredients. Beat ‘. - The •mosquito is Mot a high 'flyer. BY studying variety in the Use of pour among yardb the secret gangway' that led from the side of the house, they neg- She -for it is the female that does the ,cereals, using plenty of milk and fruit sweevl le rn Pi nt me hr e isn toy artinheuttinercheeds;paanndai;taokuet and an occasional egg dish, the other lected to care the exit behind them. biting -does not rise in flight above two meals Can be lmade invitin# While they were taking their captive theethird story of an ordinary home. and for one hour in a moderate oven. , nutritious. • . . Prune jelly: One pound' of prunes, , across the lawn, Phil Kelly and hie One might imagine, then, ,that the oc- half cupful of sugar, half box of -gela.- men, who had Iong.laten wateltinglor cowl& ,of a bed on the fent& floor Baked, i.31,e,arani and eheeee ;, tine, half•pint.of coid wetter, balf pint , ege e soup,- .,4- . = ---- just • -such an -opnortunity,, suddenli: ,•' ' pouneed upon the Apaches, and 'Wit . . ' • would he :Safe ' Ahdible-ideewould -'-a-tateey, • - .- - --0ealion---oaded-e.---0 of. 01 in --wa T.. --Wash- e-,, prunes, . becorrect if it were not for the stake. well-direeted blows, put theta out of • commission. ' • Once indoora the mosquito can and , does 'ascend from floor ,to floor as. ' ' Disregarding the fate of the blind- . . folded cantle* once the Apaches . had readily as you or I. - .•, • ' been effectually disposed of, Kelly and Thus it...happens that in apartment • ' . his manmade, este to enter thehouse. houses e moSquitoes may climb to the , . They hurried up -the runway and clis- twelfth or the slat -Gentle story. Eleva- a•PAP eS"Peadt ins diil e. her men, were adjourn- ters h. elP. ..th. eln; thoY, got aboard in ing, .gelly and his assistants suddenly cone/Janet with human passengers, and - . aP13eared in the doorway leading from in this way obtain transportation. . the hall, and covered the Apaches and Some of those that • arrive at the tea . their leader with revolvers. The sur- story fly out of the windows and la' Pris• e was einneete. ' oa.. their eggs in, puddles in clogged. fool- . . • "Hands opt Kat aboOted. ' ' 'We • , gutters, Sucirepuddres are a prolific have you .0S ere • ine up aleng the yaw, , , source of mosquitos' supply- for flat -cover with water and souk c,ver night; thecolate cornstarch pudding, - bring' to boiling point, then break open, - ' custard sauce remove the stones and press the_pulp . • • through a colander. Soak the gela- CreaM of cetera- soup with doutood ' tine in cold water for half an hour,. Dried lima -beans Buttered: carrots pour over it the 'boiling water, then Brown 'Betty add it and the sugar to`the Prunes, pour the' inixtore, into .a mold and you, cannot lake- chances on. ' Soap. Four generations - • Ginsitlians ba*e eniOled the ._ ,.• _creamy, _fragrant,skin healing, father of Baby's `Own Soap-_, _ - the Standard In . Canada for nurser' use, on account of its knowapuritY. . • • Ealiits ONir_n hi" Beet. for • • • . • ' • A-303therdiffieultrineconneatiotawithee•-• . treneperting military supplies by rail ., " ie -confronted in connection ,arith the .. • . movement of. heavy ,ordnance, fer . the bridges on: heavy railways -de-- , eiPite ths theVeeeuire :lobe _ ed in great haste and of such niatere• , , • • iale as may be brought together 'On ae• . 'Short notice, are nevertheless Strong- '.• ' er than bridges designed for theordin- • ary traffic of peace times... . -MilitirrItailroads . • In a • recent . despatch Sir Dolighte • ..• • o 'llaigateldasomethiagetitho4.-theoaloefee.„. of the railways in France.. -At the . - L. • end Of 1916 the incieaseof the arthies . .2 and ithe expansion of _material Sources had tasked•the roads and rail- . roads to their .extreme capicity. , The broad and narrow gauge railway ' were unable to handle' : the grow.itm., • ' • volume, and so .recourie was had 'to - • O ALBERT SOAPS, mairraN stirs? - 34) MONTREAL., -.. _ I Split -pea. Soup . - . . stand aside to harden. Serve with - French fried potatoes,, mashed turnips cream, . . - - ' Sliced oranges, bananas, pineapple. "Potatoes. O'Brien"; Six raw, pota- • Cookies - . toes, one.pipt of.milk, two tablespoon- - _ . . _ '‘• e fuls of flour, butter the- ,sizeof an egg, , Cream of tomato soup, crackers one teaspoiedl . of salt, one-quarter Baked potatoes, soihtch • -- teaspoonful of pepper, one chopped Prune jelly, thin. cream Salted peanuts green pepper, half cupful of grated . , cheese, Peel and cut the potatoes: into • . pne bv One the Apache's lined them- houses. - ' • Rica ahcrimt, croquettes • dice, mix them with' the chopped' green setves •agauist the wall. While one Others, on reaching various floors Scallaped tomatoes, ' brown bread, „neni3ea °rid . put them into a greased . - ,. , Ripei olives flreorooa dish. Ada the milk gradual- -of Kelly's men sparehed them for fire- whether by the stairs or by the coo- ly to the floury. then add the salt, pep. arms, rat mend. to the fartter end •Votienee of the elevator, fly- over -the .. Floating island , Nuts, raisins ' of the table'. When Kelly started , _ . , per and butter and pour over thepota- transoms of apartments ,deeeetad oTau men come to this end of the water in such tanks, remaining unclie- . . . .mayannai.se dr.e, 0.sing, . . ants. aleeep the raea covered, while ed upon -under such circumstances to • - - -tablet"- RsilY eemuseeldett his "sis-4-' tutllect ler' nmeY• Nve0'se lilaY he-Oeentea Hot :soft gingerbread-, -whipped cream pieces I go after the girl," was MO SuriPle- yield an •thiorthetis cret, of mosquitoes - ' • . • . • . • mental • order when his men had at one nd ed the table, with Pat op- eg • posite. . , But before Kelly could Move to hie suPP117. fUr the tartar neeeted his side. - • ..,- ---- .. - - . lu us 4 Oersted sweet plitatoes,". `Stewer corn, each layer with -melted butter- and. . ' make good his purpose, the floor at -homes In the evarntseason. ' * Apple Pie ' Cheese • ' dozen cloves through the dish.- Bake . . • -indeed a eontanit• one and * 0X114 ti . ' tenants for the summer, and lay their, eggs .in the, bathroom tanks. • The . P. eas - e of the stayo Celevy and /taple Wed, ' • • a• hs' -- . -PatatoesCO'llrieir- ' - -- - ' , ' Cream of spinach soup an. a buttered baking-diele, sprinkling • Rigis . ' • . brown or white sugar. Scatter one —eta . . - . teodea. • Peel, slice lengthwise_ in ' Nut bread • . pieces .one-third of air inch thick. '43,. top, • Balm in a moderato' oven for out paring, Mx sweet .potatees, .until one hour. Serve hot. •• 1 - , Caramel sweet potatoes Boil, witha after her, she moved, ontillaellyeetood 41:v4ot-wet -r“efe opftee. a e :Twee aetrea. e -..--.--.1.--- . ' ' Grahero breed t. reef, Millitilli Of flOittit• Afktyly Ifintill wen teeoereertee. een. T4. tives.....uniL.,they,.._avere _Once' more ._ "' _ _ :,..I.L.111=4,57,40.4'S.,two cupfuls of graham flour, half tea- ii to brown or stick toe rau ' :.; the highways. Thousands, of motor, • . • trucks .were pressed into the service, . • , ". and of course the roadbede. suffered fearfully: To relieve these it becaree necessary to build still more Military o - -railroads, and a new network of, these . •t wEis decided upon • Before these ' linesehad •been tom- ifa.rrogma tsiciettire•gtoiciliiigthe:f.litad oeetipled war de- ' OUR SEItVICE AVAILABLE.. • _nr 7 pleted, the' Gerinatik retired fInm EITERTVIIIERE -mem- ,-Sprnekleethe 'cheese over the .,„ . trap eil- :i-itilia--saitte,,Iere-iviiaiivAlery . - - - • -- --' -•''', -------- --. ''. ":' - ------"-- - -; ivi 'All ' 31.-'-gu-ar '-ritaf:-Ie oel,reg.:eoraithateintatonr, add n ilash,-"qahetzkyatet,-. , . had before nearly logt their lives. Pat The Fning Leaf nee tieidete Its hied pUshed a button Oita let the •ficoa adorohyll to the poem slot, drop from ander .the detectivese 1 HUNGRY .13ELGIAM'e aiLDliEN; . . •Kelly was wild with, rage when ,he The leaves which are now falling oar ' „ — pLeci with theneed that only those in need -amid have it. : recovered his reath, knocked out of ard cavetiry4, fle Itor aid 'coPEDL'es Foefl Only Given to These Actually hi :"Yes, it is ao,"..ake Said sadlY: "We his body by the sudden tumble into the ere ventabtee'elfa, ' .1 . . 6, , ,,,, cannot feed, so Many little mouths ly, for thet detectives fallen in meta a eailoa o leaf noli coif, it in a seatioseeee teller.. Om of hie men had fortunate.. After' d, 4c:1r-4F, su-mmt. &45, if yvat, vae t,,,,,,..14e distress .of the lanid•relai otoeaintlidsgoiyliettt. telt:: le,licinti wetted VAt. . manner that his be preventeel the • • -e • •sliding Mei of the "'weal" to emniaetee. tsdutOt ft...0 Mat, .,,Ortl'ajoals U kV.72re„. ,Z. Cli,22t,.. ...g".. -- !,, VM..... 5rq :tt..t4t... a.c.,St.... :115;J wasie dal' Ititedeaew. h..Cedvao- Elstaradmotettatei I. ly reach the flooritot, • . - ' tuto. An . ,/v7,-T.g‘a.eultega," 7.1t.P. ?...,m TA , tem. °Y.: •ITSr. ik Ja.,111,,i: _TAT " .. „ .,s3$7 . . , 0 . , . • Ent for this eireadistenek, Pat Wald that the teal vies melt tvrea bt,..,c..1, : -.1x1 of Iltes F.....,r..L,Srs IRO.traT „.??,4 .25...me for 11=4 who do. . .• . have had Kelly and his teen securela MA Ote Melee heat' , fee a, ezree atea, natallage&---etreteata 'Mr.' ma sweeee, taro 0„...../rilk4 vii -EA fa, tzEtive& . serge /Or 8 gtitt ri"-`-*-yr'w-gi -,&-_-_ - ' Hooemaa-.1 4- •-'.edrz 1 tazro -1•1-Tml-n=. ',.,,,.,,,-. •,±,', rz.•71,..u.,--.1 al ov-tf, Every% . - . 'Meanwhile; Pat and her men, gerere Leaves- teettee etateh Itra-19-,,rir D''' r,F*1-1, 1±1,0. 6:L-='"fett e S./1:-..i-tr-N.'e.1.-a-', ozeinfr--.4 loy Moe aiteever fa it-Attag 1 " from any delve* that might Ileve '04 a tl, a,. too ,st,-ALsi, r„..1'Eg. tahr,eaenedathrsugh tile Ptcese"S aecl the roma- eel -cla at a &,... '•=3.3*.tr4" i tfeeet ee'aoea c'we tatZ,eeejl4le on Dete coaermat fee Seetegenera oeSselaaoate= manly tree his men, .proegeded with ,. ,,..._.-7---- ,. '.. ... '-"",, .., .. - .z.,;:- • ,- - ,..._-, .-..- - --ir.,4,„,-„,:•;,,m,.._. ;;_i,...., , . , , - -:.. h 't. pl tts Tat 'men Pat had Okla- %alma -052e the kir' c.741mr''', t al a * a ' ' 'azr ita-G-6 leiat tee-, tgla,,,A; ) '* • • . gated to aSSiat her proceeded on their Proteile, nnal SllIgaritZZC.-.7--"Skrg fn., toLe to eat r1.5 "e .A.. 4., ..., r . . , . , . . . . ' varloug reiteloos. . ,t plant's life, it el!et, eenteaee r. trz.:.,. :7 taa. • - - tem f.':---mrimt-t-' *t-' .0.• ' • The Apaches spreea out and eeere i.etancektoteem to the eaenelet aseltseO- ' F7--_-!fx1--.'" lant. Matzo.; tato eare. eer.oce - ' seen in ethninunkatioh withthe an- Lebo mare chtoropteeet epee to toe teeeee-oge=e-4 /a -le eeae vaeareacetaal ' 75.ekev• Ci.....-Acr,o t-ete ''.0:-:-I.....bae.betteeelaele - arehiste. Believing itt the thippostal .i. a . 1 - - . • . - . ,. .;Noliness of. pays mon, 01, consnit_ e At orterzt.. d ttrit, etel.en. the ere,. , _.e. 'de -"'"*''-.____.--..-7.a, ...1.t‘P P..."14"Lr. t...t tB). C...1_',.'" "*",..i..0...,..-::-.- 1.1.` -'ft le (G.:4,4tt Zeoltg'"gaVt valuhble itifOrin'ation,l'a 8°466 '6f trialtt Olt; kt 1110. •-a-l'aa'a=' ,l-ki ea7.2,3 ° r41-- 5 'cct•-cfs Et 11- 'elzgl rei-•••11‘P•git}"•"'fix..asegi'a ,f4tY0 e . .... vbieh. witts tooted to pat in thne fields, the life of a not &penile. '1 seaveeneeel. peel f,....--z-i--7.2...- .e., gat.•:&azi.I.'iv 1?..4.1, faoFf4ii-o,A.r.aCmor, ,41•4,;',0•Isttt,711(o ftrtmt1 , we . to be u . ,• , alloroPhYllt .greert is the tinlY otib- the treee. teat, taeoccee.reeee '2,eteree... atel ite Some time atter Italy had +also., stance veltiel eon hire* oto _rodeo oad _.,grittl=-,:z3 et e.e% .--->e,11..t, r.,,,,-=-,.1.: fVint at'-',,,,,.. ',IX tp11,:.: . ':il,;;;; L4,1 Es, (Ltatz:y ' t, • peered through tlie trap, Pat geilteine etohee, converting them loto stenhes , follow tee etE,-,,z izt,:..--..,....s..--- &gg .v,. ezio4l, ire tit* i:Pravt Its ttpicaeli a'o Ifiw' ' pg her men to release the detectives, and sugars , . , i o-ene tly-,mgoVI.E121 Wag 011--4,z-Ts 'z'z&-0: f1iv;ti',4m mut Crap gtfattirs,•143s ee • 1 - Her investigator re orted tliat the This of where damn begins. its II ranted IV ea seree3=Leal. of e-.Le., -ea l'''e%41 ;role ate4]i3 litar laatafhat all eo,,aa ttap.owas empty, an the smote that overspread tho gitee5 beautiful face extraordinary werhee If the'clilere-1 Parolale:, Mr. Vir.14:.:7 atast-Zaatetial eta re. Lrel-retteettto erfaea loaf aerate -a, Indicated that .she wets neither sue. Phyll contained in the plants were tet Of the ttem3em weakara ata".2 fa, , dt Dat'dt77, aatell ERA %V: . de avogii:-, riff r.e:. prised nor disappointed.. • • perish With the "fall elf the liettfal 44TheSt 011.0 Of Itaithlieall'I'/241,t, .U4, (cirs,mtpy de Aftii!, Shottly afterward a girl leftthe there would be an end to the vegetable , raid, "and calved havea teal teeaatet. %Tee fere Idea toed felli 1.1"1:a.. 1-3 143 f*; Muse Of Mystery With a 'note ad- kingdom, rind "Man the biped" would; They thud wait =el their weight to &onto -7 aata. eaahate reoraa• may lif4 drested to the Sphinx. ° When ladle else dieeopeoei .. thedueed before Ave can saeleety faeen, tte. r2,--Jeca, e tune val.& 1-,mt IA:a fe messenger arrived' at Kayla bead. . Long befoeo the leaf fella the Watt.l. with food. • This May he atitTaara 6.=.0 tt.11 tomt.. a Ls 0 camirszy atta 1141 glliirt"11 tle w.as 811°141 iran"dittt4Y phyll is yielded up to the parent steth,eor two or illt016 days. 0-, 1 tho,s- wb,,,t1G--= ctssz.fclii t4...AL ct:11:,-,e6.3!' ,-ztt all P. - -- eyou-heee---eie eiteeee*-e-e-eepee -Testae tha gar& *aim proteids, end, are tinder Weight mai are tidtaitIdart 3$ fated nee weer& tQlb te.ivz--to y t tthagratublte , you. Now I ebalieugsl the denuded foliage gives, us our Mil starving to death Under Mir O'es mayi.G=ey ef tr:. erattlkarx al, il:Te you, to hitelifere With faplantO save Junto nnta, cv,75-f n. nt 4 fr a , ' haVis food, Theft) id to littto feel co- irGtt heel; • ' matter where you live.PAP.KER Service Is right• • • at your door. Wherever th.e,Pa5fainAli P;' the =P:eWi COniMagnedLO Cia coned and detenter veltate= rot - • e • ' • • servic' e to distant crsts=err. Is carefugy hareilei -o that goods are hieexW, of...ea/617"in trae-a--at, ' The eorelionee Of eve 'Week "has heat up the largest , dyeing and eaeareleg Caaadaacelisknown, from coad to ooest . • , • • ‘..laitiettiraatrr g.s.'"•fat;c1c's". •,,t* F/r.P44;11:Zo7;•-•&:"-.1- use yaz-or asa Z5W P7- • We ay t WAssi sire= aataCeres ease t.V4. Tailk. ii."AzalitEIVZ 304:3t.lizr crosueir ' '.4"teig• • Sord.A., a ,27•48 9 ...etief. 4 4,rakIv$airj"..Scdaclo er..f matt 4c.cafr.....g... 26113/taiSrA1=1=::Iftee=r2,44:11.iltdiVep e• • PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LUG. ,ED 291 TOCE.TeiliONTet , eetapaingeraiLways,abriclges, • ighwayse every means of commutheeticio;• 1" and • the British arinytenfrented the huge task of t•gridironing thia additional • • area with •• mean.sof trenspertetion, .., • The fact that it has been accoMplish. • ed, and accomplished 'with. ualielievo '• sble rapidity and ethoroughitess.,. eon,' • Stituteivorie •of the most remarkable achievereeriti-either military, or • in- " flustrial-ef the entire ware _ • • _ industrial Marvels. ' tatttnnIattnntray.ntinnt—Intnenentia.. Altthis development has , ried on'so quietly that almost' nobody , ' • realized it was taking place. 8ome • " '• • months ago M. Brialid, who was then . the Premier of France, visited an iin.• rnense railroad workshop behind the - Britith•lines, Every brick,. evert, piece • a 'timber, every tool or meet -ling in:it • had been • transported froth, England • to be Set up in the most coretenient . • place, The rrench" statesnian Went' . • • , thriyugh -the establisliMent, and his - moment at the toneltisien of his ." • " speetion Was InSt,' abod what every- " body- oleo says who looka intothe• ; • ‘, • e dnettial • trtarvele, �f the last three years. "The great: fault- I have to, gad with you•Englislo" he mid, "is that you do each enormous thinge but nobody ever gets an idea of. what yeti are doing." Several. hundred miles of • railway hove glee been laid in the Sinat Desert , ander the direetion of European en- , giteere with the help of 'native Egyp. ' tiati labor. For the Mesopotamian and - East' African railway • cOnstrUction • both ouppliee and labor have been • owed chiefly front ,India. The aver- ege tannage moving weekly °Vet the thilitery railwaye itt Meeopotarnie alone noW reaellaS far into thee agnree. • ro the latit six Metitlia the trafficover The Sinai line from El Kanter" east. Ward ban been multiplied' by three. • • Aacureed ladder iiiialkiert • on whith, droWning persona eat be • . .placed and than into a boat.'withoilt • -danger of capsizing It. 1