The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-10-11, Page 6lb • nits Flamottry Teas &et wood to prathkos the Imams A COU*RSE IN HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE COWL= IN TWENTY-FIVE NUESSONS. Lesion in. Cereals. 4, The grains used in preparing cereals cereals will eause inteatinal troubles, blends. E lea" I 13 treats liselgraa are wheat, corn, oats, rye, buckwheat lull of its natural deliciousness. Sold, and ba•rieY- Cers4 feeds esustsill protein, cazbohydratese fats, mineral In sealed packets only.vim milts and water. - Protein build* the bodily 'Owes; carbohydrates (starchea and sugars) "le body doubted but what his Immense 1 Johnson was ane of the most dim- Turnieb warm* ars& °Perri; fats wealth came from the most despicably • . means•kaown to the law, emus men in the city. For years the supply warmth and Mine* salts and, authorities had tried to invest their water are necessary. for the perform- sasPiciona with legal evidence. N0- ance Of the bodily functions. There- fore it will he .seen that the cereals are mosttvalueole foods.in tmo • I) )14,SK Orme Givara ivivemsegfrom the moo* Rehire NV of the Sam Nattebithe ativersai Fibs Nik For sroall thildren and_ mends the •cereals should be strained through a, fine sieve to remove the coarse , Oatmeal Goodie. ---Mix title 11 order: 14teaaPeon halting soda, 11 tablespoon. water, 1 cup cooked oat- meal, % ceP !sour cream, it OP . moliteses, 2 tahlesPeon two*, 1: tea- snPu®tmliegclanimadluclionv'es1/4,. ithacu"°°P flanurlitt cll°111 THE cost jr dried breed crembs. Mold into emen _ • 250 to let iftromyerIltiar$P0=71cuB: auswassmas that. proves the fine quality of Red Rose Tea, which goes further and tastes better because it coexists chiefly of rich, strong tests grown in the fornons district of Amon in -Northern-Wis. pountt of Reit Rom- ero* 250 cups." Kept Good by tile Sealed Package • ieit Ent to he Auspicious was one thing Oats ia the richest cereal in protein halls,- flatten between the palms of and to °get the moods" on the erafti ;a fats; Wheat ranka second, and corn Johnson was another- Read of a ird. Rice contains yore' little fats. ed for crumb crackers. Bake in ksst the hand and place on pees se descrite PatsY'a men, reported that he lived and ee . . , 1 Cellulose -found ' cereals It even for teneninutea. is alsoin . dicate of the worst kind of crooks. , Preflted iniMensely utori the doWnfall-M. 13.4 1994 7141144 bIlt i* 4444* SW. Of weaklings who fe under the -evil lug digestion Long conking of cereals influence of his subordinates. 3 is necessary because of the presence Money rolled in to Johnson from ev- of celluloite. The starch, which is ery part ef the country -and it al-`Presenttin the 'grain, is enclosed in a ways came in cad cash. For the rem eeneeet 5 teucture and lone cooking is son he found it not alone advisable ' " • — 4 necessary to soften this cellulose so but neeessary to build the sunken . • , i that the digestive juices may act upon vault. With this report from Pat's men the cooked Starch. Following is a came the statement that, seeing table of proportions in preparation of strange figures moving about his breakfast cereals: . ee.eteeberea; grounds late at flied; Johnson had. , . cereal Water Salt; Ting•s. pm. • moat called in. Phil: Kelly to consult him. , • cupfui. cupful teason. , a , 8 The "strange -figures," it need hardly Rolled oats ... i -s 1" 60 min. TWELFTH EPISODE: be said, were Pat's Apaches, on their Cern meal ...., 4 x . ee min. k oatmeal ........ i it so min. / The Sunken Vault. The knowledge that she was rims Cream a wheat .. Rolled wheat . 1-3 x so min. Mission of investigation. Aware of Pia Kelly't approach to once mote to be involved ill en adven--Riee • ,.......... A 14 • li' 60 Min. fen., t la brin her In cortitieti-i 'A. double btidere should:always be the Henze of Mystery, rat wee ''''' lion With the Sphinx was geed news used for cooking cereals. A fireless prepared to give him a reception that et. to Pat. A seine of intense satisfaeeriooker is the best method. Boil cereal turnished him with the surprise of bis tion overspread her beautiful face as for life. _____, _,.., fivenninutes, place, in. fireless gook - tie in* eeetiretee she issued. an order fer l'er Men t° 'er and in the morning it will need only When Kelly arxi'vcu '"'" -- "'":- meet in consultation in the House of every available entrance, and deviled ' • to be heated through. Poorly cooked to adopt the expedient of cliMbing- a Mystery and get their orders,. . „ tree that stood beside the house and Johnson lived in !,t. stately mansion , . surrounded by Apacions grounds in a Methods of Serving Cabbage. . grew tall enough to give Met access ‘ est; an open window, • pert of town net far from Pat's head - One man remahied under the tree quarter's* • Cabbage contains about 85 per cent. - /t ie.valuabie for it =metal ..,„,. _ ar look.euer ezbee leot otur,,elee! It viasein this house -that John's= V-istee eehis •businessedieadquarterseant- salts and it will furnish an attractive had entered _ the room through the here he was having built the sunken meil::--T6-he "tets37ir slitirii&-hava: ;climbed to the window.. After they .vieult.. Workmen 'weep petting the , Arne well:de-relived had with fresh window, they !donned to investigate. finishingtouches on the wall of wateneleaves, free from worm holes . and The room they were in was perfect- tight masonry that Was to form the decay. Always eetee the - cabbage ly devoid- of any furnishin ire and the outer shell for the flood that 'was in- well in plenty ,of cold water, adding one door providing entrance slid tended to baffle the craftiest of creeks. tabent two. tablespoonfuls of .salt, This SOLDIER'S, FOOD Crumb- „erakere: te cup bread LESS THAN IN IMPERIAL ARMY erumbe, cup Whi`te flour14, eve -- - Graham flour, 14 cup sugirr- te tea- BY TWO PENCE PER Itrew. skoon salt, 14 teaspoon mutmeg, 34 teaspoon ginger, 6 tebleepoons Mix dry ingredients,"rula in shorten- ing and dissolve % teaspoon baking soda in 14 cup seur milk and add, 3 tabletpeons molasses, 1 weil-beaten egg and 4 tablespoons finely chopped eitrcei. Mix to 'bugle roll 'IA inch thick, 7 Cut And then brush the top with granulated sugar., Bake -in hot 'oven from to 10 minutes. Use level measureinents, • Always bake cietkies On. up -turned baking pan; grease well and then rinse well With eeld water before placing the ceOlcies on it to bake. _,, - A. cup of' cold cooked cereal added to pancake batter intproves it. Cook- ed, cereal May also be added to muffin Inleatire. egreas WAS the only interesting lea- ri nt -.file - Pat's investigators11 „Aspen the door -Mid found a sefond doing the work, rin& 11:•;t: a' generous on the cabbage. ' • en who were will -remove. any insects that may be toe of the Plate- ' &BY larked ed the foreman of the room,. exactly like the One theSrAhad, ribe obtained a place for an 'expert Place_ the cabbage in boiling water fieseeintered inviting further investi-. Apache investigator to become one Of in gook. Cover it closely and. cook gatione „_ . ,.. the bricklayers on the job. _This man quickly Until it is. tender, .' Wain at Opposite was a door leading 'Into was Pat's most alai' led assistant, and --e-- . ist311 another mem. And when Kelly his keen wit and intelligence soon in.°. OLLOP• If Cooked slowly and left,* the ' turned the knob, his surprise party emee the Purple- Mask' with ail the water, the cabbage vvill be-tougli. and made a Speedy betinniller.- z, details she needed.. , • , • , - stringy. . Overcooked. ca age -is rale Pat 'was sitting in One corms; of The Measurements were taken:, . 'the Waytenisipid and without flaw*. . , room, in a large arnlehair. Other. grounds were -mapped and a plan oft Biked Stuffed Cabbage. -Select •.'d baking dish. Oaver._.the bottom wit -*ail this- one piece Of furniture the 4'olmsOn's,' home WOO drawn - ' And loose °head of -tabbage.',-Reniove all 'fine bread -crumbs. ',Place in a layer room was empty. - -: - while he was in the vault at -work, the ,- • disiolored leaves trim the stalk close of the_-cabbage,---seasqi slightly with • Kelly made a Move. to aPproacti the Apache' Managed to interest Johnson- a ,. the . '.. - elusive girl.Whozn_he was. now deter- houSekeeper m it ecliente to add. vase- ,,o need and waste Place • the salt, paprika and a sprinlding of grat= ." 1 wiftl -moving 'er" made to Pitt especially delighte.d' easily with 1:. fork: •-,e'elternove : and. the dish is full.- Pour over the cab- Fr,ance, the •prineiple_pf -Which is thet an... • • :Canadian--troopszin--canada. araffin -before .sending -to. the wash,1,_. !--a-that stain will come ,out in the" b i Mined tit capture. Pat, pressed a ry be 'het -Meade. ----e-e----- -- -,:Whele-cabbafia-111La Pet at-boiling:y...1.4- ed cheese- Now Put in a layer of the "Long' Ration- which is served, to. nush-button 'in the arm of hee' chair. Tho final repett that hei "bricklaer-, ter and boil -until' it ean lie piercidlifead-ertittibeeti*netireecabbageenntil partitions were run, • a hot oven for, twenty-five minute's: • . . Cut;nquarters and serve with cream • sate - Swedish Braised Cabbage, -Shred a lead4of-cabbage-fine,--Wash-in-plen of ;-cold Water. Drain, place in- a saucepan and then -add' one-half cup- ful of Water and stesiM gently until the cabbagetit, tender. Now addetwo teaspoonfuls of salt, ene-half tea- spoonful of white 'pepper; one. tea- spoonful Of grated onion; one-half cup- Transport ' Department.- -The NavY John, T. Clark died Sept fith. .11e and Army Canteen Conintittee also was of U.B.L.ulescent., • ' ful of soar creme.- _Heat until the 'triangles- of toast. ' -•-• • 'cabbage is very hot, ' Serve with certify that the commodities required The Fredericton -City Council is at ' will be available 'at the time for which present in. an awkward positien, and .. ' Alpine Baked Cabbage. -Wash and the diet • sheet is ,intendbd• • • _ •, the' . voters' list for, the, city, in 4 : chop'. fine one medium-sized head' of • . . ' --G".-"—' - ' quiet Mess en account of the lists be.. -cabbage. • Cook with, tender 11X bOlj-- ivkatthe. pays for in, the restaurant, In peeling onions place• thein in a ing prepared by two men acting. 'as , - • ing water. .. Drain and then greage a would be 'Unable to follow it in its de- bowl ofiiiiter; arid peel there sotket-three, . One of..the. aldermen was ap;-,.. . 7.. not in the letter, should not be held .... If vim eet a- arass or fruit otaire on a white_ dress, rub • it .witle a little . IV' a meraber a the-citi'cot twit --* ' To• put. the matter briefly. ....mere pert attached to the -Supply and One of Fredericton's oldest men, °Veried Ration" Served to Canadians in England is Prepared by a - Dietitian. „ ' "The cost of • feeding Canadian troops inegligland is nowadays two pence To 1.?ead Per da y less than the cost of feeding Imperial treene,." Tide intereating assertion was re- cently made 'to the Canadian.Associat- ed Press, with. the further assertion that the Canadian soldier in a training area in England has the advantage, over hie brother of the Imperials, in rem the Ocean Shore Offs or , NEW0 nom THE MARITIME PROVINCES. • Ition of Intent* }Veto Placa LaP• , * fed By Waves of the Atlinities - , . .... • The price of petit oe toile' is expeeted to be lower ad* fall then last. ' The Supervised Playgrounds field 1 .__ day held At Halifax Auguet 23rd Wall a great sticcess. _ Travel out a. Sydney on thee:canoe dian Government Itailwries laet week was exceptionallY heavY. " .* . The Sydney, CE,,' Board „of Wormi hypottiecqeff $211,000 of sewer bench' is the Menu'lor ,two daysi for every far vetitg- on the different streets'. , The Canadiait Nene. graph staff. of 'Halifax, has been, t S lir Charlotte- Canadian/clomp in England. I Jolin Malian, a the C.P.R. . tele- • transferred te the Glace Bay .oince. • • Monday, Aug. 27. --Breakfast; Rolled Lence-Sergt. E. J". Tyler, of St • oats, mutton stave bread, butter, cof- Mary's, Who ' has been missing for • fee. 1-.)intier: Canadian pot roast, tur- almost two years, Is now rePorte4 nips, potatoes, Jack Lew dumpliugo, wounded. kned.-suppeet-pork,end._heenei-Panv-WaltacezDavineyvVeaft*.A.,the ,. _ Rolled tate, beef. olives, bread, butter:' in building ships. Shooter Island Shipbuilding ° 06. of - breed; butter, tea. . Tuesday, Aug. 213th--Breakfastiiassist Sydney, CB., . bcolugemPeepsint Pneetra4t peaO, soup, 1.) e e f StPe Pt New ir he IrS:rcikn' Sydney i I CityI' C°Ilucil rei"ett -: These -dietery`Slieets-are-'distribut.;;:neitamoPnP-11)Kicaainiitgiie:n71 UM:afacdNteell,imE.PeLia-10f.-Q.Ini-1 __ Scotch cheese, currant' fritters, bread i 'company to erect a new gasoline . . butter, coffee. ed to the areas well.in fideanee.'of the yeeneee has been appointed to the actual day they are to be used. At vacancy in • the Antigonish district • inentioned. The sheets are .prepared recipes for the making of every dish alieray, ., by Major R. G. Ross, Chief Inspector them out so many weeks in advance of Canadian Cater‘g, who in working John' hal to keep in eye on What ''.- kindly of two caused by the death of .Judge Xac-. dearevowing to the deadlock betireen , King's county *• producers and the. There la a milk *nine M St. ceonvteora cithueartfa.rmers' •„ieerease the bottom of the sheet are printed securing 4 greater variety in his vie- ing in due season. Ter u ge wapinan, who sits Or the • fruits of the earth will be fortheern- d re. trials, ,which enables ,him to obtain the . • , ,, ict of Kings, Halite and Coll / fullest Measure of satisfaction me of • e • Canadian Diane!". cliester, has been retired, and.' his A epeeist endeavor is made to pr successor will be Mr. Barclay Web - them. Obviously ,the legitimate pit - in vide Canadian Melia. - Look throng ;sten-KR:F:0f- Kentville. ' - -, 2, . Web- ing of two pence per men daily feeding the Canadian Army in Eng- a file Of these 'dietarY sheets find One August 25th was a red letter day land means the saving of a huge sum finds cropping up suchitems as sweet, in the -history a the Halifax branch . yeerly for the taxpayer of the Dot corn, manila SYruP, pork and beans, of the Cimadian Great War Veterans' - raisin pie. • • - .Associationi when the returned sol - All these dietary sheets are approv- diers held a huge picnic. • --Through the -courtesy of_Brigadier- al-lir-the' We -died nuthoritiee as tite.---Theelautiching-ef-theeLetvia-Bro--- Gezieeill ...McRae, Quartermaster-Gen- 'eral, I have been enabled ,to gather food. 'value of he articles cOntainea thers, the largest chogner.r1gget therein. _ A do ration- their food value is ensured by lie check in eegard to vessel. eyer, built ' in the , 'Maritime the ' ProvinceSi7took Place at East ItiViir, scinieldarticulars of - the manner in. Which the Canadian soldier is ent. The feeding of, thousands of men ed in England, saYs.a.Waecorrespond: ,diet being OnallY aliProved by an ex- Sheet Harbor, N.S., last Saturday. spread .over seven differaretraining areas is li. • complicated business -so complicated in fact, that the ordinary civilian; whose knowledge of catering is confined to What is "-placed befor him en the domestic dinnertable,• or tails. • - " • the ivater covers 'the onions, to prevent pointed Government revisor, and 'this • the eyes from smarting. I office, in the spirit of the • statute if . Various Rations. •. k t t uc rni e food commodities are: supphe tu out from the wall her. • It concerned, Phil Kelly's visit into. cold water. Drain well bag; a thic orna o sa e. p . • coming together in such a manner to the vault, when J'afinson brought, and roll back the outside leaves. Re- wit bread crumbs and grated cheese. on a standard scale to each Company. that they Shut Pat, behind their shelter him in to show Itow • cleverly the -old [ move the • center.. 'Chop it fine, sea- Bake in a -hot oven for twenty-five There is also the, "Modified System,"as completely as though she were villain had planned to, -Protect his t son and add: one-half capful of thick minutes. Serve in the dish with to- which i's in force amongtheImperials Kelly and his man stood dumbfound- "When they lett the vault" said, cream_ sauce, one-half cupful of bread ' mato sauce made byrubbing through in England, .where the sol.diergets a locked in an entirely separate room. wealth. ' • ' - . ' - I, ed, for a second, and then tried to Pat's informant, "johnson. told Kelly; crumbs, one teaspoonful of salt, one- a fine, sieve one cupful .0 stewed 0- portion of his allowance in actual xa- leave the i00111 the way•they had en- that it was - important that Kellyefourth 'teaspoonful efpeppeee one tea- mittoes; one cupful of •waternd six tions and the remainder in cash- to , . . • should get on the job at once, and I Spoonful of 'grated onion, two tea 'tablespoonfuls of .cornstaret. ' ORA spend as he:Chooses. ' Both these sys- Sulidenly the • Boer dropped 'from heard Kelly ,say ,he would call over his spoo'nf 11 r• ids- of finely minced green- pep...1101'M very thick and add: one large tems, it Is asserted,. are wasteful; the • tered. ---me flooi was locked. under them. They landed in a great °Vetting At a!ne 0 clock to .go a ' fil - ' t th head onion 'grated, one teaspoonfill of salt, men do pot freqUently get the food Ie0,040 box that, had been ,pleeed 41.L., the details with Johnson!' der the trap-door, through which they "Gbod boyl" said Pat approvingly. bad fallen. -. • Before they could make a move, some Of Pat's men rushed forward and slammed down the cover of the box 8 securely imprisoning the the detectives. Then strong hands pushed the wooden case toward an OPelling ill -the 'wall- -Down -a chute the sleuths,progeedeti, siding in their moving prison. The box and contents, presently emerged • through. an opening in the outer Wall of the building. _ • , There Wass motor truck waiting to receive it, and immediateltr the box . shot threugh, the wall and landed on , the truck. :The driver started his en- gine and drove away. An hour later, • with Kelly and his atsistant Atilt in- , elle, the hoe. -ere *weed off theetresle AnCtgirt. s,Zttt" P IfittelV; ' -""-- ' . • Sena ThenTO _ PARKER 'Anything in the nature of the cleaning and dyeing of fabrics - can be entrusted to Parkees a cabbage. ...Return the leaves to coy- I one teaspoonful of - pepper, one well- they would fancy, and -a:ed fRletions; : .:YoenWonijocraikstwervithicte.lie_ full assur. , Per. . en • “Everybody has their instructions' and ell the . center.- Place the cabbage on !beaten egg. This dish can be Used in Often squandered. ...• _ mice of prompt, efficient, and , it only needs ,for them to know the a greased pan and cover top With a piaci of meat and will furnish a do- There .is also tinie to begin rerations. We. will thiek . cream sauce, then cover - with lieious meal when combined with bak- 'which we are-, now discussing, and, make i parcel of goods you ,oese een'oe N. , an e re e y tart- on the job o_niget et six o'clock, bread crumbs ew sprinkle with ed ' potatoes, string 'beans, -cucumber which me.ans that. eaCh Canadian so', vated,' att.achwzitten in - d b ad to put Kelly where lie fro I grated cheese tmd then hake in salad, stewed fruit, and tea. structionsto each piece, dier in a "(Canadian) training area it I _ Kngland receives his food prepared! . and Seed to tatty parcels- N*0 SCARING _HER.' • A Brave Flinchwoman Unafraid In tie Midst ot Berating • For several weeke. at the beginning of the war, Pitei-Moussone although e it was directly on the frontier, Saw net , soldiers; French or German. it was a '. time of dramatic suspense. The best .description of it, says Mr. Henry . Sheahan, in, A Velunteer tame from the lips of the housekeeper of . Wisteria Villa, a • splendid, braze • Frenchwoinen .Who had never left her post. • - She 'Was short, Of a cleat, tanned complexion.. and always.had her hair lightterolled up in a tittle classic pug. That evening the apache in the vault or express. Wed She as fearless of. shell's as a. sol - cannot 'lute ere. - . managed to hide when time came for . TRAINED- FORESIrERS. •, pay carriage °Ile .waY• dier in the trenches, and once went to the lworluttegtaIealfet '474 the house- ' • • a deserted' orchard, virtually •in the keeperalso,- got. her iinitriiitfiniS.-thaitiiiie Of -Skillet -Men Forltechnical .0r, if you prefer, send for the booklet first. -••• . trencnes, To get seine apples for 'meg- supported effort supported iitrOngly 4ccording to. dietary sheekthe diet- t mate_ dr_iiinst intid,_e; Thug. ap_itiuthority which insists on 'rigid., by .avopriate. glivernmental and pie- arY *met being issued by, one -central ad - plies to research,. as well -in -5 Tiddf-ehereneeetoteit.;- ---Thiseentemeeensiltes di:Mal facilities for . the training or ithat the •soldier, receives vs -flak -in: - ' (To be contmtpi) ' IIIGH FLYER'S. The Aeroplinie Hris Not Tel Attained ' Retard Height. . • Heart -Rending French.' Woik of Forest Administra,tiOn. 'The most! striking feature of. the forestry idthation in, Canada today is the extreme .sheztage of trained men for ihe lechnital, wOrk of feres,t ad -1 Ministration and research. The fores- try profession, no less than others, has:answered, the eall_for_oversem men.' Only a very.fevi years ago it was When on a visit to London Ribot, tereoteters-a..../ • .rfaiLle hat:: „ , the-Frencit-premier;-seteat-clinner-be- when the spin= and a tying9tranlad-soared4i-a iniight I of. ...!:.',..Tf.,°1-k,-1q-,"?.g!1:',?454 rtioAair 1'13°5 this eatables, and it- aIsite-nieans that . had kicked their ws,y outOf the -box, hoMethile later, they found themselves fur out iri the country,. near an infre- felently used trail that led across the • ‘Imnot going bac the chief fields. - report this fizzle," -Said Kelly. And then the two men. started to walk back home. - • * * * * * There was a period of quiet, lasting a month, after elly's adventure. al must 'start - soinething prettyi four thousand -feet. Now,-eaemazingiffed" e eresterter.the iionenirtifrikte7litit are° the developments of the airoplaeel-are now engaged Etiroel tlie-de- knoWing•-that-M. Mot we read with . e surprise Lieutenant Guidi on an Italian' ;ma- • *This Profession was only -beginning vele - . • r at1tense of the Empire.' " • the nian• of millions -opened the eon- , abet somew at as fol ewe, h , soon, Pat said to he chieflieutenant„ , one morning . when • he had called to., then is not travelling” so last. few remaining, tee n ca men o learn if she had any Instroctions,for But magnificent as is the perfiemi_ the ground already gated. ° the Apaches. This. peace ,arid quiet mice, of the aeroplane; Its pilot most Simlierw, as in other departiontsi .. '? 'The Apache had i 0 ."called "while th. 0 take A .ninch higher flight. before he. of University' Work, tiii). forest SchoOld , girl Wast breakfast. As she tonced5r1Vala.the record of the balloacit. On have been lafgelY• 'drained of 'undert to him, sipping her coffee, 8he owe.. tveo occasions a hydrogen.inflated bal- graduates ie that for years to come siomillyglanced at the headlinOS itt-lodn has left the earth' more than six the normal number a graduates avail-: . the morning paper. 1 miles beneath it, and on one of thescl able to help build up foreetry. organ'. I . She finally discovered an item that; oecasiens" it is Said to have re.ached a =lions will be su amtto fill only 4 . . chine, has reachedan altitude of. 26,- to getonitsfeet•in Capada, and had, . "lYfonsiour," he 'said, "esite-ab-askan ' 500feet-two Indea higher than t e thus far, .developed only a 'very small veo-esk voo vooly, ma-voolAy • 'me. . . . suMmit of Mont Bland; andabout half ' Personnel in proportion- to the actual' ,dnnnyff...7. plant needs. of the country., The result of i• ;lay dear 'air," tbe minister blandly . . a mile higher than: the, foot' of been that InItqopfk,do , do I beg of you, , step has-ever:scaled-in the Iiimalayast. ..tlie heavy. et.i.liat41°S has converting in Fr'eneh. 'Yoti ilitilikit,i§b" This easily surpastes the Zeppelin's .the various forestry' arintaZatiaiii . Be met° address -YAW:\ les-Americahis,_Inen_risked • parcel' cleady to, receiv.. - why she did not get thou at a satir-"--- Mg' dePt. • -the ratiOnsere prepared on the most - • • place, she replied tha she did no economical basis possible. PARK.ER'S DYE WORKS him' to 'pay for these apples, tia .the WAITED Dietary sheet is...a,terni width has land belonged to. her .father, a forbidding zing: Call- it tme,nu,e' - 491 -YON'ea S TORONTO - 42 41ereair for shells was the inlet ace , , though; ibicb is just as truthful and which stiunds more attractive. Here altitude record. The zeppelin eeny have, as to sapervisbry staff, been re- well it makes me home sick. Mender. considemheis. doing excellent diked. eractleally to a skeleton basis, • hi 1 t hold 'Work at half this height, and e'en taking to tire otraost-the-erforts of the height 01 31,000 feet ---a shade over fractiter of the real need. „Ali this indicates that, tor. some years, we may antiCipate thattiedeg the country as ft Whole,material pee, grese in forestrywill be made with 1, difficulty and only as a result of strong and well•plainied effort. -This it es,4i . pecially true at to research work, since when an organisation charged with routine administration beremet short-handed, the tontine oink receive hild'there i§ little oppertuni. ; To wale it fish 614z -cOver with -lines, veleit speetel orgahlzation. g fixed herattention. It referred to an itninensely wealthy man-whe had con- trived a Vault that he believed would be absolutely burglar-proof.. "Here's something I want investi- gated," said Pat to her lieutenant. "Ne truly be able to start little exCitement if we can find out how this Man gets to much tnoney. If he doesn't get it honestly, I may decide that he Is a good subject for your ate tention. Learn all you can about kits, lieW he makes, his money, and report as soon as you can goalie year fade." After several day, spent in •carefut inveetigation, Pat reeetved a full re - Dort from her lieutenant. The ni- lormaticet Made it elear to the di that it Was eace evottliy of Apache action. seven miles! • . 'When the deseent began the ther- mometer registered 44 degrees below freezing point, the, barometer had fallen from -t9 to 7 inches and one of the two balloonists had 'lost con- sciousness. , The Japanese We a nation of fisher- men, and their diet it principally fish. A hardier, healthier • rue does not ' ty for developtlient along research e, MEMBER, the Great Economy • Water; let it remelt in the we. eelete for this purpose alone. aoaiing ter 'half a minute, then scrape with a Obviously, if witinacd prcgiess in . knife, and the geuies wkil COMO 4. fereetry ',St to ten leate in preeortion I readily. Ito tile WA:J. a ti•ctry special abd i .2 lb. Cadons-... aO,20, 50 and 100 lb. "Redpath" stands for 'Sugar quality that it the result of.modem equipment and method, backed by 60 years txperience ar),c1 a determination to produce nothing unworthy of the name "REDPATir. aLetReelptifh S"witten it.". • • 0 Maclein one grade only the hiihest rate in the neighborhood, and When - a deafening crash would shake the kettles .on the store and rattle the leatakcillie -ce'uld 'tell 4,YOu 'exactly ifern 'Whir difettitrri9VhtitV the probable caliber. I -remember, and naorningi seeing her wash dishes while tbe Germane were shelling, The win - ow over the sink opened difeetly on. ' the dangerous area,. and she might" have been killed any minute. Standing -' ,. with her hands in:the soapy water, or 1 wiping dry the ,blue -and -white dinner , - ' service ' of Wisteria Villit,".the fieVer -. '• • even bothered td look Up to see where . '•• the shells were landing; Suddbrily two "seventy -sevens" went oft with.* -.. T hor‘ThdosPeopa.re o'fily 'itetentk-sevelis,;,0 , sphi eos.im:rninred,. as g to herself. ' the house rocked to the din of, an et.- We next heard a fearful SWitth and "That's . a ‘two-hundred-tind-ten'- the rogues!. Oh, the rogneid" she eV claimed, 'in the tone she Might have -Used in scolding a boy.. • At bight,' when the kitchen wail cleated up, she sat down to write her daily letter to her soldier son and, once this dtty finished, liked. tnithirig better than * friendly chat. . First or •Laat. Henry, aged five, wite.told of an ate rival in his mutest faMty, and earnede ir inquired 'Whether it was any rela. tion to. hint. °Mee certainly," ee. • plied his mother. . Ile is your fitst • eousin.." After thinking it CVO for mirnittis the little, fellotv saidt e • erhoes you !noa-, but 1 Should • • • t. he le, litat eatnie."