The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-27, Page 4pot 1==trietts=. tiesioa. eiess - mem bast et MAY J. Lritaos. Et= 11011.0"4" sod Sena 1. 0 u. F. Lannert Ledge amiss *tweet t moot us Useir stmt. .0.1111ereihreek --None dread. B Aisnesser a•titr41.VVir.. " 4. v. AA. W,. G. R Old 1440 Lefts mote wet, Tbarsim algistrwer Wore LM tLli sews, in the mauves* . Hera** skeet view J. W. W. M.w., LC. Lindsay; icy, Armisarong; w.. -W.A. wilco*. O. 8. YOWLER tr. IX 8,, 8. 011irmun teraatatinottsVIVt*IrwtorItti bridgework. ta maim ist. and ,rd. Wednesday of each Aorta; Gordis Thur. O. A. NEWTON. D. D. O.. Benda, 0180.Allin Block latoknow, Oa. All modern aw.bode used. Best materiels furnished. Crowe and Brags work. Palates exitect. I. a Ur ths use or the latest,_ _simplest and las* remedy SUMNOFORa. Newest th1riciltejukatteols1 teeth. Alums= phased nen -abt'rattitnnill *Whir I Published *minutiae,* morning at Imoknow, Ontario. 4 IX 314.010E,IZIA, Pro.yrietor aud Zditor. Tames or eunsornixamt.-To en,* addreee Inflamed* or Great Britain. OnO/Cer 41.60. six Mout/476c, threeimamate*. To the United titans, one yeartitio. These are the paid in advanoe rate'. wiyen paid in arrearatee Me • is 00o. per. year higher. Sasbsoxibera who fail to restive The Sentinel regularly by maii will coulter e favor by AO, cfallinithg 14 of the fact at as early *data. as possible. When change of *dame its dottrel, nett old and the new edam* lemma be given. - Advocaats', /Woe. • Artaarroants ItimattL-liedelutriwn o 01PPlioatien. AteiNiatti–Plie ineektiOn 500i three sottione $LOW - • ' Farms or Real Botta. for sale Me each inner - Vent MiSoellaneons Artiolest For .8940,_ To Rent, Wanted, Lost. Found, etc., each insertion 250., 3400al Readers, Notioes, etc., leo per une pet in- sertion, ao eaoh subsequest insertion; special. rate a So to regular display advertisers. (lard 250, Qouling Events So and So per line. no notioelevo than 25o,..lAgaladVerthung lOu and 60 per lino. Auction seam. brief netioti eiSer, longer notice 100 per line for Arst insertion de for each in bigot eat inilertien. Plank-fsaOed ype count itlinse for 1. Agy *pedal make, tbeebfeet of ierbkb hake mania* benefit Ow ledivIdual et iiiioglaw deo, to be Considered aa garealannitalt and • cisingeilaCCOrtlinsly, • - Thietnes$0ards er six linos' sod. under S5.00 ' $401(... 27th,1917.' illiCitilDBRitatO THE. 5oLDIE14. , - ° gree" deal Of *font is- being 74-spri1c," the Canadian .soldzer8 by the loose -or Malicious talk of thoughtlerse( or low - minded persons--eften by thew.- who havingefailad to volunteer seek lb die credit the env with a ,view to 'eXensing 'thinnseivesi.for slurkinga. duty There are those' who • eau see:only:the 'evil aide of -litei :anywhere, and semi' who have eleited the innipa eet eolith -6 .„ tirtinkeiarrese and the .had wonten Who• are about.' -Othera see little or nothing of tido. 'Welt depends Upon.What° one jeakilig for, or What lis Mira is eon- • ititrite d to receive and magnify,._ , • . The Bruee' Battalion hay( Come in for a great deal of alander otiginatirig. with the beee:Mindeci.:' The question • rprent13r risked; 41/irlia* Is the Bruce Battalion beteg kepteo long in Englandl" Atka some have answered '03!..ausying that Ude ia an tutteh clieease among the men : that they never are fit, to go to rranee.. This explanation Cannot he otkerethan . the visporingsof the :thoughtless:scan- • dajnibbgey. In ,the first place there werej in Euglaiiti und reeently, one hundred other .bettalions as well.es the Bruce• ; - and there is now about forty other, a#0, t - adiatt-battall'ons there. - Thuntithellaw.- 114P;LOil te.J.Vsive latent -which,. orafta. eitletie tifritf the strength of the battalions , at the t front as tbey are Worn dOivn. So there o is no reason for Wonder that the Bruce .0 Battalion le still n pigtail& • There is ne rouse whatever in the mc- I planatiOn that the battalion is Unlit' for e ' service because df the debauelnity o the t Why slioUld tine - battalion, in „pay !espettn_the hest which eVer Cituides be remelt worse than Pther t battaliorret ThatquestiOn does not p %tea to be answered.. Besides Many of " the men are known In their ignite 1oei1. * " itte'is to be • Sober eleart.liViog fellows a ythowould steed- up ureter teiiiptation"ti if any men would. . b A. Certain -alitnoilnt of debattebary b insepatble from; army camp life and fe igauraut perafens With eyes and eata th for that only which. im low, seeing this, pa come away to report that it it the *Inge * thing* • . • • Thoughtful people, with the good th thisoldiero at heart will conatder Where d , title ecandle talk cornea from and value it aceordingly. /t. would, not be worth $ ° referring to, were it not that the tong co and otherwise muetpllitti stay of the be truee. Battn Engl alion iand helps to give, T the slander entrance* and eauses many th to datspeet that tbere may ba seine trate. to in it POO* SAVING MID FOOD WASTING Tits woo* who ere I* persistently &eked te ski* food are right in Writing the Yoe& Coateoller W begin hisher up when the nate isa greeter. They feel that the little they can save more than they UV, been doing ia infinitismal whets eorapared to 7,949,36* poundsof wit (barley) the 60,444487, pounds of corn, the 10430,817 pounds of rye and • 131,581 pounds of oats Vabiall, the dis- tilliers and brewers take to be converted • into beverages which theworld eon very well do without'. . The ow' look* so much the weree in.the Preseuee ef the • feet that Mr. Hoover, food controller of • the United Sfartea put a stop to the waste of grain in making alcoholic bey - etagere gis order earl* into effect on • September 8th, and it was at once obeyed. Re put* stop to the waste of buelielii before asking the women to save the --- ----- Canada is unfortunate in having a general election coining on in the midst of its efforts to ma the, war., roliticans are always timid when an eleetion is near at bard, and they are especiallY. careful of the rich 'men and compantee who eupplythe campaign funds. That ia wiry the Onvernment allowe-th tillers to go on wit)) their waste of food •etuffe;mad why the Oppoaition had noth. • mg tb say about it, kr It said that we have wren:Irma try public opinion; ib governraent by public opinion .qual- ified by the influenceol_mouey. TIIE DITCII MUST GQi - ,• Every week we read , in the . county . . spare articles under stich headings mu "AOC° Took to the Diteb,". "Auto Turned Turtle," lAuto Accident.!'. the.greot-, inajority of cases it is a matterof getting WO the ditch In One Way or another: • The fact of the,rnattei is that the old reads are not fit for the neW traffic. The tclags'arn tea narrow and the 'ditehes alongside are too deep.. Most of the MORI On thepart of the driver; but the accidents; of course, are due %to reekless- iitatini 1'004 lkoree--6040 source of dangetteven to the careful and experienced, Yew home now --give trouble when beirig passed by. an auto, mobile, and there would •be Ilene At all' -if the roads were a little Wider and 'the :ditches a little farther away. , . • • iv rtnen.the eOunty toad commuesioners, get to work, this-anaking the roads safer for both motor and horse drawn vehietes, he-Oire.:'ef;tlie ends they' Will lime li ItieW While re.makingthe county roade, COMPIXTING • ' WORLD'S WONDER ' -9E4144 and the , -engineers in change of the work another to : the World's wonders when On Thdraday of last Week they the last link in the , -QUefree ,Bridge, thus completing the large feat - tires of the immense structure'_ Ib is one of the bitrgeot bridges in the' world. It is the biggest cantilever bridge ever built, and the span over the deep part of the river is the longest bridge,apan so tar eoustructed, ' As the history of the bridge is marked by two great theasterer 'much armlet was felt-thearighbet tehThom-iffy diiiing the three dityti of het week occupied- in piecing thoviast seotioh positloa, arid he announeeinent that it had heen manfully Iskft0661Plished, #.:40400-btudielland7.00itapli9:1111. • VIII- a together In biee sections,. Froin either side the river immense Arms (known atitlie antilever arms) were built out over the water, which in that part of the river is 80 feet deep, flows With n strong eurr- nt and le daily affected the ' ocean. ides, Theme arms, approach te,_ within 40 feet of eachother, and the third see, on is that-whi41) Alia thie gap, joining he two,great aims- together tind cony, toting thebridge frum bank to hank. -The plaeing of this 640 -foot section an the crowning task of the whole un. erteking, and that. which .has at this me centred public 'attention npori the ridge, Thi e section. is an imMense ridge in itself.' .1t, la 046 feet. leng,..88 et wide, 110 feet high, and weighs live motami tons; yet it is small as cont. red to one of the cantilever' arms Welt support . To the Unusual size Of the bridge and e enormous weight of metal used were iie to the twonceidents which occurred o August .20, 1007 and the other en eptemher lith 1.010 The first mielnip notated in the collapsing of the arm ing billitiont freer, Alm south bank, he engineers had net rightly ealculated e strength of steel required to suppert great a *eight. The diatieter of last year coneieted in the falling ef the 840. le \ • WHY WE- ARE In perfect healthwe auE1y realize that we have st network of nerves, but when strength is declining the same nervous system givee the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability, and unless correetedlleads straight to a breakdown. Scott's Emulsion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment:gets into the blood and so feeds the tiny nerve -cells airline the whole system responds to its refreshing tonic force. scene; Ilewne. Toronto, Qat. 11 U L.UCKNO W 1Jq 1 1Nt..1. foot connecting section into the river when it way, being raised to position Thire like the 'drat accident was due to want or experience in handling so great a weight, A part of the lifting mechan- ism gave way and in a -few morawits- the great eteel ,frame &apparel) be. neath the blue 'water of the river. No attemPt was made to raise it, Instead the construction of another was homed. lately uudertaken, and it took just' a Year. to- soPPistg-it-,-nift- tiMe-uocksnier tali; was made and the ave-theusand-ton sectionWas Itoisted,102. ft straight up wade and securely bolted in position. The first accident caused, the death of oa to/04mm 4140)4 second the death of three or four., It is eleven years since work on the bridge was commenced and up to the present 817,000,00ethave been exponded. When cempleted. it will cost atteut'94- 000,000. • . • • • HURON to OUNtir NEW g" It is Bahl that Buoy Gederieh people Whosailtiveted extra garden plotsrra a • having their vegetables Staten. ' 'friat Toronto, on Saturday morning, September 15, the marriage took place erClake Alberta, Williare Bamford of Auburn, to Or, . 11. R.- Saliovia, of Goderich, the wore. mocy being performed. by. Rev. Jas. Wilson, of riover•court "road rresby • , terian church,. at thermanse, • : At espeoial meeting,of the Seafarth collegiate Iroard 'Prineipal- goes was ' authorized ter close the school: for the ce?..tettieestereidityte-terillide,pupil to eeeist. Pr,iclayta ,Saturdays in the spreading of -bar - the •Panadiata Blear ' SerionS.1086 - threatened thia industry for laelc,Pt help arta the beard readily re:seeded to the emnpany'r appeal or assistance' from .the•:schoof,„ Conneiler 'Ilin.ney, cif Elyth,. had the-;miefertnne to Wet bik&. accident whiletakinghfhis Crop. -Ile was' getting •on, the. load grain when -the support beck° 'letting- hint fell tigainet the horses, which' seared them. , They itatteiii away and the wagyu ran over him; breaking one of his Tiba and othstrwise 'injuring him. Hp. was eon fined to house for some timedtaring *Welt his wire looked .efter the mail route* which he has charge. Getting Even-=-Coostables ' : Mitten,: Se iforth; W. T..'Pellew;Ged- erich; and. „Wallace, Clinton, have been served. With/Wits claiming itil- stged damaged, se the result of the search for mid removalof liquor'frenl the residenee of JamesBlYth; some 'Mite two. The writs are issued by -111,m44 -.-E; Prineey, ,Etirns' so lictor; and thevades are weenie up for trial -,att-tlre: felt assiies in Ooderiel; Magiatiate And, ewe, of Cliriten, by whourtheecharge'reaneiriet Mr -Berns wee tdadi f."!.).44,92.71,:_iSMO-9110- ifettor. • •aa'„ 13aci. Antor.:--Keen filtered was taken itt.the hearingof the liquor ease on Monday in which Thoniirs Stevena alert son, of ,Qiieen's Rotel, •Seaford; were charged With assault and vice. lithinef the Canada Temrierai)ce Act 7‘si'FiPthe Getterieli Star, Alabitritte- Greig was on the bench, and Crown Attorney. Seeger proseeuted for in:, specter Torrance, whikklawyer Beet acted for the defendant. W• S. Ding naan vieechairrnan Of the Ontario lie. oese boned, 'came up from Toronto to attendthe-trial, and 611:Owed the °Vidor:ice closely throughout bon, 4tab1es 'and 41 " 0Alillaa told of their eXPerietiees tonneegen with the recent, raid at the Queen's lintel,. Conatable ?allow, Wile treiln eharged of the 'raid, told the court that lie tied , made foul, or five rade on the same hotel in preview; years, ,and on Valli 'Ocermion had diifi. rarity in executing order to seareh the prentiees, The eonstablei ex peeted obstruction 'again, and went prepared ti lorry out their instruetiOns This was the reaeoft given,for Pellowp having three %satellite. It Was al god that tie soon 4,8 Theellest PtoVelle* I ii‘11. Ws* asked 0 he had any liquor ou Ide per son he made* drive at the officer*, which started a eeuffle, that finally ended in his having to gi e up * large liar*, vrbieh he bact in bitpocket. Stevens it wee alleged, • brought in a heavy black thorn cane with which to mist i be elficers. Be- sides the flask, the officer* ;dad secured v. jug, which they foetid in theox, ice b Only the charge fot havirig lispor Wad heard, the naagistrato resorving his aeolsion. Five own of essult treerinst Steven % and !iia son have been a Lwd1, Septet -libel' 2 II, a 91 7 loaned for one week. . RE4SONS FOR' EXEMPTION • Exemption from service, under Tthe 1iIitaryerviee Act, may be claimed On eight separate grounds. The forms. of oPPlioation, which will he available at postofficesthroughout the Dominion in the course of EA, few daysL roake,Aja__ eIear. The grounds. are• : 1. The importance of continuing -employment le habltual occupation. • 3„ Importance of continuing ampler. ment for whieh he•ia specially qualified, 3. Importance ot continuing educe- ., tion or training:, • 4 Serious hardship owing to excep- tient finanoial IthligatiOns; 5. Serious hardship owing to • della business obligations. z 6. &ions hardehip owing to excep- tionakdOmestic porth ion. Ih'bealth os " Adheience to religious denominaa tion, of which the articial& faith f...rrh,d combatant Serviee. , The -form is drafted muell after- alle style et a ballot Paper. • The -applicant -for-W*1km; m required- td- placer e. erose opposite the ground on which. the elatin ic madeHi�case will then go to the local tribunal to which proof in. exeep- • supnert.wili be submitted. Apelication for exemption: may be • • made not °ally bY the men'ThimseV,' kit • • '• - 1a4'ernployer or, near reletive. In Great ,elNiusr IN TUE 1.!.1600 CA MPAION ^ These Men Will HeIp You Decide. Are you liable to be selected for 'service under the Military Service Adt? The answer to this question is - being made readily available for you. Remember that the first 'class to be called includes only men between the ages of. 20 and 34, both inclusive,, who are unmarried or 'widowers with- out children, those married after July 6, 1917, being deemed single .for the purposes of the Act. ,• Medical Boards.. are . now being' established throughout. Canada.These . Boards will examine, free of charge and obligation,all men who wi slito be examined as to their physical fitness for military service. They will tell you in a very short time whether your, physical condition absolves you from - the call or makes you liable for selection. It is important that you obtain this information as soon as possible. A certificate of unfitness from a, • Medical Beard will secure for rou freedom from responsibility under the - Military Service Act from apy F,xernp. tion Tribunal. A certificate of fitness will not preclude an appeal for, exemption on any ground. In order that you may he able to • plan BoardYcaQurfua tureslasiothonas certaipOnsstYlieand visit a find out if you are liable to be selected. Your family and your employer are. interested as well as yourself. itsacetbY • 771s military servici corrftcit.....„Alat • Britain claims for 'exemption* On the ••• ,grounds of.ainan' kleifig• indhTeuiabie. The campaign thatis- hei.o"k 'carried - his eivil oacuPetion are., generally -MEWS on- by the Weelealle 4eXijilarit Organ- by- the employer,. who appeals, to, the iaation Of. Resources Committee, in. co-' tribunal on hehalf, of his men,„ i. 01).i.latiOn :With:45k Food felt that...ouch:a claim can:brief- be Mada, °°0trOnerets one 111..1011011.! -We'', eon all elallidng.esential aelinpatenn7Woirld need by the employer. in enir,everif,'Le !man serve- It isa• not- a. war eatypArgii". talc it is a war time ''eafilPeign tohave theaniaPert Iiiff employer -to. ;publisity for the ,purpodeof ;repress - the.. sham • . •. ,-• .-,-.111VAIP:nVery preducer . and "ceo*orirer : • ' • • The. forms of military :report are feod .!reinervne7,essIntI tlfri'skeo7a,Vt't'i}eit-frit equally . They Will. be used bY cieserves are scarcely less iteporiaet tha)ti; men avheede:litit-Wiaht tOEclaini''.0*-26;01-j$:- 4:Air--resPrvPs ofitiallipeWar.` „,.. . all take personal part in -the eativaigir tion._ They eyelid.. tin; :neep,ssiti ..,., that la, boin 0,1,riw n 0 w ' recruit is 'called up' for service. Tile -sustain'. that camtpaig reporting in :person until such time a& a. ., fybilhi, biih wgo ean all dc)n:yetirt4eitishtiaeniklgt;,:tno. deelaration-reads: ; • '; " - ' .- - , . from, wasteful' Or treneetissary "ceubst°1upg; "I hereby report 'tniself: ftof-,,-10ilitary . tion of the necessities cf, life. W,Iirti. service.. I Will' report _inyeelf,,, for dirty' ow:xctrzrv e is se much stored' to' feed When etilled.upon by .noticie mailed. to. rentaadeirnfiftire let out: Alltres . for tllicel. nie at: • - by, ,ina tbeinat ic al g5einbliatZtiOctrer , milks, fope7 for tii. !lame and a4__ . prophetic inspirationc fix the tet m the' dress 0114 recruit, his etitus, *healer perWarimiSpkt°Inolae:abit*eibilltyltillwel illoe‘?fe°oIr a. baehelqr. 614 5; widower. Ins present in regard to the prbblere ofP rfeiiRion-, occupation and the ,n.ame of and address ' ing the Entente- rowers. Ilufon that tit ',As envioyer..•. . sa . . „ T , point VW are in the d irk. ' No Man eau say When this 'drs.adful, war will- end 4:aBnalhacitahaese.prttfettamtisd6;r611741°bwe dftilstrtibbe- ' Trehottaroer) ?Iel)ve°,191taidel'illnaiPinIctttiteca'irinabt9 Ilted immediately they are available. ' , ter of 'clea.Wing upo 1 the f od 1 - -+-.76--1,-...--- We, eau. simply keel; CM pre. IO)WaipagitIPSPeir: , . .. . . licity campaign we,. speak Of ought t 4cf.entists silo*. ice,egonte,-rot ix; ihystcat nx.:,, -.12e Met. half way by all loyal Cs.nadiaUs°, , publie Borne striking' facts as 'to the food In 4M 2-i .i asil. si Ws have yoserteit -very -• innfaialiai 'hider ifia:Iteri* A:SW!' Act .. telling advertisements laying befere' the .' ...Medical Men:, throughout, the Cortntry, sane tom Every,. hue -:of -slit*, Metter are taking A keen fr.terest in the doming ought ttk'be read' waited Iiail digested oxtusitilialon of' the-phYitiee'l eendition of tiL pereeselted_ it'P-tbIer.:1 ..:1.111; rYii IPId SPOTLIOHT ON CANADA'S denial in reairadn Title Tab- • :..tervicer t:0404•‘t0---be-, satelthlf-AteP.4-V11-2 s_ for conserviag the food eupply, but under the Military 'Set ice Aot. Thi ISfibfre'lcn°*--t4i4 there ia gre:d examination will be conducted by Med- Inming ne';ertm("ints tcf much for sat" all over Canada and will he free to 1 ecluresui np:Iny; oTts. 'Ph. et 1114ec red8arr:)eilet tfielltlye. Stier; ine6 wh° aPolY• Already the ne44i! 'way; in °theta it hardly ripples the are mnaSS of forination. ' • .. their potflits. sor ea icat Beads .whiChltre -to. be established DeqP-le unlese. accempanied by nen- 111 _Many etithoritiea;:ehAvuei;"uhfiPuldailyh.abbaCradny: or other the of nee o oriserv it"t e tooTt adians, as .a rice, .8ffietierretlyte•cniuset be carried into the inner - owing to the rigorous weather exper, move us eor tuotftit1.1sues,Cutaentwtdiau mina and ie rice i th c untry. Never in anA tee Afotroid ee f feinotneti et oo vve411 u no to:6r groiloterttat til4b,tcylsi histhri lies there been rmeh a theroueli r eery ce. , c '8 a sconducted . „„ tweenertain ages 4itohe „ . .. examinetiori of min in the. colintra;. be.: LosSes From Sifiu t, •6reater Tha,a Appear under theXilittiry Service Act, It will eotablish a new basis of fact for Acierilific men to'Werlt on, arei the records will be Of Value' for universities Ind "scientiiiii bureaus not ()illy hi Canada, but through- out the aiviliked world,• The object of the rnediCatelainination, primetily, it ti,inforin theee ".itOle to service if they will +0 drafted or ncit since men 'maid physleallY Unfit erasure (if -exemption by die &eruption Tri. burials, Employer e will also be able to ealculateets to what removals they may expect itom their business houses, fee. toriee, ote. But the stientiie importance of the cenntry. wide physical exambationt of men betweee eertain ages locate large in the eyes el geeat many medical. anthorities. •• "Somalia& of oats retell* examined in Dundee, coenty by tlidthlanyfssicai af 6f Corikervation were found to. b badly smutted. Orr one man's farm Ailigent search Was Made and IVA one ituntiteci head nary fond. II& lets thoroughty treated Ins seed Ohba for the hut three yea.re. 04 another farm where lid. treated °ate were sown,. !Unlit was very prevalent This fernier estimated that Imbed from e• to 10 per rent of hale from smut, but aetuni and eareful count, of certain areas demonstrated. that .87 percent of his grata crop was log from Amt. This may teem startling, but the toes 'from this ein100 ib generally water then it seeing. " The etraW whiele bears • . • • CAPITAL AND ReseRve $8,8110 ooti' 98 Branches* in Canada amend Banking Business Transacted 'Circular Letters : of Credit ank.:Money-Orders SAVINGS BANK DEVARTiViENT Interest allowed at highene current; rate :TB S. REID, Manager, A •-• smutted heads is ..stunterl And ,they ere low down ,in the crop and not .eastili seery„.s0 tlyst there;k11,10138 both in grain and in Straw: -f ; • The fortmlin' treatment • hi cheap, easily applied and entirely . effective, if if properly This year, in thong - ands of fields, the losses :from 'smut will, aetually exceed dieemouat of seed sown. The coat of . treating. the seed' amounts to A few cents a btribel'en4 no one can. sfkid=t6=1-es—e:eveni-vio-oiilfreetilali. els per acre 'when thkmist of treatment eninuall.-0.: ;sr, - -A-YEAR-OF PROHIBITION:— -,-(beitratailr"" Ontario has now been nearly a year udder ' prohibition. The arrests , for drunkenness were 4,310, as against 11,- 463 in, the previous year: This is an ini- prOvement, hardly ae:much as ought to have been made. Either there a great deal of illicit traffie, or a big bmi- Iness is being done with • the Quehe, vendOr'S of intexicants, or -both. It :j5 to be hoped that -the: 1aii- will be so • airended that the Quebec eoinceof su ply will be Out oft„ or the tratlie greatly, reduced. The diminution incases of drunken. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM ilomeseekere Excursions' • 1' tound trip tickets -to certain points in. Manitoba, Saskatcheiviut and Alberti vile • North Say, Cochrane and Transcontin- Motel Route, or via Chicago and St. -Pala on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 36th, " inclusive, at low fares. , Through Tourist §leeping , • • Cars to Winnipeg on above 'rasites;lekving Toronto 16.45: " 2 • p•tn. No chump of cars Via • Transcontinental Route. " Return limit, two niontln, '-exchtifve of date of sale. • Beek resereattonsaud full particulars at all` Grand Trunk ticket ()lama,- or write--eitifnenint-Diktfict Passenger agent, Toronto, 'Ont. • ftriri., Agent, LneknoW0 Phone 2 ' ' FOWL WANTED- • • We are Treparea to pay the highest cash prices for all • kinds- of Live ?owl delivered - at our. ivo.reli6lise every Tues."-_, day. For prices.eall phone No. 23-64, Jas. T. Lyons - or No. 47. ' ness leading to arrest, however, does not Luck now Fruit & Produce. C SloehiL7Y' aCtitutPhont 4% w:' Cream can supplied. (let a ban iceti start now when • prices are 'high., tell the wimle tale. The.stettetics ought to show a:faille '4 off in crime dial -triad. Iiitoxioation is not the sol(Ycause of crime, but it Often giVes the impalse, or suppl I necesoary tourage to the crtniintL , • • • Another result li'as ben tiro diverson of money:from indulgence in intoxicants to neceasaries. Many families are better fed, hotter clothed, supplied with More atnnforta and. •Meenal of education and rational amusement because of the new law. Nom aftet it went hap force a dealet in elothing WilOan ShOhO is near a hob,' ir(i witted, o, large increase in Ids tries. Information of thie kind is Immo- what dilliealt to obtain and arrange, but here is no doubt the improvement has been substantial. • •alma —a , FREE....B.Ros, .studiot 'Lwow Open Monday, Tuesday and edneeday. Now is, the tithe to hsAft that rittnily Group tette* while they are ail at home*