The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-06, Page 2e. • auv iist solar 0 Tiros. Tremble Rules For Balky Miele A. very eatisfectory tire paint to Above su, iimov. nothing front the eacemeniea wee* (teed samaritan of finishing the inside of a tire after engine except es directed in teat rules.. Solferine" by the Grateful rePleiring slay be made by mixing 1. Gasoline --Is tank full? Ate pipeo Slii39. thorceighly one gallon of gelleline, en cleant Is carburetor eleant If co. oldier; of half pint or C-35 ceraent, ONO and One* buretor need* adjusting do it, o.there It wee during the terrible auffering half pounds of aospatone and one:half wese %eve it shine. Does =WM" of the soleiers in the Crimean. 'war pound of whiting. ?deny enceessful leak? that the world awoke be the realize. with the. boot of result*. S. Compressume-To testi Open a . repair men are wring this formula ton that somethlua must be done for Petcocks exceht. the 4410 ($11 eY1.10eret,,r1 the woualed on the battlefield. . It is so toraparetively easy to pre- be tested; emu* engine, noticing. We hear etories of the brave nurse, sieve the tread deoign in vuicenizing 'trona 'the compression iii in. eigth Florenee Nightingale, who (lave up repeirs made on tires with noneskiaeiterher own beineelife . lie Englane and treads that the Wonder is that any re- ‘ ' 3, Ignition -A. 'Tat for 4 &Meth b)t went into- the liospital work set Ace - pair man ohould fail to do so. A tread taking wire off of eV Plug; holet'Wire . toils and 'with a VOW) of nurees eared pattern is inexpensive •and easily about onteeighth of *A inch $roln for the woundea soldiere by day and molds. First cut a ply of L F. 52 plug; crank engine with switch Mal.by night, " As she carried lier little fabric 18 inches loag end the "time Spark ehoula iinnp to plug. !night lemp hi 'her lianil end ministered. width as the treed. Over this lay an Bi Are the batteriee run downt to her hutferfag soldier boys they tale a ply of gum of 146 pugs half inch wider then the fabric end cover Does the vihrato(it any) bezz? led hr r e ethe °Lady ot • the Lamp" ane the whole well with soeinitonse 'Then the timer 0001 1::°°' tinier' POntts tbeie "AngelueaithtaenguMel,ieL'e"aca Niohunpie place this pad febric side down in a nteho good contectle sectioned mold and stand the tire the 0, ,Ate eny Wires limeee burned, did nuleh to 'nate the Behilere and slaved many lives, she Was not the One treed design of vthich Yeet with to pre- wet, brokenor that -circuited? Are. spark pings dean tend are pante. lege whe started the. Ited Gross week serve on this. Tighten the clempo Who, then, fleet thought of thie Plan and cure for twenty minute'. ef an inch apart? . of utiversal eervive ? It was a man, In using this pattern in the vulean- la. Does magneto armature revolve? not a womanBe welt not an eerily intim of the tire repair twenty Milt- Ili safety spelt gap clean? Are ine racer nor was he * dotter, but he lite" should be added to the regular teetuptee Volute clean and adheated orea ble fellow meet and bad the cure in order that the hot may right? Do ail brushee make good cone sympathy of a geed phyeielan toward penetrate the pad. ' tett • Is distributor clean? hi die- all.suffering hunignity. We, man was tire' re' tribute' rater loose broken or nialcing I. • In 'building up 4 IleetiOnal, M. Heel. Dunadt. .„0 gentleman of pair (Peseiliness a * Prime requelate. Do COnt t'i ' means who lived in Switzerland, In The stock should be well stitched and ' or 44 w*O5 E. 011eelt magneto terreu es her the glimmer of 1059 he was touring in' all air blisters either rolled or picked.4et , ' Italy and was at •Solferino waeit 0110 • out. Beth Openition should be foie - ' lowed by a Cloth eatursit,e4 with plea- Nete-eLoose wires slid dreadful battle was taught on that terminale line to take off the Moon* The gata,. end neglected batteriee, dm dirty warm midatimmer day, .l'une 24: ' line should be allowed to (seaport% gasoline, 'cause much trouble. Suffering A tiolferino ' thoroughlY befere Proetteffillg-With the hiete-To keep. a 'gas engine rail- There the Austriat Army Weis. • de- feated by the. combined forces of France and Sardlniit. At the end of the horrible) 'etrifgele more then 0,50h men lay dead or disabled unon the battlefield, Forbours And -days-they lay Where . they had fallen without care, • - * Renri Dunant went uut hiratelf on- , he at ogee enlisted the symPathr of the Seetety or Public 'Utility of Gene. I TO WIN SUCCESS. CROSSMerger, took up the crusade. A. cora- Mission was appointed and the tIrst luternatioual confereuee was held in Geneva in October, 1265. The meeting bested for four dere, and the 411144)Ct weil well diecuimed and reeolutiono were adopted willeh contained the fuudioneutal principlee pon whica the Red Croes work was via *ad the president, X. Gustave, Fulfil Your Outlets Promptly le vat Excellent Rule of Life.' One of the meet auccessfut of peen said Tweedy that he attributed his succese le his early formed habit of doing igt once whet he saw ought to be done. Whenever si task, big or little, pre- -oented itself he gave it his immediate founded. The next year. at the ram.. attention, despatching it with all roe. ouo Geneva convention, on Aug. gble ftpromptnese, and hi i oplendid 1664, the selety was formed. ,As the achievemeots are proof of thealiceess flag of Switzerland Is 4 White eroSS On of this early formed habit. tared field, out of empliment to this Much of the mental' worry and 'country, Where the organiza.tiou °riga pliyeleal ill -being conies from, putting neted, and also because Switzerland oil until to -morrow what ghoul(' • be a neutral' nation. they „ decided to done today. . reverse the Swiss flag for the alga of -A task, promptly itecourplished sele thia new order, and A. red eros e on A dam brings worry or fatigue. white lield was Omen as the eniblem • It is the delay begetting at it that of. We humanitaeleat society. Wotilei and tires us. . • Quite apart from the 'mental and . GASOLINE VERSUS OATS. ' *Oral discoirifert` of it does our work actual- harm. • dreading a task, Raiser was present, If Machinery Took Place of. Hee, It is a common failing among wo. the Reichstag by Herr Haase, an 'bl- own, this failure to attaelc bur oblige- In a report of a recent speeeka? More Land 0Ould SeWn in Wheat, dependent Socialist, printed 'in the 14, T SY A *Win OlthlTI.E. MAN, Me CONANT. WHEN THE WAR 'JAPAN'S ARMY WAS PLOTTED AND NAVY 0 ON JUI.T -5;4914e-MATTERS :WERE 31ILITARY ORGANIZAVON IS LIP: DEFINITELY ARRANGED. " TOeD, ATE. At the Council at Potedaut the Dee them' Was Made Which Plunged' the World Into War. On the eve of.the fotirth annives- eel' of the outbreak of the WO. tlfre was published in the London Times a _statement of the first importance as to the origin of hOstilities. From this • it appears that the war Wee delibers lately arrangee July 0,. 1914, at a Council at Potsdam, • at which the Servke is "(Travenol and Compuloory • and the Navy ie Modern in Every Respect. • japan's thief cOntriblition to. the world war so far, Aside from ferule - ing artutiunitions and Milieu to Rus- sia via. the trane-Siberian railway?", have been the eapture, of the Aeiatic Gentian 'colony ef Teingtan, the Pat* roling ef the Pacific and more reeenty 29 a - 00 Velkzeitung 0July $ P den everyone to feed horses on grain Great Britain has recently forbid- t ziesauusntlewshayitthisisbseliecoauurebeil.lsoosiis aofpul% L4PueeeilyPrzel5ga:Tief9 . *us insteled of 'worrying over them. UM often do women exelaimi which ,.wouliedl,,Ph'naaevese tot°n:e'beollfeexptrillielefeatinmineagattber°Csf. suitable for iteman food. The action have not had much, if any, executive cautiee the economieta to 0411 atm" training.. ' • • tion to the possibilitiee of greatly en- I 'urging; the food InV1311" c't tlt° w9rItt'l °Oh, I.should have written that le. t- rice to a date which will probably be - by using the vast areas now devoted ter ions. ago;" or ae have owed that which the world is feet substituting or "I've put off going to the dentist so so long Pm ashamed of myeelf;" ecee0 the most famous of the radii' month Af July, 1914. De - to producing grain for _horses, for •etel power -driven vehicles and cultivators. long me' teeth are in a bad condition;" The Conspirators. The number of hems on farms ins or "lily rubbers have a bole in theft At the meeting in question there 4917 Is no greater than be 1910- , and here it is pouring pitchforks; I've ,Imere present: -The Kaiser, err von Meanwhile, the shift- of hroduetio\ had, It on my Mind for the last Week Beternann-HollW"eg (Chancellor), Ad - fore the origin of the war is fully un- derstood. "This," says the Times ene respondenta"is the first public refer - from oats, Chiefly need as 'food for to get a newpair," etc, NW a cry of horses, to that ot, wheat as food for despair oyee„sonie really big oblige - man, mads rapid progress. The nuhl- tion, neglected until too late; how a .ber of acres devoted to theproduction wail over 'some small one. Ger- mival von Tirpitz (Minister of Ma- rine), General von Falkenhayn (Mini- ster of War), Herr von Stumm (head of thirpolitical department of the Ger- . an. aCtIVe , naval .participation in t 0 Mediterranean, to which *acre a , has sent many ships to act mainlY to convoys to the transport vessels of the Allies. Not long ago it was sug. nested that Japanese troops be. sent to aid Russia on the eagern front, but for variceue diplomatic. reasene thie was not done. • . The present army and • nevi' strength of Japan is known only vaguely. There are those.whe assert that she has two million and a hatf trained men under armee but the fig- - urea at the outbreak ef hostilities' cre- dited her with.a standing army. ' of 250,000; a first .reserve of the.Same number; a second reserve, .of a million,. and a total oftrained men of 1,500,000. -. ' The navy, according to the same statistics, had three modern battle - Of oats en 1916 showed an increase of ships with four building, two 'beetle - part of work is, getting at it. .Some one bas sped that the hardest man Foreign Office), •the, Archduke er battleships, • liftY-four destroyers cruisers and one building, thirteen old - wheat \ in 1916 made ein increase. 1. Berchtold (AuStro-Ituri:- ing;" She- had *few -airplanes and only:. ..._ _ next step. All fsibric Met be applied ning, cooling and- lubrication arc illtiM Oat 40W1I4 , - • , needed. „, . . . • twenty-seven per' tent, over that 0 ' the factrthat it lies ahead of us. .. most° invariably in our. fretting „oVer the 'Austrian forces at the outbreak of f thirteen submarines With two build - Tails is Frederick (cousin:Of the late'Eniperor with two building, twenty -'eight first • ale Francis Joseph, who took command of and second class torpedo -beats. and ,,,• less than eleven per cent. met, that of 1910, whereasthe acreage devoted to so true. Work's irksoMeneSs . war) .Count 3910, and. ahlesto seSh.:rweeedt arthina- mire has perfected the art of “gettiog two dirigible airships, The army and The executive person that we all ad- , 'rattier be Charge, the Ce,rtadiaic emermeme.....meee of wheat. During the 1910-1917 per- AV' doing what has to be done. gariaii Foreign Secretary), Count Tisza (Hungarian Premier), and Gen - erg Confad von Hoetzendorf (Chief of the Austro-Rungarian • General Staff): ,. • ' . It appears that Herr von Jaiew and Count Moltke wee not present ' The correspondent goes on: • "The meeting. discussed and. decid- ed Apon all the principal pciints in the Austrian ultimatum ,which was to be eiepoteeaa ,sereee 664*u-days, triatiea in orms.:LIAr tactical or- ganization, equipment and-rnallo0 • later. It Was recognized that Russia would probabik refuse to submit • tb closely follow European and especially .4 such 'a direct herniliation, and that German -standard& Japan is a . great ' war .would result . That consecfuence admirer of the Tentonic mpitary ma -- the meeting definitely decided to ac- chine. As in most modern armies,the ' ceit. It -is probable, but not certain, field service uniform for both, prik that the date • of mobilization was fix:- vates and officers is "khaki. The' in.. ed,at the same signia of rank are, Worn ass_in other . navy budgets for 1913 -1914 -were each about $60,090,000, • „.- Twenty Years' Service. Perhaps in no country of the world, except, in Germany .hefere the war, . have nailitary matters been kept such state secrets as in Japan, but it is = generally- cenceded that -at present she has fully realized her ideal of belng iod, in which_ the horses' in the cowl- The minute we treat this '"getting try shwa "a- iireWcrei:reasO be-nunte at" the perforromg of tasks' promPtUI•I IP - tery Chaplain, and others, . tory, and there, while the PrelieratiOne: 0 fletion o their feed showed a less straeLogfriePartillieffataYt Oloinrilw"otarknweeehaanirde, The train ,aa right tato the genie- phrersa, and the t acreage devoted to the aecomplished the.worst_part of it . were being made, we sat in a epeolat that otthe acrea_re _ile_voted waiting room with the label "Canada"! to the. battlefield and helped the eel- gain than, to the food of man, the production of • Care and worry coma through our on the 'doer. 'The major came to Hay. dies and Organized -the pooe' peasant petroleum, Which is the food of yowl. thateell4ateriadee end the procession women. Who lived near briato a.band• putting off till to-diorrow what we - '-'. f Voltinteorlifirtels:^ ''Ther. were -So and -tftrin InncllinerYi eheWed, an enora sli ill ---9,-..d do te.;,dny. ' TRIBUTE' OF 'REGARD.' - TO • etarted, the firing party with reverse arms leading the waY, thee. the bearer. • party :with a. light hand -cart carrying the 'coffin tovered velth the linien jack quiet and. Pletiliemtue iteitting.Ilace and ourfi w r d fie llY ci e s. an aourselves, Von DontilliOn 'Soldiers Killed tor coda, a pathetic little figure in her bright blue uhiforre with gold bat- , at the Front. . , tone, it „seemed 'a '. long walk .before • 'Muth With the exception a sueee we reached the .Canacilait tiered. . boner to Fringe, r oavianiseeraiesei ground. lii-elie distance tut Austral-, ed Woad the isealt Whiele-eiteirale the ism femoral was taking -PUMA *lush relies, writhe an Englishman, I above the purple heather ' the 'birds gency neePitalsi - bud Dunant- at his visited' the ether day 4 ead but beauth were singing ina the Wein ' suntihine.. own expellee bought the accessary fill littleeeeele of Calmat. It le the . While the ellaiebila reed' the eentee' 11PPlies.-- He not may. procuirea:the burial munch Of4ho Canadian sweet% the firing. party steme leaning en, their bandages, linen and sponges vrhich who eTheiet eensiaudi aad. tt ta vitiated reversed aims. When lie, had theished, Were needed, • but he bought ' special . In -*thlit uutic cemetery 0? ,aromtrotA, lie.. was touevittr. .br_. the wadi:wee treats for his boys---tobaeco, oranges. , In Surrey, about Wray melee mita •clienhilie fereiliethere soldier vat to -be . ee, id• o about tinning wait, of leoudon. (Inc of thegenamea hurled gongtside.. The at had evi. them, ministering to ifieli-iiiiiii; init. - dently no r ie dif r there inn letters for them, cheering' them Were . 00.:lioVers on his coffin; • n. and encouraging Meg. Ile wore spot- t,,lenied: so aea_ese. pew* leaely„- less white clothes and was so emnea IMAYE,SONS. frightened 153r the terrible sights they eves inetease• • " Life ie nifielf brighter When Vii are The quantity of petroleum prodeeed abreast with our duties. ' Surely it is could. de :very 'little at first, but under theeleadership of this brave man :they in the 'United States was 8,801,000;000 worth while to mak* every effort to were able to do somethiiii.to help the gallons ,in 1910; and el2,264,0.00,900 keep abreest-e • ' . " . : - . - distress ot the wounded, ' , gallons in 1916.:Figures of world pro- Why think a week about buying. a uctionef.eteavaripae.eareal.0 intliCato Pair of ne.ecied'rubbe re? _Save yor ,•As soon as •Dunant beeld do So he- nad„,sonto of the soldiers. j' j' 'te the substituting petroleum -fed ' pow e mind and nerves .ancl. get the -rubbers: would materialry• increase in -other 'SOUNDS ONE CAN. IIEA Here 'the ehurchee ,* and other Public tee neigueerieg .teeee ,0e, 'caw/eternize er-macineri for the; grain -fed horse • , THAT into. weer. countries the area available for aro- • cluelag food for .man. In the - United Homan Rev! Adapted to • Only Limited buildhige were converted • . left for Norway, with .the . pined_ of, States, Where, as in Canada, oats and Range Of Air Vibrations. threwing duet -in tho eyes of the wbent -0'3* eeilde "hY side ()ft lafids' :What is French and Russian Governments: devoted to oats was, in 19157 -the ban,' There isn't( any such 'thing -not, at Three- Weeks later, when it became capable of producing grain, the area all even* as people ordinarily think known that England would not remain rier-terep year -41,900,000 acres, and . neutral, Herr yon Bethmann-IfollWeg to • wheat, 60,000,000 -acres. .,In the Wetld'ai nerholie-theelefeteedevoted on ear to 'hear there wished to Withdrew, but it vas • too -woulo be no smind. But fOr the Pi& late. The'decisionaf 5:waeleere "The Keiser, as is well known, then coentries and frequently embody tha conventionalized chrysanthemum, the national flower as well.as the. symbol.- . ofthe _Imperial -family: _ • Serviee universgand with liability from seventeen to fortY, actual service beginning at twenty. The_first___line is _made, up of two --eleisses:_-_the_Genelsi, or. -active service • . with thecalors, for 'two years -in -the -- infantry, three in other nrmstot.he_,..___ Yobi, Or reserves for the active array, with ser•vice of five (or four) years and four months, making a total of cilleers With •wheen X telked eeitit Wait. like parte Of hiti Wen tont* WIlead, and *mons the heethor area able. that reeislicid to take esoine Of-' our elate, in, his appearance that they The *reined' is Undiliating and'.'etill woods grEMY Pethis lead hither and dowersand lay theirt, at his. 'feet as nielthamed. . him "The Good 'Seunari- .. thither, eid at totereaue...someeemea 'le humbee tribute to his Memory, heel tan' .. • ' le . • ' . e • very 'long ones -esthete ere groups of : Shrank from eaking my COtitia •at this Atter he returned to 'Switzerland he VtiSii.. It ink, he of intereet-tO des, 'moment, though I know she would wrote a batik in 'French, called.-"Seave- tribei breetly • a - cemouses, mania* *.iiiive "lilted it ' .' , • •. iiir de Solfetitio," Re Spoke with deep - tonexat la Englinal. It Will elm* your ' 'feeling of the 'need fOr , the protection - .;--INiiittlere -that--their-hietaten,-341% - P .." ' The List Post e ' and tare f)f the 'wounded and •far those ' there renal* the:Imbeiti Width they -men three vollees• Were fired over ethe Were trying to a.ttiand thorn dur- the epee gravei, the least Post was gabs dettieve- and ' it "MIL idled ,hae %molded. and wo, lk tia--ea oot'rorte°Y- the wounded Should be. removed at. .,, t lug the tinkle Of tattle He -felt that - 'other instanci: of the adMiruhle" '00 - hack to the train, leaVing, ouFloro at .: .1a: ezatett. th6 oniikaii), tonpligoat Is, rest iviiit his heirirsdes amongst e once- trine' the field . and that:a pet- orgahleed and Managed. ' ' e ' - heather and 'plineevoode." • The major. imiiiiit .."11bItlauce. corps.of 'trained l . • , . and efficient people slienild he 'a part s .A.rtahlWatate, Were Perfect. be charge -belted if We •i•klaria satitileu tit ev-ery army* :To de this- i.vitir safety • it Was a yeung•eoutia of mino who- with the areatigements, aid' 'the" these treined workete rind ' their hat, died. lIts heti given tee a goo& ;could he onlr tele answereethat the,' Wouneed soldiers , must. have' protee, Petite)). te Aga at a eirivete. lie VIS were , perfect, . It: must- please Cana. Alen Trona. Atte& and shieild not. be wOundeil At Vim' 'Ridge, :event' a viten% at home to learn that their sol- fired upon br either gde: , • ' . *math_ in * Froth. hesaltal-'.04 .eeee there who die inHegiand,•even though: a a A . ,..0. White . then eent. beak: to o Leaden itospittit thee to --eitlY sinahht -Vritateee• ere - :•. - "e'l. .'r9f'_:' -7". "".-- rie411 * We ball hopes of hie reeovery., though ;burled with all the honors that ate l/reeheeek. wee so practical -In every • -Ve would alway1 hare beea k erteaoa. possiblee • . , .. -. s ' ' way and was so full of vivid scenes of but Pneumonia i.iiiervigl.a..tind•:the. I. 'Over ereery grave the taliaelin: Mille the softering telniers.At.5,itlferine that . "end-Valfle swiftie. . A: teee tales ere. th1ree eutheritiel erect .white'wooden it,made an linniedie..te appeal 114 ,..eelotealsrehle- aitatete-u- *ember eetatba• :trots,. , with Ileseamme and other pier. translated Into maly laeguaget. The ealeteee eeee-• aeeea.eereeeeeiae_keeeoeeeer,eee. ..etateeeeea.,..Aiedeaeeeemeeeamasee,„ Antiverbealtr-et-the-741)pealoaOt in -the titittliktivt,•,,t . * toumultAtt611- ..abblit the gra4 liftlar ()rani-aitaletiintitat'7.--but n Med. We 0,14 aoothot .canadiat taeliiiiiiii,. e:i"shatrWif4 a0.4gftAit4atvrh-t-•,--EL44:E:;:;a;:;:;mtfgr.lot:„,::;,lnMaVty* .• litdy., a Mend,. Were preterit nt the; to avoid treauble and ,delay. 'Friends br.ought. it libme at iniceltrthelleart -filteralt: The . Canadian 'military who hated to visit the spot sholild of all people, and . eVerY.;One bad this antherlities took over ull ilkii oxiang-e„ silsc-Make themselves •aequainted withfeeling.ot the brotherhood of mankind ;pout% ..The, specie*/ trete, for rereea„ the mixable' lAS' they can • thee be . end that something shetlid be dime to eepeoeeeareae tam it leteeteme amuse% guided evatteent difficulty: to tlee grave help this work: -.. 1 • . . ' and ia, It vas. •the team In aide. veil they seeks . . e . Henri. Dement not Maly 'wrote this Iald the thseieta W6 litut breught With i '''' ' ' '' -..--1---:--4'''' - vivid 'story of Solterino but'he went to - • ' ‘.° 011 r 1 ' Spiked frames to he stripped to th the difterent courts of -Ratans andeper- 'as, _The tiring perty am% tl b to producing oats is about .one half . as great as that devoted to wheat, ,- senee of the atmosialfere_. about, us, revocable. . there could be no noise.' -On the moon Shutting the Gates of Mercy. ' centimeter gun 'were fired ten feet .. It Will bo recalled that the Arch - Wilhelm!' you •vveuld have no voke. If a 421 away you would hear nothing. duke 'Ferdinand ah cl his wife were • If there•Were three, the three Ian: the lerth, the Moon;the See- brations per second falls"below cer- Sit stilrmy curls, while I Orate, the auditory nerve., But, oddly Me, I, Myself, the throne, the State; enough, when the munber of these vir• Oh, my.! • Oh, Mel Both hemispheres am And likewise I 1 i , feet of air Vibrations •impinging upon All rolled in ono poiitt ;oh, my! ' .Thus, there are sounds that we eat- inseetc are wholly inaudible to us,,by fact that the- noises made by many not hear. There is no ipiestion of the Adln. tail ,point, we heaeriothing, and the tertain same is true vthen it rise's above a reason _of their:high pitelf..; Mit they are audible to other insects undoubt- . What We e.all sound is merely anef- : . end ontil itis made certain that uni:. than that of an ehe private homicides that ever lived, and this Vier cannot en men, More crimson. is their guilt curious instrument for tetting versal war can mire ugain be brought Person's range of hearing is a , little world by sTular'men•and'sinli- * whistle, with d'xubber bulb to force lar means." I am the Dipper, Night and Day, North. and . South- Poles, the 171111cy Wayl I am they that walk, or fly on wing, . Or sWim,--or creep: • I'm EV.EILY- THING! - Aloe 28, seven years and four months in the murdered at 'Serajevo on 1914 The Austrian ultimatum to Ser- nrst.line. , In the Yoki, training of bia was presented at Belgrade on July 'sixty days each is given on two occa- 23. sions. The .reservists then , pass to "In .aecordange- with a long-lormed .the.Kobi„ or second line, for ten years, plan of aggression and coequeef their. 'shut the gates of mercy en mankind.' Millions on millions throUghout the world were doomed to slaughter, laceration, ruin, privation, sorrow, by one arbitrarye'ennarilla- of _ it doe, t3' yea service. , • . • Well Equipped Dockyards T‘ The classes Mentioned are fined , men of the highest physical staeclards. The excess Of these, plus the men. capable of bearing arras but of it low- er physical standard up to a -certain . number,' are assigned. to a category della Hojii,_which_ls_aflupplementary • reserve to replace losses- in war. where they have two periods of sixty -_ days- each With the colors; then to the. Kokumin or third line hone defense` army, for two years and eight months, which 'ompletei the liability of twen- It took six -days to make .the lan a , eir-throfigh it_ It can ha adjusted ler , sea, • '" any pitch.' Some ;persons can hear it But centuries were passed in making at a higher:pitch than others, bet be - ME!' ' " o 'C'ettain Bederties in -- The universe An easy task. °But I - Oh my' • ' ' sound._.A.katydid could doubtless bear - _There will _probably be a good doa auta •-z!patituranirm-vetTitteliwur, from this year's harvest. Turn it larger than a marble. audible. Yet'it is surely. producing into pork' . Perennial phlox requires plenty of water, and suffers 'dining Periods of drooglit if -it is not supplied plenti, fully. ' • ' ."Econoniy puddings"' and.'"e,corionay' God rest you merry gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, . • -Old English Sting. tiek aillhntiedgebtiwouohlitethitotytrimnd; he ,scainzuedsde od!aitnw'lihnoinyetilli peaty oemeee,a seeeee ae the eterrueeea h ' e SOrallY tiled his experientes on the hat- meet pies" only are the latest: forms ate thieee Was II anion Labelled %Vona; enable a .oefieia, and 'then iiiVaneeii his plan, hieh food -served. cettain fatteejbliOe,eenitieriliavre4teili,eihrii_iletie 73tustiilliszitediaihiaos_ s 1,1oties evekbece. Ine,enteei to eiae. tat ivizrved tot an. the, b6.‘1"4;11 °Pee' te inelined reof. fore a world .eeelety of protection and ionable: household's:, • lhaie foods _ . • growiog Into favor . erainethe . • . world guard agontst. the loss Consequent - ether hUIf eenteiaingellit ordeal; the tiSF;a1119e;Pge setircbt:lit' tiUteletin ry ewitieriand nVer-sinee War_ - - Upon tite7drying -of li Ufa Innen Portable Army Baths. • The Japanese have alivaya been de - The French War Departnient has :vac to-lhe sea; and - their • preSent-!' ' thoroughly modern navy ip the des - Jed conipleted the' first of a series .of• cendant of water forces Which have• fty portage' liathingeeetehliehinents -- -IlifeAteiget--eneartihreteet4Trie- - Which are- about to. be used in t e • tetfith,arnly,y4Ep el). pilmiltbm, tl.,,,,, Oria:pf •the Museeme efeTehio_thete is. - - ---' coiiipaetreents, aseperated .by-deuble -PATItI4T showing Which' partitions. The soldier letwealtie the ships are wreathed with the Smoke •forni and underwear in the ',fleet corn- of their guns. Granting the date to pertinent, has a WerM ehOWe'r bah In be correct, this is the first recorded the second, ned'in the third given instance of trio use of pewder in a new underVieor and reeeivos his v)calt which, ia the meentimes. .has battle at.itea. Japan's fleet stood her in geed' stead the •wIlt with Chief% been disinfected by steam beet. ' The in 18a4, and vyith Ituesiii in 1904, when a whole opperates...is eeerjede en `two_ idle -mule :several importent navel automobile trucks, . Hitch nent able to •roviao fee' b 1 elaPW"s' • ---46 1914 Jeeran was, esteltoted-' -aa • • andengelea. thtatest- oiflektt -reports p;ive 4revi romalasion. ofileorg, 1e53 warrant • cers and 43.,847 enlisted Ineli: couttry's pilitipiti doclyerds • kosulta, - trete', Sasebo, Onoltaina end Nagasaki.. Thee° meieill'aplendidly-equipped and . mast ;of, tho vessels of the navy ate • built in there' • NeaRa NOT ceoezei to ust-titivr itao•m: wee To , q age.. hendredinen.n.day,..„ "`: • NoT usw4. - 1,110140, aloteeg Val.! 5111414Mt‘ld • `11.1tis FOR- 204•41gUlteS AM> HAVEN'T SAID A- JR woRWIL ea.seeeeteeeseeseeteeeeeeeeeeee tva em 114a 0111M. VAD 400s rAtI4g10! cnu!' • - niead.Malting for the Army. 'Of all,the Marvelous sights I have seen in 'ilea conflict none perluipals,- ' in nom() roapeetia Mare rftnrhable than the army halcerieeeeays it visitor to the battlefront. At n eertein depot ' haleranee 1 watehed one of the litigeat.‘e bakorloe hi thieworld, delete he work. leyery day more than 1 (10,000 loeves of broad einem) film tho ovens ane go nponaing up atur down the theta to feted 1 . tho Imager troops, Oddly ' enough, iwoey ono of thin little ermy ef ig,haes_ le e. requitady Colleted oldie. Wilma, by wee ualtstele, he in enabied`to take all the flout Off Ida elotittee nee see . tho tan of the khaki iiliowIng theougla . 4.