The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-16, Page 3peremesmusc.:..7.77-. . . • ereggagagglareglee-e-- • AnTruDE OF FOUR NEUTRAL POWERS • WHAT THE IL S. EMEARGO MEANS TO THEM. Voila* .and the Three Scandinavian Kingdems Are New in a Grave le' • Iliailtrna• • • The Allies Control, by. means of their biocading fleets, access to the the ports of Holland, Denmark, Swfi den and Norway, and have onlY Per. • • emitted seaborne produce 'and goods V - • ' - from the -111110A States; from the Brit- . Empiie.; and from other • eountrleae allied and neutral, to reach Deitah and eiScandinaltiale 'ports in- return kor :a rielernry,pledge' by the Scandinavian. and Dutch! .Governments, that ...the • freight in question was destined :for excluiletely home consumptfon, and that none of It=would Under any cir- • cumstances . be •resold to Germany. • These promises and. agreements have been violated with much the same et• • frontery that . Germany displayed in treatinras a worthless scrap of paper ' the guarantee of Belgium's neutrality • to which she had subscribed. ' . . Neutral Pledges Violated: • ' Thanks to this, the blockade st the • German coast has lost Much of its *Jun, as a factor in the:present war; which has been unduly prolonged thereby. For if the neutral Powers • concerned had lived up to their en. • gagements and. to the obligations of strict neutrality Germany would long ago have been. brought. to her knees • through economic stress. • . .„ Great .Britain and. France, would ' long ago hams put an encl•to these breaches of faith and of neutralltY. en the • part of the Seandantvian and --,--7,-,,,T,D4ch,itingdonis,and--would-have-shut•- , down'. on their seaborne trade, closing access to their ports,had it not been for their . consideration for the United, • State e and their desire to retrain from any 'opPressive...intexterence -with the comtnerce• of America.. 'But since ••President 'Wilson took up as in ..nationalixonor .the..gatintlet so Tackles -Sly 'and -insanely thrown at his feet by the Kaiser, the sitnation jaas changed. -• • • The--United-States has -become one ----of the Powers` Of the Entente that are. fighting for the ..emancipatiOn of the • 7. ciVilited world from the military and eceppinio terrorism Of the Hehensol- Terns,' aild has exchanged the role of a • neutral for that .of a belligerent.' That . which 'Great Britain and France' re-. !rained frOni doneout Of . ceindidettez- tion for the -United states! While. she • was -still neutral President'Wilson has • now, with . the -.full approval -of.- the •American nation,- Undertaken ac- complish by means of his proclama- tion of embargo. • • • .Neutrate ust Choose: • • According to.; the lerMs of the:hitter ,....---elioneeof the necessaries of lifer,in •fact exParts at t1wUI t� reach the neutrals Until first of 'all the requirements. (:•f the people of the :United States and thee these of her . . aliles have • been adequately supplied. This Means that there will be very little Jeft for the neutrals: And- in dealing with theta* Preference will be •• ehown for those nentralsespeciallyin • . Latin ArneriefteWhollaveeshown position toerefrain from trading with, the enemy- of the 'United Staten, that - Is to say, , Germany,. While neutrals such as Hollend, Denmark,: and above • all Sweden, who have eaided and abetted the cause of tincle.Sani'e fog • by experting pelt domestre -preduCe and their.imparted goodsto. Germany, • will very rightly end,- 'justly' be ells; crimiented ,against by ,the heard :.at Washington. 'entrusted with the ed. • ministration of. the embargo:, Few seem to realize the fUll 'extent president of the Canadian Pacific Rail a tish shipping; and .it was John Bull's of the importance ef this senSational Way, Lord . Shaughnessy. Ile boats the Germans have set out to eli- minate. • ' : • :.• Why Wait for War to learn real food Values? It is whatyoa digest, not what you, eat, that furnishes strength for the day's work. Many foOds tax the digestive powers to the Utmost withe ot supp1yh4 much real nutriment. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is -VI rood and in a fortn that is easily sligested; It is 100 per cent, whole wheat. For' break. fast, dinner dr supper it takes the place of meat, egg's, and potatoei0 yoti don't know hdw easily you can do without meat ,or potatoes until 'you try it, ; Delicious with sliced bananas, berries, m.• other fruits, and milk. • Made in Canada. HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER .11••••1.1.11•• The Physical 'Union -Of the Fighting • Strength of -Two Nationat You wouldn't exactlY call it hands across the sea, because Canada Is only acrosw a lake; but Canada is part of England, which is a long way-froin South.. State Street, ' 'says a Chicago Writer. Anyway, what. I'm driving at is this : • • Lieutenant:Colonel J. S. Dennis,. Of- ficer commanding ' the western division of the l3r1tirah Recruiting Mission, recently clasped hands with Captain P. R Kenney, officer com- manding tlie recruiting district of Northern 'Illinois •.for the 'United States army.- • •, ' • ' • When:two-belligerent-Parties-shake hands there are only two- things -which thereferee- ar,:third party can say - 'either "Take your' corners" or "bless you,. my children." ' • . ' I said .neither r But I .held ' my, breath, for it Was 'an impressive .mo-; • ment,. the 'formal enactment in Chi- eago _ot. immortal history; the physi- Cal -union: ef. the fighting strehgth of twii great. nations.*• And the spirit of patriotic- me -Operation In the • Comm* .cause--of-justice • :sanetified -the alit - Colonel Dennis, and Captain Kenney joined in plans. What they Want is men to send to the -front Neither has any -choice as 10 whether the men go. in Canadian ,kilts or American khakis.' At every one -of •the deigns of scat- tered -stations ,nder'Caritain •Kenney's "command_ volunteers ; of Canadian -citi,keffShig:.Witire taken for -the .eknedi- stiOnary tlio.3)onlinion17, -ato .Ovent headquarters' Over which Colonel' Dennis has - control . volUnteers of American. allegiance were taken.- for our own- -National .Army. 7. • Captain- Kenney is credited Twith ba ingAii bit of ea, tearcat on 'the. Meng 'of reeenitinge-eBnt, he was imitienselye impreseed with the policies . and ideas. expressed by. the distinguished Cana- dian: man of War.. . • • . • Colonel- Dennis' says that there are 157,000 banediani jn 'Chicago. Cale gerY,:with :a totarlvpniation gg 60.,00.0e sent 1.6,000, soldiers . ,,to the. ,front. What • then might Chicago yield.? There ..are •abOut • 259,000 British Sub- jects here,-. and__Soine -eit.ety;five,, Ste Grairge. .and Maple Leaf sodetiese There in no shortage of material heree abOut feir the . Brats= recruiting a snappy afterelinney talker, an ce. casional entienelaetic Broadwaylte, a, raconteur of naodest hut fascinating personality. Robust and mighty of stature, he tinge wIth. military meledy all over. • HARNESSING VOLCANOES. 'Natural Supply: elf *cam _Tapped. ta Run Small Engine., Volcanic heat is actually being used, quently means that the child has to run an electric power plant urnish- passed beyond aid. Baby's Own Tab. ing eleetaicity to a marabou o towns letS Should always be keit In homes where there are young -children. An occasional' dose of the Tablets will prevent StoMacla and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly .the prompt Ilse Of the Tablets, will cure the baby. The Tablets are field by medicine dealers or by Mali at es, cents 'a' box, from The Dre Medicine CO., Brockville, Ont.. BABY'S GREAT DANGER DURING. HOT WEATHER • More littie ones die during'llie liot weather than at, any other time of • the • year. Dipluma, dysentery, cholera inf,autuin and stomach troub- les. comeeetthout warning, and when a Medicine is not at hand to giye promPtly the short delay too fro near Velterra, le south.western Tug - any, according to an interesting arti- cle m the Annalist. In that region various volcanic fiS- . Mares exist, hot with escaping steam. FrOM using this to operate a sthall horizontal engine came the idea Of un4 ing it on a larger settle. Berings Were therefgre Made in: the vieinitY and a...Plentiful Supply of steam with good pressure tapped, Because Qf its, iMPregnation with boracic . acid it, not used directly, but employed to vaporize mire water. ThisIs used to run a plant which furnishes power to five near -by towns. . . _elk* that volcanic heat has actually the part of his hosts, a married couple, Made commercially profitable may look to see efforts made to utilize had ceased to be a Virtue. ' Too polite to openly remonntrate, UMW " we this power source elsewhere. Aetna they bet?, threw out ' many hints, but and Vesuvius may yet be yoked to a all in v'rr' "Don't you think," re- munici, pal lighting plant Italy's , Marked the husband, bne day, "that la k of coal renders ex penment s in Your wife and children must) - Miss * ' t direction unusually valuable, you?" • . • : "Ng doubt, -Thanks for the sugges- MAKLYOURSELF STRONG tion: I'll senfor them." ' —.-.. . ' • •Mistaken flint. • • A countryman jrairneyed: tie. London to visit some relatives and to gee the sights. Fiscinated by the metre - pills, he remained until patience on • People -with strong constitutions escape Most of . the minor ills •that make life miserable for others. Don't. YOU envy . the friend who does -xfot know what et -headache is,. whose •cii7 ,gestion is perfect, and who . sleeps soundly at night'? . How i'ar do you come frinn• this description? Have you ever made an earnest effort 'CO strengthen your Cc:institution, ' • to build tleryblirThelYerleitae wadffTh- cbmfort and' disease ?. leniese . you have an Oganie digaSe it is general.; iy possible t� holmproveyour physi- cal condition that petted health will be yours. The first thing to be done Is to build • up Yeti -bleed As poor' blood is the- source cif iihysiCal weak-. ness. To build up the blood Dr .• jostling and vexatious delays' of. Fite,: ' • heeler. Pink Pills lojnet the Medicine Alen.lunelf.'•cceinter serviceeSpecial you need..., ROPY -does helps to inako. through •trains will be. run ..frene, gcgit, 'real,' Ottawa and Toronto' to Winnipeg' on eeixeursiore-..dateerto-bee-announced shortly; The equipment' will Coneist of electrie-lighted cblonist. cars and .11=6 -grafter Cara, together with special ab�ormodation fol women: . --All particulars. from -nearest C.N.R.- Agent, or.. General' Passenger ,Deletse• ,Torente, pit., and _ Montreal, __Que:. • ; • HARVESTERS• READ THIS The beat way to the Harvest Fields of Western Canada is by the Canadian Northern Railway, whoSe lines ;serve the newest and most .productive dis- tricts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and .Manitoba. These run forthe most [1 A. Useful Model 1 For summer outings, the thing you need is a linen frock. If may be pink, or blue, or green, as you please, but by all means you Want it cut on very sinart lines. The pretty model shown above is in one-piece style and slips on over the head like' meetly , of' the latest designs. McCall Pattern No. Part to the northward, where experi_ 7884, Misses' Qne-piece Dress (suit - enc e .has shown that crops are lea'st able for small women); in two lengths •. . ve variable, itich means a ecrasequentlyIn 4 sizes; 14 to 20 yearsPrig, 20 .1 _ -steady demand -for elabor-andeborres. eer10*•• This pattern may be obtained krem pondingly high average wages. , The 0 N R has made eisceptional your local McCall dealer, or from the . arrangements for handling the Far= McCall Co, 70 Bond St, Toronto, Dent Laborers traffic; and is introducing nerd's . lunch counten cars, which will Permit nu' •' ' Cureadargeten cows Excursionists to be coRifortably fed= e Tempi •transit-e, welcome relief from the Al Californian has patented a ham - tiler to which nails are fed from piper strips, enabling a =ante nail laths at, _many times his usual speed.' new • bleed -which reaches e every nerVe and • ove-PY-FaTe-Of the -hay, • bringing` color to the "eheeke, bright- ness to ,the • eyes, b. steadiness to..the hands, a • good,:eppidtfte and splendid energy. .:Thousetuds throughout the country. whose •conclitio---1-3 • ence made them despair,. owe their present geed' ,health. to • this niedieinee' If you are one of .the Weak and ailing glye William' Pink Bills a fair trial . and ,ntethe ,daily gain ha new health and abouricliegevitalitye ' ' • - ''• Yo• u can get these pills through any medicine . dealer br by mail post' paid at 60 cent if a lidx or„six• Nixes for $2.50 from The Dr. Willianis' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. • _ • „ THE GREAT TONNAGE PROBLEM. One of the Most Vital Questions in the World To Day , • How long can Allied:shipping with- , , 'stand the "hideous submarine sap at its tonnage? This is , the :question on the answer to, which hinges the _very.fate worldefreeclome__ elleteun look at the facts. •. • At the outset of the ruthless subma- •rine campaign, Vice -Admiral Capelle announced that 1,000,000 tons a A thrillingly interesting man. is month , would bring England to her Colonel Dennis. He is the, most ver- knees. It is generally coneded that, sable individual I have ever, met If in the lasttenweeks, the submarine one were .suddenly., to inquire in Ot- tawae, "Who is Denned ?" ohe might get beck the typically British 'answer,' "Who is he not '?" ' For years he was ateistaiit" to ,the has done its worst, -because., the .suler, mersible fleet has been increased by the addition of the supersubmarine. Yet the average loss per month has never exceeded 450,000 tons" of Bri.. 'Prechunation of . an embargo by Presi, fought: Indianai. le- a Veteran -evi ' dent Wilson. • It is not merely an eco- honors of the South African expedi- Up •to the 1st of•Sune Great Britain nomic measure, as might eppear .at tion has engineered ' road building 'Wig. sight. ' Reis- etelnethilrgefae 'gimes than that. It is in fact a 'demand made • upon and the Scandin'avian • kingdoms that they should finally de- • and strouldeelecitle-ettr-throw 1 e r • lot either with the Central Powers or- ewith those- of the Entente. Spraying with, Bordeaux mixture and destroying diseased parts ; Will cheek the Spread of deleryeblight"." , lifilnardra Liniment Iltires Colds, Eto. • A little flour spread over the top of cakes before they are iced -will prevent the icing feem running off . . . MONEY ORDERS " Send 'a: Dominion. ExpressMoney Orden They • are, payable ',every:. where. • • • • • -- . , Regularity inenilking time ' is • one of the most important elements in keeping up the flews? . • . Ifinuoith„Eoyei , if A AA —itaiireshos —Re s it) res. IF TiP ear Murine is a Irtivorittareat- - wont for eyes that feol dry and smart. Give your. illyeS as muchoryonrlovIng care tie your Teeth and with thermal° regniarity. Care for Them. You Carmel Bey New Eyes! . Sold at Drag and Optical Stores or by Mate- Asir Menne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, ior Free Booe • Paper shifts have been issued to Japanese solders as a protection against cold. • • • Montreal, May 29, !09 had, lost apProximetely Q per cent. of i is Liniment PC).4 Limited, Where .-to -136 killed- Tes oceitrilgoing•-tonnage of 'Ships" Of --YarrieoutheelsleB----e-• - gularly as ties. had to be laid. in. the 1500 tone and over. On May 1, aei. -Gentlemen,--4 beg, to let you know progress; • but he is more -he is a cording• to Lord Curzon, she had more that . I haye used MINARD'S LINI- dilettante journaiiiit a devotee of art e than 15,000,000 'tone of shipping in mENT for some time, And find- it bar e--eaer--..etheepIef eee---eeezeee, elate 0.1•11-frilineled. • GIRL GUIDES, NOT TROOPS.' No a Single Soldier On Guard Ont.' gide -British Vit. -Office. ' 1 • . obably there is nO other .War Col- " fic likelliTmperianreirahe wor , a least, in one reapect-•-there is net soldier on guard -either „outside or inside the whole building. • The task of keeping order is left en- tirely in the lands of the Metropolitan - policemen. Every stranger who en- ters is` asked his ',business by a con- stable; fills .= an inquiry form under the guidance of a Constable; and, when he leaves, -delivers that form, which •serves- him as a pass up ..Nto another eonstable. If, ho requires direction, inside the banding hole pit in charge • of a 'little girl apparently fresh from school, who takes hinuto the gran he requires Her only Mark of • official- • dom is a brown overall with a small • , crown en °each point of the collar. A good corr,i harvest is indicated in • the 'United States. This should be en- couraghig news for the live stock men. Before frying bacon put the rashers into ',boiling watec for two or three minutas. They plump out to tidee their original thickness, and all chance is removed oftheir being etoo i -1111//f/ • • 4. 1. A Perfect Dair • should end -as well as begin -with a perfect 'food, say- - • •Gripe -Nuts with. cream. • . X crisp,. delicious food, .contairting the entire •.ntitriment of whole;Wheat • and barley, including the vital mineral elements, do richly provided by Nature in these grains. • Every table should , have its daily ration of Grape -Nuts. "There's a Reason" _ could afford to, lose: 1,000,000 tons per month foj. the next slic Months :and still have 9,000,000 tons left if she did "not build' a single. new ship in the Meantime. , . , Looking at it from another angle, if Germany persists in her ruthless sub - Maine we'd= nethe-higlieStiikte- ef destruction •that has been registered • •Yours • very truly, • • 10-10MAS J., HOGAN. The C11.441431011 •?lieg And Pedese • fa *Dancer. of Caneela. • The suetained preduction of Milk is, well known to depend lat'golY on the comfort and contentment of the dairy cow. Files not only cause direct loss of blood and poisoning from their bites, but also keep stock frOm feeding properly. The loss of milk from this cause is one of the .serious preblems• that face the claire% femur. aelnardas Zdnineent cures Eiplatherisie Md 'a few: bread crumbs to the scrambled egkii for breakfastp they improve the'diell and make the eggs go ',water. lirEWOPAPEItg EVE SAME TOIROFIT-MAKINell atgvirs Ara) JOB Offices for sate in good 'Ontario toWnie The most useful and interesting Of all buviaesees. inforriaattora ja etenicatipie to wnson Publishing cone many, 78 Adelaide Street. Toronto. . 11EUICELLAIREOUIP CIANCISH, •TUMORS; LUMPS, 'ETC. lei internal end externalcured withtnit pain by our home treatment. Write us, before too late, Pt. BellmartMedleal Co, Limited., Collingwood, Ont. FOUR WEEKS IN HOSPITAL No Relief—Mrs. BrOwn illy 'Cured by Lydia -Piakharn't-Vegetable • Compound. When buying your Piano insist on having an " OTTO HIGEL." PIANO- ACTION LIFT YOUR CORNS ° • 0. OFF' WITH FINGERS How to loesenev tender-aiiiii or • callus so It lifts out ° • without pain. Let folks step on7 your feet herd. after;. wear shoes a size snuillet if you like, for corns will never again send electric' sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. He says that a few drops of a. drug oiled freezone, applied -directly upon a -tender aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and stein • the'entlre cOrneroet and all, lifts right 'out. • - This drug dries.' at once and, simply shrivels up the corn or callus -without even irritating theesurrounding tissue: A 'small 'bottle of 'freezone obtained at any drug store •will coat ;eery little but will...positively. remove everyhard or soft cern. Or Callus' fnina one's foot. , e --If your druggist ,hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell bftn to get a sinall bottle of freezene for you froth his, wholesale drug house. • rea4eiae...ses"-es sr-' [.1 IAA G. I C RE.AD THE ..1.40 BAKINCTLA"LL r IL,,,LAIN1139WDER j --Salt scattered -over -the hay- -whew: going into the mow Ode to palatee' bility at feeding time. , A yelrow warbler has been known Acit consume -3,-500 plant liee in forty min- `k utes. Another proof of the industry and value of birds to formers and gar.. dealers. A BSORIEUNE TRADE MAWS REG.J S PAT. crF Reducer ,Strrined, PaifY Lymphangitis, roil Evil, Matelot • Boils, Swellings; Stops Lansenes4 and allays pain. Heals Sore', cuts, findses. Boot Chafes. It 411 . SAFE .ANTISEPTIG ADO GERMICIDE' Does not blister or remove the hairand horse can beworked. Pleasent to use. $2.00 a bottleedelivered. Describe your awe for special instmetions and Book 5 M free. AnsO.R.BINE. JR.. antiseptic Raiment for mankind. re- dnaucestat,sosionyearfealwntudtropinortatieduir.asatwesalleniyrdiecadozino. Conycelatics : SI per bottlers dealers or &lama • f,F.siroouiiineIe1b3 G,P;DA.F.0,r5blilLy ft:itenre Bldwg.d,e1Autctextu oltreal, Cal. c)rb X X Treasures of .Hair and Skin Preserved by agleam'. If foil use Cuticura Soap for every day toi et eiurposes, with touches of Cuticura Ointment neweaed then as needed to e. soothe ancl'heal the first pimpled, red, , ness, roughness or scalp irritation, you . -will haVeeaseekaraecomplexion and as good hair is it is possible to haYee Address ,aost-tard: "Cuticure. Der. Bostosi . sample Each Free.by Mail le.fioid throughout the wor d. Doctor Says NuxatectIron Will Increase Strength of Delicate eopie 100% in Ten 'Dayrs . , , In Many, Anstances--:Rersons .leaye, walk without becoming tired Next take eluffered Untold -agony for years doctbr.• :two ilVergrain • tablets of ordinarz, ing. for nervous 'weakness, stomach, nuxated Iron three times Per day after liver or kidney disease or some other metelssfor two weeks. Then' test your -• . . . . strength again and see for yourself how • .ailment wh' if - their real trouble was much you have • _gained. / have seen .. . dozens Of rtervatiae-run-doevn 'people who .` tribre their etrength and endurance an were ailing all the time double. and evel. :- entirne ely -get rid- �f sYPtoms o ezenensia ihrgr SI 1144,0tAlen .4.noubles-•Ixt Clevelarid, Ohio. -"Por years I suf.: leek cif fered so sometimes it see ' Ire In the' ble cl* NEew. Sauer t7ir apti-teHnteolstcoautresll: coUnideci.nasotths9tauthd -0---ealjY.,71.0Dgerae-aja---Vieed widely liclostt,°-riinPitreian who base. • ken to the hos ital food greatly°1/11.1a6s tear are iLdanadt al.- European -inedieatAn°1111dtr tions, blood test onuallr were , to make an uactuai ill you' itemy lower- said:. f Y iron and' h organs.. At tunes I was all • nenilLeleably ,be the:tit:hitt-lack of iron. Th ee large number nwhhoelable, could hardly wailke ' the fin' no inether reason for if I stepped on a e d Haeterdeeeernirleitticlee fed g oamenatillron almost •faint. One ctheanblood at onesea lose4. h -power ous syn4teln a i -Without irerrn- day I did faint and h g into living' tissuee andthe.teo- my husband Was ' fere neothi g y • rollers 'soteFc.n a mrifillfli i3our You any good:'' vrou don't get°utheerit sclroes bent for and the doe- e n through th out ,of it. Your food merely. passeens5th tor came. I was ta- si-St arid stayed four weeks but wh' n I . • 1 anl. and sacoiirm4e•uongf D _LgTinti..... .Aneenwide.raialrt that theemill rant y :tilt-x/0110h, • people be- edarionewnr adn li itai na ncl a ; ra illee ii: In too 1 totrnioodroevIvainyit;pfaaii Lad the"' Plans' * ' • • s' other is burdened. with try Lydia E. Pinkham' V . A friend who is a nurse eice'd me tO some ase so way;lehtahsvoeinleyaannehnaplal,ykeviclalkyi• s egetable Com- some think thea naigheteliettlizsaared sleepy andetlruetd gitr li 01 liver, trouble fpobruindw. •tivI began taking it thatvery day already more • good . than the and bi" tibaenndfurance. In 'itch canes it fa° 71•earr seen mecueinceTlisjirnesnsa dlesa,u btrittl'tagle-; l's,etlikiriNo"TtinaltatI . to take stimu- ad suffering's great deal. It has in hospital done maneyone• who is suffering as I was. my advice is to stop in the first lating whigh.00nl:ouevrhilpife racotic drugs enxot- drug-store and get a bottle of ` E later on " a oth:er you•go home."--- Mrs W. C • what ,any •oirefilelgue-igiltv,ailt to ar -2844411-42th-St-e-Cleveiel.. anie",--u-' 'IeBieer '.1.41% ItsetrI:Inniagkeantab. of this calitintious Came iblooe and nerve t home 'would faint -just thea" Pinisham'e Vegetable' LydiaCompoUndbefore ip)oe.gere fret'. the moment maybe t • Yopr fagging :vital long you ertyi ;,,Ilowilig-test• gee rif rk.or hamslAY-You c24- frofn- tem toefeurte-en:daye'`-time edrielelY "•-;-`" by taking iron in the proper form, and this; after they had, In somecases. been, - doctoring for .months without obtaining any benefit,. You can talk as you please about all the wonders wrought by , no remedies -but when you come down to haretfacts there is nothing lilte good old iron to put color in your cheeks and good . setindeh'ealthy fiesh•on your bones. it Is also•eagreat nerve and stomach strength - after and the beet bleod• builder In. the world.' The, only trouble was, that the • oId farms Of ingrgan,ip'iron.like tincture, of irorie Iron-neetate, ate:, often roirrede people's teeth, upset their stomeahs• and ' were , not • assimilated' ,and for* these , • reasonie they frequently, did more harm than good. Slit with 'the discovery of the newer forms of ergs:min iron 'all this , • has been •byercema NuVated 'iron for exa,mple, is pleasant to take: does not injure the teeth and in, almost' inediately benefioittl. • , Nereta: The maaufactarere of .Noxated • Iron have such unbaundedLeonfidenee•in• its •• potency that they ,authorize the announce- ment that theyeerlit forfeit 8100.00 to any Charitable institution if they cannot take any man or woman under sixty wins lacks Iron and Increase their strength 100 per cent. or over•ie four weeks' time, provided thily ha.ve no serious organle"trouble. Also, they, will refund your money Itt any caso. In which Nuxated Iroh does not at least, • doueile Your- strength in ten' •days' time: It. • le aespenseasly, imhl goedeefroggistie • ' . , ea. Doctors -ani 11 . • eee. • • pecta ists .-- --Str-eifita en 01. 4 rrm Prtsmiption You Can Hive Junctivitia and ephiphora. Her eyes • f Pilled and Use' at liome. ' •when n�t consested bad the"d • Beaten; Masse.--Victime' of eye• Strain and' other eye •weaknesses, and those avWevear glasses', will be glad to know, Cultlinate corn' AS soon after tains -neetigebr:uari..1;--it„woul :4-1:L•-• take -46 ' -the-srlithaa.dried sufficiently. Kee weeks, or more than three Years, to the soil surface well 'stirred and light, wipe out British' shippinge„ nein on ',This lets rain. soak in quickly, thus the assumptioii that her "Shipyards preventing 'waste, and it keeps.' the would be idle all that time, toil warm: KeeP all Weeds down, as' But England can easily build --and thgy• rob the born plants of moisture is building -7,7590,000 tons a year. She t..needed to make corn -kernels instead I of -Weed seed can gain a• million additional tons by • • 'altering .,,pie-so-calied loadline of her. Likewise, ships.- she, can f uether supplement this tonnage by convert - leg. her 'passenger; liners into •cargo • vessels. This program, it Must be remember- ed, does not take into tonsideration the huge merchant Marine project, of the United States, which :will event - uglily add 8,000,000 tons of new steel shipping and 2,000,000 tons of wooden. • Thus if -the 1.J, S. vessels are ravaged by sUbmarines,at the same rate as the 'British, there will still beimniunity against any permanent imniirrnent. The rood lanes of the World will te- Main open. Paper eliibe fot•policemen, practical- ly indestructible, .have been invented IrineratEenraginitirlisinnateitn-. ctren 'Distemper; ISSUE No. 32-'7. filet Deetbes And Eye Specialiste now agree _there hoee and help for th-ems, ra,rier welope eyes were failing a-yeerie --nave= hadstinerse-yee and many rho`OhCe wore glasses say gag r,11117843,_ atigT•wunsigeit aAlit4as °aril! most- blinns Ciathi-not-seereto readat all. No*, I can read 'everything any glasses, and my oyes do not hurt any More. At night they' would polet dreadfully. Now thy fool the time. it wan lilto a miracto 11O1/1V A lady' who used it says: "The atmos- phere seenied jeazy with or without glassee, but after 'tieing this proadrip. tirni,for fifteen days everything seems .clear, I can read even fine print with, ,out glasetee" Another Who used it says: "-I was bothered With eye strain o caused bY overWorked, tired eyes whieh indeced fierce headache'a. have Weil} glaeses for several years, both for dis- tance and Work, and without them I could not read iny own nitrite on an envelope or, the typewriting on the mathine before me. I can do both now, and have discarded mY lung distance glasses altogether. I enti eourit the iluttering leave:; on the trees across the street now, which for several yearn have looked like •a dim green blur to / cannot express my joy at who.t it hati done for me." • It Is believed that thoutiands who wear glassea can near diteard.thern in 0. reit:tenable teener and multittidee more will bo s able to etreegthen their eyes tit as to be spared the trottble and ex- - VOnse of ever getting . glosses, Pr. Seek, an eye speeialist of neatly twenty years practice, says: "A.patient calm to Me who' eves suffering' front Plepharitis • rginalls With ail ,the • eepieeroleent_ =MP ' agglutination or tne Chronia con. • . . fused expression common to s•uch easee, Having run out Of• her medicine a friend suggested toneOpto. She used, this treatment and net 'Only overcame her 'distressing -conslitione-but-•istratige and amazing as it may seem, SO stren.geheited her gyegight that she was -dislieemee-witheehereedisto.nce. glasses and her headache and neuralgia left her. In this imitanee I should say her eyesight was linproved 100ee, I have -sinte itertlied the eilicaoy of -this treatment in a number of caects 'and have seen the eyesight improve from 25 to,75 percent in a remarkably short time. I can say it works more quickly than axle Other reniNdIe I have pre-: scribed or the eYes. Dr. Smith, an oculist Of Wide eIperi- ence, say's: "I have treated in'priVatee prnatice tteturnbersof setious opthalmie diseasee with Eon -onto and. am able to report, ultimate recovery in both acute and ahronic cased. Mr. E. gain° tb my pence. mare -tram With, an infected 0.Y0= The condition was no serious that en peratioza for enueleation scented iterative. llama reeorting to the operative treatment L.preseribea nort- onto and in 24 hours the neeretion had leseened, inflammatory symptoms be- g= tO stbside, and In seven &Lys the eela Wag cured and retained its nor- mal vielon. Another case of .0atreme convergent strabismus (erose .eyea) escaped the surgeonel. knife by the timely • use of your cellYrlitril. tightened ekternal zeniscles yielded to the soothing and lietotlyee effects Of Iton-Opto. I always instil Pere -013th After renuiVal of foreign bridles and apply it locally to all burn;;, tilcere d ote th b 11 th fide any nOtances:- strain, arlittig from protracted Mierife ?min:item realYarnit ,work Bon-Optoeused necording to directions • rendered n sure • prieing service. 1.• found my, eyes reoi markably strengthened, so much sosli hairee put.aside my glasses without dig-. comfort.- SeVergeotenytonongues-to34-- - also Used it and Nee *rere agreed as "to - its kesultee. iteefeve days., :Under InY observittion;,4 -110-e-yetr-uf-n4T--aittlginattct ease were tee improved that FlaseeS haVo been disearded by the pat eat.' EYe troubles Of many eleseriptiOns may be wonderfully bettelettideby the titie pf BOti-01)ttIS Una if you want to . strengthen your eyes, go to any deux • store and get a bottle of Pon-Opta tablets. Drop One BoneOpto tablet in a fourth of a glassWvater and let it ellabolve. With th quid bathe the eyes two to four tithes daily. You. . should notice yetis eyes akar up Der-, eeptibly right front the mart,- and ine dilatarnapmpaataire•,n infralyaraerdnee.sylea wbialltbqertile;tolay even a little it is your duty to tiko steps to two them. *now before it IS - tore 'ate. Many hopeleeely blind Might • have saved their sight it they had cared tor their eyes in time. Note: A, city physician to whom the dare articloewno eubnetted, said: "Yes, llon.Cipto Is a remarkable eye 'remedy. Ito constituent in- gredients aro vall known to eminent sire rIni- •-rialints and 'widely preecribed by Mein. 1Mee 'used it verremecessftilly in•tne own prectice ote pralento whose eyes were eirelned throttgli °Ver. work or ,mlotit glasses, I cier highiy reroinmendi it in case of weal:, watery, aching, set ating, , itehing,Sburning (Teo, red 'Mite blurred eaten ex for eeeir inflamed from exposure to smote), sun, - (last or wind, It Is one of Om very feel prcpatae nous I feel should he kept on band for reguar tmain dimwit every family..." Dona:hit° ie not s, latent medicine or secret reeled?. 11, Jo ate for its therapeutic eilleet. BY* elessee ethical Deep:nation the formula being printed -- Ing the lids of seeretiong and acting tnt.autoltarro. imanufnOttlrtra gnatnntett if. to an a etonic for Abe eyeball ttrelf the fttn•rilloten t,yrnight 50 Per cent fit One weeleo tette vision is rendered lento it ciao, 1menc tit many Instanees, or ,refund 'Dee IMOUrsy. Iti.diso t number ef care diecarded e good a ruergista, ininuoina ner:il secrets eine la eeeeefainheyte gala et_ • elegises.' bail '" cenditiea . t.iwing LIO toi,v t,re C`14 "'T°' `it"' ' • e. • •• ,