The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-09, Page 2��, � ­ __ ­_ - , ., 0 . � ­. I . . ­- ,O . , \ . .1 . 1, . . I I , - __ - - - ­ - � - -, . " - I WVAW4� - - - - - - --" I � 'I , � - - - _ _ ---------- _ _ __7_____,____ ,_ -��;=; __ ________Z�_,___�� I'll �_ ___­ 1!3 : 1� ut the girk at Use to kmw " ' ,; I UMMNIM ltbecinom&siw*tkwgika,pwwAb-.ROW "TAW I ON ONE ANCT - 01ra � I I , stituto for their own sweet WVO% - VORK - ',;� � , AM RM are always welcomed. Load eboe" Aff CM FN TH BATf 94FM TIM NA ff, I . - ., . �, and audible ovidoaces of appreciation , - suck as oue accasionally boors coming - � i 11 . " � � 10 I from the veranda when tho moonio at � I . .1 I �$ �� - sk _ . . �.� OV4R$EA TRADE OF GERMANY - I.- DUSING REST PE$tIODS DRILL 19 the full and the daughter of the house SO*X INSIDX INFORUATION ON I .,� . - 11 _ - I . , NTERS Wl�� , HAS DISAPPEARED. , . 4 KERT UP. � is entertaining company greatAhe Ia- INTORMING SUBJECT. DRAMATIC ENCIOU. .. . i I - . "_ � -_ - .1. dies of the cinams, it -Ad - while they -_ 11 . I ,- FO-RIKER, ]FRIENDS * - -_ --- - �_,______ "" ,;;;,� - ­�., I � �.. ­­ I . I . . -- ,;; I I . - I I 0 1 i I . I 210*40" of O"Wbasuse. , IMOCL ow %wring this tkw eareful , atop runaway trains, dive from tro. - . I I :1 � -- �� I I . . -_ I . i "ras max w1w sp6ods kit motor to,.!*94� the spark to s" if it Swtx **d Utertainnes mendous heights or ride hitherto ' I Engines Art G - I 0 . 14 � I rot"'" ivew 1�reforence th Not. Our M roontlis fine Maintains Its I . - I w &4W ,�.,,is ea,w" by h%v1r4r the *park too far to Which Re"� broken borues, the war is 4% v�ry poor ' Awtusing,#*dJ Q#Rselogg Wgtoh Ovep Every, I : " I second in the minds of the oulookor,6 ter ot Protection -Tank 0 Some Amazlnx�, Others , I *0 lifth Ut%l* r"1124.4 t) , advanee& if the kv4ck continup he.. lieve the Tewdoa of the � I- _-1-- 'PeV4, I I : ., volvW says And. oxoport. "if the � opens the svdtch, but the *none keep* *, Now And Then Out Truly , . . . . I ro,"Int. It is running by self-iguitlon, . I Battle Frout. �. � I Sports FAthuxiaota- tor*7 move so, S(*ocure. - dorman Harbor.' . . I . . I I 4wift oyst*m Prove$ oq%W to the, Sports are idso loltoww ,with eA_ ' Tragic. . . " I -1 work, w4, *vA tood, but it any- � tut is, ovvrhoatod Port* tire the I It is not true, as has been believed, thusissm, not only by the troops in Under the shelter. of a green ridge e - The, work of the British. navy during, . I . , ' *Ift talk the ooigiv* I* ia den"r ot I i a*rg* Without the electric aysteM' u 0 1 the, b*4 area, but ,well up toward the of shell-pockod farm. land, about 11f, The, battloiield to probably the last this war has fallen under two main I � � This it wporploxint problem, when in r. that our soldier$ hold their Ii es f r � teen miles behind the present front place where one would expect to dr6i dlvlisloaa�urllttary '*ud ,commerclal. � N r4la. Of to -am this vM1 rA kapPoa first o"um. In these vircumst*uees long, periods without relief or 'rest b4- � front. Not very long ago *4 writer �line trenches, 0'116 may C014%, WOO across aL long -lost relative, or elusive 'There Is the Aghting #out and there . . I � I Vd%WWt ama pr4imioary symptaft, of 1i %jVMW *Ut the eiuteh, ,place, gears in V YQW, the range of the elftetny'3 9`011%, gsw, g hatly-equtested bull game on a 0 , , ,� twobk. The radiator will stoax4t . I In the earlier. stages of *4 war, wbou I debtor. But these thingo . 9 . I I �111 I � bitof laxid subject to Irequentgre, and'the onOmpmout, of the tanks. A � , . have hap- Is the blocicailln 'floot, writes Sydney . . [ - r �' rooks. $omo,duy, perhaps, when . tW4 warobe �! bigit spood, apply'loot broke, then an do;en of tho monsters g' peutd. scores� of times In the war.wblch D ' 11� . t 4d*kuy at av*t� bit it Germany'a available man -power was, on which the enemy airman were re living . ' . I �� - sigmal U diar"a"Ied %*A tw laotwl!'"ge the tlut4. This stalls the en- much greater on,. the westem front liable to drop bpmbp. ,,,dou�jstretvhe4out Inthe warm, aftein0oughas brought men from the eudsvt the peace, returns, wo shall hear the We - . - � �Ij,jjwo. it will also help if the spark sport ho , . I � in am hr"4 fmwi ** tyllwaor Wells, than that of France Or Britain. it was; almost,&S sun,, heing_,combe4 ,*nd .olled , *ud earth to the treuches Qf France and of what our, armada In the worth Sea' - I ., V . II � at', Is, "tards& and the throttlO is"cl9lie& necessary to -keep the Infantry in tbe' much as patriotic ardor to i scoured by their industrious attend. Flandem. , ­= I ... � 1 has xQ00mlylished1ii the way of pro.- 1^ . I . ­ . i. I i"'Plowa risirs Will 04% (*VA 1i So hood the woltuing given you by steady the nerves, *f the Empire's , , � . .. . ''I . lowettomprovemoirApavor. Butt ijimm from thfa ,radiator*nd. favor tho � frontline, that D4- actually holding thi,soni for the great or4eal.lof war, The *At$ - ' Over at the edge of the pgrade ' Not l9ug. ago a raidlug. party froin, veutlug German trade. t am ,n�t oure . * , , I all Must" "Utiame 1"t Wort tho' gtoppw$ , trenches, Afad .liable t4 Attack at any'reCregUIDIR and sport organization, ser- t two or thtee'of the big iton horsessro..one' of.the Xxondolk regiments, _,,Went th4t eyeo uoiv Cangtilan�, realize t4a'' � � .11 , . . , . " ­. I motor Until the StUMITig has , moment of the day or 'nigh% for perl-' beinj Put. Aro A th ' paces, Gr=t- .1 � darku4a One of ,extent of the British I blocado. It I I $ PUW* 00044, tim Mateo *"Us *04 fta. . I I . I . I vices Wave been of incalculable value , 9 eir * and eoM. over the top." In thi , .1 . : � . .. . NIL the raiders found himself separated otretelaes from ireland to the, Moditer- . I ­ % VWt b4 alak". ' lu cause of 'keddents, .� ods, of two weeks At a time. In $up- .in making aid keeping the men fit -for 1. ing� and put Ing, creakinor . . . . porti still well *!thin field 90-0 UU96i duty'*n(I in lessening the Amount of - plaming, they move slonr. They from his - companions -in, the' enemy r4nean, from the Arctic to the Equ&V . . .. : I I -it ", Unwas vh" one" is ba- I 11 trenches. Dodging round one of the or, but the meshes of the net fire thick' . . �) - . bw MR At a n*A rate the flyWbool Every day we read that the cause of it was. faot uncommon, to keep b4tta-, mischief idle bonds are prone to do mount a terrace five fRat high with the . . .1 I . . � . I Vill try to twinuo ft motion but the automobile. accident was, losing � lions for a. raouth or more. There w4w, in the fiela. an well as at home. I same clumsy, complaining nonchalance traverses. he almost ran`41uto, a tall est and stroogest, of cours�, In ,the . N� � - Isto", TIM control of the w, This rdeans Just . that they vegotiate sk i�miole hill, and young GerMaM.p0ISe"AJ* I Vill be "Muo to, V" the V one period during which all Cauadisp ' _#Xlt6 Mug a .North sea and the Atlantic. , I � . , , I . .1 ­ I I - , . ! - ' . reault will be to twist *6 ,crankshaft one thing.' The driver did not have b*ttallons,in the line and in oupportl . 9 the steady pace of their caterpillars I bomb. . i . Several hundred -I should say about * 4 ".. A ROYAL PROCLAMATION. 13 ' 11 � - out of trao� wreck a few bearings And proWLe0ut_r01ofh1ms01f- F,verYmQ­ we" subject to all the hazards of war - I unchanged whether climbing up a At that moment a star-91*eU went up, 80Q-veosela ot all types and � charac; I - I L , omek the trankcast. This Is a Per- ment that a man Is driNing lie is rfmet- for,sever*l viouths, without any`rest - .; I steep slope or cIgniorlug blunderhigly and In the dazzling light the, two men tero, cruisers, - destroyers, .converted � , � . . �� masont Injury which can be rmadle4, Ing and overcoming emergencies, lit parloft. Only the urgent necessity of . Issued by His MsIesty George V, I* along the level. recognised each other. With 94511 lifiet% armed trawlers,' drift0s and . .. . I i I , ' . . a' � ' ' I awy at coasiatrahle exponsio, go do ho, is intoxicattd, overtired or partly - lod the subjectint of Gieat Wtain, and Ireland. % I . Hard TO -Re -A TAT& man. - of Witonishmeat oaoh cried pfit.1the yagixts, make up our blockading squad, - . I �. � "I I those days Justil . � othees name. . I .. rou� T4e officers, are mainly. drawn . . . ou exhaustedfrom. lack of. deep. he is un- - ."By the King, a Proclamation; The lob . . - . , I ., I . I mot disregard the woulur given 7 lairge bodies of men to such, an inces. . Of IL tankikan is to sine. � I . . .1 . . ­ ar, I ' Tai,*m-rand.-Hi'aTtUor�...,--,�,,t IW tho Meow. safe. . Every- driver should rerhember . from the nexal reoerVe, and .most.of . - -OccAsiatmdly an origirte.ilt overheat. this. t . Vh4her Some pait breaks, or sent strain. -- - � , ' - - ­ . 111W -being -persuaded thatlhelab* Acure.-, - The. inteflor H not -built for tie m-,lijilng served fi� the-metdintilo, _�,_, _'­ . � � They bad been schoolmates from . I I As the, use of Artillery increases gild stention'from ill - unnecessary cQu- iomfort, it is crowded with. ma- ; marine, know all there Is to be known I L * L I � o ad without doing all ihe barm. mon- a vehicle is met unexpe'etift, 4r a guns of heavier calibre "ore 'brought sumption of grain will furnish the chinery ana gluis And Armorl And in their klndergai-teit days. until theybad ahipla.manifests end papers and -. . .. . . Von*4 obovt. In %*t case it develops grad6or turn surprises him, he should forward. to. sniash trenches and other [Surest and most effectual means of de- motion the deck finally left school, about six yeam ,about . . . . i sways And bucks � : JuspectIon of cargoes. . . � at all times be In the pink of ph$alcal defence $I I Is ifesting the devices of.' Out enemies like , that of vieviously .. . . . . . � a peculiar kwIL 'ThIs, Is caused by. -nd rheutsl-poise.,. . so that he Po t on the need for more x littlotorpedo, boat in , I , . the� . . 11 � . . . (I . . . ' I � .1 **.pistoa And parts of,the cylirAor condition a frequent rest period.& forthe men and thereby of bringing the war , to- a a - storm. -Xor is7 the rod hikh 'Confess that I've _Rt tbLe. advautm I .. Tireless Watch- and Ward - �,�- . . . .. 11 . � locomint red hot And to PWIgnithifir can conquer the QmOlifeitei Instantly' 'holding the Una increases also. age.", Isuilied the German. I 60 charge, of *A*Aia* vjW in 411e Too little sloop Is a fertile cause of -ac. Sel- speedy . and successful , termination, enough'to prevent -danger of receiving ,11 -admit IV" ssild the Londoner U ,yaa baye been used to, crossing,. - - I 1. � . I . Ave taught dom, now are they kept in the front and cut of , Our resolve to, laave, uotn_ a sound thumping it one is too tall. ,. .. the Atlantic - on British, boati, - you - . I I qlindors. As t1da explosion starts eldents, Thousands 1 line trenches for mors than eikht days. ,' u�doue which dublously� "but--?' � " wo . uld find many old f . r1ends .. "At this - . I I � i piston rwN" top dead themselves Aoddin . L . � before tho g above the steering, am even ihorteiz "'tour" I IP9. can contrlbubi� to 31eu for to am picked. to . r small . ,Wght-q I" broke In the pther. . . I . evatre it bas a tAudoncy, to reverse the 'wheel. Hundreds have &wakened in Often 3 ar- these -ends or to, the welfare of Our stature and zlender bulk.. I moment -engaged ltr`mAtutaiA.Ing o,ur . . I . directloo of the piston, causing #,' the ditch in x hospital or in eternity. ranged, Somatimes an entire division, people in these Vhnes of grive. stress If you, would spend a few minutes !'Then rI1 surreltdor. ][�ioad on, you o,tranglo.bold 64 Germany In the'NQrth - " I I.. . , ' ' . � . I after a. trying time, is� taken baek to silly old- us!" . I I . . . I � . I __ .. . f - 7 I I- - . . , said awdety� have thoiightfit, by and On board'sk tank you musthave your , This was . I L . I So,& They know their Job. A shirt ' -. - I I / , I . - I ., .1 . � 1. � �, . '.. . . I PW10d* Of "o' with the Advice of Our Privy Council steel -helmet with you and _, 9" I I . perhaps. the , quaintest with a doubi-d b�ttom, or double decks*, .. � . �: . , � I - , ­ ,# :: rest billeta f9r.lengtby, . I V your ter llcaptuWl that has yet been made. . � �� I 11 � Were this source of $,apply ade� cuper*tlon, I �� to] issue thiaL Our Royal Proclamation, mask exrefillir;�encased -in -its water- or double bulkheads or *hollow masts I . I . 1. . 11 . . . .. . . I . Roll . . , � quoWir developed, leather would be- . , Life'la the R"t.]WlIets,) ,, most earnestly exhorting- and charg- proof * -bag, ' r0adr - for emergen ,The two arrived safely In the Brl- ftr, t6keealing--riflos; and ammunition , . . . . . - , . .1 . . � I .- � I � . come.very much cheaper, because,dog­ � ljbj"is Climbing throu0themanhole ,V. tish. -lines. There it .transpirpa' that; hasn't much of' a chance of getting ' .. ' 1. .. 11 ­ I ; flsh We Reit billet4 we a sort of terrestrial Ing 4 those of Our loving st , re- although- English by tr*nIng And I � I Ith a"*- . ., I ,���. I i paradise for the iiou,whoare lucky *a mewand women of ,Qur Realm qulms a little knack af its own. Legs sympathy, past them. , A neutral O'kipper N . dL the prisoner, was German . ') � . I ars the grestest,of -nuisances to fisher- enoughto spend a mouth in them. -One Who have the means ot procuring first is the approve technique but faked manifest soon realize$ that thO I - ' ... . ... � ' .1 I . �� � . I . by- birth. Being In Frankfort at the * , " 11 � . I .� � , me*--wid their numbers art unlimit- Is awsk.ened. there long b4ore reveille articlew of food other than wheaten one is in dauger of Pla6mllk ;1 foot outbreak at war, hei. had perforce to game ls'up.'. Theyb4ve deval6ped an . � . .. . ; 1. . . 17�� . . ed� Vast schools of them are at all . . � X -ray' -power. of detectinuc9pPer In . .. : , I . 1 114* 11 . FROM by the borA of tbw smil1i.boy. or girl corn, as they tender their �wn. irahie- against 4h6t. engine �case.. -- . 0 rmsfi a�­_ . � ".. . . - - _. . ­ ­ 11 . - 1. . .- SAID TO an . .. times *unalng along our coasts, and who' selis alatest Angliees papers, diate interests.. and feel f6k the wants - . Join the . I . k6elg* ,-aud� plates ,and Germans in - . .1 . I . . they tould be -netted by %11 I lions. . . Engines. Wen Protected� I . : . , The Writer once witnessed an amus- SwJRp and Alsidli 9'and ,cott I In : -- - .. . '. . TH73 SKINS or 'FISURS. I , I I a& . .. I a as Of Others, especially to - Practise the Bveiirthing," is. .4pick and � span, ing encounter between a Tommy. 4n .011 I . . �, I �, . . .. . VOU_ 1. , ..... . - who barrels of tour, and whouthey come �' , I . - 1. , I . I Shaikskin shoes would -wear in ap& children Are heard ago%, greatest eftnomY andfrugalitir in the shining, with abundance of oil, -'but vos .sometiong Of, a "nut"' In the old . '. ­ �" . ­ 1. � I I . ---..* . derfuliy, and their would have thi ad- And the . I I across a cargo of onions and drop'ono, 1. I � . . . . . � . I I I vote" of the guns, it h6ard at, use of every 13pecies of grain: And We -of brass or days and.his.tallor, to whom'ho still f , " . . . I Vantage, of bokr�r swolutoly water- all, axe but a , falut'rumble in . do fVr this . . no superfluous luxuries. 0 them on deck -and Wbounces. ten - � 1 . . I.- ".. .. _. the Aiw, . purfpos,e. more I , h .. &.,were... . _4, :- WAS, ot Swks, arA -Especially of . sk*� � - of .the. , larger 6ui",­, :Ifoige, . I . .niekeL to. take ,awair A*e, business4ike, awed-.&,bIg,bil1_ T etk _-_ _ . I L .. I pftof. - -Tho� Ifisufffeient *to'a1stj1j;b_ e -A,' brt' Atid. charge All ' -fett� theyliavi -4uItti --euougb�lnwlt-­� � -.1. . I I .. 17 I 11 I . , I , 116ads, Of. hoase'� ba�eniss and grimness ' of greir ferent regiment$, ii1though at the time g�n , - �, ,. �, . .� , Doet* Famisk, Leather of , Spetie3 �b&Vlb VV TatICUIRtad Pattern Ae nerve$ of 1py.lp holds3o, reduce the consumption Of L I ce, to suspect soniewhere the, Arm I � . . L - . � " the most A'jUD I black amor. plate -which obtrudes they were engaged in the"tame work- , . . . . I . I . . . 1 . . � . � . , I .. Uighly. ornamental, which should an- I b�r . . I I . I eace Qf'rubber: - . . �. . I I � ­.. � I .. 8`n"t­4'outr�, - sl;1*6 :iho leather mades trom, , thelft io It must not-, be supposed. that -xcs� bread in,thtir respective families I everywheie� - As- in a bittleibi0s, the lng-party. : - - I . . I. . I ­ I .. - q . .1 .. . . t , I . I . I billets Are places whi� 'alt play and at least one-lburth of the qu�nti -eferential . - was, . split up into patt�qlilifg.squgdroiftso I . I � , I I &wolir Any problem, given 16 vommand a fancy Price in the market I ty: ift - laosition from the point of . it was bitterXy cold, and.there . steaming. up and dov& a.'beatou tra0: - " .., 4) , I � - ... I � . , has � no -work makes Za& tanuek fazj.' He consumed ln'-oidivary times'-, to� 4b- , - � of safety is 'given to Ahe enr� an Issiue'of rum. that morning. The byr, a . . I . I Inventors morevexation, wrA dIs `­ ladeoO shatkokin, utide th � v view Ight. � . . A . J I Ir - a � name of� op6a sea In total darkness . . I - � is kept in 'condition by pbysleal drill.. stain #om the use of flour in pastry - enough to upset . . .1 . . I that of producing , a ,of 11shagr"n I? has -UW. Mit reputa- I . - . � . "' gines.. . They lie just above t�Le floor, taflor'was unlucky "Sharply on the lookout- by day fo� ' I ,. " -. � . � .1 . I I . agment than . _ _#, , I instruction, midsketry exer And moreover, ,carefully to restFiet -or stretching in a longitudin,al' positiov his mess­tI4 An which he had just � . -them. . .-1 - . I I . � . sattaftetht, fbi��nfiriei I fine%, most,6f I .1 � , y'artlacialleather. xt� i" tl6u. as the most durable cis a visits to. the fifle rankes or wheroverpossible to abandon the use through, the centre of the craft, wiffle, drawn his ration. �X :',-. I I .1. ml(a6o� And aVlyi;;a . , ­ . 1. �,--*�. , !` � �. . ly seems *v. if the vf all l6athers - Its Aum - I thine coutd, not be � �__ . Vdity and moXtiror borub. thery tty days. continuously at sea�and the � .'� 1. 1� . .. ..", � perbaoss& the treach of 'In all other articles thau shafts, and cranU run under a special Hi glanced around in � deivalf, anil " . ��.. I , vaterpro6f quifit�r render it. valuable Ing school. He is given opportunity bread ukud We, do at$%. in like ma - 4 Ndfth Sea.,In winter tiale'46 Probably � . I . , . . . I . . . ,04id.r The hides -of . ­� I � U I I -area, I t", e" ' I ,_ armor casing. at the. bAr,k to the cams Oikcov - 1AS �Pld ,bu uAWA41b . ,vater -,----- - I . - L, . '. . , oludini that 'Of hvman wngN -mbleik for -Instrument =as,, swovilhilt. cov- for shower baths, such as 6a " rt., . persons -. I - , - '-iviih an. unusually Jibe 1 . I ' . I . I ..1 a iho:dIrtlesti -dreariest strietch of i :!�.� ­­ � " . . not be 1104 el 0 an . askiie , ,4�, - - - - ral tobe found auyw 'd earth .. . . . I � � platkin--mairs coni- 4eiings ayid eartalft other *rposes. in I . which ciperate,the'eaterpill.ars, and, the .customer , . . hero ioun. Ahe . . I . .! 1. closolr resomblox , . provideo'nearer,the front, and, ifspe,�J .who kee�. Jiot%es to - abandon, the prac- Wig push wheal at the .� I Share of � the comforting- iptric . . , , � a disguised, � I ' . IL . I I . . . Ir adaptt4 vi;�� of which fact, there is Teasonfor - aly fortunate,may pyeu be ti I . . , rear. . .. . .1 . � , . - -now baying abrugh, with I ., . , " - " . , . plex structures, inar*oustl I . Ing 016 to c0 of feeding the same on .oats �a* .1 . . . . I , 11-4ro have a. mouthw old, sou,�* -a �� . ( . . . � lmpf it hav� Artistic Displays. . I , rald6r; now . . . . .. I surptise that , . warding oft Cubmarlue . . � .. � . for vw, impermeability, to,water, And more extended , a svft- in runnI*, wator, Othelq grain, unless they 0all have said the tailor persuaidvel�. -\\,,-- - . . . —1 - -_ ­­ -raMentS I - I 1110W been sted,1 � - ' 'he to& isf a great attack-, now launching a, . boarding.. - ., �_ . **Or r4qdi - And to - makAA *' liski not hl _quigp ventent 'on#.. WhatCvir their dume. I ceived frooF Our ]Food Controller rea - The painting of t "ked the other, � . __. 1� ._.. , �* . , .. . . . , . I . . p - "Why should It" . , . . 0. , I tl�e­ men in reserye or in.rtst .billets I party in v��aea that, w6uld-mitke even a � . I. .'.. - I., � I tab -will be *n Oident --sub- . licenswto lead horses on oats. other pastime,in the encampment Modern� Mets -tin.. , , I � - 1, I , t 1. I I , . . or . . . Ir -with his mouth, to his I k--Wn-k- - - , �.; � 1.�­ 1-1. . 1. .� - . - - i ... . I _6F_UtQ0(1 I , ' -AAeMA t -WI -m- .... �,__-��__�,L_ 11 .- " - '­:­VUtQt6 �73.:_V411-pl*Vt UPOOSS. � � I - � -.1. - -an&- I .. � giveu�o . as - ____ � I - '_...W;M _r___---§ ,I tha_,1­000144� a - . .11 DIAXI�-BRE&D-FR03t-CLOVM;'--i-ho,,v�,� a zood-7deat ,vf lelsur% : It. - � I . ,­ 1 I wu=C Win w6fitt. . - . - a iloutral, vessel � In a , , ' " � ,, -" ­ . . .. . � by folgett _ Ing a on', i. is. necessary to do; so with :Offe" -*idefield: for the de- ' tow., rescuing - . . The UnIW States'Goverment rish� .. - I. - � b, � � __ - , , -., b �t' � . . weapons A yon for a couple -of years and, nevet 4' 14 * - -.--, , - . __ - _ I I.,. . a view � .� . . . - 'the �ubist art4 ,and the I _. or . . . I . �; . 'becoming as. in the v . OPMent ot . .1. I . . . 'gule" savinkit fr6m,destractlon by . . . x4teAt . t1k p 12 I! to 'Inaintain the'breed of hors I ' el . on% see . . � . '. . -� . *de% Bureau, hovrever,'Is',of opinion i GermAh Substitute Claimed to i Ttgnt fpor a i4me, *nd . got a penny for Toy pains, I'd thip'edo--it to op oiM must '- - '­ . ,.. 1, . I 11 I -h - . . I 1 . . . .. .1 , I � . 1. that lftbtft lit this direction tie. uti, I L I . I I , ort -and amu'sement! national interest- And " decorative appearance'of a tank go . 'Why bouldn!f give �u German . 'oneself that 'vast`aO�� ;.' . '. ' : � Bathe "Best'Ever.r . � - jabsorba 1A sp I I I . We 46, eteby . . . you.4 me a dr*p o� . . L .X§C%%V%X7__bX fatt, A V*4t6 of ,time � � . . I . aseball and the cinema are the. st�� further 6argi and enjoin all Minis- Ing into baWe suggests that"sonle rum!' said the tailor. - -L '�. I . .. lVicture 'to, . � . . __ -,.,f .... ­__­-_-__­....-­_; -- I . .the Futurel" is the thIS ' . iters.of Religion. -in th�kr respecti�,6 painter who,_all-his life had special;- , . -, . . : . . . . � ! - - - , I "Treat 161 INnTlegged force, niaaved�.'h __ " I � �� I � I . 4ad Ingeoullts'. Inasmuch, as the fishes �q ,At, JIM,, prone delighis of our einadian& They . Clobd heavens I You're uOt— . . y uIbn 0 � . ; . . . ' . "k ' ish,vullm1b I .1 the merca4tile marin% that for vdatly, - . � .. , '4 the ' tan al*&" gurn .- of a book recently Patr Snip, !7 exclaimed , * " .., 11 � JAIL 4 bsve�also. adopted the "knglLsh idea of churthas 'and. -chapels vithin , our Ized i.0 barlier toles had tuddenly'gone . I.... .­ I .- . I L . ­ . , 1. �- ' . - . ­... I � � Yes, you are4d . I . k' - ", . , . . . ' . Od qUAUtitiss Of loothtr excellent In which sets forth the Niew-.that Me t travelling concert and dramatic com- United Kingdom: of . Great.. Britain and amuck with Paint brash amd -color pot I yov-want,'Old ' Jhroe years has malAtalned, unsha, on � . " � . I I . I I . - I � � - . . . 1. i)thar� . "Here�, take v�hat . =4 unslhekabI6, Its unspectacular, an- - - , , , ' ..... . � . . Vality and Available tor:rAbst-bf the of GermiWs enduring war le$sOuslipaAles, which iary the cinema - 'pro- IreluJid-to reid,"ar,couse to.be read, . . 6 a -blighty' - egamttel ' , �.. - . * . - � Tpan Have %opiring,-exceedingly dangorau� bot .- ` . . I "'., I . Id" of - .will be the irittoduetion ,d a I grammes.bireemsionally putting on " Our PrOelamdation. at the U -.JT 1. '��G - BECOTM' -And, I say, rit really settle tlat bill . . I . . - .. . . . . . . I purposts to ,whith. the h maw SOA of - rd's WORLIVS . JMPL 9 : .�. -sential vigil' -diver every I - , . . . � .. . 11 - . . ­ I I.. � .. . � .- . I ­_ ­­­ ­­­ ­­­_�v . , ­ ,- I . . -8 - otl coacer . -- - � ,� , ' . I to ., 09. . , .. , � , bread hlth(�6.uriknawn.� It- will �' � ariginal,plays 'after , - , of you= ,* xi aftd-ent '&nc I 4� k .. , inals Ave "Put. �, - - - , Qr_oparetta&-­­­ ' : Day,.for four successive -weeks . ­ - � - � _­.. !­ . ., , bS-SooJj aS�"W.a-,gek­'bae'k"1*' L ­ � i��!F..'_Po , , thereo%.P . � - ' " -. - . - _ . I . . , - I . said the 410:r.. no of oermany s'e .. 1. , , � ., . . As * X*sult of "perimenta which from a, 'combination Of both �0610i lllai�t aull . *a. lssue� � . First, Honors Go to.the Flea, and Sic , ."Darn't bother!- t . I . . . ., .1 , ... �, . t& ,. - � . . . , . � ... . . . . I ­­ . . Itave, bom for tome fimaln progressi, flo,ars, f � I . . I. , � . I ' 11 I � I. � � I with a, liberal mixture 6 lover . � . I I : � i � ,,% , — , . I . end to the �Sslmon. - srhacking ids UPS. 'awem can lit. Quite , -, � .. gxceptiQns Are Few - , I I , I . . I I It .., . � . I � . I . . . . . I . L� . . . . . , Many well-laiewn concert singws . . I I I . 1� . . . I I . I I I . . , � .. I I � . .,.I., � 1. � . ithe Fisheries Vamu dedar" that th'a m"t , . . L � . . . I . I I . . . . I .. I . I I I . Tales That Are Told. ' . , I - .. ou, Teane . r - . � � I . I . I . - .. .. . . I . .The dietay wathm'ts� vlm Advances - I'll, 'he r amon . . -- . I . i , . . kinda. of llsikes vai bt dactors Are in t aulm and - g � . . While the Ilea holds, the - *orld!s after that drink 1" . . % mbe �h6w; when Doctor ' . . . ikins a 1now . . 1. 1� � 11 I— I � . itmiping Te(iord he is so wnaH and Inv- . . I � ' %� . �� I I . Found --and, ]��I- -.-_, 4 -- Jobnabn abserve& that a certain * or4 , _ .. 1� I , I . 1. I . l6tiver. .. But most ith.l. , issi,'�&O toldam- Of �bwmlssi�� baSld6 - The two angler& Vere I � I I � . .. � .. I L .. . %itifilea. for this *Ory sw that ike world - - . . , .. � . . I swoPPIW considerable ;;;;it -from the sand- . Somm afreixg-v� *Afatlng � , , . - I . Ry I*M 'a`MsLU=s of distinction. 'The concert th During the .e. 1�st'� urd. ft -4 no fruit laud t7Xe .1, I "' 7 ley, ; ed . " 841 for *e pur"se;lire test* gwitg *11 its eloverv" storles.'. They- had exhausted - a Causes year one of the % Shmp-Psy2res found `86swell'tt.0 that be aw . * ' L'' . I., I - I *' . � . ' ' I "t"t - - I , 1. . , -1 tomphnir -Of One- CwPt� *M 10tcasiOnAl- topic of thtir point of ,the, discomfort be' ' ff 4�,Ap, " , ; , . � I � I � I . 'he entertainment icentres. of went onto ejd*rge.ui)on�ffip ,Wonders dismvery 4 himself cr,=ts� "No, 11aes IAmd* liy�.,;Iylss and ant pear -you remember I . . I . "at lakkrl$!'�a imsli,. idthm*h It 'enhwins, , "ha'� ly 'visit t . ZdatV611bus cabffiqp�, incl ' ho* I.' ; . . . . . xy -Aumetods w ie ,tl,, t ,,, _ that a, mixch more valuable . - , , .. . . I Wig sh3krlm O" Ve "y-% � *=,- bal "=hleral e- terge' I -f science ig'that which. gir the. sec- � the s1de: of 4n - Australl. am- ' . , th-e sage fell:d�bnhim for Iris untruth. .:, .'�. . . , .. � . , *am latitudes, whexp.,but the,. *hieh is revh,ed Zot, ,6mly of Way Aom adjacent. to it There 3a an even of -from the o e7; 1. .. ! ful- love of truth, his "olli inaccurate ' , � : : . , I I . . their,native, countries, , . . " . . . ­:­­ ­ - - - __ _ . arid; � � . - , ,st6- .. . ond hOl�6tA to the salmon. . . I . I . . � i14 , , 0 , al view. , . - I _ I :111�rimt�� fta r i�.­_­­_ 0 I , �71. shm--t . ltzrel ire4lent intere-Ourse, aniolig-divi- angler`s�pointof ' "Look out !. :. , 1yeres -a - *_Affunlell " , I . . . , I . I . $ftte% V6 lrw= ez liut a Inent . I I ' � -robust . - _ � - I . I . . Sick= Thetam"a Ah"e. troupes - -.,-Why, n 4" said . This fish, it Itas -,been demonstrat4d, yVed - the A-asUmftm. as 'a UK ZbeU '94mracy- I WelL. �vdth the same I . I � *irikint Us rAUed , upon kftpers ,of I stwnt0 *A *eM . . . I � I � - ear my hom% _ George I . _ I realiflos ,over . .."', .1 - - � I I I .. � .. . . . . ... are delightfully unconveetional. I Big * rivali -we have a pond can )UMP.on the average A664m I e6t hartled- through the .1r. � , - ,J'weferentlk for ,� . . I I .appear. , - � �, - . , � ' - ' ' I so IMA fife'Aving %tatIbils,' � , - 'he passer-by to vertica% - _g -atCeS� 4=6 MOLY say .. - I . . . *htliva - . . ... where a -chap tan catch flsh as V. 9� can -sw Vith Ap- � , Ta", S�r,psmi,, , . spran Into a . . that mot a� single .. 1. saore tht : nmida tout, to,tiuh'as, . poftm may invite t � fast as . . . . � . I I � ,Vwt tha ,Tykes.r w1ach means that a. he and *hft =ddemay; cmter, - but . the Azstn� -was &, eMp has ,been able - to wotk lta.:w4y � . � .. . . �� As p0milme-of ftt�_. rlAes *=11 Tftft For Stow sat"s. . . . - .- can drop, his, liner ift,and Vall, ,ex parent motchalamte . I .. . I I . . I I surine out d.1bal water 9nd Strom I 9i -sp-wzd.,,tz)-'��,Ue-z���t---Cf..��� British cordon unob-, -:...,,-.,.--- - . � � _. " . , I - . % asxdsJ_,o-Lv!__�_..__ ______ , I ,L �:. � . I ex -De . 2Z - claw, Served; and on , may, I her .1 I . I . . loft -Ara tht %,ema tz� waslft�ola�­ - att - i�- ;�,e -�WI�6�3-_WTL% is le e4ve the at . .. : � A's . rk�th f.- ' mark sixteen feet *boTe 11m. Sclet­' sbrvXzel in h ,9,a%. d beg= . . . I �. 4jjjj� FiaWelitfi 'Jh=,eAa ftM,�iWj,�ig I . 'i ,the man, vpho' beat � . I ,­_ I . � , t1t ft p4L,a &t,j &4t � A - _ I Rhine ug - � alde to Jubilate as It pleases over the - , . . I I i* , 91W mae-0 I.X �� ti measured Wi leips an'the .17 up the gm=& , . I . I . . I . ! an by two lengths. .$is , - I ­ . _:� , iaii .. -Zirt-3s . .�_ ­_ . .. - VOT,4isitib k;�*s& �'Ima uka-le- � R* � �� , 1.-W_ - - M:_�-r4jj4g,ea� � - . �46a tka-0be viver4 wht� . I iout_W�C_14�hbl�%P_# =It 'ermettionz- � .- Th6y -ate zo.� ftNir no zto be.. " ----.­: I ­ - -., - - � � - - -----,- � I * , =-V _Vag_tea tMe� 1, 0irfrita -,is . Sld*P:,� I - 1, . � . . .. I IMCWGUI . . . . - ii, ��e skits- t,&Vt bttam tsm-i-4 A 5' T ft zavens. - On 4: ; n 81 The oversea trade of er­,�P, ,� . lb VMSr. strveas =4,Nw L letie powers we= put to ffielr care=, 7�turnoa . a_e vo=ded . . ft -'s 'wmVel,w. in -to liativr eftx , -, 1, " 4. . ,seek -to kn6ck . . I . . Z*1 _4 sz, � ­ ,Zf ,L,_.e. t,=& -r � . &a- . .0 ,�L m -21e , at tte�] , I . : . I ; tmd fQ=d t Vs'har- �'� niany has disdppeare4. . Not a-slugle � .. . - . . .. - L . lu,oh afs bic_q .6 .. . . I , _. t Vur rme I.. I 1.1, . . � �. - I . .� .. I , 11 I -­ � _­___ ;mr-d �,IjL ­ -_. � �. :: . � -- --.-- , . I . ­­ � --- I . 14- '­ �, --it�­­ n.�­m_�-_� �-u� .. - 11 . ,t�­�--V � *1 T _ I'll �, � - - � ­­­ - ,._�_V--_=�-_erc _.__­___�____ ..--��l----..Ie,-t-c�z,%,Iit,,,,�,4t�.IZ7:1--fiz-- -.,-.;t - -�____ I.. ­ "I I � --- ­­­ ____ ­­ _ - - - .. � - ­ -, _­ iZffE__�__eS;ZZi__41::_: � , - __z , ,... - - --_'n __ _­d_,-­�'�_.,_= t__1_11=_it.S1_A . I I N. � 1-1.1-1, ,, .- .- - � - . . - � . - -"-xl-c�-r-�"S--i.��s:e,-,s,r,t:iz '' � . . . I . , atb­�--- . -i� �­ V ­_ ,Z= -1 �, , � _-, 11,�. I . . . ,1-, I -M TRW _rc;wl —At. 10 - nf. .p - I - __ . I 11 1 *17, ., �ft , lmmml�-M . � -, �_!t - �;:�n,t � p�ft -�r-n 1h a.t�-4,�__Jj ft -A e-th 6ttev of - - ". . . �4� L L , .- "'A.." jp,gz pr , �� .., " __­­�� .� ____� 111­4..!�­ - __v_r­ . __ _,; �_!��,��_ ____ � �_ . . . I . . I `�­____ . ; i . . . � ________;__,_,_1 4 - - - - - , tWl . . . . I .- .11 I L. . . ,E 1-1, e - I 11" L L . . , . , h F , . I . L I . 1 -In! , - - - ---.:- - - - - I ­ �.,:: I - "a I I . . � I � - __ -1 __ - ­­­-____ -- -_­_-._­­___,.._ _:---.I _20 ­_ ".., 4.1 . , . . . , . I 4 slaruvM � . , inm n t=ts� . I � � .. Ito. 1*01t, Be: � _.. I . A L �tl: I I � . ,, . ­ I... . I.. .. ­ I .. . . � _. I _1� " . I I � . z. The' I&I., . . llght�mg ills WAY ihwal)a frm, V�e Isea " . -Ean,N Val - 11 , . . . . .0 U=ndell C . .. I . . .. S=Za ".. . -�mii al I ed �Wffh &I " �. atz - -be ga vtey tient ee.. il.. - _ �:. .0% . - !. ­ I 0'., ... � . , ; Zr to 1�m ttzzq 1=0ZI,umt . ,,zlar, -1 - 12mala had b6az tmubj A sb a ti, = I leap ceassielessly -' 2bamge:aito �. - , t last . . . ,I--- _`WA - I- .1 .- __1 _*1 .1 . befev- 'he eTIFT Spa. e, . - . BIRDS OIN THE BATT11EMM - , �: - - � . IVISIV 4_01V,�R . __ ar =I =­��__ .AWthache'A'or same time befq* s . ... . , , , e imzeal��t_�-* s=�,� e;l e,n% ftseli lyt-9 ttlt­ v 1=e P=_ Vb �., t1ing 't1a. , t*tes .1 . . I � , , 0. �,m , fetakepft , I I ip . a vpgauso to, ,e tq fte sb�pf the � w:&74s he - � i k ' .. . I . . , . cla:e,�:t , - . 1. .. . 1. , '' ., The� Sil= - - - hta :L -=--d W''t Ititl 11 . I I ��, lvmters. . 4i , . 1, , � 1-,.'r4r.-� Es em ,--,an exrk ez=_-z� I va­_i-�Ty. Tzm tftzts d_,l . � B=T-fazea ZEN-, who, ts&e t�hem, ikot M,P,v�zagll wurno to go tr� a den- . 1 pA=6 . ; I , q,3,0=49 � rs Tell, How �birds Are Oblivious , � 1. k= In't'a U ees" nVing =�r'.w.:f1p.--r�% Were L . ThAt -Ametican filAc Llave eq._411el 2�u tzid&PT im ,Ee of ballf a � Write . I . *tl " ctt,00_�-e..,-_*�_," I I i at Wn­z It I � . - . I � . . � 1. .� . I 1�'_"�!el b -V el'G ift'-Mr-'A P'1'01iUeeZ1 by, bPT-,L , � I "-Va 4 . � v.,-Y�X� M -A . -+ -F � . 11 . . . . I I . I I , " * . , , u-_� Z -'T ejazt. n4l�_ feek tr-i tW�Zi� h=- '�'Vt_h'l' �i-_44 *e:V,r,)Vd+ ­e:f=iMLne. 4Z L , -. .. . Ws *t3UM-!1�Pb+_'XS=-r,d ig P=,"_-, A � =I!,"t�-, , :1 . . .. . of lattrofing Sh4blIs., I. . . I I I � . . . L - t ng Zt- . parel , fr"= �'fo*th As saea=ed . . I . I . . I , I , . � ,e," , , _ 1-1 . Ll : J .. I I 1. I - � .., . . . I _-111. . I � t!;! _- � _: ! s 1, __Z T I am M w-, t 5 -, cl ,--foria eL,J4L, * ch � I .1 � C.',�_-a, tz� ,-A�L-� a S-QZ1rJb - _ _6-------- - '.., I .1 . � . . it�, !Erlu�_-,A a, "' tbt's,jC�_'Imm�V1- , , , ,�Vtnt ata,:F�u =hk�tg. sr. r. ­ ­­- . _ . , . . - - t=91=9_� . _ - . , -�, �� Age�KkA4gF7�9n,-in 0#r =--Mta=., 1 �_L-*,eu.t ­Qhubly . � : I I !CRt*A___tW_-_10.i + -or f 0 ... - _0 . _ ,. I S_ _� ", L L .nt6 tb ­PetrioL --saysAn�u�.ro;,­­ ­ ;_ . ­W�Z,P_ _-E-t. omt. . A,trez I � 7 _Z2 , 1 ---`r-�5--i r V-- I I . . I I . I I , t__t.-s . --e-, n Z . ,k�'biv :,ke eem6an,dol - � i�� ;��, - a � _-,,.- . 11 I . ri,.,�V.. w--tt"'k zz,vosFz H_rz fr= �am vMtg,� b -&N-, .-Ainit-l-e a ''. I 4 YM, streprm have M&T-70- M-0 �� 11 ; . cent letter from I.. . . '� . - 'Z% at Is an�_44-ts'Ll"!," tz�,, - t- 's tl "T . * prev�ozs' tZ Lhis ast�77=0r t1a lbecla _Fr4=k1'__9. =I+ Q-00 g2Lt6-_-='VVU keen , the wpstpr�,fropt-_­- I I I . . t!t-A,t- bp* -_1a zl --=es 1-:�S'=n, -,O_'-.� .7 1 re llie=st 4�nt Imm.- rm.a. ess,4entEst'v" =bnts. - I , , _ ,, tke riVer. Antre. Ab . t . . ut�_-_Z,-�, zcr V� Ipm 6 . Z=1:a1= - ­ I.. I .. ­�. "., . .-' �� � -on L "_ - - _'.i-`.'.�._­ �-. ..., 1. , ­ �. - : xttevaft.! _ ,_,,� I.. ` 1. - 1. . I- ___�__,­­ -.1 ­ ­ - _­ �___ - . ... ... - - W � I - K . I ­,�Iwtn' -��, *tt4e.'L -BE=&, L I I - _Z!1bTV _ t-��ILOI:;��-.---ia:sz;�-t�:__r.aii4- . I .- 4-1-1ntt-�w§-=*-b�§ =3 ;a­��­,,, �h-.-t�i--4r—,%-n-.U---T---3--t------ -a -ptrd- - : I , — -&--I ."t,-�-E)-_.QV4=-�Ze ib�_.�� I , --I-,, , `-he.--s� . V�T TJSB_ ZO I= , _; _QA�tr)JD0LvarJ' I . 4:�Ik� , i � M, 0 a . . ' � , . !1*,", F 'd- � � . . ::fr0a-tbe trenches, 't'here it.re numbers I 1 - DI -y -ng .1- ,4s�ar vAo,aro, I � . L . . I M ,,� �' _� t. *_"�"_ - - . ' . - �J !§ _r_-�_-1 to �5�1_b_' t�__14e V1=1k '.i 1"i�"D �_Zz=s t2�e -pztez��t - � I I - 1 $& igNW':�- - -to ee fk,a_ ,, irty, . 'r,f c*, . A moorhons . . '_ . IN � � - ­ . - - - - __-._1_._--. . . . .... ly,� . � ­ ­�t L � 'itt*t`0 . "I - "Alk I 1. 1)� . � app - - - _'... I .,�_. - .­ ___ , . . � . ­ - _ , . ;Ir , , .. . 1; , , . . I 11 . . I . � � 1-1 . � ­ ­_­­_-__,­ ___ z__ I . .. � I I I . I I . . 1. I Jintly 1dritively oblivious to the tremen.. . .. . . I . I . . - 11 I I . 1. � . dCM_J= . . I . � . 4ous battle all around them. Before, � . . I . . � I . I . .. - 11 .. I . ." a=w I I . . + ; . I . . . . I the "Pa-A"'they vr�ro about 400'yards � . . I . 11 � _. . I ­ . I . . �� I 1, �, . . � . I . . I W-11IL40 � 30u,313uL I + - .4cp .. . . . 11 I. � . . .1. I . I I . � . I .. . . .1 I . , I . . . . . . . � I . X %31x*b 30%x"ima , � ­ . . L . � , _. i . - I . . . , f C �, ­ . it" i I I g" . .: I . . � __ --- , I .rom ,6ur,front line tteh hes, opposite I. . . I � ,,)I , *ip- ,�,,��moz,,*t)46�-t"&-,Z)?W.AIL I I . ' L . I . t � - OUR. I . . * I . . , I - ,1% I .. - . . � , . I - . . . � .1* . I. 1. , I .. I . . . - L � � . UR M RNAT I , � . �, 9 7h"ePVAI� =d in front of our flold ". I I A9D I 1=11. I . I - DtDRN�Xr_ . r D066015_ ! � INQW izocr I . I � a -..a EA s4tm I r= P, I I ,<;�. . . �_ . 15;� , I - . � I . i , . __ . I . . . i — . . . I .. I I o !4 '. , . 11, I .. -1 I .., . I 1 4. � 1. ,, ,� if I_ 11. � . , �� _VAwt=_ I , - . ''... � - .. � .11.1. I W �axv v,r_*)et-r40ytM . .. � 1, . I . : r . . 4 1 . " . . " .1 -A F a 'es �,,*l 5= .. � �� ,e V,V Z.�VOT iL . r - - _.. frX . I � : .*.,Ig�� , I I � . : �� I '*A . , . I . I I . . -Mvsw? � ;� - PMip dibbsi vreit! - , - - I . � � W" *Z�Zi�la 11 i 11 . . . . .. . I . I ikid . IWML A ccon,E 07- � s I I I I ng from the � � . I .V � , I . .. � I � I � ­ . - . Zefghb8�hood of Lens,says: . ... - . . � I I IV. . I I - %_ . � . , I I � . � � . I . . .. ft*44urft 1 1 .is . I -1 . I t' � .1 . "All 6roukh, thg night the -battle . � of- � - ' - I . I . . .. I . . A I -1 . f, !, ... . . � . lt2t3 I ill N API VV�'�TJ �[ . � I : � I � ;5 ,� J . I . �. � W* I ­ �� � . tl�e guns #ent on lind, the Acy.was fill. ' . , �. . . . .; 111M ­­­­: ,,, . I . I 1. ,� �k � ' ' - L :-"'A' ' , � � 1. � � . � I :;Ath thie rush of the nbolts. and tho, ' -.. *0 1. % 0 I t . . 0 . � I . I I . � . I * . 4_11�A � . . .1 �ttt I/ J I I . I . � ; ; . I . . . *6vlm veil," his face from this horror # - I . 41. ,I . . I .��; ' i VhE-111 made a hell on,earth., . '�� ­ I H I . . ". . . i , X , I I It . . . - ., . ­ 1, I ... . ' . %: .. , , '�A - 11 . c'E�t in little ;wood a niklitingale [) ­ ,� ,; I I � I .. _ ,I � a *ttl �, . . . � 11 ;,� � .. I . . I : . , =g all through the night. in it e � 14' - * - , I . . , -11 � . . i,\ I . I . � "I :: �. . . 10� [1, 4 , , *c' , e eaArve of ' ,i. e , . . . �, I . . ! I � ! ll i i;' �d it tb r�iseent of . . . . , I . . I . i . . . ,. � ,� � 11 I . : . i . I . i Vi" . . . . . �� . . . 4CU=�, ard e7ery shell flash lit It up :11 I I I ii � I . . I . 1 4 1 � , I .. �!! . � . :1 V,;th wbite light "go the't., the 61icato , . . I I. I . I I I I . . I . 1, f if I Ams -&r. -Y tf the boughs and brancheA - I . . I . I . J1 . � I t.. I I . . 11.11 , I . I . I I .. .. � I .. . - I i it 11 . I- I I �-J, �j i;,, �,� i �� � , �� . VMS ruZed aid its tiny green leav�s . I 11 I . , I . I . I I . . I . � 1, . . � i I , : � I I ,Ivreza bt,aulwag.- . . . � I . I . , I ?A � P� I � � � � I i . I ...'� � I I, . '�i I " . I 1, '. � __ . I ­ M tlo heart of t1hat thieLwt a 111ght- _ I . .. I I . , . ."*A� I . 1 � I - - I I ­ I... . . . � � - 0 ; - � - I - ­ _1 � : . , , � I I ; 1� M.Lfi.1milir - � , _tzkn7�6 Sang with littin thrills afid flut. . I I . � I 0 lu-1 , 4; �, . 1 4 T_9"7", ;I;:- - I . . . . A I 11 .. . I . v ... 'L I , . . I I � �' " I I . ,u2s ct sttg, trsing to reaC4 111glier � , - ­ I __ -,- -, -4 WL - . ' - , . - '� I - " . �� I ­_ � I _� - I ___ __ - - -, �_ __ '' - - ­-­- - - ��-re _-�-&��'-ris"3-tjght_e- �-Itg'08taffeotit. --L--'; ---.--------, _ � - - . . _,a� . , � Ir ----"Rpapmpvmwl I - . I �� I . . . , - I . . ., ­ - �_ r I - - V . I .1.1 11.1 11 . ".. . I � .1 �-.1. � . I - . . ­ ­­­. -1 I - 4 1 1 1-0 ­_ , - - �w . I i& '�,­ , L I qV-,&t9- tbOa Warblin.g MV�.Bnatchoa, L - I I � I . . -_ - . � . 4 I � - _. I I '' , ��, I I � �_e_6Ge�#___ 1-1 - JC1 itcl.vi.w, � ii . , . . I - -1-_ qN."­ 9-, I - - - _�_ . ", . . � I . 11 . - . L . . . . . I . . . . . . I . . . . � . . . � . I . . I , . I . I . I.. . . . . � I � . � . . q , " "_ 0- '�___ - � ns' 6 �___ I � "'nam- es an ; co f- u- � � "e �oa pass z � sl� - — �__ _ � ;_A"0_W!1 I I. NEM I I- 1� 1� ( I i � I I I 0 g �, I 1, I I I i I I I i I I a I 1, I I orl 11. I 'I , I I I �1 11 �4; 1 i - j I I I I I It. 'I I g i , '� I 1� er�y � th ' bo r � lm may invite � " W ds - I CO _�l ' a � - �t� �ar t� I 7 � __ - � `_7 � �f ' e - � � `* P�L � - I or- 7 , U. - 11 us�e I 1� I I a IL _ _� I _ =e . � Tagil .1 , �_ �_� �7�� . L -� . OW . 'I vm �,tent Is. aev � U.et wr� 11 1� ! 1. i � 51 1� I- I . i . . � I . I . .. . I I . L . . . . . . ., I �, 4 . . I I . V . . � 1 4 1 :, I . . . I 0 I I I I . I . . . . � . . . I . . . ­ I . . . � I . I I . . I I I I I . . I \ . . �, � . . . . I I I . I I . I I . 1, I I J , I . I . I . . . I I . . I . . . . . I . ell . . I I . I . . I . � I � � I . I I . I . I � ; . �. t . I . . t. I I � � ,� - - I ;­. � - -- . I ­' -,r-- �­�4�v4 -,. � --a __�, wlm�v � I . -, it I I - -'L- - __ - - - - _]::.;;L��_ �� ______ � - I �