The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-07-19, Page 1I Air kno • 111•-r-•"". P.4 per year) in advance; LOCAL AND OENERAL Ar....,errerr•rr•rrer',....,....rer•OrrOrorrer...e.rerra.rrerrerr " lies Aggie Tennant is viSiting,* witb friends lei Clinton. • ilk Mrs. Scott, of Sudbury, ie visitidghe ssterMrs John* Butter), 1 „ Miser F. Collins, of Newmarket, is wisitieg with friends in town. • • • Misseer, Lillian add Allele Mitchell vieited Mende in Gotlerieh last week. `. Misses 'Grace and Laura. Newton, of Toronto, are vieitingrelativei here. Miss Clete Dunferd, of OUnton1 a guest of her friend, Mary Ita,thwell, Mr. Robt, rritch4o, a Newmarket, is spending his vacetton at his homelier°. Nisi Mary Arnold, of Kincardine, sapent the pest week with Mrs. B.Smith. Mise Hazel iffebater hieretuned home from visiting friends in Toronto. Miss /3011e Howe has taken the posi- tion of teaOher in the Paramount Sehool. Mrs, W. Ainlay; of Toronto, is visit .ing her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert .(lrahens, Mrs. John ;runt and daughter, Miss Letitge left Mondayeto visit with Mende • in Dulethe% . • . . - , Mra. John Keith and clAughter;_ Miss Annie, were guests of Mrs. a "Aletuod On Tuesday , ., Miss. Evelyn Camille of Toronto, is e epending her vacation „with her friend, .. . Hazel Webster. Miee Ketlileen dellin;„ of , Termite, is spending her vacation, with. friends in and around town.: • • -'• . The hay crop in this -part is oneof tile greatest ever; now for:sidipeetinshkee to are and save it Miss Belle.latacKay, of littncOlireIve, . former ,Lucknow girl,' is visiting friends in tqw argl Vicinity •-• Mi and Mrs. Chas, Itieltardion, of Teesvrater, are spending a ewo-weeks'' vadaeieti:in Lucknow. ' • r _ PhilliP SteWard and Miss Jean Fisher viifted Merida' at BlIteVale.- and Stratford on Sunday, Blue R 0 Fleck, of Brandon"; Mane is "s0.idieg a few Monthswith her , Mother, Mrita,.Smitli.- ...- .Mies Mary Struthers hits; taken •a pea- . , ition its • telegraph operator -With R. Cunningham, Winghani, Mrs, M„ J Switheof New york; is spending the summer* with her 'Meter, Mrs. Robt Webster, sr • MiSs. Irene liolthes reternedeherneeie 'Monday after spendieg, the 'winter ,with her sister in Port Arthur. • ' • , . „ • Misiee Ednaand denevieveeBicknell of Toronto, are visiting at the hOtne of • , their aunt, Mrs.. ht.. Mitehell: :Rev J.-Reici. and wife are away for a -..• month's. vecetion. Shewill go as far as 11rancicin, Men., where her parents live -"The Advance of the Pranks" -great • 'war moving picturesin the:Towe"-Hell- •„, . . to•talelat..Alstater Mrsa.•Willittni Ifiabkirk and little Son *have returned t-o-lpricarctine after srpend. 'tag a fibilitys With her _Mother, Mrs D. Graham • • '.• ' Mr Tho 'Summerville, of , Cargill. a Pioneer resident of St,lieleter 414:Luck- now, is sem leg his week renewing old aceuctintaucee here. ing W Little Are the.iveeknt Giiiiieby, haling Meter.: do,we-Pn. TitesdaY •Mr." Will Kear lisey is in charge. of Mr. Little's store.. • v, MARKETS. (Crerrected up to:Wednesday -neon) • DORts••11.0441,41101•444•1; 0•••••66 T . Barley 4R444d4 ... .. .4y . 27 eke Eggs, new fad.. 20 30 . . : le se • TOIldNTO PLARKETS tYJDAV Ott VIM WEER •Choice heavy eacers....411 25 to 'ell 50 Choice 11 00 to 11 75 • Vhoice butchers' Cows, 8 00 to . 8 50, Good feedera ....,.....7 75 to 8.50 * *Wien a. tow . 85 00 to 12,5 oo flogs, fed and emend. 15 75 to Pan Wheat ..... ....... 2 35t� • 240 Goose Wheat 2 35 to Timothy flak." 15 00 to 16 00 etgge, new laid 4 ..... .• • •r 57 to Bauer, tSsamery Pilots - 361. - -37 Batter, Dairy Ptifits. 34 tO . SUCCESSFUL UARDLN PARTY The Young Ladies' Bible Claris of the Metbedrst ehureh, was extremely for- tunatein selectiet, Mr. Jo.seple Taylor's lawn for their garden party 1).1r,ecinesdat? .evening'of last week , It is am. ideal rivet for such an taffeir, and no work was spared which would acid to the , appear - twee and general ceinfort. • " • .• Rain had caused o ,p.astponertent of the "party" from Tuesday evening',, and on 'Wednesday the weather was none too favorable, yet. there was a good erowd- in balf such a Crowd wonld have been good under the • circuntstanCes, Everybody enjoyed the Supper, iM4 the program which followed wa;ii, rare treat, Newton acted as chairman, thelocal orchestra geve excellept inusic,ealed the MaIs Quartette, Which ,gave ,a number of selections, .had strong rival for popularity in a. Ladies' tiaartet-Mree Garbutt, Mrs. Anderson, Aire. WejoYnt and Mise Alline •In a financzal way the evening was a surprise, the °less treasury being re- plenished to the •extent of$05 after all expentrese,-,were-peice-e-eee -,e- A number of.citieens were very acenin Modtinge.°with their ; aritornobiles in . furnishing transportation to.Mr: Tay1or43. , , • TORO.NTO%COLLEQE" OF MUSiC Thefollowing pupils , of Mrs .: G., If Smith, Muse Bac„ ;were suiceasful in passieg the recent examines tioesr .Graduate Diplomas,. Pianoforte. Art- ist's 'Course (A. T. C. M;)-First-eless Hotiors:e-Frapces 'Bidden,. Irene Slierriff. Graduation Recitel.7e-Irene Sheriff]; .Perfeernarice thedrchestrie=•Frances Line .Sherriff.. • . *-Piaeo-e-Iloacirse-Freda Aitele $enlon 2nd Plano-elet:Citias Honore -*Rath sMitehell, Maggie:Mal:cairn. Hon - Mitchell, Lorna, Campbell. (Ethel McPbersan, subject to Smiler ist Juniot pad, Pretee-Elizahethttewert. __-__SeeioreestePianaeleteClarrs--H-mtorri. -.-Christiria; Miller, DonOldrie McIntolle Honors -Ada MacKay. - Junior lit. Piallo-lionerSeeMargaret. Murray, Cicelia:Crowston, Aline Mac- Kaye:eV:erne 1cQu.iJhn russ-Jean Long.. Priniary Piane•:--kurdeae Maelsod, jeltd_Siewert. ..• - -; ' Piano Harmony. -Clara McQuillin. IfistOrse:-ist,-Clasi; Honors- Lillian Mitchell. •• Senior Rudiments.---elst-Class Honors -Elizabeth ..Cumnungs; Ada „MacKay, -Lorna Campbell; RAO Mitchell: Ifenere e -Ethel MePheraine Murcisag MacLeod, •Elizabeth Stewart. a , • • -In addition to elm work previously dope, the College has arranged for a, teachers'. Nor Mal„Cosurie under the 'dir- ection of Mrs. Smith. • GlIURCH. 'NEWS. , PIE LEAGUE held' aA Very .suceesaful _Meeting Monday. ,evening, •- Harold -Tre- read tile .scripture: leSion.: • splendid itiid Hymn 7if,ilfere;''. pre- . pared by Aire. J. W. joyet, Was read .by ,Hazel Webster and discuased .by Or; Newton. Mrs. Spence ; :gave rt. -reading on the beaut1fii hynin, Vestis Lover ,of Sofil-,4-and.' Laverne. 'Greer fevered ' the fireetieg with a sole.. Next Mendel evening's topic, "Sigeifieunce of the ,.liefiasTan-Revelution," will be. taken 'hy A-;q:Atideiripit.'.. 'I- • • _ _ • • Eighth 'Con., Kinloss. LUCKNOVV, ONT„, THURSDAY, JULY leth, 1917. HEAVY RAIN STORII PASSES UP 1.444E SHORE The western aide of Ifitroe and truce Counties W0,0 visited' by a rain and elec- tric titorm .ottpluaual Severity QflTues- • vla'y eftbrooen. ThOorin bieteke• about Dungannon shoetly after noon and trav- soled northward, roughly *following the lake, shore, but Wain- Kinteil enci Lochalsk • , - For nearly two hours elle rain earne down in formats, swelling streame• into roaring rivers and flooding a great part of the land. .Such bigh water due to rain was never before seen in parts of Ashaeld end Huron, Tie Many bridges and, culverts.were washed away and rail .fences scatteied all over the fields AO roadie 'Traveling was made extremely difficult owing eo the depth of water on the roads and the. aheenceof bridges. A nuniber of hits- by lightning are reported, the worst being at the residenee of Mr. Dan. Rose on the 12th Con. of Ashfleld. The lightning entered a chim- ney, which it practically.tore to pieces, scattering brick and reortar.all about a number ef room, in which it also did considerable damage`the furniture•. No one in the house was affected. . -..*Telephone'lings-518o mane in. for a considerable amount_ .of damage, and grain and hay „flelcht, which already had too -much moisture, would suffer a geed deal. r' Spray. the Potatoes. Potato grower e are strongly urged to epray their potatoes to prevent blight and rot . Parties; Who have•dugnew potatomesay that 'already they *find etii- .ditice of.. blight ou the tubees. TheAx- .0essiin moisture and oteasional , heat threaten to destroy the cum. . _ . ,Will Look After Children . Rey. D.' MrteDennan, of Walkerton, -Secy. of • the Children's. •Aid Society Of the County of Brice, ' was in Lucknow pri Friday of lest week organizing atom- mittee here to report eases of hanuileSa or neglected children to:the Society. :Hie -effort* ein --thiseWortlryortuse---were' ,siicceaiful,..andeit a meeting in the Town Hall the following were appeinted::- Pim., Reeve 4. Johnston; SeCy.-Tfies., R. b. Cameron.; „Committee, Geo, A SidaIJ4 Bev. R :McCallum, Mrs: vv.- Murdie,. Mrs, ite T.. Phillips: Mee. Dr ' s'Anotfir. From 'Lucknow.._ Ayt. Lloyd Agnew, Who taught Scheel "Skyeuntil Silly 1st, has enlisted at Toronte-for eerviee. With the toyer 'F1Y- ing .0erpsHe hete tote,yete puked all the tests and examinations, bat he 18 on the way through. This :rnat.es ".twir of s -Mr -and Mit Agnew's-int-18 te enter the King's eervicei Clair having enlisted with' a transportation unit. • • -Tuesday, July 17. Miss Myrtle , Oongram. is visiting friends in VVitigha,m, • • Mr. .Ale.. Houston:is to be a few weeks with his brother, pavid. A few of the spoiRis attended thesple.- ;lie at Kincardine on July 1.2th, • M. Einie awl Miss Beatric13 Elliston spent Sunday at Mr Mack. Smith's Mr.. Jas, Johnston,. of Underwood,' spent Sunday -with friends on the eighth, con. • We ar'e sorry to report that Thomas Harris has been under the Weather for the plat week • •• • * Mr, Corbett and daughter, of Cooks. town, is spentlieg aiveek -With Mr.* and Mrs, :Richard I1iQtt.' FISH Ai:FOOD . The appeal which 18 being made. by ethe beganleation of Resources Odinmit am of Ontario to the peeple of the prn.. vince to -use enOie--fieh- -An artieTi drain Of the, ......War,,Ithienany-ea upon the food ,resources of the world has tatisert aerionir sheitageis'.which Will blelt, beet • literilY unless , sortie. - thing is doneto stop the steadY. drafts on the feed eforehouivea:- Those who hilveettidied the sltuatiini ere ali've sto the need, for Coneereation onthe' one hargeand tninereaseebupplk-etre-the other.: One of the Many ways in which: this eanba accemPliehed is to get the people to use meet) fiele In sOntarldthe people haie. been. Mere or less indiffer- Ott to the great reeel3rces of 'flail that the lakes; 'and rivers of the Province contatife, Only about 10 per cent: )of the fish eaught in Ontagieeiraters'..evety year arigeortatirned in the Provinee; the: rempaneer go to the United States Where thereis an increasing demand for' them: To use more fiele m a .stapleartiele Of diet is to•lessen the tonsinnptiop of meat and.grain, and consequently hold down the pric-ee cif these Commodities, and alSo leave a greatersmith's for export to the Mother Country and the* Allies, This; is one phase of •ii, piohlettie that • presents many intereating features:, and as Avery. effort of the natitin wilibe requited in the menthe' to eorne, as the war' becomes: more drawn out conserve- tiodaiterProdttetiOn--.Willhe ,• important with men•and munitions, rati=r,or.v....rrarraFrertrerrr Successful Students In EntranceEXAMS• Single Copies 3 cents • The Lucknow school' has scored an. other splendid success in the work of the "Entrance's'. class and eo. dotibt mon - hers of the Beard `leive been showering compliments end congratulations upon Miss Sherrill, the teacher whose work has been followed by such satisfactory results; • Not only did the ten pupils, constitut. ing tlfe•olass, pass the examination, tut three teok honors; one of these, Louise Garbutt, taking the highest mark in the Inspectorate of West Bruce, and Rosa- lind Reid coming third. • This, by the way, is the fourth occa- sion in recent years on which a Lucknow girl student bas won highest stapding in the inspectorate. The first to win the distinction wile Gladys Spindler, Miss McLean`, teacher; seconele Margaret Mae- kenzle, Mrs. Outran), teacher; ailed, Mary Connell, Mies Shen:A teacher.; fourth, Louise) Garbutt, 'Mille Sherriff, teacher. . , The report of the results at the several points at which exams. were ,held in West Bruce, as given to the press, Is as follows: 'Cat each point le number of stu- dents from country schoole wrote. asevell as those of the,local clam.) Luexerow• Honore in order -of merit -Louise Garbutt, Rosalind Reed,- John Smith. :Pass, alphabetically -e -Howard Agnew, Herold Agnew, Winnifred Elliott, Elle - ;da Irwin, - Eldon Johnston;. Alexander MacNay, Ethel McDonald, Irene McIn- tosh, Isabella S Moffatt, Gerald Rath - well, Annetta Tovele,,Merle.WilsOn. . • Knecennnaz• Honors in e'order. of :inierit:eellertha Nephew,- Jack McGew, Elizabeth Hart. Pass,' -alphabetically arranged, -Fred A -edam*, Jean Brown, Zelda Barnacle, Beatrice•Clenumtse Margaret- Frani-Wei- liani-Finjayson, Lillian Fletcher, Bessie Gressberg, Clarence licartvVick, Geraldine Hay,.Olive.Hendereen, Ralph iininple: ries, Fred Keebler4nis„lieebler, Leona .McCarty, jean. McGaw, Catherine, Me- Pim% Wilfred Riche:v(1am Jobe Henry .Robineme--Kiek--.Shiellii; -Helen .:•triiiiiiss• James *VVatsori. fe Baby Died Suddenly Mr, and Mrs. john McDougall, of the Second don. of Kinioss, lost their baby daughter, Helen Reda, aged a little more' than E30Vent mouths, with startling sud- denness belt Sunday. . She was an ,exe ceptionally healthy childrand was to all eppearance quite well and cheerful at soven o'clock in the morning when taken ,from the bed and into the living -room, In e few minutes she apitearecl to be affected by something like a paralytic stroke and lapsed into unconsciousness. •Dr. Elliott was at once called, and though he arrived in la very, short time, ,was unable in any way to heip the 'little sufferer, who developed 'a very hisgb temperature. In this condition ehe con- tinued until abont three o'clock in the afternoon, when she passed away with- out regaining coneciousneas. The', blow comes with all thegreater. weight tothe parents because only nine months. ego they lost another little daughter between three and four. In their painful sorrow they have the sympathy of many friends. - • . HOW TO FL,v THU ilLAO The Rexall Magazine gives the follew- mg rules for displaying the flag; While there are no federal laws pre* - 'Scribing the•observanceof the following rules for the display .of the flag, custom has firmly established their propriety, The flag should not be hoisted before num, no be allowed up after, aunset. In thee:11%V; She eolere are hoisted, in ordinary eircemstances, at 8 a m. At "Morning and Evening Colors" at forts and Military - posts, Civilian spectators should stand at attention arid uncover during the playing of "The National Afithinn.'! The flag 'should never • be allowed toil& the ground, and should never be raised or lowered by any mechanical ap pliance.. • , •„. , • ....When ,..thellagels used as aehanner, thab iseauspencled on a rope across street, the union, or field should ity; to the north, in streets refining. east and west, and to the ,eitat in streets running north -and south. • Tne flag should always be flown from staff or aemastean-d :Should -die e asteried to the side of building; plat- rm, or seaffoldipg. 1 n� ecircum- stanees should the . flag be draped around pillars, or against walls orbal• ustradee. •Flags were Made -originally for the purpose of being flown, and to use them in any other •manner is to misuse them. If staple decorations are desired, - red, white and blue bunting properly draped will give a better effect than a draped flag. . • • ' The flag Sheuld neier_be.nsed -ad A CO'V'ei ever a table; desk, or 1 bx, or where. anything -can. be placed-npon it • Wheit'flags are used in an Unveiling obi statute or monument, they iiheuld not be allowed to tall to the wrOurid, but should be parried. aloft to wave Out,.forming si distinctive feature during the remainderof the:ceremolike."--- - • • When thellag is flown at half staff da a sign of mourning, it should be hoisted to full stattat.the end of the funeral. - Tofly a flag at .11ra-staff, at sIouId first be raiselta.z1.44Lusiab. Rwrity • Henors idorder of merit-Iiabel Mc- Leod, Kathleen Gilmore. . Pass, alphabeticallyetillian Csimpbell, Sadie Celli ne, Audrey Ern m erten ; Bernice Garden n,. Eleanor . Clem el]; _Harry J.aek.• .. son, Cassie MeGregor, :Cora McGuire, Mary. MeGtitie, David McLaY, Alan Mc- Lean, Christen/a:McLennan,. Veda Mci, Nair, Amelia, Marty°, Leon Mendelson, :Nathan .Mendeliod, •Ella Mitchell, Eli Morgan, J. Lovell Ilsevie„ • THESWATER Honors, in order ofimerit-lielen R Dietrich, Frances P. O'llagan. ' PaSte alphabetically, arranged -Elsie ArinstrOng, Hamilton Ballagh, Achiliee L. Erb, Irene Hanna, ;Merlon Hedging; Wilfred Kroeplin, Addie Marshal], Mere geret . McGrogan, Gertrude O'Hagan, Marion g ..Pettepuce, Dorothy Stevens, Satires Weishan; Olive Arun . ' Highest -honer. tepelkjete-ileteecerder . _ _ ee..4reteecter-e-Weeee--Betereeeirtieriettefalt----e• miser Garbue4 -Le-feknow P ST-M-iss Sherriff. Rhoda Kneclitel; Southampton PrS O. Hawley. Rosalind Reid, Lucknow P. S., Miss &emit • Ilolyrood .--Ttipiday,Ittiv 1.7. . Je-WeIrraines. speet Siin&-ty -With friends at Selene - • Mt and Mrs e Irvvin and. family Sunditeecl'atill., liwinkas Mr. 'Robt. Harper, from Seek., is re - mewing old aequaintences -here. • . Mr 3 E1 Ackert and Mies Emma spent the eek end with friends here. . A number fienn here itttendect the fun: • etal ofe•mrs, •Geo."13e11, sr., en :-Monday, • Mr. Corbett and Miss Myttle froin Alliston, are visiting the formers daugh- ter, Mrs. Richard Ellickt. . • Mr. and Mrs. 0; Congram and family, Mrs. E. AcIrert and family and Mrs. M. J. Irwin motored to 4the1 on . Wedneri- day of last week. • On Saturday evening next Miss Ivor* will aerveice cream at the store here from 7;36 until' 11.00 p.m.; the proCieds kr Red Croie purposea. Everybody lome.,and bring-soincboelptise-,-and bel bliss Puttee and her geed Red Ceess gel*. Don't forget Viettirda j 1 21 • Fordyce -Monday, JOY 10. Mr . Champion, Wm. andLulu are visiting with Mrs. Peter Leaver. - Mr: John Martin Medea trip te'stral. ,ford with his motor car receatly. - - Alvand'41frs. RTI:IPaylOrind of Auburn, metered. to Win. Taylor's on Sti:IdisarrIrt. Mien Stephens, of near Clinton, visited at the home of Mr.. James Pew, jr., for a few.days. 'Gertrude Martin visited a °few 'days With her grandmother, Mrs. John Gil- lespie, of Whitechurch.. John Robertson, of Monk, meter- ed to Wm. Champion's, bringing with him friends; from Damascus. • Mrs. George MeQuillin and daughter, Gwendoline, of Grand Valley, is apettd- mg a couple of months with Mrs. Ed- ward Haines. .• , Miss Hannah Aitchison and •sister Gertie returned home after Spending it few weeks with their grandinother and other relatives. . There is going to be it Garden Party at Bethel on Thursday night; supper served on Mr. Jas. Thsrbones,sr.,-lawn- ald' program in the church. Everybody' corm and 'enjoy Thursday evening .with Bethel friends. , DATES OF FALL FAIRS - Following are the dates of a uuniber of Fall Fairs a% given by the Agriculture' Societies' Branch of the, Department of Agriculture: Lucknow 4 4 * . Sept, 27-28 Kincardine. , • eSept. 20-21 Cloderich....... • ; * * * Sept. 26--728. ? Sept 25-26" Dungannon • ••so • • r, • Oct. 4e-26 Teeeivater 4 0 : • f • ; • • • Oct. 2-73 Mildmay , 17e-elli Blyth,..„ eee,,.. 0 • .0et.2---0 Brueselsa ..... Oct 4-4 IsOlidcon . • . • • • • . • Sept. Toronto- ... t , ....Aug. 25••;. -Sept, 10 • Successful Candidates „ At the recent exantmatione of the “Torento College of Nuke; held in Lacknow, on Saturday, Jnly 8th,, the following were successful; Primary -Piano-7a° n o r s-Katbleen Hill. • Junior -First .Piano -First class Hon- • era -Louise Garbutt. • Senior First Piano -Pass -Cassie ife- Donald. ' These were pupils of Mabelle W. ..A1- A.T.b.M., graduate ,of the Toronto College of Miele; Eri.anainer-e•-T. C. Jeffers, Mus. Bao.) St, Helens , -Tuesday, July 17. Mrs. Little is writing with friends 'at GuelPh., Mrs. George Webb Spent the past few weeks in' Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of W4t1leldr Spent Sunday at Will *Taylor's.i.t. The Misses McDowell, of Westfield,. anent Sunday at the home of TePhillips. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Auburn, called. on Merida' in this vicinity on . . Sunday. - '* • .: .Mr. and Mrs. Marvin :McDowell and children,' of Westfield, spent Sunday at M. Clark's!. Mat Sharpley and Miss Nom Knowles, leickneevee'vvere -Sunday-eviiitoriregt- W. J. Todd's. Rev. Mr. Little and Miss Mary Little left on Tuesday for it month's outieg at, Black Horse ;Lake. Rev. James Wilson, of Toronto, "Will occupy the pulpit in the ' Presbyterian church here next Sunday. • ° • Thomas Phillips and Durnin A few days in Toronto-.1ast.,.week. While there they purchased an gverland 'oar. . John Millers house .was strUck by lightning • last -Week and .considerable damage done to the front and to..the furniture • ' _ Mrs. R. A. Miller -and 'children, of Rosetown, Sask., arid Mrs. Wilt Todd and children, of Paris, are visiting . with • . friends around St Helene: lira. McLennan,- of- Chicago.; Wes. McIntosh, Of -itOnd Head,' and Miss, 'Annie Clark, of Saskatoon, ,are _visiting their parents, -Mr. arid 'Mrs. . ,Clark‘ Mra. G. Easton and daughter, of San Francisco, Cer, Mrs. R. 31,4fterti,A, zie PaffkTn*kilVr;fnii:teatr1;55Aprndiing couple Of weeks withGeo. McRoberts. Mafeking ,--Tuesdey,,Jitly, 17. . ., . - MiSiMaiy Helniis visiting friends at Mafelu :rige . . - .liftsreVrrinlaY visiting Mi. and Mrs, Anson Finlay this week, Mary Finlay and Olive Kilpatrick are. visiting Zion' friends this week. . Miss Jessie Andrew. arta-reed hothe Sunday, having spent a few days with relatives bere. , • ' Mr. D. Archer and Miss Laura and Mr. and Mr & WeJter. Webb, of Luck. now, called on Mrs. Wm. Stothers Sun- day afternoon. . ° Though the weather on Tuesday Wm moiat as usual; a very successful meet. ing •of the Soldiers' Aid Sotiety was -held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Stothera. Indies froth every pert of Ashfield were present; and a large quantity of oomph*. ed work was brought in. ..The Seiretary reported the amount Cleared from their recent Garden Party to .he which Will be expended In yarn and material to be made iip_ley,the___worke for the oldiers, The meeting next inonth will be held at the heineof Mris. WM. Blake, ' ' McCog,e-In Winghara, on July 0:,,1911,4, to Mr. and Mrs, Will Maw' 1/. sop. Get the Life Buoy OUTING SHOES Alt sizes in Men's Women's and' Children's meseaskailammilim W.J. LITTLE EVERYBODY'S COLUMN WANTED. -20 O® lbs. washed wool at 'tbe, Lucknow woolen. Maila Highest cash prices. MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurance. hot • _Stock And Mutual Companies. Convey. anCing done With neatness and despatch. GEO. STDDALL. Broker. Luoknoa- .. BIGHEST PRICES for -poultry and all kinds' orinne-raes, old paper. rubber, iron, cop - zinc. and all kinds of hides. Phone SS. write te or eau o, 16241. eImre TABEL, laicknou ^P DR. PARKER, OSTROPA.TH. at Cain Rouse. Lucknow, every Wednesday afternoon. All chronic diseases suocessfully treated. Os- ' teopathy ,removes the physical causal of disease. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly secured. and -with fewer treatment.; • by Osteopath," than by any Other method. - • • le TRA.CHER WANTED. -For 3.3. No. 9, Ash- • • . field. Second.class prefessiened. State ex- • perience And salary expected.. Duties to . commence Sept. 3• • VI . CLARE. 8613:7. R. R. No. 7. Lucknow. , - JOSEPH` AGN IOW; Notary Public, .1:Mover, during summer months. Falcons ancer, Insuranoe. Ofiloe hour% 1 to 0 m., ' wlahing business transacted in the forenoon may • have same attended to by appointment. For Sale THRESHING O• T.ITFIt;Sarn eungaed -vernAneaodtplowe.. traorr-rutign.onektecrola"nrWhiltoifiteni.- - - 26.7.p.unga,mon• Phone. 78 r 11,7131""eijili- • FOR SALL-Good_fravad residence with atone, • founthition, ea Havelock St.,Janaktiew Om- • ing the residence ocenPied D) Mr. G. A.. Siddall). For particulate apply to Mos., Da. liacentatatoNatiplez -18.61fo. Auction. Sales wEstsY smrrtc...__Iotft %,13. Al. first /ale. north, Durham moan, loss, will offer or sale110 acres 16,nod standing hay, on Wed- nesday. July 25. at 2 o'clock pin. Sold in lots to suit purchasers. Twins: 4montbs‘ 194-c. • • • J. Ptravia, Anct. Notice For ali matters regarding Ortenhilltemetel7 refer to D. C. Taylor Secretary. Chevrolet btarage Geo. g. Smith has cbuverted. the Graham /node, Campbell Street. into a garage and has a first-claseeneehenic lit. charge. A full line of repairs for Cher-: rolet caret_ „A„§atisfactory service ewire anteed. r - Notice ieffetqiiipas-slak or erry-ine or any other torpose on David Stritudia 'farm on3he Ashfield-linron RoUtidary, will be prosecuted. • . 19,17-p. BORN Dungannon --:Tuesday, jnly 17. • .litiera Amber McKenzie is spending oi few Weeks with relatives in ,Alvcnstoni • 1‘. Robe, 143ilson and two childrent' sacs visiting the former's parents, UZI •and Mrs, A Sprout: • . • - NelitSiindayinmingilev. Mr. Gionuti will preach his farewell sermon, and On that acconnt service in the . Methediat Church will be withdtawu. •• • The Methodist Garden Party on thet Obtirch "Mtn WM an all•rotind success. The talent Was certainly good And muCh appreciated by mi. The proceeds at ths gate were $136. , the. darden Patty under the ampler* of the Presbvterian Church turned 'ORO. 4Yery good, althoughthw weather *ea nab - favorable, so it *as given in the red hail.' The veutilloguist'drew a' large tierWcte The weipte at tht door were $130. 5:41'