The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-07-12, Page 81 I It LLILANUW be.N 1 INV./. • '4" 44 14kit 11 bibs misty, jly 12.14 *917 ¶ Owing to the high prices of wool and cotton, fashion has decreed this a big silk season, and though there has been a considerable ad.vance in prices of Silks,yet the advance has not been proportionately as large as on wool and cotton dress goods. Anticipating early the decree of fashion we purchased good stocks of silks most in, demand and are sell- ing fine quality silks at lower prices than if wehad. to purchase these lines at present trade prices. Good quality and fine finish Pailette Silks, 56 in. wide, in colors, $1.35 &Ad black at $1.50.- Habatui Silk, 56 in. width, $1.00. taffeta, black and colors, $1.50. These are special value, Tussor Silk, 21 in., 75c. Peau de Sole Silk, 21 in,; 1.00 and $1.25. Georgette Crepe, in black and colors, at 1.50; and fine quality Crepe de Chene at $1.50. SUMMER HOSE raidiea' Pine.131ack Cotton fifose, in all sizes. See our special at lfic or 2 pair for 35c. Plein Cotton Switulesi Hose, good enality, at 2.5c. Alin nice line with natural feet at 25c. Black Italian Silk Hose at 35c, and French Silk Hose 10 sot are extra value. • Ladies" •White Hose in cotton.and alik ankle at 25, 3$, SO•end 750 are 111 midi demand. • For * boy's 'stocking buY our famous Knock- about stocking at 35c a pair'. They leak • and wear well and give excellent eatisfaction. See our veinal in Girls,. Stockings in white and black at 25. 30, 35 and 40e. " SILK GLOVES There ie a big deniana for Silk -Gloves, See our lines in bIack and white at 75c and 1.00, • Ind a One quality Chiunois Lisle at $1.00. LITTLE BOYS* NATTY natvr Every mother likes a nice, natty hat for her " boy, and should see our splendid range in the very newest styleat 2$, S, 0And 75c. LADIES' UNDERWEAR • -. • • Our range of Ladies' Summer Underwear in Vests, Drawers and Combinations isvery com- plete and selling at reasonable prices. urdoc „ .... • . ' • - . . Cuirass, centrrl -Mondw, Juir a. • Mere are you -going to spend the. lgthl • • Mr. and Mrs.400alik Ga.e4i----aPaat a couple of days visiting Wawan,e0h friend : Mr. and Mts. Wtirsion MeAlliate4- 'of the slid CM.; agent an Waning last *week at the home Of David Scott. . • Mrs Wilhazn Leakert and children, of tear Landon; is 00414 a ."few weeki at the Ifirusf.of Mv',nether, Sire. John MAL MeKinxie, Con.. -10-, Kinlose; lias returned home 'after sipending the piet two-weeka siith her daughter,: Bite; Walter Day., • • • - NITRE= McKenzie, of the 4th Com,. who is building a new straw shed, had 'ft very' ,stincessful railing, on Thursday fierncion 4led Nolo*. • are ploasOtt, to know that: ift 'McKenzie, of the 4th; who was seriously injured a few weeke ago by being; run. over •by a wagon, is well on the waj to recovety. . „ . • • ¥r M Pringle. 'delivered'a load -of woolto. our local dealer, R. E: Little, volt,i0la brought him the mite 4 ra little $920. Pretty, good for one: year, •-Whitechurch -Monday, July 9. Tiesiliter , . 'irl.legdaY; July 10 Mrs. Neeland, of Chesley, is visiting Mrs.,L. A. Brink: • • Van Kate Clark, 01 Calgary, is visit- ing at yvintam . Miss Irene Bowles, of Hamilton, visiting the Misses, Stewart.. , • : Mise Bay ...and Frank' Steveat . are visiting`friends•in Hamilton. „ . , 4 My. H. Iliscox•.,left on Monday to spend the week in. Tornio on , business. Stores close in ieeswiter during July - and August 'Thursday afternoon each wiek. Mrs. A Gilixes and granddalhter, Dorothy" are visiting friends in the country. " " • ' Miss Olive. Kirkland, ef Wilkie, Sask., isvisiting friends in 'Teeswater , and vicinity. Miss 'Alien McKague, of Toronto, is 'visiting lair grandpa:tents,- Mr and Mrs. Thomas Alliston.. Miss Jean MeNaughton, is spending her holidays with her parents,- Mi.' and Mrs, Peter McNatighton. - 4. -The, Teri. Association of Teeswater have .demded to have races on civic holiday, Augiist 6th, the proceeds to., go to the Red Cross. .• The purse will* WA.. Concert at night. , , _ . • _ Cuiross Copiers =mod " . • ' -Monday; July Miss Irene Hamm is holidaying with •Kinloin* friends . - Mr. and Mrs., Walter DaY•taient Sun. day at L.. McKenzie's. ICulross Lodge wart well represented et:Kinlough. on Sunday:: - -.7 • Mrti. Geddes, of Con, 8, is mating with Mrs, W. Thompson. , •We are glad to report ,Mrs. George Bell is improving -after her illness. ' LJ t and Mts. J. Donald spent an fternaonlist week -at -R. Baker's Holy - rood, • • ' „ Mr. and Mr a Geo. Wraith, of' Wing - ham, are visiting at' D. Edgar's this week.••,z •, A number frOin' here attended' the ,Women's Institute Picnic a.kSilver toie •on Friday.. ' ' • Miss 'Stilly Turner 'has returned to Winghani after ;visiting friends here for a few days. - • Dungannon-. Mrs. WesleiLeggatt le. visiting with , -Tuesday, July 10. friends ill Holland. • • •Bora-On. July 3rd-, 1917, to Mr. Mr. Gibson, Gillespie inntnted /ewe i and litrft ,PeCil Treleaven, a daughter. 4.5 • 5...5.557' AS 1 /xi/ ciebpo, onie. , Miss Amite tienderson, of Mich, is .. • *kiting with-frienitehere. Biro. White, of Kkillingtvond, is visit, ing at the honie of .4F Sent Dr. white. ,- Alio Annie MeInteah, Brussels, is. ' visiting at the home of Mrs. Jae. Moore Mn and Mrs. Itobt McClenaghan and soncOlarence, are, visiting with friends in Elora. . Miss Kate McKenzie;' of London nos. 'Intel, is visiting Val ther sister,. Mrs. •Thoe. Gantt • . Mrs. Wes. Moore and. children, 'of ' Palmerston, are visiting at the' home of. Arthur Moore. . • Mits. lifeBride,' of Collingwood, visited. a few days last week With her Sister, Mrs. (Dr.) White. . The subjel for Guild meeting next • • Sunday evening. is, "God, Our Helper.'" The leader is Isabel Pox.. Mr.,mid. Mrs. Chas. tell, of Spokane, Wash are visiting at the home of her aunt, Ws. Robt. Pardon. . Mr*. Wm. Itumphrey and Misit of St. Helens, spent few daya last week a the home of sir. it. For. Mr. A. Paterson and Milms Margare and Vietorist Paterson, of Wingham, *pent Sunday at the home of 1(.. rater. ' • • --#011, The Methodist League are arranging toha.ve their Garden Party on julyleth. Excellent talent is being engaged. This will be the treat of the ,!ieason. It is to be on the Methodiat Church lawn. The unien picnic lastFridaY was an -rill.round-euccesar, The.weatlier-wri ideal and -there Was a large' gathering. There waS -baseball, faces of sotto, and a gasoline launch -and two rovi-boats Were kept busy all day. • ' SECOlgi Kinloss • . • • t1,1Y 16. Mise 'Jean Johnston, ,tif Lucknow,• spent Sunday Neil llampbeles. • . Frank .,11Mer 48 tetiirned from, the - West te algid his father on the ferule ' Mists Etta McDougall left for Toront,o, where she. intentlestaying ter sonte time: Mrs. W. j. Irwin is spending a few 'days this,Weeks het•fortrio.,r heine near Xintarditle, • • • .„ . SAM °engrain has:purchased an auto- mobile and isbiley learningliove to Man- age it This is the first car /or the sec. old, the People here believing all such lousy thoilldavOided-in-war-tilue, - . • . • • Lurgan - , . (Intended for last week) bliss yina Welsh is home for the holi- days.. • , . Conrad Brown went. to Port Elgin en •Monday. , • Win Boll had the misfortune to :Mit his knee last week. . • Mrs. T. Elliott and little son, if don, are visiting at M, Welsh's: Thesebeol:pkpie,w_aa*ell., aa-Maarfeimie atigend,tiime.33.aqa- . ,___ • Mies Ulna Welsh: met successful in. passing her Notmal exams. at Stratfottl Mr. Ben Walden and Laverne, Of Markdale,.are visiting at J. S. Waldens. Miss A. MacPherson, Of Kincardine, spent. 'day last week with her sister her Niiiselteaetion anah-ifmerTiViiiss. Danuelq are-spenclingn few-. hotidaYeat, j. Henderson's. a. A band of gypsies visited our burg for a short thne one day last week. Beyond scaring the nativerr, they did, no , harm, but no one with sorry to seethem The storm on saturday. night did Considerable damage to gardens and fences. The rivervvas neer known to be son high before-, and.several bridgee weie washed_ away. • ' • A aooD RIO PRICE'. . The Americans are Adopting' Uovel. Ways of raising matey for the Red Cross and other patriot% purposea In Buffalo they gave a lied 'Cross dinner, with piateaset for fifty guests, and anybody could attend Who. would pay -$10,006 for 'a seat at the table. Fiftiguests turned. ----Inkaildproditceitthe neeessaty.-Pfx. _ • _ . Lases --Tueliday, 'Tidy 11. Mims May Stein if/ bogus from Toronto • for nation. _ Mr. Geo. brelsnallt ift M with lumbago' Otheut Twenty Machine* Dropped and stomach trouble. LAWN WAS RAIDED BY RUN AIRPLANES Bombs into Heart of City--Thlrty. *even Lives Lost Mr. Fred Johustone, of Guelph, is ' visitiug Archie and Prauk Johnstone. Thirtraaven Dalian* *era 1'11Gernian1°4 ' sad 141 inJared when twenty Mr. eud Mra Philip Hogan visited Mr- plane* raided London on Saturday James McGlynn, of Glenininon, recently. 'naming- Britiah ranaval airmen brought three of the iders down over Mrs. French?. Scott, sr, was on the the North Sea. The Huns dropped eick list, but, we are sled to saY, la In ilrgibash tainretfirtotpe:Inia. Minute8 aver tlia proving. Although Vie German contingent The truiteee a a 8, xo. loAftve ep, iwrsale 1 ilnrgietri, nintoovreemtlenartsintad rstre,edueliebd- gaged Miss Pentland, of Dungannon, as ninth lower than on June 13, ttsenum teacher for the eoreing year, her ot killed and wounded was, r li% The (limey% Corners Club has 'put Irrit.eef.thitrldestrtuhcetioiroefiteoapeitd)artlal - their new hall'ia plane, withiMr. Hut. have ueheantebut that is irapos- chiaou, of Pert.,12.1bmreaaert, as engineer. slble to esti t ee. r, The Ai ht of h- r 11, whAerSeduree7ibtQaciWtblear, inie.xltaf:SufarCe raaLbotztivta 441frumelaaste (lure niit:jvie inineumat;asioov:;Isrli.v.,Fir: . :11 I 6 el inhiutee over the city Eine ti i two ribs broken, and his legEku- a body craft guns were firing b ' au "a 1.- ci, oky wi_ riskly, dotting badly braised by the tongs Blipping frora th out suocees. th ahrapnel vette, but with- ' °a Mock ef ice arid jamming hint againet ,. The Admiralty , repotted h . °waver, 4 door.' on his wondroui escape. -... o., Saturday -kirk to squadron sent up froni Duens- • thet, navat airmen, who toll wed them . tam, iewleTr hi to he congratulated A. British tilt eea. breught down tlireeemachin. inter:eptotIllitee 1r:turning raid - night, June 30t11., when the boxed was ere die not more 0 Pee 1 nn le4ii?tchaeurtgr struck by 41:Anil*, and the chimney 'they had taken i and gable end torn to piecee, the• bed- reuetreoyed' i t the British, airmen met and post wider Mr, Bowler Wintered . chilies' "yen °Uler Gerintla ma° tress scorched, bed springs -blackened, ri1,113all Ceine:f he novelist, thus dee- . , Mat- • • and even the nails hi the bed and wall fc.rio:1:11 a"Iri4etir° duogwhiithoe 13(mlbed dis" wem blackened, w)dle Mr. Bowler escap- - results cd the raid frotre loaCainteillial 51 ' point or vie*, , They were contempt ed with a slight shock. . ible I wal kedrSeWig hour iii that Liiit bmtcrlVl::aDLlcbu gswiiehdiil:g: eastern and A . 'TUBE!. EE NUMBER, ' westernhalvea of habitable London, and is generally shut up and, silent at tams articles am Confederation by Isle crowds. . .. . night, on Sunday and on Saturday ,..,_ afternoon. • But for the gathering of The, Canadian Magszine for July'con. 1 ehould not, have noticed any - Premiers of all the Provinces ef Canada, thing had happened. I could see no as Well as an article on trade expansion damage that might not be remedied during the fifty years by the•Minister Of by mason, pater and glazier within Trade and Commerce. "The,Pight. for six days. Outside a well-known. build. pmfederatioe is the -1 title' a an able Ting a -square foot of. nag 'wee -broken attic% by -M. D. . Hatriniond, who hag ' WY as one 174%14 break it up with a hammer, the' top storiee of the corner made a special study of this period a of the olliCe :showing sign of 'fire. The our history.. Dr. A, It ij, Oolquhoue# rest or the gteat structure apparently Deputy Mieister of Ede -cation for • Otet., was intact. In pne ot the principal' tad°, contributes a Weil -considered thoroughfares there *ere many brokl article*, or series a sketchea, of the eight en windows, and , little piles of shut - Prime Ministera of Canada, and Willpon tered plate'glass in narrow Streets. Leiria Edition& glares rie acceunt.of the "That; is all' which in this pririelpal Governors General from Mona to Dev. , region of attack was apparent to the Teye of a trained Observer, and outside. onshire. he number is a capital; sou. of at Were the 700 square nines of the venir 'of the most impertant event in , vast city and the thousands and thogeOanadian history - ands of miles of itS streets entirely . 'Untouched . Thinking 9 Of that, bile. Kinlongh .' -' „ point of military injury are all: such f . . ;told one's. self that so utile ftom the ' -"-•—„, ., pretentious raids, that if twice twenty,. , --,---Tuesday,-Jtily, 40. . five German air machines come here ' every day or ten Years doing sa hula, ,. . . and no more ilamage.this mighty Lon. Wesley Boyle is busimoving Witham. RObert McNall,-- of -I.aicknove, .is doing aon'woulk still bewhere it' stands." • ' 'We are sorry toreport that Ntrs. I.' Pin- .. ......„, . GERMAN TOWNS -BOMBED.. *feting with pneumonia ' , .. • •. . . . nell is uedist. the ,doctor"acara She is e, . . .. __•......._ • . . - ' •., French Air' Fleet Revenge Attacks- : John Haynes. who has been 'visiting . : '7. -: :- Upon Open T.'""inii friends in Baal° : the, last COuPle , of , .' ' ,Eighty :ro. u'r.p.' re.nch-a.eroi;11. e;01.0,Le_H. Weeks, retarded home an Wedneaday. '..' -.a-series of raids far irtto Geiniany, in , . • reprisal few -German attacks on open, The •Kieleilgh I,- 0. L. attended .th-e' . ,wrench towns. . Sixty,seven ,thoniand Anglican church.bw en -Sunday, July nounde of boniba , were dropped at, 8th, When Rev. Mr. Oree,' of Bervies 'con-- . u1.0-14 '1.30{ata 'at nitatal'Y Importance "anoted' dhinie only two machines _failed. te- retinal. - . . serite... *.• Besidee Kin; ' The principal centres visited' Were , lough; Kinlosa'aoct Culross brethern and .. rreves; •Dosen and . Coblenz. Eleven some froin Lticknoe attended.' There „...1.eroeianes . raided Tieves, dropping over 5,0.0.0 ponads of boinbri. Seven were about se. In the Procession from .! ares'. broke out, one of which was in the hall to the church: Rev Mt Mr. 'Cree .-. the central Station. ' six other . ma - took for his text the Etli 'vette :of the : . chines' attacked -Ludwigshafen, de- atroying ataong 'other things the Be - 4th chapter of josinia: "What mean -non , dische-artilinelactory. . • -., • by these stories." , ,-, r- ,. - At least one pilot went its fir as Es- . smf, where he shelled: the _Killen 'lac- ••• PRESENTATION ;TO Teienea, '-'-.BefOre ' ' tory leaving Kiniough; -Misa.::Stewart; Who--:;-, - ' ' " , • - ''' . taught ,here the past. three years, was . ' MORE : • pEER. .rog. BRITAIN presented with a pretty cake plate and a ' . . ' • •-•'-----" ' ' • . butter knife. by,the•Pupileof•the whoa ' Harvesters' and Clt Workers" Want It l'he presentation was Accompanied' with ;the following addreas: : .: '' , ., Andrew 'boner Law: Chancellor of : the txchequer, announced in the Brit-. inn 740-sse ,:if commons that the Gov-, ernmefit had :decided to. permit the brewing during the. next three months ,cif an additional. amount --of_beer. not exceeding thirtythree and A third per ' cent. of -the aniount allowed for that quartet This' _ actiOn„, he 'said, • was - - atite-trlireirirt.tr-Itirvritlattiforivi- 41"i6t-Filiddirg-riike-mliftuke-eiiitifitriAnitile' the difilculties caused by shortage in ...large centree-of. population -tied in the countiee where .crope are being har- . • voted. . • ' . • for Heti Menthe • , •, .TO Miss Nettie 'Stewart, Teacher of, Iiiniough School. Dear Teacher: • ' • • • ' It wail •feelirig very deep 1'6; get that we learned orYour intention tp,...aeyeijoes,:emierci*,,witt„thiaarita,,QL paier-Whiely,•font•lase.,,,p4s24-1e4-1-,fr tha past three years with such nutrked ene Your" labors on ottr behalf have • been ardanus, arid we, may times have fail; ed to prdfit by the -lesson's you se earnest; by taught us. We hope„, however, that • yen will attribute any neglect or ,;ndif- ference on out Part to youthful thought- Ieasness _iiii4...desire to 'Cause annoyance to .yon. • VIM anode:is ba...tddT�ir pupils at the departmental.exaininatione is aseCord Of which you have just tea - sort to be proud. . , Thie is a .large'sehool With • many plusses, but you have, by your effieient, teaching, been able to oitininni it atm- eessfully. You have taUght-lis.bY ,yolir example:O. be diligent, painstaking and Interested in our work. . We hope that you wilt come Sok and 'vieit ue °often, and Jliat,wIrtirever yont • lot may be east, your future life may be crowned with iticeess and happinees. •We have great pleasure in presenting you with thie cake plate and; butter • knife as a memente of the dais you • have passed among us in KiniOugh. Signed on behalf of the pupil*, • . jonsixto GrUirAlt. • Levi EogeNsWILLE11, DEBI' Malaga, • New Liberal Group • Following a meeting of Manitoba,. nitikatchewan, Alberta and tritisli Columbia Libekale in Ottawa, an offi- cial -et:dement was given, out, outlih- ingthe formation of a new Parliament- stry,gtoupi ledependent-of-Sirmilfrid-- 1411rier's leadership, and standing for policiee which the preseet Opposition': Leader deep not represent, It Is an- nounced that the new, party wilt con. vane at Winnipeg on Angust ,7 and 8.' Submarines in Atlantic ,‘ A despatch froni Washington says: 'Germany has placed' a, screen og sub. marines more than 800' miles out in he Atlantic In an effort to nut Amer. • lea'a coniniunleation flnee, aCeordist. to /slimy Department information. An official report eases stibmarirtes are op - ()rating off the Azores. Important re- lay. table ,statione are located there." • Canadian Smashed Zeppelin Flight -Lieut L. P. "Don" ',Watkins of Toronto, has been awarded' the Milt. tary.CrOSS for bririging down a Zeppe- lin during, it raid on England. Lieut. Watkins is only twenty years oi age. To Reerult Across Line A. detachinent of 100 men of the 48th Highlanders Itegitnent, with the brase, and pipe band, it to spend a week in the United Statechelping the British' Reeruiting'MissiOn, , L. F.) one No. 10 Is at Your Service We so ler Cittek-We WM °maw Than The Credit Store* Seasonable Goods Berger's Pure Paris Green—The name Berger ih a guarantee of quality... Price per 113. 75e. Screen Doors—Now is the time to fight the fly. Keerthera out of your house ' early the season .and you Will have no more' trouble later on. We have a well assorted' line ranging iu prie from 1.75 to -2.75 Screen Windows to fit any window frOnl 25 to 40e Paints and Varnishes—We, handle Sherwin-Wil- liams, the paint that covers most and ib absolutely true to color. We °have a word of advice for our customers —buy your paint and varnish wily; The price we are selling at is 'almost the wholesale price when we have to go to the.market .again. • Sprayers—There.ii nothing more convenient than a band sprayer. It is the proper . way to put on the sev- eral -mixtures for the different vermjn. It applies it evenly and at small. cost. • Prices 50 and 75c. ,Auto Accessories • Bicycle Accessoriew Muresco Chi-Namel and Lacqueref , • he:LifeknoWltard*Ofe-&CQal Coo.. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS' to, holidaying at her hoille, On the Enti '• • of Briice. . • , , - , •• =Monday, July 9. Miss Edith Howson 4s. home from Clifford. , • Dan Montgomery is- home-- froiii De. •treit,•Mich. Mr, McCauley spent last week with his parents in Tara. • Miss Mary Webb is hone hem_ he schoolat Chippewa Hill. , Mibs Kate Mcietai returned' to her duties in Toronto on Saturday. . '4 number from here 'attended: Tom Thursday..Rouston's raising on ' . MeialeimieMcKeenian has, returned' from visiting teanisville 'friends: • J. Di Robertson had a ceinent founda- tion bailt under his house hist Weak; "The ladies'-=-Missienary-Society 'titer datayt.helioxixe . csg:. Mrs.' Dae..han.a. on Weda'ei. Miss Lily McKinnon of Brantford.' • Miss SteWart is home' from Guelph, act rimmed by her friend-, Mise' • Agnes Carter ••••• 7 Miss Margaret McLennan has ,i4urOi•-: • • .ed. to • her duties in Grace . Detroit, Mibli. Miss Myrtle. Garland mid .gaiter- Pinkerton-,-spont • evreek . ',•• At Mr: Thompson's.- • - Mr. and Mr% R..W. Butgessrof Cabri, Sask., are visiting it the hinee ,.42f her parents Mr and Mrs. J 'Cunningham - Mre. TA.- Pickard and familY.,apent - befevreg:kleityjiienrgesfleorie-tvheillirg. naCeNi1-7thionlIltaen:eitegt*7"—'-• Guernsey, -.Smasrak..m..;, ea' c-00' Istettfo-_-rd, spent' the week end here. They we re e • acc_ompanied bonne hrher .mothere, Mra • . ▪ MeParlane, , . • • : %In* . McKinnon, of Wallace- - We are sorry to report the. illness . of LLUJ George Webb., - All hope for. his' speed burg; are holidaying tik their home on : • - lOtli Kincahdine.- 4 • rec". Roet derieli Thompson has enlisted with. Miss Ethel,McEachern,. of Len.ladoen, the York and simene Forestry Draft • . 14.141-11E, . • • • . Rory's many friends were sorry to see The'lraion S. Picnic was largely him go; but wish him ((very -success. • - • • attended this year. Everyone reports a' ' 'Pte. Terrance. McLennan,. _a tilamis - boy "D" Company, .100th , •Cardine'Twp. , gaged as teacher S.No. 11, Kincar." • en July 1st as a guard of' honor to the who ha,d the honor of going to London a giiest of her friend,- Miss la u and is now in training at Canip Borden. - • _grand time.- • • -Miss Nora C. McNally has been" en- itt Cinnp, Eng, was one of ten Mr. and Mrs. Rebert McLennan and ,Kipg. ' •,• babe of Melville Sask., are visiting his ' Parente here. IL W. Burgess' purchased a new Ford ;4t-4.7-friiii:Litlaics4ittiamen.-474e-a , ep on 'Priday, Yllee. • ' 29th, 1E47, Sarah, Elizabeth teacrick,. .• _beloved wife of W, J. Grahain, aged so-------------- obituary will appear elaetrliere Allis • __Mr. and Mrs. Macklerni-of- Ripley, and Miss 'Hilda, White, of Kincardine, spent the weelc.end with -Mrs. Wood- Mr...McCauley and Rev. Waddell, of Tiverton,-exchanged-pulpitir in the Bap Val presented with a bertutiful foiintain • ' . . log anniversary tlerviceallire. • . Thoaelroms,-distalice-lvlio attended . . Mrs. Win. II, Gilchrist has:returned. -the,funeral -of -the 'late Mrs. °reliant : ' " " ' ' .• . • . . , Miss Flosaie McLennan was presented ; .with a ,beitetiftil necklet:4y her seholare on'the'ath oflknee on PridayafternOon, . and Mt. McCauley. at .S.S.No‘4, Brute tist church on Sunday, the latter preach.: -pen by his echots. .• • - from Walkerton hospital. All welcome Were: Mr. and Mee; George ReiteoCk and son, Whitton; Mrs. Loney, Oxenden A. P. Bertcock, Wiarton; Mt and Mrs, Robertson, Lindsay, Mrs.' Atitflits rontO, and' Mrs MeNally, Sarnia.: 41' her bock, and hope she may steadily gain her usual strength again. • • . Don't forget the "Mystic Tea". in , aid of ibe Red 'Cross. to be held here on Saturilai evening him 7.30 to 10 p.m, • in the 1 0.0,F.. hall, Lunch, and foe • meant, also music provided. Everybody Come. L '(1ntended iOr last week) 1, Miss Nettie Gtalti is home from Nor. land. • •MiSs Minnie McNally, of Lapeer, Mich., is home for the suminer vacation • Miss Mamie Bell; ot Liu -know, has 'been a visitor at her home on the 10th • • • Miss' Margaret Menke'', litirriaten, is :vending her holidays at her borne. hem' . , . •)110 Mamie McLean, nuraelaof Toros- I • • • 4. SCHOOL REPORTS : • • • . • S. S. No 9, AtIllerritai • • IV-Nerman O'Loughlin, Polley, Shackleion, George .Twaniley.^ ' . Sr III-Painier Kilpatrick, Eliztbetk Alton, Caswell Hackett, Allan Pinlay. Jr. Hackett, Elide An- derson, Grace Blake. Sr. II-Deminie Ibrger, Mary Finlay, Olive Itilpatriek, Esther Glazier, Alto Shackleton. Sr j--mWaller Lane, Leo Clare. , J r, AlIderecHl, Met/Plitt TWAY* , • - Xer OW rah 28; average attendilnee,.. De I'. 13xoutus, Teeehert• 4. .0* 911111111016 S4,0