The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-06-21, Page 3' illiree'reeereeete-- eerie .7717.qrr-'7,71U7,7"- •; No 3 't 1.12V.FRif _ Coodueted_hr.Professor Henry G. Bell, • , ; • . , The Meet ot thie tigliartment le to, gees at t,11. Service of- our farm readerathe *civic* Of an aohil0w11__. *teed euthority on all subjects -pertaining to ,ziollt lens ;rope. Address all einietIone to Proton°, tienry 0, -00011.jd sirs :of The Moon Publlehing Company, Limited, Tit.! 'Mit% and enswers wilt, spieler In thee column in the order in which they ;ire received.. As space Is limited It Is iidyleabbewhere Immo:diet" reply Is neceeeary that . • .11, stamped and. addressed. envelope be -encloesd, wItli the• Bells ,qus.tion, when the linsever wlit he mallet 0000 , A' Question --.C. L:-Ibave it field of about fortY acres Of heavy June grabs, sod. The land he mucky, with clay sub -soil. I would like to know if beck• ,' wheat Would be of any use to sibdlie the June grass 011 this land?. I Itaye a good crop,of beets on this land eeven • years ago, After the beets e had • oats, but they grew rather too rank , and lodged, thereby killing out part of the seeding which c,aiised the June • grass to take a start and it has been left in that way ever since, so that ' it is now atinost a solid June grass sod. NOW •if you believe that buck; wheat would grow on WO land then I would like to know what kind of buck- wheat to get and how much to sow per acre. - Answerve-The-ioil that you-•deseribe shouid produce a rank growth of buck- wheat. The crop, however, is better •Suited to a clay loam. If you seed buckwheat on this soil, it should make . Sufficient growth to overcome the 'June grass, if the seed -bed isesell pre- pared. ey In view of the fact that your grain lodged. so badly,- I would gnivise ,•you to apply.at least 200 pot:lads per acre of acid phosphate, which supplies phosphorus, the kindeof plaatfood that givel strength to •the straw of the grain, This Will give strength to the •e buckwheat -vines -and :will- plump- the buckwheat kernels. Silver Hull buck- wheat is considered a good varietY and requires about live peke of seed per acre. - Another good crop touse under _the nenditionserm edeecribe :-would . rape., • This can be •sown broadcast in rows. Rape requires. about five or •six, _Pounds of seed Pere acre if sown) fertilizer, and beside fertilizer gives biloadcast and three pounds if sown in added' iztrelegth to the •young growing 'drill. • . • • crop and hence helps it. to Withstand .Question-A.J.W.-We expect. to light insect attacks. For your con-. elect a •silo 10x32 feet Have OS' and ditioes, 1 woeld adyiie, a fertilizer - a halt acres, Omit half of this field is analyzieg 1 to .2% ammonia, 8 to 12% • Hind leant and the otherhalf is clay phospherie acid. And 1. to 2% pettish, analyzing 2 to 8% ananeniat 8 to 1.0% Phosphoric- acid.and potathe • This will start, your cern; crop off strong ead vigorous, •just•the eame as whole Intik gives,'a vigorous start to .your calves, • . ' Question -A. Ca --I have a five acre field whichhas a heavy sod about four years old Which was turned dbwn and planted to beans last year. On ac- count of wire worms I did not plant to oats or corn this Spring. I have It plowed again and intend planting to bean, but some of my neighbors sad they would take the beans. Will they? If so, is there anything I can do to prevent it? I do not fixid mallY now. • Would the dry weathet ,effect them any? . The soil is a day loam with a -heavy elaybotto.m: - • Anse/leen-The wire worms which effected your crops last year found a suitable home in the 09c1 width Was •plowed under. You are planringcdr rectly to plantthie land to a cultivate crop this year, since through cultiva- tioft it eeems possible to get ria of the wire worms.It is impossible for me to say whether the wire Worms will take the beans or not this year, how- ever, thorough tillage of. the, soil in prepeting the seed -bed -will clo a -great deal to drive them out as will also the • applicatioaeof 200 to 400 'pounds a fertilizer: per •acre 'when :seeding your beans. e The late Prof. Smith of New Jersey, who made a careful study 9f the life ,Iiistoty of the wire worm, etrongly_recominendsfertilizere as a, means of getting-ridof the wire worm. The wire worm bee netlike ' loain. We plowed dowie a heavy June grass and timothy sod last year and it was partly covered with manure. We heeeecovered it again this winter and wait to plant it for. silage . How thoroughly or by drilling it in, if ,you should we drill the corn and how much have a grain drill with fertilizer dm- ': seed Per acre? WAIN it pay no use tribating attatlimint. 'Cultivation some commercial fertilizer; if eio how and fertilizers .are about the only much and what analysis would you, re- thinks that you can do to combat the commend? • • • ' , wire worni. I de not believe. theedry Answer -In planting corn •for sil- weather has had very much effeet on age, both drill and,clieck-rOw systems them. • are successfully used. The check- Question -R. W.: -We Want to use 'row system, which is eally the hilt commercial fertilizer on our bean land °system; allows uecultivating the corn :this year and we don't know just how eooth way% If the lad is not very much is best to put on per acre to get weedy the drill system is satisfactory, best results out of 'beans. Also, which drilling it in rows abqut 30 inch.es would behest, to pow fertilizer broad- • apart. In drills it reqeires about /0 cast or in the hill with beans? • Our • - quarts to .the aare. ' land- is practically Clay land. . To make sure of the germination, Answer :-=For fertilizing, beans on you Would do well to the seed On clay soil; I would 'advise the :uee of the ear and test the ears for _genuine- from. 200 to 600 • pounds Per acre of ' tion. This can be done by' taking out fertilizer amilyzinge2 to a% ammonia, six 'kernels froin eaChear, two from -8.tO 10%phosphoric acid and 1 to 2% the tile middle and butt, numbering potash. , This should be Worked thoe- the ear and pleeing the kernels on a oughlyea the soil when you are pre - square of blotting: paper er_cleth, nein- paring' the seed -bed _least _a week lieeing the "square the same number as to ten days previous to planting; It ,. the .ear. Place the cloth in a pan or can be spread with a lime spreader or large, plate where you can keep it if you have a grain drill 'With fertilizer. damp and warm, and sinside of a week drilling attachment, itis well to apply :the kernels should have germinated' it that way. The important point Is sufficiently to tell you whether the or to see that the fertilizer is evenly dis- is strong, weak oz deed. , Take the tribitted and thoroughly worked into. medium and strong ears' and sbelP the soil. It is rich available plant - them out together anddiscard the food if it is worked into the soil where ears that show eery weak or dead, it can dissolve so 'that the plants ' can This shofild be vvorked thoroughly into the:soil before you plant the beans; by scattering it on the 'surface of the plowed, land and harrowing it in • THIS:5 SPRAYING TIME. Methods of Combating the Enemies of Plant Life in the Garden Aa soon as potatoes ere well •up they should be *rayed. The little flea beetle begins operations as soon • as ,the_plants are four or five inches high and so do the potato bugs. Whether or not potatoes •have been grown in the vicinity before, the bugs are Sure to be on hand early in the season and crops can only be protect- ed by. spraying. Then, too, blight •must be checked by a. spraying every tell days or two weeks. • Cover the plants thoroughly with the spray, the upper and lower surfaces of theefolie age. , Vitae- is a good, preparation th use for this purpose or arsenete loci and herdean may .be• Used. If vitrto is used .ten pounds should. be Mixed with fifty gallons of water. - For asparagpe, beans'other "garden vegetables, small, fruits and rose bushes, one pound of vittio dissolved In, five gallons of water will Produce the desired results. . Place the -required amount of paste fa a pail and add odd water gradually, slyly stirring until sufficient water has been added to produce a smooth railklike liquid. Pour this mixture through aline wire strainer into the spray tank, which has previously been filled three-fourths full of, clean water, Cucumbers and melons should' be sprayed- every ten days.'. Temato plants should be sprayeet as soon as set' out and oecisionally as required. • kernels. It wefid surely pay you to make use of it. Itis not best practice ' fertilize your corn.. For this purpose to drill the fertilizer in with the beans, 1 -would --recommend the use of-200.1ei, Broaddesting has been` found ta give 800 pounds per acre of a fertilizei best Damp and filth- are the two prime causes of diseaseamong poultry. Idle- . neep is a disease breeder, busy fowls, . as a rule, keeping in good health.' • Filthy drinking vessels breed 'undesir- able germs about as quickly as .any-' „thing, 'germs •oftezi Iridtng le the scum that 13all,accumulate. • Keep the houses thoroughly ventil- Med during the Month, for June has borne very hot days and nights. . •, June is a good month ler caponizing the young cockerels. • To keep in ,good heelth, a hen,- in • propcition to- its size, requires almost .seven 01100e:the amount, of fresh air • ant a horse needs. The horse sweats • through his skin, .but the fowl must long•cos the teeth of a sheep are • strong and in good working order, it is • reasonably safe to keep her. • • The safety . of. the. flock May be greatly • insured . by callin'g 'up the ,theen every night and shutting them •into a tight fold. They soon get thkhabit and are also more docile the •year around. A flock of sheep can tot be made too tame. A wild flock • is of less.value and makes less giowth and shorter fleecee than a quiet oho. , -Thitas yeViatendetekeepthelaniba for home use, jot the blithe go the mine Young celery yields should be spray. ed in the seed bed and at intervals ef • ten days with Sa mixture of ten pourala vitrio to fifty gallons of water. • Arsenate 'of lead 0pray should be used for codling Moth, caterpillars, • fleir beetles., browntail moth, ge'PeY Moth, cucumber beetle and currant worm and cumuli°, If pasta is used three pounds to fifty gallons of water should be used for codling moth and curculio. For canker worne, eater - pillars, cranberry insects and leaf eating insects in general atm • four pounds to fifty gallons, of water, as soon as the insects; appear Repeat .on litter broodsIf needed. Arsenate of lead , is deadlyto hunmn beings. and Must be used with care., • Print and table tumblers and All each, one of vegetables that . have been sprayed, them .half fun„ or more, ofthe solU- 'Mist be thoroughly washed before, tion t Cut a piece of blotting paper they are Used. •. Ante circular form; slightly smaller 0-' allY HARDWARE HOUSE 11TORIg YOUR HIRAOQUAIIMERS PROMPT DELIVERY #AnakcOati- ifitoXeon,,,cwo, %ells ' OPlistirt0 dlieddlit i h •Illtrited dtr it • . '7.4144ter 1tsaT°onflY cabilthenP, ullir "nitmil:itsdclsatid:rteltne Nett Kepi) hitter. Write 'on one Ode of paper only. ArieWers will he alwacielec:IdnelreAcytel: :Tiitgazipte: and addressed «oveiap. oe Addrees eorrespendence for this department to We. Helen Law, ddli eate4ivT.e:-IFor household use, the moat Is kut in the water to set the color. and least dangerous of fly It, is Said that. the juice of an onion poisons is theone-to-five Per cent. sohn, will remove Scorch marls from, silk. Von of formaldehyde. . eTo• lie pint of 6. An invitation to 4 church wedding wateradd three teaepoolifids of coin. need not be acknowledged unless all in- inercial fernialdehyde. . It is net ex- vitation to the breekfaet or reception pensive, and can be bought at any is inclrided. Wedding silver, linen, dreg store. Take one or more thin and „ all gifts intended for the ,bricie ehould be marked with ,theinitials of the bride's maiden mine. To cleere•S greasy tar - pet," mix together 'whiting and corn meal, heat it and sift it. thickly over the carpet; then cover with gasoline and rub hard until the gasoline eva- porates. Sweep clean and wipe with a damp cloth. This should only he done in the open, as the danger of fire groin gaso1in is very great. °Be careful also in rubbing when the gaso- line 'has been applied. If it is not possible to d� the work in the 'open, use only the ,powder, allowing it to stand for several. days, then emove and repent thetreatment until •the grease has disappeared. .2. The red paint marks may be removed from your dark blue wool suit by rubbing the spots with alcohol. ,No matter how careful one is when sewing, °Rep an'oil spot gets on a -dress while making, if the machine has recently beeri oiled... As your fabric is ,silk, colter it, thickly with powdered starch, and leave for twenty-four hours. After the starch has been-brusheduff the stahrevill not; • be noticeable +'. • - . , 'His. To. Theo Te-:.iiathhig that will take thestaste of teelcs from. cream or butter. The best way is not to ' allow the ecitys to graze . in weedy places. It is an argument in favor of cleenhos apealletliesweeds on the farm, isn't it • 2. .A goodstyle eifedrefie for a twteereetreffidlioYiseltirk colored knickerbockers -buttoned to a white or light -blue waist- with large pearl buttons. Sailoresuits-of white cotton with navy-blue collar,, cuffs and tie are also suitable. They mar be had readymade for $1 50 ,at the large department stores, in sites for one and a half years and upward. B. There are two stides of hair -cut for little boys;: tine being the close shave Which the odereboye-favoreand--the- other the Bead:, Biown Or Dutch cut. For cabbage lice take a lump of salt- peter, the siee of an egg, alid put in a sprinkler of water. Sprinkle the cat- bage once or twice and there will be no more lice.on then. Bordeate mixture is a fungicide and than an ordinary saucer., Place the. lottillg paper in the saucer and then vert the %Meer over the tumbler; next, holding the hand on top of the tumbler and the saucer, quickly invert them. Then place ze, match under the a plant stimulant also, preventing, edge of the growing the air seal and allow' the fluid to per - tumbler., That will break blights ancl KUStS during the season. colate slowly into the blotting. paper, Pining the growing season toile- and to keep it moist, se that the flies toes, celery, asparagus, small fruits, can drink from it. This solution at - trade flies, and usually kill them with - beans, etc., will be benefited by spray- . ... ill two eletitleeelninetecie • big with hordeau mixtures INTERNATIONAL LESSON • JUNE 24. . ee ;• • — Lesson "XIIL The Purpose of John'el . GospelReideiv--John '21. 15- . 25. Golden Text John 20.31 social faith; BO-th at the be. • eader":--1. When a person re- mailts "I am very gladI have met you. • . Miss ii-;" after having been introduc- words. Hewas not trying simply TO secure assent to an historical Christ ed to YmteresP°n4 by saying, am and and stop there. For him' the purpooe sure the pleasure is mutual"; or, "I of faith Wasthat people might have am glad to knoWyou d' There is no life. Unless faith tratfernes life, set phrase for such occasions. .2. To individual and pedal, it e net faith remove tar, apply turpentine or Icero- at all, but a mere imitation. To -day sene,fellowed by soap and water. • 3. we need a conviction of the social' vitality of Jesus's teachings We want Almond meal ie an excellent substitute for soap for use on the face. 4. To no • mere applause for his leadership, transform his but a faiththat will destroy rollehes,--dipalices of potato in - se principles dnto social living. arsenic mixed, with sugar. Gather 8. What kind of .1ife? John is not up every .morningand-deep 'into buil- . talking simply about life eternal as Mg water, as some of the insets may the end of faith, but of eternal life still be alive. • But never alltw poi - that begins here and now.. The kind 'son to lie around if there are children in the house. • Paris green is anoth- er reinedy, and pulverized bonier is ginning and. end of his, Gospel John of living he. wants is the kind that makes it clear that he is .not writing Jesus taught and showed.; In his simply a -human - record ; 'Jest • as 'epistles he makes it -clear that it is a the prophet backed his message with, Pure and, brotherly life. These Who "Thus said the Lord," Vo- John sets •Profess to believe God and do. not forth the eternal sanction behind the life and the teaching of Jesus. 'Here is "the Word made 'flesh:". Here is -the everlasting truth working itself into character. -11aVe we anything to add to that record? Is there any other body of.evidence than John pose .sessed which. has, come to, us? -" . Has the Spirit led us in these! twenty cen- turies of Christian 'cleeelopment• into more truth.? What John gave us has new been tested by the human _cone Iscience through twenty _centuries,. It has -been further confirmed 7b the' gisterident the waste of' the body. by enteettretilitififerti-fiertliefifiire breathes seven times as fast. as heated, Ftir veinier' green feed there • is noth- ing- better than lawn clippings.• The grass should he gathered assoozi as cut, and spread out on a shed reot, so both sun and air can .strike it soon as it is thoroughly dry it shoul be raked" up, and pecked.hi•letireels for the winter. Care must be taken that It ' does net dry too much, . or it will hase-its strength and- bleach, out -con- : siderably, .It should, however, be Perfectly. cured before storing' away, or it mitY heat and spoil.. ' In feeding, soak the grass in luke- warm ,water for about twelve to eigh- teen hours, after which either Mix the Mash or squeeze out the water and feed in troughs by itself. social struggle of that parted. jehtes 'affirmation-. is increasingly the con- viction of the human race. Most. of its leaders tura to -day to Jesus for guidance. The development of 'hu- man life is not away from his princie• pies, but toward them-.., ,With all the cross -currents, the drifts, and the ed- dies. in the seream. of human progress, it yet moves clearly- forward in the dircetion of his teachings. With an increasing number of people outside of the. church developing a clear faith in the leadership of Jesus, it is no time for thesPeople in the .church to question the practicability of the ser- mon on the nanint. They . must develop a faith that shall triumphant- ly apply the principles of .Jesus to the whole of life. 2. Whyibelieve? John was not in- terested n -developing faith for the mere sake of faith. „ The belief that he wanted was no mere reptition of Bruises of theeheel will be indicated by laineness, tenderness 'upon pressure of the quarter Of the sole, usually the inside. , In severe cases where pus is_ forming there will be tenderness ej pressed when the heel•is pressed. - Remove shoe, pare the sole of the quarter well down to expose the :corn arWeallOw escape of -pus if-thete be any, apply hot poultices until soreness dierappeireestheargeteshod-wttirerleati er sole between shop and hoof .aed no eivesaieameeeireneedlie-seietententetigeatettit - When 'breeding the mares, bear in mind-thatitepaYkAct_heve oneebreed in, acomniuility The -greatest progress in breeding is possible where fanners cooperate to produce the. best ef orie breed; • Neither mare nor foal is bettered when the colt follows the 'cultivator. Keel) the Volt panned'in a roomy, welt. lighted and ventilated box stall. Do not keep theta apart for a half day the .ilyst.time.e. . ute they ante big (mimes • More money in there now than there will be after a while., •e, . • You are.smarter than most folks if you can .tell what the wool market will' be six months from now, 'Nine times out of ten it is well to sell your clip soon after shearing. ' Keep the little aliens that Ave thrifty andMVO a good, thick -set growth of wool on their littekst , • If you wantito see the lambe,grol, give them oats to eat often. There are less than ten per eent, of all weeds which sheep will not eat. Cattle and liarsee eateutly.aboiitlaalt the digerent weeds. acx A good pasture is a pig's paradise. If you want to get full value for your skim -milk, whey and butterthilk, let the pigs handle it for you, The mari etleti buys the stuff he fedi% his bogs has only the feeder's profit. By growing the feed he has the geowe er's profit, too. . ' If flee corn drowns out; sow some yam for the hogs, Forage helps to put the gains ,en hogs . at the lowest cost. , . • Put the self -feeder' Wi Where thp pgs ean help themselves. Let them do the work until marketing time. . Pige linty ,be more important than pedigrees, but it is it wise pradthie look after both in a pure-bred herd. A pedigree is valuable at selling time. Howls -ea %iwasYcugr Mettliolee as the result et choice. • It is often a "Subscritier"ee-ele The word "Argon: love their brothers are liars. Those tine" mains ','silvered," and is as - who do not love do not know God: they sedated with the :Plata River because are infidels, no matter whatlaith they "aprofess. R is an axiom with piita"mea"01•°t1".in theSpanish t , : the John that a man who dims not love tongue. Thusthe name given to his brother cannot possibly love God, great Seuth. American country took another form to describe thee laid through which the the IPlata :flows. . 2. • Mercury is ;the planetnearest to the sun. a: A •pkinalna hatmay be clean- ed byacriabbing with corineal and wa- ter. - 4. - Red -bordered towels ' -and naphies. will not fade if a little borax This is to belie; vague emotion: it is to bemanifestsdni gifts. • It is even to:go as far in case of necessity as the laying down: of life. Here is . the test of faith: it .must produce a pure, brotherly, serving, self-sacriacing life. These lives must he joined together, in a soda' order, in states and nations and a world life which.is organized in justice and righteousness and peace. 4: The 'challenge. Is the purpose of John in his Gospel being fulfilled to- day? -This is the responsibility which the Gospel puts open those Who heat it. This was Jesus' sterietest. Well he knew the fatal facility of humanity to pass .resolutions and then forget them. What happened to those who listened to his teachings and did them not, ,he set forth in the .parable of the sower and of the menwho built their houses on the rock and on : tire sand. He requires of those . who believe in him. that they. translate • hie.' wotds Into bfee how else shall the kingdom . . 0,-M-Ee•Hs • of God come? e This is his challenge:. • 4.0 m "Why Call 'ye me Lard, Lora, and de • - ' • • Dal y d tit " 1 et - not the things Which I. seer?" Either Ors over and over to herself, "0 deari we accomplish the social' living that, I can never make you spell anything,' he taught, or we fail of fellowship, and he thought, as she looked down at the the end is; "Ye did it net; depart from Week detteremi their squares • of yel- me." ' low cardboard.. . "AMA Hannah said , if 1 put you together right you'd make . Long-legged drafts are not what the a word,. but I've twisted you and tern - market 'dementia. • Don't breed that ed you and you Won't spelt a thing!' characteristic into the 'piens antinalp. Of course if you didn't _have to make s Select a low -set 'sire. four-letter Word, 1 could spell 'bern' aftet foaling: Start gradually when what you Can be *heti I have to use and 'me' and be'. but. • can't think , Lel the • mare reit several' weeks putting .her to work again.. ' tall the letters!" • • horses, turn them out in the pasture to After feeding and brushing th'e Dilly was bending over a beautiful, ' • , .Shining rnabsiganY table in a room where all the ,colors weep soft and rich, the quarter hours Aunt, Hannah's _ The Daisy Menthe-. This the best of all the Months, Foreschool is ending soinit • • And thatisiehere it gees, its name- The-edaisy month efedeine'd ,tai 4iizt_:11;iill._ o. .4_‘191.1g way_ toward •ard, ialevhere a silver -voiced clock .streck Disinfecting the 'stables with coals was very stilteven When she protecting the horses • frOna flies. was. in it, and now teateshel was gonizi ' Weather. ' . rIeltr+i-allexaCe IT .agree,siirliamt it.edtter,t.vitt thought Of theezewsanoisy, nursery at 4 by keenness for work; brightness of there! Rut Billy' had measles, and eye and blown of goat. A: horse is Dilly nmet stay. at . Aunt Hannah's 'elieehleetifshis - greateste-eleort--onlereenitileheewaa.ivell._ When in Condition,. -- - - . • •... : -1).M.e--E1-1.1. thelettereatareclini at her, and she looked back at them helm- wilderment, for somehow they seemed Much oldae than She have kknownmany, little girls in .my day, and I must say I never knew one with whom would rather play than with. yoti, piny, deae. If it -were -possible, my friends and I would rise from our pasteboards - and join you in some game, .bet we are hard werkers, hard Workera. We must always be busy in beelcs' and paper's. Did' you ever think how very, "very Many times we letters are used in a day? It is words, Words, words, until there is seldom any rest for us. We should like to et tell .you the word yi are trying to make of us; butethat would be against the rules. . Instead, we shall tell yon some of the stories we make in books.", • . The big ' 0 began at orice With co -Mother Hubbard, told In ,a 'new: and troncleeful way; then the big M fol- lowed With a. delightiul tale of the garden af Mary, Mary, Quite Con- trary. The E had beeti„imed go often in the story of The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe that • he knew the names of all of the eld women's' chil- dren, and he repeated them so. fait that:Dilly laughed merrily. ' At the • very last the H told Dilly all about *the hill Where Jack and 'Jill had their famous tumble; he had been there and_ had seen the welle Just' as Dilly eves imagining ee that phe was *ts.' aid dep. mg seemarTer11.-511-61-7Witird- weeeee,ii head froin the table, where--it-,- fallen when she went to sleep! Aunt Hannah's jevOled hand turned the let- ters -about aebeautiftzl word. lay -beforeeDilly'sswonderhigegainee-e- "Ye% Billy ,well, and you shall go to -Morrow," said Atnit Haininhe r • e- :Dilly 'smiled, foi the • vvord Aunt Hannah had given her . was H -O -M -s -E, • What friends :those letters had. come to bel rest for the night:. • • Before letting the colt to the Mare at mealtime partly milk out the udder. In hot weather let the rimie• rest and to be, speaking to heren tiny friendly cool off a few reheates before the celt voices. ' sucks. , .4 • . The big round 0 sptike ,first, mak- Colic often results from working a ing Dilly w funny little.beve. "'Nly dear horse immediately after feeding. . Al. Dilly," he began, jest as if • he were low _plenty of time at:noon., last resort. A cement tank, Sunk ten or twelve inches in the ground. and filled with- clean cool water,' answers much' better.- 2- - _ - Castrate the male pigs before they are weaned, when they are about six or eight weeks old. Choose a deer dry day for the work. All whey from cheese factories and butter milk from creameries Should be pasteurized. before feeding to. hogs. • A mixture reconneended for hog - pasture is barley and rape'the ,hogg to Ise turned en when the barley . is starting to shoot, 'It not overdone, the barley will keep the ,herd, going till add heads began to ripen, then the grain and rape make a good ration until after frost arrives. Hogs • eh &dere require grain for •greatest profits in pork production, but a full feed is not economical when pasture-is-plentifiirarirgrairiliigh priced. Breed .the best to the best, ' • Iteies the calvesrquit eating reale . Type is not the real test of a cow's value. 'FIce scales and teStet are bet- ter indications. •• . • Keep all calf pails and the. utetv:. sits with v,rhich Milk comes in ' con- tact, scrupulously clean. *aid thern with hot water and then expose them to the see during the day, Te make a .real seccess at the fell • ea s,...„ :anti .1914100*Iitimilimpe r fifty-two per cent. w t., per cent. oil and fat, and one per each of albumenoide, coloring and mut. eral matter. In 100 parts of white there is oightY-four per veut. *miter, •twelv,e and a heist per cent albunien, ene per cent. mineral, and two and it half per cent. sugar, ete. An egg is an ounce and a. half of concentrated food, made up ef lime, the w, heti:I:bar, iron, ..pliosP.hOrits. n114g- Voila oil and albumen. The yolk of the egg spoils mere illeieklY then The hen egg is eemposed bf fifty per cent, water sixteen per cent protein, thirty-three per cent, fat. The duck egg is forty-six per cent. waterseven- z teen per cent, protein, thirty -ix per cent. fat. The goose egg is toy -four. per cent, watet, nineteen per cent pre- teire thirty-six per cent. fat. The turkey egg is forty-eight' per cent. , water, eighteen per cent. protein, • thirty-three per cent. fat. - The color is given the shell of an egg by a pigment located in -the lower sac or egg organ. The first colored egg laid in the season may be a rich.. brown, but n'ith each subsequent egg this colering matter is largely' drawn upon, andnaturally the color weakens and the eggs become more pale. Thiel is znore noticeable in tke case of heavy , laying, Size of egg plays a.simiTar Part. The first pullet egg is small; and as production continues the site becomes iiirger until, in the second 'year, the hen „gives an eggs almost ` double the size and weight of the pro- deuactr theofixh.ere,:lrmsat_yiysaTan cgfgoodhoerfira y ise, but that size will grow smaller,. ' • ., --e- • In Orcharda Field' and -one • Prune the lilacet and sweet sYringa bushes. as. soon as they. are :through blooming., Be sure to,niake three successional plantings, Of sweet corn ten daYa apart. Berries , intended for shipment piked ' when they are ' wet 111. dew or rain': • Aphis or :green lice on roses or sweet p,eao may be ,kept in check by spraying with soap and water . Deep cultivation in the orehard May do More harm than good., Three inches is deep enough atoand :trees-. once an two 'Weeks.. • Late or mainecron Cabbage' and cel- ery plants Altould not beset until the Tatter rtart of Juni or early in July. Begin thinning beets early, Then ' the planta are tender, and hew...geed.: they taste! Leto they" greet, lOir*---**".ieleel tough for - greens. ' ese • Burn the, trash dragged out to the - end of the field by .the harrow. pelft thow it in. a :corner to serve as .a haPPY bug and slug harbor. . On nearly every farm there are piles of wood -ashes thrown away and stable manure wasting, while 'barren fields 'Cry out for hoth. Put them 'en the land. • . Double -dropping may be followed to advantage in a small -giirden. Beans, corn, cucumbers; tomatoeseand late celery .felider the earlY alips'cersee nicely. •.• . Cultivate the new strawberry _bed ' and the bush fruits: about once in ten days. :But Shallow, please! Surphie suckers in blackberry .. or red rasp berry 'patches should be treated just Iike -weeds; den't let the rows get too •wide nor too thick. , Late cabbage and cauliflower should • be ,set in the field now. If the kilnd was properly cultivated through May .will be: in 'fine condition for the, platitse In hot dry Weather it is bet- ter to do the, platting in the after- , neon and water the plants as, set'. ' - Nograincrops should begrown ine - the &chard, It doesn't Pay. Clic- °pa: may_daLsvhileAlitzn_treeS... are anteirrots • " . •• • . . allstleir..4aieeehrite-tlNeteidanzarLeep. • erelliestreee ehouldsreinq supreme, , , Tomatoes shouldbe cultivated as long RS it is possible to get 'through without injuring:the . vines. - -In-dry - weather regular shallow eultivation. will. proleng the season, increase the Size and improve the quality of the Look eut; for the 1Yelloyv striped equash-bugs that attAdc fheloile• cu- cumber and scieash:vines 'when the - are small: '''Tliebest 'Priven, core:Mien, . with fairly heavy prOdue- tion and without much' grain. Where *chroeic dysentery is present in a dairy herd, try -washing the cows' sedders withentevo,per cent solution of Cotil-tar 'disinfectant before allowing the calve* to suck. • • . Evey heifer calf killed' twang olio lest( cm • Without any restriction, tive ii to put a mei:quite-netting:tent over each hill, 'ashler two little sticke as • supports,, and covering the 'edges with soil -to hold. netting Erect these tents as soon as the plants ome through the ground, .or sooner, and leave theta in place until 'the :vines begin to Push *for room. Then stere . the netting -for futere use , the sale of calves and dews for meat tanroceed so• far that th re tvill be a serious shortage of cattle. Alreedy, good cows never Were so .ecarce and high. Any falling off in the •Produ,ction of showS,.begin now to care for the pro- live • stock will be noticeable in grain spdctive entries. It is ete honor to fanning. • Without plenty of stock, win on an uhtraioed, poorly fitted soil fertility as difficult to maintain animal just berause competitien 18 and high prices for foodstuffs coining lackihglYtake your entry woithY of frotri the still ere more likely.14 is the rfed ribbon if it is: the only one in apparent that something must be done its eless. ' to keep the productive animals (?n the One farmer say S that "'With . , • , and clover and . alfalfa' heyhe 'had! • 'been arc to Iring a large -herd -of - two dairy owe through the winter le good tthoneend•ori the comiter. • • , Keep The 'Weeds', ttowte Attadc the' weeds. as 'snon as they Appear in. the 'garden: .„, It illess work .to keep a giitden Clean from the be. ginning than it is. after the weeds' have lade. a good start... ' Weeds are ,6 rest feeders mid rob. the .'garden plants .of foOd and moistuep, they te-' quire, • • bandelions, plantain a\nd doek can best be rentoved from., the ken . cuttilig them "oft beton- the ctoeinn, up thesholes eyttle _ eertie. Scut...„the weeds 'every two weeks. and all. will Soon disappear.. • . • lo •