The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-17, Page 80 Lwow AINTINfitt. 'Vilofad'&Yy May 1rth, tot) M i• ,oka NII•; • • • . •R • da2.4 r,A lZI `z GG� 5t1M5 r WOMNSITHITE"‘ NOR OES There' is no sett13011 of the year more int-: portant than right now, is far as shoes tire, concerned. They are continually in evidence with no possible chance for indifference or neglect. We are making it easier and easier, for you to choose your shoes, tor carrying a wide range of new and attractive styles in McPaRO v SHOD whiCh rank with tim very best' in quality and l nis r% Our stock of white shoesis.noo complete. Prices $1.40 to $4.00 . ,IIIi IIIiI' Allltli; III{!IllllllilllIIfil « API!IIft IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU Gfi;+ Illlil In this Sitwir Season, 1917 The °road Circuit ruse Ionic, Don Roma 2,08, * moss troch reoor'd 2 Otif, public trial 5103 with last half la 59 siel:. The sire of Vona. Lona 2Obi, the Sud fastest 4 year old, trotter' of the world 'in 1018. Ledy Doe, S>y r -old record trotting 2.15; Doe Romp Jr. al. Rae" log and many ethers. Don Roma 208 Is the Peter Great of Canada. Re is the only sire that was ever owned or stood in. Canada, that sired 4•year•old trotter of 2051. He mode bis tirsit stud season. in 1012. He >a a smooth, big hope with quality,` size 1200 lbs., bone and aubatance. Mon; Roma wail known On the Grond Circuit as the•'°Wor Horse Race Hbrae," " Mares from a dis_tancel►roperlylooted 'offer. Will stand at bus owo stable, Main street, 'Kincardine, ' Service fee $25 to insure. • Write' or phone for folder of fulftiarticulare. K. McGregor 2204, The by •Me Gregor* Axtell 212 stallion with, size, speed, boas and. suisitopee. ' Fee $12. For all particular "lapply-to CgiAi raos,'tt0000, Kirtgardiue, Out.. f's-7-p Calms Corners ` ' Fuea Myo May 15. pias Ida Edgar visited at Toro Ilock- ley'ns this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Day spent SOU- S* at L, Mel enzie°s. Mr. stud Mrs, R. Wraith spent Suoday evening tat J. Unna.°s, Charlie Wall is wonting with Joseph. Hauna fora few days. l'Or. and Mrs. A. Thompson motored to Riversdale one evening this week. Morley Bell is helpintr Walter Pinnell finish areding en Whom on Con. 10 Mrs. W. Wluytoek has, returned home oiler spending a few days in Wiughain• J. Wall and G. Bell delivered a good bunch of otttle in Huron on Saturday. "School -Days I School Days! 'Dear Oki Golden Rule. Days," 44tve' them over' again at the "l)istriett School ;at Blueberry Cornets'° on May 25th. Cif urdoch dor Light. Four • Roadster $950:' Country Club $1110 r.. b. Toronto ' Szibiect to change without notice • • Mantis. "• ooTuC8d$y,,May 15, Mrs. Bide, of Paisley, ia, nurse in charge at Mrs. Kitchen's. Bonn.—Ta Corp. and Mrtl, Kitchen, on Wud�.esday, May 9t`h,, a npq, Mr. L. Sehnitzler, :of<Cartill, la -work- ing on McLennan's barn: 'Mr. Reuben. 'Wittig, of Underwood, was o Sunday visitor in the burg. Born,—To Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Febris,, on. Sunday, Mao lath., a daughter. ) Miss Nora: McNally ie home from Toronto where•slte attended Faculty.. . . Mrs. J. C. McIntyre; Spent a few days. with her friend, Mrs,. Fltzsiinions, of Pinkerton: lire. R 3 Nesbitt and little daughter, Dorothy, have been vittng relatives at $a llydale. • Rev. 11 Allan, District elder, conduct- ed Quarterly services to Fre bjethodist Church over the week end, The sawmill here has been sold toe Mr.'Brownecomlie, of Lovett, agd'he, ie;. removing machinery away. 1Vlise birdie McLean has returned: ' home from So>.ithaptpton accompanied bi► Mrs. Mentgomety and son. '. andlMrs.".WM, Woods.and family. of 9th, con ,: Kincardine, were Sunday ,viaitors'with the: Misses Horratlti. . Mr. Symons and•' Jack Fordythe, . of Riversdale, spent the Weekend at Symons', on the 4t11. Con., Brum' John. McKennitt's: team ran ` away. on Monday morning withthe seed drill, The dainage done ''as not heavy. ' Miss Moto Mower *teacher at Sinelair's: Cornets,, T;veirtgn;'- visited Miss_::l?Iossie McLennan or .at5,aturdoy;sand Sur day:' Rev H E. SORweli; of Toronto, Minns ionary<;fram India, `gave s' very. interest ,.ing,talk ir.the Baptist Church.. on Moo - day evening Mrs° Norman ;McLean'and Jack Me- Lean attended the funeratof her niece, Mrs, 'L'indsay,' of 'forth Line, Kincar- dine, on Sunday!, 1. of ; easing Leri► ,r. The design of.`the new Wfllys-Overland. Light Four isnotabl y .,o. pleasing and satisfying in lines and proportions: • Crovsrnedfenders, sweeping. iii , their .curves, and unobstructed running boards, emphasize dm appearance. ,,This car is a beautiful example of the modern tendency toward • straight, flowing line's. The attractive fixush=•:in keeping with the other distinctive qualities of this Willys-Overt'and`car-completes.. its thoroughly And, the tremendous ':volume of the 'Willys-Overland factories makes it possibleto dfer,this efiicie itostylish and comfortable • car at a,reasonable price:' , . . OVEkLANI? SALES.' CO. Wingliain, .Ont. • Kennedy, PK Pro Telephone 192 Willys-Overland' Limited, Toronto, Ont. ov+ny,t ghtnn,t 1snAAn rnobnes,.1'oAl,n osY • • W. T. -UMBER PROPRIETOR OF The 'Pemba' be Storero t� 'Is 'sending his representative MISS• GOG. MCLEAN, wbo is specially :gifted . in the alit ot` suiting the . ladies and .knows their needs. l ; 1VASS..bicTi.i &N will be at the, CAlhir. HOUSE, on Thursday,, May 31 With the finest stock of human' hair goods for ladies and gentlemen ever exhibited for improving the per- sonal a eara'hce. Toilet preparations for beautify- ing the p . : willtake orders kr the g h complexion., She _ well known ?EMBER HAIR TREATMENT for invigorating your own. hair 'qua - preventing it from turninggrey. . ;. FOR. LADIES- Pompa►doors; 'sanatormationa,r Waives,- Switches, etc: ` F,OR GENTLEMEN—Tho. closesti imitation of •!astute ever exhibited, The Pember Toupee and at reasonable 0.prices. atiefaetio►t Guaraiiteetl. . Pen ember the Date. or mail orders write 129 Vongc St:' �� Store Toronto The 'e��e t • r L;urgan o •,Mrs. McDerthi 1 lost one of her stables by fire one evening lent week The .fire was too far advanced when noticed to save anything.. Duuganuon Everybody in town is' busy gardening. Miss Katie.is visiting friends in these . (parts; The Oddfellows' service was .largely attended last Sunday evening.' 'The -church was full, and the male choir was splendid. • Our' maircourier on, R R 1, has start=: ed to:'make .his !trip in^ the afternoo I novo, which makes it much better for the box-.hold203. • ex nnday : ' Mr, oorMnae; ii<csii._ ,bridZWilla,, r .:the Methodist Church here both .morning; Fade River —stontiay. Mai' t4, w. Ai Bell's egg wagon is makhla , tsp ltaual trite. -r 01, . Many farmers. in this. locality have finished seeding . Maes Myrtle Farrell is slowly improv- ing after a severe illness. Clifton -Huston is - engaged in the cheese factory with Clayton • Bell. After being ill for sonic time Mrs. McCormick hasrecovered her usual health.. a- Mr. and Mrs. John. Funaton will `take a, trip. through. the West in the near future. . John Emmerton is busy at work , on his farm recently 'purchased -from James led'des, • • Whooping cough is around calling on many .homes these days. Be'trare, or he will catirh you! • .. The Pine River • cheese' factory - cam menced the season's work on Wednesday of • last week, with Clayton Bell in charge, Time who attended the 'W.M.S. Con - realm.' at on-rention'at Brussels frcin hese were: Mrs. M. Moore, Mrs. Alex.: McCoah,. Mrs.. John !(Watson.' • • R. W. McOosh. bas net.he. en, as .welt .as - bis. lean friends would wish, , but with the coming of the. sunimer months we hope he may improve,; - Phone No. 10 is at Your Servic title $4111 for Dash—Wa Melt Cheaper Mon The Credit Star' IOW FOR HOUSLCLEAN-NG • ' Lauder Tuesday, Mr. -Frank Munro-losta-valuable..cow last week. • • Miss• Agnes Wiley visited friends near Kincardine, on Sunday last. Laurier school • has 're -opened again with lir. Alex,: Barnby as teacher. Mr. Lorne MacLennan has purehas41 nevi. Chevrolet, car and Mr, K. D .'4acLennau a. new: Maxwell. • We. ►re_ right its,- line_with everything to be' found in an up -to -elate hardware store. LACQUERET Read what you can do with a 3,5c. eau. You eau make a half dozen char's= look like lie*.. You: can snalke a DresserAnd Commode appearras when it left the factory, You roau go over a large Sideboard or Cupiaoard. You can do all the Picture Frames in ° the house and have sufficient left for another small job.. Lacgneret is the lady's friend. CI -I I NAME', Ready to Use 'Gcrainitia System Can be successfully applied by any inexperiencedper: son. At completely -hides the color and blemishes in old woodwork anal gives a finish which has the color, grain` effect and wearing quality of new ,hardwood. Our Chinannel department is at your service. We will teach you in a few minutes how to do your own graining. MURE'SCO , The sanitary wall WA,. in seventeen colors and white —when applied according to directions will. 'not 'show laps and will make a perfectly smooth velvet-like finish that will not rub off, crack or peel. • SI1ERWtN=WIL'1 IAMS PAINT In all colors. - Sherwin-Williams Flat Tone produces a rich, and durable 'flat: effect in the decoration of interior. -walls and woodwoik.: A Car of Fresh -Cement ' just -arrived - • Coiled Spring' Wire Barbed. Wire Auto Accessories Bicycle Accessories etucknoW Hardware & Coal Co:, THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS ` Paramount --Tuesday, May 15. ' Inspector Bald visited our 'school last week. • Mr: Wm Martin bought' a' new piano last week RobtoWebster, west of the village, has^ a new Ford car, " Mary Struthers, of Lncknow, was :among her old friends here on • Sunday. "The cattleare turned out to grass and most of the farmers are tilrough'9eeding° around. hare. , Itae :i1'cDiarmid got his hand j,emied in the Iand. roller on Satur'day mornlgg Though painful his.injary is notserious Mrs.. Alex: McDiarmid ,is -in' Detroit visiting` friends and relatives. - Her daughter, Cassie, was to graduate as a nurse dii May 14th.: The i luild hada meeting hereon Frio; day night, After the opening . exercises the Scripture lesson was read by .Sadie McDonald. The subject for the. evening was "Our Mothers, What We : Owe Them." Mrs. Wm, Martin read an ex. c?llent, paper and Mrs. John Hamilton sang a solo. A'numher of readings, re - 'citations and :choruses were'. given, all. bearwg onthe subject, of our mothers. This meeting took then place of what: is known to the Sunday Schools as "Moth- ers'. Day," Monday; May 14. Miss. Wilson hien the .siekr list these Joe Hobson is very ill With pneumon- la At present:' Mr. and. Mrs. All Emniertcn', spent., �,dao•nt J, Mrs. Thos, Welsh is spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. Nay, near Gor- ries' Pte. Harold 'Walden returned to Lou: don on; Monday- after' -spending- afew weeks at his, home here.' Mr, Bald, 1,P,Sr,15,aid his ofdcial. visit: to our school last week. The pupils say good h mor he was inu , so everything must be' satisfactory. Born .1 -On May lith,, at Kincardine Hospital,''to Mr. and Mrs.. R. Baker, of Waseee, Sask., a soil. Mrs. Baker was formerly Sadie Blair. , AGED FARMER , `'Stronge - 1V�ade a and. 1p R by Vinol • This letter proves there 'is nothing equal, .to. 'Vinol to ereato strength for -weak,..run.down_cenditiri lid . . Vestal Centre,N. It.—"I am a bo- lter '74 years of . age and getinto a rook, rundown condition as iiresult of the 'Grippe. t)'ar druggistg g suggested Vinol to build inc ftp d 1 xnotieed an improvement soon after taking it, and, it has restored my, strength so Y tan now do a good day's work. My ,wife 'has also talon Vinol' for a run- down condition with splendid molts," •-H. W, MOM. 000 Ari M, MPZNC1S i hU titiOW • and evening. On' Monday night, ...May ' 21st, the Auburn Dramatic Club will put on their play, entitled, "The Village ,Doctor", in the Agricultural'AO Proceeds for Rede Cross. .,Everybody come. The ;lecture in the Agricnitural hall last V-ednesday-;evening wus_1argely at- -tended.' Beat-::Q.apt.::Allison .:certainly = gave,us an interesting. •talk on the war. He has several souvenirs of Ypres. The Piano duets 2nd solos tendered,;by Mrs. Smith, Miss Allin and Miss McQuillin,' of Lucknow, were very_ good andenjoy-' ed by all.' -hourth Cori,, Kinloss :Monday, May 14. , A large number of cattle for grazing purposes, were weighed•at the Lucknow weighscales' to -day, • Frost and cold north winds for the past two weeks, have played havoc in .the fall wheat fields,in this vicinity.. A man near Bervie (name not known here yet) wits bd'dly kicked in the atom- ach on Sunday evening while putting away bis horse on returning from church. Most of the farmers along the Fourth finished seedihg last week. Most -of the. earlier, sowing is showing nicely above ground. Warm , showers and sunshine would soon revive the plants Several delegates from the Lucknow Presbyterian congregation go to Wing- "ham tip -morrow to prosecute the call to R.ev. Mir, McCallum, of Tara, Who Was the choice of the peopleat the last con - g greg tional meeting. , The Presbytery of Maitland meal i ' Ingham ole the.14thion St: Helens Is Your:: usic4l Ear,__ ". teener. than Zenatello'�,� `rNIGI3TED II'''. by. the King ofItaly-acclaimed in the musical centers of the Old World' and The - New—one of the great tenors or an times:=Zenatello has delighted 'thousands with' his • "voice : of golden tone, prodigal in its expenditure, yet responsive to cony emotional shade." ;Zeoatello' is the leading tenor of the Boston • National Grand Opera .Co• mpany. • In. the above picture, this great. arils 1 singing. in: . dire comparison with" • a Tuesday,_ Mal+ lb. r. rind tiro 'i", !slick, of W`4ngTiani visited at David Todd's on .Sunday..: J. H. Laois ' is on . the ,sick list at present, b it not seriously, we• hope. Miss Hazel Taylor, of Constance, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Willie Webster. Rev. Mr. • Little attended the i'reaby tery meeting in Winghani on Tuesday. Inspector Thin,_ of Qodericlo paid his official: visit to the school here , en • Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs'. D..Wooiia- nd:daog h-� ter, Versa, of Lucknow, spent Sunday visiting friends around the burg. • We understand the Young .People's Bible Claes hos reeeived an= invitation to visit the Lucknow Guild on the et ening of .the 28th. . Word has been received that Pte. Willis Durnin, nephew of Jas. Duman, St. Helens,. has been woundedin France wellknown in Millie was St. Helens before going West a number of years ago. Ile enlisted from 'Vermilion, : Alta. It is to be hoped that his •wcunds'are not serious. Bervie Monday, May 17. Miss Bertie Lindsay- is spending .a. fern weeks in Elora. - Mrs. John Merritt and Miss Minj*,rie, of Winghatn, are visiting atotind Bettie, Miss Frances°McLennan is hone again after spending; a tow . months` in Wing - ham: Aire. Alexander spent 'the weekend in Tiverton with het daughter, Ars. James Me lonald. . g Mrs. Henry lskriek spett a few dale in London with Icor sister,, Mos. Cooper, who is ill atpresent., Mr. Lsl.vson, our junior pastor, *sob bib r ,Oethel tar, week ago taking t iro sgrvzco far $t, AInrlit of obit tilt l{6$i -'•— . Re -Creation of his voice. ' Over three hundred musical critics say that the New Edison Re -Creation of the voice is indistinguishable:frii`m the original.. Is your musical ear keener, truer than Zenatello's Matte the" . _. test: to I�ear.tIe hTew Edison:its-Creation sof ZMats`J10 �Anha._Caseo.T.iomas-Chalmers, Albert Spalding and other great:artist:l, 48 Ike will -gladly arrange a concert.for on and your gY friends,so that you may hear these . ,ate -Creations. J. G, .Af;MSTR.0NG,; LUCKNOW, Ont. Ourcheese factory, is being repaired again and will soon be in • shape fni , another good, .season's work, under our. cheesern aka r, Frank Watts. John' Nesbitt ik working in the shell factoryin Kincardine, but we 'are glad to see•hini in Bervie for the week -end, and we beard eome-.one saying °'There's a reason.",' Andrew McDonald has sold his farm on the'S'tuth Line to Ned McLean, who will be moving in next fs 1. , Andy thinks he will have a little rest this summer -and' watch the other fellows working, It WAS 'with. mooli h re ret t a y t the people of this vicinit � learn ` p y , , ed of the death. of Mrs, Thomas LindsayonThurs. diy lost. The late Mrs. Lindsay had not been in goon health for sonid time. The funeral no atn'd.iy to Itincardino cemetery was largely attended by friends in the community` Thn sympathy - of all ie llatended to As .fsfnily in their` Verdun —Monday, May 14:' 1Vlisses' Annie Blue and Myrtle 'Mains spent Sunday at JI Blue's. • Mise Millie Walden is spending afew days withfriends in Kincardine. . Mist? Winnie McPherson, of Welland, is visiting under the parental roof, ifr. and Mrs. Will Mcliuliey, wotothe guests of Mrs. W. Brown last Sunday. last Al*reel S, Farrell,. er of..lfincardine, spent with °'hdanghier, Mra. J. Reid. .. t"red McTavish motored from Stint• ford and spent a few days with his brother,Robert. Mrs. A, Chisholm, of Winnipeg,, ie visiting at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shiellss. Rev. b. M. Rutherford dote to: Kan lough last Tuesday told 'visited for A toy +ilii with kiwi* "tut oilttiv'eh.