The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-17, Page 2ler Shaving Sintgle'Minded irt a Military Hospital Only those who have been ...there c:an realize what the toilette Safety Razoris (king for the wounded ! Clean shaving on the firing line, possible only with a Gillette, hits saved endless trouble in *0044 facewounds. In the hands of ercler17 Or nurse it shoriena by Precious minutes the preparations for operating. Later, in theillmds of the patients, it is! biesiOngiudeeci As soon as their strength begins to return, they get the Gillette into action, and fairly revel in the finishing touch which it gives to the welcome clean: loess of hospital life. For though he can uselat • one hand—and that one shaky—a man can shav� hill -melt safely and comfortahly with a Gillette Safety Razor, If:?v4 scom.a. iltde thing to you to send a Gillette to Oaf • kul 1100 knoll/ Oltemeas, but to him 11 r1Zl mean so Much 1 • It Mill bring a tooc.h ef home; comfort to his life oa active:services, . awl he ederk mom appreciated vire gets 'fBligh0". / 24Q ' • " BEREFT OF OWN SONS. • French Woman Tendii Graves. of Bra. that Mothers' Sane. .• A pathetic little episode comes from ,a town in Francs through which thou- eandS Of tair troepsaire always pass- ranga, lamerals are frectuent. and the noticed that a 'Woman of tO -years attended evert butiel of a itiah soldier and placed a wreath upon the ,grave. She. lost her bus - • P. band in the Franco-Prussian war, teed her sons and gratitheate-thaVe fallen in the present. campaign. 'So, havleiladost her' own ..inen, she de- cided to represent thes mothers of tbe gallant l3ritish lads mho. had given their lives. Now a place • at the, graveside is always left for her. Love is likely to make a foot of a man, but most inen are willing to take chciaces. • •• „ This most vain** of fkrni 1.?.001gs coats you not one • cent. It will, if prbperly •• tieecl,• mean 'hundreas of • dollars in actuakpro4ts to you. It covers all tile uses of 'Concrete on thefarm from fence -post silo.• . --Writsfor lIto.da1 , *" Canada Cement Company Limited •• 88 Harald Building - .Montraal I)IJI•11)1. Te41.1\1 I 6Paraco Gmara Novelized from the Motion .Picture Play of the Same Name by thit Universal Film ;Mfg.Co.oloi"314.**Aohr re FIRST EPISODE--(Colit'd.) Thus it was; that Jacques was sent ea into the streetaaand 'found herself with *Another raiasive to the Sphinx. loti°king into the muzzle of Sphinx Kele 'Pat had called him into her boudoir je immediately, after „he bad returned Y Tx:7 1.01; be cotillimeaa from Lee Arabassadeurs, She was at the moment admiring her aunt's .4' THE LOST WHEEL; teelc-lace, and hurriedly shoved it into her dressing table drawer when the butler entered. , . Had Pat observed the gleam in the butler's eyes, -she might have , pre- vented' 'subsequent events; and, as it was, she was sk bit suspidous of his actions. That evening, during the ball her aunt was giving, the girl had reason to recall the butler's nervoua conduct -for when her aunt went to the wen -safe and discovered the jewels missing, Pat observed • the ,,butler etealthily leaving her boudoir at al- most the same moments HurtiedIy searching in the drawer of her dressing table, Pat discovered that the jewels, were gone. Her plan to furnish Sphinx 'Kelly with some- thing to do had Worked beyond her own anticipations.. - Mrs. Van Nuys wa's reporting the retbbery to Sphinx lastly when Pat joined the group. "It is so forunate you are here, Mr. Kelly," said Mrs, Van Nuys, "Now you can go at 'once to work upon the case. I'll reward you well if you . re- cover the Jewels." ••"You are so wonderfully clever, Mr. Kelly, I am sure you will find the jew- els," Bald Pat. "I Wonder if you mean that,'! was Kelly's only reply, ifs he hurried away to examine the wall -safe and conduct an investigation. ' • Pat,. meanewhile,-. beganto to some detective work on her own account. Donning a light wrap to cover her evening -gown, thergirl-ieft by an frequentlyaised door and was soon in the gardens, Where bright moonlight made the surroundings, almost as light as day. Pat hurried around to the servants entrance, and waited, hidden by the shrubbery,. until her vigil was complete iinconscioesness of the death rewarded by the. appearance of that awaited him; another, Climbing Jacque*, thiebutler,who hastened algng the pathwayto a remote -cora ner of the gardens. • Pat followed -speedily, but with great caution, and nearly ran into Kelly who had, likewise, 'started to in- vestigate the ,grounds. .Kelly dodged into a summer house, while Pateon- rubt ienisuot below "At borni herge• when way c. sa;. ohuesalryd avmo icong the trees: The girl was. crossing a, "At the Cafe Chat Noir, in one hour,"" Pat heard ^ in a voice the realiz- ed was Jacques'. And as she listen- ed her eyes fell upon a man standing behind a tree, who was 'likewise inter- ested in the conversation that was be - Ing carried on under the rustic bridge. "We'll be ...there," said • the 'voice strange to Pat. - 'PR take •the revvAg and We will dispose of it there." S.rehhig tit crewel eal InOVed *bout, V* mr gas* disclosed Jacque* at a the edge of the_ splice clear dandag. The girl urg r string* escort to dimes, sand dos all the guiding I bat looted ex she whirled pima the table where Jacques sat, that is wee_ showing, half esoncsaled in the palm of Ulf hand, Something that hie coaree-lookiug companions Were eitg- irly interested in. Quick to form her plans, Fat wee likewiee quick to act. --Whirling her dancing partner near. er to :swipe* table, Pat apparently tripped and fell heilf-sprewling against th.e butler. Striking agairoint his outstretched hand, the sudden impact of her arm eent the jewels flying from his palm. The necklace landed on the floor eeveral feet away. Before the surprised Apaches could recover themselvee, Pat had darted to the spot where the jewele lay, swept them from the floor with eager grasp, and continued her Wad rush teward the exit. • The girl flung open the door, jurapa Fortunate Ending to a Seemingly Utt- avoidable Tragedy. When. Mr. Ralph Pulitzer returned to the French aviation fleld after a flight with an ,expert pilot, the daSr threatened to endin tragedy. •As the aeroplane came to a• atop a mechanic ran up with a pneumatic wheel. • He spoke a few sherp words to the pilot, says the author in Over the Front in an Aeroplane, and the pilot asked me to get out quickly. I jumped out; the machinist scrambled into my place, carrying the pneumatic .wheel, and with a rattle aid a roar the aero- plane rolled across the field and leap- ed into the air twain. I joined some aviation officers and wilted what was the matter. They pointed to a machine a fe'w' thousand feet above us 'and explained that ' in leaving the ground it hid lost one of its pneumatic wheels. The aviator was ignorant of the mishap, and un- less6they warned hini in tin% Its ma- chine would turn turtle and kill him when he tried to make his landing. My pilot bad gone up. to. meet him in the, upperasi. and by Waving the wheel at him iridicate , his _predicament _and viarn him to land,on the left wheel and„ the tail of his .Machine. oUnlessabeaunderstands- befere- - he, hinds he is a. dead man," said the of- ficer. a That was a dramatic spectacle -one aviator on guard high in. the .sky in R FECT 2 Fier_ Those Broad Acres • Met up W Zinn eatam•aa a aft anis —a fence that can't lag or break domf.a.t.list will hold • vend htins—thst hogs canpose through—theS ewe I rart—s fence Shall stands ' Mush usage by enthral* or weathirand is reareateed. PEOHL1219 MFECHOlt Fencing 1. made et Heavy Open Hearth Steel Wire with all the Impurities hfird.:0 out and all the etrennth and,ralress lett In. ithen7ertli,'Arlftrk!';7.71. 41,1:;se Iokod go. kkragalertlarillaorrifitelit=ta:??Iiit gtp. ahetar. Send todong ryt.. Ueo 00, 1100. 7115 BAIRitatirrIelli When Um thaaRtan. Ontario WNW itto•inattet Whereyon live PARKER Service lei right at Ithlr. door. 1A.Mereve:Ahe postman Or the express, • tompany go we can colt and deliver whatever you, want cleaned. orwdyed. ,.• • ‘Our service to distant customers -is arefellyhandied, 'so that goods.are insured ' of safety natrentit. ' The excellence or our work has built lip the largest jeuag and cleaning.businesain, ;Canada and iakeown •Ikteit coaststo_coest. ' JilineSt any'article,ien be clamed by. One'PrOcess or. ,•.:•• back-to-a-Treannese• that WV .sure prise you:** made new by ' ' We pay the terrleye one trey on ill articles sent to us:. • • Think of PARKER% irluittinver. yon think tit -cleaning er.. lifer e'PARE copy 'olour mold artd.inie;esh'ng boAi';n— '440041 awl • Be mire to 'Warm' yearyartel dearly to teceriitty debt, *PARKER'S DYE WORKS LIMITED . . 791 VON E ST, .:TORONTO 40 11,1•00MINI.. FIVE ROSES FLopm- FOR BREADS -CAKES PUDDINGS 1111 PASTRIES •••••••• 0.0 Can you guess it ? .:' .. . There are hottieWives whose . t eake it always preised-w ose • ' ' iietry is ferrous far ate sne Ong Baltitiese-'-whose -firtrr, • ght- - btesti wine deity eotisplimeitts.-- • Whtete pudding*. are noted; for IfitUtylightnelk-eehoie cCiele- *tit to uitin ettso. loightil nint ft* e that Sp.pitel E e their lows-. , CO4 jib0 ete.11 fi"? . • •1•••••••.•••••• rks,c, a.;.; •,%'• nearer and nearer, then circling round 'andround in iatereiting tittles:" Fin= ally the first machine started down. "He understands," said some one. "No, he doesn't'," said the otheas. "Get the ambulance ready!" ordered the aviation captain; and the engine of the motor antselance begenleclitig with a most sinisteeeffect. - . We all 'stood' powerless and watch- edthe machine spiral 'down. As the man -Made. his glideantere. static:lain the field waving spare wheels at him • to make sine Olathe would understand. BUt no. :Instead of landing tilted to• the left on the sound Wheel, he made his landing leaning over a 'little t�' the right where the Whealawaa miss-• - 'At. the great machine touched the earth it ,,intried its pose in the ground; the 'tell acme and 'rose until it stood perpendialaa'and then fell for- ward'in a somersault, so that the pleat was lying on its back. finished.' Get the ambulance!" ordered the captain.. , We all started at a, run across the field, toward. the motionless .aeroplane, with the motor ainbulahee • following close, on our heels.As we got to the wreck a figUre• crawled out and began to complain at not having been warned in 8...waY1/4, that a sane man could un- derstand. How the aviator escaped. Will always remain a. complete mys- tera,. but his escape .made a thrilling ending to an unforgetable afternoon. "TrIeWORLD DO MOVE." Achievements inthe Fields of Science end Invention. A -*emotive travelling at the rate of a' mile a minute , gives forth 1,200 puffs each niinute.a';'• - ,a _ the captainof the-Puyinea' • ''.A neV4 invented- dish. rinser 'eoh- sists of a large, broad spray .attached to a water faucet,- :which- rinses 'in- .saantlyatiarcallmaeughlrallathar" P, • A rolling pin for the purpose of eas- ily deCerating small cakes and cookies has been revolution of the 'rolling- pin makes a number of dif.- • "I am Sure You Wilt Find the Jewel; ferTinhge wdeocondieltitOnys'indUstrY in Canada his inability tO realize • that he was a Many a man has won out because -of ' ' , has made great strides since the war ',whipped. • The girl crouched low behind the cut off importations. • • Though the under dog gets' a lot of guard-rail of the hridgq. The voices , A machine which clips the tops. • of sympathy, the upper canine gets the • ceased, and Pat knew •the confab be- *loaves of bread before they aee baked,' gate receipts. • A E IN CANADA es. maw, 9.004. Fir soften. J� o sneer, Poe removing pal.% Far disiateettng refrigarat•re slake, stlase nralasaad1ersO0 'SAW FFrireeis. wear sueswfwes. t* PARETIC "SC ES ON SINKING -8111.11 NEW METHOD OF Sp/MARINE • TELEGRAPHY, Hundreds of .11orsee Swin to Gerraan * 'Raider said 'Beat 'Hoofs; ' -411Ant. Her, , light flaky and tender awithotit being 'What happens, when a German sea- to txch, and 0k -result can be attain- , raider is scouring the Atlantic, sink- ed by the addition of a little baking ing merchant vessels, is • graphigally powder and reduction of. the amount portrayed in the story of the destauc- of fet Used. - This gives equally tion of shipping by the Germancorn- good results . as to appearance and merce destroyer Puyine, as related by flavor, at mucb lese expanse, Capt. A, Anderson, of the Norwegian In making Saidt pies, *Waves cook. steamer, Mellbjorg, •which was sunk the sugar with the fruit, not on, top, by the raider while on her way from, or the crust will be soggY. Paste for New York ton French part. It was the-Puyine, according., to Capt. Anderson, which sank the British steamer Voltaire, Georgie and Mount Tendile and accumulated her prisoners on the YarroWdale'On which vessel they were taken to Cierznany. Among them were .many Americans, Pastry. In making paetry the beat reaulte, ergenbtained by having all the ingredi- ents as esid aa poesible and keeping them so until the pastry goes into the even. It is the sudden change in tem- perature, as neueh as the actsal'ingre-, Manta tiSedt that makes pastry tight. T If soft shortening and lukewarm Nye - ter are used, the result must be poor astryeetough and, not appetkzing. eve board 414-rolling-p1n chilled and veil out Pastry in a cold roma if pos- sible, Have +ands cool also. For plain paste, lard or a landUro.of lard and butter should be used. For very nialn cruet, lard and, good beef drip- ping, The /atter Is, excellent or meat For puif petite, butter must .used and is eveti better if the alt Is thoroughly washed out of it. , .is often desirable fa haver pa.snry that is since released. , Sacrifice 91 Animal Life. Pathetic scenes, 'attended the sink- ing of the Mount Temple arid the Georgic, both of which carried hun- dreds of horses aitti dogs. , • "The Mount Temple,".said the Cap - pies should be quite thin and rolled a little larger than the tin to allow for shrinkage; When baking a aides fruit pie, melte an incigion in the centre, and plaee a small funnel -shap- ed piece of paper in 'the incision. This will keep the juice from escaping at the aides bf the pie. , • For baking, pastry requires from 30 to 45 minutes. a Plain Pastry. -t1.1' pC.oeopnes•afilzldacro,ti,;tecauar,shortring, 36 1Vlbc flour and' salt, cutting in - the •shortening until mixture is •like fine mL. Mix te a paste with the fee tahl'had on board 750 horses • and a water .' 'Roll out thin intoNtwo crust,, nureber .of dogs., When_ she, wee einik keeping everything as -cold us pot - 'it was peinful ta.,eee and hear many Ole. If desired, spffment may: be •hundreds , of horses and -dogs Striat- amide at one time tolaet stareral daYS, gni* and ewimming about, a confused but it mini be kept ice cold. ' times in the foaming gee. ----"Anotheruppidlinguacrifice---efune:--- mallife' took plaea with the !sink- a2 Eggs, 8 tablespoons sugar, 'pinch ing of7the Georgie which carried as of _eel% Ma 'cups milk, nutrneg. part of her cargo, 1,200, horses . The Boil milk, add Inger, 'remove from horses were Maddened by the ex- stove and Cool., Acid eggs well ,beat - .plosion of tile torpedo -which heeled en. Line pie tin with pastry and the Georgie . over; wrenched them= add k. custard of h d..the oih rinkille 7,,idt,h.t.the:nutao :selves liaise and, utteriag terrifying T •-iounde, Plunged fete -the= •sea:-Beilieaflater-efthe custard: Bake in a• quick of theni reached the Puirme and beat , oven at first. to Set the aim.' Decrease with their ' forefeet on tie. 'vessel's :the .heat afterwards as egg and min; : t, side in a frantic attempt climb ilon;octoeiem,bpinerattloi;r11 .to17.,ctiated at to safetyAt ,last the rewwere ordere.d to shoot the horses with their. a revolvers This sheeting •contiteued. Preserving Eggs, . • lorlialf an :.1.10u,r• ' • 4' , • 'During the splingteggS•Usnally re Syetent ef Telegraphy-- ,• • tail around 30 cents a dozen and often appearance. the les Six. Inenths :•, later the ;Flee Iderriiiiii raider When She 'Pink- Ithe 'Will be deikre:.'oi.liebld: Hallbjorge, Capt. Andersort'said Spring eggs can easily be kept aver "The rail of the„Pnyme'• suddenly until the high price -season by putting dropped and the vessel, which we had, thene down in Water glass, which cap taken for , a harmless English mer- be purchased at drug stemsfor about charitman revealed herself eOW ite • a. 26 cents a qliart. •• , • .niedern,dermen warship With SeVeaal A quart of Waterglass' mixed, with guns pointed at us.' We sawseveral tWelveaqUarts:of,Water.thathas been torpedo tubes, Theee wove two (i- boiled and then 'peeled willbe suffi- inch guns,fore tied aft, and two of dent to Preserve Omit fifteen''dozen the sanie kind on a lower deck' Later,' eggs A Stroriger..ecilution Should be we •found that the ;dove]: 'over* -Wei. used ,1 or eggs that are to be held aix Puyree's emergency' , steering gear to eight Months or longer, • . concealed anathet. big gun." Stir thewater glass and water mix- - After Capt. Anders.* and the ether ftiire until thoroughly mixed. 'Elsa a prisoners .of the sunken vessel had etone. jar that has been thoroughly been Placed on board. the Yarrow deaned. .The eggs should also be. dale,theGermans went ,cruising with cleaned: : Cover the bottom of the jar the Puyme, and .the.,.captured: British with eggs stood up ,on end, the small steardeasSt. Theodore : . • , end downpeek the eggs so. they "ra hutio.ed aid-thea-eantairr, will covel the- bottom. The eggs "that on the following morning can all be packed at one time, one lay - strange apparatuswith long Wires et upon another, or the packing:can be attached was Cast Overboard at dif;. &median tirne. to tiine. Pour bathe ferent -plates and the *nes connected mixture so the top layer of -eggs will With the Yarrewdalea cheat 'cabinhe covered, fall? 'two laches. .A thin This was a.'system • of %submarine coating of paraffin, paired .ovei, the telegraphy Whieh' weuld transmit and top of the water glass mixture, when receive orders at a distance ,of 150 the jar is filled, will prevent evapora-. miles. • We 'Were connected with the tion, otherwise the 'mixture will iv, Puyme: all the tiineTf anything sus -• quire replacing as .often as evapora- Picious appeared on the horlion the tion Makes it necessary : •• Store the news was immediately.forweaded --to jar in a cool cellar.. , • • • • - Pointed Pariegrapha' • Learn to do withaliligence-what iitddalWOUriffilaae. ^ LOAN a 'good woman is the best arotePtion a man can have. . • .:An silence- danger,is coneettled.-. Men are dealt 'really dangerous: How To Keep Baby Weil, . Feed tile baby reelarl& and on timeaandanot-whenever-it-eries. 78'ir-oreitny2-1iin fruit. , • All covering ter the child ho*hf bo of weehable Material, aed kept dean and well aired. Heavy eomfoatare SbU not be Used. Alwari wash your )and e before handling the milk beat's, and waskaff the rnetitli of bottle before removing, • the CaP. • "Keeping Cooked Potatoes, If leftoVer cooked potatoes. are spread out on a large dish inetead ? piled on top of one another they will not sour so quickly, , `Moiling Oven doors. • Nothing as 'effective as aro* sal soda water for washingeoven door* which have been disiolored, • For "The If whe.n. Making soup or beef tea i Ifok an invalidit. isnpcessary tie -cool it at once; pass, it through a clean. cloth' : saturated with -cold -Water, Not dj particle of fat will be left in the beef tem. • , alwwwwwe Grease the Boiler. If the hailer hiunediately after ilsee. and While still warm, is rubbed AN oyer with any good household soap, Will prevent rust and will help to make' • the suds when the boiler is filled for the next working day. A Marking Linens. When /narking linen . with indelible' 'Ink, first write the name with a lead '• penal, then write over the pencil with' the Inarking•ipk. The, pencil prevents' the ink from spreading. / I • At -The Door. If yeti wish to .male an attractive and yet inexpensive:door stop, get a brick and cover it with -denim or ber-1 lap in a color, to harinonize with, the ef)1Qta .used, in, theapartieulaa Take great care that the niaterial•ii• -fitted sinciothly_over. th:a brick or the, effect Will be very ugly. If desired,. the -top of thebricic might' be embroid- wed- in- ecnne- conventioneladesignaand-- the edges' outlined in a row ;of cross stitc ng. _ , ORN FOR ENSILAGE:. Mints Pr Dominion Experimental Firm onCorn-Growing. 4. Corn will gro* on any well drained, and well manured Keil. , Good methods are essential. Heavy, well-draieed clay will give good results, fall ploaghed. • Spring • ploughing as, for average soil condi--; tions, adeisable. - • a Plough 'rather .shallow -four to five inaiestadeepaaaccording to soilituaria'a, ing sr -fiat score,7eolli and disc or drag bairow at once if .possible, and • con- tinue these operations until `the seed.:, bed is deep, level and fairly fine. Plant early in May, when the wea- ther and soil have become warm, • - 'Coriarequiaei considerable heat for • rapid germination and growth, which,' is essential for tlicaniccess of the crop ' There' are two -common methods, pf. • planting: (a) hills (b) • The hill method! is advisable for fields foul With persistent weeds,: whereby • the meximuin ain,ount of: a • power eultivation can be employed best advantage, - 'After Ploughing, the disc harrow is the mast .suitable implement for pre- paring the seed -bed. Some. type* are • More- suitable than,- citMki-:---Deuble disc harrows are now • being used to ,peed Up this operation, lower the dOst and ensure a thoroughly , •pulverized eurface soil. What is it like? Thisharrowcon- • sista of two disc harrows, one in , I front of the ether, cutting, the orae , with • an in -throw and the other with ;. an out -throw. It requires from three 'to six horses to operate, depending on • • size of machine and' horses.. It saves -at least one man; Yea. h`aleaa.a0.1101.a. PRIP1Q3r-itiiris013/! It is generally used to put the finish- ing- touch •-• to seeding operations, wheresi lte chief Value is ler *mink • and-6MM nrig-the-iniryfryTerrto Don,i.give the baby coffee; tea, beer. . . or any liquor. - Reale-the- baby every mom ug ni cool or - luke-warm water, and in hot weather two or three times during the day. Always wash baby when the diaper is •pliangeaa a - . • • - : See that the baby's bowels 'move every day.• , The hal3Y eheUlq Sleep .alotle in a *ateltell'athean)811:abehinil the -tregr-"fintreli'laitter'bibWrier eruat,'ia 114 ifiL" io ,do, *ie. the' trOnblf-a--fii eertinede ' •• Feradia'rriiii-e6;latOP the milk fer Tic disappeared =id .the undergrowth. Then Pat.lurried back to the, house. yention. of a pair of California bakers. oureeivea to do it. ', • ' - twentyNour'hours, and give the baby Excusing herself on the plea of slight Stud buttons to he damned, through' ..Nearly all the icruiveledge is. the bailey water may. • illness, Pat reassured her aunt that ' the ears of cattle, for purposes of world has . been agguired at e ex- Serid•forai doctor at once if the baby her jewels- would surely be recovgred.':-identification,..h.ave been., invented re- ,pense. of aomebeda's .buret finpr,s... is. elele, . :•- , Then entering her boudoir, she ahanaa:.cintly. • .' . • • There is. an independent fortune If you, cannot pay for a doctor, 'take ed her evening gown to street dresso - I A former Aitserian SOldier hnS% de- awaiting the inventor of a tytiewrit- the baby to neareSt dispensery. and unobserved, le -ft the Van Nuys M r. eed a sleel hefinet Which can also be ing rnadhine that will spell correctly. The beddizig should be :kept clean: 'home, iti a cab, bound for the Cafe . ''-' • . . if. . ' tWeeniths_eroelo__wiw4an_end,_ she -andathusaprodttes eh. el ournaltal and-, -":1tV:c7104rpttitylltriiply:c42-41:je ,9167, Chat Noir. ! . used to hold feed and as an intrenc • New AltisCope Rifle.' he altiscope rale, a design whichen- ables the markstaan to fire without ea - posing any part of his body, heel* 63 .the newest iiiventions to be offered the . • 'American arm • The sighting is - done awith a periscope.. • -Mr_taaFritla all iddleti4ent.ar Mesa:a:a.; worth, Middlesex, who 'died re witty, had one hundred relatives lighting for - the allies. • Canada' i' aggregate trada is now well over the $2,000,00.0,600 level, more • than double thatof two years. ago", Canada ranks third among all nations for the output of "This will be quite an advaiture, nig tool. • , Prn thinking:: Pat ealdi buff aloud,. A new ,kitchen tool has been invent- • communirbe- with herself while the tab ' ed which easily cuts round holes in rattled along the aeseiteil streets. There was aliother cab hurrying by: ehans, reimievetitkheh tont of a einidof any P ape te e raps an opens another route to the Cafe (hat Noir. - , Kelly's aa:listniit had reported to bid raetal-capped bctti"- chief, the summer -house, the con-! An eleetric mechanism has been in - 1 versation he had heat& between. ths •vented ahielia when attached to any Apaelees under the rustic bridge. And door lock, record- the number of IKelly's detective instinct, - suspitious tis 'the doer has been locked and of everybodv, led him to expect that the pretty g with the big blue eyee, who had taunted. hire in their subtle glances, might not be far away. When .Pat alighted from her cab, at the door of, the notorious resort, she made her driver fulfill The finel part of .hi si bargain -she could not en- ter -without MT ezeokt,lrnet the &Oman led her through the deer, The un - Usual sight that met her gaze made Pat somewhat abeshed for the ence merit. Apaelies in their oddly distinctive /mite dewed with denizens of the un- derworld. rat and her companion moved cheat, the girl leading the way among ,,the tables. • nalleGl'El • buraped against them and wherled (41 1& taking the nny, sleep because another fnalec•Opin. etillisione an a matter to bo expected.' lo'ne fail to agree with his own, • uplocked. If desired, ihid'record can be Made at o considerable distance. , A perforated towel rack for bath- rooms had been'inverited which, when connected with the wafer faucet by a rubber tube, canbe USed aS a bath epray.., • • - - A pottery' built in noe, and long -ago 'abandoned, will be reopened by the ,Chinese government. It it eaid to be the only Place will& luau preserved the anelent Chinese methods of mak., ffag portelain cn• are eeolors and de - mane, • A broad -Minded 'Mn need. loses 2 soul 0 lb. earions-,. 1O420, 50. art'd 100 lb. Dags.• was a favorite name among the long -forgotten food products of half a century ago, jut as it is among the live ones of today. Only exceptional quality can explain such Permanent popularity. • ' ellet Pecipath ,Iwedterat," Made in one grade only-, -,the hrthest I , • • :"ea ,