The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-03, Page 6et • "WS alics IN 1.11NRAT7ED FRANC& .. • - . ;•• .$ • or ten thostiaad feet, yett lima to 101 IlltItOIC WOMEN Or BELGIUM Edttor. - T eheahrtely at reat---at reit la suashisie lalialdimete of "mined Mintiest' Wel. • .• ..e. et .,..- .- e .1 end a strong gale. The dim moot iie ;;Stoselfaist is Their Patristient fee ears reeteoeb` illillisiss looms* with that children feel mote the Tromps. ea; ' e 'It!. ° map beneath you 'sadly moves; and 1 `Their Beisiemi 'Laud. dentesmesly a maw tiett school is a place of bondage end The welcomes given to the French ot A little clocks and thele before you wit - although the trembling fingers of the lave. wow *a hit- thee kerma ie ore whom they have ht- end te our own troupe by the men, two- • it •P,,`. t • nese to the Auldity tine Kellogg, who is the only wow tem keys with selves. They aro net doing their work have boo tory to u chin tee pathetic. e ....e... it. t • ond the tendernee* of your hold on . • , • I of your elomout ' mart on the American Belgian Relief esealty. Preeeetly a client from a resin* love but they con. ' 40For the fleet time since the wee PAt *P. ..• . . A, Ne It, •aeem to *neve are the wings and•steiyo 1 Ali the Reiginut wentent the women of ti Wide her ex.' semood to Moak tie or so dame to be their real wee end ehildrou of liberated France . tit fatepterir taste in and elm mom , stoutly feel the preemure a authority ' started French, troops have bed the , ee, .. t teli• left' yi:rthm. elgium.• saidi- kis business and did what was •i and of dictation goading them into. splendid experience of maeching vie-• et eitte . .• e eet t..•: . a rigid cage from. .which you look : aeobninlYe wthhiler:oiurtrhatounddoynoout, Paleness with. Ii not -only brave, hut al they hohl their heads hig gystematie the row& are kept eled the suceeasful parent or teacher wilt remeheed, and. of freeing them," Ws 14 Z.,4''''' A i • * - 0, engine hes bee.0 elnit off, arid you be- they ere inepired by -the injuoctione cheerfult je mosbi have dose. Wo obverted 'how genial or at least unattractive. So lege, where the Frenvh inhabitants ,.j'.,". ‘. forth upon the elow.turning •earth or 4* - a omile -.9 eir-liPst for - the rushing elouds. It is. not until the she voided? _ alineired as well as hoc minfeloriu tasks, or activitiea which are uncone toriouely into a Fran& iovaded vil- Nieloo,-..ste hoe. ...6 - t+tt. bow quickly she famed the desired And a* many wet* as Petsible to the London Telegraph correspondent. ••,e. 44 . ..„, • v".,,, ., gin ta plane in mighty circres •towartie i"Nevdt bow your•headeto your con. document and hm soon oast respeetincreats a liking for their =cite• . . "The Ger-Mane- had. left -ettout- $00.• e• • the earth again, that yet; get, in that Illherere. 1,ift there up and keep firm itreur eonfidence that in 4 *bort time skillful and intelligent that young lady '.. By these mane they -create an atmos. ette „ :delicielle rath down. the hilt : 'et the !-Yeur eountrY *gain 'will be feeti." And • air, eny eeneation ot spied; 'mid net • we could not help notleisig hoer vire . encourage them m the dotes of them. Inhabitants tit• Roye. These bed been ... P.,.., ...: enus in tile performance of her duties i, phere around them• of charm and in- ,, under the bornlieedm.ent of the French gum for two years andei halt, It 13 c. ,....,,. VP. ti...: Until, a 'Moment before lending, you: sit they go About their wotic in thet' ' spirit, Wearing pieces. of ivy on their is that office. Then we began to mo-lspiration and often emulation which, quite possible thatethe •Germans left ?vete skim' over the earth at hil miles en breeets, symbol's of then bete and roue, on ths. bringing up ot le* to - will eneourege them and keit them 0" them bellied purpozely, to serve as a tr.:7 .. .1714 ". hour, that yeti realize with whet pace their constancy. .A11 day they !ahem in thoughts turned to some hems where Way that they leuly never heiti dreamt rteileo. ... IP . '' lik ;., ...-,.' .' i.•',' You have been rushing through the the eouP kitehelles givillg relief to the . airerevaeancy. • -.- . i.destitette and, in spite of their wee* bs helpful and useful in the home. Our 1, to become proficient and skilled in a ' buffer between -there tied the attaching' e ..: e • . e from earned years the children were ed, they could be. All children re- "Old wens' women,. and eiliblreri Over the Lines. . . ness and the dreariness, of their. oectie and patiently instructed in houseworkft stiraulation in the eierformance of patient they see to it that these. relief- - . taught to be active in doing thieve quire more oteless• encouragement and . a.. crowded.' round. the Free -wit troops, xe. et ' • to - - gardlets of sitell-firet took the.aeldietee 5ixty. Feet Pawn a Ladder ,to 'Wenk-r-Harupshicrea 'Quarry :Giris But. theSe sare the eensetiotiee ' of etations are deelted with flowers and i•-• needlework, washing end leaning, their tasks. , .„ '• ,.. - ,• • ailing alreetie even ecinceivabie •post "riowa,,,!, mere joyeriding. Ten or twenty min- made it e beautiful as, possible. . t and other tlitngs. • . k • ...,, • . * * •* S.. • , . . ,. by the hand; •and 'clung to their coats,/ THOtTelet British 'women a,re With teets in their eyes. A heY of sieve. 'these three girls. *lie ere employee in a. chalk -quarry' rkt Otter.. , hie -statien in the air .over. the eneintes livee of tbe Children, AO. he kept as. • •ates may 'talte the. fighting pilot •to „The- W014011 ere reooived that t the '. . . ram hell) WSW never so scarce ot twe.y i - • - ti• - bourne near 'Winchester believe!*tat Mey a_re the 'only- members .of their , Mothers in most homes carry far ,... reriee . 9ne ala° to a farm is °mit sang the thterseiligise: in which their toiu dere Re similar' 'work. •It is not witRout its. iloneere, but'the trio * * * * • i e parttime. up . to the sel Am.* llues, How puny the, absurdity of the. eeee eke potato-fem. eeetiote so' tote t et average. No problent is of much. IA ., ktts notulack4pluck. Our pRoto :shows: leocteing.et truck. ' Like ao many , -i.troops ha gr moment. just no -so :,• than: the, 44The .li ve, perbape, = ' ' ''.;•1 • . - • igra eotesr wowa in .tho breezeteend the'eenihigh above time he heery end brute c, tars. Kele , re af an tir46 Can aPPe4r.., Ow 'corning .gelleratiOxi liliouhr havWt' steedy nerveteand from early atisotiae s too much responsibility. Woraettn. in . ewers mod then ell the toldiers toineti. , "women .War workers. they licrVe discarded the shirt. ••. . ;:. - , • n'to the airman Mt lie eite- , 'doing work in •the home and for • the' reatefarm help' quest,on and hew te-eupply Frenc... n the war began. - •• • • ' . • I . proMote eeenontical ',Methods. of' Pro. it allt the. dengertto hine ig 119t doViri , logg *a.4 going.vAth a -Belgian weinan • • . : . . . th *there, although: to ascend into his re-,. through a ruined town, where the in - children that if she wereeto take. the e, demand -for workers. 'Dr. Geo. C. kno . no such poignant memeht .since trouble to !how them how to do and 1, Commismoner of Agrieul- "Before going,. als0,, firebrands. had INDUSTRIAL AIIMY . .. Inote sphere he has ..• to pass through. habitants had either iled or were live the supply .depot for food. >Teri na. :peen et, work, .settirig alight all the • • ' • housgs-not already steashed by shell- 'auction '. • . • Welfare Wotit ,for Workers, . :Piirtieular enemy is the. German fight- :iniund of children laughing, She etood.• •-: '...... have them do, her duties would soon reduced to a. mini011ira. Different ture, has eppealed to the press toliela t. solve the difileulty. .• Ontario is to be. lb! zone .of anttaiecraft fire; his OWII ing in the Cellars, when, she heard the . methods may advantageously be pue- tip** are eiliort of 'rations awl six fire -a wenton and cruel destruction, T URESSCALEINW the. Ministry of' Monitions which will One -of • the tildes of the work • of log machine Which mity come dovtn to : AM in amazement awl ' then waS, be materially lightened and her cares sued in allotting the tasks or duties others are on the verge of starvation. They were topping when. Ipassed ."...".. . ' endureis that .ttide.- which deals With berry or destroy the observer, and , brought into a wrecked house, Where for each member of the family to filo Greet Brit.ain needs tood-for her civil:- them„ so fier,ely that. the hot breath 4,- e.i., the comfort.. nett Well-being of its - whieh he roust himself attack the mo-, i partoethe tnain fieor had been re- 1 aurae regularly. One wee.' is for the Ian population and it sour patriotic of the flames wee open my fece. BRITAIN TX:TUNE]) INTO YAP* . . ., • workers, The Ministry 'has befit, .,or meet it mattes its appearance.. Bte . reefed; and there she • .fotinct .- Omit. .„ mother to find out what'her .girla ine duty to see that the eoldiera are well Loose stones and, charred embers fell organize,. . housing , 'ReeMomodatiOn twiien these two he watchfully Parole, itwenty wee. babies under two veiirs. stinctively like to do and give them, fedi especially. our Canadian men. with a scattet of • spur'ks, and •tileS . . ,. WAR WORKSHOP& • ,, _ I, . #. 1. ter sconer60,000 pereons, and canteens and all •this time,..altheugh a battle Jaughing„and greeting in little pens all the opportunity to do that thing.. B3r. Prices. were never go high for 'fem. from roofs cluttered,et my.', feet; A. and mess -rooms providing •full meals may be raging beneath him, he hears " around the walls. • Each pen was sur- bilities. The true teacher with sac- before had such a chance. to do the ruined townoteith his steel hat tilted . . -Dee For Munitions Which Are All Sorts of FacteeteeeTureed• bite .-.... of 514 in various Government.. fac- have .been eetablished to the number alone. . - / t • .1 eaCh post these women bed carved. rude oilleerteiearing at the long vista. of tied complete ,eciolcing errangemente tide Mein* site reef unlock for' there' pro:lime Ohl they wilt he high for 'queer old iilace; said a. yeung ',British nothing but the strong, eesping. hum retindecl bye lew Paling running from the great storehouse of their • poseit some yeers, at least.. Cemidiane never of hie . engine. , _He • flies' and fights higher Posts at the corners, and • On within if edvaucement le to be the re- tthe doing 0 it. Greater land probe.. etc -rather .than queer., I thought°. of •Fine Quality. • ' teries and other controlled establish- . ments. The Ministry is new . mast& to -the men who fight in the air . can, kinds of things, anti el:tiered:them:hale- eessfut experience Will tell you. that Patriotic act • aud to itiehe money itt• .and a smile of ,irony mi his: faee. Tra.; ,. • Thethings that happen almost.dailY 'figures of , bunnies' birds, . dogOi. all in children -.,growth must be from, ., itetiori, ie to. be. the slogan. The :call -rile captured by the Alliee -reveals the AtInformation. front - the . loealities• .. ' The greateoutstanding face of this ering the provision of dity .mirseries be compared with nothing iwour. own ly so that the ,children would have emit of teaching. A child is not o every person who can work. on priceof victory is un- for the pliddren• of our married wo- experience. :The curt reports of. the i them to play with, while around. the • tree or ft plaot ta be ,trinuited ;Mid f r farras-t-retired.fermere aud -4welleis Ilirtiltigto;eipzetr:epir the 'enemy,' war is that the . ...• Flying Corp& distniett in two or three walls were garlands of-twild floweret shaped itecording to •an instructor's. .. in (Ake and tciwns. who can Work • on n pillaged mid* .de- limited. ,munitiene„ says a London men munition workers. ManY Schoolst Opened; ' lines combets in the air '. which • are and the babies'themselves were sweet , commentator, . ?'he Germans in • r Writer- There are now scattered up !, * and down Great Britain some 4,600 • • otroyed systematically, even poisoning -. notions; but -must. 130 encouragee. . , For „the tteining of workers for• the. more: wonderful than.any comliats in ' aed hapPY and healthte . ., ' ° ' the land, to turn out, and do their bit: *iresponsibilitiee on it* own initiatii9s. treating Committed ' .depredatib controlled .firms producing • =mittens. • follow and work out in doing its own ..to help- ,increased , . production. Now the well* with ersenic,".pays a Freeeli The various factories schools Were set up. in'. which Merl have, 'engaged sinee. • tlickl ' These patriot women are ...resolved,' will and desire and to meet and evade everYbedy should become -enthtisiaetic:: ' varetuit P;arts. of the kingdom. Near." world began; In the. course of - thein she paid, that at the end of the war and 4111. ; • " • • • • • • . te * 4, * .: e ". overgreater food.production, .. which nciplea,.of Military' importance of war of One hind or another. ly 30;09. students have now passed .the ' highest' courage,the .coolest 'flier gliall he able to give back. *these' -. through these schools, of whoM l' 82 'nerve, the. nicest judgment, the. most children to t•heir, country, e imiiroved ,. . ., . - „ • This afford* gravid opportunity could excuse.. - e • - vast majority of theee.establieltmente, a per tent: are known - to have been rapid ,decenotie and ei, .'whole • set of mentally,:physically and morally, ra- • Too much bossism . or 'forcing eliile • of :spending -matittion•this year - in • e• ' "Even if _they .can , justify..the._:,_ dee • . . ..... . ••.. s , -probably 95 per cent. -had previous,: to the war, never produced...a gun., placed -with- and it -May-fairly- subconscuing-controls -of-engine, -aere- -ther-thon•shattered,Wrecks.• • te - e -le * e . • • dren to a0 certain Work at heltle it MI ,practical, helpful way and thefarrner shell or.a eartridgev.yet,,_lafter. _ten be assumed that .the • majority of the loris, tuddet,,,and maehine-gun . have titruction 0 bridgeo, railway lines, *blood. It he- far better &Ways to de- •wele have aseueaoce. of help. for gather- and roads,' they could.not.poss.1131y ate, months, the Ministry of. Munitions. ob.; remainder axe els° engaged.on werlt all to he exereised together and co.ort. - *clop- a•-senee of duty and,: when •..p.os•r ing in hilt:or,ops. ltie Ceeelntan says stemetion til. alt the freitetreesothe u tabled front these, firms a weekly pro - Oa MUoitions. :, • • . : . •• " . .- dinat,e4" so &ate)* many his gun, and teinPt tO defend the , eOstemetie d - iviiErt spitopsRs •,...iVORK7 heaval of fields by mines, the -burning ductia. of Shells'. greater .the• ,Factory in England "'Where . Spidere . .- that duty so that the•deing of it -.. bee towns are really serious, and :1 think of entire. villeges, andeabovehll, the. total. weekly, produCtion 'of iill the been. the rapprochement brought. one *manta. What breed of ettpeite. Are, Efficient Workmen. eible, a. liking: fOr the performance of that if the 'men. from 'the citieS,;-• end An import•ant effect of the wat liasehis: machine • are thereby: forged :Into temee- a• Pletteltre. For *wenn/let hi a• they atiey if boys -who. cannot..go to abominable wiretehednese in which. .. Government arsenals and -goat sir, about,hetvireen- capital and lebor, and niee,• one might well ask, what Systeme . ... • . home we lamer, a Wang daughter iVae,the trent Want .0' do their bit; if geve, theY left 'the inhabitante,•.Who,': With- moment editeite, in ,,exietenee :at the . • the ready postponement or many in- of eugenics, of nutrition, of physie4 . , , • - •commencement of the war- • .• , pro- taught.the new 'Popular art of •loitte,:ittninente and municipalittee • and em- . . To -day not eleven; 1314t over 100,S:ar," dnetrial disputes which • .110 threat- and .mental . training can. provide the. . . .." In alarge English factory that: .• 'tin gooks for the ,soldiers,.andit '04S. pioyers Of labor Oetilize. the. .• aettiiii out •ilielter'andttOthout 'food; Were oiled to .come to ' e wa. • : -. ,• human Prodigy 'Ole .to perform • finite ducee : surveying .instruments, spiders '' :•. suceored.and fed b ' our 'trot, s."' - • are. probably the : tnost indiepeneable t not mazy days -before She bectinte :se, situation, and I think they 40, then if .. • ,. Y. . , .P senals have , either' .hoon • 'built er wOrkmen.. It is 'their duty. •iipin fond of knitting that she could with it is necessary to elope the schools and • ' et. ..----;t4.7---'7"-•••• - . . , adapted, and, With the . exception ' of ' : .• Quality Steadily -Iiiiteroved, . . like theSet, . .... ,' • . . ..-. • . i ' * . difiletfity :13e- induced •to go to • hed At. ibo..selopo,,atid. faet,ories in "Order .to . a' very .few Of them, are now Ptoduce . trinity, be pointed out that it is net ... " Training .Sky -Filets; ... . . the delicate. thread need -ter the Creme. in quaritity.flitie the - Minietry The ',answer is - slinitlY ..thisie-Voii. hairs. that. ,mark the -exect 'centre of, TIES:EFFECT ON•Ttig SOLDIER. ing heavy guns„..hotritiere,.. ;shells or aloije.,.• ., •--- the provoilme at night We Irepeat'..hatvest the crops this will: be *ine pt-. a reghnent, end Spider web is the only suitable met. clinatiento any particular duty,then.toseeiLthat our. boys in thetrenches "Drill, fatigues, routine aredeaden-, -e- . , -• . -, , - . ee„ et• • , - explosives. • •• . :Of Munitions has been etiecesafiff*' the take the. otdiiitittY English youth fitti- ot the object lenaintheeUrVeyer's tele2;:-.. • • -encourege. • eltildien to do well - the thee'thantinY'soldiet of the Empire .at, "te _. interconme With. !Cele:dais . , Alters . . and it they iurtenevisible beet or iii. ., Surely tt. is. our. great patriotic duty - :,.t .. Viewpoint ; _ , . i . . t : ', • ',*' - . . • • . . -' ,• Supplies for the -Allies.' „. high explosive ,shells, lute been stead - an office,Or *obi , quality of the munitions -for example, , school, or from a cadet taps, Or from scope things for ti Which they poisons. illcinge thiemeett, should go without feed.. • Britons' ,• • • ., ' -imprOVed,', until British. amiriuni-1 give hlin three or four months' train- terlai.. yet discovered. for the. cross , •: ' t :. -' ' -Frame; Rhssia and Ittly have -been tion is now :tecognieed. to be Of ° au- ' ing.;. and throw hint up into the tile hairssurveying instruments.instruments. Al - try. to study out a eche*--- tO.' ,-' get - are ;properlYfed, , What* ihente,„.and '- suppliedeby ot. through Great Britain iLy,porinf.',qUalitY, and to contain fewer in France -and he ".doettethe 'test I: though. this fibre is almost invisible to ' otlient4o like -tette, something ymi valet :voile a:,fars it • Wpuld... be, if ; these Mg -influences, if you like; but the With, Many-.4:the ,.. most. important , • thou to do yourself The greet -eee splendid Canadian young men Who. are , Of the trenches;, the iife of the .. Open. munitions.of mar. .._Thousands of tens "defectives." -.per -cent -than that pro- have lived with more than one fight- ..., .,. „. .....ii-Lne. rouge, 7 -all have even - - - .- - I " 7T:' w -.' ' ' ' ' ' ' . - . . '- the naked etreethe4owerful. lenses of _ .... Ord is to interest', them in 'eelitte llellle tOffeting their lives for the freedom Of - air, And; all'Olreall;.tile.life Of asSoCia..:, Ancedfly-theL7•CantralzpeWer4,727,.. teteete fol day Ana thin -offer enconiaireMetit 'theworld Avid& be 'rendered 'power.. tion with 'Others;eltlend to enianct:.-.oLsteel lisille been. and see being sent to'Fierio ityiry-OreeletttliereliaelSein e.- toengetitiactre * 1" ' do • • - the telescope magnify it • to ...the ' size- - the flights set forth in the inerning, ' , to . the* in -1,te.„ regular performance. , less . for the Want' of :sufficient, . food.,. pate the Mind," says,..theloticlon gee eitablished in Ali ..ceuntry A Belgian .. e iciiicinclb•tivf:tic31,ttrafoer••-tlisti. . they .coine of a mane. thumb. - Human hair -When, reagnifieditettitesaMe Way hatethe.ap. tee,: .... • et. e,-•,.. Patentee like. teachers, requite. great • Canada cane and should be,. the :gran- • - • • soldiers. - ' ' : . - time. discussing the effect of the war • ' Village, with's Belgian factory,- ere.. THE.-CIIIVAIRY.. OF- tryingto .find ,. their ...way through the curtain of low cimide, - arent,.dinlensions of a. rough-hewn . • lamp -post. '. Moreover, • burin% • hair 'tact and comMon-senee in -the succees- i erY. of the world,lethis. Crisis. . Greet -..,44 ploying Belgien•Weiknien, engaged on. The agricultural lahorer, who has the preductieti Of. munitions for the • . • - .• f lay! spent "dud" days of rain and •isr transparent and 'cross hairs must bee:- been- accustomed, to tow . Wagee t and. Belgian army; in the rtequipment. of, Mist with the pilots in the. intimacy ofTT ful direction end development et .01,11-7-..11ritain.lacki food for her people. at . 'tete-- , home.'...:' 6 ,Wheixt,Of..,...11M4014.4...ill„...1-114c7 servile,conditions,•softened.bythe„kied the..Serbiari.army,toeLBiitish,yeettt- ,. theetowdedentesseutediraveleatnedel :' ' est ..in the work pan he kindled, •eireeeetl, desalhie. :The • ArgeiSine has' a • • . ehei''t if •fiein • patronage of the . great ladies- shops have play.eit, their nart,,, .. , thin; sonietting of their 'titaiitz,... t 'month's Spinning season thouaande. of . The 0Piders produce during ..a tWo•••• _ tireix; 7: If; AV love for or personal ;nter- ,.-- of the villager has -for molt* iii.. .. . • .. • yards of web, which • is wound upoji:' , la' mire., •': • . '• * ::: . ' . ;crop, • ' India ia. 7,000. piles .aiviiy. ria .• . • „ . .. . . Audirdia is isiowymiies from Great . the society of men who enjoy:the re- • '._ . ,Training the Labor: •-• - . . • . •" SENSATION§.OF - JOY -RIDING IN know nothing comparable with it be 4 . , ' • , u• .' them. Their are a rice aptato Their. metal ,frames and :stored ' atetty until, • I. ' ‘TWOpointleinueit ever be remember- iteitein. A ship can make four round lative independence of. town life .and Before the present yea .onfint. • Ot. THE CLOUDS are ,almost , ,children in Yeari; 'the needed. A spider ."at ' work" dangles , • ed in the. . teaching :of : children io. trips front Cenada, to' England while it „-, average,.ege Of 'one equadronl knoei in the air bir its invisilde -thread, the •,- 1 '• home or echoo1:' (1)' that .they learn4 is • Making, One trip . front' Auetralle. -membership That .leseon. is not lost necessary not only to secure the. fag- ,- relative. security eof trade . *ulnae i mueitions caeld. be eecured - . it viEtS` :—. a is •23;, but there is Maturity entirely Upper end de which - is. attached • to 'a • bY'doing,''tind, -(2) that ev,ery liuMen.the .great need, ,therefore, of . Great , . . 1 .their. own, born,' of: experiences un- Metal wire. frame whieled in the, hands • , does better work when there it a jOy. lltifeite at the , present time is an Mee- on a you* wha has had teface Omni,. t tcaiea,.: the Michinelools and tire Ma - known to us in their grave faces and of a girl; ' ' The girt first places the, .,:.. . er satisfaction in the; doing . of et, : It lieustible, Pile ofe .. foodstuffs•. , on „' ,kiett of risk and pain; 4hile the farm, ',Aerial, but , the necessary labor -led to er. has been doing,•business as Usual' be trained and mobilized The . labor EVenterin Life .! of" Fighting ..Airinen • Compare With Nothing In Our ...,' laughing tome. Their flying life is reek- spider on her. hand:until:.the"protrud., Is regrettable,' for inetenee, when cOn;... Xeiladiair-Atlantie. seaboard._ ' ,. : :at Itome.: • . ,. ,..„-, ,.. . .1 ,f... •-,, . ,...--.. Oiled net in years or even Menthe, but ing end of the thread has -become at • , • ........e.,. ' • 'Then, the •-seldier•ktont : the . ... OiVii'ExPerieirce.T• ''' ':!*: . in hours; ' so that a Man who has 'floNvn taelied: . •Wheri the vpider attempts te ' : Country has :been 'JO. to.uch .,. •.• • . . . .. 50 sheers is experienced, and one who leap't 0 I LS' different 'Powders end .also, varies for *other' the; :some.. pow(ter since the. oteteee• With the t soldier from the Colonies'. 'flying has become as a Mat - has flown 250-10 days of time -is' a taches the thread' te the Centre of 'the. . to the •.grouedotilie :quickly . at-, _omit beetibee eiliglitlYedenip' and . Will The iihotoossistant, the cleric,. the -low... ter- of 'routine, in. war as Marching' on land or _steaming. on the Sea, and Men by. Fate and by the. average of casual. whirling frame, and as the spider -pays - out. its .web she wraps it round 'Oaf .- • .. veteran, 'These hours are numbered are orderedteilir, at fixed hours ' 'end for -stated periods, as though -, flying tjea.:-..-.-Fifty -Route Without ',' a 'crash frame. .:..': At one time.eihe riemoirea ..: Were a rui.rai Act. and not the organ- fronva. spider several hundred feet of - would .be Itick.5.00 would he Praetic- fzedniiraele thatit;really:is, says-, "a: allY impossible. Within Buell* spats ii 9.1'..ead' 7 ... ' ' . - - • -t-- ' • the fighting pilot's 'life compassed. The spiders are .kept in 'it large room. .; - Writer in tendon -Tirciee.. •• ; . - •-' " • For beyond. -a. certain number of under the- supervision of three girle .• Out in France the last chivalries,. the last beauties of 'battle have taken hours he knows that his fatal moment and a. forewoman. . When the little • position had. been 'rendered very diffi- cult by enlistment, for thousands upon thousands of men left„ their .entployt Meet to join 0 the army Without,knove- ieg that the provision, .Of munitions paid laborer, have tome across ' the was in Our ease jest' as imp'ortant/as Australian. soldier, whole high. pay the provision of more men.; Indeed seems to correspond With ii self -re- the metal and chemical industries did epecting otatim in his cilia life. The far more than is generally, reelizedto Nev World has been called in to re dress the balance of the old in a new . . . . and vital sense. . • "Thousands of men have been thrown at an impressienable age into ,4 new experience of 4 most rousing kind. Men who never expected to do more for their: fellow -men then sell a pair (AA:levee ticroes•the counter have lived -for months with rifle and bayon-i hy October, 1916, the 'number 1 There alone, has the combatant to rely against him.. He knows it; but it' never. et, taking their chance Of killing Or Mental' .7, r_liliom,, -„nv,teLli seen life of:the moat varied kind* in ; , Wide Sphere of Women: 0.144toed=for..,their_cmultrat,. , 'had risen te ,some .580,009. While solely on Iiiraself. There alone is the changes his outward demeanor. ' hi401- eltiailinfonlIonifieft "te-elltin,-Frtr$1"hesni: expecteo..toeteo,_ furdier ou-rnitrarectfightingr ou-rw,omen-*i±6.4sattlef.de-cidedot.throughw.eile.,_ • .,..,,LI.,----.:,,',..: -..-....,........all....19.,qb.g.t,w_e_9,11;,...,ant. 12..e.F.,.S.9-nai-,A,14-.,..a---n,,,-......,.. AM-TETIIR-MtitAR- ' ',,,,,' .8.141[GRA.V' • :LON? . known hosts, but -wing to swing and I-- ' . -• • . . ' '''''." r . t. . face to face, There alone ate the rare' FarmerPrisoner in Germany Getting' foreign 'countries, and heard �f the . • ' . . ... courtesies,' of warfare still possible; it ,. , „ Farm Recruits* fe...01..th.e...Colenies groin fellow sol- There are 471 different .muni ion upon which women-aranowlwas-a--Britisif squadron duff suggest- . diers who seemed to have no feat of rilKeesee 11 engaged. It is nothing short °feeler- ete• and a British airman who exictitt, Coming' all ithe-Way. from ti :prison ,employers or even of officers. velloua what British women are doing ed, the dropping., of ' a funeral :Wreath camp in Germany, a letter frotn. • a "Do our ruling clam realize what Not only are over the German lines es. 'tribute to Canadian soldier reached the Ontario. all thia .means? If they ele they will) in en neel;ing werk' . APPED ',, not burn „in "the, same *ay. • It is evi- lient; then, that to snap the where. at..Precisely the tight moment is not so easyasit might appear. - rThe flash lamp devised •by •'Mr. Nesbit Consists of an aluminum con- tainer to liad the , flash, powder, a cover for this container, a -mechanism to fire the •powder, and an attub- It Now Feasible to Photograph Tient which will, autoniatically snap - Forest Animals or Any Object the shutter of the cameta at the ] - •• ' . • Mornerit when- the tIbuth •powdee is - ' heti/lotion; ' . ° • • • * •. - 'A ',— e bumung brightest., The unit is Water - Photographing by flatililight is one proof -Alia •so emPeet-. that. it can he uttimisioree'recent-advaiiceiriej.. _ di teattachetleto _a .tria_ . or. Other ,.. t1• .3e....4,14 eg,n.letuye-ttiking_Which has convenient etiOelt--------- • helped to secure fort Pliategrathyt att.- t•-tt'tt't-fiettitehtifehie,%itee"oeet o permanent place among' the arts. The ,fiesit powder is placed in. a boic Paul' I, Ititinee, the explorer and made waterproof by a/ coat of paraffin , hunteretifytild anitaalseprovecteeveraL ancltisethere Pieced in the speee pro- . years ago at the first exhibition ef his vided for It in the flashlamp, The ' wild animal flaehlight pictures taken powder is fired either by a blank in Africa, that this' class of photo- cartridge or by an electric spark fur - graph y . offered a virgie 11.414 to the ,iiiiiheci by a dry batterY. 'A tring-pin, attenUfacturer a apostatize and to the controlled by a spring and a trigger, RECENT 'ADVANCEMENT IN THE ART OF PICTURE -TAKING. supply the tiew, armies with meu., It 4s estimated that out of the .104,000 males employed in those indestries before the war ,522,000 had joined the forces by October, 1916. The situa- refuge in the: air?. From the labors, is overdue, that he has ekeeeded the don was, however, to a considerable Ibutcheries,.nnseries, horrors and •ash-, allotted span of life. 'He may be two extentsaved by the work of women, ''pit desolation of the earth,- the fight- tor three and -twenty, on the threshold In July, 1914, 206,00.0 females were ing romance ef war has „taken *legs .of life, but every day that he goes on employed in the metal and amiable and climbed, etroyards. There alone flyieg he keows that the chances, the tradesand in Government establish-4combat is individual; visual, derisive. lief • of -averages, are increasingly worlemen are not spirining; th,ey live in , a large wooden cage. Flies are their. •chief article of diet _ During the win- ter' months the spider colony usually b dies, and. an tentirely new corps of . workmen mast be recruited Not every spider Will tici-Innly -large -fat,', - fellows that • spin aotough, round thread are-nuitablei- • •-v TrgiiliT.WhoThave-Olineg`ere ieift-- -t----. 7 , ' _‘rekerewrieteiretlevieast-atesideert-Le4-4,,,-,0:*-T.,, them, On the contrary, they regard them'aepets, can tell them apart, and often call_ thetn by nicknames that humorously desetibe ' theft appearkinee' or their peculiar habits, of, work, , HAS BEEit DEAR- BEFORE. J , - they 'itioing the- bulk of the then -Mae.- the air-warriot Immelmaen.. --And 3 -Department of Agriculture, •reeently,_ .... understand that ' peaee-this yeax: Or te gnu Of trallelleating; :, -; - '. '1-aniniali•-ti it elite atteelied to the -• • thatitthetiniiiettlement OfteieWitteeldeettheY.'4";engagedelnol°1-- rifle and machine gilt' parts, etc„; but "elltitilteofighting.eiteeetel0 _Sergeant Settee, of the 3rd To - elle of •• • . ' __-.. • • . . e_Markliehied ,the camera.. . Soon aftet ttimilar to those. used in ,ct rifle or re-., there alone ean indiViduat ' Skill • and and the quest it contained was ' tint there wee air awakened interest velvet sets- off the cartridge. , . be followed by a 'spiritual unsettle- ehining throughout the country, •and • • ' - .. e 1 ''' ., of 1459. . next yeer, orwhenever et .corneseowill courage -have their wife '4;eivii,d.--lor the most --unuatialetheeDepertmeritthas • 4ugareWite" le -Great Luxurylititeltetett-- in. animal film sheeting in preference.. When taking a" flashlight of an ment that will be, not less svieeping Tilich-repetitleirwork-as-fuserii.bOrnbS, one - flash, between. a dip and a climb had in yeats.• Cooped up in a Hen. 04.::z1._11,119_..eillis.-xualleavAt man may entail tVin glint of his Oppone ronto Battalion, and :a nuMber of his flashlight apparatus hasbeen de- sert. The animal is • attracted by the • . ' WI Icitio• aero -engine building end . be entti eye tindeif the momentary. burst fellovr-prisoner have been deing. a pears in the accounts of the Chamber/ ' At ,tha present :time photographic trigger and then tied to haft of some if the. causes are notcaiite the same." --a------0 ' 'eloped to a point where geom./m-1e bait, and if it touches it, the wire is • , • ee,-.—..t. • , • non -repetition work that has to of fire be truly; directed,"See him crum- little "after -the -war" • plannmg, and lain- of Seotland in 1810, in Which it'll* ----is 'elimimated-ahd whereitis-poetaible- Pulletlee which, in •t4rrt --VAIN-. • • the THE HOME GARDE.- • • adnoneieethe,awnhencecutrbeotyy dates 5-all,s0000dthol:noif pie up in his 'seat: and the nose Of his it is to the 'fartn their .. Minds 'thave In 1459 Sugar continued to be a great' to photograph any . object in .motion. triggericreleases the firing -pin and • 7`'-'----- --:-----. -"----- . , . . , quite a,substantial proportioo of such zing dive, while the Victor tears . up ' ferreer • himself, *ants "literature" to machine (thy Und•begin ina fatal imintebeeneturning. Now - Sergt, &ewe,. le _net down •it le lOtid (44 eente) per Po. ' To do this it is necessary for Athe ignites the powder - by exploding the On the Princiele That "Everir Little resPonsible work as boiler, e turbine wtitt'er from Immo,- And in that year a . certain camereict. data the object in Motion blank -c°Salted' A • a .. • • When the powder is . ,. Helps" Let Us Do, Ouriket. again to safety. and Solitude. , . ' telletrligeteessai4aelrleioeuttteirt; Margaret Pasta; writing to her hut- . filet at•the instant When the flash to be ignited e ec rica y, a wire , ' . and, locomotive beilding. Thousands ' Peace of the Air, ' ' - • -powder is giVing forth its brightest- stretched from a_ switch to the bait. Yel, in the DetOr, men's, gavden' grow are beteg added every day to the . ' And what .a Selittide le hit! • leroin Giessen, fellows; . , ; i band, who ivas a gentleman and lee& ' "G ntierneii-WeilicE ou " b . k'nd --owner - of ...Nor olk, begs , -that o• n , mrike of these workers. • Onee the bait is IoUched a circuit is .......e. „.. the moment in the aerodrome when ,.. t. • f I ' - ' he • light. This requirement eine for a ' • • e Par more than herbs Or. flOwers; ' ,..., . high-speed shettet to stop the nto .60 _ closed end an electric spark sets off Eilid thoughts, cOntentrnetit„pence - of maid, ' . • % • • roe. Learned From Britaiet_ - . .. - - . . - miou n 0 orwar re ratline appertaining' to farming hi Ontario g t f d e some lite "venelleafe." to buy her *pound of i on tile Otte of the cite ettli ' I t giaphed. With a flashlatim recently ' ' - • ie eing p o o- ' the powdee. . • ' And joy for weary holies. • many built tip hee chemical end steel ti,cid the lest.. eer,t yerbal , ,exchange, here be noted that Ger- , the mechanic has given his 'last heave, t s ' Contort, Sie,--- Contact'. ' has been quite e veinier of itty fellow -prisoners did 'other provinees; ea there, are and 40.bouseliod .expenses of *testa.. stigar%- , Io the aecounta of ,eorporate hod*, gt. " . perfected by ' WilliaM Nesbit, •the — CeIlSorfs Generosity. , -The Poor Man's Gardan. - , Itiades very largely on o the (Medea 4 • . given, and the . engine • seta , Up its , . .... persons, during' the sixteenth and• shutter is autoniatically snapped at' In his book, '"The Balkan War," Mr. • • with which she adapted and deirel- ghty dronieg zong,..the• airman , is • grating tedanada 'after the war . As .seVenteenth Centuries, tile itent of su- . .. who are seriously eoriteMplating emi- elettly the Moment when the light .im. &iCial t Philip Gibbs tells the following story Front' the cares of business anti oped two 13ritisli inventions-Feekin s. lei e‘o- . . ' ire, the flash powder is mott interim, . end Olrregulations for the .eor: the nervous strain Of 'the office, the 'clivovery of bow to utilize the waete alone, submerged in that.roaring mu- • I anictteefarmer myself, I warit tdogar appears from time to timeIn a .._ all teen to get men th work the. lend' 'list of vitirels ptovided for the tuno His apperattis ha$ been 'widely toted respondents ' scot out there were aP- back4ard gerden .offers a relief which produCts of deal tar, and use of plies., sic., deef and- dumb. Foie pethaps a . FP'. which our Dominioe is to Much in toed I -era' rePost of. Sir *torn Redden, Lord to talc& fittehlights of wild Arnnintri in pallingly severe. . Mi. Gibbs found is not Stifileiently enjoired. Open eir phorie% ores in steel smelting •dieciet- minute he sits there testiog his , fingering . his levera, aciaering oo, .So I would be glad of any official I Major, in 1631, for instance, sugar ie. . -- -------- -- that he was forbidden to descrite, the exercise is essential to gciod health. . erect by Thomas cod' Gilchrist Gei. tt!eci information whieh I could hend around I set down at' 7d. per lb, while' in. the their hennte awl hoe given illlifothaY els "t• e t the tro6 el, to lee the To what better end could, this effort be many and Anstria had also an im- hnnself thet all is well; arid then, as good tesulto. •, •e 4 Mud Aet quickly. • t . . - names of generals, ' the names and devoted than the cultivation of . the portent- advantage in their virtual, tile 1drone „scs tt e tee 1 illuetratedptimplileta'to m- y fellow -prisoners who contein.. books of the Stationers'. Company the • tie_ Oumherci• of the .wounded, the success back-yata garden. ' mottopoly of the. European supplyhis tat eornmunieetion-e-the ehateee • . .. .e ) ha plate eminkting to Canadokalso 4 few priee ia yeriously recorded tie having . ' wuOlt 'Leh 'Pewder is 'ignited it AitheS or failure of Iltitgatian Woes; the It requites but a Gmallparea ofland of .both thernieal and optieal, 'glass,. teriotie quick outWard wave , of • the , Is lliad (28 centsIuer lb, respectively., , maellinerY with. whieliWe farm.'" • , nOt hum lIP -or -exPlodeeinetentle, as state atilt Oldie& health/ anti ao oh, to ,iiiipply a table 'with green veget- het w,ithin 'a yeat of the otitbreak of ,hands and arms. The chocks are pen- eiving the been, in 1554 and 1558, 10d per lb and • ;might be supposed. It burns more When the censor had told an thia,nbles. The may be had 04 isis r the British output ,r.of optical -ed' aWaYf. the -limn rleee to 4 deoner . . breakt,4 into a roar and h 15 of? .1 ,-t. s • , f • O. , until#. tirouge, Sergt. „ alter von get all, the - -It - the- --department --tali -get' It Thii yeao later as much.es 1 fld.,. (27 coots). per lbe woe charged. . ined Mere SHAW until It rpochoo Ito. Mr. Gibbs politely asked: "Will you freeh and, ell .thie eeeoent, teu.ch note glass was multiplied lour and .a half , o ' ' ' t-ttttttC• Pant 01gleeateet brightness, from tell ine; air, if there is anything aem bout of elt food wilt he used, to th greet time; it has ',ACM • lecke:teed to fourt beihrog over the unerh eeetit "literature" he neede,for effeetive etttea'et teen elect the output previous to the the %iced giveti bis wino their. Itfe, the routch trotted la Shed away ftout ' . which point on, it Mee down until it which we shall be allowed to weite 1" '.o.dvatitage of health. ' ..," propagande. ....0 go 03 Ott Illi4 ;whoio operation takes I. IThe eeut102 thOught deePly fort , a rthe, ItOtlatt of the holm gargen re- warand le still 4nereasin*. Incl. . beneat hie ee , an .,ie rises. into the 13- ' -1 t ' d 1 ' '- . 1„ "4" ---°— Whenever yOU cite look at poet de . The greateereatitPillitlilt7.ef platinum id et the 211O3t orie4Ifth a a FldeOlad.. 446triOnt and then aostvored quite c neves to that exteet the demand upoti dentalk, British iridustre -will be and be tatisfitd, you 'should' begin to otiid to come from a eofriparatively , , Howover, good pictures tvill be ob. 'gravely: "'Melee is much that ia inter.1 the general sulnkr. "Selitpreoeeva. ' ter equiPitedr lie a reSult of What ha a eudden petite of the air. , - I i d 1 if ti ' is I e t'll )3111gatietu ht 1111' I tion is the first •law of nature."' Dd.' been accoonitlaireedaitfeorr titileie wpaota,ettfaunl 1 ii:fltr e‘olitiletio.acedkotiotitheinaltielmnr.L grt staved yourself of morel blind 0 . a ausaal.o. nee.' hlountales, where the beeteitoceurs in 11 ill urea in 'Russia .0 ion Ural, duringlhis fifth of a wield, when die: "Perhalis," Ur. Gibhe suggested; not, abuse that law by expecting, nth - . rivalry f t ' depo.lts of. alluviel travel along the ' Hine; but it la the supreme sensation nesh powder burns the brightest. I Sarcastically, "I may alto, be permit.; ers to preside your food* enmity when it has ever been. ' On tha 'otliCr hand, ed 0 point can ted to &seri*. the tiong of the bh.do 7" you• are capable and lave the fa:ciliate; ' : An important fader haa bee; the of faite-wetithet flying, apart tt.oln fiy,,, , . Mem end easteegere between %ilia btinte and_Peueatit the heds of the a, ). never be definitely detettnieed 'before; "Ey, ill Mettle5," wee the censor's for ,grewingent least met 'of your meeeriaftil effort to 'Utilize the waSte frig tied fighno ting. Oyell lave gat and Britain. evill in tee years' time be titinp. The vomit war has Stet tekingthe picture, It changfor cordial .. •• • products of our werkellei)s, and to your height, 'whether it be a thousand conod the expert conveyed by Ai?. , .. , , es ' reply. . One Of the earlietif -reenria" of the , pride of Sugar' in Great Britain an, '