The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-03, Page 41*Oh to USeikPiitA,* kW% 1. " n l!">iwoea e ' M4•444 ! tai tot,' _ tttuz *vow Timelier ac Zssw, t A. 1. M1uzlN7tta. Pro>Motor end Editor. TI URSDA.Y, MAY 3rd, 1911' A U. 3. SLOGAN 111�Mrf pNM. klieg j$ Panne Ikg Tadtlag Thal Nodo1k, Vs.—"I entered hem nor- vwrswtws. bad no sppitte sad was very Oda. Not bag I took mussed to help toe until ow day a friend told as about vise. I have now taken gin bottles and have gabled liftmen pounds; have a feet appetite sad can eat au ung.-•-M.&'- TIri 1 naltOt i, It'orfolk; Va. Vino). is a eonatitutional remed with its formula on every bottle. It creates au appetite, aids digestions and makes pure, healthy blood. Try it ea our, guarantee.. DR. A. M. $PENCE • LUC1iNQW Here is what the Detroit Times says editorially; `"The Veined States is at war and- roust win. It must, therefore, godry " What about Canada? • ,a. Y. Coot iiht No. 60, Luoknow, moots av y M of the month iu the Odd to ]e wr'ast *law bretheruaot- 1. l►aiallyv / ; Roovited wetland. bt. Iirshder stul W. 8 eeey� ktsbt. Johnston; Tref^ Ill Lt. Mao A. O. Ir. W. lareknow Lodhte. No. 167, meets a�ed<d iltoaday el eaoh month fn theOda. fdto rt' Hall. Master Workman, J. Mac- ndd; Pa,2ecy.t,A�,�it�. Maelntoth; Hee. ..11ea. attsr;'Kress.. Alex. Russ, • Dental otaireln mutton Block, Telemeter, Opeo attention to gold Aides. crowning and work. Wroxoter 1st. and Srd. umstay of each month:, Ciente Thur. • Allia Block, Imeknow, Oat. All modern Crown and work. Painless extinct- ion by the use the iatost. simpleet and -safest remedy, _SOMNOTORM. Newest thins in _Arundel tooth. Alumina* .plateml CENTRAL Ontario's Best Business College students may enter our classes at any' time. Cournrence your course now and be qualified' for - a position by midsummer. During July and Aug- ust of last year we received. calls for over 200 office assistants wecould not supply. Our graduates are in de - OM& Nitrite at onCe for oer free D. A:: NtelLACHLAN,1 GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Vaettn Sow •Arrange vieit me of. the following pelnts—All beauty SOW -Cleft to nature Oolirglad Bay. .Lake of Bays tnre may be secured on application to Toronto." Ont. 0. MALLITIN0 Agent. Lucknow. THE FARMERS ' AND PRODUCTION (Canadian Countryman) Gave us, men was the first cry of the Allies—men with bayonets. to check the hordes of Haps. • They got the::.Men. Then the cry was for inunitiona .-ebella and guns to ahoot them with. C(t waa. no consideration; " Shells and gnus at any price had to bewared. So prices were paid accordingly, which assured the manufacturer of a profit. The shun• itions were secured. , "Now the call conies for food on- ditiont have changed. The millions f soldiers drawn from production have brought the. natural •result, The world is hungry. About our enemies: We care little. But the Allies must be fed—or. be defeated: So now the cry coulee from over the .ocean and it echoes and re-echoes in Canada. kora than men or munitions, the Allies now need food,. ".How will they get it? We. ,should naturally suppose by the name methods bt which :munitions were. secured. Sale- pl by guaranteeing the farmer a mini mum.,price that will enable him to hire laborers at an attractive: wage and will ensurebimself a profit ' And it is 'not unpatriotic to Ask .this ... no more'unpat- riotic than to gtve:shellmanufacturers `a -similar patentee • Besides, it isnot true patriotismato produce's anything at a loas. Private loss is not national gain• only some individual's gain. . "This sound solutionof the problem has, not beeua offered, however, and. prob- ably will not be. Largerprofite for.tlm ferment mean smeller profits for some ether classes,,as we are`now organized and the farmer has not the ear of ;gov- ernment leaders. We are offered indtead- an increased supply of =labor by prated= ng city workers to work three weeks en a farm this glimmer,.and ; by enliatin, -school boys for- agricultural service.: palliatives,'not;:remedies,:,,'are-;usually offered. to the. farmer... . "Yet we believe if alis accept the proposal 'with the, determination to make the plan. flucceeeful,, good will comne'of it: We know. that.school boys of . the, right • 116ligted 1872 Capital Alitherlded, $8,000,900 Capital Paid-up, - $3,000,000 HAT one idle dollar on hand for Whicli you have no particular need., will start a savings acCOunf in *the Bank of 1-lainilton. Your ambition ,to get ahead fulancially 'will grow is your- savinge accumulate. .Capital is the key. that opens the door of Success. 14BCKNOW BRANCH J. A. Glennie, Manager. eitrere arid Pains • in the:Back 'Resultod Pions, Derangeal Kislneys and Constipation 'of It Is in vain tO try to regUlate and restore the' healthful actittri of the kidneys until:the liver and'Irowels -are *et right. tonstipationhund torpidity of the Iiver. The whole Work Of filtering the blood • ' la thrown Oti, the kidneye, and in time Ather fall.to • stand, the strain. The in the System &Yea rise tO severe headaches, pains in the baek - and tired, depresse,d feelings. liver and bolyels, as Well as on the .3tidnekyth tir, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are eminently successful In the treat - anent -sof kidney` derarigetnelitS. 'Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills to anybody who is suffering from, kidney treUble cr Constipation. I suffered for a tong time from kidney disCat40 and pains in the back, but hive found that by using towels aro kept- in good order, and* I" do not have any More , pante' In the back or head like 1 used to haVet I and could. get no relief until, 1 used., Dr. Chase's Ointment, Title Ailment ls entirely cured now, but we alWays keep brith, the pills arid the ointment irt-the hOtille for 1155 When they are This statentent is endorsed by Mr. writeti. that Mr. Loney's letter true and correct. Dr. Chase's Kidney-1,1'0er Pills, One or Edmanson, Dates * Ce., Limited, Itertiember that imitations only, din- aPpoint. The genuine bear the por- trait and signature of A. AV, Chase, M,D., the famous Receipt Book author. • • type can be of assistance on farms, We know that many thousands of city work• ere—who came originally from farrow -.- can return and es rn their wages (IV l 10 a day at least. There are undoubtedly, on the outer ;baud, thousands of ' both boys and men who would be only m ills- antes on our farms. "Hama the latter doubt clouded then real good of the proposal? Will the plan fall down, because the majority of farmers realise that at beat it ia'oaly,a palliative and. because 'they, have adapted 'their farm sylitern to the labor shortage and are afraid to disarrange it at the prospect of 8ecur big, a doubtful kind of labor? Or'will the majority decide to make the beat of it and secure all the, help they can,, knowing`that high prices will pre - wail for their cropa this fall and• that they will really be performing ' a most patriotic dutyl x x Since $rriting the foregoing webs" learned that the plan of sending out city laborers has. been Modified, Toronto business men are . now urging their em- ployees who came from .the country and. have bad fares experience: to . work ort farms this , season steadily for four hostile. . Under this arrangement' the workers will receive soldier& pal►from: the farmer (ft 10 u, day, and boardj>and the, difference in .their . wages will; be made tip bywtheir city employers This, of course, is a' Much more treasonable and- effective arrangement. WITH THE, oRq4E BATTALION, •A „Walkerton Officer .Writes to The following interestingletter, telling of the .doingti of' the leoth, dune 'fiom nne of the--Walkeiton -officers -Of the BiliceBattaiiont— our Way we called and had tea, bread and butter 'at a itinall Inn called the 4.ed, Etisti,,claimeci to he over one hundred years Old., It hi sahlthat some of England's .greatest • poete,,,' such as celebrities used to meet here and have their okt time Parties. 'PIM lawns are beautiful, mound the little one sterey ,,,beildingsiwinchare very quaint:. Sited' tea tables are arranged armind the lawn. and the table, covert' are made ni theek linen red and. vihite, the Same style they -claim as Wall usede .630tury ego. We atter, and the architeature of the plebe. certainly portrays his .character.' We also saW the 'massive Searchlights avveep- *Inn Olet.Seenled.tQ bite ihe very Heavens in search far the lintes Two days 'ago an entormons -Cana• dian mail arrived, the first that we heye caved ,fer over !three weeks, &mei. , last night's MaithrOught another fine in- stallment, and we have:all been feaiting on letters from home and qthers and I aesure you they are eagerly. devour- -ad- Pr -0611131y the Suhinarine SCare held many. of the ined boate in portecAiritik Iheyloi-ilaTreiated ad*, to feel that he and other over there, Should *be. living so cornfortably and doing so little, Whi'V thereat of the boys .are over here, I wish you could iStAire him for the, that We appreciate hie 'kind words, and so' long as he contributes as :liberally, as I understand he is doieg, he 'is -doing Ins bit, as we would certainly miss the comferts. bought a new ,sleeping hag tip 14 Londok_in:whieh.Aie can Carry practically all you reqnire in has to he pareful that 'he takes or4 thosethhigens he absolutely reouireeand we will • store any. surplus belongings with some firm in London Sergeant Attica Parwaker paid tis a Ash -several -days ago. Ile was with the 34th, when they avere broken un. Alio Pte. John Long of the Divisional Was OVer tO MOBS laid night Ile is exceptionally well, and seems to enjoy the life very numb, • Everybody is keeping.exciptionally well, and very few men in the‘hospital. Por three. weeks the ldtkbr Dattalloin led the 'shelf nnuha in haelth meted to d and is still keep- ing at e, vera high standard. Utt Tue'e tley we laud ,t. Brigu.is route With for eleveu miles through the Country. Tbe.e were lour Battalions in the vouch and we bad dinner about eleven o'clock on the road, with the field kitchen, It was good toe, -barley soup, hot Irish stew and potatoes. We left at nine o'clock *.m. and returned to camp about three p.m. You asked we to describe oiir huts. Well, the wen live apart from the ollicetw, in about thirty buts, each Molding thirt - three men, Bach but ie about eighteen feet by forty-fiveor fifty feet long, frame.. The wen sleep iu palliaes (bigtacks fill: ed with straw;) which rest en bed horde that are about five Indies off the floor. The in The holds practically all the Battalion, and the Men all file in there at meal Boob'. There in a stove in. each hut burning • coal to take off. the chill. The ofitera' huts are about 'two hundred yards` from tho MOS. and are about the sane .size* as the men's, but are dividers up inter email rooms. Three Lleutenanta occupy the big rooms; and other officers from Captains up, have a Small room each to themselves.. Then there is the officers' big mos room, kit- eben, dining•reorm for oiHcerir, and the anteroom; where we all congregate by tbo big grate fire after weak.. Nothing of uxoentiuet►1 inipnrtsanott lots occurred in croup lately, sItitnugh the brttslions were Riven *thorough iaspee tion by 144 -General Carnet llughes, sud the in.ith 4awe t'ut with flying •ooioire. Our bear has grown to goodly proportions sad with prospects of going to prance, not very far distant, we corm nhuniciated with the zoological gudeus in London and find they would keep Teddy until tine end of the war for us. We haveaiiot yet decided what diapoa i ti' sition we will wake of the colon or. where the resting place will be. This truly has beena glorious week in camp The feeling of spring seems to be. infused; into one' very soul and • everyone is feeling tip-top. Col. Weir keeps ex- ceptionIy well, despite the fact of the royale,bility for the wellbeing of 100Q risen that he has had to carry for over a 4 year. • ' h FIE MOLSONS BANK. CAPITAL AND RL SL kV!: *8,800,000 8d Branches in Canada A General" Banking Husines Transadted Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Order$ h - SAVINGS' BANK DEPARTMENT tntereet allowed at bigiwat current rate T. S. REID, Manager. kintail� 14, Tzlu Wome 's iwerrrUT#.•{.-The to,il Wopien'a Institute Wish to thank all • those who en ably helped in inakuig socks : and pyjamas for the soldiers. There were 8E pairs of socks 'end 40 pyjamas. Alt these goods have passed the censor, and an .estimated value of '3140 placed on the seine. It set buss'' gratifying to the Iuatltute that it has succeeded iu raising the 310 for the By ron Sanitarium required of each . branch: by the Department. BY OUR 113LOOD WE' LIVE . If you tire `easily, are subject to,coldhands or feet ---if you catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains—your blood or 'circulation is probably at fault andgyou need ° which is nature's easily -assimilated food, to increase .3rour fed corpuscles.anci charge the blood with life- systainhiglichness; Scott's creates warmth to throw off cOlds =and. givea rezdetaxice to prevent sickness, 04.1wcrys Insisi ore scorns. Every Druggist has #. TIMPTHit AND CLOVER -SEED., , Red), Malice, 'Alfa") inSwenettstaannclat,Vd agmramdoets1.1, Clover—TA. ,11 g.ityern.- Deering Cultivating -and Seeding Machines HABAI:ovoa—Di4e, Drool Cover and *Spriug•Tooth..- PLOWS—, .Walking and Two Wheeled $enry, .CULTIVATORT,Springz • and Stifft-.;oth. DIIILLS—lroe, Disc and Fertilizer. Hoingstead Fertilizers—These' aro manufactured from minerals by 45 'large factories throughout the 'United States and are claimed to he the...best brends of fertilizer ..marle in America. . Order early 4id secure your suppl,S.,. • w, 04,34404.4V.Nrir#44V4 ller.2'9 City, Town and Village Pwellqa Ontarii) ep ens is-. ear 'lut GCx and poultry prices, the like Of which have seldom . `. or never been experienced, certainly snake it worth anyone'a while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most -trifling cost. At the same time you have -the splendid satisfaction of knowing..that. e you are doing something towards helping Britain, Canada* . and the Allies achieve `victory this year. Increasedd pro'dttctioh`of food-`heiSis'not .naly to lower' - the high cost of living, but it.. helps to increase the urgently needed surplus of Canada's food ,for export./ It saVentibfiiyotlier'wi'sc`'spent for eggs` and at high prices, and saves the labor of;'othere•who e " effort is neededfor more vital war Work. The Ontario Department ' of Agriculture will give every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below). d .. . "A vegetable, garden for every home" • Nothing should be overlooked inthis vital year of the war. The Department earnestly invites everyone tp•help increase production by growing vegetables. Even the Smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro. .'duces a surprising amount of'vegetables. . Experience is . . not,essentlal.. . On request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direct- - tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, etc. A•plan of a vegetable . ga1'rden, indicating suitable crop to grow,. best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free to any address. ; Address letters to e'Vegetable Cainpaignx°' Department of Agricultures li'arliement iitiildings, Toronto • Ousters, Department of Agriculture . 11. Hearer', Minister 'uaa Agriculture • • PURITY FLOUR MORE/ BREAD AND B.. T -TER BREAD Ki -1,4141,..1:1144 we make it good -our customers 1 Suiting _IU Fancy Worsteds-tb4 aro good' yeltie an& good rilatterns, In Black and Navy'. Worsted our 'prices are lower than if .we bonght them now, It will pay you: to buy from us when ‘You want:clothes made to Our Assortm,eat of Black and Colored Silks never was's -more varied than at present. See what we show when it is sillc you want. Special Ladies' Black Cotton Hose at 15c, per pair, 1r4. Millinery Departmentfs,receivang spec- ial attention, The ladies will End the latest styles of Hats and Trimmings viitliC,us. C 1INEL BUSY HARDWARE- .1-1011SE *PHONE 66 ..FOR PROMPT DELIVERY in buying an oil WtOve • ti) get the best: This stove has proven the best yet. It saves oil.' No expense for re- . pairs—no odor -7--ab- solutely safe. child can operate it. Come in any.time ',and we will denionstrate to you the superior qualities of this stove over any 4:44er make on the market. .. We have a c omplete range of sizes and 1 styles. Ourprices are the lowest poisible, We advise those who are going to get a stove this .season to buy now as the' prices, on all lines are rapidly advancinv We allow thirty days' free trial. For yonr garden you may need a New Shovel, assortment to clibose from. Bi.eyelei and Auto -A -fresh ear -Al Cement just arrived. MaL OD A JOYNT -The Store Where Your 'Money Goes Farthest ReaaTiei=7"- Specification. MOTODUURIDNG CAR Pive-passcnger;left. hand drive; center control; four-cydn. der motor mar est b plae6' lubricating eystetn; thetnie;: syphon Cooling system:Connecticut ignition, gravity' feedggeasohnesystem in total';' selective type twni mission;8 speedo forward and reverse ;• three. Quarter floating rent - tune, Internal Rio. paneling and ex- ternal contracting brakes; demount* able rime, 80x8 .14 inch tires; Non* Skid tread on rear; 5i1 t:iclr full Rend, lever springs inrcar; front semi -elliptic; stream line wi th ample leg roam in bothcnompartments; 105 -inch wheelbase; atandardequi nient Including eleectrlc Or ter, cicada generator, on roosts �6hta t6romgstootq one. stoas too,, Up.oilo,ot.r, Ia;n lana ca ptette, tool equiptn,nt The 1917 Gray Dort is essentially ,4,c(ingortabie becainte there is., plenty of seat and leg rciom both hack mid Monti ..-comfottable WO, because -of Its $0 inch full cantilever springa which make it one of the easiest riding cars on the market at eny Price. the juice., MO within relict% of most folks. See this ear at our showronms. , 910 Pane. 00710011 Parliament Buildings 'r-eranto Vw,.;' di? Al. flaRT POR SALE BY Luckt ow, • •